WEEKEND MARKET BASKET B--hptr, & Flore hor Rem [2 ' y Lidpes pk Both, soil » ' BEAR evi . Bevitor ¥ » f » ' $5 menibly. Eepire f f built in Ie" H NEW modern ore Raney WOREW PEREIIER Bi iasietully Becorpisd ighiaies Ld Vai ' 26---Rooms for Rent Mi LARGE. bright Rom, privpie home, live mipuies dows ienp in MB [8 wales, Ll er FING. ton hn {118 PATKIng pepe PRIVATE nis BERNE: smd) Tenced back yard Close 0 Aawniown BOOM inf two gentiemen {Ohman hol 4414 IprEe furnished room with private ah, r Avenig NE 1 » ¥ MINGLE roam for rent alse ane niger ¥ f ATES GLECOFF - hs fu tents SUPERMARKET sek Pome Cound Fig J# Eis wri Bsisr Cer v ¢ . ith Lp r wn rf BS ry es ip FEdeT Fo dners ¥ SAAS Frum wav, fips & om Bgty Gi PEW Ved. 2 4 Ya Vs FES yy ERT MES rip Dy Ld Feg Bic por 'pec Me oor, ¥ pers | 96 MAES BRIEFS, Weg Mc to Ie SV TES Bh wrgr. Soest, gor Me MEL HLTIER #9 He, The wie $5¢ Feamesion scr Borrr Cir Gown Home Cyd Brass ine Bersr Ey Fone Fem Ey #4 Homemade Fup F Socae, icrge © £ 7 wis oy Er / Sie & Sire 2--HRooms for Rem Y in ali br ai al tort SOLS ad AOpy SERITEE PRR Bip Folk forma BY es, Eid Rosi. ¥ r Fond Sis. RE EAON Fuso sha a Bepsriirer 27 SIMCOE ST NORTH RA 3.3732 Pat and Don's 4 ie oud » Bik RAIEE Clover Farm i¥i7, 10 Bonk Faw _ BITEMTIVE. fopisiud From a 3 ¢ BEE Wa KEP. Re nd d Market ray WT Bs » £ « 'l Ly ol. ¢ fit o_o 432 SIMCOE SOUTH tenor in wr Tew ie 450 Foy Fil heh 7 she peiion BA Bik o yan Rd VEE) KERR ww Io ddd ed pick 4 ie me BIT ad #N Fhope BE pure FIR REN We PAR Eicher 3 # BER EIBIR rd BEANE AR SALE OF YA ES Bode Fog J ke re JE i ORSELRIIRE FRO PY TRO pid SES Aewmy VIE We id a Wont Fp Fos #50 Med Bef Fl 3 ff SORE 10 FEB, 19 MARE SWE BY Mi 4 Prieies. Wis Hoes MN Katiog's Soecigt K ovr. Tmephore RA 3-200 IgE wie ROLE EFERING ip A ER Ir BER ETRER PE onan Vine 5 Stet Barth. RA Botham Tiss Wr al / AoW ry po oh 4 A ry ' FERBISWER praia oak Bid p, ata deka Fr #id. ala PIRREY Variins, Ba rs Lady wisiniied Toe rd i ANE bepind. pep Friepnone BA REE 190m piwstimepl BEIM. bus BE Row HIE pr BA 37504 WE fami hed sows. PB #5 Pp s oY PUR Bev fp id ad Via hans SIME EIIBE PRIEIRE WL Men mem, mn soRsE. A add FROME, FRIFEeS Moo snpix | pith pe Pring Ia 9 Lentir 8 ¢ BEE Blipsl Wire Es wn AY BRM Bye ome, Wis hh VINE PBL ancE Fhons Toseph Bosew BA sowiy WE FROM BERLIERES DE BRA FUERRRIRS er Io Bus mene Sireel Bs NER WO BREILIER IBINIRihed. hepied whey : d oad J inE Wid welcome. Triephons OMFLEFELY po piece bah Peavy Aub phonids. wit pais BORPIBE cabbie. Bg children 108 Giep f 536k] ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Avgilable Pp 82 Pork Road two Rg ade bond 7 pn farmished pig heme North, Lo between B RA B-B67) 00. AREINES Slice! § : puma mteee------------ 27 Real Estate for Sole FIVE-RODM bovse 1or rent or able BR2I5 pr apply W9 Bayview Ave pur, Whith PRIVATE y BRIBE, smpll fenced hack Yad. Clog, ip Aowniowp. Builahie tor mb - letiing BA BBY plier 8 only INQUIRE ABOUT OUR | NEW PREFABRICATED Wi HOMES COTTAGES GARAGES HE ream hrick veneer IT WHHL COST NOTHING HOVE, Washer, Ary P Mus pee In pppiRsiniy furnished front hed seis pixroom Prick vers PRINIRE specs. Triephohe BA INING mom 3 5 14 pd Klighen nL) J PERL y 1h 5 10, walk 0 subic feel, al 1 yin i wis Atcorpled be brayy duly wiring FRom. furnished, honrd op ior Bentignipn, 10 minuigs wal mn