VIEW OF PORT Hardware Store Is VeryModem Jas « as Limpies. 19 reel eH Plaza west. # Fhe Nas BN 0 that PEARY ew Fad ad Fikes nici # MA Lang TRAE a wae for a Wood 44. Th ne whieh March 1# he packed hey could n the he ne I do nave n ently Mb friends As A #8 day "Fhe Ng we men i and Dunlop Wholesale ( came Lo the store, IL topk them two weeks of fulltime work 10 arrange the Various pieces of hardware the way they are now These men travel over the coun try Arranging the goods in new ware stores. Cost of this is lit by the wholesale company and the local retailer." The Jackson and Raike store is one of six In the newly erect ed Rossiynn Shopping Plaza five of which are now open. The shopping plaza completed and opened last fall, with park: ing facilities for 150 cars COMING EVENTS on Eulalie Ave On Saturday an OY 6 pv ef in hu fallow was BINGO & nue, Th Manda ard Group) entre 8 HOME Hap Velock Smet RUMMAGE Frid H Min? United Chureh NOVEL BINGO THL BRM 6 Apri Jiance 3) if AY | ¥. { N 4 } $170 JACK] Lox ¥ NHITE EAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW WEDNESDAY, APRIL 121 Spe fra | 52 | Ia } Buys leaves Oshay erm BINCO THE AVALON THURSDAY nal APRIL 13 I MARY BINGO APRIL 12 THE GAME EACH OF $30, $40 16 | GAME $20 tr + 10 WEALTH A TH EXTI SHARE $50 Be 1 OR $1 2 CARDS FOR 28 10 CARDS FOR ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD CHILL NOT REN UNDER ADMITTED | Hie feable noang a TR IN OF ROSSLYNE SHOPVING PLAZA April Shower Dance Planned By LAY FLETCHER gy hia COMBINED ND PLAY a Lo JUNIOR GIRIS WIN TOR HR1E BA 8 & LOW mh ' thir et formed the well for ng y election en pang aw i) "4 Was i naara 5 10 il and wa cent meet and Debat discussion of Plato. Al hough thers a smaller than usual atlendance, great enthus shown hy those pres INTER-HOLUSE he Bo Inte {hall cor tition has no {pleted its {House cams | the League BASKETBALL King his 1gsket- in th had a lively philosophy hediile Was out in top ple this yea ia | Playing for this te Were |Satch Heeson, Paul Goldstein | Russ Clarke, Bill Jackson, Don Salter, Larry Jacula and Jim Burke Through m wa ent Interest in the debating club has heen slackening lately hut ti is hoped that it will he re two hard - fought'are over | 1 | Tuberculin Test | Given In Schools | Health, Vital statistics (for 8,178 visits and February only) well as 744 (262); total deaths (78); to in- deaths (six); stillbirths three and marriages (58) Primary immunizations (first figure for first quarter, 1061 second figure for 1060) January hirths infant (twa) Oshawa Public Nursing staff madi to 1881 families as visits to schools and 85% fants during the first months of 1061 A statistical, quarterly report ubmitted hy Supervisor of Pub Health Nursing Gertrude H,| Quadruple vaccine (41) Tucker, shows 5.600 students in diphtheria, pertussis and tela elementary and secondary nus Loxeid (seven), (10); diph cho WET tuberculin theria and tetanus toxoid (61) test the (72); tetanus (10), (80); small [0x vaccination (64), (182) CITY AND DISTRICT FIVE GRASS FIRES Oshawa Vivre Fighters re panded to six calls within the past: 24 hour Five calls were five and one wi the home of Norman Al hil Cromwell Ave., where averheated ail fave had ed a small Hg itl mated dama wis Th (126) ven Heal test B.8 per cent of led posi n Using \pproximatel tudents 1 reactor TENT fucken were the Live SIMPLE hi vi 1) is a aticall for Pius (The which and | tin Heal 14 imple to pani mass | d Lh nralori @ Tesearch| qe Can lah the faronto no ¢ reading + erilerion