Radio Auclion JOIN THE FUN Entire Proceeds of this Radio Auction will be used for Kiwanis Club Service Work in this Community. a Tune In CKLB, Wed., April 1 IT'S ENTERTAINING 6:30 P.M. KEEP THESE TIE AWA TIS, Tawesey, Apr (1, 1997 PAGES HANDY , IT'S EXCITING IT'S EASY TO PLAY RADIO AUCTION 1. Velaphone bide with be acceptad om ony or ol articles commencing ot 6 p.m. 2. To Wid on ony article or growp of articles, dial sither of the Speciel Telephone Numbers listed on these give the number of the erticle, your nome, phone number 3. The Wigheot bid on any article may ba 16ained by phoning the Radic haction teleghons number, number and WIGHEST BID, PLEASE BE Phone Number Is -- RA 5-7351 -- 20 Lines To Serve You 28 frm Corie for Nopmivnmn sr Coins Flamirwm, 58 biases WH re EPL mute gor igre Fratres Parivar Elastic, 19% GH ou 25% ome Eiestne Lior Gran Wall Kites 4 Ens Feviorees, Th Gimeno #. Ff 284 wie & ik wan loner ls TRA 4 bios oh itgrmrrsy Wa 256 --Core Coy rm (hr 280 fo Wein ww, J # ¥ Ak IIE Soe 5 HY 154 vpn ead Fa a] %7 G56 white #f Em ? i 258---Cme Bottle of One Ad fy ' ge Yitomin Tonnes 256% thie Sorstones 118 Toronts, Grit 285 ~Lme 'Arow Met Candee Vit Fakmrge Feriomes (Conse A 30 Queen Ean Poe, Torte 14, Gon 246100 Foramette Vinson Talier Ayest, Mckerne kb Herne, Morties!, Gi B41 hole (Elactric-oys) hglometic | Wistoba prot om fomers nd Cone = hy Someone dors oot SPpeIonNany; tout 12 Fy lens, rapid Fim transport forer Jury & Lovel bd Oshowe = Bowmenrifle - Whithy 140--Fevion Besity Trast Ser (complete mere-ip pet Themes Seles Agerx es, nieve, Ont 243 hang! Set Mo. § Purse Fertume ond Sprey Lahagne M. Parker Co, L18., Mantes, Geiss 244-4500 Youcher North Simcoe Pharmacy, 907 Smee #, H 248 Fepsi Calg Cori Cool, Blue, 14-bottle sis Emith Bevercges, Bowmenyille, Ont $46=0ne Morxwsh IV' Beluse Lown Mover Firtings Limited, Oshovs yng Tuneup of Power Lown Mower Kendolweoed Marne, 171 Kendelwoed 248--One General Blestris C516 B-hrwsh Flonr Polisher oui id Menutesturing Company Limited a So" Master Bertyps Deck Fovest with iA §. Gosdmen Plumbing & Hesting, 758 Mery Siem 280 aucher for Greening Plant for the Heme Lewington's Flowers, King $ E of ise to Choice Ru mishingd, vp ST Hime Yoastwell Pop-up Toaster Northern Canede Supply Lid, Whetody sy Aig Md Heir © (} se Sunbeam Weir Brywr Eastern Blostric Construstion bo [W) B040ns Roll-A-Maric Flastric Roser Remington Rand Led, Systems Bivision mw 58=0ne Wumi-A-Zons Room Humiditier, 2000 cu: 0, sepusity Masse Electric Co, (Oshrown) bid, 286~--Chaisette Lounges, 72" long, yellow folds for storing, heavy-gauge aluminum, wren covered £ 8 Kresge Co. Lid Oshawa pring Centre 157 =Cme Brown Spice Rug, 27 x 54 Ny Way Rug, 174 Mary &t 258---~Merchondise Voucher choice of anything In stars Zeller's Limited, Downtown 259~Table Lamp, brass with wrought-iren, de | ¥ Wilsen Furniture, 20 Chureh 8, sou 260---=0ns Fortable Typewriter nderweed Limited, Oshews 26112" Child's Dell dressed Sunbeam Bread, 36 William 5. W. 262-3 Men's White Dress Shirts, size 1414 (may be exchanged for other sizes) Tip Top Tailors, 231% Simece 5. 