WIN HONORABLE MENTION AT SCIENCE FEIR Ronald Swith sed Joan | mention ot this year's Science | ond Joan Aemonstraied the | held sige Fm Yorontn, The was Tovey Fair in hey CY k Uabkavich of Oshaws varied second honorable Youth Admits |Graduation ToDamage Party Is 5; 1: Approved Pickering Volice fant thontt 8 Pickering township youth Pleased Wy 19 BR rEreles og charge md was fined of graduation 25 and costs Magistrats idren graduating Crawiord Gunes inte secondar yo meeting of the f) weIR The parties Lian or 5 1k for hk by Chiftord David Smart, 14 ds Fairport road north, Pick Township, was volved in aniving incident in which a As riment of Mghweys sign ked over one-half mils of the Lansing road The investigating officer Peter Hollywood, of the V ng Township Police Bx ment, told His Worship thet from information received on Sunday, April 2, he investigated the incident on Highway 2, and discovered the damaged 75 and giso » I66-A00t skid mark or the essthound shoulder of the highway lg continued that from fur ther information he went tg the Sunset Restaurant where hu questioned the accused, wha We admitted being responsible for the damage Magistrate Guest said that he was ieking inte consideration the fact that Smart had com mitted no previous offences Pensioner WH wes hire ip At Ihe mm Board a Monday / oA the hawa " | IT Dy dant de £ MM FE of Pubs aleqd hal SPE IEr Schools for Osh he wished word of Lantion Ww the oi HWA yy net the Haden of our students from one to another He said the is becoming overglorified Frustee Ih E Oh prneii x he dant IRE ok the public graduation ceremonies, He said children should have something to look forward to Auiling thelr senses to avers pi grads Has TIE Lick A Yeu Vi with LL of abil Lh BROG al wre | Hie Dr, O'Neill continued Thi pracies snowhating--it may he delightful for the parents hut what shout the children." Chalrman of the Oshawa Board of Education, Bltephen G Baywell sald that he was nol opposed to the practice, - he 86. A " Joa # Bige mei uestion arose, 4 » letor Jus read from the [1] J. Phillips Home and School sociation requesting the use PICKERING (Staff) In o the OCVI auditorium Pickering Police Court Monday, a Grade 8 graduation party Ernest Anstey pleaded nol! Trustee Robert stroud ulity to a charge of Deng moved that the request be Funk in a public place granted, The motion was ear Anstey, #7, of Rosebank road ried north, was apprehended hy Pickering Township Police on Saturday and spent the week end in jail from a female employee, he PC Peter Nichols, of the Pick: cause he continued to use abu ering Township Police Depart [sive languags ment, told the court that at 7.15] The Pickering Township p.m; Saturday, April 8, he was| Police Chief told His Worship on cruiser patrol on Highway|that the accused had been 2 and following & westhound| frequent guest of the depart ear, when he noticed the -ac-{ment hut not during the past 12 cused waving both arms over months his head in an attempt to flag! In his down the ear in front of thelteld the court that during the cruiser past year he had been He sald that the car had to|ing medical treatment and had swerve to avoid the man, who!not had much to drink during was staggering at the time that time PC Nichols continued that he, "I am arrested Anstey who smelled|ton that you are War pen strongly of alcohol and was sloner and that you have nol using abusive language. He said been in trouble lately," sald that at the police station, the Magistrate Guest in dismissing accused had to he removed tolthe charge COMING EVENTS "NIGHT OF CARDS" LEGION HALI CENTRE ST. OSHAWA Tuesday, April 11 at 8 p.m ats doar 8/0 wclal