The Oshawa Times, 13 Apr 1961, p. 5

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THE GHANA TiS, Viawdey, fpr 18, 1969 1 WHITBY and DISTRICT Fluoridation Plan [ses =o pn ganar oF Cawaks, wil fe WROTRY MENS Whithy Barsan Office; 113 Dundas $6, West Sa" : : sommes, Manager: Lioyh Roberton Td. WO, $0798 Meets Opposition orssy Tame eo ond 5 PAE § whit fas besm (armeh RAR Wy fhe Frovieciel commit fon of fea caries. he Com BoE ig goes Pt HVE, (KR, GETTER CILRTAE (NW. JiR Tagmw: Hans iw Char TOWN OF WHITBY Withy PC Tushar might re Eamonn ¢ 5, oh Seren . ¥ ah and Sed an Oar gestion B) ~~ "We we oR Tela caries i¢ & lesion Comey Hasith ressiotiom exms: Tesh (het the Lele ant dukes bark tases of the tenth] Appicstions will be received wk § o dock pm. Foprihation of Wiis or i To a on Friday Vo, 1961, for the position of pag fae omen nely me thet the pres 19 WACHAA i as ihainh in Swickioonsd " yA ig Ad Rowm Connell Lopweifeh the ates of flsor he, ether # ganginiticntion of the wipe} cipel Wises, qaltion 16 the WUE lox SuRY, SKIHTIRG TH IREERGIcaily ahh Hemems by ogame Reif We recenthy oh, 5 7 mec E oF com face 4 haath ridl enpymatic} foohconts ddd wots ou, ergs # ov, be the WUE mesting, Wayor mwa Wks wonky Ww cones pation MH carbohydrates ad F578 tests ond meres worm, Sion Martin slainh Re WEE iiRtion of po REHey of he "FR We of the eg ork ary -- SAG B5 ser week aunt the ides oh & RE VRE RIL BRT TRON, oF 1 Wat EH (Bows the witial p ; ho ase "lhe RYETREE 0 Ans the incidence of afication. (EAS ICK, 1968) of wu sootd Wr rugy fo the sndowigned = acai vom het oon Sodio Koes When Sch Woler 18 oom 'Fiaowides may, hers Ponder 0. Wen, , Ot. G7 SAA Ring the Leni of hl preyemt. Kasins WR two ways. By PAUL COMTH, He phuiiind fhe was Person Aeyeiomment wif (hat the arias eaierng the drictore of the Chet by wnat Fiaorifation reding #flest of fluonide OF Rewes pow e, the fiaonde James Boss, 8 PUC commie 16546 Win riot Me" TRH] FARRRT Tht Taka] lass shi. own of domes said that Sthowgn he 15 the letier from the Comty Wie in. the acids andor the ddwt know muh ehovt Hegith Umit, they stated Wit finoride may Sibi hector fluoride, he knew "was gE weer shows & fiwonde Sysiyee ~ the series of on y, vie of less than 0.1 pers per Zymic Jeacline jeading 10 fhe "8 is chlorine anh 1's in the FoR a ARIE RA water) resid Harry Simpson, "The commitias report by fhe =m ---- hi N I w waneaer of the Whithy PUC, (WRI ERVETRmERt copies Is AF Somet ng New in Ut wes recommenieh wh the Concissions (Chapter 12, sh FJ oct! ... "CLINTS" mesting thet # leer he son tg section 8) = "We ove wos cm me > BARBER SHOP the Town Comncti oipting ow TIRES the long term inges- s pow» » be 4 il Fadi ta, Fle 8 opis | pen vi om pou || WILL BE OPERATING OW APPOINTMENTS 14 « deen B19 WE § PYRE very ment nid be range oH waler intake is not | PV Bee seed or brond-rome commencing Twesdoy, April 18¢h The letier would wien sate hermia to body heath wad | ferheer Hove your own privete Berber, no woiting hak lon wndd cost Wiithy thal BO FRorons esthetic Se Pir -condit . Puoridation J pss f wer esd mer WOcRnee Is soeciicatly asso 3 Corner ditions, free perking ann 88 weil as administration Ried with 7 (a, mated} Werdwors & Gorden Biv, FOR APPOINTMENTS PHONE MO 8-4429 Costs teeth) 103 BYRON 57, §. BRANCH READIES FOR CANCER FUND BLITZ rich Wetter vy 19 hss desi 0 bmw i 410 DUNDAS TIREET SIEFY, WHITY BROOKLIN BRA ae oonesed to fluoridation or Retion of fisoride Wn the dada MO 8-451 '/ adving viens lor the Can- ; the exccntive look on as one | tow (BR) ~Mrs, 4. K | Hayes; beck row (1,8. )~MYrs der vole, Maver Werth Wey A 4 Brookhn on April | of the team captains receives | Lawrence presents the kit to | 4. Carmwith, Br, Mrs, W ieined thet the next move ' i . SE ------------------------ ----- 25, are members of the Brook: | her Cancer drive kit. Nearly | Mrs, E, Cooke, middie row Manning, Mrs Charles Bo was wp to the Department of er in branch of the Canadian | 95 women will be taking part | (LB )~Mrs, B. Egan, Mrs. | son and Miss 1, Webrien Health and that the Onters r SS WS OW O_o -- -- - Cancer Society, Members of | Wn the Witz, Shown are: Front | B, B. Doner and Mrs, J shawn Times Photo County Health Unit's letter was COUNTY A RNOLD"S ad pv / # isi - oly ah Indo mative me " : Its Pg 0 0 f fg 1v are ret iv ion, Results In | oF ONTARIO o-Karts 10 Receive riety 800 Pine avicotion for |] 175 WROGK W, Just Worth of the Four Comers PERSONALS ernment, they (Otani Cownty OPEN THURS, "TH § == FRE, TH 9 == WED, TH 6 PM, Board of Health) endorse the Junior ! ly of the Inte James H. Alexan WORD PROBLEM place (9 conduct bis love siieirs § Aoclicetion for the position © tween Goer operators and "young people are interested in opening of the Kart Tracks Chapel the Henith Board's resoWbion [oiton was in court Tuesday] Cowty of Onterio will be re FRESH CUT FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF » d f fluoridation of al municipel. Magistrate A. 8. Mitchell ask Noise Le V el Te sting Mr. and Mrs, Merve MeCon- yoter , , ed len Rawert Lotion of seer | DRAFTSMAN BONELESS PEAMEALED = 9 A truce has heen called In the| Replying to the delinquency, Councillor Brooks pointed owt dor of ara Fhe tuners) service, One member of the PUC piber than the middie of Fourth Junin Draftsman in the Reeds | | ReLghboring Fatephyers Karting, It 1s i place where they (ast fall), perhaps through Ris id not mean "recomme nA charged with parking bis car on § ceived, in witing, by the under Acting on B FALEDRYEr'S Pro- might not get into trouble on the ignorance. | was willing to go. Mrs. B, Rivelt, Mrs. J. Dlr "ny "yy, Bric Machesn MOH. a highway causing 8 twocer] sened 4 SIRLOIN or WING | ib. C nell attended the funeral recent boro Mf he couldn't find any other Rolls Ib 47 e lo Township of Whithy battle be- suggestion, Mr. Kelly said thet council "sanctioned he yas held st Scarrow Funersl stated the word "endorse" 0 Concession in Whithy Township, § ond Bridges Department of the posal, Township Council Wednes: streets." along with them, but in view of 8nd Mrs, 1, Hicks attended the id 'Wednesday thet the Bosra collision st 19.90 pm, March 22 dey might agreed fo conduct Councillor John Dryden aquer- Mr. March's attitude, I now feel Gent fl bd held 0 aid" recommend the addition of Ivor George Sater of § Beatty § Wii 4:30 I" Friday | noise tests which would settle led Mr. Kelly on the reported inclined Lo restrict them "Hernorongh fluoride to the town's waler avenue, Alex, the driver of the April 14, 1961, Kart operators' claims thet ob: loss in value on land adjacent, Calling himsel a Kart path Grant son of Mr, and Mrs.| "Fluoridation 1s completely other ear, stated in Whithy traf UALIFICATION jectionahle noise can he re-ito the Tracks cipant, Boh Heron of Brookbn gichard Brougham, is eclehrat- safe and economical in the long fic court thet he had heen Q / IONS; | fuced by mufflers, PRIC , told council tie mufflers would ing his first birthday today, iran in terms of dental esre" travelling north on the Fourth Gradustion from drofting course FRESH PORK The tests will be held Satur. PRICES LOWER prevent noise, He disagreed (hel Friends of the family are ex- he commented Concession when he struck the} or sauivelent experience, # SPARERIBS Ib 49 v | . o Will be lower, but since | don't wp el d council 1 Sid I s 4 to the vehicles was estimated § perience in surveying will be on judge the difference In noise : i i r, Kelly urged council 10 ha Mayor Martin said "there 1s not levels between six racing Kerts have the facts, I don't know i direct its attention to the pro Mr, Garnet Roberts, Perry oon to buy fluorine to water 8t $550 Bisse! FRESH FRESH BONELESS 1 sLreet g £ Gene e 0 , is wi "pos without mufflers and six Kerts|!he beople were seriously Inter nosed Kart licensing bylaw, He| firect be In the shawn General oon, op fun toilets with when| Lotion said he couldn't park | This will be o permanent pos | Homburg § Country Siow Point dey aiternoon st both Township] Mr. Kelly answered: "There's hore would be # juvenile Ae: pressing thelr wishes for many Told the next step in finorida- cor thet was parked simost in knowledge of