5, 268-Merchandise Voucher Burns Shoes, King & Simces Sts 2640n¢ pair Gov Hanns | aad w= 19 be pleked Fld fram Kinloch s Lid itter-Hiliman € thes, 197 Spadineg Ave, Torente, Ont, 268--0One Voucher for Lubrication pil change, filler, sic C. Orpwond BA, 461 Park Rd, §, é--Cleaning Voucher Maden Pry Cleansers, tree Grease, 121 Olive Ave, ,, BET Voucher for $10.00 for Cleanin . Pickwick Cleaners, 434 Simeos % 3 268---0ne Johnson & lohnson First Aid Emergency Kit (comes with wall brackets ter hanging on wall {en & Johnsen Lid, ; 85 Pius 1X Blvd, Meantreal Quebec 269 is 100 Merchandise Vevgher ar Repairs . Kuch Bros, Shoes, 138 Simeoe & 270-=Voucher ~~ Merchandise to $10.00 value Bond Clothes King St, East 2710One Grocery Voucher ta the value af $15.00 at Spreyle's Store, King and Ritson Road Oshawa W. B. White Insurance Lid. 110 King St. Fast 272 Merchandise Shephard's Meat Market, 46 Simcos N 273-50 Quan Milk Token Oshawa Dairy Lid, 431 Simecs 51. & 274-5 Cases of Crush, assorted Crush International Lid 1590 O'Conner Dive, Torante, Ont 275-3 Canter (600) Du Maurier Cigarettes The Filtertipped Cigarette 'Hop" Appleton, RR » Oshawa 276~Ausorted Blue Ribbon od Red Rose Products Spice Tea Caflee Candy, els Biooke Bond (Canada) Lid, Terente, Om 27h-~Veoucher for $10.00 worth of Groceries Pawer Store, King St. © 218--Food Voucher McKenna Supermarket, 948 Simcoe St. N 9 One Case Quaker State Heavy-duty Meter Ql = 10W + 30 Herb Robinson Wholesale Lid #3 Rethmond Street West 80 Voucher tor $10.00 worth of Merchandise Him Morrison's BA. Service King 52 E & Townline 81l=One Mile - Pak Atlas i e 670 x 15 Winders Baise Service na & Rion Sn AWdimenive Job A J Statham gy? Seles, in King 283 Grease Job on Change & Cor Wash lacuda's South End Vesa Station 508 Risen Rd 8 284--Re-Chiome Fr #1959 Chevrolet Whithy Auto Weecken. Whith wo 10.00 15.00 19.9% IRL ny LAL 16.9% 15.00 1098 "wie 5.00 10.77 10.00 nae 10.00 10.00 10,00 /.50 5.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 10.98 10.80 670 10.00 10.00 BG Fag Fenisr Mismrs, lomishied fs tard Morey ies 144, " 27) Semece BY 1866 bbe Sei Tow Rope, Festing psi em ee Tarn "W ie Au & Merve, EF 4 Obers rere 19% IR] fmm Ehemen Comp ras wpe b Renigl Series, 227 Weg & W G&G IRR csmiistion sak Of Chergs dL 4 Bond & E $90 IBY ihe 5 Pssarred Fianering Sones ans (inen Wryece i644 196 fru Bone of Gre plmy Mitige Yitems AFA KY 156 > Mries Latmrstones 114, Toros, Ort Lh 7% 7 aside Pdmvesion Poses wm Mepis Lest BiH GAA FF Grr) (SG GRIME BIEBEN Meosie Laof Bosskell Clip 44, 55% Lakeshore Bi forearms 6 i171 Ticrars for 1 Caples tor ory Setuyrdey hate ot liitiee Bsnce He sriee Fs wr, Lakeview Pork 856 9% 1 Sma Nord lta dad vidoes Frnt 44 illiem 4094 25 4 oh Brod 'baci g Tope Z mes He A427 rests IS Ah Mirena Mining and Menutectving £16 196-85 Grasn Fee Ticrets sridvien Catt Cl sien b Bloor Sts, Owens 14.06 Ghee FPortgiie Cooler Cocglile s Beoeroges have |14 1656 57 1G orien Foy QYee he, 303 wl ery Ruse Transport Ld, Chews 1398 298 Cre How Flying Time in Coswm 172 # ond 3 Foscergers ) Camby Fling Clk 7.66 99 /nichigr tor Dence Lessons (New pad! only) Hervey Eonce Academy, 424 King 8, VW, 15.00 A x 15 Tire Lominien wids Motor Soles, 314 Pork