So A 'Mistake | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Mistake 5% ER, = Jock poh ontes (nee) Fo Ww Ne HH a H ; ed Loo #4 Ries igh Low oi EW fC . Heer yaa A Beier Wigh Low om. CW go y ies Pp i "A A A v4 a ya apse Many 59 . fos 4 He % 4 A od ad wn FA Vn os 8» Missa yA y / ; VRAANG (CF )--pegby Mi fore §5ER ERE Mr. Common , Wop Hip ets hl FERS REE hag § W Reis WA -" ps mut Pel " 2 y £ oe 5 / % A y 4 on yo" _-- " f LNT (HBR Wik awn Com ssh ill A = Keg raens Sc <3 Dn Bi A Fon A 41 ¥ ly "4 [Ay A gs on & won seid Monday he ls com One of the men wd ls oo 7 Cris" ds 551 9 78 ull Gla oh 1 CHE FETT Gr ee sented 740 he cite, ten sted TW ders and pnd ; ny i wn 7 i A dg 2 pp: p feweni Ed a we i fos INDUSTRIALS Se 0 8 5 Coan 4 Gorriim 1% - Em WE WE $e PRGoR 1 RB AGATE S FER fine #4 ed i me yd sin Wort oh 4 E 04 : ol Wires Flas P0168 14 £ Wis Wan 0H He 47 ow Liman ng & Caraet error wal Aey seryef hays fomaat ui Bote (hes WAP) Block Fier bow o' Ah i be "vs ¥ = % Ao oo. 4 irre Pre 0072 5 7 & Ta, ; the DEBeRsEng HK WRITE of then TEleasal Without DRyment rd oe Wer Crm) AH on soe On Ek + fyi oe Reins mr: Vi ww Con Segue I wiiial im Wetewpiitan Tor: Hh wy fine ZA url ht fog KAR: ime GB io i bs ; ALE ' Home 1 2 5h 1% HLH Cras Cd Wagietrate Wimme suid Wine ri "! i oo : od % wh Wh oo ; be # resi of the error, wp sem ABA Bmder were Mest i a a Wan WEEE FEleaens premaluwsshy with on B proper bees 4 ? bbs Th Th ' Hard R ww H HB ol or od AEA AL TE VF Eee a 2 0 i BV eth Ee a Ry Hesber Five hens 16 IF} AR : B 4 ia a : skal io Ge hh 4 a) To us wh wb ra pos rom fait ng the sentence 19 have hesw iw Foi# y boo oe . y FH oo wee $A Y Wing i #* 3 Frnt Yad In # repos to Mr, Common, TORCRITEN Ales Ww 2 y bd brad #4 w iy Lh y ad ig Polly Wa 4 a ys yf 4 oe oe Lr L2 ry $2 y E on 'B 5» B® ¥ / pA semar Magstyuie W. 6. Vlmore My. Common said no further ow hed WR, Riya Bins ; or 5 4 % 2 a ¢ bhi Bw yo ] oh siid the colusion arose When sation comida be taken as 187 8s (Magistinte Joseph AAMson E8- CoBViction oF sepience 16 co {Arse wn inlormation with re. cerned {pect 15 sah A the pecnsed Arn Fi, (80, #6 Ine Fook #4 [rs 4 ¥ Moke 4 ii i f ? oe i ¢ oh " ¢ ! A z 4 5 Gash twas months es $1509 or for months in addition," NET EARNINGS usd Riis. Thotis Io 1% 5 oi i maa. ARE FAFORTANE (hong A York Township clerk pre pened warrants of commis! By THE CANADIAN PRESS Wines men » » Fegne Tata Rach. =» RJ Kine IF Jv HE Ho d Ve 8 FARR # ro 7 { (f Ve = ¥ wh ! wh BEF EAE BRE RIE WW gr w em L a a y Sp ¥ wy 7 b vy . 1A Yom ast [Jon tow, ise Nps) Adee bom Ve Vi, by A 122. 2h z A of of 4 v A ty oR / bi Vo obs fz 1 oa ww oe 28 sada oe &g £5" oteyd es Birth Ragmines Es | 4) A wae F ¢ y oo § p hes a rama "ow 7 £m om maling tv warrants for each. Brwlorne Pioneer of the pecnsed, Wowever, Ma- year ended Dee, Bi: 1989, i 7 a 5 5 28 Tis 44 is gistinie Elmore smd, the derk Wil, 5 cents » here, W Teite WH B ' : Vs = {aled 19 note on these of the $466 004, cents. ido ph warrants that they were conse Canadian Velrviing 144. MINES pid ll olive ended Pes , $0 x § 3 La ed by ud #4 a iv vy # #iA rey uy eA ¢ ' , i dad Fanta! : e fails, WH +¥ / ; binie I fi ity Fh 45% vA ely rod % ' / AS v. 14 "~ we we, Md WE ON # we func i Bn Botier wm Me REE shen Trt BE RA I yd we ww Einhorn fhe $0h Sh 2 CONFIRMS FIATEMENT ARTnesie wh #h #4 WA y "Magistrate