ovaees 19% | GEMEMBER WHEN] ,, Wisiki ACH Fie. (AF) ' Br THE £ bid | Nu-Way Rugmen 25.72% 7% (2 wm coms ms - " Buus We miracle (eam of LB ww ; pend Toss, 54.4.5 os poke wh (hey Rafagias Top op frB rms 1 # shades (6- ont Wane [asls 64 (a win Te FenAA Witenes maw Rar Manley Cow T yen wy Iv {ashe ti id imme fhe FEOF CTW HEI" mon, 6G. sown owes might. The some Toros (eam bs Ay - u ui 4 174, (oyas fmmes Welove Rad hesw WaWy (avers ® fe wat. Row (9 Kay. Warn. swash We seras wfiey (Rey wr Ih lee wom | won etuling 10% wt he Way raed Bosion fal Brim wy (husk sem ry yA # . sg dg SELL "| FAMILY my od, Sale wie Sa' (iehge paying # fine game ft wma a a Way 124 a as 1H56 HARTA FARE 5% PRA TOF fonpontant. Payot Loi fF Vest (kak while Fim lim Anderion, Fm Ubnderson kept the winners close Jerry Birrows wih 18 ith three GE 12 points respectively wills 1: Kanniithe Flo Bothy wae (ons yA RAAT Fiat Wark ho" 3 hetive hte fot rr Rag " ne (him iA (ehge in the seems perio (6 £VER THE yi 1 Ww : game oR the Seng h of OW aia MoO 18 Ber coming (oes BAT. Fim Melo 4 it pe y Fis Barrows five wy, J eds J A i Low Rati Rowe's fone were the Kame, 9. Total 04, Fonts 16 ook NT HOCKEY LEAGUE = 7. i swizeirs KINLOCH S 1961 CARER wile Wisi pu Neth py NES ", iV 4 Hahets if. Wor: With seven sh ; VEE or p: ve fiehgr, Kintocke Mews Wear, | wih a0 cEcting, decling | they . irvmmen hemo rigm Ap 4 bron, bz, Mek nr held: 2 Sion. 2 sii, 'pois kept the Retreehment boss" ¥ Mah 7. Love Hous Movs, coped We | dame eles ots L Hog | the f re fay hon 5 pi 7, He udp er Baled, of K. Mason, M. Bryan, E. White: TEW EYER # 8 bv halftime i 3 Tota 02. Fowles 6 ot of 081 champlonstio of the | Cleaners, The new Champs EB. Frvine RRREEFTF wid vad aligns ley wna Conch Frank Yaris. | su waY TAKE LEAD / Ltd Han sbi espe are shown shove, (ohowing | Sciiegel, B. Windatt, €. Me | Kinlock's 148. B. Mehr Vhoko oy Horny Sudo Nu Way team tok over the opt ~ Ed. Kolodde mi led in the HEA guanier with IW y pn fastionabie section of Toroms. both teams Close Checking a YER » | paving very careiil hall, the FOUR FIAYERS TRADE SPORT SNAPSHOTS TWO VERrs Ren Wh APPRImEn Bugmen came owt on top 1245, BALFIMORE (AF) ~ Balti Wis wade (oF in IRErview Wt Linh nderson and Ralh Rowe more Origles Wednesday mh AHIR MAR | kecp W soit mine mints 1 top the vie traded Jicher Jerry Wa jf A d = tar In HR Jet as soon (orget Kors (otal while Roh Booth Kept and owthelder Chek Esse PLAIN ug e man vo At want to (al 10 # ithe losers ane point held by (0 Kansas City for piaher Pick BEETS SITE RSI TRE RTS oid galler from the past," Was connecting for % more points. Hall and owilicider Dick Wiki Wis Ex anition The (hres artes score read hems, I was # straight player CIGARETTES On Tuesday, the "old galler" NuWay #1, Cokes # fAesl, an Orioles spokesman) ana a 's ar Y of ey wis buried with his memories The Rugmen came owt on op said i adic derers, Fowr vesrs leter Leh By JACK BULIAYAN Labman appeared on the scene DIYers Can Match Ie Rom Consdion Press Stall Writer long with such stalwarts #s exploits and, QUE POSSI, man was with Galt, On which Y " 8, Cyclone there REVEr has BEER R EORY jou & (olal-point series 19 OF ou 're in 9 Jack Adams, Art Boss ost # obituary BRaLice