The Oshawa Times, 12 Apr 1961, p. 7

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WING 420 RCAPA WELCOMES GUESTS TO ANNUAL SPRING BALL Wing 420 Evans and President Williem Evans committee Donald Winn | Mrs, Winn; Mr. T. D MLA and Mrs. Thomas or of Oshawa; Air Vi PRIOR T0 THE BALL & re ception was held in the mess hall #t Oshawa Airport, In the upper pleture standing and segled respectively are bauad ron Leader A. Jackson KCAF | Downsview and Mrs. Jas fy M ef RCAFA hall Mrs Wa chairman of the da and ana Thomas ay Mar of Pp Ys 1 hot ¥ Honorable Michael Minister of Labor {Be Lent Starr. In the lower |* Final Kent of the dance | Walt, Mrs, Jack Lee Wait, Mrs. Nelson with the | W Left to right, | son and Mr. Dongld Winn he MP Mr ire members 7 chat we AVM F Mrs com guests of honor RCAF Auxiliary Squadron Band "FABRIC TALKS" Attraction At Air Force Ball The annual spring ball of 420 Nichols, Mr. and Mrs, J Wing RCAF Association was Mr, and Mrs, J. Kasuheck held st Bt. Gregory's Auditor: Mr. and Mrs, J, Wise fum on Friday evening, April 7. and Mrs. R, Crawford, Mr Music was supplied hy 411 Mrs, ©, Poole, Mr. and RCAF Auxiliary Squadron Band |, Wakely, Mr, © from Toronto bur ng the even-\M Linder, Mr. and Mrs Flynn Mrs Lahay, MISS jife of a garment, First the type Suggested Ways To Prolong The Life Of Your Clothes By BEA BRIGHT Several factors determine the Mr and intervals does 6. of fibre or yarn used in the fah F. W. Wait and Mrs, | they are Mr. Nelson Johnson, | | Mrs. A.D. McGillivray, Mrs w ¥ John wearing a garment without hay ing it dry cleaned at regular more damage ing entertainment was supplied Belt, Mr, and Mrs. BR. W, Lit by members of the Oshawa ile, Mr, and Mrs, D. Carstairs Caledonia Pipe Band, Four wol- sr and Mrs. BR. O'Reilly, Mr formed Cadets Jubplied by theiand Mrs, B, E. Stewart, My Chadburn Aly Cadet Squadron and Mrs. W. Bagnell, Mr, and ushered and looked afler the M Mi Bowen, M registration of guests, €, Hamilton, Mr, J, Zanitsky Prior to the ball the danee! sy and Mrs. DD. Courtice, Whit committee entertained honored py: My. and Mrs, G, Gillespie guests and executive members My and Mrs. G, Jones, Mr, i of the 420 Wing Association &liwiison # cocktail party at which each "ay "i. Smith, Mr, W. Coker lady received a corsage of lpr and Mrs. O. Lodwick, Mr white carnations and Mrs. N. McRae, Mr. and Patrons of the dance were AIrivrys 1) Sandford, Mr. and Mrs Vice-Marshall ¥, Walt, national w "paseo, Mr. and Mrs, grand president of the RCAF Cummings, Mr. D. Mastin, Mr Association, and Mrs, Wall of ond Mrs Derkacz, Mr. and Ottawa (Mrs, W, Blight, Mr, and Mrs Honored guests were He rig Wart, Mr, and Mrs. A, Me Worship Mayor Thomas and jpiore Mr, T, D, Thomas MLA; the| "sry and Mrs, W, Britton, Mr Honorable Michael Starr and! 4 ves 1, MeMullen, Mr, and Mrs, Starr, 81 A Jackson (mes RR, Winfield, Mr, and Mrs liatson-officer 430 Wing, Andi" "payne, Mr, and Mrs, Reld ri. Jackson of Toronto v. and Mrs. 0, Cole, Miss V The door prize was won BY \eerington, Mr, and Mrs, A, Mr, Ted Webb, Flowers onlwest Mr, and Mrs, J, Hume the head table were won by ohuiee Mr, and Mrs, R. Bry Mrs. D, Clark, Spot dances gon "My and Mrs, N, Kennedy were won by Mrs, Carol Evans sre' and Mrs. E. P. Harding and Mr. R, Kent, Ms, Band'| "ages" kK Wallace, Mr. and ford and Mr D, Brown, Mr, B, Mrs. A. Turton, Mr, and Mrs Nichols and Miss K. Wallace. { "MeLaren. Mr. and Mrs. H