Addison has eon Aan & Vi i firmed the clerk's statement rier a or vl i ih | ' | ha these Warisms were made Vind ¥ dl PRI WROROWRS HANEARRAW, Kathiesn $ARenty, # REF IEF Frimiog Basst Wes, Witty #89, PEFR 10, 1) i A BRET, Rend Ions of Wikia Ged of Wid JERE. Basing # Ihe W ker DEATHS owt end inspected by Wm he liskawy HM Any bts ih ve bo BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:005HOW STARTS 7:18 hi 1h A fg Bidd | kk TONIGHT ETERNAL hinnie memenpls Beige Lon ihvied 1or Bering Gini amie R Ruaiky [OF IRA IER f 7M Maint Fawn Cemetery mlice KA SA65. FRc sive FRE IRSERIREI BS fr | y Ne ERE La] Halthsws 2 Emdstim # Yorth isle i V) Ww ; i W Hank wn 8 The mew challenging GERROW FUNERAL ry governments. He said policy re: crease milk instesd of butter MOCK TRIAL love wary CHAPE| BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT VIEL 15 RECERRREY 1 RYEFL Bis CORSON OWEN BOUND, Opt, (CP)=] © ovr lime! K R ih i ' . AELEr In the Industry 1 RB. R. Southam, Moose Moun The executive of the Owen Inaness beyond price yong tain, said in the Commons thet Sound Chamber of Commerce Vor within vhash of ol 'N H n T d D W OTTAWA (CF)=A Satkati } ake a Was heen served with a mock RA B-6226 ew ope ee Ia e 0 n wan Progressive Conservative Autry Industry should take # wanmons and will stand trig) gf tere icion ate TT ------tTT NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CF ME said Monday the Canadian Mare realishie approse ho the ter its annual banauel, They are NIAGARA y } 390 KING STREET WEST ) ite / R A a : Consumption of dairy fonds in dairy Industry should make g& problem created hy the mount: charged with (ailing to arouse LOCKE'S FLORIY For Maritimes le anda 18 declining dangerously| More Energetic € (10 Fi to in-ling butter mrpius the enthusiasm of Members, Funeral srrangements . and H milk 4 / 1 while nt the same Hime fiers! requirements for # On SUFEES upwards, the Hort 18 TORONTO (CP)='The Atlantic ax hoard of trade; J. Philip profue i We Fg Bh . A OVINEes Ee Wl bre shld OSHAWA SHOPPING Pre ht he Rodin Ha ol Pumaresq, councillor of the! council of Canada said Monday CENTRE HOHE PI f hoard; Hay March, exeeulive Pierve Cote, addressing the . i population growth and indus tary of hot he M ; g 24 HOUR PHOME SERVICE trial exbanvion. Maver 4. E secretary of both the industrial annual convention of the Ona RA B-65558 [vd oy Halifak said Monday |@04_D a Ft commissions; and rin Association of Tee Cream - Me or Liord n ik the So V. 'M, Enight, Novia Beola's Manufacturers, blamed these Mayor Li ade the OSHAWA oly 4 deputy minister of trade and in- (rends on uneconamic price jes MONUMENT COMPANY |[Hent af & prise IKSPYEW EIEN dustry els and methods of pricing hy SPECIALIZING IN WY A BEL-ACANBINIE BRB Monuments. Markers tion fram the port eity, now vis Memorials, Comerstones, wing Taran g ory of sll types Main event will he a reception 4, KiNG sTE given tonight to about 450 peor | RICE TIE] Fh. RA B:3111 or RA B-B876 ple hy Mayor Lloyd and J, G The Trial Will Bimpson, chairman of the Hall 4 fax industrial development com Never IN MEMORIAM mission, followed hy a dinner at which ¥. William Nicks, presi Heveal! CORNISH = In loving memory of 8 (dent of the Bank of Nova Bee fens wishand, Russell COFRieh WHO | Go il Be host Storing WERNER NLEMPERER + RUTH LEE « DOWALD BUKA « BTEVE