Rd, § i498 301=--Cne Fiandy Mody b-vait Heery-aury Bettery Handy-Andy Asocicts Hers, jowne Shopping Centre, oppeite { mp ma YP vere 13.08 Wa --Merchendise "Vie ' Dovidsan's Shoes, 31 Simese $. North 16.60 $03---0ne Grocery Youcher to the Yelus of $15.00 ot Evans Grocery Store, Iervis Stremt . EB. Winte Insurance Lid, 110 King Sireet East 16.060 | 804-~Cne Sot Milk Tokens for 285 Helf Gellen Milk ! Ides! Dgiry Lad., 390 Ritson Rd. N. , 11,28 308-3 Canens (6001 Black Cot Ne, 7 Cigarettes Carreras of Con. id, Toren, On, 10.80 | 3086 Voucher tor iwschandie o¢ x Shell El (R, J. Tumwyl, 962 inh 8 N, 10.00 | 807 --Vevcher =~ 8.00 wearth of gasaline & belonce in Gregss lok, ol & Car Wash Bilenduke Esme Service Marien, 1004 Simcoe 5, N 16.98 J08--Maring 12 Veit Spetline, Fits "wy kind of baogt Brocklin Marine Supply & Sten Eracklin, Om Pp go, 11.50 $09=0ne Full size Ladin' Flight Beg, Mew Wve ive Eaton's of Connds, Orhaws Sovping nen 31 OY ancher 100 gals, Fusl Oil, Lander-Stark Oil Tid, al 5 W100 1700 B1 1eYausher 19 the valve of Millwerk & Buildi Hoppin " 1279 Simeone gi ' "ne 112--Chime Clock, Walnut sess, Bansstt's Jewlery, Bowntewn & Shopping Centre rire BOOB 313 Ingraham BAOO4 ne: Alem Clesgk, Ruddy Elgctric Wholesale Lid, Oshews 79% 31 4=-Cne Gallen Astra Flat Paint, , hale of Calor, Preston's Paints, 19 Bond 5, W 635 | 31 8==Vaucher for ane Cubic Yord of 3800 PSI, Cancrete Belka & Son, 1270 Simees 8. N, 15.08 GROUP "D" . No, 316 t0 420 SOLD AT 11 P.M, TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER | BV6==12 Sidewslk Slabs, Size 24" » 30", : Hambly Concrete Products, Kingston Rd, W, 130.00 31 7Two BO Ib. Bags of Fertilizer and 10 Ibs, Ne | Fina Grass ! Cooper Smith Co, 16 Celina 5 19.00 3181 Only Weiser Leck Na. 502 Keyed for Front Pear, Twa Tene Finish, Mel ullengh Lumber Co, Ltd, 1270 Simece St. N 8.75 319=-0n¢ Gallon Benjamin Meere Saniflat Interior i Paint, Lemon Yellow Harry Wilson Hardware, 23 King 5. W, 8.00 | 430-8 No. | Canadian Grown Ross Bushes, AW, Rundle Garden Centre, i. 1018 King 51, E 625 1321 =8 Ibs, Superfine Grass Seed, A mixture of | Merion Blue, Kentucky Blue, Fescus & Bent | Grass : AW. Rundle Garden Centre, | 1018 King $1 W 6.95 323+-0ne Deck Faucet Chrome 18" inlet, ! Emee Lid, Simeee 51. N veer 14.30 | 333- Cne Pink Electric Kitchen Clogk } Bens Credit Jewellers, 32 King St. W, 13.9% { 424-0ne Gallen Pittsburgh Rukberized Paint. Ress an i lacksen & Rake Hardware, ! 500 Rossland Rd 8.45 | 328 Voucher for § Assented Flowering Shrubs | Cihawa Garden Service, B68 Taunton W 10.00 136-0ne Curity Safeguard First Aid Cabinet. . omplele with brackets for hanging en wall Bauer & Black, ! Curity Ave, Terente 1.5 337-One Bottle ho One A Day Multiple Vitamin i Tablets 350 Miles Aatnre tures Lid, Teronta 875 [Ht-telaseid Righlander Complete Phote Kis Includes Model 80 8 Comers, Wink Light, 1 rolls 3000 spend film. In handsome Kern Pree Md 30 King Bn. § { am Drugs ' \ 119-00 MumrAcdone. Reem Humisitier, 2000 Me te [1 ween Bless (Oahawe) Aw [130-=Rincan Blastris 3 Bend AN ig IR " Model. (Braadeant -- Rierels) + (Shon Wave Megesvsle), Coler Dark Blue. General Photographic Lid, 14 Boadathane 8. Toronte LIAL) [330 Sunbeam Automatic Blestric Toaster ! Houduilla Industries Lad, Simson §t, § nw 1332 Table Lamp. Danish style, Solid watmat with i brass Ne Fy therglass shade Kelly Applianses, 32 King St. & (ER 3 hdr Nan Sir been with ing shade. 