Attending the ball were: Mr. Ig ohare "My, and Mrs, B, Brow and Mrs, Donald Winn, Mr, and| ot "sy and Mrs, K. Forbes Mrs. N. K. Johnston, Mr, andinee' 5 Caverley, Mr. R. Trass Mrs, G, Whithread, Mr, andar' and Mes. OC, Taite, Mr, and Mrs, G, R, Flintoff, Mr, and vie 1 MeLean Mrs, W, J, Saxby, Mr, and "ae Cand Mrs. A Mrs, D, H, Meikle, Mr, and Mrs. | 20a ares DD. Armitage BH Reid, Mr, and Mes, Anes HL Murdock, My Heaths, Mr, and Mrs, €, Cross, A" panfiold, Mr, and Mr, and Mrs, GR, Bure, Mra "Me. and Mrs. F. Jones and Mrs, W. D.Hivans, Mo andingy "and Mrs t Piold, Mr Mrs. A, Richards, Toronto and Mrs. A, L. Bilton, Rramp Mr, and Mrs. B.C Webb, qn. App "and Mrs, W, Cox, Mi Mr. and Mrs, € Lemaire, Mv. aug Mog "MoLaurin, Mr, and and Mes, J, Malel, Mr, andr nn Readi Mrs. BE. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs Wit. aud Sirs. B N. (. Briggs, Mr, and Mys Mr Nm, J WB Dawe, My. and Mrs a Mrs Rind Mr : and Mrs MeGilliveay, Mr, and Mrs w A V. 'Walker. Mi pi Mrs ¥ Jvans, Mr. and Mrs A, Green Mr. ind Mrs n Roh Usher, Mr, and Mrs, J, Van 5 Mr. ard Mya Plidush Den Berg, Mr, and Mrs erts, Mr. and Mrs, Piddue lie £ 1 Pickering; Miss J. Kennedy Nichale, Mr, and Mrs, J. Smith, Me am I Laine Mt Mr. and Mrs, P. Syperek nd Mes Moai Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark, Mr ANd Mve | ofiill, R Dray and Mrs, R, Kent, Mv, and Mrs, (RJ. Lewis and many athers W. MeCleliand, My, and Mrs, J Lee, Mr. and Mrs, W, Paterson, HOUSEHOLD HINT Mr. and Mrs. H, Ramshaw,| An old occasional table ean Mr. and Mrs, G. Channing, Mr, [be given new life as a dressing and Mrs, R. Bell, Mr, and Mrs. table with a little paint and J. Major, Mr, and Mrs, R some gay fabric for a skint Cowan, Mr, and Mrs A Frais, Mr Mr, and and My Mi nD Jackson, My Mp, and vr, and Mrs. | rie is important, Many of the| new man-mage fibres have par:| than a hundred dry cleanings Jo Aidwinelile, Womens 7a frag Wi md i les gupvnd Iafprsiomients Ayes pies (wich Editor iat RA 30058 fori mesting # the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Yer. Jom ey Wednesdoy, Apri V3, 1960 7 rod oh, ' Lower, Mrs. John Bentiey, gave PHA CLUE The regiier meshing of he Piessant Monday Aisrnoon Cll was opened with he |prrsidani Mrs. Fiwenhd Brafiey | pravifing | The roll was called by Mrs iB. G. Collie. The serighure las som was read by Mies. Baymond Diliaboneh. The saCrsiary s re port wae given by Mrs. Duncan [Wishet and the lreaswrer's re iport by Mrs. Wilham Reed | Birthday greetings were sung ih ior Mrs. Witham Yodden Readings were given by Mis. | \William Collinge and Mrs. George Whithread, Favorite WEIR SRE. 7] Mrs leaving for England received @ oft from the members of the Ld Befreshments were served by Mrs. George Tee and Mis Lioyd VPatierson SY. STEPHENS MC A specigl April mecting was held pt the home of Mrs. David Puchemin with the mothers the members wn aliendapee The meeting was opened with @ singsong of favonie hymns Miss Elsie Fice led in the ship. service Mrs Dianne {Hoskin read the Scripture les son. Miss Kay Weal read poem. The meditation was read by Mrs. Marilyn Jackson fol lowed with prayer A social evening followed imembers dramatized the Samaritan, followed hy a Bible Giz taken from different hoo of the Bible nursery Wr Fhe Good Each group acted oul RB rhyme charade Refreshments were served by the girls of the Mission Cirele The next meeting will he held at the home of Miss Kay Wallace on May 