for call [E from ford in and bh k-up a that ulin test is hojx #4 (quick nt nnual ehet tuber ni cau NO reparted used a device and thus make It passin ta identify positive reactors soon KIWANIANS INVITED Frank Ba of Claremont resident of the Junior Farmers together with Hrooklin group, at luncheon of Club Tuesday mvitation to Kiwanians ta he guests at Junior Farmers' special af heing held in Brooklin thi day evening heen infected, to rh of infection ! ouree under hi of Ontario ( \nn er off roof the IS I the kl wa Kiwanis xiended an inreet ddl al Bryden We Ii test ident YiIniuoN Vision Eiven 163 examina wale Only further ited with found to have RTH referred for wer it tial glasses 1 14 students I'hur fective or 1 Har ef Ison 10 SELECT CHAIRMAN The selection of a chairman far the bullding cammittee may he made the general meeting the Oshawa branch of the Hoyal Canadian Legion this lay. This will be another in rection of a new ian Hall ted had n deficiency oe student i option, 4a foi sme ed tion to the 1841 nursin fam 1047 new visited, There were 10 new familie if HT ul Ihr 1031 mad 1 visi (ep th and nine s¢ visited 14 new pre-nalals i ar citizens were also ATTENDED ASSEMBLY Ihe Easter Provincial Assem bly of the Ontario Public Schoal Men Teacher! Federation held in Windsar April 6 and 7, was DISEASE tended by six delegates fram 1961 Oshawa and Cobourg area Representing District 6 of the OPCMTE D. Swerdfeger y| Whithy: L. Weiderick, Oshawa | Purin fanuary Februar and March ers attended th i expectant moth rst series ol aueation classes pre-nat COMMUNICABLE in the Fst 12 ea quarter al of wale communi disea were reported were Chickenpox 0d) Mum p GermaniR. Maffat, Cobourg; W. Chase TE Cobourg Courtney, Canning (nine); ton and R Whithy DAMAGE Patal was estimated il $300 when twa vehicles came] collision. on Bloar street adm (nine); dis just west of number 602 fram sanataria (aneliat 12:40 a.m. today. The driv wre (twa) Rd a vs of the vehicl Weis Hanks, 80 Eastlawn Ave | ( { held { We nd Waldan Austin Sudsbury, G02 (81); number A-rayed (161), Bloor street east, Oshawa (20) measles (40) measles (20) atl W 1 8} (41) whooping fectious ec ous fever {ane) curiet Harehay cougl and i ough and in $300 monenuclonsis (ane) \ damage (1); tuberculosis: new in ions Cases cases moved (four); sana no taria east charges Hah Gary| vived now the Easter holidays CAPSULE NEWS Wax Helps Toll Chutes BAM TON (£F) we SRY and dese Tnesley wR ls ME EASE A the Burbngion Server we BROE WR PRSRESS EE A CRIES BERR. WHT THER ii furmitune lish. On Wonday Wi maaInnes sks Rawr wier Wal Was ew FG Wer wie he KINRESI (TEs ARR KRG Rie iokene Telused to side 19 the ig 3 vs Donald Kerr and Jaenk ed WEE INA the Borah Wi & TRG 3 # swrvey of Tonalin fim | woemiad move than 18 per. cont Lore PIGREIRE 16 WOVE, WAR LA them tn the saws FOOTH DELAY ARPA VICTORIA (CF )--~Morr than W per cent oF British Colm AER FIEIRERERTY ANG AR ations. Woman collectors los] HER BTE some fon wf Rent al pris Lotiment, the wrovncat hemitht MIE RIimEnt Sih IR # Feport Vinesday. The report termed the Radence of KTM ER ERIN RRR ENR MERGER RIeH CHIECTORS FINED MNTREAL, (EF)~Twa for mer frances Cretier Bridge 19 . colieiiors were fined Tuesday" for fraud in collection of (ols Boland Bolduc wre fined $509 Wiking Gagne WI. The Jean Lesage WG ERAEK EIN Y, WEIK so # " THE WEATHER OFFICE & storm in central United Slates wilk bong rem 19 the western Lake Ene region this Kaywiks Fay WE BACK LOAN QUERKRL (CF) Premier Ran WHER He prev