Grade 13 mathe Kent Tracks, Ratepayers will|ho doubt ahout it, The prices jinauent problem at the tracks, more happy birthdays to Grant. son was up to the municipality, the middie of the road, Damage | motics Js desirable, some ex: MN : | Hospital where he underwent Te | his Aid p with mufflers, we Ad »i said that, If passed, it could bel iii iS na. "ish him only one tenth of one per cont hia oar ny stoner w he ile of person with satisfactory qualify Steak Spokesman lor the Kart o w ' WINE enforced in regard (0 noise, | LTC ele yecover will be used for drinking i i parson ators at the township meeting, (1ter between Councillor Wm i/fnere is litle noise with the P 4 Councilior 1, HW. Inkpen Wed. |Thouider and that several cars Kart operator, Pest rental Karts rivate Karts| My, Foon pal ofl nesday called PUCs mation "gna nissed him before he west Commencement salary 35% 29%, 59: 591 ed eked] 0 op i ies Aas, Wifi Rekalnd, oppronch" und Saded fsck Je ales ba wes bier | "$7800,00.93,00000 | Ih h Home quite surprised', | William Winter, representing|'né: He hes given no indication ihe Kart Track on Highway No. be held this evening, ' nk sue there were no lights on the ear of wh CODPOF! o Commission would have read Magistrate A 8. Mitchell fine County Engineer pid reapers near the Ho Trae NDE 10 co-operate 10 the 1a asked Kart operators if they| Mrs, A. Denison of Kinglthe provincial government's iy Inkrate a 8) fiche I fined Eom Howie, | COOKED HAM Ib 89r | 4 : [Ing / 4 PY ininking I chute Mr, March questioned Coun nett Se Wore Sey 0' WW bur 18 WRT r tnd Grand: beiart, synching ny deciion'" wn, wn : J last not allow any (Kart Tracks)" ing him to step racing longer," he declared, I was will return to their | | : : : : TT - § ger, 5 ' ome on Fri dren, he sald the issue would he he slated It was a request, not antold I'd have to get used (0 it day : [Arun bo $514 tha Jonua, would : from $10.00 the tests " din " x from rac-"k Cullen, 8 ratepayer near School Association meeting to "I would have thowght the @irl friend. Aceording to Biater per yeor | way AOL and the Whithy| extent of refraining from FRe\were willing to stop gil Facing street 15 having as her guests, committee report on fluoridation p-- | , K SIMS, FP. Eng fall, Council should cillor Brooks' authority in order: "Um not fooling around any daughtey, Mrs JP ence Ale Hated: is heneficial to chil OFFICE DESKS BE WS SW GS GW SWS -- -- Mr, Winter said that if oneorder," answered Councillor (the noise) and also that eo 4 Mid Kart Track was allowed in the Brooks, |(Karting) was an asset to the Flert Eckma, son of Mr, and th For hate who have hot Tend own Furniture township then all will be slow: A possible sltérnative which! community." Mrs, Baco Eckma, Is celehral | ud PRES Toph A | WHITBY MO 6.4981 2 od would prohibit Karting was put! Terence Kelly later stated ng ma fith birthday Joday wm " : " ih AND ON Agreeing that noise was the!forth for considera at the Kar alors w sending ns party wi jet after spending ten 8 with b i EH 4 sideration by that the Kart operators would g C0 Hoogkamp, Julie Siers: her son and daughterdnlaw,| most important factor, Winter Deputy Reeve John Goodwin, [be willing to make the tests said he would lose nearly $6,000 - ma, Susan and Harold Huipema| Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dewsbury of | ; if he sold his property, ! | ' + and also Ellert's sister Jane {Oshawa J T 3 == SIDEWALK SLABS oF IREMENT | W h b K Miss Dianne Downey, station:| Mr, Johan Knoester, 218 Col-| : APP AL ASSESSMENT Track it Y imsimern od In Northern Quebec with the bore _ street, woiehrated iW Women te sere for three ehil / = = FROM rE N ' & Spending er war ane. | J . operators, then 1 will do all in| + weeks' leave with her parents, friends wish him many happy| dren od biome while paren / 4 my power Lo have my ARERR | Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Downey of returns of the day loway, arlows times yee f 4 0 A ment appealed," he threaten: | ac a e TF1V@ unis street east (§leaund. Phone MO . od Mrs, Olive Howe has return J 4 . Declaring he represented on Weasel Mrs, I, ©, Dewshury of Perry|ed from a week's vacation spent 4 i : . ve Almond ratepayers, Patrick By CLIFF GORDON success and thanked all who street, has returned to her home!in the Laurentians ; x te [| King told council "We are total:| The Whithy Kinsmen Club| turned out to help make it the -- : mm 1a ly against Karts and thelriheld its regular meeting at the/same. Kin Joe Ottenbrite re 3 environment.' Roryee Villa on Tuesday nigh parted . thal wernhing was NOTICE { E " At an unnamed place In Can: With 8 good atendance, The ready for the up and coming (®) ary ears Change of date for I ok HUN ada, said Mr, King, motorcycle Meeting opened with The| ladies' night to be held on April Sth Whithy Cub-Scaute y : = - : ; 4 Queen," followed by the Kin #l v : (8) \V/ cll L] " J into Kart Areas I | a | } 4 f . police. nd, called ag Ai Song, President Murray Silver] Vice-President Jim Gartshore Mother's Auxiliary 3 L | E R . . . was in the chair reported on the national eonven-| trouble with juveniles | "Whe meeting was billed as|t08 in Toronto the latter pir cou 18 or AFTERNOON TEA : He added that a buyer visited | gin Education and Procedure] © August and took the names of & BAKE SALE ~ LJ his area last summer and, when + meat.| members who plan to take in hearing the noise from the Karl gli Ly ne Meet the fala event The deca wing! The Rowry Minstrel show Wit ne 1000 Mating that there wis wm NOW soe Track, declared he wouldn't| ) {for the second night of the con-| likely he presente 0] oan ' troop ef | pidn 1) Robertson who 1s also the bible vention is to he handled by the|taria Hospital on Thursday eve: |ficieney: "Are you actually | Saturday, April 15th [ning April 20, it was decided at turning out good eltizens?" 30 10 § pm, ot : ng A 1 Canaan re n Terence Kelly, spokesman for| Proper procedure were hrought| The Whithy Kinsmen club re:/the Rotary noon meeting Tues: Cantervalion Programs hogan i, JOHN THE AYANGRLISY the two Township Kart Tracks, |0ut and weve of a vast amount ceived a letter fram the Osh day 1 1 with the ea-operation of | wnship Kart Tracks, ot So ation especially to|awa Kinsmen elub in vegard to It was first suggested that the the Forestry Branch of the On: replied [some of the newer members, (the Elmer the Safely Elephant | show he put on Thursday, April/tarie Government, SR ----_--m------ "We hope there will he no Out of town: gussle included | campaign that they are putting{18 but there appeared to he| In 1008 the Boy Scout Angus bad types invalved, Juvenile] oY py Wiloox w thel forth, It will include the push: some difficulty in gathering all Forest was started, delinquency is a woelal probe gowmanvitle club, Monty Crane INE 0f an elephant in a hed|the "end men" for the show The vegistration of Ontario lem, Kart operations are no dif [field of the Oshawa Club, who!from Bowmanville through to| Walter Gibson, past president! Scouts totalled 17,807 in 1020 and ferent than any other spark.' [is a past District Governor, and| Whitby along No, 2 Highway|of the Tilsonhurg Rotary Club(Scouts around the world present: He agreed that noise fram the! Fred Waddell ! and back to the Oshawa Shop-(and a shoe manufacturer, wasled Baden Powell with a Rolls Karts was the chief objection The lucky door prize was won| RINE Centre. Kin Cranfield of [guest speaker at the meeting, | Royoe, a self portrait and a Mufflers have heen designe A hy Kin Ron Reiger who went | Vihawa reports that it will he{Ho spoke on the history of the check for 2,800 pounds for use on the Karts, he added, [home smiling to say the least |® live elephant and this should Hoy Scout movement in Canada,| In 1084, the first Ontario eamp "We feel the mufflers ean do| iin Clare Hewson reported that create a lot of interest, The Here are some of the items course was held at Ehor Pay something about the noise." [the recent Ham Roll was a huge| bY club vated to hack the My. Gibson mentioned. In 1010, | near Brantford ; campaign to the fullest [Raden Powell, ariginator of the] An outstanding service was BUNK BEDS The