3 Basvent'y | Dawntown & Wanting Contra nn [334 One Man's | Sun gh Ambassador | Gladstone Bag. Tan cowhide i General Printers Lod, 57 Simess 0 & LAE) Vib--Land bchransar T 1 88 Bipnciiars in lanther --_ Arsnymen $3brtm Cong of California Smim Sit. Ctomer's Choice. Fitting to be Srangss Cae of Colvtnrmim Eormam 114 BOA Fivem 7 BOT nuciar box | Pevow Sm, Wits, Golden Porm. Poy Gis JeneiVs Men's Wer, 16 King 1. E Pibrtre Gears Waersmie Brown Srudent Wrdbresier, sive 1B. Cre por Boy's ress Forts, chai ole monn, MEI e wesreiie wie 36, tor soe 1H incr Fraosr Men's & Boyy' YWesy, imo Swwming Carnie $99 AL Mnng Vouhies Corming's L414, 14 King 0. Y PAG ering oiiriss ! Scigeg Clesners, Sid Cromnell Foe i Vinings. Men's or hodhes' Merchoridse Laren Sipaes Fok Hore Chmre Fepming Centre $4 2--me Coston frig & Wire Ercmel Fein Mes. W.-W, Fark, 55 Brie & $45 Ce Sot of Wilk Tokens, 25 V4 gole Idec Deiry 14, 3906 Ritson HY Shh pcher for 1 Cartons Cighreties Fem Crowder wh Mery o $45 ucher for Grokerigs sesidonne VGA, Sime 8. 1H FL Jrmhgr tor Grocens Foner Soper Meorvet, King #, E $47 Selection of Spring Bedding Plants KB Feed & Sams, 163 Bloor 5. WW $48 ncher tor | Cor Wash, | Lukrisstion and I Maror Tune Up (Less Ports) Merwy's B.A. Service, 184 Simecs oH, § $0=T wn only Dominion Royo! Vises, yee 4 LJ Chitk Mille Meters bi, 66 King br $801 Portrait Frame, See 11 / ey i mele £ oR Ireland Studie, 21 Mhet §t. WW 351 Merchandise VY acher Ooncey Bros, hess, |B Simcoe $6, § 350" nicner tor Ten Gallons of Gaseline Tommy Goch Service Satior 437 Simeon $4, § $88 Voucher tor Two Grease Jobs, Gil Cher Howie's B.A: Service Station, Simees 8, | V54--Youcher Andy Megy Body Shep, 408 King 5t. WW 355--Cne Tune Up on 6 Clinger Car. Points, Plugs & Condensers i Bob Skitch Gerage, B3 Ritson § L386. M, Radia = Asrigl snd Installation, ] Ontario Meter Sales bid, 140 Bend br, W, | 387 ~Chaisetie Lounge, 72 lang. Folds for staring Heavy guage aluminum, Seren covered, Color eptiong § & Kresge Co, 11d, 13 Simece 84, 8, 11s i58- One = Two Hendle Ski Rops Ted's White Rose & Marine, King 8, E, 89 Voucher for Four Lubricotions Bowers B.A, Service Stetion, 26) King §¢, E §40=0rm Delta Trouble Lemp Bryce Cook Body Shep, "is King 0. W 3610=Twe Tickers for Twa Couples for any Seturdey Might ar the Jubilee Pavilion Pance Hell, Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeview Park 362~Twe Double, General Admission Possess te Maple Leal Stadium, Geed for any Isagus fia except Opening Day le Leg! Bossbwll Club Ltd, Lakeshore Blvd, Terentia TEES eh Brand Recording Taps, 2 reels Me 1HIA and 4 reels Ne | IA6 Minnesats Mining and Manufesturing $64=-TW3 Burgess Radar-lite HW. Gourley Ltd, 311 Viele Ave, 14+ 368-Service Voucher Stephenson's Garage, 15 Chureh §t 366--0One Dominion Reval Tire, Size 670 x 15, Ken Dume's Garage, 574 King 8. E, 367 One Cold Wave Permanent Beletie Beauty Salen, 492 Simece 5, 