dowplown Osbaws ome privil Welephons RA YOL) Suliable Tor sub letting A BOBEI alter B only IT CAN Magis beds F COIREY Blais Velsphone RA SAVE ENTY YOL) wales Wim snd Mary Street 06 Many Plans ta Choose Fron alt ¢ Your Site AlsekeRping priviieses. for lady Anywhere SREY Yoacaled "Apply" 163 Wales BA 81708 housekeeping room amiertably furnished, downinwn ne Turnished ream with my without Anking Fagilities at 77 Oplano Sigel Move in Within 30 Pays and Also clean PROP IN, PHONE OR WR AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FIO KIN TREET OSHAWA TE NOW. Single beds, suitable for two sin Ie §icls or gentlemen Apply 66 Wai th Avenue ABGE bed sitting roam iphoard hes washing parking Kitchen, sink dinky four-piece facilities, peivate on FERMORARIE repli. 480 FAST Park Road South NEWLY ¥ h 0 Pp RA B-5103 WON'T BEAT PRICE decorated, furnished hed RE ream, with private thise-piece Sih. one lack ta North GM, sill ane f Iwan Birls or gentlemen nmediaty meseasion. RA 53540 au 4 27 Rash Estate for Sale 2] --Rast fstnte for Sete 2) Re aa lL ww 8 ne wn Far SRE a, 8 per iet. sme for iy PRESS PIT ge aX. Sane Fr igiee; i vray srry BEES Y - Ri MET pia WIHT RIK AIRES, ET (RTI Tes HE TH GIVE EXCITA E PES Aussi eh, ok ran for £45 totey i HMRIIIIT, RITE T RA ARI, Tsp body Ih TEE £5 TRAREE, Fie far Wg ow ww sete 7 bts we Vi 56 # CLE rE ill Gh iy apie HATES A Tarn ma Arig oy $1500 tH ence AE SIE Mh price $0 R66 -- my OF 566 dow for Vrs RELIBKTI 8 CAI, AL Lari Epis 6 simi Fala GE refrigersion, (nested ow & 8 By 50 tess or, testing GAR lire 1am win Bran wekem, swings, Se entre lor preiaie $856.56. 68 » 756. Esoy terms RBELSH ARS -- hrm rors lppgsing, fogs me mm with TS, GRATES GFA SIRENS, (RISITA NE CRASSA, aa 4 lerind lon. WEDIED 16 411 508 FOE p NCE SNE Corry 4 aig ORY $7366 mapwiy weiutg FIT, sre Weck 0 wrrA PRE. Lsipey hme, fof Hm Lge. wesisem, lege Ie HER Row 15 $4654 age 1506 sa. It lownsion, dame srs wieens, mghsii frre wel, HEE Peter Ws 1am, 1 Rees, § ame eey FIvridR 1550G WR ERITErN Pac 15 he HAHA § idly Rersrging GF RARER | ¥ laine lasers AY HA WP GRE ow Wergs, l6/ge Wh Sige # sige 1 richer, & Wor jo FER IE en Figye To mere sop we ME RB AGEE Wo BilkT OLIVE HOWE REALTOR WHY BERIT RrA Vay rer A eR 15 ey Fgse ME) BREE WG B-585% Tiras fp Fes) wr Atk Posiey MW hfe Miigred Bria Fes) or gr 6G BRLLK 5 ¥, Wi MO 8.5853 istow & Olsen Hold Open House in Whitby Afternoons this week-end 2-5 PM, AT 909 HENRY STREET Attractive six-reom brick bungslow with stone front and private drive landscaped lot with garden and fruit trees. Reduced $15,000 for sale Just south of Wi oy District High School DON'T MISS IT For (7 Quick Information Call; Keith Lunney at RA 5.6165 Dos MO B-2650 Evenings 8 SCHOFIELD INSMRANGE ASSOCIATES LTR | MAIN FLOOR BROADCOASTING CENTRE REG AKER Pres BILL McFEETERS 160 KING S57. WEST LARGE PARKING AREA AT REAR GOOD YALUE IN NORTH EAST f yeais oid, Broom red bh bungalow Mangr. Owned by Benk Manager, whe has been transferred Landscaping 1s complete; new paved driveway. 