prizes, refreshments Auspi of Ladies' Auxiliary Rayal Legion Branch Gets Break the rear of the bhullding away own defence, Ansley taking into considera EF] ERNHILL Valon, aad 80; Prien WYH Beaut Mothers' Bazaar on Thurs LH aril 14, at 230 pom. In Holy Finity Chureh i UNVBUAYL alters gel vespionse mide "Pamonals". Dial BA 58408 | 0 advertise yours KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, APR. 11th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES t Nes, 50 and 50 TEAM | inge, 7.80 pm seven 80 tonight at the Twenty games $6 jackpots dor al cents when in anadian 43 | SCOUT MOTHERS AUXILIARY DESSERT TEA WED. APRIL 12 AT 2:30 JUBILEE PAVILION SPEAKER GERTRUDE'S CW.L. | E. BROWN of Simpson' ANNUAL | TORIC COLOR PHSYCOLOGY NIGHT OF CARDS INORTHMINSTER UNITED Wed. April 12th CHURCH ST. GERTRUDE'S PARISH HALL HOME BAKING SALE King Street E Admission 75¢ Catholic Information Class ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM 190 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:00 p.m starting Monday, April 10th, Everyone 'wishing to learn about the Catholic Faith is welcome Na foes No obligation G Quesnelle, lackp MR ST 8 pm ian 50¢ New course Conducted by Rev A | GM's coach sales division for RA 5-8444 for; al receiv: |» {minor surgery 76 the Guess Fl thik ! RREGIATR SALI RITRIRAS 78 development mM & chicken he ng. The show CITY AND DISTRICT a # Fah fore Roy Was VINE SIRAWA VIS, Taseter, Ar V1, 1967 § Youths He ' In Breakins 17 Five een fhe speilite Decvrersy BER agers were werevied Wonday fasieh Wonkey wien Ge camvde and charged wm of went Wnty ori fess d of re prediing win owigges #8 Wai Ewing tn esr. Badin owe gign Reach and Rowees nl mastions akioate the satelliie soos 1 Toots since Jan, V1. wobbieh snd heey the capevie Joon Barricon, 18, of Voronin win space fasiesd of wis # RE CHARTER With 1 wgiaries down gif (EEiecory and Carl Jondewy, 18, Ben of Honan, wis cRarged with LNCKER WIFE Ly CY, Kan 5 govern. Three wyenics were @es hair gah : CADET DAY PLASNER ie wile of kexping her and ther OVIEW A vt; A -- EC aRGAG wi Ho SMH Cline En lacked wg wt dhscrye Aix Cadet Week Abort Bowe (oF Move Than # year %199, the Air Cakes |eagie po Uonday wre semiapeeh 1H Hy Canpha gonmend 4 ond Ronis WB ial. The gresiine sa Wore then 108 air cakes saad HR WOTKEr was found gwity of TORE RETSSE The RATY wit RESRL MRA haltery Bh crlels pre Planning = hh GRIRALS, WORE NER FH IRRELTTIR RESUME Grams and father - mk - 98 HAVANA, Cube (Bewiers) ~ Bisel Masetss, Arsene ors VOLE E 18 TRETE HE WEEK Sector of the oihicia Chen A ", . oro 2 mm. men WE puency Prenes Latin, hes Lie admitted Hiegeliy possess. FEOHRER Ie poet wader lefiping whe aA) Wegally | pressure, WEBBILY Felehie 54 st % bli v weed wadiets tor * sires wait Monday pint. The # ew of jb a Pere Was ciosely lke wb feeling » } en on REHS BEFFIIRSE bt yroen EY IRLRIIRIENS i jad WK for oaths IRE he Commwmst Tis AVES i pf - ad 122 ® the sonthwesiern United States. Temperatures # Kile milger Wed ~F Wireghoin "om Cruiser Driver PICKERING (Sill) ~ A To rie man Peaded pet gilts tn # flare 19 slop charge belore Usgstrpie Craviond Guest IVickering Voice Cont Mo bt poor weather wild THE WEATHER OFFICE fete Wednesday. The RTF B IRdnl Imprevement | EF W hie 9 will take piace Wb the weather a 1% od n Opigrio snd Quebec 16627 | provigpees, will result fn WEATHER FORECAST Rain Will Return Late Tomorrow 8 Lise 77 CAN KNOCK fd YORONTG (EF u gave FORCE WHA GROW SYED NATIONS (CF)~ y | ha} Morgen Bipde, of 3 Lanside BEST SPEAKER ! Bobins, of bngrrsai] Coliegiate Insti won the Omans nm he Ww iad pn fon wy Fit Prevention Corey Beehie won the Wi WA res plinknis § "i