was / leh bis fon Fhe y oe 4 that Frederick Tavior, Newsy Lalonde, Lester keeper who can match | ' awn. then switched Dis ale wimpy | yg' 4d olayved gos) 0d Frapk VFatnck, OReeyes meh CRVREE A diane 10 Berlin, Ont, now Kit Hugh 1ehman hag ave To Frank Magee, Rat Westwick Born in Pembroke Ok Wray. for B sididen death CHP for Vier of the Vest COR 2 i e played from 1906 1g CTEREE, TOF § § I he ¥ saver and Verey 1esuewr, Faddy Moran, tek, he Pid game pepinst the Wanderers ARENE, HH di Mais: 4 ¢ Ma { y 1827, finishing as regular gol * / Bullet Joe Malone and Harry 19. Ber ost 78 Od { Chicagn Blagk Hawks i ( Py tiack Bern lost 7 Sach 0 mitted to the Hockey Mummery, In those days play: keeper oF # EWCRgS ea en ou Ba Vie RAITILE Pi ers blithely skipped from team Hawk jeam that lost out In # ONE CUP WINNER Hell of Fame In 199% to team. They went 10 the high Stanley Cup semidngl. The 10h He went to the West Const De | at The obit lefl 3 Ereal Geri Wh) o, bidder lowing year he shared Hawk age and pupeared in the Cup [4] said abot this shy, FeUnpg 79 He wes still around when CORCHIRG Qubies with BRINEY piavolfs in 1915, 1921, 1002, 1925 who shunned pik d Stanies 4 5 Vancouy Mill year edad gu wi J lig ik Georges Vezina Babe Dye aniey 1924 3 with Yancouver Aon licity and newspap Frank Fredrickson, Dick Irvin JOB WAS DANGEROUS ies and WAS On RB WIDNEr only - § g si Hugh Tehman, # small, WI ponn" Broadbent, Frank Nigh is a wonder he lasted that "Hee Lda dy the Wes dark-complexioned (igure, was a hor, Mickey MacKay, Clint Beh: 1ong because In his heyday, as EhAINpSE felemis i Hid § hen product of #n HPFORIVONS EFR OF oqo Eddie Gerard, Bert Cor-lnow goalkeepers led a hazard: BOF8 bot, By, 1h Wh BESO ( ; pra hockey and the Stanley Cup. oo ily Couty and the three que '1ife. Playing without the five BEF It was just alter the Wn ol Boucher hrothers--George, Billy armor of the present-day net He could have Spun Yams the century when league ERam-land Frank --- were Weir minders and on the firing line of about those wild, carefree days pions from Halifax to the Yukon! prime some of the game's hardest but in his later years he hved PSY ® and Vancouver flexed thelr 3 Ishots, they alse were prime Lar: quietly In Bn Apartment In # muscles, snarled challenges at PIONEER PROS gels of (ans wha hurled empty | reigning Cup champion and Fg the younger generation the pA boitles, pieces of hoards! A large selection of "Goodwill' Re. | 1958 wl leads of doesn' heir diree I wn Hm RO, 1 A Tig Wook | i gh Bg VAUXHALL VICTOR In those days any club re have heard or read about, Bul baceo-chewing spectators perch on the let , . , plus the "Geedwill" served the night to challenge, these were the men whe laldiog on odioining snowhanks ' much in the style of the hard- the cornerstone of pro hockey le plik yg ids pid) LER AT Guarantee. Just three of the Teton COMPLETE WITH TOP LUGGAGE RACK bellied farm hoy at the countyiand the Cup other hagard: A squirt in the why vou Are In Good Hands ot Cliff Beautiful 2-tone cordava brown fair whe believes he can 88H Lehman played hard and eye at the most crucial mo y ly and pearl fawn Makes qa per: these rounds with the heavy-yorced hard and life had been ments