GIFT FEATURE K. Or C. DINNER MELTING Names On Plaque Cause Furore fk won of the He s@ia M HEE hb WH the howrd om Ihe Hae i R hat Wis Ak a work fair, eh to have The HRINK WIRHA 4 La on the new Borrd of Education ABIimstIntion WIRE Wee raised by George 6. Drynan # the Monday meeting of the Com mitiees of the Oshawa Board of Education Trustee Drynan Wwiormes the Commies that he Making ROLE 1H TESCINA BB WOR he anestion of whee ear me 7 Wrass fo WHET. IK "ry (eFEsiIng IRENE § tiiniming Sol on as WITEER nk whif es yi HIRI eres y the Be WRE ed at the Waih last meeting HERG thonies he mA rain have a Plague Prepares nsting the 196107 bosid of education and placed on the Duising Trustee Dryr ple har hon) Was pas of the | 7 as tn thelr ng 0 name § ! an p Ah sdf that oh PEA worked the the than wh newilg RAMEE the pial Teiner Inn ss BANQUET Assen wWds of | High the gniaen embly Thoma of | | THE ANNUAL inaugurated | of the Fourth Degree bly, Knights of Columby held Monday night at KE Hall, Bond street we light of the evening presentation of # chalice hy the Jack Boyle, son of Br & former member the embly who passed away | last year and in whose mem ory the chalice was presented Mr. Boyle in turn donated it in Rev. Felix Kwialowsk) tor at St. Hedwig's Church he used in the on Kimberly, South Afni Shown left to right, in the up per picture, are. Jim Tracey District Deputy, of Cobourg dim Powers, Faithful Naviga THsLRE W Were fing HISTORY OUTLINED Fru Drynan { ory mans Wi hari Les oi ne mi nf ie HI Ing lower asl from F] A f NRYE WOrKea m an ar he mi Lane Grand Pyroxalin +; Painting .'On Display The present exhibition al Mclaughlin Public Library is the pyroxalin painting of the Seven Lively Aris" from which the mural was completed for the O'Keefe Centre in To ronto This consists of seven panels | bung adjacent to one another, representing painting, seulp: ling REMes OF more DEgin 1a wonder now many | £4 Fe on the hoard of pa f ia | Hy } Lek i IRenaead nal mi Cn al WYel : eriginly 6 bring the Bi i He cing the a { matter to the publi gaye n Wik in re ana notice minn Austin the M0 of mo mation Park Plans For Opening architecture, musie, liter It 'has announced that ature, the dance, and drama. Kingside Park Neighborhood It 1 Had M While these each retain their Association will hold its park ¢ af y Life to Live own separate identities, they opening for the year on June 8, mony Week was opened Monday Over' and "Row, Row, Row are Mois d hy color and line into i for this event will he dis Might in the CRA auditorium hy! The Oshawa chorus, directedlone dynamic and dramatic ens cussed at the next park meeting the Motor City Chapter of the by Doug Chute, sang "Sailing tity. on April 23 BPEBBQBA, Inc, As their guests! for Dixie", and "Suzie Brown, Together with this are 8 num A telephone euchre was for the evening they had invited] An Oshawa quartet, the "Sports: ber of preliminary sketches that recently at the following homes two other Ontario District Chap: men', composed of tenn Billlwere made during the process Mrs, K Wilson, Mrs, W. Scatter: ters, the Oshawa Chapter and! Corbett; lead, Bert Hutche on; lof the of {he good, Mrs Spence, Mrs. W, Etobicoke Chapter of Toronto, baritone, Eric Booth, and hass mural Coulson G. R. Kellett A certain spontaneity was ap: Vern Oshorne, sang "Miss Her'! (1) Mr. York Wilson's very/Mrs. R ind Mis A parent throughout the whole eve: "Time (0 Dans My Indiana" first sketch when the idea was Sudshury Ming . Program Fixe ept When and How Are You Going tolfirst put into visual form, (2) The winners of the first prizes the olfitla LLrogtam whe nde Keep Him Down on the Farm?"'