JNO DASEOALL THE CSHAW SE TIWES, Welnedey, Api 13, 1961 19 WATE WEF TERE p WINE FATES Ball ers SAN JUAN. PR. (AP-Aaie FORTY EROE (CF) ~ Wateh Waner Warm, EO eERer HGH, # Wty filly wes i» he Fert Won, fone worth rime ing ponies (or We $0500 (air Will T Wimeiar Dratentiier of Canide figw Gabs wl he 56.609 a Sok aes Pt, ooh rd i Purge #4 Be For Ene farmations! | asgwe meg fe We might for #5. Bont miss ont on he ROR E sox am sfics of The Sen foam forsiey Clay Tieotey Wateh Ng Wir Reali. Fiay (6 RARE (8 # (6a. Te AoWR #0. Mavis swift Taeshay, The uh (0, swses vy Nios (Noe Sem is he [eon We evening 7 SI yas moved Weve from Wao seomg of Tonos. was (he (avd The Canadian [agow. soon FM, FO GREENE #08 COT Surng he winter. Toros es winner of (We aftariom (or irk SORE FIRE Pomel. iw Cot TOWIEE. (OMEN. #Ak. WIL SI 1s @ memiver of fe (eRgme. Vomviing foctiey Wags THitlaeh The evemng wil he Aevsied 15 fe SERRE of rowsessive PIRGRTE (0 sawing (eagies Fn) faRmE, (VG RIP IE (WE 1300 #F Rashi/aeh symm of Wagar ARE CRORES (TFIWE (0 RARE fet om # Wall Mamonk he figs ay oe « imatandk of faiioms gang mit (4) re A. AE 4 for ie (RGR, BRE FETRGHE IRA RY ERGY BORE Sverionnes, 7» BOGE I (RETR CRT WB ARAET AGH fo he f.e gion Hall ow Canton) stress, #6 8.90 tomaht. Yom will RIE 3% SOPwiamty (9 mest Jor (aaah s. find mw what the SAE 16. AR BE ARETE wfier (he ogmnes have fakes UNION ROD AND GUN CLUB OFFICERS READY FOR BIG SEASON == | Emer zinment wil consist ofl The 1965 rast wow | ae (ont row, Robert Mid- | presiden form Failieif, | Bartohorne. |r ee Frawk { ment: Clasence Willer. tive 0s on Dasehell wn genersl.! Rod and fw lb is Seton. prowenty. Rey Flew aang and Bill Weleh, secre Frierson. IRermhersmg. Fim far Fail Branton. FRoBGRE ind ROT RF IF PREC wy Willimms prope San Hordes wpe ty and These fims wit ge fellows # hove. of ¢ A y ing pert : Fl Tae # EPReH HORREE | Iam Richaerfonm, Ewer Jack Camm, IIHstRR WELLer WROCTHARONE oF ARGY WE RERIIREION,. AR TEA VIR Hon By Re way, tht helps # Ahm, the Kistler whe made Watory with the wow fimous Private Stock, his done it sgatn! Custom Blend, at » moderate price, created we aiities to play the spor . . STARS [roc ias io ploy te t u e5 This promises fn he » good YRRT [AF WRGF RRcensil IR #h6 eC ! Nica 1 Y A THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Od Ouhane. Af efforts have especially for the Ontario taste, dry Ramos Mine Ren made, And Rie COMME : M West time you wy, try mellow enstom blended io be made in the direction of we 8 i WIRE IRRITE expansion. The pwrpese behing 111 Presents Problem i i, 48 ia oor Ona go we, | Gil Sri stl, hadoome fuk bore y Yo Yankees, WAlEINE clay 3 rem A ; man sod sok aii LIers BR _EFenter Chace (9 : in 15 ounce snd 12 ounce sizes, snd you'll agree, MiRy » grepter smownt of hall Br WM. McINTYRE HOoOow efised 1a aliow cx of their castle) and (6. Wiliams (Swan: meet he Spwie. In eHRes ' Wiking Ved Kimewshic Lop Adams has done it agin} Fpecial London, Fngland Hare (9 play [or Scotland in AR sew) He ERRiNY Ke Whalen Fie Angels. drove wn five REMEMBER WHEN? 