8, $= fontisman: 0 Gruen 17 Jewel Waterpronf Wrist Watch, Gold-filled save and brasaler, Weed's Transpert & Cartage bid, 21% Wentwarth §t, 12 349Four Sirloin Steak Dinners Bo-Pesp Restaurant, Oshawa Shopping Centre 370-2 Seqsons Tickets to 198) - 62 Kiwanis Travelogue Kiwanis Club of Oshawa 37 Ve Voucher for 2 fois af Brandram-Hendersen Paint, (Carausel) any saler | Earl Goodes' Hardware, 245 King 51, 37%=-Ladies' 18" McBring "Jot Flite'! avemight Case, White i Bums Shoe Store, King & Simees Sts H--tns Kenwaod Blanket, Color Groen, Sise 73 Shine Hotel Assosiation, Oshaws | 374==VYousher for Fusl or ag ment, | Robert Bison Co, bed, 313 Albert §, |¥ T8~Twe Smoke Stands. Unfinished Oshawa Furniture, 36 William 51, [974 Vaueher for 10 gals, Gaseling, | Lemiseiion | Oil Change Sargant's re ®, 378 Park Rd, § : | 377=Vauicher for Whee! Alignment & Balance Hambly Tire Lid, 534 Ritson &. | 378--VYeucher for Cold Wave Permanent Isabel's Beauty Salon, 89 Simeee St, N, [379m Man's Gold Balrose Reteraumatic Wrist Toronto | { 380 Two Vo Tickets @ 5.00 pach, Watch = with unbreakable main spring, Western Iron & Metal Co, ERE L] Casing Restaurant, 18 King S51 W 381-2000 Different Postage Stamps for Collestars | Jules Ethier = Stamp Collecting Kiwanian XK] PER AOA Brand Recording Tope, 2 reels Ne A132, 2 reels Na 111 LL) Mining & wie [383 Two Smoke Sands, Unfinished ETT SI Oshawa Fumiture, 38 Williams St. W J84=Two Season Tickets to 1961-62 Kiwanis Travelogue Kiwanis Club of Oshawa Teen Ager Dress Making Course of 8 Lessons Singer Sewing Machine Co. Ontario St {186 Ladies 21" Week End Case. Calor Tan Metropalitan Stames Lid, 60 King St, Ek, [aa7=V oucher tor Cold Wave Permanent, Jutta Beauty Salon, King & Celina a" 188 Food Youhey i R Sproule s Food Store, Simoes 5. at Mill ! [ee | pair Blankets, Pure wool Polar, 72 5 MM Alger Pras Lid, Oshawa 390 Selection of Spring Be Ming Plants Puckett Florist, 304 Elmgrove Ave lan «1 Kenwood Blanket, Pink, Sise "n yA Hotel Anesiation, Oshawe Oshawa m-Si tor 150 Gallons British Amarisan & Sons, 307 Lash 0, 0 Farhoy Ma > oUp Travel Con. Cream solos, | milk, het founda ton, to. Seam TouRe ove hadew, feather Hiniy P Jamison by 4) King 0. § 756 3: 15.06 0.00 4.00 6.00 15.00 1490 (EL 298 600 | 18.28 5.00 1410 | 15.55 | 10.00 16,00 18,00 nn» 10,00 10,00 17.80 19.80 "no 4.00 615 17.50 10,00 "wn 10.00 8.00 14.10 4.00 10.00 18.00. 10.98 10.00 10.00 wen 5.00 I A ARSON o ¥ | WA mr "we Coleman's Eorisge, BS Bord 50. WW, ,1vv 1666 $951 she Hands. \nhres Csr Furmtirs, 36 Withem %. WW, 406 Vib muhigr for 'Wivnew Eiasring i Aire Window Clesners, 36 Fossiond Rd. § 556 V7 Tras Sgrrt Snes lem 1 ud 3 goers 36 King 4. v.66 Wh Cans Cols Conley Hemihy's Beverages (Gens) iid, Chere 1656 MeBrine Tan Top Grain Cowhide Robson Lasther Co. 11d, Gebers "wee $56--F od Vimichier Briers 's VGA. Sor, 120 Wilson Fd. 5 $06 #01=Aroumie Smrmerer Comers Owifin, Complore Toren film, botteries, Wo, 127 Mim Hayd mercelt ool bonote L14, A King EE We ALAA rEhGrdc& Yinpchigr gt Flintdf Fgrargrg £4 Disney Fas! Esigie, B1 54 mace 1. 