ha hime rs. al ent VISITORS AT ROTARY Visi thik ng of Hotary awa 4 Ad dali sri . of ih of WE # onday £ A HB Rankin £0081 4 Hodge: Batariar FE Lach $ 4 Wn of SIHMIENT EA Accider y G Wirlk of Pp 4 > avi whe F £) HOSES AY H NCHEON Rota of 0 / tad ( Yanks af) Laid Buniay uncneon gang Hots 4 wis Bo 61k} 0 boy hk BANKER PRESENTED A dds DENTS ARI GUESTS Yopping Pen gna der and Hi iy. BIRTHDAYS Five KEM) of the sei) ale Who LEED BIE gE meetings fishawa APPEAN, fol Hieg Institue { tions) mow Rotary t the e Club of of EASTER BEAL Rotarian James an members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, at their Monday lune enn meeting, that the Easter Seal appeal hes realized more than 810.000 ta date. | hoped the total will ultimé reach $12,000 BREAKFAST FLIGHT Members of the Optario Coun: | 4 Flying Club made a break: | fast Mich t to the Brant Norfolk Flying Club, Brantford, Sunday morning. Thirteen planes carr) ng 3 members and their wives took off from Oshawa at 8 a.m and returned hy noon SUSPEND LICENCE Stirling Rupert, 23, of New castle, was jailed for seven day hy Magistrate F, 8. Ebbs, Mon. "#8 10 Harmony day, when he pleaded guilty to south to King street drunk driving, March 25, His|commendation of the car was impounded for three ® haol principals months, His licence was sus The decision was made gl pended for six months meeting of the commitiees the Oshawa Board of Education HLLEGAL LIQUOR BALE Monday, The decision was Vaughan Tompkins, 87, of 163 gently requested so that sec Ritson road south, was fined dary school principals may pla $100 or & month in jail, by Ma {their classes and staff for ti gistrate ¥, 8, Khbs, Monday, fall term |when he pleaded guilty to ilegal| All Grade | of liquor, March 4, Police ziea will be Constable Michael Michaelow: next fall, At present some ski, testified he bought 16 bol: dents now altending the ties of ale from the accused with| i, J. Donevan Collegiate marked bills, The Tompkins|tute are living in this home was declared a public| Students now attending Don place for a year van will not he affected, unle AUTO DAMAGED iatufeis ap requested in A car was Involved in a eal:| i W ol h gh lision with a truck at Park road | Lan A " ance where one sii south and Wentworth avenue, | bin a family is on shift ¢ | m Of {at 0.10 p.m, Monday, Damage| re wv, Then Were oud he to the car was estimated A y RITRAgE Olhi at | ' tude t (8450. There was no damage 10/same Whe the family en th [the truck, The driver of the ea "I %aa lio decided (was Christian Nyenhuis, of 170 Ld } Ae b special terminal elas {Bloor sireel west I'he truck moved to OCVI was driven hy John Cameron|™" MacNeil, of Hampton ih NEeir mri Wh nares J F] 3) James CALLA ) Orik KH ason and W har 18 AMBULANCE ¥he Oshawa | had no fire eh b's is ely alarms since There routing ambulance [that time Boundaries Of | OCVI Changed in I in O8y MOarmng Vel Calis The school area boundary for O and he Creek Yelll Collegiate tional Institute will me on the u # students In th attending Hie shi areg thal Hes TERMINAL EXPANSION HOSPITAL REPORT SAINT JOHN, NB (CP) Following 1s the report of the ssun, 000 expansion of the te Oshawa General Hospital for minal building-at the Saint Joh the week ending April 8: sions 486; births (male) male) 28; discharges 979; horn discharges (male) 20 male) 0; major surgery eye, ear, | 2 finished by early May, It wi provide new waiting (fe: [pgstaurant, customs and BY gration quarters and a nose fabservation deck | GENERAL MOTORS APPOINTMENTS new TH) room mm flig! PETER D, AMBERY GENERAL MOTORS anada, Limited, today unced the appointment 8. Walker, head JAMES §, WALKER «of | manager and Peler D