The Oshawa Times Viddishad toy Crmndicrn Flensprpers Limines, Ld Vuestny, fork VY, PO6F Page 4 Place Of Incentives King 9. E, Oshawa, OF, ---- rmmrm---- In Material Progress The Lain-shares phliosoghy is now #0 will established tn the Fngieh- spesicing press of the world thet to auestion He velue Is Emon as Aongerowe me iiacking mother hood or sepporting on. SHY, every #9 ofan some hardy soil comes gong to take 8 swing ot WW, snd this is worthwhile even MW the srgwment is wesk, Anything of lasting value is better for the tempering effect of eriticiom, The latest to enter the lists is Fried. rich Hayek, formerly of the Uni. versity of London and now professor of social end morsel science pt Chie cago University, In his hook "The Constitution of Liberty," he arenes; "Although the fact thet the people of the West are today so far shed of the others in wealth is in part the consequence of B greater pccnmila tion of capital, it is mainly the result of thelr more effective ntilization of knowledge, There ean be little dont that the prospect of the poorer, "un: developed' countries reaching the present. level of the West is very much better then it would have heen had the West not pulled so far ahead Indeed, 80 long rs some countries lend, ali the others can follow, ale though the conditions for spontaneous progress may he ahsent in them, . , . "It is worth remembering in this connection thet what enables a coun- try to lead in this world-wide develop: ment are its economically most ads vanced classes and that a country that deliberately levels such differences also ahdicates its leading position Statistics Of This is census year--a significant one because it comes just six years before Canada's 100th anniversary of Confederation, It will he the big. gest nose-counting operation in our history, Canada's population is now in the neighborhood of 18,000,000 and we ean speculate as to whether the figure of 20,000,000 ean be reach» ed before our hundredth anniversary #4 a nation, Every decade has eontributed to this growth but three stand out pare tieularly, From 1801 to 1811, our population increased hy B42 per cent; from 1011 to 1021, despite war and the influenza epidemic, our population increased hy 21.9 per cent; and from 1041 to 1061; Canada's population in creased 18.6 per cent--or, if we add Newfoundland, which heeame our tenth provinee in 1049, 21.8 per cent, The Royal Commission en Canada's Economie Prospects estimated that hy 1080, the population will total 27,000,000, A recent Monthly Letter of the Royal Bank of Canada seeks to ans. wer the question as to who uses eens sus figures, Reference is made to the usefulness to thousands of people and organizations of information ahout how many families have low incomes and how many have high incomes; whether these families live on farms or in eities; how large the families are; how old the head of the family in} whether he is employed; what his education is; whether the dwelling in rented or owned and whether it Tye Oshavon Times Vib WILEAN, Publisher and Sensei Manage 6 SWYN KINSEY. Baie Tha Oshawa Times Somhining The Qinawa Times (established TB71) and the Whithy Gagelly and heaniely (established \toh Wn Bublished dally (Sundays and slalulary holidays sxcepied) Members ot Cangdian Rely Newipacety Publisher Association, The Canadian From at Bureau of tUsuiation and he Onlara Pravingial Dailies Asser sation, The Canadian Pram tnelavely antitied In the use tor republication ef all ews despatched pe sradited 10 to te The Aweciated puters, and alsa the lesal news published n Prom wf All rights 81 wesial despaichs are alse herein wherved Offices Thomsen Bullding, 438 University Aven Torenta. Ontaria; Ry Eien Thert Mantreal, ve SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered By sirien In Sihawa Whithy, Ales, Yiekari Bowmanville. Breakin ar Perry, Frings Abert fle Grave, Hampton, Franshman'y Bay, verpaal, Tauntan, Tyrone Bunbarton, Ennis lien, Jana Laskard povaham Burketon, Claremont, Toluminn, Gieenwotd Kiale Raglan Blacklock, dancherier Fontvpesl and Newsaslle net aver 45 Ww owes By mal Bin fine ot Ondanal svlvids SIs deliviry Me 4 shanties | pe oo Circulation for the issue of March 