The Oshawa Times, 12 Apr 1961, p. 22

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ALE 3 ot BEN 2 THE BGs pp Vil. Wadwardey, Fgh 18, 1987 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Coll the Bivacy Ciaenitiah Mamas RA 3-3492 J TF ravters Crp Summer Properties for Sele or Rent SRF IIR Articles Wented TER TH MY ' SUPERIOR APP IAN 145 KING 57 RA B-4401 O 1--Wamen's Column OPEEIALS Bes mane] we J ' FERME for § WES i A Bing Fs J 2---Persanal nnn TTT RI YERANSPORTIATIN f) ANYERTIBLE Fisherman B 3 Pets & Livestock BATHING BABRKIIS 1 ani poses. 1 §---Farmers Column LER HA NEAR 0a Phone i Margwill Fur 6 Auction AUCTION SAL HOUSE H( MR 14 APRI T---Trailers TRAVEL i L138} Rew IA REY hocks $5 OL 536 A M. GREENBERG TH 13 VARIETY Business Opportunities 4 fmployment Wanted FOsivion nie # i I FELIAKLY ol i ¥ dubis FHPIAYMENT WANTER I 16--Female Help Wanted HOESEREE REX Whithy hame, i I Velepha as CASHIER WEEKLY WAIIRES i HOUSEWIVES 17--Male Help Wanted WAINTENANGY VT mate Welp Wonted 5 0 sink we pore wy WE wir Ro # PEIN wf Brg PR ny LE Bish FIRET (wr yd Ean i dd idan cad oh " Eat a 4 agp ie dred MEG SMEN AND IA SALE I18---Male or Female Help $ Wented LOPE jen THEE ERAINY 20---Reom and Bogrd NEA 4 pi RIFLES W iw BOARR, RANW 22---F5are Specs & Gorages | REY » TT eh ne Vi OFFICH FOR Tris SPACE | APARTMENT RENT THE TIM BUILDING Phone RA 3-3474 23--Wanted ta Rent FRECETIVE and fa 24---Houses for Rent MODERN Fit APARTMENTS IA FAM APRLY 338 KING ST. | INE AND TWO BEDROOM Building Trades APARTMENTS LA SALLE Cf Phone RA 5.38158 or RA 8 6485 ONE MONTH FREE RENT h RA 8-8676 ADELAIDE TERRACH REALTY SIN Ham Hata PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent LLIB RY § on JURT isis hermes FH adie kunt of ar H aidd dad Froow ll at aL pte FEE IRE IRR i FISHERY PIE OP - #54 Lindi FRB Ry ing oF cd aed hy SE ol FEV rie Wi ivy ows, jensen FTI ad, EI Fmegnone ait WE (5% 1 RE AY SHAE FREE. BF GOT PN ua HE Busy eae . Ag Hong Bem Yi iad 4 gud (1s HE Bris oy Fmeghmin fj yo ete tai ll oa rps pera a upg Dh FT poi pant i uch a YR Pain Binns bon, RE G5# FRBEF AGTH esr 3 ot snmrt AER J PARE, BRE SOE. HG Res Rey gk Reg GRE RET. 5 Pe PRE mene RE RE H PARTE foiiging ea. THRE SEERA. Rig OF fovea Bins AE CHA, et eny oF gw rau HAA GE fiey # Rest Darin Rok. RA § hs Ate. bb Fats bor Rent 35--Agts & Fiore tor Rent Foote & Pots Vor Rem 25--hyts & Fats for Rams B5--ngts. & Fats bor Rent 15-- pots 4 fois tor Romy RAFPRRIPRPET Sve romw A BE, Bi may fy] ad os #7 dans aim io (Wy willie. RE 57664 FREAR room Lp lA Lori iw FBC mowed . pv A Sloan, deve, § whom Cd #, Y PRARIBWOR wo cud aiid gid A BIN E FR a y FON war BE Fey warps BE PETER, fewied. me di ed 4 i § NES RVICE DIRECT ORY Rurding Trndas FIFReE mw ' AALHRIGIES (BR. do nbd oo add VALE FRI AOIER. BEST FIN. WEY FRITN RiP WY FRAP RITA Architects AEN Avie Farts Apts. & Flats for Rent FFIOTS WESTER Barristers BAILEN 0b} REF) FRIGHTENS. FRASER. NEFNA NIH JAMES A. MprBb pln HE EN } AFI Building Materials snd BASTIEN HIMPHBLY BO¥IEHYYN JOHN A CAMERDY f i GREER snd BELLY Boats Bookkeeping HAPELHOLMAI SO0KEERES AE TA | 5( McCULLOUGH BLDG, SUPPLIES