6 #1 7.80 p.m 4TH GROUP COMMITTEE The 4th Group Committee of the Girl Guide Association held its March meeting at the home of Mrs, Leslie Magee, with 21 members present Delegates were chosen for the annual convention for Girl Guide Association, to take place in Toronto, General business was dealt hymns Stanley Harrison who is "5 A fon = inrnaa Bior the way a pesiome of the Bnancial datie with WEEE of the growy EEF RA ALT RBGRIREINE WEIR FRIBPIES. Fk peat raking Wak Giamnel of for the Preshyiery Fe far IG a % pm MM BES Sadeew's Chweh on Thers home of Yew Harold Mower, day, Apri 71, #iew & wedding We King Srest Wes weegiion wn Feme Vl. Tickets SINCOK. STRIEE WA, OF [he eomea Rewer tes ot RINY THREE) gy Cheech were #iso The members of Growy Thres © 5 Vo aantion poavid of the Woman's Association of Ament with Yimene Street Unitek Church] Dh yd 26 we met #t the home of Mrs. G. W a RosiasE I SRIY son dogg Vig for refreshments were Mrs m iy A he Seo Duncan Foreman, Mrs, Samuel ARE TARRY, Naish Mrs, Russell Sprowie and Mrs, Barley Piatt The June mesting will be theld at the home of Mrs. Rich wif Bradley and refreshments ds y decided 19 order calendars fox 1902 DY WERNEES BS he ject for rong funds 1 made for the an luncheon 19 he Reid Adelaide House on Friday, May Zz, #3 J pap bbe hee iA RETARDED CHILDRENS ASSOCIATION # Pollock of radio SIRT wo the AH akan Wildren. Her Radio Siation of service 5 ENE neeting oie w ana Hs many #4 io the com hrs, Pollo essed k has been much growth and radio in spite of the ion Peaple s when it's news," whe addin can do M mentioned that he arranged station thanked Hnpr by the har Wr of tele) wel aid Ar REOND 1o0r by writing 19 the !] A. WW. Bunker Bey Mrs. Alfred Shorten reported and means com and announced new est projects for April apd ang r Pollock may mites eNng May FOR BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS Nini 40 King E. RA 5-015) ticularly good wearing qualities Fibres such as Nylon, Terylene (or Dacron), Orion and Acrilan| will certainly give you the wear ing qualities required for every day clothing, For "dress up' af fairs silk is still one of the most popular fibres The weave of a fabric also contributes to the' life of the garment, Generally, a loose ly woven fabric is more sus:| ceptible to distortion and short er wear than a fabrie which is closely woven and contains more yarns, Knitted garments will retain their shape better if they are lined The construction of the gar ment will also affect the wear:| ing qualities of a garment, Buf: ficient seam allowance (at least| W' 1s recommended) and bal: | anced and even stitehing of the [seams will contribute to a het ter made garment Beams should he properly finished to avoid fraying when the garment 16 dry cleaned or laundered We should not overlook the fil of the garment, A skimpy or tight fitting garment ean be ex pected to have a shorter life span than a properly fitted out fi Other ways to prolong the life of your clothes are by wearing arm shields, alternate your clothing each day and make sure your clothes receive the proper professional dry clean Ing and storage care | Did you know that one of the worst enemies of clothing i dirt? When bits of dirt and grime are allowed to remain in fabries these small particles of dirt will gnaw away at the fah rie yarn and reduce the life of the garment, | Research tests have proven that abrasion through wear is the biggest calise of de teriaration in fabrics, Dirt with its sharp edged particles, 1s {probably next, This shows that {elothes that are professionally dry cleaned at regular intervals {will last longer, Remember Flatter Your Spring Flelds Mr. and Mrs, A. MoKean, Mr, and Mrs. W, Stauffer, My and Mrs, V. R. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. fan Muir, Mr, and Mrs Jan Drygala, Mr. and Mrs, A Rroadbent, My, and Mrs, P Rogers, Miss D. Gilles, Mr, and Mrs. W, K. Beamish, Mr, and Mrs. A. Guan, Mr. and Mrs B. Sonley, Miss A. Graham, Miss G. Skinner, Miss M. Copp Mr. and Mrs, L, Brown, Mr |} and Mrs. BE. Knox, Mr, andi | Mrs. D. Brown, Mr, and Mrs A. Dislow, Mr, and Mrs. A Re i calla, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson Mr, and Mrs, H, Hewelt, Mr.| and Mra, A, Lockard, Mr, and Mrs. D, Townsend, Mr, and Mrs. J. Farrow, Mr. and Mrs R. Meintyre, Mr. and Mrs, G Matthews Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. G, Logan, Mrs. E, Warden, Mr, K, Bills, | Mr. and Mrs. BE. Blake, Mr. and Mrs, RB. Ripley, Mr, and Mrs Varig, Mr. and Mrs, J. Bakker phine, Enter the hig Ogilvie Contest, t's only A, Guan, Mr. other prises My. and Hurry 10 your food store to FOR LADIES ONLY! HERE'S YOUR CHANGE 10 win the frisky French car that's tumed feminine heads from coast to eoast--La Renault Dan open 10 ladies SO your chances of winning are high. Full details on packages of new Ogilvie "Stay-Fresh ow nk ake Mixes Cake Mix 60 Mr, and Mrs, J, Halve, Mn, B.| 3.00; girdle of white pawer net and satin lastex embroidered with daisies $5; in pantie girdle style, 7,00 wi LL A £4 Hy alin Tein 0litde NOTHING HAPPENING REMIND YOUR BACK .,, front-hook Daisy Fresh longline bra, smooth dipped back leaves no under clinging jersey dresses or Swealers,,, ne reaching or tugging, it's so easy fo get inte, and #0 flattering, the way it of midriff bulge, Embroidered white hroadelath and stretch Terylene leno, 34-44, B,C and Doups, $4 ll Nr i) : "py Re -- oil Many ather styles in Girdles and Bras ta sult every figure type. THE EVELYN SHOP 9 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Embroidered broadcloth bra, underarm elastic for glove-fit sides, 32-40, A, B, C cups and dots, 5, M, L, X:L, 0 -- 'NS Vd a -™) ( } ¥ in this new fastener ridge ta show slims down even a frace REG, TM RA 5.0220 HOME DAIRY NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION 16 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH THE FOOD SHOP, 41 Simcse 5. W., Oshows ond WHITEY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, fjox THURSDAY -FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS BEEY MEAT ROLLS 3, 27° a= 49 MADE WITH FRESH FROZEN CHERRIES FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS ond FLAVOR Shop of the bakery with the large variety : BACKWARD SPRING WEATHER BRINGS YOU THE GREATEST SAVINGS IN OUR HISTORY AFTER-EASTER SALE STARTING TOMORROW CONTINUING FRIDAY ~ SPORTSWEAR urs. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AND SATURDAY REDUCTIONS 0° 50° OFF REGULAR PRICES! COATS SUITS DRESSES SWEATERS SKIRTS BLOUSES SHIRTS SLIM CAR-COATS CO-ORDINATES COME IN TOMORROW AND SAVE MANY DOLLARS ON YOUR SPRING QUTFIT Select From The Largest Stock In Oshawa A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE At The Reduced Prices---All Sales Final OSHAWA SHOPPIN i} CENTRE © | SEIGNEU Th} TA I LS

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