THE OOAWA TIES, Fridey, Ait 14, 1990 3% Giants, Phils Down Drive Off In This Cor... Pirates, LA. Dodgers | NO MONEY The Bationsd Lesgwe moves schedote, restrict ed io foeliorvey Kuen f(oioned wih tn Hs "aeconh mpenery fo games 49, for this saaens be singles Aay with (cnnati § whaler rave WERRET, COWIER. Loutislo a vight foanfeh rome Rahs Wm Fast piace wfier Pia mmorher compile ios TRARY cece owned by the Vrass, hal Aecighia Pikes managed 19 wih Taw WoW Rh CHB DR forced in & Twn i he Lith With take advantage of Los HE , # fasasionied walk, wt Bowe 3 mistakes wih hand fandrith piled the Giants i Ls LEI REAR Wh & Rome FR , in their halt of 1 £4 in the last tn HERES ipa R Bg Py Aon combon ond ase of driving "one moth operating, Fg 8 sgh 4 4 Bf, saivrerh the ; ¥ homer off Pianies santer Har thikk gamit wh vey Haddix and Rocky Neloow Plt as homered off Jack Baniors, is parser Lindy Wehowiel, the Cards ML relat wee, ces ih the Wining ete wy oh ahh ; oy when Fn #6 Wiwawkes by walong FINANCING RGA ICED waanst Pittshorgh Pires, $5 wh ' Part ron Piso ' nm AY Lin 12 iomings. I was the Giants od LL pes ote as th Cis frst decision Wh thiee years\ow error Wy long renever 4 wow, Eling al five men he ARRANGED | pver pele pee Ehroy Face Wil Palmaist i the minth faced i oz hon Piche Lauer Braves west 1 fomngs, Dike brides frove in the frst Ear 00 A I pis Lpelone besting Bi, Lois Cord thee rms off Pisthes starter os. i, Tne | ols 34 John Burharth with & home run| 9% 14 the Joh Kien Royer and The Cardinals open their and # Aowbie. The bases €mrty Re pis a for the home schedule Lomi agenst homer wis Dke's Wh) Bing) 7s, TT Cincinnati with Curt Simmons Wm # Hie with Kiger for" facing Joy Hook of the Reds seventh ce on dhe BY - 4 et, Onby Bla Bw is epected, | Core has Wt move (19) mong in the exhth Wwmng wier loser The Cubs were 19 open their active players foe Schallern oth had waked Wridley Field season in an ol The Giants, who had lost wx we, Gory Cowman peared the ternoon game Rgenst Wilwaw sirmght to Face since May 4, 0her tng CIRORRa Fine Wik HELO won it when winning re R Romer that tied the game ih kee Wilh 7300 uo mdi won in the fourth, Boh Purkey won, £9 ALBERT HUNTER, WHEELCHAIR. OPERATOR 26 YEARS, IN WORKSHOP vim veer cio ce "sh Febpe Aim wading oh he wor wih on eight | "a "TREE OR GHOOSE FROM ONE OF THESE FINE AUTOS Makes Gun Stocks |Petes Are Champs 5 comm Tr me. Jerry Lancs pinch homer thelcame off rehever Im Brewer gd 1958 : : | | SOCCER SCORES In His Wheelchair Town, Country ZF ZFC | | OLDSMOBILE| METEOR 3 of soccer games Maved in the : . everal special short stocks for Petes claimed the "Town and from Golding, Petes tied 3 WP United Kingdom Tuesday might Sedan -- Fully equipped, Shorp 24ome bive sedon sh HYUALE, Ont. (CF) do # personal fing Joh on their ; ' SOM ' Cr in sn Albert Hunter, para-iguns. They passed on the word women ana hoys Country Trophy" for the third ion Rarte's Whassisted ally as ENGLISH LEAGUE J {rs br waist down andlof is skill and now he makes He uses mostly walnut, which time of the four years the league the teams were playing five # i Division yaad fro ' 100 stocks 2 year he buys in the Niagara Penn has operaied. A close 54 win side, The second stanza ended Scunthor Heong, Bivisia 9 y y 4 5 SCUMRBGT Ik ariton oh eelchair for 18: ahowt : Y a y Son has ve ih his love of On of his most recent jobs SWHAa but makes a few stocks over Royils on Bundsy night with the score still tied 242 ! 4 yen h ne M Wa Be from maple, wild cherry or gave Petes three wins (9 Onel Gibson and Judge both netied Third Division wo hunting although he is unable (0 was u stock for & hunter who CoC Cg mers may ap- hy Royals in the best three unassisted counters for Petes Watford 7 Coventry 1 For The Best Cholge , , . Choose From The Largest Selection At, , , £ Bh Rolly art bias t 3 with Ww feft fateh Sy had to wim with Ws GERD TTS own finish they games out of five series early in the third period to give Fourth Division 2 or en to the Busi es " " 5 id y shooting TY AY He With Pees hod thes hands (ul with Che "un importer G06) Carlo 1 Wreshom # gun stocks by degrees stock which enabled the hunter Fach stock takes him two or Royals Wn this final game but lead. Royals came back and Aceringion % Peterborough 3 Alter hel tricken by polialio aim with the left eye but stil) three days of working five or managed 19 hold on to the fing) caught Petes short-handed due SCOTTISH LEAGUE $ # six hours a day in