THOUGHT FOR TODAY Nearly all of the people whe fe ne Lie i Be om prfowming 7 fhe meddle Dass POMC. BA YOu. Reds Step Up Laos Airlift f i EICHYANN, UNDER GLASS HEARS INDICTM yritisn AF )--Rus : WASHINGTON Ww has grestly increased Jift of arms and supplies forces in Fans in the days, official 118 port Fhe EONIT LA Monday | pight they were unable to ex- will he made (9 learn plain the stepped-up activity but "arithmetic of the commented "IL is not a positive airdrops response 10 the British request 5 FREpAnS 2 5 7 NOT BIG SCALE In fact, American officials in Jeon seaching Lu . 3 arpa NEN | ast Ie ye ter the aceelerated air erpreted the W have siressed (hat no large scale fighting Is under way in |the tiny Southeast Asian king dom { PERDOSE hich ahr ing The to rebel called for an immediate ft few fire [ollowed by an re- tional conference om oF ¥ WHER 9 Res ey CRAKE Inerna the Lans fas effort exact an the nereased 54 aid officials said ROviel the als Ii as more of a rebuff to the Reds Build Beugalary Ioan ul ate Hons committee Laotian situation today on the Viet Nam Rirfields SAIGON (Reuters) South Viet Nam today charged the! |, Communist North Viet Nam gov. The former neutral premier ernment with building two mili:|'¥ recognized hy the Soviet Up tary airfields near the demili.|'on #8 the head of the "legal tarized zone government of Lans, He is ex The Viet Nam news agency Dekied io hold three days alks in Washington starting said the charge was contained! pr April 18 in a letter to the international!" The pr L 3 control commission ie prince, who accepted the id American invitation, said Mon Fhe letter, which asked the day night he helieves it would commission to investigate, de-\he sufficient if the 14 - nation nounced the Communist movelconference on Laos recognized is a "hlatant violation" of thelhis country's neutrality without 1954 Geneva agreement which guaranteeing it divided Viet Nam into these two Souvanna left Paris by countries after the Indochinalfor war Belgrade, Prague and Warsaw The letter said the two mili-|A spokesman for the prince tary airfields, heing built atlsald he will interrupt his Mos Trang Ou and Ho Xa districts, cow visit to go to Washington would pose a serious threat toland return to the Soviet capital the neutrality of the demilitar- April 21, proceeding later to ized zone Peking The state department formally ipnounced Monday that self-ex Hed Prince Souwvanna Phouma of Laos has heen invited to visit the United States to dis cuss the Laotian situation with President Kennedy plane Moscow Monday night vial Shye Oshawa Times ENT READ BY COURT Rumor Kennedy Going to London (AP) --Reports London 1oday President Kennedy and bis i stish FONDON Haten oh that Wie the Ti ¢ ne WHER a UR aid the Kenned uneh Bucking will he is of the Queen @t n LIE Palace dy gE INeir ane ham da y slay The report the front Wall and Herald Informants i y and the foreign office knew of decision yisit did not out the ibility it had arranged during Frime Harnld Macmillan's the president in nea on publi he Daily the 5. em sain for al has they ueh File heen Minister talks with ny hut po PA they Rey Lon, J foreten a Fogot Kennedy and nisi wile slate visit three-nay May begin a to Paris 21 #1 More UN Troops To North ELISABETHVILLE (Reuters) of The United Nations has flown troops reinforcements into Kahalo in northern Katanga province of The Congo, where Ethiopian UN troops clashed with Katangan soldiers last weekend, it was disclosed today A UN spokesman there he did not know the number of the reinforcements hut he he lieved they were Ethiopians from neighboring Kivu province in the north The announcement that l force in Kahalo had strengthened came after dent Moise Tshome demanded Monday the Ethiopians he sald the heen Presi nf Katanga night that withdrawn A M Rail Probe Proposes New Subsidy Plan OTTAWA (CF) \oonew lo avert a country - wide rail multi - million = dollar system of way strike threatened for May shrinking subsidies for Canada's! 16 major railways has been pro: Some 111,000 non posed by the MacPherson royal| railwaymen had planned to commission on transpartation. | strike last Dec. 8 but Parlia If implemented by the govern: ment intervened to thwart the ment, the subsidies would pro-| walkout. It Imposed a