'e Carrespondent Lernationsl game. Wit» Lis noteworthy that AIsengl VERE Woe i y - : ith oir of homers in By THE CANADIAN PRESS To The Oshawe Times allow town withers 19 play Io o y both goslkeepers, Kel hein $ CFR #VES this com y 0 aihats 0B 13 Manager Jack Adems of De LONDON Fhe one-sided ERgiand hey Toa Wales and ry A il : WHEY wietory Baltimore Onieles. trot Red Wings was suspended palure of he Jk wher Eny ry Mr nd. (or DBortkh- SLaGm Wows 5 m é indefinitely by president Frank English clubs Loy Rie REE FEAMA PICKS » mo Lrela y have - ert RR Heh oH he wid LEADS THE LEME Calder of the Bationsl Hockey their players th psy for Eng 4 4 ell Lai 4 v i Mel re of Totienham Wi y A : League and Bed Wing vlevers| Iand th - iniernationsl games, AME BFE $l y RIHRONER oo y A MONTREAL, (CF )--AKRM Eddie Wares and Don Grosse but MAY relesse them pla IRELAND Mel letiang (A ) Wh § § game . Abe 8 af whe EER anadiens Jean Bell- were fined $100 each 19 years for Scotland, lreland or Ws enel); Beh (Rewcastie) wie first p 4 a Alig A } RH FRHEE 10 Be gil in age today following a fistic as BEAN Wn the forefre Elder (Burnley), B an Wiows ¥raditionaly £ ghish 4 wry danidsss 4 A 4 I Back alt on referee Mel Harwood soccer news. Everton have re. (Spurs). CHRmngnam (Enferm we cham i the Eng hug phi id ad | h al playntl series during the fourth game of [hel used 10 allow outside PIE BE and Peacock (LEIBEY; hs b 5 PIay } 4 4 4 PRITTRIICTT SMF BN FIRER pwKE, Taronta Detroit Stanley Cup) Billy Bingham to play (or North Siew gil 1 whieid), Dovg Foothall : ; A Ba eres, Adams was pit Mts) ern Ireland against Wales, and (BIackhuin), McAdams (Bol Charity Shield. With the a i ob i Hy Mendis pace he Nas hefore the pest season opened Rey Vernon, side forward, | ni. Meliroy, (Burnley) #64 § y that Tottenham may win atists 1 ! ! YERIE W Fhe pilotiess Wings lost the play for Wale 0 the same McParland (Aston Villa) both of these honars, some pew "7% 8 " Fon the cup of fray R : SRTIF malch. The only reason | ha WALES Kelsey (Arsenal). aUEHMENL RY WE REERESATY fo ld " . W gb ! SCAVINE ana en they have » [nendl match 8, Wiliams (West Bromwich) the Chanty Shes Maleh. ne a MI H FPP . / ay pe i i y yolt f SERINSL Lhe Bangu team of and Hopkins (Tolienham) probably is thal bpurs ma (he ik p SL 21a f p yh FREE f : y hi a i Feht shots gnd stole the hall Brazil on the same date as the Charles ( Arsenal) Nir se he asked to play against an ail: tHE SEMITIRg), RHEE & Vl GERW, SISte or rp Ie wa ne requently as the Celtics won Ireland-Wales internationgl (Swansea) and Crowe (Aston England or English league team ie of Celtic's reputation, *™ oe L'a 4 kath Bid shel third s | F Right title and) This rule has caused some Ville), Jones (Foienham), in that fixture. There is also Dunfermbine, in their second of Nhs Rig h ye 2 Danie uri in five years since he ar: hard feelings in recent seasons. Woosnam. (West Ham) Leck suggested that a Great Britain Year in the [ist @ivision Aare a iP he 2 a He a Five Last year 'Tottenham Hotspur (Leicester) Allchurch (New side he brought (ogether 16 favored to win the cup for he ¥ ads in gal production with an fiest time in the club's mstory Eat average of Hil gosls per game BITS AND PIECES = Jack Selly, # harley TT R | OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS. [ot irati yt muse su | (fS fiek in a recent Lhelses m == OrOQ grabbed 58 rebounds, blocked 2 ( ' EAGY FARIES MAJOR "BLE AGH Stan Simpson hed & very pies high (CHIR MALCH, Ras heen named World Champ [4 Ace Firs nigh wayolls iE the teams alkons to Mater ity for hav: average of 316 and Vi. Cornish is tops 10 Afhciale at the English Cup IE Aue Flas hunched will & 4 our last section and Mise Inf (he ladies with » 167 average final at Wembley & May # a 4 SIF ont bowling next week Ir the Ferg: 1a Minis ob In the piavolfs hy ha lens High Sing £5. Hma B A ne 7 01 BOSTON (AF) = Bill Russell on and LVREy Liaphiss Hh niall for bh Men's WigH Bingis WH Wall oF vine LS BRCECRE Pla ' n 4 With » few pine diflerence the