| A non-figurative sketch for plan: were: Mrs, Wood and Mr, Gib iad Lag Bd Ay ay quartet, the ning color only, (8) a sketch of son. Beend prize winners were ing somebody else with a friend made up of tenor, [the complete mural in tone, (4) Mrs, Mitchell and Mrs, Pleay ly handshake. About 100 men th lead Doug Chute; |The complete sketeh in eolor Third prize winners were: Mrs all, the members of the organ haritone Dewey Tutton and which was submitted to the com: Umphrey and Mr, Ireland. The ization mingled freely as i hass, Mike Fairhart, sang "Dry mittee for approval, (8) and (6) low scorer, My, Hughes they had all Just happened by Bone Muskrat Ramble" and|(Two studies showing sculpture! Mrs, R, Fernandez and Mrs Late in arriving because 0 Wedding Ring Bong", The Eto:| forms and musie forms, respec:|W, Norton will represent the the bad weather, the Etobicoke Weak y horus, directed hyitively. These studies are ex: park at the East Central Zone Chapter was warmly welcomed nan May hy ang JTell Mel amples of over a hundred such Conference to he held at Camp hy a combined chorus of the twos ide hy Ride' and "The drawings that were made hy bellford on April 15 Oshawa chapters who sang Wiffenpoof Bong The Fitohi: the artists in preparation for! Russell Pleau gave a report "You're as Welcome as the coke quartet, the "Etohitones' [the material (a go into thelof the activities of the building b A H he Ti included tenor, Norm Hamj mural of tee, Reports from the Flowers in May The Kiobi 1 mmi I 1 coke Chapter veturned the com lead, Harry Mays; haritone,| This mural is well worth con: [secretary and treasurer were pliment by presenting the host Doug Webster and hass, John siderable study, for it contains alse received chapter with a large cake in Cairns, sang "Dixie Danny' and much that would escape a pri The door prize 'Somebody Stole My Gal mary glance |Mrs. Fernandez seribed "Thanks for Your Hos Ed Clarks Fimes Photos Harmony Week Is Inaugurated International Barbershop Har: lee {IShawR ture heen | ( Mrs Pleau construction Another Oshawa Duleitone Boh Tale 4 Was won hy pitality", The cake was inches in length by 18 inches in width and § inches deep and chocolate iced with white and multicolored trim and inserip tion, and touched off with red glace cherries that glistened like rubies During the official program the vice-president of the Motor City Chapter, Frank Wilbur, read a letter from the Inter national President which offi-| cially announced International Barbershop Harmony Week Introductions of the following were extended to all present: | Dr. Doug Webster, Elobicoke Chapter President; Kilmer Down, Oshawa Chapter presi dent; Charlie Murray, area counsellor; and Vie MeAdam,} divisional counsellor Elmer Dawn read the original inaugural letter of 1630 that in vited men ta Join the first chap ter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Charlie Murray read the Code of Ethics of the SPERRQRA, Inc The Matar City charus, direct ed hy Charlie Murray, sang "ait ting on Top of the World" and "Son of the Sea', The Casuall Aires, tenor, Ray Haber; lead, | Harry Brockwell; baritone Charlie Murray and bass, Vie I Oiled IR I ness held The Osho Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 156) 'Tribute Is Paid To New Judge The members of he Bataey Cw of Ochaws, # thelr Won Mey (maken messing wn Hole feng. pod trie 15 fhe pret. presidents of fhe cs. The REEIIBE Was condi s oy Fact president Thomas |. Wilson wii (he pret presidemts (ook aller the vaniows Awnies of he WRERSIRE A special guest # he mast ng was We Ronor Fudge Ablex €. Wall, who wis recently ee vielen 16 the Otani Comy Bench. A former memher of fhe service ch, he was wre Award by BotavianV. K. Creigh 1m in reply (9 the frie pad im by the cb, Judge Halt VIER BRCETE RPPIECIRIN of the good wishes of the cia, He ion vers regret het, I # sense, Ws appontment had re moved Wm from the exis wert of ThE 1 ZHRERS. EREAWIET kh WEtWRRR LARS Among these #4 he Ref table were Murrey Willer, # member of the ch since 1924 ish W. Lowry, club president Gilbert Murdock and Vast Pres dents George F. Shreve, 65. 