30, 1961 17,363 is the example of Crest Britain mo tngiaally shows, Al dasses there had profited from the fact that a rich Cask with Hid traditions had Aemends &d products of a quality ard taste whe sirprased daewhere pnd thet Britain, in conseqnencs, came to supphy 19 the rest of the world, British leadership has gone with the Mssppesrsnce of the dass whose style of Wing the others imitated, 1 may not be long before the British workers will diss cover thet they bad profited by being members of & community comtaning many persons richer then they , , , "Becent European experience strongly confirms this. The rapidity with which rich societies here have become static, i not stagnant, socie- through legalitarian policies, while impoverished but highly com. petitive countries have become very dynamic end progressive, has heen one of the most conspicuous features of the post wer period, The contrast in this respect between the advanced Welfare States of Great Britain and the Besndinavian countries, on the one hand, and countries like Western Germany, Belgium, or Waly, is begin: ning to be recognized even hy the former, If & demonstration had heen needed that there is no more effective way of making n society stationary than by imposing upon sll something like the same sverage standard, or no more effective way of slowing down progress than by slowing the most successful a standard only » little shove the average, these experi: ments have provided it," Growth is in good eondition or in need of fies FEPRIT, Whether people live In an urban or rurel area affects the way they live, their social attitude and family patterns, and to some extent their diseases and causes of death, Com. parison of this census with those of preceding years will provide a pies ture of changing social eonditions, innovations in living habits and raise ing living standards, The Monthly Letter points to other reasons for taking the census The original legal reason was to de- termine representation in the House of Commons, Under the British North American Act of 1867, it was pro. vided that the first rearrangement of seats in the House should be made on completion of the census of 1871 and a similar readjustment was fo follow each subsequent decennial cen- BUN, It is also claimed that this national stock-taking is useful in determining provineia! subsidy payments, school grants and other forms of public ex. penditure where amounts are paid on a per eapita basis, The figures give the national, provineial and local govs ernments a statical basis upon which to judge the need and effect of legin- lation dealing with economic and soe. inl matters, Other Editor's Views OUTPUT INCREASED (Chicago Daily News Agricultural output has increased in recent years at twice the rate of industry in general, Farmers are the vietims of their awn productivity, A gradual return to a free market, in whieh there would he ne paint in producing mare than could be sold, would exert pressure on the higher-eost producers to quit farming, If any such thing were envisaged, it would be imperative to begin some long-range studies of just how these workers were ta be employed, But there is clearly no intention either in Congress or the ad. ministration of moving toward a free market, Bible Thought But everyone shall die for his awn sin; each man who eats sour grapes, his teeth shall ba set on edge, -- Jere miah 31:30 The ancient praverh never was true; it had become a weak excuse, In the light of God's affered grace, bad hered. ity i never adequate reason for the trouble we get into ourselves, go EE HER BIS AGREEMENT READERS' VIEWS Vode Jam Sees Principle Now In Danger Pear Sir Happy 10 see that you have Spoken out arainst the vicious proposal of the recent Ontarna £rislalure report on fluorida tion that mi palities have the authority ta Buoridate wales without holding a vole of the people on the matter The argument that the stupid public does not have the sense to decide on a technical matter of this kind does not hold walter, The stupid public Is smart enough a pick Us gov: ernment officials at every level by vote. If they do not have the sense to decide for or against fluoridation, then GALLUP POLL