GRAVERS « BARBARA TURNER Phassed away April §, 1081 What would 1 #ive ta Clism his hand As Mayor Lloyd and accom AN ALLER ARTISTE PICTURE His happy face tn sen ¥a her Ws vaiee and see his smile | PAYING Officials see i, the Al That meant so much ta me lantic area, with close a 4,000, | Lovingly remembered hy Bis wile 000 peaple, now has a domestic | RIAMAONR In loving memory of market whieh makes it stirae: | Biker DUShARA, father" due ga, ve for secondary induniry 16] FEATURE TIMES: 1:88 - 8 Away ARAL TH, 1956 stahlish there, rather than Fhete 18 RO paINInG fram hase we phigh n products from the ave ho distance ean divide Auteide or today Wn memery's garden a al We still walk side by. side heir particular alm 18 to # Each dawning day a thought of him, | tract industry to the Halifax AL eventide & Braver, 1 y It erm the "se And in the heafts that loved hm {rea==What they term. th # 16 always will be (here part vegion," including Halifax, avingly remembered Wy Ws wile Dartmouth and suburbs hut nildren and grandchildren ' children and grandchildren they state, they are not shoot HALL In loving memery of & | a ane dear Taner, Joni Han whe passed (IDE TOF the Halifax aren alone awiy April 11, Tea6 hey think industry al large We do not need & special day has heen slow lo Tully realize Ta bring you 10 aur mind, IL For the days we do not think of you thal Halifax and the Atlante ye , fal 10 1 y ih th hati a fie a give, [BIEN gre part of the general pop J Ho ol ie world were oi a Bie \ i Well give 1 Ve ana Tk tt EVE ulation "explosion and that | ] ph opt EL gin! 4] see the face of AF LL) Pad peither the eily nov area fol -- qi sling au day lays HE EER he doer allowed predictions of a poskwar Anughter Howdown HAWLEY =n moma af Mather, Fhey give thelr invitation with Pad, ans A ster Nellis hel iy Aaihier) eaniidence that they have the Wd Wan wg Ses" LEON ONAL population wi Wulet they sleep In His keeping grow taster than present projes ROCK HURSON th ERA hearts i be Hons based on the past; that Bale In the arms of Jesis " 0 4 COUNTRY! Thy will he dane. 'Ha Best candibions have been erealed 6op's Remembered Jara # oe In Teen artnet on, Monae GRArSRES under which industry can easily Beith and Calg of Appleby College, [eutabliah Hselt; and that thew lakville | 4 gh am Aakville and Bilen at Hows educational and: training sys WE have provided the mater CARD OF THANKS i fo wilt Ti ane) > Halttax and Nava bealia, they 4 WAR Nae SA 1 BURE = | wish to express my sin | IYRONE USAN KICHAKI gore apprepiatian ta relative friend fate, willl have thelr greatest THRILL 70 THE PIMON LL POWE R HAYWARD i GAN and nelihbars fap their flawers, vis is LURE season in story this oF THE WIEN 00PPESS i cards ald SIS af fois, dur RE my | cent stay in Raspital. 1 would especially [YEAF, ARH More RRUHORAT Conve phe ta thatk the nurses an Waid 8 ans will meet in Halifax than o il thelr efielent sire an dihe Dak Gardiner, Glazier and Welshaim far ver helore, eluding the Ca c . heir effipient services nadian Federation of Mayors) INEmAScOPE Mia Catherine Busy ' and Municipalities May 3June i HOLBROOK -- We wish to extend aig ) } 1 y } ot OLIBARN = 2h ish 1 Stiend tit 4, and the Canadian Chambery ants of Nindness, wessakes of sym of Commerce Oct, 24 pathy and heautiful floral offerings 1 od fram awe many friends