7 Hopkins, T. K. Creighton, E. 6G Hart, Cyril Schofield and Hay Aen Wachonain ARer past PIesiAents fendance included A. 6, Sone president wn WLIA%. C. KE. Me Tavish, of Torrone, president w 4, Dr. C0, Miller, pres dent in 194142, J. NB. Willson ion Gekie, 85. F, Everson, W Bra Skinner and Pp Seven whe AREF SECOND SECTION Lg ---- ia Bh OSHAWA ROTARIANS HONOR PAST PRES The Botary Club of Oshawn, | Indge Mex €, Ball, # former | from left, are Murray Miller 5s Monday meeting in Botel member of the cb, was slso = # member of the ciwbh since ; peid trie 19 Hs honored. Canght hy the | 1921; Alex G. Sone who dents. His Honor camern following the meeting, | served ss president in 197728 Results Of EMQUIRING REPORTER Obedience | Oshawa Drivers Favor Trials | Compulsory Insurance The cation insurance would be & good ment & sense of fasponimiiity other thing," the dissenter opined, should he extended hy the ind ERE Another respondent said thet vidual by taking out Insurance, friend his insurance apphi- i compulsory insurance is ne trains rejected hy three troduced, Insurance company There is food for policies should he controlled by here, This is what the the government," had to say LORNA ADAMS, 276 Ritson RUDY SECERBGOVIC, 364 roed north, stenographer: "in Wilson road south, hairdresser: surance should be compulsory would like to see com se not only is it the best automobile insurance protection for the other driver, There are ton many peo- but it is the best protection for unfamiliar with the driving me," on the roads today. The accident rate is too high. 1 feel that the government should con trol insurance company rates 1o induce the noninsured to gain protection n a and Thomas 1 conducted the Judge Hall Wilson, whe meeting ~Lishawa Times Phos on, James EK. Pures members of the ch Served ms presidents of clubs before being RssH with the local cub were B. Milroy, Alex Nathan James MaCansh. Norman Sisen Kenneth Crone I. Saker and James Walker Men's Own Club Views Slides The Men's Own Club of hert Street United Church at tended the mid-week enter Service at Albert Street United Chureh, The group later return £4 1a the church hall for a bus meeting Ivan Law, of Whithy, showed eotored shades of his 7000-mile trip through the United The slides of El Paso Grand country the Fainted Desert, the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon were interest ing and informative Under the direction of Mp Muzik a8 musical program was presented, The program includ: poodle, Pierre w Oshawa Obedience Ass has just completed an "BShowia all ANYETE OR ONE 10-week course in ohed- 934s 10dsy he compelled 19 train for man's hest hold comprehensive accident in the very capanie PHERRCE Betty - McHugh Yk ng 7 youth cation was Companies thought pepe nder # but one of eight who were asked his in Oshawa Monday, were thus in their YES The odd man owt felt that if INsHrance mandatory would impair free of the that pilsory Insurance would here advantage forced oe iH the COM: ods WETE oon ra and Al kd aa question en Al- Bare Os { ) follow whe Ie gratuiations the ana handlers fying n Ta IT Asti ceived fuah SCOVES A Chalmers 15684; R 174 blue Car was the inmviaue) companies of the Insurance gnvernment perhap NOVICE Mi ale pondie Mills 176 Other Miss D per; H Miss Raus; Mi { has ef Vi i A min King, min Miss M Blahhan pas: dom the ake market ane trolled |ek Dlates the Rin Dairies Buy JOHN McDONALD, #4 On Much Milk sfgr tarin street advertising sales oh Matistics branch of th ed "The te Waltz" man: "I don't believe that car UNarie Department of Agric Ee ake Ware] Qualifying scores in ; Shoplifting insurance should he made com. ture has reported that 146,808, hy Janice O'Connor; "Pera slyire Roicn Cro ainer, kerry) © pulsory by law, because this #25 pounds of milk were pure |Return" hy Ernie Kiniski blue, Abigail, 194%; D Gar: Three, women who pleaded would be an infringement upon chased from district producers {""Furkish March" by George] kerry blue, Menace, guilty of shoplifting, were fined! the basic freedoms of the indi- 18st year by the commercial Mrs. 