local club alse plans a Boy Scout movement, spoke at| given hy the London Roy Beouts CHROME SUITES CHROME 2 BRAND NEW giant chicken barbeque some|the Taranto Exhibition on Boout: during the Thames River fland BROCK EVENING SHOWS at 7 and 8:20 Jiiime this summer and haveling in 1080. Thev assisted nalioe in S-plece with extension Sublets Spring Mk OHAIRS REFRIGERATORS M E SHOW at 8:20 already an eager group ready tol In 1011, the first contingent of traffie handling, guarding con: LAST COMPLETE SH get it under way, Kin Bill/ontarin Scouts attended the|demned hridges and assisting in 35 95 other eolors, 54 95 9 eu fr, 13 eu #1, . . . ONLY [ "touch the place with & 40-foot| tin editor of the elub pole," {interesting points of order and] Whithy club _- " A ---- Dragamotz has volunteered to/Gearge Fifth Coronation in Eng: the distribution of food ONLY ONLY chair the do with Claire Rieh, [land In 1841, the RB. P. Chins:Up: OLEARING AT COSY Halph Risehorough and Howard Tn 1918, the first Provincial Fund was started by the Toronto i : The Kinatoan, Pup also vated 100 attending closed in 1046' it had collected 0 donate $38 to the Canadian The fipst Leaders Training $40,761.10 in Ontario alone Cancer Society, The meeting Course was held in Taranto in| Four blitz Seouts from Eng: DAVENPORT and CHAIR END TABLES & BED ONESTERFIELD ; 1 "Jets or | A [was Ineorporated In 1014 when(the War Saving Stamp Cam. Arbarite Top R £3 gh : | , " p 0g. 269.00, 3 : J d a the Ontarin Seouts organized to paign and reached 178 per cent Leatherette, ONLY 5 95 SW R Rockets { Pocket To Purse Is cy the war effart hy volling|of its ohiective FROM 3 NO " {did this i 3 \ | lized in 1014 {which alse saw the formation of jit) Ie i | Members of the Whithy Pub:| In 1818, Scouts rendered serv: [the Ontario Raver Round Table BEDRO M | E Complete with Slat Spring and Smeoth-top LJ hoy y A lie Utllities Commission are/ice hy acting as hospital order) In 1848, the Ontario regions Mattress, complete. PRICED AT ONLY . 5 § taxes for their substations to! Raden Powell again visited [was held at Ottawa in 140 with the tawn [Canada In 1018 and employed [800 of the total 2.600 Scouts com: | EASY _- | The question was raised that!/arines and Trenton was held in 1953 Pus SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION (since the town owns the sub.| Several Scouts and leaders| The highlight of Scouting in AVAILABLE m BROCK ST, NORTH WHITBY Don't Panic Chaps stations, why should they ealleet were awarded medals far thele/Canada came with the Inter] Phone MO 8.4981 E i Ph MO 8 5740 EVENING » venings one . SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1130 | Who in turn get their finances eybury Distriet five in 1922 {sons at Niagara-onthe-Lake in * » ) trom the town | Baden Powell visited Canada 1985, | (closed with the singing of 1g) {land visited Canada in 1042 COFFEE TABLES With Spring mattresses, Dark ¥ Can Stop handages and selling war honds,| W. H, J, Tisdale became Pro know its i Wandering how many other es and doing other johs during organized under Mr. Tisdale ut A bill for 1961 taxes on the John Styles as executive eom:|ine fram Ontario : * OPEN yuo Jn stations was ordered | missioner | The first contingent of Sea | paid hy the Commission, Tues:| In 1920, the first district cons | Scouts was organized in 1952 TERMS Jeffery to aet as his assistants. | Conference was held with over nous and when the fund was 3 i y \ ¥ - b 16 Canads 1 . es . i i ~ 7 | Bullets . \ 0 Canada [The Canadian General Counell| Tn 1048, the Seouts assisted in With arms Brawn with 79 95 Green all airfoam, 2-pce. . Gorge, ,, B | h Utilities Problem | The Walf Cubs were organ:|vinelal Commissioner in 1047 munieipa ities services pay (the great influenza epidemic | The first Canadian Jamharee Ny a) o » , 5 Dn day night ferences were held In 8t. Cath] A second Canadian Jamboree THURS. ] FRI. STARRING . . . DENNIS PRICE - GEORGE COLE {taxes for them fram the PUC service during the Cobalt, Hail: national Jambovea of New Hari p>

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