6% m gags, down payment and price. epen- to afters. Call Bill McFeeters evenings RA 6.1728 Vice-Pres located in Rossland TERRIFIC BUY Stevenson's Road Call Den Stradesk) A GOOD BUY OFF f-roam brick x 138, Lshaped living and dining ron hath kitchen and dining reem. 3 bedroom reem fer company aff the recreatior rec room Income hame on valuable evenings RA B-B423 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH fully King of West at lot 70 x 461 bungalow situgled on a landscaped lot 58 §e0d eating area In plus an extrg bed This bedroom and 15 completed In drifiweed panelling. Extras include paved driveway, T.V fireplace. New water sattener Very and shopping Monthly payment and taxes, $84.00 eve Lurhe RA B-0569 sven aerial convenient 1 Bring for further naturel brick scheal and and interest infarmeation SIF] hal Call ngs BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY $11,500 full price, asking $2,500 down for this 2-vear-old WHITBY CLASSIFIED nyestment 1] ' M ed 1] ¥ i All canveniences MO #31 ! 0 \ ieiephane MO § 3a MM Chey 85 Telephone MO & 450 naN'y Mi ne Phil Harpe ng and watery reavanahie (ales NE service for ymall w we has Lb] Ripe [A] Pig modern apartment gle. Excellent location, almast new ied reams, very Mitractive. heal, Light IAG, showing gned pelifm an your | waler supplied. private snirance Appl Apply William Middietan. | 351 Palace Sires. Whith 15 fireen Street, Api 2, Whithy. MO Aiea LLL] pyriment ieluded nr [FOR BENT Apartment, twa furnish NRESSMAKING ena Iresse Allgrations and ship oo witect fib guaranteed Mis LEH FOR RENT Self-antained aamed furnished apartment nences, ventrally" lnpaled nirance. Suit ciple MO E460 MOARERN twa bedeaam apartment for Font Heat TV outlet, frig, stave in eluded. S67 80 manth! 0h TWO Year lease Immediate possession FOR Suits Modern heat, IV outlet $47.50 manthly Immediate two-bedroom frig, slave an twa year easion AR rent hres All pon Pry ale [i NR RENT fhe nation Lying an enl apartment $85. Includes heat atreel ar frpam, kitehen, pom mie RAE Team, hase Ale aniratiee and Wyden. Apply iplephone MO | Pel ate trans 4 Green #1 lisenge hatlery. new I Bam Apartment. three moms hat Wal Woden, haat in Wi New locating parking Vain Whithy asy fine nored ease URNIBRED Hght housekeeping reams Reward central Telephone FOR sale a lave! hee hedioan high high » vediee to only S13.400 wit SIS dawn ar alfer. Aol fast W. Me Ailey Realtor MO 8.396% ar RA 18018 FOR SAY Bedroom and NR SALE WM Ford radia, $18. 48 ream § ANS. drapes awd readin, $30 54 4 ai end, 300 Lan hind atpel 813 » Tear end with Hees, 855 Mais Stree! Bast Hughes TR wal ng FOR RENT ding. PRL raols. eavasiinushing, PAY four eam apart LIER BEN Call MES PALE OF reading glasses Vieni I Bing Street Pelephone MO 5838 madern five ram DAREAIOY. nea NR BEM Wai finished bight nisekee ping with privale oh ance Apply M2 Ma Street East or hoal Wing yens App Mi hee ARC 3 i AOS an #63 meninl nenly newly hiss and haleany 1 Area decaraied. aun fanilities. parking. close to sehonly Aien's plarsround Apply WW High iret SWent Wark. rent ME aa AR FOUT Maney pating. vail SPRING FieAn UR Special Fertillaing PER IAE. Tolling. timming ele. Alse IRCial rater far Waving sed. planting MO aia SAVE MONEY ting sad Tuning ¢. SERVIORS = Complete hagkkeep ARLE, Week manthiy ar as desired Statements ated. Incense 1a shins. MO Walte Apply ele phon Wo Lad a a and alisvs MOB. ys Ma al Gr Ma § uavaniesd TURENTS! A super value + 8 Iv 830 shewis of sien Lvpiag (MINTER BY news pring anly R180 Ap AIET 4 RS WUE. RRESSMARING Wen ApproN daily {haw ' dies 1 Dandies Steel West REGULAR $12 MO 8-5124 PLANNING TO or BUILD A HOME "RL we C Beante By Rang Muy ve Get a w . garden tille WANTED ¥ @ Haden Ww > " & wMgnment WILDE RENTAL +& 8 SALE Boats. moto a plans © RY Ww anytime MO 82680 MO $3234 and a Tams, MO Telephane NOB sons | red Brick ream bungalow all | ew conditier Extra large living 1 goad-sized bedrooms, modern kitchen, 4-pe. bath. Full basement with forced air oil heating and extra large lot. Lew taxes. Owner anxious 10 sell Call Henry Stinsen evenings, RA 5.2043 leaving eit Ask ar ahout new trade-in plan in Beau Valle Prices range trom $14,500 and up and Dewn Pg ments from $1,950 00 and up LIST CO.0F THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE HOWE & PETER OUR NEIGHBORHOOD 67 KING ST. E REALTORS RA 5.7732 Pun located in Large living ron RA 5.7232 HAVE hick 18 | ntact Earle A ose 0 Mary 51 and OC VI a tevced air oil heating. 100 amp Peters RA 5.7732 RA 5.4182 HOME 1-DOAOOm Bick amparate and Mig Drv iow Wes © Tiemey RA 5.7212 Four Riso Don H oem Re we 3a low he south-east wa bedroc aren LR close ta me, Iv Lentact Largs | bedroom two store block th af QC VV). 12! x heated. garage pl 57782 Mary §t | boardloom RA 5:77232 qo fogated o ng ream Allen ol RA fase ¢ AGNE | 23 10ry Ket 80am brick winng. Contact LUELEH | Pub we ly Mes bungalow lecared he east end Nate with many extras RA 5.520 FOR and ahutio home lose 1a Home wn Lona schodls in age waled tase $164 OF Mn. Tiemey 5-273 YOU Maw Wit a-moagem raneh Bangaiow has Mating. vely wew of city. 300.0 0) Y $184.000 ¢ RA 5.52 RA GRANDVIEW 317 ily FA e elect WOR WOO 1 hashed tes Allen RA § 3 \ LAT WITH HOWE & PETERS REALTORS i, jupas, ut EMA FESHME Tuma smsrimmn Grin paps A perp 4, Poy as, luscoiny 55 ING gw Pan Corres RY Gly AER GYR, REA, prs YC attri d Dad a Fre, IEE FA BAGH OPEN | firs Satiwday, 2-7 pm QUALITY BUI HOMES JAMES ALLEN WNGTRUCTION LTH S Aowie #4, Bs 1 25- ACRE DAIRY FARM ss or - ow Fed $ moles E88 TIAA oly ew RGR FHT, GRE RES PIAA apa rs 16 te VF ress Liar sapridy, Wer wipes tone g)8s FSW rg Wr 5 Fe " 1 5 wisnge. PIs indie. sumiar. Tos worey rey pu wan bangers sok FHe daha e fre sise 4 Kh ear Sa WR AE HIN gh. Free sty $9166 FHEHIN AY FREM i ses w Brigid ses Bras u tire Figy R ll" eT RIES. WEEE Nr fy red tray locates. Fr OF, wih te w IE Prk B Gok GBS n 84 FAH) Eurgelow MERVIN BIRD | 7 rekon RECAGM BROOKLIN in Hillsdale 7 errgce PHONE CA. 5-3159 £ Gag y Fines Vp hmand J. A WILLOUGHEY £skrteh £ SONS 5 MACKO, REALTOR REALTOR RA BAGH WE CHALLENGE YOU a new home is mE ANd Compare by SEFC on ky if you gre of YRGS, WE ENGIIenge you 19 | these 3 items ang price We here uy ne gregiest #0 fron bsying re f Wig Location Fs 975 Lin Nave oh ri Beou Ya TER CRG We NE £4 £y f ie If you desire to hove yous on pape 'a nome QesIgHES for you), « vid have 6 plen BIrRGAY BRLIGES LPN, WE W DE More nen p £9564 io price your pian for ne cost or oblige tion. Prices in Beau Ya $14,500 up Down payments $1750 and up. / SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOC, LTD 360 KING ST. W RA 3-2265 H. COLDSTEIN Real Estate Broker J 4 u ey / Wr MHA 22 ONTARIO 57, (entrance off driveway) RA B-5161 | DOWN---%1,000.00-~DOWN BL asenment dition Immedigis Lovely ranch b vided Pp oH ready for re DOWN--$500 00 4d, 8: 6,7 i" parts af the city b fiame Inplexes, 5-Pleses for In eheice locations