U4 THE OWAWA TIES, Vridey, Apri 14, 196) Vi--psticies bor Sate SELLING fopmisiw | Bod am tidal cnt . Ve was ers pr 2 Has res Bones Gael, Homme BA BAER sorte sk regmis for pW of PE 7 PIE E ad £59 A Boas. Wid § ie Rd miianes fom Vige (of prea oy. Lew i yaw Hav -- ont (iit fey vie ya aiid Wane aad rip ih 2 oo ot Fi V4 Eg, BO fons aia = 5 7 waciine Fay bpm aims tina asada wy op fps, ETON 2 ins ew frpaies vi £25 mii n. Tee ssthert ows ew rel ~ oes A go ph pW gly A Bt tend Fiwre For. BE Burene Boris "wr Eh 1 4 Lag ng BLA Fenn . : rs 1 FREE Weide win Ww pechos HW WAPLE rane, 15 melas BoE of Dew RIETY AREAL BF Se Se yi J HH a poi. Wg»; a ed , Safeco Ad EFL a » AA Jastrm Cu yd A rag PE may "an. Bester Bp EW wr +s 2 EEA V7 ry lion Foeghome F Mags. sow seniiie fw Wes vr oe 5 wey PY id rH FIRT SRE EIR sng oR girit oF 74 fess shor i TRE SIRI Mer 6 pa dba ¥ ontaes Vimar Te Wow eet [7 yi vais, AOSIEw Wrpdcy w Ky yr ad WIETELER. S55 Iams. howls, Wore Hie oe Ay lrminss, Ren woh trl sd bh Bow aw far' Sawn 4 fond Binet Wow. Bb Sos FOG Wise rides n dhs wwitia. Kiilesent gem RA Viator, Maen. Boies, gia (14, rrssoneine. 1 fs we » Wk aan servicer. WA S708 whe in $a psens " Fore WROTE Treirh 7 + Ay 08 Smaps W A pri i Emor TY m8 Heer os gx fry iA or dg + ran rome W form vy IF CORR Arrsies p08 pots, Hue 16 te [sii rig TP Bows po 100 fimene Blanet Sov he Evemngs KA b phen | ad § Bptuiney WIersaR. Be GAB save, luge lows bvney i et atts don Tait Bik. 8 EIERERE Con BOP ERRIGRT Haew $2 ing Senet Bost. RA $5055 aE, FREE IAe FONYFRVER Farw Fite poder 18 fin dindild pm apis Bios 1 4B Wc Ay BABY cprringe, oehdiim, Baws Wve Pedll cdbceite radius util 7) Fry 2nd wile 4 pA Raetdine, Triewhone Fornityre. BA $5080 #05 ¥ oF ¥ Wie bin Al 441 # ad Ee £8 soris MW MM oR sete avr me wr m ¥ or 8 vgs boy sire wwe Wve Vwmsdngs eine pri to wa po TH apmnn iad oe. gui ph Boy PEE Hew , WEREES ronietie RA FW Rie Aone TV TOWERS $55 srctiye GI ErIG Goa FiGronteed YG 71 Bond ww wie for " Pon ge. , Tween Fh Eat or riatisind we red wer yard win nad Bd ANE Bele Bo girs 1 war, 3 WY, perils wan as Triephsna Bh 1-974 Adi Deteher, restart Hew, weed, Pvy, B service. BW diam Asin Brin THN sew windows, 7 by 77 past aR be Taipan Mao | yd Sows WR" Ty B87 Dik sey fe Lali IA $4186 HEOYR Baby cairiege i WARE planer, WARY £85. BH sanding. Ressmplie. EN. § 4p WEPBEAT tosl, 148 lengih, wie 16 £3 caiiant condition. Telephone IN. § 610% while lrepek loses, £ Peps yi oH cher £4 TRIO TELEY VSAM St Ecst, FA BLTBI RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The home of quali tad tional end modern sge hw nits. Complete room grouse ovailoble 295 Simeone South, Brodiey's tomer 19 c51ien EA B317) FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tied the res Pow try the best. Eot better for less. BOS grocenss sip: plied well known pros ducts, highest quality mests Lifetime warranty freeier, the