EA B 468% TREE] 1270 SIMCOE &T. MN 2953 win ) k RA Cartage INN'S Moving and Wilh Heasunahle all Kinds ULL ¥ HANTING J 4 RIT din enian a Bressmaking AMTERATIONS of Kiteher 15 (apd. Best as O00 1 all Kinds for children. Formal dee men panship: bn | FAVESTROVGHING ang IE iE BhiFES 4 & i RE J EANMA KING anil Hmates. BA Gy ffl Wig BA B-Ba6e flashing i Wh \ alterations fully # anieed. | Weal Whig pies ALTERATIONS af ) amen ans Himales ee Hove all Kinds far men Farmal dresses AY HA Sd and gravel wr |] AND H ile vhiris--a nei FURRIER and DRESSMAKER | | Remove '] LIFF BROWN Low | AVEL & SAND 14 Row A ACK LOAM ; t 'Bakice Fuel and Wood 3 HARBWOON RA 8-8951 HA § 3 if FOR FREY STREET Telephone TOASTER AND IRON Furniture Rep REPAIRS Asking Fienel FRANK MEACHER APPLIANCES MCOI ! £ ARI Spring Clean-Up Repair Gardening and Supplies THING OSHAWA HC MI LANDSCAP ING eX Je RA 8.6366 Gardening and Supplies ROVETRP man FERIRR ENE # for pir Ls] oh Pink grow i Prey siepne BA BEE FEN PEY PORE FH HEE Pew rps ik KE G4 Ld rh foi Arsh ii IRE PRES a Ra ie OWI TOM ING SERVICE 7 FERN PA JING RA 3.780% LANDSCAPE Holland Landscaping Up TECH ve ling mer gels co ean & Acenrding £ and huydge! ryice eal 1/443 Hairdressing CURTOM peirman distinetive hal § RA S012 Huyek's 11 Band West alan with JING An Ii TR BEAUTY Fustamers i il SHIRE BI #1000 siead nadern ) nef chines dil 0 f Imes Instruction HARVEY NANCE ACARENY -- Balan si, Royal Academ Ballet, High dR TT 14 King Weal i ! FILIAN MAE MARSH faneing schanl, hallel, tap fRarseie) Temple, KA 4 student pnunseling v8: hy IRleFViEw onl hate, pre-sehnnl (I PRIVAFY teacher ' Hab { Aol ne Insurance ALISTATE Ault Insurance | per cent, sia months vies oa Save ip mm Pui hams, eal RA § ALTO INSURANCE It | are a ave $ lI 7) than garaiul $10 driver $18 or ance or Preferred ale this af 20% the augh Half-year payments mpare Deller Arivers enjay lowest Ontaria is taday and nple CHOFIELD INS ASSOCIATE Wie free parkis Personal Service y XXX ¥ [) KRXXY XX XX LEE XNENN XEXRkY x EXAXNNXY NXNN NNN NN ANN NAY | MOUNTAIN OF | DEBTS? FM OFF MIN WITH A SAT LIENS REN SNK EENERREY EEE EENY PAY aw LOAN [HE BANK Of NOVA SCOTIA Money to Loan fy aime Ws 5 A \ FANN Finanace 9 Bai. RA Sa RRIBEINE and decor aling EXVERT painting hy Falen, depending roam see dance edueatar, | anteed i Wrighy (PROFESSION A} i ealimales PEOPLE wha need your ORONO 1782 Money to Loon EVRERTN money In fan on Bos mo GHaE - KOVIGREE FHA BRIERE. Bf dads a at Le Ld #77 en / ad Proves, Wronew md Woy os NEVE ents' mower rill idl lo ld na Hew beer of ry # ' 7 Kone Bors MONEY T0 LOAN Fowiang add Er yy Martgages FIRRY #68 2810 PEIERIRERLS WOTERS FEA HER Kirk i 5 add id whl Boldin g RA 5.6544 BOLAHOOD Fen HW J9G8 MORTGAGE Mone oy Available F In sun Your Budget ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY Nursing Services INRDIVRUAL cave for each. persan In WAR RRs pf Bshawe. BY sipervised IRAIITIER Invited, ieasanahis ilies. KA ¥ 2440 Optometrists F BICHARD BIAUE Bactey of aml he Faminingtinon nl eyes CARIAEE lenses. 