LIST Puplexe ments Mile ot res WITH LE AFTER 6 FOR FAST ACTION PM. CALL RA B-56%90 ION PEMICKA- RA BEISI METCALF ESTATE LIMITED=-40 KING 51 ROSELAWN AVI us gligched § MIKE DLIBY) REAL EAST astered garage, 7 large rooms flagstone hearth, extra large closet 100 16" wooded Ia This heme hg extras seen 10 realize what great value if 1s af $15,500.00 with as low es $2,500.00 down /-1aam split level, many, mar and must he RITSON RD Anather fing suburbia tached garage and hreezewn Let | scoped. Priced at $16,000.00 with $5 GIBBONS ST hungalow 1] arpart. Good arm daor patio, ef en ong £ 5:30 call Dich FOR RENT dream, sell-contained af manthly N name of & exlin large 1 6h 660 000.00 down ms plus at well land eld, §Va-room ream IBIMs, SCreens kitchen, wired for dryer $5,500.00 dawn Balance $64.95 monthly, After siied cabinet off 1 $15,500.00 with NH.A. merigage at Barrage at RA 5.6243 143 year large china Aski iriment $64 00 AFTER 5.30 CALL lahn Kemp, RA 8.2392 Piel Everett Ellier, 3.9290 Marion Drew RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS SPLENDID LOCATION---FERNHILL Barriage log RA 5.4243 Maga, 5.919) RA alo BLVD Situated near | | bungalow efier We In muihipurpose diy Large fenced garden FAMILY tiem Oshawa in 9 finished home 4-piece and screer RCIA on oom hoast af a lent garden and Your ove the he nal property | $10,000 with $1.500 ¢ en call Howe at RA 8-3107 ¢ 3. th three bedroom brick Tw shoppin lye at $13,800 accentuate this value RA 5-338) HOME 1 bedmem aluminum Th a beautifully sound bathrooms ed basement Dell COUNTRY mall tall Joy 8 mile Mee ly storms owner ean shaded lawn living. This win. For miemme RA 8.2155 community bath, oi tumace basement exe shildren wil listed tor 1 Forder PUNY evenings WILSON ROAD SOUTH Wath bat bright than pom and hitche ane bedvoom dowy age Pedioams un With extra cupbogids, living oom lager \ the home. There is a rece er and a pala tor enjoyment. Proed at §1 ih ems, For appoint | HMilga Ristew at 3 was RA 5.3403 we OMY rain@ridy 0m where ound smalle ine outa nent ca 8 ROOM HOME AND ACRES 3 Fo ATOR a Welk kept. Waste ally-decy overlooking take and Listed an $12,500 at RA 8.5107 ¢ RA 5.41485 Lountty home with a and haimece Shvated Oshawa road ba piece bath enically Wg dsiance of Call Howard with with svenIng: 85102 PATHOL if WwW Memban of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board a ris YONG EXECHTIVE fo Borin. Pri ew, L. Srrveom hoes, T ree paistie for 1aebing, Gar ll ol BE 55/88 frre, BF hast, lend acai fy SC dl mt, lorge fenced lor. Close 19 sews, le Bek shay $75 munity skrrias proce hares oh 15/89 ~ 294 DREW STREEY OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK FAREWELL AVENUE bit Sontty of TAYLOR AVENUE 3.30 10 530 $1200 DOWN CUSTOM BUILT SEE THE MODEL a Be sie Joy A J THE SAW A TIES, Tiwwbey, Api 18, 198% §F 2 ¥ NEW HOUSE EIGHT A oo, ad 1 Ts RA 8-1720 y | PRIVATE SALE FAL PRICE $12.509 $5,166 GOWN Carries tor $51 mamiity gh tones, 9 MHA mee Vives bedroom, brick posing Avg 1 410A BOLAHOOD LIM TED REM TOR RA 65-6544 JOHN F, DEWITH| REALTOR AMD ENERAL INSLIRANCE NENCASTLE PHONE 334) i.0cre form, lust pork Bowmonvile on poved reed with 70 = 30 bom; # roomed house with weter on ton, heavy wired. Asking $11,000. Terms 92-58 form with good Sire L-shoped henkbem Aarive shed, silo, gerege, weler in berr B. roomed house wit running water, hegyy wind Aeking $16,000 with $5,000 down 200-0cre DAIRY FARM, Ww poved road with 70 x 4 benkbern, -weterbowls, bulk: tank, drive shed, hen house, sin, etc; B-roomed brick house with raping weter Asking $20,000. Easy terms 274 acre DAIRY FARM vith 17 cans auote deily, BO x B80' hem with milk gq parlor. 