5 6.06 408A Thestre Tickers, Piois Thestre Cars Thestre Menoghrs Position 45 $04--Coreen Begreom Clock I. Y. Powe, 36 King 0. W 79% 405ml Thermos Fiemme Ki Feir Bros, 12 Simcoe 5. § 16.56 40k orton Players' Cigareties yaen Macheneld (shows) 44 16.86 prim is pois "Parter'"' Binscwlons 8 5 M0 Imperial Opticel Co, Ontario ¥ ee 48 gol. Chie Supers Ah e Enomet (Pick up of Fotie's Hore Forie fo é & Wallpaper iid 85 Sime Er. 12786 405 Ain L060) Players Mild Cigaretiss. imesrniel Tosco 144 Yersr 19 10.80 410-215 ounce Mives Creme Jars oo th & Mephew Ltd, Montres! 690 #11 ==FPhillips Tobie Rodie, White Irving Appliances, 58 Bond 0, § un 41 Z==Prtigue Heirleom Set. Earnings & neckicce Marngemer/'s Ladies Wear, 26 King #4. E 16,00 41 3--Food Voucher Froirie Autornibile Lad. Teronte Ave i500 Mealtlitt' Weriviie bone. 31. ih Linen apes 5, Green rs Winding, Soywell's Leather Goods, 16 Simese B, §, 9.00 4187 gels, Roxamul Velvet Faint (Pick up of Pahte's Store Roxghin of Canada, Mew Terente 16.80 #161 Teen Agers Dress Making Course of Lesser ¥ : Singer Sewing Meech ine Co, Onteric & 10.00 | 417) emily No. 48 Sportus Gun Clock, Elestrie, ! Oshawa Brscount Hause, 290 Albers 11.9% | #18=Flastic Curtain Shower Set. Window Curtain i ond Shower Drops, Color rose ! Howards Draperies, 96 Smear § N "98 $19-=One pair 8 Chrome Deck Taps by Emee Marth Oshaws Plumbing, 52 Wayne 5 11.50 420-~Table Lamp, Bross bese, Blue stand & blue shade Epring Bros, Furniture, 10 Bond Bt. W, 14.95 Hen " | GROUP "E No. 421 and on SOLD AT 12 P.M, TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER | Manne S01. of Findley Ware Cooking Pots, tl Shor Jinited, Victories 8, Whithy .... 1.00 410--0ne Wave Jananen (I ! Maytair ha 27 Colin 10.0 | 42850t of Paint Brushes an eller, (Pick up ot ! Parte's Store) Meaking & Sens Ltd, Hamilten 12.00 | 424==0ne gallon Blister Proof Paint, ranch white (available ot Emie Cay Lumber Co, Lid) ! Crown Digmend Paint Co, Terente 8.80 | 428--=Nea Chemical Food, large Je 234 ar | Nea Chemical Fond, capsiiles--1 00's, A Vitamin & Mineral Supplement", Chas, E, Frosst & Co, Montreal TTT (K]] | 426~Cleaning Voucher Aldswarth Cleaners, 36 Athal &, E 10.00 | A37=One 35 Ib, Fail Sta-Dri Waterpronf Masonry Paint, (Any eeler) Emie Ca Lior Co, Ltd, 53 Albert 5 14,95 42814 Ten theese Cogl Melaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid, 110 King 81, W, 15,00 4291 Rand McNally Read Atlas of Nerth America and | Toy Maving Van | Mackie's Van & § Horage | L hd King 5. E, 7.00 | 430-100 gollens Fumace | Mel aughlin Heating, 104 8 SW, 00 1710 431-6 Theatre Tickets. Marks Theatre i Oshawa Theatre Managers Assesiation 4.50 | 4332 gallons Colerizer Paint, any eeler, (Pigk up { ot Patie's Store), ! Imperial Fie Glaze, Marse 5t., Torave .,, 17.90 | 433-=Clothing Veueher ] Cannings Lid, 20 King 5 E ri reesy 10/00 | 434==Cloaning Voucher | Scugog Cleaners, 524 Cromwell Ave, 12.50 | 435==Voucher for Service or Merchandise i Dave Jackson's Shell Service, 1089 Ritson §. 10.00 A36-Merchandise 10 the retail value of $15.00 Smith Sports, 383 King St 15.00 | 437-=0ne Cold Wave Permanent Wave | Elizabeth Beauty Shoppe, 712 Simeoe §. N. 10,00 | 400-1 Kenwood Blanket. 11% 84. Color pink, | Oshawa Hotel Association, Oshawe ns 439 Yeareh Brand Recording Ta . 