ncIst £ pos HAR E ad nder | oA HBETR (RaTTH Wy 1am lies wilh he manty sng i pichre pid RIRpErtiiiks will ie 2% WEATHER FORECAST ana High farmer " FV RIER PREpRERR 18 ENGIRIHA yd i " semen es. | WERE PIE IN CAVE (HEME E) beets ad by Momirest 14 / on 9 RB ih sihiest "tg ds a SEH BIW RY BUEr # he ENR wh RELY Siz Friesda from fai & Hidipis ARR A ef} 4 REEL abide ds a ASKS VIEWS WASHIBGEON (CF) United £8 16 SEEKING fing the (ai ps gov. TORONTO (CF) Forecasts ed by the weather olfice # EST En WEF RNS is Lain Wi Fr all FR SPUBETR FRE fel on Ast Wi EETHRERL IB ThE HN PLAN TH MOVE FOBRONEO (CFP)--The IE Ie Fes in Lhampain deterioration of ment said ERE IRAUSINIG) RIERE BRE Lry grt ALRITE lang on the tw Umversity of but without ars have 1014 the strucied the | Gronle pianmng hosed. Proles 19 try Trustee Objects To Board Method Mi the Suggs ted Mi her sain It is meeling 4 > RIN ERERE WHR BR J A Slorm ceiied Arkansas 18 Wensiying Having narthesstwarng with BEng rain 16 the west ake Erie region this morn nd 19 the remainder of Omanae hy this even while a mixture of rain and FERS Over central Nn FEEINS Wk lake Erne region Windsor: Cloudy, clesnng Phursday afternoon. Rain begin BE this morning, becoming and snow mixed tonight ending about noon Thurs i little lower lemperature Winds easterly 15, INCFeRsINg to 25 this morning and hecom ng northerly 25 on Thursday Eastern Lake Erie, Lake Huy Niagara, western Lake On southern Georgian Bay Yoronta, London, Ham Clear Morning Moniread LOE BRED -WRLEE FONE Fhe (0 CHV OF pEavige RB Brest YEW Foranta must realise ig Fike pel taxation pahey is ie Aepar diay i tried tg off En f VIEW DO Des it has Emihassy at REE SSATY 4 anane ITs oF bast project mher ANNE TR Sh BHLIEE naw wil Ottaw ' Hana wi noviher BERN Lern am ang day he woman trustee on Oshawa's Separate School Board drs. W. Clarke, blasted fellow members Tuesday night for ap room addition for ot. Christopher's Bchool aller she had left a special Mar. 28 Bchool Board meeting 10 rep resent the hoard at an Oshawa Planning Board Meeting "I don't object to the six FNOmS emphasized Mpg. "Now we plan 10 use three oi Clarke, "only the method." four rooms for the bilingual Mrs, Clarke said the Mar, 28| classes meeting: was called to "final-|, What was the hurry in voting ize four-room addition plans, fOr Six rooms? he was asked "I felt there was something] "Well there was some urg wrong at the meeting,' she told) ency nn gelling plans approved The Times today. I could tell 8nd arranging for a debenture April 11 from the conversation issue," explained Mr. Meagher | "The services I had to leave at 7:80 for the The hoard last night passed a by Rev. 8. ( planning hoard but | told them |P¥iaw for a $120,000 debenture! ister of nefare | left if there was any 9sue for the addition Chureh vole coming up I wanted to he| Mr Meagher complained thal Lawn Cemetery told, Nobody said anything] The Times has continually mis: The pallbearers were H and 1 left, Then they threw out|represented the bilingual schools Searle, W. Sutherland, A, King, the whole agenda, voted for alidea hy calling them French R, Kirby, T. Thurston and P six-room addition and did every svhools Lalinktely wok § , Furey thing that was not « 0 1ey are definitely not French : sa . Hung hat was not on te a shoals," stressed hy the hoard NELSON SYLVERTER SHAW Last night, Mrs. Clarke told chairman, "Our bilingual school, BELLEVILLE = Biricke nl the members she, "left here inde has heen approved hy the With a heart seizure, Nelson Syl good faith to represent vou at|Ontario Department of Educa. Vester Shaw, RR 4 penevile, another meeting. and look what Hon died sud nly at his home oni happened!" Mr. Meagher explained a hi-|Baturday » | Trustee Peter Kent said he he-|lingual school this way: Grades, He was born at Point Anne, ieved "they had it all planned."