only one gusranieed by € wer grey in gl WERIING Arges Baliaring iengih, pie 11 1s sie Triephone RA o46/m LEOUR baby carriage, lows wy veribie, H Brey, very god po. tion, bh 7 E878 BFE poy bghep ere In the iby for ied Pormitare / wity's Vaed Furr fre Blarg. BA 33871, 4 Mincoe Both BEFRIGERATOR Meller pe # OI4, perogs the ap [resis lhe paw 5. Telephone RA § DRYER Westinghoyse ERpacity, BIRR; washing Bashing, pew condition, $35, Bulove bpliery lestiic yg adic, $18; vacuum cieaner A S60 Ehren Just dad #lectsic lores CLEARANCE pple oil con Soe! i Only two prices " genie pnd § the Cirewp Sore, King Spee | Visit these couniers snd seve BW \TsER rid +d 20d pills, sae 14 16 18 . p d {Apply #1 19% Simcoe Blreet South be Good Housekeeping Ho [kken | and 5 Baturdas siternoon. We down payment. Call now for ieiephone widers pices demonstration no oblige BICYCLE boy's © Sunshine up ton been ovienayied, cndition, nriginel . apt whilewaslls kickstand Mh R503. 313 Frederick, Whitt) AUTOMATIC coin loundsy Pickup ond delivery. Telephone y 1063 FAINT, Interior, ssteriofr Ashsws Hardwarp apd Church Birssl BA 37634 ELECTRIC slave, bedroom pile, sieren Bids, floor polisher, corner Labie, Kitch 0 wile ok and ehalr, canister sel. Ressonable Kingsdale Crepoent (DANCE | TONIGHT Modern-Square TO THE Wea RA 5.3709 AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY Pick-up and Delivery 75¢ Washed and RA 5-1053 T AM SPM WATER Purified weoter for drinking wee. $5.00 per 1000 gallons Soft water for loundry use. $5.00 per 1000 gol. Deliver: ood anywhere. RA B.477) SPECIAI service RA # gallon sctite, # Service dryed bedspread Apply 108 Vihar for Sale Bry Boman WIM GA ries BEERS RE " Fa, ca Coan op wosngg Eris gions wpaliiatet pes £ Bath Fi WIE Aushs, BF 9. Fash ist stp pod w one slay § 8 ow Ciernt eB iit (47 Be mansie 98 Fine " PRITATE FHF ~ tow & Pound rAd 4 oF Bhp icins Vor Taie REL SPOBIPIOTER 7 oak nd wk girs go raw poh [ig h meies HAL Tags Rb WO CORBET (0 WE, GE RE are md pA Nun Ry 71 (7 Be rll er d ot pid wr. Fang Marks Gan 4 fh RE ik > I ot sbaggl 10s FRIBERG. er Fi. PAG aE A fising. Triegpnme RE i056 seis # (F Figamboh foe fia Haiawa Biok. bok inte JIRA Jia A AR. od Sa ere Bor. Repaid Fh + WEL ahs WES FEi% fs _ aged a Wavy #04 fewia soni J res #5 | { ween pr Bud 7 gy 1 Po--bogel OTICE HOTS FEAT AMALIE ld Fava § Sesi jersey Avi ys ca REE wr ere darted IOPIEE. | wodse gi iids oR Bey Heger. fev Bf y a Ke oof al as Besser pp. Jot Pine, mesiganr, 9 mowers wa. ng We A Pe » $B Aw fv Kv woke ted heats ; of es 2 BE 5 Ro sane 8 GW FP Aids TRI, A pe PE al ce a a os i Fibs da J ran. Crd 7 WEE a son 7h ig AAR [vet is E18 9 Bry. Bond gest Se Kas ard ris ect sir we # 9. fy MW pte 2: vd IRE BIR, Re Ra wo Horn, Wag Wer Pou Iw I Rh Fingh Wimes 15 FRE /ikakes sug lok sah (valor wins § 5 § WWE frie he Bl Aigid es 8. Ram pier. Kase 2 7 0 Fok SRE E. GEE A RA RH Hak EE