2 reels Ne A122 reels Na 111 ii) Mining & WALL 14.10 440-2 gals. Pliedek Masanry Paint. Any color from ehart, (Pigk up at Parie's Stops) Mitchell Calor & Chemical, Toromte ,,., 17.40 441 Selection of Bedding Plants Puskelt Florist, 304 Elmgrove Ave 5.00 M43=Film Automatic Percolatar. Model 21, 9 sup size. Peres automatically until cattee is { brewed ta your taste Industrial Acceptance Comp, & Nioga Finanes Co. Lid, 286 King 51. W 16.00 AddAluminum Step Ladder, § foot, RD, Warmer Co, (Canada) bid, 1185 Simeoe $0. § vinssy BMS | 444=-Voucher for Young Peoples Wear ! Youna Moslems, 38 King St E 5.98 | 445 Voucher, Customer Choice of Beauty Treat i ment Val Mae Beauty Salon, 291% Simeee St. & 12.00 ! | 4=--=Rreat oa gram for aise ot Wysen ports, Corton "Svar, our 5, Torente 32.50 | 447 Vouncher for 2 gali Pts a ain Outside ! White Bathe & NSLellon Building Supplies Lid, 8) King W 17.00 | 448 100 Gals Nn mace Fuel Ov Harpy O. Perry Petroleum Lid. 288 Bloor W. 172.10 hha + at Case No. 20 Heavy Duty Superiest Supp Petroleum Co, 100 Bloor St, & 14.40 sod heatie Ticken, Biltmore Theatre Oshawa Theatre Managers Association, 4.50 ba Car Wash, | Greasa lob S gal Gas Len Wall Service "ation. Simcoe Sv N 850 | 452. One Dominion Royal Yies, 750 y 14 Chartton Transport Lad, 438 Rishmond 80. § 32.10 i : | "EEE "we go A uk ii or 1000 fd wf Y 4 | 55- 2 gos, C44, Tamme W hy 1A Fant. (Fisk wo ot ud lid Canbian lnmwinies 118. Toros 9.70 | #56 ~Law Var oA Corman ihn. Ragidar Fil Grasse jh every F066 mies Seeds B.A. Service Sstiom, Smee be Tourton Fd ison $57 Design sivher o Cotten Table, o Room Divider we W, WM, Coldwell, Industries Bwvigner, 26% King tf 196.60 45k--election of Spring Redding Plants { Jorden Flenst, A Arlington 500 9 tousher Jot o | to the 7 veine of 925.00, Helden wre 60. #3 King "wm Ali Pesrntment hf - flowers or Homer: lars FEB Reed & Some, 10%; K bh 16.060 61 --~Twe Backs, Websters ere (Actorry ond Flmig--RAa/emre in end of Forodee ! Maracle Frese 11d, 1156 King LA 1290 | $62--F od Yonuher of Ards i F. Melalium, 100 Mexondrs 15.00 | #65Trorsioror Bodie, Mides Medel CR2Z with ! alt in spesker ond senel, Blesk with ] leotheretie carrying coe ! Industrial Acceptance Corp Vhogam ! Finance Co. 11d, 286 King b 16.00 | 464=""Cine" Briar Pipe. Londen made United Cigar Sores Lod, B Simese #1. §, 8.00 A65--Pitamanic Humidifier H. Andrews Sheet Metal, 67 Patricia Ave, + 14.00 | 466 "vy Cleaning / auher ! Evelevgh 5 Bd B50 Mil & 10.00 | 467 {me # Blister Proof Paint, Rench white ! (Avgiloide at Emie Cay hi Lumber Co, Lid) | Crown Dremond Faint Co, Torte 880 4bB--~Caheman Laren | Carling's iy witiB fh Y Ad Toots 17.9% i | 469 achn of Spr Redding Flom R Fob din 163 Bloor W, rvvrieee B00 L470 wl FAL Reflex Comers Mitchell's Drugs, ¥ Simcoe $0. MN, 100000 19.98 {4712 Smake Stands, Unfinished, Cshowa Furniture, 36 Williem #1, 4.00 {472+ ~One Rand MeMolly Rand Mio of 'North ! America and one Toy Mevin ! Mackie Van & Seorage, 85 we mE 7.00 4730ne gol, Searles Fit Quality fi 1 Vhite | Extencr House Paint | 1. H, Marlows Painter, 90 Rien Rd, §, ,, 9,00 | 474 Zauchur for Flowering Shri Garden Service, 288 Simeon