according 19 the legislature commitiee -- they do not have the sense tn elect governments That 15 the implication of the proposal, and that is exactly the Communist approach to the public = "we know hetler than you do what's goed for you, you'll do what we say whether you like it or not." That is alse the Fascist way, and the way of all dictators, FERTURBED Whithy OBEDIENT DOGS Dear Bir I wish to take this opportunity on hehall of the members of Red China Query Shows Strong Support Of UN Faced with an Increasing number of UN members who are sympathetic to the admis sion of Red China, a solid ma jority of the public in hoth Canada and the United Blales holds the view that if and when the UN acts to seat Peiping the nations should go along with the decision Acceptance of the helief that UN should he for all nations, and not just these friendly with the Western world, has in ereased sharply in hoth eouniries aver the past few years, Bo also, has a hasie helief that Red China should he given a seat at the United Nations, although neither the Blates nor Canada at present recofnizes the eountry diplo matically Increasing sympathy with ad mission of Red Ching is shown Should Red China Be Admitted to the U.N Yes, should 4, Nao, should not, , No opinion oes 7 H] 100% While this is the reaction ta the hasie principle, public apin lon changes sharply in favor of the idea = providing a major ity of the UN members endorse it, Attitudes suggest that in Canada, as well as in the States, peapie are reacting to the 'roplities" of the present line up in the UN, with many Afro. Asian nations favoring admis Should We Ga Along With U.N, Decision ? Yes, should No, should not sasersivernrnre . Qualified As in the past, Liberals in Canada are mare apposed ta the Idea of admitting Red China to the UN than are Conservatives, United States 10086 10% INRIA RAN AALS TRRRRRRAIRIIILY NO opinion server rranerns in a comparison of attitudes In both the Blales and Canada during recent years. The iden: teal question was pul to a national cross-section of the adult population in both eounitries, AS Was used some years ago, to those who knew that Red China was not 8 mem: her of the UN "Do you think Communist China should er should not he admitted as a member of the United Nations?" Today half the peaple believe that this step should he taken = a consider. ably larger proportion than in the U.K. However, a solid seg ment in Canada, ahout four In ten, is still against the idea, while in the Blates the publie continues to he opposed fo the idea of granting Red China a seal Canadian Canada Taday 1066 Today 20% 2% A fid i" a oH 1 100% 100% 100% ion of Communist China, On this Canadians and Americans mateh attitudes elosely The question put to the in hoth countries was th "Suppose a majority of the memhers of the United Nations deeided tn admit Communist Ching to the United Nations, do you think Canada should go along with the UN decision ar resign in protest?" United Slates hh 2 1h fMbiie iY Canada 0% 1] 4 1" 100% 100% even if a majority of UN mem: hers endorse the move 1 (World Copyright Reserved) Led BY-GONE DAYS 2 YEARS AGO The new plant of the Oshawa Frigid Looker Service, operat: od hy the Oshawa Fur and Cold Storage, William street west, apened for business The members of the Oshawa Ski Club held a hanguet and J. H, Beaton, honorary presi dont, presented the champion: ship oups The total number of persons on Oshawa's relief lists as of Mareh 31 was 371, all classed a5 unemplayables, Court Oshawa and Bowman: ville, Canadian Order of Faves: ors, deglded to sponsor four ball teams far inter-eourt games and play off in the fall far a trophy presented hy the Distriet Deputy The Oshawa Wartime Sal vage Board apened a campaign far ald newspapers, cartons, ald books and magazines The value of building permits issued in March totalled $31,878 which included five vesidences and a new Ukrainian Hall, IN PRINCIPLE this Association 19 thank ym for yowr edionial of March 2 1361 CORCEIMINE ROLES FHIIRE A large We rerlize that Aogs rt fait hut the pwners whe ellow their Aogs 19 ren lonse. Tn own i dog today Is 19 take on a. responsibilty. This responsibility gnes much further than the home. 