six-month vide $67,300,000 for the CNF and| cooling off period, pending the CPR this year. By 1065, the as-|MacPherson report and its rem sistance would 'be cut to 87, [edies for the railways 00.000, and by 1076 it could The report, however, did not drop to about $22,000 000 (refer specifically to the lahes The payments, approaching dispute or the strike threat what it costs the twa major! In a footnote, it said that the ratlways to operate for a month, | Productivity Council A new were recommended in the first{25 - member federal agency that volume of a three - volume re:includes CPR President N. R port from the six man com: | Cramp might be "well ad mission that spent 23 months in-vised" to look at the producti vestigating the troubles of trans-[vitiy of labor an the railways port in Canada and the efficiency of rail oper The commissioners were noljations generally unanimous in all their recom Aim of the federal payments mendations. Three had some|the 25.000 - word report says reservations about a subsidy would be to lift a burden of past prapased for export grain ship-{obligations from the rallways ments, but they supported otherfand freight shippers a bur proposals den left aver fram the now-gone Prime Minister Diefenbaker|ora of railway monopoly in Can tabled the Commons. Monday--!ada without saying what the govern: ment intends to da about its re [SETS NEW ommendations The However, it is expected to act part of a new hlueprint for quickly on the report in a A] PA ageneral policy founded on the belief that com " {petitian, rather than govern PHONE NUMBERS CITY EMERGENCY ment contral can effectively regulate all farms of transport The commission, headed POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 operating POLICY subsidy proposals are Regina lawyer M. A. MacPher son, ted its subsidy recommen dations to a plan whereby the rallways would get specific free dom ta abandon unprofitable by| The federal payment help the railways eliminate most unprofitable passenger runs hy 1865 and cut out most if not all uneconamie hraneh lines hy 1475 In the end, the cast, the railways would he chiefly main - line freight ship pers, charging rates that reflect their inherent cost advantages without the heavy weight of past ahligations inhibiting their com petitive ability and. burdening rail users PROPOSES SUBSIDIES 1. A five + year payment plan starting at $62,000,000 in 1061 dropping to a final grant of $12 400.000, in 1965 an unprofit ahle passenger services 3, A 18 - year fund, providing up to S13,000.000 annually, out of which the vaillways could campensation for uneeo would report fore claim namie branch lines kept in ser vice while communities and in dustries prepare for their even tual abandonment 1. Annual payment ratlway losses ern Canada at freight rate to offset an moving West Npart grain erop unchanged fram the level existing in 1888. On the basis of 1958 figures, this would amount ta about $22 100, | 000 a | In the ment { | | | Your wddition 1 he ubsidic report urge the govern! 10 pay the rallways far| any free transportation granted hy law ta MP enators and government official his may amount ALLIR d to about 83 a {passenger runs or branch lines. (year. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 196) EIGHMANN' A ref spall of fine weather wilt end when sn OWahoma storm will ing movr Kam late tomers Frvw - EEN PAGES e------------------ ov. Sons lowe Mai EG ae oA -- S DEF 3 JUDGES PREJUDIGED De Gaulle Would Free Algerians id fil date colomialiom wm he face 9 Re EIRRiest NRpEnNansm he world ever Rad known--that of. Etim Pe Galle 5768 that some Nt arened that of France plied FARRELLY nk om Fresident cme "A oN of sR tia y PARIS (Rew Charlies Ae Lauie that France has no Aes 77 COREIINE EOVEITIRE "aR BIE which chose another Acstiny De Galle 1614 one of RSE KORERT RICK wowia affer sition" WH the Want 19 PIERRE Wi But, he s#id shall of conise ME FRSNFLES or soldiers We in leave the seni ARs a the Rove whsmint ed Wit Algeria } Wika Kian PEE wwia FHS Bat wil Prag FIRB EK He WM the A) sion [rom have no oh Vit Thepwik a ais SRAA ha i LRER WH CRASH after and 4 we an AE TRAIRY {4 Ia them READY TO BELLY But A yhed NE Pa iin Lerrinry ang shall thik he lgeiria RE hack ¢ yh whi have © fava Of CORLINNER ASSH France