his tiny whistle to & penalty, Clark scoring from se found he still could! p ¢ § in L. fo wa h ani cid shoot right-handed workshop Butler opened the scoring for G. Williams. Gibson got Bis see: Re inion | ' handle the guns in & wheel ALSO MAKES REPAIRS He believes a properly fitted Petes on # setup from Walls ond goal & minute later with : LIMITED cha esau hey 00 lonr Much of bi work Je rplcin tac, Into, Vo, he Qe Te selon 'te fo Joh 8 | hudge, Bore 140 BOND WEST 5 i broken and cracked stocks and mers Own proportions, ranks Nn play. Be mo OF) bE restore Peles' two-gos ad HAE id ed rll stocks on his\making stocks better suited to equal importance with the har-in the first period until # halt 54, Royals launched # final as-| 9 Royals MacDonnet) & RA 5-6507 guns and they Were so Success: cRITYIng telescopic sights than rel and mechanism of & rifle or a minute only was left to PAY: sauit in the dying minutes of Petes win Town and Country ful some friends msked him to'the origins) He has also made shotgun Balsom finished # three-way: the game Frophy three games 10 one | passing play from RB; Williams MacDonnell counted on 8 solo {and Clark fo tie the score rush, as Petes ran into another OLD COUNTRY SOCCER | orate ook the lend for the penalty, to close the gop to b4 p Ge | (thirty five seconds had elapsed Yontks ph wat Very DROME I in the second period. Bytnvk LL ne final stages of the game was the Marksman on 8 PASS oo he seemed to have saved his (®) en am {best effort of the season for the FIGHTS LAST |"quon PETES: goal, Gangemi; de NS) T B + | ' NIGHT gence, RB Hicker, V. Wicker) eems 10 be in TTR rare A MOTOR « BOAT « TRAILER By M, MeINTYRE HOOD (in & league season is likely tothas been somewhat erratic late Los Angeles--1, C€. Morgan, |Namee : special London, England escape them, In 1980-1081, Aston ly, The full Scottish team is Los Angeles, knocked out Joey Royals goal, Greener; de: Correspondent Villa scored 126 goals in league! Leslie (Airdriconians); Shear: Parks, 135, Omaha | fence, Warne and Little; for Dl I( NI | ANI | ( \ ( \ To The Oshawa Times With er and Caldow (Rangers); Mac. Boise, ldaho--George Logan, wards, Golding, G, Williams and JIU ) ) \l 1 \ | I | ) | KR | Al () | I 5 . games, the record to date | ; Willis LONDON Pottenham Hot " p r. BONFS 4 : 204, Boise, outpointed Calvin Sytnyk; alternates, BR, Williams, spurs have made a brilliant re liotal oi ih Be hort of kay (Spurs), McNeil (Celbie) ig fer "200" Cleveland, 10 Balson, Clark, Chapman and gavery trom thls had spell, and that record, and it is not likely i" v they will reach it the league championship. With ey w oa only five games left to play in and MeCann (Motherwell); Me MacDonnell 77 Ist Period | Petes: Butler (Walls) 14.58] Peterborough United, how Royals: Balson the league schedule, they are ©VeT, look like making a new well), Quinn (Motherwell) and op DATES CHANGED (Clark, RB. Williams) ,, 10.80 five points ahesd of second: KOR! + scoring record for the Wilson (Rangers) It is considered certain that 2nd Period dace Sheffield Wednesday Fourth Division, The record at Added to these, to make up the Beottish Cup competition Royals: Sytnyk three of thelr games are at|Which they have to shoot 1s the (he panel of 22 players for the next season will start on De (GOIAINE) rivvrrrrene 1] home snd twa away. Sheffield|1?® goals si ored by Bradford coming World Cup series with cember 8, which is six weeks Petes: Barta ,.rrv0000 16.51 Wednesday dropped back in they In 1008-1028. There Was Bire and Czechoslovakia, are earlier than the usual date. The Srd Period race by drawing two and win- then na Fourth Division, butithe following: Haffey, Duncan Scottish Football Association Petes: GIDSON 1yrereeer 5.80 ing one of thelr holiday season North and south sections of the sackay, Kennedy and Crear, Council has agreed unanimous: 6. Petes: Judge ,roreneee 0.44 games, while Spurs chalked up Third Division. Peterborough, lof Cellie; Toner (Kilmarnock), ly to a proposal by the executive 7. Royals: Clark three valuable and cleancut vie-| With eight games yet to play, Baxter (Rangers), Hunter committee that the competition (G, Williams) rvereere 10.08 have 114 goals to their evedit,|(zotherwell), Herd (Arsenal), should start on this new date Petes: Gibson and at the rate they have been . A ---- Leod (Hibernian), Law (Man: grand (Rangers) and McPar chester City); St. John (Mother: land (Partick Thistle) tories Spurs are already