1 exiends 19 the community in wich we live It is not enough thet you merely own a dog which you feed Bally and permit ta sleep in the house. A dog may he & pleasure or & problem and Mi won't he the dog thal decides this; i will he the owner An educated dog 1s # happy dog. A dog taught the ay of good hehavior through proven techniques will become the well: mannered animal which pres: ent day society demands. Per: haps i a few more of these dog owners took advantage of the Ohedience Classes held hy this Association there would he far less complaints and had publi: ety on dogs MES. BARBARA SCOTT, Secretary, Oshawa Ohedience Association Oshawa INSIDE YOU i is not the = x SIR R il i 4 Ith SUR a oN i Kit ie freshing tmmicng Ml these bapwy CARREIRA TIAR 1H ®. welcome the fresh snd re Welfare Claims By DON (VBEARN FOROWEOThere has been » great clamor here wn Toronis #howt wellare pryments One competitive Toroms press Bas BEER MRKEIRE R LORIN IRE huliahalon over "starving" 1am: ies, Bis Naturally, of course, they have heen Waming the prov: Wik k On investigation thelr stories haven't pdded wp And with pid) FERSAR The hasic wellare payment now is B10 a family On top of this there pre fam: Hy allowance payments And then 19 make wp for the difference in Bving costs he: tween communities there are the special , per copia grants from the provinces From these Toronta gets $2.60 @ head, In some municipalities they are as low as 10 cents I there are actual distress eases the local press shouldn't look to here local It should talk to the eouneil, Most pertinently, in other see: tions of the province, where { press certainly is as sincerely social conscious as that of this city, there have Cen same complaints. Doctor Answers Readers' Queries By BURTON H, FERN, MD DEAR DOCTOR: For true steren, hoth ears should he perfectly clean, Bince dogtors charge for any serviee, ean you suggest a safe way to clean ears al home? Mr. 0, PB, Dear M, Pi Never elean your ears with anything small er than your elbow, Cotton ap: plicatar sticks ean puncture the eardrum. Ask your doctor ahout detergent drops that dissolve AWAY BAT WAX Why not let him .elean your ears? His services ean't eost mare than that diamond steren needle, and your ears should slay elean for mare than 1,000 laying houys! KELOID TUMORS Dear Doctor: Can anything help ar eure a keloid tumor? Mrs, M. il Dear Mys, HB Keloids are sears that forget to slap grows ing and spread across the sure rounding normal skin Xray treatments ean often shrink fresh keloids, but after six months the X-rays won't work. Bll, the old keloid ean he eut out and as a new ane stars tn graw, X-rays ean shrink if, Sometimes freezing dry « ice treatments ean melt away the eloid tissue } Your doctor ean probably suggest a skin specialist ar plastic surgeon Boy war guests of this dis triet attended the Third Oshawa Bays Scouts father and son ban que which was served hy the fathers! pata, canvened hy Mrs J, Cowie Wark was being rushed an the four-lane highway and the Sim: eae sireet bridge aver the new subway would he completed and ready for traffie hy June 1 Oshawa Generals won the OHA title far the fourth eonseeus tive season hy trouncing Taran. to Mariharos 84 in the seventh game af the final sevies A patriatie school cancert to Assist war viglims was present ed hy the students af Simeone South School under the leader ship of the J. C, Fetterly, prinels pal, and LL, Richer, supervisor of musie The CGIT groups YExplovers" of St Andrew's Church presented a three-aet play, "Alice in Wonderland", and the ALLERGIC TO BOAP Dear Doctor: I have to use a special allergy-free cleanser he: cause I'm allergic to soap, Is there any way to cure this allergy? Miss M, G., Dear Miss G.: Don't lose hope! Allergies often fade away #6 you grow alder, You ean't speed the eure, and you wouldn't want to! Would you prefer years of allergy shots to using # simple allergy-free soap? EFFORTS DIFFER Dear Doctor: What are andro: gens and estrogens? Mr, © I, Dear Mr, Lt Androgen re: fers ta those masculine chemi cals (hormones) that ehange bays inte men, Kstrogens round Eils inte women, While these chemicals are almost alike, thelr effects dif fer! Both androgens