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Fin Masters ! dh ¥M Amarin ' Veaver bil Ww 100 #M Hed King Whote . Indian I* LW iad 44 Rasenall Game | * AORARY Kets Show Halong | + Tune Theatre hina TR 7 | eg ff Haier erty 11m PY ETLETOR YHA Vo Film Fantuir HeThbd Baws Men. os Ho Pater Guns Bienen Fietion Waniher: Sparte (rack -- /3 fates Wesiker Thewiss $ohwnrd Fhnslve fetier "3 % Hits #. 4 Youth . (8) " Hie PM v fhe we Mr Io be Matines Othella'n Ld foe 5 The Serpe + vied in Wistary mers / {pie haw i Theater Voie Gun Thestsn | # a Meise sitendant Him FY Basing 4 HH | Twin WARIS 5 Nowy Matinse wid 1a} Sporty ry ' £FyMa Beller Laie Film Festuee iim ww FM «THAT HAS BEEN KANG IN TW | | PLL JUST FUT IT V7 6008 / ATTIC FOR AGES / or ti / 8 BpRFTGw =fows Wepiney bd-Maiw League Bpnrte we Facos Want fraseiall $Man Want Mystery Him "¥ ! Hips Snow # dean a ! lek SB arlighi Theatre BoAward Theatsn MORESQUE LEAR TODAY'S SPECIAL!! Fg de 1956 BUICK SEDAN s895 SER tg i 2 New paint job, Very clean inside and out, Fully equipped a 4d mg i I THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD op-- L) 230 KING 57. WE RA 5-665 last-minute goals gave Ganano- ---- \ ; ue Islanders a 07 victory over erchants y nl, in the first of an ofr junior C semi inel series, MON, HONEST ABE, WE GOTTA SHOP "ROUND FY q A MAMMY FY SNO 7 CHILE HE STAYS WF MIL UNTIL Y ana \ [VERE ICE Y_ ( WIanTY (on YOY COMES LIP WiF SOME, | g/0 57, -- CREAMY SLURPIT) APN IY (a YOUNG LADY Ak NY NY YO'I6 A KIN BE song TH oe |b ® UR NE™ )[ vice one WiLL, BE HAPPY WIE A nove 5) HONEST -- . y or ABRAHAMAT CLEANERS RA 5-191 "The Best In Town" BFR) WALT DISNEY presents , . CARNIVAL TURDAY of 11:00 AM, Doors Open 10:30 AM. p---- - | NOTHING DeAR wo " ! ! ) | WELL AUNTIE. T AUST WAVENT co : . : FOUND A YOUNS LADY WITH IL JOUR BEAUTY AND "