lean a y , gh Friple, Bian. Binpser. ers have heen signed (0 p he man who made haskethall 5 the folowing siendings: Mi pis taken -- Motor 2 d gh Trp) ' wid cham ' f Woaners 3050; dels 3008; ba Seshitks 3, Wepdersans ich 13; Men's for the New York Americans in World champions of Boston Cel Mashe's 2.058; Duds 2.816 ih ; Subway Luneh bi J en's Law Ben VM, the international tournament in ties, kept them there by spark Gu-Barts 108%; Dogme McFarlane, 8 fo Agri fig oud ¢ Me ior City 2. Bints 2 5 Wigh Single, Spuote Richa yew York nest month. Everton ing a 121-112 victory over (he § now sade the "T007 clase Whiles 27, Beshitls 21, Bsywells 3 i High Single WH, June Wai- w repvesent E ( K 2 W A 4 a ailions" to them. Man | Mitchells 17, Subway Lunch 17, Grinciers fe; Ladies High Triple, Jaan Hi represen England and Kil: battling St. Louis Hawks Tues iad, 728 (27), 2841; Wes Bighards 723° 15, Burns 11 and Hendersons § i Ladies gh Tri ile vi marmack Scotland in this event day night 2b 230 254); Den Rebiasen 73) 1280. Over #0 Betty Tuner 602; duns Corpish, 7 die ow Bears, Heil Gieavge Smith, coach of ; : The hig pivat man's all-around / 5 Nemish 704 1218, 237, 249) and Simpson ME, Beth Shortt p43 June Pol Templar, 33; Ladies' Low Beare WH 4 Wart dim No ats, 08, 3 Yard Boh, V1 Cornish 817, Jean Kail #1 Price, 10 Sheffield United, has heen ap J : excellence lielped the Celtics ar Jim MeConkey #88 with a hard to Bet single of 334 Con don't forget the hanguel. Fr ninted as the new ma f { 4 Yer Fippeth 682 1 271s | eeakilations, Jean), Cleta Wellman 08 pri) om. harp, ab "Clk Iu ht en anager of), lose the hest-of:seven National 1955 1958 Seve Chompiak 665 (347, 2401, Worace And Vers Ralinko Bol . artsmouth Fed Fenton, Baskethall Association playoff u a vorn B63 (263, 3001: Dik Beats B41 Seeing as this 1s the lust night of ¢ t i ' th er V am } A f Aa Sith S24 (208. 218); regular schedule, we thought iE we The Poi Aug MAR ine ol er Yer former West Ham ih a ainale in Hive games before 13 Tels Sihrishrn B24 (256, 900), Nor my| be & mice gesture and have ail our 200 C8 SELORS SHORE ICL TOR SUSE Nie NOW MAnNAger. 0 Southend 900 Garden fans STARLIGHT Coupe, somplete with 1] {fie B18 (340), Arn Gresns 615 (334, | scores for this BERL pul In PRIA, #0 Lon United tusse f i peiivitien Russell senved B50 paints 4-DOOR SEDAN radie, V8 engine, HARDTOP in sharp condition WN Bingles Ron Vanderwalker M Nichols 349. Qlive Vaillancourt 53-218, Jean Prats 254, Frail Glover 337 Ford 234, Nelds Thompsen Tan Brown 237, eith Craiggn 353. John 333, Dot Melglign 326. Fide Reading Pisani 2M, Seve ym 334, Jae Flann FH HH rit Melson 285, Marie Hoagie : 134, Art Biown 229, Sid Hurlock 2387 ¢ | #4, 32 dre uingy 32 ees iatenl 23-200 221 Rolande Tierney 230 4 d. d / 6 | f BE on Ne 31% warn Walght 41k, Mildred Wierieh 208, Vers newest outboards under the sun Boing for Bint 217, Marg MeNell 317, Wilma Me I i He teelin 15, Ey Salas Msen, 26, Lucy hey Hd y+ ens 200, Quads 216, 208, Lorelia Mclean Thong Kerr 308, 913. Ran Flewsll 303, | Hacel Weddup 313, Iashelle Hubbell 211 Mary Pipher 203 and (la Stevens 201 Donalds Williams 210, Jean McPherson 4 Friday sees the final night of | 208, Glad Bisthe 206, Jean Harwell 04, | to bowl off, | Pearl Peacock 301 apd Ethel Toppings um please call ane of the Ex ig keep scale \ - " I oi High Triple Wilms Meuade. 74 - . 