|{!, # and § ave conducted com " years. ago, being the son of Mrs. Clarke complained that/Pletely in French; Grades 4, § the late Mi And Mrs, William two weeks hefore (on Mar, 15) al@nd 6 embrace the period in Shaw and had resided in the necial meeting agenda was Which the pupils work up to|cemmunity all of his life, where| thrown out because "one word English; and Grades 7 and § he was well known and highly ane Ligrke had gone when a8 made, admit But it or En Lion wi on Meagher io si was Larne he regions Hon his choice iy Proving a six true Was that the in Mar. 28 Called approvi a four-room addition," he add ed, "hut the idea of a six-room addition was a solution 19 the problem heginning OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF CECIL, JOHN FLEW The memorial service for Cecil John Flett, who died at lgs Oshawa General last Sunday in his th year, was held at the Armstrong Fu neral Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Hain were conducted H. Atkinson, min- Albert Street United Interment was in Mount ! I a He He would nat say defeinitely in Maunt| Gregory's On a Laxative Merry:GosRound? 1H] | 3 respected p yg N are 100 nt Englis I Yaa iy Wig and It was held, il a per cont Bnglish He was a member of Calvary | Bd All agenda Temple and is survived hy his Something we could do with wife, the former Annie Clark around here suggested Mrs t 2 & Op : | al Clarke, is better code of aren S S one son, Cecil Shaw of Oshawai othiy (three daughters, Mrs, Stanley : [(Kathleen) Pack of Belleville On Mar hoard trustees u (3 le nN f produced a Bh tie vate on thel 1X G Mra ilearge (Wivia) Lobb o contentious bilingual school is! Cannifion, Miss Thelma Shaw of ii Ll bh ; Peterborough Board Chairman Frank Meag-| Letters fram the Bt, Gregory's I Two hrothers, Joho Bhaw ol her cast the deciding vote | Parent Teacher Association) Weel (Merson Rhaw 0f SIah: ey | the deciding vote, in the ; awa and two sisters, Mrs, Irene| negative, throwing out the idea #nd Mr. and Mrs, Gordon J Singer of Oshawa and Mrs. | of building a four-raom bilingual Pignem calling for a fire es N ov. Jul fF, tnal | school &ape on the Whig end " Si an! y Juby of 'toronto also sur | 5 " R " tregory's Aehool were read to J ave later, wht ihe board the Oshawa Separate Rehaol Also surviving ave 17 grand: A t an ® Board Tuesday night children and 23 great grand: faour-ronm Bt Christopher's In ter Iett M n children hpidan, . er letler 1] 1gnem 1, School addition, someone sug who is alse president of the Si I'he funeral service was held gested a six-room addition and! le Taft from the Thompse Funeral that the bilingual classes hel Gregory's PTA; claimed the sit. Hom a mpRen re honed thee: : uation"has been present for Chapel at 8:80 p.m, Monday, ars! x a ) J April 10, followed by interme You can say it was my sug. Yo na fire escape on the Bb Ww i" 4 by interment tion. mine and Mr. Rudka's' | Vest wing and the windows are) in Helleville Cemetery, Rey J ¢ MR ravere Y wweens, shellaurie Price conduete Py: | (another trustee) said My. Meag sav red with heavy screens, she 4 ee conducted the sery her today A 4 Mrs, Dignem has one | ) \ at st Gay and We athe RA Lo JR [] children now in high school, who! gh BLS phi AG Ihe funeral service for Fran an enin attended §t, Gregary's fillis 09 4 any At . els M. Williams, 23 Westmore: I'here ave twa upstairs elass i a i x and avenue, who died at the rooms in the west wing. And . : al las { d P [iNore 18 4 Tire evoane on The Oshawa General Hospital last) un e ar (Hele 2 § WA Aaturday, was held in Christ east end af fhe school Memarial Anglican Chureh at! Plans for the opening day Property committee ehaivman a" wm Puesday April 11, program on June 10 were dis (sald fire precautions at the" piesorvice Which was large: | cussed at a meeting of the|Scheal are "under consideration ly attended, was conducted hy Rundle Park Neighborhood A hie ume Tr frank Lhe Venerable Archdeacon H,| Association M i a a | J " a Y Trak D, Cleyerdan, Assisting in the | The opening ceremony will he| Measher said iaday that Welsapvice wore Rev, William | \ pa) {matter was included in the 1061] | held at 2 p.m, The program will Budset and. something witl bo Goodswan and Rey, Ronald] include home baking, fish pond | jal A samething Ww ®Stubley, of Glen Williams, The | and ather boaths as well as al" 4 chaiy of the Shure, in which My. | tea voom, talent shaw and five: or ihor | Ab > | Williams had sung for many) works A Bi es0ape would he vaars lod in the singing of the a 1 \ canvass of the area for| Phe SI. Gregory's PTA, re i nt was 4 wid i n ° © members will start in the near presenting aver 200 - pavents Lawn Cemetery future, It was announced complained that there is 'no The pallbearers were Gren | means of escape from - elass:| ile Williams, Ivan Locke, Wil rooms on the second flay [liam Hooey, Ron Howell, Char: ADS ASSISTED lang overdue at 84105 Cooper and Clive Williams, | sald the PTA Ty CHINESE DANCERS Trustee IL, G. Hughes com plained that the "remarks are al fied 1 Ne derogatory ta the hoard" : ans ied ads hn New 'Why hasn't the five depart TAKE NR TONIGHT... ark \0se anguage . : | ment ever told us anything TOMOR newspapers secured ariental fy rang? "he "asked For over se naw AY \ dancers far the famaus mu "The taxpayers have no vight Bag Ba i a MERE 4 al Whiter for "Flower 1a tell us the place is in de. Pleasant, etfeclive avernight relief. Neo um Song Oshawa Wanted ers YW That's Fesliessness, na sudden necessity. A des |plorable shape, It isn't. That's ¥ Times "Help \ hat gots ie ; \ pendadie FE gb ads get the work: | "If the taxpavers have heen ! \ \ you wand whether wn: {to the five department with theiy Helps you usual ar rouling. Dial RA loampla nt. why haven't. they fool hatter ys, 3482 no wia start yours (fire inspectors) informed wus? and ok better! "We've heard nothing" | HEGUAAR + CHOCOUATE COATED + ANION | Rain Predicted Later Today hecoming cloudy | Hospital| Fifwai g k | We movmal theowghowt. (odey letore the same MARR E Wits the province Tharsdey ~F Wireghots BOARD CHAIRMAN Harry B. Deymen, of Co aon atlerney for the United Counties of Durham and this afiernoon, rR Witle lemperatnre. Winds Bet COMIRE cpsterty 9 tn 25 piternoon and Bort h ery Fhusrsday Eastern Lake Omang, Hah rion regions: Clear, hecoming cloudy by late piternoon. Rain PEEING his eVEMRE, hecom Ing rain and show mised late to night and clearing Thursday ey emng. Mild today, cooler Thurs day. Winds Bght becoming east erly 20 19 25 late this afternoon and northerly 25 Thursday Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk land Lake, southeastern White Biver, eastern Timmins Kapus kasing regions, North