and estro gens flow through male and fe: male veins, but only one rules the roost Don't treat yourself with an drogens (or estrogens), Ton MUER CAN CAUSE Caneer = ar leave you evawing like & roaster and cursing like a sailor! WHICH 18 WHAT? Dear Doetar: What 1s arteria: sclerosis? Coronary thrambe: sls? How are the twa related? Mrs, H, § Dear Mps, 8.1 Arterloseleras sls means hardening of the avieries, Along with hardening, Arteries nareaw like rusty pipes, Covanary thrombosis = velers 1a & bioad elot blocking ane of the vital arteries nourishing the heart, Onee arlerioselerosis narrows these vital vessels, a Hay elat ean eompletely elog the artery, causing a heart attack, PRRAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "Fatally Shot Man Names Assailant. "=Utiea (N.Y.) Daily Press, In doing so he risked making his assailant mad enough ta kil him again Many a choreographer these days is essentially a teacher of acrobatics The effect many a woman hopes to achieve hy her style of dress 18 to make men bug eyed and woman green-eyed, The more responsible editors which one finds in the provincial press know thet the pilic purse 5 ot wnlimied, and that good intentions have 19 be weighed RERingt the money they cost Whee & certian slanderd is reached Recently, for instance, the de partment of welfare approved & ORE-CERL-R-ANRFL IncreRée In the wliowance lor milk The cost? A quarter of 8 mil Won Anllars AL the time of writing the chairmanship of the Iho is sill wp for grabs There hasn't even heen » strong hint of whe might be in ne for the job, And with Premier Frost over: seas until the end of the month i is unlikely there will be any action on the appointment soon, An innocent victim of the widespread speculation on this lum has heen Hon, John Roof, he hard-working minister with: out portiolia, He was mentioned In one NEWSPAPET FE PA FL, probably based on nothing mare hn that he is sn known leetolaller--as was the late W, H, Collings, This averlooked the fact that Mr. Root is 8 very high-rank: ing Baptist, any Baptists were guick to hoth Mr, Koot and Mr, Frost now thelr feelings, Even warse his riding of Wel: lington = Dufferin 1s predom- nantly dry And same of his supporters, fing the report as close to the truth, as newspaper readers are apt ta do, have heen voicing strong protest ed MWarhe tin TW of REL WHE. pe pl. 4 id the ores g smy topes ts iy hk " pean id ta ome IE 4 i Ch ye To Western Spiomats, whe have (98 50 IRE DRS IRENE less Bpservice 10 hose mesh Wel hires willie REVEr Wh LERMing 19 (Wil these Promises Wis Aincan Rayety Comes We [3 oF Raking wi REE NOW BRYIRE IWF Ad calied 0a er inetiectivenses called in question, by these 16 y PRUpETS 1mm Arcs whe! id come here 15 Remand share of Wie, Wherty and rst of bapiness. They whe ws oh Wp, nd I for one say "Hooray Mr. Reg. Aker, President, Is pleased 19 announce Ralph Schofield hes returned te Schofield Insurance Asser cigtes kid, in the pesitien of Manager, This enncuncement will be of specigl interest te many hune dreds of aur clients whe knew of Mr. Schefield's exceptions! qualifications in beth Insurense and Real Estate, His experience in this business extends over @ period of twenty-five years. He will be active in all phases of the Company's eperation, CLEVELAN HOUSE 2 SEND FOR SPECIAL FAMILY VAGATION FOLRER 1 THERE'S FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY | Famed Muskoka Reser 8lnce 1860 MONEY-SAVING FAMILY PLAN VARATION MY WUGER RATES: HERVE June 26h to July BUH ¢ Aug THIN 00 Sept Bd Adults, $66.60 10 $66 weekly; Children to 12, Naif price; Supervised Bhildrén's Program Baily. Muskoka cannot be excelled for families whe snioy the abdoon ad BpOTH + oo WHER, WARY days an 1ang evenngs 19 A fenain boating, beach, ii , WE fi df fishing, plus & hast of nther fa Vi i" a a [J RCo dhe id | % fg if ¥ Berl Eine ow RESERVATION Box T:13, Minstt, Ont, Phone: Bidger 017 AMSTERDAM Gateway lo Europe BY OF COURSE! Just Hours Away By SWIFT DC-8 JETLINER ar CAL BC.7C DAILY, thravgh Mentreal or New Yar Son your TRAVEL AGENT or eall Kim Offices in 14 principal Canadian Cities Book Through , , , 300 DUNDAS E, DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITRY MO 8-3304