10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Api 14, 196) Ivan, Pilous ran Johny { ed Wh 9 hers #0 196, Pay For Hasty Words CHICAGE (CP )~Detroit Bed ing the Playolis Campheti has mt Chicago Black in with fines, Coach the Toe Blake of Montreal Cone Wiens was fined the marimwn 2.999 fox striking referee Pal ton Mahsthr after 2 Montrest the pride puis heen Months Jack Ad # yond hesier go om back with your (epmmaies' That ended the sitar ha Meapiivie, (nach peonght bis Bed Wings to lt REH erty Thursday mah The fing! so far has besp BOREALR SETES, RO (RW ning away from home, and A said Weve gh 16 WB We General manager here in Chicagn md we wh ponerse in elias well take (his one, now fi ds was trying 19 we're down 9 & best-of - ' Howie Young BRRERT - oak hh of Toronis Ma was final VI99 after wEpRper men (he three Montres! should have heen Udver and the two inesmen Campbell said no action is MRCESSRTY TRERIAIRG TEMATkS e by Hawks' Reg Fleming CONSULTS WITH UDVARI Campbell L581 k ed Thursday with Udvari spd standby refe- ree Eddie Powers, who was present when the incident ne game Sunny . in announcing the fines Campbell said recurrence of such conduct by any parties in volved in the series will bring red substantially heavier fines "Fleming siaried to sey DIDN'T DENY STATEMENTS something to Udvari and was The criticism of Udveri was told he had better keep quiet | OY EILONK three t& rie * Will, USE LLNDE Abel said he witk go with the same linewy that Boy euch thet Low Mercon will sit owt the game #04 for: wetd Len Lunde will be in the Lineup Marcon, (armband defence man, was called wp from Ed monton wn case further puBhnd Marcel Pronovest or Warren Godfrey We're going 10 have & root ing section for this game," said Abel, "About 150 fans sre com: ing down from Detroit. There were only a few at the earlier ERMES DEE "And when we play back in Detroit Sunday there will he 3 extra plainciothesmen at the stadium and Simwits throwing things owt on the ice will he BOYER SLIDES HOME IN 57, LOUIS, BRAVES GAME The Cardinsls' Ken Boyer slides safely home under the throw with first St, Louis score of yesterday's game with the Stadium, Milwaukee Del Crandell Braves at Milwaukee County catcher waits for the | throw, Joe Cursingham drove ' in the second inning run with # drive to left SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Menantic Wins In Debut Race |At Fort Erie | FORT ERIE (CP)~Menantic the . Osks-winner of 1960 turned 16 the races at Erie Thursday and FAN COUFRE:| A LITTLE LATE! President of the National Hockey League, # man Clarence Campbell, by name ~ is just shout as slow on the up-take, as they come! We can re- member when Clarence sent the hockey world into a tizzy with his prompt discipline treatment, Now we find, almost 24 hours late, that he has fined Tommy Ivan $300.00 and conch Rudy Pilous $200.00, Cripes! That "choke~up" sign that Pilous pulled off last season, or was it in '69, was worth at least a $500.00 rap ~ and he got off by saying he was merely adjusting his bow tie, The only big difference between Clarence Campbell and some other Campbells we know ~ is that he stops to think and makes sure he doesn't get bopped on the nose -- by making a mild and tolerant decision, Pilous said Udvari should have bought a ticket, if he only wanted to watch the game; Ivan said Udvari (an NHL official, duly ap~ pointed, ete, ete.) "lacked the guts" to eall certain plays the way they should have beep called, Now Mr, Camphell would have got & lot of respect if he had suspended Ivan and tagged Pilous for about $2,000.00, Not enly that = Mr, Campbell would have appeared to be more-or-less consistent ~ after all, he fined "Toe" Blake $2,000.00 for missing a punch, We seem to recall that there's supposed to be an automatic NHL fine of $1,000.00 for making derogatory remarks concerning NHL officials, rulings, ete, When you stop to think about it all = one becomes convinced, Mr, Clarence Campbell is not just merely & lawyer, he's a lawyer whose genealogy we personally doubt == but then again, who am I to