Mills where you get the best deal in ore peer | car . Li weight prize-fighter good to him. In the off-season) Lehman and LeSueur are the a re-sonditionsd cor, NGED TEAMS OFTEN he was a road construction only men to play in two Cup AANGED era when they play superintendent a Found Pen isenies with different clubs with broke, Ont, and rose Lo be presi: in two months of Seis Ben 8 ids, When dent of & paving firm, He Be Lebueur did it in 1008 when 00 1958 i mounted on a movable hase lived to 8 life of ease five years he left Smiths Falls, Ont, de " : : when Montresl Wanderers, #80 feated hy Ouawas, to join the BUICK ROADMASTER : : Montreal AAA and the rough, The fish sold slatistics pi Lee: Sliver Joven for int Seco v - PONTIAC ais i. e 0 0 i} J B 4 # y tough, win-at-any-cost Otlawa ord hooks fell the story of gh § 5 HARDTOP. Camplalely Power oo For your old Camera (re: I} equipped including power windows and P NNE 2-DOOR HARDTOP Sliver Seven ruled the game lehman's hockey life, Few|series against Montreal Wan gordless of make or seats, Equipped with the fabulous 4 # Gc - Monduras Maraon. P t a NE medel), when you pur: l} Buick air condition: ' uros Margen. ower steering an OSHAWA BOWLING ws chase any model, power brakes, Cust dhonton ing, Luxurious in- ' om radio, egsy-eye LANIER CLASSI LEAGUE Saucy Bix 18, All-Stars 11 and Givers 10: 317); Muriel Resnik 68 (269, 331); Art terior, Costs over i" glass, A truly fine » Triple -- Failiey Bouckley 518. Vheee 16 galy one night left 0 this! Fariy B65 (36, 238) Heth Hathe 637 $7000 new. This BOF i. reser oss Oller ver 400 -- Dat Brabin 04, section. Bowlers are reminded that they | (245, 801); Lloyd Corben 638 (236, 203) Week Only 1960 OLDS OBILE ' Mavis Tayior 40. Helen Reynolds 187, | RFs to Rowl-ofl'" only IF unable to Bowl! Jim Smith 617 (318); Bill Smith Br. 613 with the club due 10 work (AR original | (236, 238); Anne Landry 610 (338, 200) klip [Fule 18 the club. Nineleen absent Bowl | Frank Johns 803 (334) and Bert Brown gre from A cb of 60 was Ihe pleture 660 (311, 300) CAMERA A ------------ DYNAMIC 88 SEDAN lust Thursdays I7 absent the previous Over WH Len Halt 366, Les Bow ers 258, Ben Brice #48, Bid Hahbs whing of" fog workers only dur: (B38, Teo Garman 46, Lil MeBaghern 1957 Power steering and brakes, custom radia, white walls, 1957 Cling the Nnal play-olis (Apr, 80 and 37) 238, Norma Bradburn 833, Gord Brows A oda as 2 BEE By FONE US must be Thursday afternoons and in! 230, Bileen Smith 238, Tois Glover 82 dq hens No. 1 and, 3 ini" aid Voom [R00 10 S00 ki aries To tun! By Alsen pinith 18, Lois Glover 3 Sparkling 2-tene finish (lvery and h a or fhe ecutive. Bowlers, | possible, | Eloi Landry 30, 216, Edna Biliott 36 o i LBERT §¥. CHURCH LEAGUE |B PEGssnt lo support your (eam ARG | Luke While 316, Bill Lack 214, Harrier MONARCH SEDAN Haven Blue) A one owner car with Al a re hash with |e SI. Weep Hie maski up org | TR08 215, Ken Tahnsan 311, George 8.000 | mil Full ¥ Have money for your guest tickets! Haines 205, Bana Bowers 304 ahd Glaria Models "800". "110A" ( original miles, Fully guaranteed § 1] takes the third hen ta the Banquet ready for April 3, Russell 200 M : Wh 86, Suckers and Invie: | Seat Team standing -- Na Idea 18, Rubhy erco - matie fra DN inleis wid chose 8 Pale | "ican ame for next week | nuine 1s Fidkeds 16 ees, Wiki | ar the new electric eye mat nsmissien, custom . ! SAVOY SEDAN on Aud hears 19, Beavars 16. [o GPR RGS AEE, HOE BER tian Beko, Winkinthables §, Gootaiss § oni || #900". radio, power steers NL ER wilig for the CRAM: wha will win the section and whe! Happy Gang § a y i i i diy HUSHEIS, wil" take second place ta he eligible thir BARNGL will be held on May 6 ing and power wT . bia : Custom radio, Fey in a beautiful ' $x 16am | GE he" OhAmpIARSAIR Lap and if von intend 10 Bring § gest brakes, Hardtop S 5 4 : 2:.tone Robin's Ech SLAPS, FRIENDLY #4 fats Bekele mush be purehased. by : chreme meulding, : . Blue, 27,000 aL nagies and | ah fn the Has Besis Spotless - : ; | i Tho two sceaich bowlers fir the 1a van iayoifs {adi Thy TOKE PARK LEAGUE : ah : A . miles mmasulate con: dies Ey p cond ta Win the High triples Cameron 6904, F : J / i$ HHO ++ vs revs ss ae French 683, NH wiliaih #88, C, Nash al hfs fhe Women 2 for the igh average will laa TE. Greats aT. Worter oi J RR (611, Florence {0 MATE Jackin With & 188 aVErage. (A Tuson 616, J. Parsan 641, E. Tham EE iader 217, NAneY |" The high double will #0 1a Laura Col: sin 33° A. Porter fel. H Fawlohauk 1 | i RE Rhtiia Har [ue lah destie wil go to | ho Carer WH, : A RST 311. Elle! Wesl he od Angie Lophy will 80 8 High single H. Parson 868, 215; / | i 4 1960 wail Marlow ef Nicholson with 308 Congratula anch #34, 3087 T, Ryan 334, £4 : § Muriel Hurst on ils enkaw bl 33, Bh lay 347. § Hy ; 3 & . 200 aml Grace pe Danguet will be held at the Glen Williams 343, |. 8 ih i J aly hol for Retarded Children on Locke 831, V. Oraduack i : A sorte bawlers iday, April 18, at 8 pom + Wil Oscar Marrisan "316 fi " % J (6 4 ERG EANT Mk MARYS 4 ; Jean Whites 813, Pe i it Iapk 3 SERGEANTS MESH LEAGUE \ an Hienkowshi 306, Olive " RA Ha TI EE A SUPER SEDAN, Shiny Ebony Black OLDSMOBILE Barnett 383, 236 ers 13) Mehinley's Operators 130 sanes 30, Cal ' : 203 (B84), | Murphy's Mechanics 117, Grant's Wire ) Milla 13, Cram finish accented 1960 CHEVROLET 230, 313: Stan Gray S24 [less LIS, Burr's Instructors 106, Welshi's wells 20. # 7. Oxfords 10. Bus RAR cur Sma kbders $4 orrawidaie's Gates tha 1, Cuber 31 god bier' 9) with white wall 2.D00R HARDTOP \ wiE handican was OUR clarmack's Loaders 8, Nichol's Total points and pindall. ta dat : ' a 00 TA TE Petes Heat Fitts [I Ait Fllegett 5 piivess 14 Thin Lhe and ses No: Taave: b tires. Low Mileage, S Biscayne Sparkling metallic Sierra 1h, Alan Venema 336, Andy HER fiples gle Fax 781 (366, Simones 60, T8815: Mills 43, 6118; Cc t di fow 234, Mark Will 231 (607), Leon 38d, S10 Jack Klapow 6608 (330, 3M, | Ciamwells 4 § Hills PAS" Yoda i : ustom radie Ne 07 06 and Bruce Hurst 7. (354): Weity Grant 807 (ALL, 07) Red an, Date" on Svan, gee Mf y only Blue finish, Spotless throughout |, , Ravi Langue Last week was Burr S85 (330, 846 3800 Belly Baekell TIM: Cuberts 54, 96331 and Hibherts gn 0 the Lemon 68% (20d, 283 317): Lerrainge Murphy 540 A W the af chy ones Are: esd (214 408, S08 Frank Grant " 4 Mani Clark 81, T1861, 310 Beh Carswell 638 (311, Fo PLASA FAMILY DOUBLES a Haight 80 asd Tuva Allman 56 1344), bey iy 11 LURE TA 1 Carl Leslie was tap howler Friday , 17 id e catiains be there be: Blew MeRiniey 639 (35915 ach Sackett night with 951 (389, 301, 363); Hen E C % ® a you have ia ese og 1 fieargy Hahiely \oighp uf Fisher TH (364. 