would he pre pared to give the North African CLARE, AAMIMstIR ang miliary sia Alger now Bh here and wh to he French There are RRs BYIRE maney Iney earn | DEIRg equal 10 Ihe 19a) Fevenns of IRTIAN RENCHINEE About 1.008 06 1h. ely Papnilati [§7 for wi CRAs ratien ne 528 Se 0 MN Al France and estimaied a TS Hoary the CHitural i Ww Gaulle sain This would he on condition that "co-pperation of the com mnitie Algena condition the Rases an for her of Algena European id ' } {1 £ the way t de the to chonse iota) independence from France by bis press conference emphasized that they RIsH Must he prepares Ihe on Gaulle had the wll hack cabinet today in mak to the Algerians that independence k ng of hh ng clegr hey enuf Enns to accept ELON 4 quence The Elysee | 4 Gaulie's official residence, wa closely guarded for the pres conference (ollowing the explo sion of a terrorist hombh thi morning # short distance away A homh squad searched the ballroom where the press con ference was held Pe Gaulle said colonialism not only undes gable but] of date and thal France's) Bf future lay in economic progress He said France no longer al thelr own economic i BACKED 0% The Algerian provisional gov ernment, the political arm of the rebel National Liberation Front (FLN), hacked out of the (alk lin protest against French plans ta hold parallel negotiations with a nival nationalist hedy, the |Algerian National move it (MNA) ervorist homhing WErS stepped up both in France and Algeria when the date for the talk el and have con tinued unahated since the posi ponement he mayor of French alpine town where the talks were to have started four days age, was killed by a ler roist homh after his community | was named the A man stands amid fallen power lines looking #i the ruins of two homes de strayed in a $150,000 fire at Riviere Beaudeite, Que. 27 miles east of Cornwall, Ont. Adenaue To Meet 4 4 (AP) Chancellor MeEHNE yw onrad Adenauer left hy plane said that de for the United Sigates today for 4 ad talks with President Kennedy To |ahout the future of the Atlantic alliance The Bi-year-old chancellor is due in Washington tonight. Three meetings with President Kennedy are scheduled for Wed nesday and Thursday Talking to reporters Monday | night, Adenauer made clear that North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion problems will he the chief topic in his discussions with the president The chancellor said the United Blales must exercise greater | le adership in NATO to strength: | en the alliance hefore the| West can hope to talk effectively ghoul controlled disarmament with Russia ne Wis I vian, the BONN Katanga UN Place Informed sources Gaulle is anxious to press ahe with the peace talks and is pre-| pared to accept any decision hy| Algerian voters to hecome fully independent from France Sabotage Hinted On Liner a and replaced hy Nigerian Tshombe note to UN aid in a protest N Becretary-General Dag Hammarskjold that the Ethiopians had heen guilty of "avis of aggression' against his troops and warned he would use force if necessary normal ize" the situation BANK BARGE Tshomhe charged the Ethiopians bombarded and sank! id tg towing harges laden with! Katanga troops on the Lukugal River, He sald seven Katangan! soldiers were wounded and "one company disappeared We y N don't even know if they are MANAMA, Bahrain (AF) 3 J Capt, Charles Elson, master of fad ftv | the ill-fated British liner Dara wa na Wadler J Wiis told reporters today that sabo | Adenauer indicated he still given today as two Ethopians SWAN one of the possibil: favors the Bisenhower adminis dead, and eight wounded, in| 1He8 leading tn the loss of Ws!