say? YEP! We think the Stanley Cup finals is shaping up into a real wing=ding=whizz-dinger in which, if the tension increases, neither aspirin, bufferin nor anacin will elear away the headaches some of the top officials are going to endure, Tonight they go again in Chicago and as more-and=more it becomes evident that some- body has te win en the other guy's ice, if they are to upset the current Stanley Cup pattern, then more-and- more, we become convineed that this is going tobe quite # series, Personally, with two teams competing for the hockey gonfalon, we fully expect that there'll be some wild and heetic statements, that rival coaches will make some bizarre statements, but the way this year's Stanley Cup final series is going, they may just set a new all=time high, for nonsense, in the league of comments and remarks BRIGHT BITS -- Springfield Indians had a #0 lead in games over Hershey Bears and it could be a four- straight series, the way things are going, JOHN DIGRY CHICK, former president of the American Hoes key League, apparently turned the wheel of his car in the wrong direction at Port Dalhousie night-before-last and his car toppled inte the Welland Canal and the former hockey official was drowned, BASEBALL FANS, if they are just as addicted to hockey as the sum mer spart, are having to make a choice these days EDMONTON Oil Kings look like the Western Canada Memorial Cup representatives fer this season, as they have won the first two games of the Abbett Cup finals, right in Winnipeg. , , . JUST THE SAME, it does look like an interesting weekend, with Stanley Cup, Allan Cup, Memorial Cup and a few ather hockey importants on=tab, made by lven apd Pillows 19 newspaper men, Campbell said neither denied the statements mader under circumstances which clearly suthorized thelr publication." This is the second time dur: --== Hull Habs Win said Camphel] hustled off fast "When Fleming asked 'Do hed " : you want 19 make something of "A thal T understand 14 were iW and storied making threat Wednesday might ening gestures Udvarl told The game was held wp sey: him: 'Listen, fellow, if you eral limes while objects were want 10 stay In this league cleared from the ice - - - The Hawks will go with their same team tonight, There was no workout Thursdey end the players were all reported in good condition Put om sy EPHL Opener HULL (CP) = Hull - Ottaws| Canadiens whipped Sauit Ste. [tory Marie Thunderbirds 64 Thurs re: day night to draw first blood ini things wp, Thunderbird coach Fort|the finals for the Eastern Pro fessional Hockey League cham: eously in her season's debut as! pionships she defeated four rivals in the featured Jordan Purse by Mr. and Mrs, E, F, Taylor, paid $8.20, $3.70 and $3.70 and combined with Janet Yates for|,, 8 quinelis of $20.40, She ran the {five furlongs in 1.08 4:5, over a imuddy track Wildshore, owned hy the Ses {gram stable of Waterloo, won {the second race, She combined [with Bells Ringing, winner of| |the first, for & dally-double o 18220 | Wildshore, » four-year » old| filly, secampered into an early lead and won hy 4% lengths Wildshore paid $4 straight as she ran five furlongs through the deep mud in 1.06 4-5 "SPORT BRIEFS U.S, TAKES LEAD HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP) The United Slates team took a {2:1 lead over Bermuda Wednes: day in their hest of - seven |vae hting series for the Amorita Cup The U.K. team won the morn {ing race, 451% to 40, The after: (noon race was cancelled he:| | cause of the lack of wind. The {third race in the dragon class invitation championship, In [Von Dr A, Macdonald of Montreal is the leader, also was cancelled (tlen Foster of the U.8, won hath the morning and afternoon | aces in the international 14: {foot dinghy series for the Prin: cess Elizabeth Cup and after three races has 83% points to 8114 for Taronta's Paul Hender:!