344, 838); Jim "Magtt very ar 8 i d AF yom § and alsa, each George Fox 638 (333, B11 Nick Nichols 'son 784 (363, 2362), Helen Read 72 & = ' § 'helr place: [sal Wl} Cary Riraweil $14 (313, (348 33, MI). Hert Mewest va a : Xperience sams With them nest weeh 2140 and By Cough #5 (313, 3 38, 8 Mavis Tavlar a8 (413 C i th Ss Hikh Bngies -- Jack Audersin 357, 19011 Roilag fh he 600s Madeline A arries e All models from Strata-Chief to Parisienne, includin alesmen " i WESTMOUNT CHURCH LEAGUE Helen ARHEFIGN 24. Bub Rliegeit i Morrison 683 (388. 3:7), Howanl Read & wes In the team 300 and Loan sale 31, Lard Corson 38, BU 662° (2%. 3 Hart ery - RTH RA RR EO IE TON ¥ "GOODWILL Rardtops and station wagons. All have less than 5,0 : Eileen : miles, Coverd by G.M, Factory New Car Guarantes, Harty Bennett fd (304. MoRinley 30 Haley (an we ar a20 , 8 lex Sinciale a8 (Al), 3 EN, SRR Phillis Sis Hobbs 674 (336, 331, Jim Williams #63 Kas Bt hoaok 34-4 paints, 3.300 Ceisen 835, Mel Whale 337, 3M, Laine (36), Peggle Favie 663 (374, 314), Les Thi WwW k 0 | on Cob (307. 3 Jim | Wien 831, George Robbing 308, Jack (370) Helen Fish FE te j G t 8 LL n Ken Cob x \ iw RN ne anh WS iplen, Fishe 8 38), Au id uaran ee DISCOUNTS UP 0 Hh; ne absent, 0 Paints Taken MeKinley's Opes | [35g Morrison B17 i), as a 6. Bart's Instructors 6 Corsdn's sian Parad se BB (34d) War is Shearer 33 0 ro fray Wireless 3, foil CB and Be Tostio 00 (308 THE WM 8 points, A000 ANSGAR $16, arte drey 1] Bel Salmas ] E 3 fwdaie 2, Win Temple 36, and Laura |i iT nl N 'Goodwill" Cars Murphy 224, 3d Temple 231, 304. Perey |ivay ni Hastable' $634 teh 4 Nighols Fite Mas Ms [4 Shun 3 a BEh games NE J ie a am Rll Coivanka 368, Phyl . Wi 3 Commanders i p W Mel we Sau Mupigl Sinclair 338; Ernie Wartowdaie's Guanery i rady & Elith Ry Bill 1: one abseil, 3 peinis Playas fest week. Best of lush ') A A 2 Talph sveryane Shemilt S88, lene Whithey 85, Harry Wo Sh a hi 0 Favie (38, 38) al Mewes! Hy J . 50 LEGHAN LEAGUE Riuce Dalion 233. Stell a i { : tiene Rah Mi Pea We have 4 Rew member Wn the 3 2a Thm Rae 3 . \ 1. Mortis Lave » 3 podnts 0 IR week Hite HURRY SER 314. Edna Bake i 4 y od a Biss 310 Congratulations, 310. Denelda Wiams 310 0 pein Stuart 633 \ sell 16, Wax Heanton w ¥ FOR seth. 3 points. L700 pias WA sAlY tee Weeks Jolt 1a this seo Dickens MB. Ales Alexander \ 1 Opfuns: Madeline Gregory Mi; Javos he No Ideas aie still ia the lead 'Baris 38 and Fle Lovelock 3a { \% 10) ARS Ter 154 3 Wi Terms Lander Bas the Bigh average Poamis +» Reebees 3 Uookies & \ { + ay DO * ow 2.8 Wattles WY. § pie mobed for the ladies Low Bandits 3 Rarlenders 1: Goons 4 Ee © pointe, 38 } Landey and Herth Bathe tokas 17 Sesqusipedaliany 3 ot 230 KING ST Ww Tobin Baadingy Custer pois Hag © oul for Whe Men's High |. Raxbest & Shippers 3. Ravdeltes 4 OPEN EVENING TILL 9 . . RA 5-665 Dass, AL "Ostuns ¥ shors 3 Tiddis Winks 4 Joss 1 aml Som WU Wilae WB PA Fi $Y Net Baie Bais 0 (BL, WA, mies A Tumbies 4