(ration's pro posal ta make cluding one officer vessel NATO a fourth nuclear power Jer I have formed certain tenta- hut that he will not press for it The Ethiopians clashed last (iyo ideas of my own about thelif there is any ace Tor REFER: last Friday with Katangan explosion but 1 am nat prepared ment with the Russians troops who had seized the rail io sav what they are." he tole lunction earlier in the week reporters. "Sabotage is not in . Invasion [ Scare Again from anti Tshambe - Baluba my mind, but it is one of the| Hits Cuba Iribesmen possibilities; you cannot rule it HAVANA (AP)=Amid reliable Meanwhile, a UN spokesman out." in Leapoldville disclosed that 300 Elson said six of the 16 life hut unconfirmed reports of in. croasing rebel activity in the white mercenaries captured by boats were launched from the the Ethiopians al Kabalo had! Dara shortly after an explosion heen transferred to the military helow decks as the ship sailed hase at Kamina, also in north-lin the Persian Gulf Saturday ern Katanga, for interrogation. morning. First reports of the The situation at the Kamina|fire said no lifehoats were {hase was reported tense, with launched Gurkha troops facing Katangan, The ship sank Sunday during mountains of Cuba, there were growing indications today (he Castro regime may he quietly mabilizing ant invasion de: fences again The government » controlled press and radio maintained a blackout on reports fram the soldiers across a roadblock just efforts ta tow it ta part for sal outside if VAR United States that exiled Cuban "liberation" forces are groom: LATE NEWS FLASHES Remand In Bethany Robbery Case hean island lames Hutchison, of Oshawa, charged with armed rob hery al the Bethany bank, Mavch 23, was remanded a week hy Magistrate R. B. Baxter, in Bowmanville court, today No plea was taken. Bail had ariginally been set at $5000, hut was later withdrawn. Defence Counsel, Terence Kelly | Bul though Prime Minister asked that bail be set again because, if the accused elects [Fidel Castra has not given a trial hy a higher court, he will not he tied until June, [Public invasion alert, the atmos. Magistrate Baxter said he would consider hail when Huteh. [Phere was more tense than at any time in the history of the revolutionary gavernment formed (wo years ago Travellers and other sources 1Son appears in court next week reparted particularly heavy gov. ernment troop movements in three provinces: Westernmost Pinar Del Rin, eastern Oriente and in central Las Villas, whose northern coastal keys are 150 miles fram anti-Castra forces in Florida Militiamen were reported dig in hat lage Car In Ditch, Passenger Dies ALEXANDRIA (CP) William Howard MeDanald, il of the Alexandria area, died early today when the car in which he was a passenger averturned in a water-filled ditch near this town 22 miles north of Cornwall. Pravineial police sald the car w driven hy a nephew, Charles McDonald of Hern, who was pulled uninjured from the car hy pass maotarists ing Liberal Dr, J, McCann Dies at 74 EXIT TWO HOMES ging trenches along the north 0a highway from Havana east of Matanzas and along the| | southern coast of Pinar Del Rio OTTAWA (CP) Dr. James J. Met revenue minister, died in hospital today He was 1 { Liberal after a long tlness ARR, Orme | From Germany, ' Trio Fled Nazis TEBUSALEM (Rewiers)--The The German stale shold be trial of Ada Eichmann npened. respon iiie (oF the CORSERNences today with & Aelence attack mn of Hs actions Awning the Naz the sompetence of the borne regime, the lawyer said cowrt and the fairness Ms J three wdges, all refugees from CANNOT ATONE Nazi persecution "The accused cannot alone Defence lawyer Bobert Ser [oF the death of large part of valine made bis challenge # Deapie oF for deeds committed shortly after a hushed courtroom PY Wis conptry henrd the charges owthning "HM there js place for mors! Eichmann's role as the Nazis #lonement," the defence lawyer chief exterminator of the Jewish Went. on, "the state, which peak on Rr fi Ll Eichmann, 4 stooped, nervous Howid alone # figure in the byllet-pronf prison Showid be denied responsible ers dock, listened intently as "9 HE RE his defence lawyer made two Presiding Judge Moshe Lan: submissions on the ' suspicion of Sau--like the two other wrists, prejudice and lack of an emigrant (9 Palestine from tence of this court' Europe in 19%--100k notes im: Servating fold the red Passively during the defence rohed judges they showld he RTENMERS barred ings the case. Since the The first sign of emotion in entire Jewish state was closely|the august trial atmosphere linked with the mass - murder CAME when chief PrasecHtor charges against Eichmann, he Gideon Hausner, Israel's ator isaid, the impartiality of all Rey-general started refuting the three jurists was cast in doubt. Aelence case ) and Hausner's voice, auiel CHAMAENGES LEGALITY sieady while degling with legal The heavy 1owled lawyer