1954 953 The banquet. Frida ) a High Single Phoebe Mullen 339 5 ¥ » $Mo | [] at Clik Bayview wi ) Sectign Winners first section, Say . Ihe clock radio was Lorne 0 welle: second section. Whites) thin a - OF. Peterhorm Mater Cit High Fiala ; d d . . pet Manages flan and Carmlaie. uA. SaktE. ani: pada SEDAN complete with radie, SEDAN complete with radi, Ihe last night of he SEA ON Was Nhs eam, Binks a Planship, the remaining six teams bowl ; : # of the heat all YAS AR 131 le sa ' for (he consolation edp. Our plasefls | y : . - ae LEY Ig at A i Ret for twa nights commencing w ' hy 0 win L ph f out Mg camming Monday night, al the uw ) Pri les on the a night by tlhe SEARED WAS Lime and don't forget, Sveryane howls If - LY NOW niied nl ie asl 0 TI ) The pins were really falling fo in THE PIN HITTERS Bh 1 haw $0 i YOu hays NUPLATE SOCIAL AND SFURTY These fear teams haw! for the cham up |} y i wi and Be came Wi hoa vel Nive We have same to the end of another was All he needed (0 edge 6 i ( ah aw iing season with the Prices taking for the Bigh average tor The 888: fhe chlmipionship by & very good mai i FRAY FI hy gin over the rest of the team Me Ws enlering mals ayalls are J a y # Farianes were next in line for the hanot " is Hellers Se Rua ars of runners-up and Houstons were able vor And you drive ¥ ups, Lal's Foxy and Buseers (o oiiningle Smales for the Consolation d - aff in any one of Atier leas will bawl far vansola: 3 \ Lt ton awards THRh these Used Can oie B. fiardian . + 10 senvenlent Soosl Beares Were 348, 283 A. Sheridan 93 -- : terms, Bent To8 (2001; J. Conboy 76 (0. Thempson 130 (380, 333 atthe $98 13801: 1 ban, #1 gy, Oo 1953 1953 1952 KE Pattman 678 (30 WW Ton | Kin 669 (304) GF Blavey 888 (350) F = SN Mebaughiin 866, RB. Wodnishy 638 (388 | - 40) H LE : LE I Calling 838; V Spsanshy 651 (3% 3 VYRO T W. Evans 6530 (36), and W. Anihany hv ( H VRO T wilh sol singles Koing to: 0. Jacksn dl DELUXE SEDAN with radio, DELUXE 2:DOOR with radie, SEDAN, Complete with rust, 25, W Harmer 30, W. Cader 28 Mason 366, W. Morey 383. MM. Salami » Mi Doane 333 and B Reid 38) p , JIL FILIAD SAE " The price $1 8 Going for now $ aon and agratilations 1a all LJ 1 Eaay lois on 53 40s, 18, 10 54 and § «BRINGS YOU The winding team the i pad » with Ap «OB ¢ horsepower ratings o Coast | A pins. cap n 1] £33 wilh OAS! 54108 & S0FvicE « YOU! nearby Evinrude sammales BE Masheasio, Joa Maths ALL FAM LY doaler is in the yellow pages y Ul Un. 5 Malietie ' Liekey and Ana Lie "a, vi, oe {sain TEAM VIHA ngineering 1952 195) 1950 STATE ORTSHOW gp ron veans aad cnusive ron | | PONTIAC || VANGUARD || PONTIAC TE] ol i lengthens its sngineenng lead! | 1 ar W Wie ic and ¢ ea ITS FREE ne # if IIE ad In S33 for Jain 1g Yi viene Td faci Vary sioun SEDAN 2.DOOR SEDAN coma you'll be way eut front in styling, performance, % HL f 3 4) A ay, sconamy, quietness and reliability. See the ultimate in an Skee AE : es am) smooth, sure autlboard power, See eight space-age $ $ k: 6. John tthe 3 Lh 3 Evinrudes with Futurengineering al your dealer's today, NOW a a \ f LB oF write for exciting new '61 Evinrude catalogue ' Td Made 'a Canada by EVINRUDE MOTORS Peterborough Canada 8 4 $vana of Outboard Manas Camporglon of Canase iid 4 wpa pry \ nl TN as : including | : Ganade's Largent Manuiasture: of Qutbonrd ators (@ For The Finest Used Cars=Choose From The Largest Selection At , "hn i KR Roos. Joan 4 gi heent lahnson | petl. Pagoda Knight hn had) Marion MacKensis nr . : a : Sa 0 moan ane: | anne sromnce | JNTARIO MOTOR SALES gum Teoh AT YOUR SALES a Ay i 4 , JOHNSON DEALERS & SUPPLY LTD, Bi 0 We Fung Duman Bowman | NOW 4 20 Ray St. Oshawa RA 8.8853 | Hwy, Ne, 12 Brooklin OL 5.364) | 140 BOND WEST LIMITED » vile