50 cons hulktenk cooler, milking machine, ste.; 7-roomed house with modern conveniences. Asking $38, 000. Terms arranged 200-gcre DAIRY FARM with full line of machinery end milk cows, young cattle, sic As A going concern, good L - shaped ~ bankbarm me chine shed, ste; 10:-r00med brick house with all medern veniences. Asking $30, 000 with terms arranged DAIRY FARM near with 61% coms milk aueta, eoed barn with waterbowls, drive shed; 8 roomed house with furnace, running water. Asking $18, 500 with $4,500 down, leating cor Small MNestieton B0-gcre farm near Milbrosk, on paved road with goed size L-shaped bankbam, drive shed; B-reomed house with hathream and running water Asking $14,000. Terms ar ranged 135-acre farm near Lindsay, 125 acres workable land, 70' x AO" bankbarn, implement shed, hen house, ete; ' roomed brick house, Asking $18,000 with $6,000 down | 10-g¢re farm near Port Hope, with all buildings in excellent sha water in all buildings roamed brick house with all medern con veniences Asking price $30,000. Terms arranged 100-9er0 farm south Port Perry with creek, bankbarn, hen house, etc; 8.reomed house with fumaes, runnin water, Including cattle an machinery, Price § 12,900 with $2,500 down 4-reamed home with eil fur nace, small barn on 10 acres, located 9 miles from Oshs awa, Asking $6,500 with $1.500 down | 50-acre DAIRY FARM near Part Perry with geod milk Aauata, large L-shaped bank: bain, steel stanchions, waters bowls, milkhouse with bulk. cone, silo, drive shed, ele.; 8:roomed house with all med- in conveniences Asking $31,000 with terms arranged Ranch-siyle, new, 6-reomed brick bungalow with attached S9rage, wall 10 wall bead 190m Hoar cavering. bathroom fixtures colored, vanity, tiled walls beautitul fireplace Asking $17,600 with $4.000 down &-roomed brick home in Osh awa, with all made con veniences Upitairs rented tor $70 monthly Selteon tained. Asking $11,600 with $1,500 down Approved building lots an Taunton Road, Price $800 Per Donald Mountjoy MA 3.3950 Frank Hunter RA 5.3934 Lome A Peal Clarke 3231 ! i | | THINKING OF TRADING Open 9:00 AM, 10 9:00 PM FOR REAL ESTATE DON 5, SMITH Mes Fest Estgte Busnes FA B6228 FA B-4897 Ws A.) BOLAHOOD LTD Irnsewsres 167 SIMCOE § Office Hows TAM. 9PM, Yicxgry Fas Fasitsr LN 14. | ee LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOYER $10,900 4 $ix-ra0m brick home with 7648, BJ 160mE Very pee io, nd beatiflly decors oied, hes modern reemy kite chen, Qk floors throughout, Brand new forced slr @) furs neces plus meny exitres, Ime mediate ion, wher BW homer 0 WK o¥N2s" STEVENSON RD. N, d-bpdroom split |e 9 bathrooms, naturel fireplace, Everything Is done, N.HA, 5 mortgage of 5%. Askin $4,000 down, Phone for Bi Miller at RA B-5123 Lloyd Realty {Oshowe) 4d, Realtor RA B:5123 ~-- RA 8.5124 RA B:5128 WHY PAY RENT down ond $75 monthly Coll and see is one; ask 4 we [x Five Wil love this B-reom brick gorsge. Only $1000 down When yoy con wn this 6: : mom brick home Wn [Ay Ad fen i onary, WW A go5d wie 15ome, herdweed | : ond tile fioors, o) hest, close A pied for Bil Swernck sf RA Talos or 56544 or HRINL on 0 ote" list, add le e bungslow, locoied just eps ervey from Simcoe $1, 5, ond asking $11,500 now 18 inspect, Jock 399 iscotion with ely Mi sp mere pres to hops «hoo end YES, YOU Good condition, oi Funecs, BA 5-6544 or YOUR CAR? The owner of this broom, two-storey homes will teks OWNER LOOKING FOR YOU! The Buysr Yeocant, room bungalow must be sold new, Only § years eld, south sot district, Open te on offer, To inspect call An theny Sibleck now sf RA 5-664 We Speck Slavic Langueges Member of 0. PB, R, E B, = WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 nO) Simcoe 1, N, ED, DISNEY Realter--Insurance B2 SIMCOE 57, §, Roaming House == 14 rooms, god candition, Very sentral, ened industrial, $30,000, Ranch Bungalow, rooms, Extrg good. Close to schools and churches, $2,600 down, Ranch Bungalow, 10 genes. Four mites east of city, Good value of $15,500, 10 rooms, 3 apartments, good district, $13,900 with $1,500 down, Commercial, 71 x 32, close ta four corners, B:rocomed Rte, double garage, $24, NORTH-WEST AREA $1,300 down. Six-reem brick and stone bungalow. with garage, on large landscaped lot. Many extras include planter, sterms and screens, Immediate §o)seasion Re: duced 10 $13,300 full price, MONTRAVE AVENUE Look = Only $7,800 for this | Va storey, 6:r00m - home, Owner must selll Large care ner lot, double garage, This heme is value plus, See it now! Terms OWNER TRANSFERRED So you awe it to yourself te see this 3 year old brick bun: galow before you buy, The construction of this heme is excellent, Oil heating, extra large roams, all aluminum storms and screens, fenced lot, decorated, Full price re: duced to $11,800, Terms, ROGERS ST, An exceptionally fine family heme 1s this 2-sterey brick From the chestnut trim to the colored bathroom, this heme 5 a standout, Large cermer 101, hedged yard, rage, shade trees, Only 513.900 with low down payment JARVIS §T, $1,000 down one mart: 999s for balance = this 2: storey brick is open for affer, Call tonight BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY This general store is equipped with retiigemted meal coun 107, slieer, scale, cash regis tor, adding machine, pep conler and many other items, There are living quarters for owner, Full rent $860 month: iv, Can he bought for only $1,700. This u a mel op portunity! CALL RA 5.4588 TODAY! After Hours Please Call: Charles Rankine RA & Cord Ronen RA it Ken Hann ..., RA 3» iil North Section. Maedern bun: glow, Basement rage, priect condition, L000 down, South-East Section, Six rooms, hardwood floors, large lot, $9,500 full price, a ------ McQUAY & KIDD REALTORS Whithy Plazes 313 Brock St Open 9:9 Whitby MO 8-3414 Toronte EM 3:9603 $2,00 DOWN Brand new, clay brigk, 3-bed- mom bungalow, close ta schools Fastetully decor- ated, partitioned basement, colored bathroom fixtures and attached garage. Balance on one NHA morigage with easy payments, Call Mr, Parikhal for this bargain, REGISTERED LOTS Serviced and ready to build, 50' frantage ~~ $3,300.00; Q' frontage for $3,500; 00' for only $4,000, For further information call Resa Parikhal. Members of thy and Diner Real he Was Blot .,, Wes Elliott ,. RA &