points, wavered when he broke from West Germany also chal- off to say lenged the legality of "I am happy there exists in man's abduction from his life the world today a place where of hiding in Argentina and the Jews have sovereignty, courts retroactive anti-Nazi law under and the possibility ta bring 1a which he is being tried Justice a man accused of erimes As the defence arguments against the Jewish people." rattled out in German, Fich:| At this point Eichmann broke mann sat between two hard- inte coughing. Under the inten: eyed Israeli guards, his pale sive scrutiny of ards pre: face nccasionally twitching with pared to hall a suicide attempt, NETYOUSNESS Eichmann took a white hand: The former Gestapo officer kerchief from the pocket of his walehed intently through horn: dark grey suil and (ouched it rimmed glasses as his lawyer!tn his nose maintained he "free of Eichmann's defence mounted guile"! its case shortly after the pre: Eichmann, head of the in: siding judge read oul in He: famous Nagi department for brew the 5.000-word indictment, Tewish affairs, was heing prose: charging. Bichmann with the cuted for things he had heen mass murder, deportation, per: drawn into hy the Nazi stale, secution and torture of millions Bervatius claimed Inf European Jews, Nazi Ghosts Fill Papers LONDON (AP)=Names and may not accuse us for what has {words that once meant Nazi ter-| happened 20 years ago--it won't the strong leadership necessary|vor for Europe dominated: the help us and doesn't free us from in NATO continent's newspaper headlines| anything." "There is no reason why our|today as the opening of Adolfl The mdependent Frankfurter discussions will not be good and|Eichmann's (rial in Jerusalem Rundschau commented that Ger: fruitful," Adenauer said, noting pushed other world develop: mans must accept the fact that that basic US, foreign palicy ments into the hackground Fichmann is German and "did has remained the same since the] Huge, hlack type and many his crimes in connection with a EHmpe three Kich Monday. Eighleen were left homeless blaze which buildings. PEFSONS by the destroyed five {FP Wirephote r Flies Kennedy "I can understand that Ihe new administration is making serious efforts to determine if| the Russians really want to ne-| gotiate," Adenauer said. "And 1 can also imagine that at such a stage the turning of NATO inte a fourth nuclear power might he postponed." He said he was confident that President Kennedy will provide wan Truman administration columns were devoted to the political state ideology which | reading of the indictment charg has hecame part of the historic ] [] {ing Eichmann with responsibi {German nature,' House Fire Kills (yin the extermination Pro British newspapers gave the . (gram the Nazis had called the Eichmann trial sensational play Woman, 2 Children final solution of the Jewish eS ppg Landon Rvening Standard : ra ba announced in a blaring streamer EDMONTON (CP)=Mys, Day:| West Germans were reminded fino' fvial begins of the man in lene Barraclough, 21, her two. (bY their newspapers that they, (i glass hox." A cartoon year-old daughter and a four-(100, have responsibility fori cho coq "gions in a' bullets year-old hoy died early today crimes committed hy Hitler's| poode™ aon Israel, with when fire ripped through the| Third Reich : ghostly cadavers in the hack: first floor of a two-family dwell:| "First of all, we shouldn't for ground and a caption: 'One eye ing in North Edmonton get that Eichmann is a Ger: for six million eyes? Brothers, Fire department of ficialsg/man" wrote the newspaper kill no more." identified the hoy as (eorge| Frankfurter Allgemeine in a| In the Soviet Union, Moscow Anderson, & member of the see-|ront-page editorial, [Radio announced the apening of ond family living in the house.| "We Germans may wring our(the trial, and then, in a blast Four ather occupants of the hands a hundred times every at the West German govern: building escaped day and pray quietly the world| ment, told its listeners: SHELTER FOR REFUGEE village in The Congo. He and his father were among ref gees wha crossed the boarder An Angolan child is shelter od fram the vain hy his father's fedora at Matadi, a after tribesmen massacred in habitants of outlying villages in Angola, --AP Wiceatilo