136 Bimene Nook al Calkorne. Evenings By appointment A Jig EW TUCK, BO: optometrist. please URY BEERUBIE #1 dawntawn Daminien Bank or 74 Burk Bireel. invalids es pinined at hams hil HA BAak7 Painting and Decorating FAINTING pnd cheppest anid he st BURTON] AEERrainig, Far the Ielephane BA 5-77 B satisfied! High guality | 10y fiee eal: | mates vall RA 3.2077 Pon, Beasonahls | Wark ghia RA 3.385% painter apd pane | BUAranieed work and jnaterials Al Coney. RA 0086. | serves Are Dial BA §-3070 om Anges eading Classified right now his ready-made business FA403 Inday 10 slart your low east ad PODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON &7 WHITRY DAYS MO 8-523) NIGHTS RA 8.7434 SANDALWOOD PAINTERS Interiar Ex Paper Hanging OSHAWA, RA 8:1347 AJAX WH 2 4085 1eriar EYER PAN Da #0 B30 a adn HE) SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPP ER REPLACED en ! wits half HA Niraeiy, all ny Wi Bimens North jthen gas ment and hg Chels Complets enewed I hulle GILLARDS LEANN SERVICE RA § LTR 1555 TRY QUI B-QUED CHICKEN plate BAR Chigke MOLE WE DELIVER [Plumbing and Heating BEATTY B APPLIANCES Y lt PLUMB? HEA TING Pay or Night ive § RE Beane; fava a NE 1oent Bri dias diss Me WEACRE Pes dh wR eh ; ad hoi i a EI Rug--\pholstary Service EREBTERFI ING pif WA rheiey 1 $ikR 81 (he hesi 167 lope ed du IAAEIIRE, HE Bw WA S065 tov # Pree # BE AY KIRA TERY a He pest fav lose. W PEELE sslarf.eihs (ALB 2 HHRE oy Enis Free som er me. RA 50008 EWESTEREVEIRE 1x iihoteiared sok wen Fi FERRE BEE BH AE & Jiwion 1 phmieiering, of. BA FTHE ad idle # #7 Tee Solio BESHIR B55 BF RINE Hewana 1 phmsiery net Went. BW BA hn Bond § 5 oF rae o "hw shesiing 7 Bysness Op Eigesilinh. Boom 10 e # iE HErsd fms £5red SEGERS UPHOLSTERY al KA 5.748 SE CHESTERFIELDS CLEAMED 5 : 87 ne Pian of ne ime of Rug Clesning NUWAY -- RA § A468) Tn ---- Mationel Surveyors RANEY AN FLEISHMAN, fine cammersial wus Stiegl Eat BA AND 13 Winns IM ANI TRALIARE: WIVES REs, R18 Adeibide AVERNe hone BA Hoi GF HORTON snd ASBOCIATES. Na arin Land Burvesers, Pinfessionsl Ene VE 06 Dinas Wess Whiths, 00 § 30d Ainy niarin Sireet TV » Radio Repairs (2) RAIA ear Fania A f Wh "s 470 (Fred) IRIE whe h 11] Init Avenue SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT I BAY OR NIGHT! IY. and RARIO CALI RA B-5286 All Wark uaranieed §) HA WA ELECTRONICS PO IT NOW Install hen AX Spalding Tower in 3:01, hy 4:0, con Erete hase, with Liewn ieier and anienneg plus channel 9 rag Or TIME |} EXPERT TELE PREFER SERVICE Len and Lou's ity T.V, WRYE 7844 SAMSON T.V, TOWERS RA 8.8160 OSHAWA T.V, 161 GIBBONS ST GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached 10 a A TARLIGHT TOWER and u'll have hest YOu 1510N FREE RA 5 he THAT TURE CLEAR NOW! w aluminized picture stalled by expert TV ehnicians,, and you'll have the finest, Modest prices all ua t service R.1.O TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8.6781 Well' Drilling: Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE 30" Vile ONTARIO MO 8-3809 Aa TNUT ST. W TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING ' HR in WHITAY MO 8.2563 4 CHE - nd Repent OR WORK > RA 8.3864 COMPRE

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