an ] of of Am national feel sales man for the siles Chevrolet wr Division hery ast two yea manager . for Oldsmobile fames chit A Zone the | En the past seven wat of sational 1a the aie Years, tient WBERED | ire Departinent Mon 18 secondary an 00v inst i This could probably Municipal Airport is expected to right ta Gited Bations fa zk WW f Con " mel 15844 by £54 moth nd is FERRER Ms > 568 by TORONTO (CF) RCRSIE heued #L 3 AD Synopsis. Clezring siies end Bowly ward Ontarin this sfier ridge of high pressure gy panies trom the west. A $a developing over Okleghoms ected Lo move northeast pr western | ake Hhicigl ak io northwesterly 159% 14 avenue, Toronin. was Oheeryes om March 6 by Pickering Tou ) Police n make » righ turn from the Liveripont reed te Highway © withe coming 14 # full stop The picused stated thet » the time freezing rain cond tions prevented Wm from stop png #t the slop sign Pickering Police charged that he skidded sround the turn and ooned andy when he saw the Eriser Slade was fined $25 pnd costs five days "Fhe h 1k wil nk 5 Forecast te Law tomigit Wilt £7 " CHRP UNEER arg : plist, ign Wednesday i ; atx SI RSI 4 I ka ; FH aE EBA 1:44 REr&v TENN. » WHR 540, Catherines , 3 3 5 DRIVER WAS CALM . BROCE VILLE A ff silly ' " HN NES y r eight mw IRR ut after g dav of fever 4.260 4it there ne offi ' tL aBROUBLEINEN f FORECAST PRODUCTION YON (AF) Aeparimen Arr or 19 ed ardor BRS é gl Sovie of ¥ Musknse Youths Fined $100 Each PICKERING (8igff) ering Voice Court Picker township each fined $100 Wy Magistrate Craw } Charges of un AlET an: msigris 4 Gr arg JIALED SEVEN DAVE Michael Bimachowskyi, W 742 Daniel street, was Jailed (or seven days by Magistrate F Ebbs, Monday, when he was found guilly of drunk Sriving March 19, His ear was pounded for three months Heence was suspended for months ELE of GOES TO TAY ALLTEL) (CF) ad I] HA f the nur 17 ad ¥V on Mon and B40 244.000 190-4) im His #5 ' two Georgien Ba Hem For loudy, clearing this after Wednesday cloudy Fr London rik he P Grif Ere Zane ton ( PICKED BEST HOTEL WONTREAI The 17 hi-memher ( cial Trave / As Canada Montreal's" Fa (Cr) GHEE fation of Ramen zaheth Hotel | of the year" Queen Elizabeth, & Canadian! National Ra Hilton hote 50 won the award in 1860 Greek Premier To Visit Here 8 (AF)--~Premier Con Karamanlis and For eign Minister Fvanghelos Aver oft Tossizzas left early today by COmmers jet or goodwill { to I nd United ¢ erty Did You Know in me mer Bining Keom » the GENOIHA HOTEL sou cor ngve & Full-soume Bisnsr Io ONLY 85 mW 1 Fh amt _ rea ny wm ease parked cpr on the ) Wak sti Fairport Beach which was sccupied byl two accused, Evidence ref ed that a ease of heer was een the twe youths, Rich ard William Finlay, 18, of Hill-{ View venue, Fairport Beach and James Leonard Cook, 18, of 2 Hillview avenue, Fairport Beach, and thet fwo hotties of heer had heen consumed On learning that both secused had heen convicied of 8 similar offen in Ajax Police Court on De 1660, Magistrate Guest told them they should consider themselves lucky that they were not being jalled Aonday aed Queen El Secnrd Feacher 0 Halt aring af gl rain and his afternoon EASINE gioud) by evening, a little WEFINEF Winds northwesterly U4 today, light tonight easterly 2 Wednesday Ian [he £0 "Cana tary The * Lion WENT INTO ORBIT 108 ANGELES (AFP) U tempt to recover a capsule from OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF BOGER BELANGER requiem mass was Homan ( today for Rog Pickering ho der LL x Hey, [7 Fl ( Ioudy A at hel Ways | Georgian Bey. Kirk onthern White River North Bay, Budbury sunny today. Wednesday ng cloudiness and vain snow hy evening, warmer Winds northwesterly 