andl For Halifax in partiewlay bid 10 the aes 61 8 Weve wile Mayor Lloyd and affiolls have \ ; Plymouth has the most highly developed six eylinder engine in features, Only a teat drive by you can do this, Step-Test Neverwd W, Cleverdon iE Walk 0 S10TY of oivie Tedovs lopment; the industry, Talking or writing about it does not give you a Plymouth's Slant Six engine today and decide for yourself thas bi pn AAR LE BL LA o eeanamie studies; of planning hi full understanding of itd splendid performance and economy there is no other six-cylinder engine to mateh it, Legion Ladies Auxillary or advanced development: and, ) Autliey, Hairy and Nell King |Mavar Llavd adds Ya happier \ - halanee of working, Vving and MARKET PRICES playing" than in mare densely 4 populated centres." x +. . Mayor Llayd describes Hall / TORONTO (CR) ] POLIO fax's clvie government as "one prices quoted today: BEL af the finest and most progres WF aia ENO Bl pound hags, aff truck 1.80, 10 the, a 1 nye trade 2.05080: NR. 175 ta the : ve in Canada and gives 39 95 hoof the credit ta the eit j RT pound bags 1.83, ta ANAS RHO established SAA AANA? \ \ gi he p 1.68 5 ta the lad w---- age gn MIRE sews ws he sa, ef WONDERFUL FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT ! SNAP BAVINGS SILENCE PEL 1hpound bags 31, to/leak at development from an * You Orbit The Slant Sis englne The 30 degree slant The new Slant Sis the trade 8.44 NR 27, taleconomist's vie w paint, vather | Lave, | avghs and has the performance of Plymonth's new engine is gensmusly the trade 40-42 than that of wal palities' : Murderous FUTURE aunality af mast engine allows easier sushioned and almost TORONTO (CP) W Aieale \eeampanving Maver Liayd Fun! r Rights 1 ina vigor manifold beeathing, vibrationiess, 1% is fruit and vegetable prices Hand MR. SIPs ave Alderman | NG WELLS aus, Hyely engine smother URRIng, the quisiest engine £30 am "taday: Apples, Mo W \ MEN poly Whats fal pen and ETOAISTERSOEORAMY, YOU'VE SVP known, fntash $3.60-4.23 a bushel, Del B. Greenwand; J, William K eager bo prove ih Seam Tosf 16 today, SeapsTost It today, liciows 330 + § B.C. Delicious/ WES: chairman of the bart of Sean Test it today 0757 BC. Winesap 5.30:5.93, HAIFA commission F. HN, Ker FORD Spies 4.505 Russet! 4.50: green NAEAR, past president of the Hal b E STEP-TEST THE PLYMOUTH 6" AT YOUR PLYMOUTH.-VALIANT DE beans 4783 a hamper; new : DEBBIE beets § per Fpound Bag: Brae: roams 2.25:2.33 per S-pound has coll 3.50 a case; cabbage, aldichile Spanish onions 3.804, Ca 8-1, new 2853 new red 3.25 nadian 22.33 per M-pound hag 'wGAZER BO' 3.50; carvals, unwashed 1.25 pears, American 3.506.3; pan | 140 a bushel, washed 1.75.3: snips, unwashed 11.25 a bushel, 18 yom (AR FENR 2 cauliflower, 13s 3.80: 3.75; celery, washed 1.301.75; spinach, eella California 44.95 a case: Florida!1.35:1.50 per 10-pound basket; BIL Y rb) (0) R E LL of 3354 cranberries 4 a carton: [thubarh No. 1 1.552 Ne. 2 WO ! queen size cucumbers 3.33250 1 tomatoes, celle 1.8523: ae per Ms. King size 2950 leeks nips, wnwaxed $1, waxed 1.23 200. YLITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COMETS! an PARK ROAD, SOUTH PICKERING, ONTARIO a. per 11-quart basket: lettuee 1.35; pineapples, Cuban 12s 3.83 4 5 N 00.80, Hs 3050.75 mush id cantaloupe 9.50-10.50 . Nw DAYS OF THRILM and LAUGHTER