Bay, Bud bury: Increasing cloudiness 19 day, Bain or snow heginning this afternoon or evening | Thursday cloudy with snowfiur- nes, clearing in the afternoon Mild today, colder Thursday. Winds light, becoming easterly 15 to 25 this afternoon end! northerly 20 to 25 Thursday Northern White River, west ern Timmins Kapuskasing dames Bay regions: Cloudy with snow clearing this evening Mainly sunny Thursday. Cooler Winds northerly 15 to 25 today, easterly 15 to 25 Thursday. Forecast tem Low tonight, high Thursday: Windsor ,vieevesere B12 40 Bt, Thomas srsrs0es 8 4 London ¢:rrevereees 4h KIENENEE 1rrrrrens 40 Wingham ah Hamilton ,, 42 Bt, Catharines 4 Taronto 42 Oromia seereeeeses 4 Peterhorough 42 Trenton sive 41 Killaloe ,,000¢ EL] Muskoka kL North Bay , Ba Sudbury +, LY] Eariton ,,.., KV] Kapuskasing reeves ih White River , HV] Monsonee Ld thi yo ralures reese XI i111} reer Oshawa's Busiest Real Estate Firm BA 6:5 103 LY voi thwinheriand, has heen elect £4 chatiman of the Cobourg and instries High Schook Boers PIMPLES Faiy sin Wemigher pn las wv hoky Baiting, Risin ss. Rak Biwi Waiorhg Buty Aili e bs WF RIF RAH KERTER by WEXIH emia. 1, JH HR BhiaE. Ail > 5k was ih Alles Vi Lat, KIRETRE. REE Fok REVEEIS. Ihr yd WRIA i sdinkid REAR soap, REViigi Ne oF Bin, Laon better 1 EGG3~ PENSIVE TIME OF THE YEAR! IF OVERPRODUCTION IS YOUR PROBLEM, BEE SEABOARD ,,, CASH LOANS $50 10 $5,000 SEABOARD FINANGE COMPANY 29a SIMCOE §T, §. OSHAWA RA 8-6283 Emad Salas wag THE SSH bw bh TiS, | Wednesday, fort VE, 1960 3 FIEsy WEE The firs wwe Ww he he 5 Son Hop Ws wm Cretion PREFASTED Wallpaper # COLORS, CLEARING, ROLL WALKERS Misses SKIRTS £ y Sik W > ' (> WFECIpL BOND CLOTHES MEN'S ALL WEATHER TOP COATS WECIAL 19.96 FEATURE ZELLER'S LTD, SLEEPING BAGS 100% Nylon Weter re- pellant Reg, 10.99 1.17 MAHER SHOES Children's Black Potent SHOES BY SAVAGE Reg, 6.50 SPECIAL 3.99 COLES BOOK STORE All books reduced to Va of the Sale Price, COMPLETE CLEARANCE Tif LOOK Fk owl S*WED AM. => 2 PN IPIITIE = rien STORE LOCATION WANTED for the "Young Folks Shops" Canada's largest chain of Children's Wear stores requires a new lecation for it's shep in Oshawa, Our lease is expiring sharty in aur present lacation Please address all inquiries directly ta our head office 85 Eglintan Square, Scarbaraugh, Ont, All replies will be held in strict eonfidence Notice is hereby given to all dog owners that City by-laws shall be prohibited from running at large in the City o mmf TONITE'S T 6:30 TILL MIDNIGHT OVER CKLB OSHAWA KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION HE NITE OF OSHAWA NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS DOGS NOT PERMITTED TO RUN AT LARGE ALL DOGS IN THE CITY MUST BE LICENSED provide that dogs Oshawa, unless restrained by a leash, from April 1st to September 30th, 1961, By-law 2365, as amended, requires that the 1961 licences must be purs Dogs not carrying 1961 licences are being cons chased by February 1st sidered as stray dogs and impounded 48 hours are being destroyed Impounded dogs nat claimed within Avaid having your dog picked up and possibly destroyed by purchasing your licence without delay if you have not already dene so Complaints of dogs running at large and the large number of unlicensed dogs seen require rigid enforcement of the provisions ef the by-laws and the Dog Control Officer has been given instructions accordingly, Dated at Oshawa this 2 2th day of March, 1961, ALBERT V, WALKER, Alderman, City Property, Fira Protection and Chaiv \, { wipese €