15 today hecoming Hght tonight and east erly 4 Wednesday afternoon Northern White Ri west Timmins » Kapuskasing re Sunny, becoming cloudy flurries late this after Wednesday variable cloud with scattered snowflu mild, hecoming colder late afternoon, Winds southerly | shifting to northwesterly 16 ti afternoon astern Timmins Sunny today snowllurries tonight. Wed variable cloudiness with cattered snowllurries, Mild to day, colder tonight and Wednes day. Winds light, becoming southerly 15 this afternoon shift Northern 1d Lake ce 2 ATHE ne igh Holy ing wine Inereas) or C1068 bai gtéam of a #1 Church Belanger Killed i Pickerin mass Berri Liregory 3] al " the motor as irday ni sung by Interment § Cemetery pallbearers fohn Paul I [' Bnaig di near The A st al The of (ond Mas 0 1168 Daigle salre Belang zon nl Prayers weye sald at the Mo 1 Jog h-Anderson Funeral Home p.m. Monday hy Mansigno Coffe Vve just had my rugs cleaned by wWey Rug Dhabi Why don't you? Nu-Way Rug Cleaners RA 8.4681 'Ml werk dene In Osh awa ky quelified Oshawe technicians" ern glone with snow Carami tay in noarn ] will then that Hills and 1s party Paris overnight Canadian plane them tg Montreal M in aut LOUIS SCHABERGER TAILORING MOVED; FROM 4 ALBERT §T. | 60 KING ST.E (OVER REGENT THEATRE) HAND-TAILORING 8 lake Ra Char Ros Ro were Daigle Daigle Hilaire noon NERS ries this 118 Vl) I ng region th nesda Bavamanlis will have talks ir Ottawa with Prime Minister | Diefenhaker and other Canadiar officials Thursday and Vriday He flies to Washington April 17 for talks with President Ken nedy I and ale Kapuskas: | cloudy HO OREV. FM CAULFIELD r.| TORONTO (CP)--~Rev, | |els M. Caulfield, pastor of [Anselm's Roman Catholic rch 193k, died Monda {He was 70 | Born in Father Cal {field studied in Toronto and was {ordained in 1021, He served as | assistant priest at §t, Paul A Chirreh and 8t, Mary's Church | In Toronto, St, Mary's Church| lin Fort Credit and Guardian An-| ie (gels Church in Orillia Later he served as pastor of Paul's Church, Alliston and | Peter's Church in FUEL CON J 16 per cent All of all apervating espenditipe fuel Ii no al ie BOE or alone ih Since Oshawa "IVs OR}... the repair man HE] al Hie ) Orange ' ' MIS, ALFRED WOORCOUK 18 coming I'he funeral service for Mrs. | MAlfved Woadeock, 18% Ontario atreet, who died al the Oshawa | General Hospital (ast Friday was held at the Melntosh Anderson Funeral Home p.m Monday, April 10 Rev, C, D, Cross, rector of §t. | WiGeorge's Anglican Chureh, con | : right over" n il 1 i ug ducted the services. Interment {was In Oshawa Union Cemetery | The pallbearers were W illiam | [Rent William Harding, Nieho- | as Hall, Grant Sheather, Rl: | [mr Whiteley and Cyril Hobbs, | THROWING RICE ROMAN CUSTOM hrowing rice and confetti newly - married couples started in old Home, Wed ding guests threw copper eolns at the cauples with the hope of insuring fos them an abundant married life You're good money, the extra av HOW MUEH 18 QUICK SERVICE WORTH 1 A furnace goes dead, A car won't stam al vrs We all know sueh sudden household emergencies --and how we depend on the telephone for help, It's so simple: we just call @ number, But imagine all the head throwing away if you don't sell usable things around your house that other peaple need. Pick up this extra cash fast with an Oshawa Times Classified Ad! For results, dial RA 33403 now aches we'd have if we eouldn't! THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA FOR DEEP SLEEP LONDON (CP) The British Army has ordered 60.000 af the 1 latex foam mattresses as impray living conditions for the troops Four-man rooms will replace army barracks part AR Program io