| son | LOSERS GET NELKON, B.C British © Columbia government has presented a cheque for $2,500 to Nelson Maple Leafs, defeated in the western Allan {Cup playoffs, The presentation [was made Tuesday (o the Wests ern International Hockey (CHEQUE (CP) w= The) g| off Not Ball Suit Second game of the best - of-| seven series will be played here) {empty net The four-year-old filly, owned Sunday followed by two games| n Sault Ste, Marie, Playing only as well as they d (0, Canadiens opened up & 240 lead in the first period and were ahead 3:1° after 40 min utes Thunderbirds drew within a} goal of the Habs earl / in the| eriod but & penalty killed their chances, Canadiens scored mn iL power play and Ruth Almost Wore Cricket third VICTORIA (CP) =~ A wax figure of Bahe Ruth will be dressed in one of the star's old baseball uniforms when a permanent exhibition opens ere April 29. Museum officials, some | weeks ago, asked the New York Yankees club for partie: ulars so an authenticdooking uniform could be made for the figure The ball club didn't answer, And museum officials said a cricket uniform was available and might be used fo Phil Lundeen, who played for Raleigh, NC, » Yankees farm club in the Piedmont League in 1086, made a donation of » Ruth uniform he'd used as a hand: me-down, Lundee, who now lives in Mayodan, N.C,, saw the story of The threat to put Ruth in from there cossied to the vie 4 # desperate hid to even {Billy Reay pulled his gosler with 48 seconds remaining but {the move backfired when Glen Skov fired the puck into the ™E OTHER SCORERS Other Hull - Ottawa scorers were CUif Pennington, Terry Gray, Keith McCreary, Bob Rousseau and Brian Smith Sault Bet, Marie marksmen were: Chi Schmautz with two and Mery Kuryluk A erowd of 3.575 littered the ice with rubbers at the final whistle. Asids from a few giant firecrackers thet greeted the the Hull « Ottawa scoring, the| fans were on thelr best hebay ior Canadiens were helped by fwo goals they scored while Thunderbirds were shor handed, Rousseau's gon, the second for the Habs, came late in the first period with Reino Robazzo in the penalty box, Pennington's fou! in the third period, with Ault Ste, Marie pressin for the equalizer, came wil Norm Guimond serving a hook: ing penalty HAD POWER PLAY Sault Ste, Marie cashed in on one power play late in the third period but hy then they trailed y three goals and were out of the running Referee John Ashley called nine penalties among them ma: | ors to Al MacNeill of Habs, and| ohazzo of Boo, They traded punches hehind the Hull:Ottawa net in the first period after a goal - mouth scramble Thunderbirds showed the ef fects of a 10 - day layoff and seemed to be just warming up at the end of the game, They took their semi - final series against Kingston Frontenacs in five games and have been wail: ing for Habs whose seven-game encounter with Kitchener » Wa: cricket clothes in the Greens: hore Record, HOCKEY SCORES | League club hy provineial See: retary W, D. Black, who said the club, in its playoff tour, pro vided thousands of dollars worth of publicity for the provinee 'REMEMBER WHEN? , , By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipeg Monarehs were orow ot Junior hockey cham pions of Canada and holders of the Memorial Cup 34 years ago tonight when they defeated Sud: bury Wolves 4:1 at Winnipeg The Monarchs won the first OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS game of the series 7.6, but bowed to the Wolves 7-2 in the second contest The first section winners were Thamp SE TEN Ry Le Hdd i" A Plumbing and § EE 2 ars bd LC Tod 8 i w T ah Jackson and Raise SEE NuWay Phote { ) » Renita n | Sia mn Rd pean, FAVRE A My KS | and iia on Ry wo By % 19a WIRE AND HARNESS LEAGUE | The follow Fl A chore, Maurie Si | Pawier's sors, Carl LL NE vu Lo ¥ xX at J TH pth Fo ra Fay Plumbing by Strikes | - A Free i Nl MOR i, 0 ay Ms bath: 4, HJ and LL nes § ANN wil, Hi a's 1, Hi-Bawls 17, and Merry Six § Maus | Shorten S84 (330) S83 (356, MT) LH Bell Don Powless 673 (304); Tria Lu yh (L008); Mary Muller 618 a \ Yavee ww owan 31% insen 213 (30008), Jordan fie] Hap \ Magtewih | 81 (300), igh (3), 8 lt h Rs wi a Eh La Eads & ve i, -- RENEE ha ae MeClo bs Ef oad | anata 34, . qd hanguel will be held al Saint (Hi leteied at the