chalking up new entries in the rec ord book | scaring in recent games should Their goals for the season total get the required 15 more out of of 108 was the highest Spurs/ihese eight games i. _-- : / / ' ? ¥ have ever registered In one sea SCOTLAND'S TEAM ; » o oe son, heating thelr previous best Only two Anglo-Scots 'have ? % of 1M scored in the full season poon 'chosen for the Scottish " . | 2 " Jirih ¢ Stam, EAM 10 meet England in the . i y heating Chelsei al MA cial international mateh at } ford Bridge, Spurs brought thelr ruc, Inie i 18 f , B count of AWAY victories for the Wembley Park on April 18 SUGGESTED LIST PRICE $1995.00 league season up to 16, a new The other nine players are : ITH ROYAL SCOTT ELECTRIC record. The previous record of home Scots, and were members 14 away wins in a season was Of the Beotlish League team ry) made by Arsenal in 1830-1831 which beat England 3-3 at lbrox i and Manchester United in 1986. Fark. The newcomers to the 0 183% side are Dave Mackay, of Tol } 7 tenham Hotspurs and Dennis } RECORD MISSED Law of Manchester City, It has | SCOTT COMBINATION With five games ta go, Spurs been expected that David Herd | 181 ha" \ 5 need seven points to beat thelof Arsenal would be given the 1 Magnificent Royal Scott Motor « 16' Royal Scott . highest tatal ever attained in the centre-forward position, but lan i Fibre las 0 ¢ Tilt. 1 first division This was the total 8t. John of Motherwell, who had i 0 B at Tilt Launch Scott Trailer Unique hall design, proved Single lever remota centred of 6 earned by Arsenal in the a brilliant game against the | The nickel-nursing, large-bore, short-stroke Royal Scott moter with full-throg 18 rough, off-shore runaing, | combines full gearshift and ] ¥ motor with full-throated, [] season of 1930-1831. But the reo: English League, is preferred to i preset, dual earburetors, thrusts potent power to the prop, savours the gas, Ad Sith, dry nis, Vaal Yu sayy Winsed. H i ind hr he ant ROT ine raenal bonire. Whose frm getting the most from every drop, Exclusive Beott Bail-A-Matie, keeps your ehoppiest water of sate stearia boat dry in any weather, : " The Royal Beott Boat is a 15' gleaming white fibreglas beauty with a racy red ped deck and deluxe fittings, wei for safety , , , it cannot sink, rong, steel "A" frame Boots trailer is designed 10 earry the boat and motor THE PLACE T0 BUY : \ | Adams, the distiller whe made history with the a3 4 berioetis: balnesd load USED it ! pow famous Private Stock, has done it again! nd oul how sty it y ta become the proud owner of this, the finest boating pmbination on sry lake OUTBOARD MOTORS i { Adams now presents Gold Stripe, another Your Scott Dealer Has The Scott Combination For You N : Custom Blend, at a moderate price, greated . ON TIRE | § 5 especially for the Ontario tasta, i >. Ia ig P iH i | Royal Scott heavy-duty DOMINI N b 1 blended a : wai by Rasied fe rales with gages Liber % N . 3 ila " Taenehl ext time you buy, try mellow custom-blen _- _- D4siud dash. Bulla fo [haat honk i] N 4 Al MW : Wy deo eat A Ye ig " ~ ! § Gold Stripe in ins tall, handsome flask bottle Spert SCOTY COMBINATION Fishing SCOTT COMBINATION in 1§ ounce and 11 ounce sizes, and you'll agree, Sparking Sport Scott Meter, 13° Moulded Compact Fishing Scott Meter, 18" Aluminum Mahoga + Matched Trailer--Sugges: Carncpper, Suggested kat price $560.00 M MERCURY 4 ; - ARK 33. we ACURY R N a Adams has done it again! 194 ist price $995.00 Complete with » '508 y . Leadership through creative engineering % ta vill '$75 MeCULLOGH OF CANADA LTD, Complete with Controls 8 McCulloch Ave Rexdale P.O, Toreate, Canada . f 3 of McCyuliach Chain Saws and Seon Outbaard Matar 30 HP. JOHNSON == HElestris Start and '350 ches Azross Canada. Manytacturing Plants: Terente, Mianeapain Vasinkabliofillad ; d g war the Boye Beall Remote Control goles Built by World's Largest Manufacturer of Chain Saws . BELLE oo N A JOHNSON ~ 249 ; 2 j SE A a 3 See all the new Scott Outboards and Scott Combinations -- P= anue ee 3 oi Ey : ¢ : t your nearby Scott dealers, hho EVINRUDE '150 DOMINION™ ner ee re [I I TED'S STARR TIRE STORES ABER GA i > ¥ i} 5 WHITE ROSE & MARINE | FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 48 BOND WEST |B a ------ ---- New & Used Before you buy give Sham o try! (Comer of Church) ! Boats, Motors & Trailers BOATS-MOTORS RA 5.6511 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 5.3924 | 405.49) RITION S. RA 3.3000