oN 1000 nah Pande goo of Dobbie or I Insrence, 64 fire 10.00 ee ah L" mine 144's (Mh 1A ming wi ia i Rexall Dr Caoksville reeeee T98 | ATT ~=Selnction 0 Spring Redding | Pian, Greenhouses, Ringston Rd, , 8.00 | 478] eenagers dressmaking By of 8 lessor, i Singer Sewing Matching Co, oSrterle 8 0 1000 479 Mean Medical Counsellor Boo Margele Fress Lid. 1156 King %, E 14,96 | 400--Glosk Redie, Silvertone, Simpson:Bears Led, 43 Bimsos 0, N, ,, "ne 481 Three fort Lubrication se aoper's Service fotion ee 51 1000 B28 "-3 tony Yvan Grama oF, mir phew Lid, Menrtesl i000. 890 4834500 Voucher, ! lory Ann Shoppes Lad, § Simeoe &, §, s.00 4B84=Thres pair Stockings, Sire B14, Color ow, Fox's Ladies Wear, 7 Simeoe 8, 8, .,.,,, 837 A885 Eelection of spring Bedding Flants, Jordan Florist 0 Arlington 5.00 4Bb--Rexall Super LR 14 % (Multiple Viter ne with Minerals), e enol us, Cooksy| trrreeren 798 #872 Cartons of ""Players" Cigareties Hayden MacDonald (Oshawe) Ltd, Oshews 7.20 488VYoucher for Cleaning, Gillard Cleanit Service td, 92 Wolfe 5, 10.00 AB9=--Sup-Matic Spinning Res), Paul's Sporting Geads, 589 Albert 5t, 16.9% 490-~0ne Bottle of One A Day Multiple Vitamin Tablets 250's, Miles Laboratories Ltd, Terente 875 elon of Drawing wp One Partnership Agree: Th M: Rundle, Barr, & Bol, 45 Kin iy Bi Ek 0,00 492-=Chaisette Lounge, Folding, 72" long, Yeliow, Folds for storing, Heavy gauge aluminum, Saran covered 8 8 Kresge Co, We. Oshawa Shopping C 9.9 hd + MeBrine Top ig Cowhide Overnight Dow's Browary, Toronto coiinnnnnee 20,00 A94=Voucher for Permanent Wave. Hall's Beauty Parlor, 18 King § 7.00 495 | White Arraw Shin, Any size, ed Kine och's Alee Ross, Insurance, 1414King 4, E 5.00 A962 Jars of Nivea Creme, 15 oz, Smith & Nephew Lid, Montreal |. 690 497-=0ne gal. Exterior White Paint (Becoratons) (Available at Emis Cay Lumber Ca, Ltd Crown Diamond Paint Ca, Toronto 7.80 98 Vonieher for Photo Finishing Color black and white Nu-Way Phote, 251 King St. § 15.00 4991 Case of White Rese Heavy Duty Ulie Mean Onl Canadian Oil Companies, 188 University Ave. Tania 14.40 | 800-=0ne Set 8" Swivel Spout Deck Taps, Stainless i tov kitchen, iriplation ] hempsen Plum hy Hea) ! 394 Centre " . veeee 10,00 | 801 == Voucher Gates Meat Market, 22 Simeon St, N, 5.00 { 502 ~Rexall Super Plenaming 144's (Multiple Vite ming with Minerals) Rexall Pris, Conksville 1.9 503-+0ne Curity Sateguard First Aid Cabinet comme plete with brackets for hanging on the wall, ver & Black, 7 Fg We § Toren 1.50 $04 Dinner for Two Cadillae Hotel, Simcoe St, § easy 400 808---Selection of Spring Beckling. Plants, he's Greenhouses, Kingston Rd W, ,,,, 5.00 506-40 Loaves of Bread Canada Bread Lid, 40 Albany St 2.40 {| 507-=Voucher for one Car Wash & 2 Lubrications Foltan & Nicks Garage. 160 Simcoe 5. § 500 S08 2 Smoke Stands. Unfinished Oshawa Fumitue. 38 William St See 4.00 809-40 King Size Canada Pry Ginger Ale Canad Diy Lid, Toent $30 | 110=Canl Wetalar Marine Binocular, Tui power Labant's Brewery, L Ont, "0.0 | 511=C raft mastes Set Suset Lush & Variety, 950 Simoes N 595 $10 Wark Boneh. 34% 5 40°, adiustable height. wel, Groen Padiar People Lod, Simoes Sv § ne HE A -