southwest Ritson an teams will baw! for Bah Stratt's Pia rten's Gay Six, Iris Ryrrell's Lucky het anal Carm Barkley's Head ba day Nix 8, Head Pion SN Ma Piokers W, i Gellers 83, Jesters 0} Alley Cals Walle Over 64 -- ny Barkley Til (6 Ww Malloy 831; G Somerville 314, 368); Bob Stell TIT (303, 384, 300); CR Locke A od Dem 0 (a, Marg lake LU) "Bin and Dave Bast 8 Doug Langiord 343, Tam Re Lymiiraey 31, 3M, Sutton i, Joan Bev Bul 313, Darethy James 313, Pat stioskey $13, Doug Shackleton 313 bod Blake 310, 200 and Gladys Morn = Winnie Malis a Toronto §t, By THB CANADIAN PRESS | Kastern Professional Sault fe, Marie § Hull:Ottawa § (Hull:Ottawa leads best «= of seven final 1:0) Western League Vancouver 1 Portland § (First game bestoffive semi Allan Cup vherst 8 Galt 4 (Galt leads bests fdeven east Aw ern final 3:0) Ontario Junior : Michael's 3 of = seven Peter: borough 2 (First game best » semi-final), BASEBALL SCOR ES, STANDINGS Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS American League Chicago at Washington ppd, wet grounds Los Angeles at Baltimore, rain Cleveland at Detroit ppd, grounds Kansas City at Roston ppd, rain Minnesota at New York ran ppd, Today's Games (and Probable Pitohers) Minnesota (Rascual 13.8) Baltimore (Yisher 13.11) pom Cleveland (Bed 810) at Wash ington (MeClain 0-0) 8:08 p.m Chicage (Plerce 147) at De trait (Lary 15:15) 1:30 pm (Only games scheduled) National League pm WL Pel, 8BL (Cine innati (Hook 11:18) at Clacinnaul ji! 01.000 = San Francisco St wel Chicago ppd, [St Philadelphia (Ma 047 67 300 1 400 1 RIIER RIIBR 2? 0002 "hursday's Results Chicago 2 Cincinnati § Louis 4 Milwaukee § Pittsburgh § San Francisco Philadelphia § Los Angeles Today's Games WW Los Angeles WW | 9 Milwaukee Louis Philadelphia Pittsburgh | | 1 | (/(and Probable Pitchers) g Pittsburgh' (Gibbon 4-2) al Les) VANCOUVER (CP) Angeles (Koufax &13 or Wil llams 14:10) 11 2 m affey 73) at San Francisco (McoCormiok 1510) 118 pm Milwaukee (Buhl 168) at Chis the cage {Anderson S11) 2M St Louis (Simmons TH) § » =, [ietive ended only last Sunday, Sitford Leads In Greensboro Golf Tourney GREENSBORO, N.C, (AP) Charlie Sifford carried a one stroke lead into today's second round of the #33,500 Greater Greenshora open golf tourna: ment, The Los Angeles professional shot a three-under-par 68 to lead a field of 118 in Thursday's opening round of the 72 + hole tournament, Billy Maxwell of Dallas, Tex,, was next at 69, Mike Souchak of Grossinger, [N.Y,, and Greensboro amateur [Bill Harvey posted 70s to share [third place, Al Johnson of Montreal shot 74, Stan Leonard of Vancou ver a 74, Jerry Magee of Tar onto a 75 and Jack Bisegger of Val Marin, Que, an 8 Sitfard, 38, is the first Negro to play a major tournament in the deep | South, | Soccer Stars 'Willing To Play 'In Canada Now The Province says 14 of Britain's {hest soccer players want to play in Canada It says some of them want to play in Canada this summer off-season in the United Kingdom, while others would like tn settle in this country Names of the players were not disclosed, find the coal, smooth ways uniform drinking best in beer, with MULTI-BLENDING Pow blends the flavour in = to bring out the best in boer! In every glassful of Dow you'll comes fram a masterful multi-blending of 38 great individual brews, That's why Dow is al. always perfect , , , the easy: won Wedses, The Triumph Herald turns in 25 ft, That's about the width of the narrowest city street, This surprising manoeuvrability makes parking child's play--even for your wife! And there are plenty more surprising things about this Coupé, For example, independent suspension on all 4 wheels, And a driving seat that adjusts to 72 different positions, But the price is the nicest surprise of all, ONLY $2,048. At Port of Entry SMALL WONDER SMITHS SPORTS 353 KING ST, JA LLL Weim o Vancouvn BONTRIL § » VORONTS + \L AN iL oF LOL O CUNTROL HREWLD ™ [| \ This is to certify ¢ Dow Ale is bre Ty tit sxolusive, Sool rol process, T) i" lo thereby ¢ Tal a Ny 2%. rh N, Walless, Procter, Quality Contra and friendly flavour that