mnsel PR Ringe. ¥ 7 Pos Bagh y. TT mens BW, ERE fod pipet. W5 Benn Bows w po BEN formidodn piefvpnes PRiEg hess ed Sie Kor ---- he inn: Fly Pussies y # yy yd SE aie, BR Ferdiene BE fee Baa in A sie, WW. Rog - peer FERRIER, [Shermins. Maghoihs comme whoiah Frites. $685. shoe Bglinnst pith ingoes. Bie Buy sanizneses oN ies VEG, shine Hew. AT Prpge, B75 [3 Buses aig ie # fv wx trimer Bow. Tregmoie RE FI id duis Fowest goiees wm lowp 5 low digiees Bs Said bossa , BN Bes, We Wry fan ew BORE TRB ford ERI iai anh. 197 Hl I #155 SETI sa hanno a Aaah. PL MORE floasikiod Ww RAT win eka. Ko mpiete wits TR Pt gly BIE ¥ fa pldonts hr marry y AR bigs Pir souler WW ps sade 4) yA PITRE firs, REA ty IW er totus icine od Fighe (wim aions sy Wiehe. BY wm pon Birla, RPE corpse, WY FEW, Toieimme RAH 434% mE Ferme, & (wrk Sire won # Panera Aone mA SPIRE ME ase). Ae Friese A VITH Pen, fon Gar FAR 8 Rogen shar. Dew par nb = Banta. b ss = Brian erh a antatald RN at, a id Li? i Re Lig roaih YE cared is FAKE CEE coy Jigs w Liaw RoE Soviets fFr4 Ay of Wey fs ad frat Ff A banca MAIR 4 pil dab # Hh #ANArA arn Amica fans Bisharne Fiwe Frrmtass axed. EMR furs ass Pian 7 Bier for Be" Ww 2 Wecx # y eed wi Lomi pli i Bado y HERE HG. IRE PY Se share. #4 SPER. TARR nd A Pini hagas 59 Lown FiREITIE WOE ng Enns taine, ek yas ad ii--bwep ond Boner WEE ORE sopoprtitie for Be "ib Fy Mek errs ad bd a Plusis Arey Biynet basis fd LA 8%, svn, Wak; Bie 9 pai 08. Lucse Baws Vem Ladd fA BAS with FY iginani, Wim a nh 5 mm I BERTIER $4 i; Bap Ir mire. WE BE COUPLES WHO DANC. ... HAVE MORE FU..! 2 FUN-FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY 2 FRIDAYS wm SATURDAYS == Canada's top Won Winners of Bu Record Hop Continuous Dencing to the Latest & Greatest on Hi-Fi JUBILEE PAVILION + MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ACCORDION ® CLARINEY SAXOPHONE HAWAIIAN VIOLIN GUITAR SPANISH GUITAR o TROMBONE POPULAR PIANO @ VIOLA TRUMPEY ® CELLO Intarnationst Bence Comer PAT RICCIO Rodis, Televivien snd Re: cording Amie with bis Orchestra WILSON & LEE LIMITED Our b-week beginner's course on the accordion ot $1.50 weekly includes the FRE® use of an accordion during thet peried which Is taken home for practice, THIS WEEK Chrome Kitchen pe. Chesterfield Set Office Desk & Chair Tobles Table $38 $89 $52 $6 $6 VALLEY CREEK Step-up Colles TORNADOS CHATRAD scorns) CALLER, BOB FOWLER ABMISSION $1.00 THE "NEW" RED BARN ONTARION FAVORITE FUN SPOY FURNITURE 145 KING WEST --_. joo WITH EXCITEMENT and THRILLS | Hu ik LALLY THE WALKING fought like Mi r; poi BELEABED THRU foven hundred in COLOR BILTMORERR ir --7 0 $Y "THE GAZEBO" & "THE TIME MACHINE" WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 5.4706 WALT DISNEY PRESENTS SATURDAY €A 108 Rm RNIVAL 7 DANCING TONIGHT AT THE "Y" VARIETY CLUB "The Swing Masters are back again FOR YOUR LISTENING AND DANCING PLEASURE ? TO 12 MM, Spot Dances Fun Galore YWEA. cots or DOORS OPEN 10:30 AM, NIT > BIG SHOW STARTS 11:00 AM, WALT DISNEY'S OARTOON AND COMEDY FESTIVAL 00LOR 8 CARTOONS wl ge THREE STOOGES OOMEDIES SONS \ lovers "oe "AEE ACADEMY 1 AND US PLAYERS THEATER | a or § § ea a ars pgp #4 WIE AGI E We Adie. Pork i. a5 ee Fudan TRE BOPIER ef ad Airs sie Riko y ye. foo pidias 5 a9 of Ai, A gins. Nigw Raky, 8 Wakew #4. ans, NOTICE TO CREDITORS | AND OTHERS in the estate of pitered | & Watson, derensad Fld garg ms Rar Rh TE Ki 4 hired B Wren oe Coty of Gens swwty A Critaris, Mernesd KI IrRm, RErassns, wie Aves aR he Lek sey of wry. 1961, sre reqsived Lik groh if Bk samme wee OTB PIAA SNAAE br Asmimetister HA We oH hE wd Aesrsued We 18% Any of Gitar wil Amira Aderiicrrgtor wl G BA RARE We 8 § 18558 Wy 18 A wively he whe pry Cie Ee ps lots of g w me thd ens, Cwisrig oy oF Pork, AD 4% CREWNHITORS ETA PR & Smee Stra 8 Lomis FiALER PERS i tiorth, wins fi ¥ arnt £ Fir 4 1A) URLLY VET Box-Office or 7:00 SHOWS NIGHTLY RAIN OR CLEAR ! GREAT FAMILY NOW THRU SATURDAY | FREE PENCIL SHARPENERS FOR THE KIDDIES TONIGHT! aT a i he ra Went by my RPE rah bral Freiat o Rar, P--taget TENDERS (RG mcily maT an fEniers ee reeves yr WE Wh Sargasso whee ay BAGH Gh AGE muy fl PH Es ww Aorit IT for visi g Magis Gre Wek sod Comvice West rts We rw fomitveng tom Scvrd Mes & Metro Rel snk Millay be. 65 LES & eqvst ww V7 emelhing PEs GEE DRER BWEl) TERRE SR [ERR RR Ar Beater BIRRE WB BEER E Ww WE [RTIRITREAH SH Hh ok Weiser, the RM Weve fy mast ME fog HF We sr snd We sects SPIE 05 RE FRET S Gy we saps wining ts Wie of WRHrer. Bh 15 reid re firm amp A Meste rove Civil Seton) Toe bomest or ory tanker rt FBELHIAIN RESBIA CA M. J HOBES Enviskifien €O 3 I SEEYOV ,,, SATURDAY NIGHT - 5:30 P.M. yl wie of the GEV-TOSETHER CLUS ® spot prizes ® doncing ® refreshments GET 1. AITORIGM -- DRESS CAM ADIGE == WEWEERG Ae; WOH-MEMBERY oe OF AGES 18 18 1 Eine x £ L608 (Eontivmied on Frage gd st 3) YO0 INIY WARSAW (AF) The Com met paper Trine Laude EANMPIRING IRETE RIE 160 IRAWY Foleh err bands with poiprd | Western names #s the dd Hackers Voor sspaad Swing! fet, the Siz Grows Frimpets! nd Taran ek's Dei fs. M seus they might ms well change when ihe mame oA the ci where hey play. Modals, to Hs Eng Wok kqwivilent, The Barn sii I rf § -- i § 3 LE ) : CiIRL or THE NIT WF PROT FRECEITES B71 WARNER R61 PIANOS PLIERS THIN Show Starts ot 7:15 SPECIAL SATURDAY MORNING HEY KIDS! SHOWING AY 11:00 AM. | NOTHING LESS THAN A MIRACLE MOTION 1 TR aad ENTERTAINMENT 1 o EXTRA » 3 STO0GES COMEDY AND = "THE LIVING SWAMP Re-awaken your taste with refreshingly different , [ERED MENTHOL With Cameo you get only the fresh coolness of menthol ,..you taste the rich flavour of superb tobaccos, For a refreshingly different cigarette +80 Interesting to your taste, ask for Cameo. JUST A TOUCH OF MENTHOL DRIFTING THROUGH THE FILTER TIP