'F, Grosart, kuvacz, (825 and costs each, by Magis: yidual, 1 feel that under the dairies in the Oshawa zone, Of trate ¥. 8, Khbs, Monday present set-up this would make| this total 100,514,067 pounds was yovice A Brownlee, terrier Cranfield, chow, Ming Howie, labrador Juhenville, labrador det; Mr. G, Normoyle, min campus Three Admit cla WETE Nip Joan Novice Mud, and o Huhiarian Rhap 17914 sody No; 2" hy Bal Carnachion y 4 y y ! Others in Novice "B" were patvely Iahel Dudar, of Port him a pawn of the insurance|0f standard fluid and special . H. Flanagan min. poodle Guy; | "i pleaded guilty to theft of companies If a government! fluid quality, N Mis, € Gardiner, kerry blue, bi ah £00 from Loblaws 8tlaeency were introduced to con-| The dairies spent $6,601,508 (o orman 15C ¥vonne rs ( Gardiner, min March 20 WRpIng Centre, gp) premiums, then perhaps it purchase the raw milk eh d class | Margaret Cooper, of 127 Mont. #14 be & good thing." During the year the dairies na vanes { an we dogs U0 avenue, pleaded guilty to] JAMES KRAEMER, 265 sold 6,100,765 quarts of fluid a es ost Were Sniere and hoth received) to oe of goods valued at| Farewell street south, teacher: milk, 708.086 quarts of skim Qualifying scores $1.74, from Loblaws at the Shop ["Oh, definitely yes, Most peo-|milk, 101,398 quarts of butter: | They were -- Miss U, Floeter ping Centre, March 28 ple have car insurance anyway, milk, 819,064 quarts of chocolate 'As Ins ector kerry blue, Maverick, 107%; Bey Jane Appleton, of 8|/Compulsory insurance would dairy drink and 250,000 quarts { Mr, BR _Kraglon, shepherd, Olive avenue, pleaded guilty toserve to eliminate the sad cir:|of fluid eream, Sheena, 108 theft of goods valued at #5.86/cumstances inflicted upon hoth| The report also states that Norman A, Sisco, the popular | The next training classes will|from Loblaws on Athol street,|the uninsured and thelr vie: 485,424 pounds of creamery huts principal of the Dr. ¥. J. Done: start Wednesday, April 12, at! March 20 tims, It would relieve the acel\ter were made in Durham Couns van Collegiate Institute, has re:|7 p.m, al the United Bteelwork:| The court was told a concert. dent victim's family of hardship, |ty last year. The make in Ons signed from the staff of theiers Hall, 115 Albert street, (ed effort Is being made to stop This would he very worth: |tario County was 1,160,008 Oshawa Board of Education. His) The Oshawa Obedience Asso | shoplifting in the Oshawa area while | pounds resignation will he effective ciation holds its monthly meet-| Magistrate Ebbs sald it seem:| ARTHUR BYBALL, 302 Athol | n ---------- June 80, 1061 ings on the first Monday of each! to he a nation-wide epidemic. | street east, cab driver; "There Mr. Bisen will assume his nev (month at the CRA Hall, 100 shouldn't he a car on the road| Present Clock duties as Aistrie inspector of{Gibh street, at & p.m, All per Li d Without insurance od) not right schools in the St. Clair district sons interested in dogs are in that a man paying #80 8 year : {of Western Ontario, for the On:|vited to hecome bun is ug in say Jaycees" his ear insurance can he| To Continue tario Department of Kdueation made to pay for other people's [He will have approkimately f0| 0 et Charter mistakes," he Hudonts a O'Neil Col. schools in his district including Y J jrier. | [Of1ALE And vocational institute those in Windsor Ritetnelusin CELEBRATING ! About 80 (uesty i he on Boy i. Tn | wih have Joye satisfied with ang when the Lindsay Junior J ARR {the present clock In the schoo! REGRET EXPRESSED BIRTHDAYS Chamber of Commerce receives 0 igh Ba Joust AY: | auditorium Chairman of the Oshawa its charter from A, H Murcolt, | Wire BE on 0 iy i man. bo One of the student school ore Board of Education, Stephen G Congratulations and hest | President of the Ontario Junior] [ene nat nourning | kira ons had piiored io ye. iaywell, said that he was very| wishes to the follow e \amber of Commerce this a . ace the original clock with a [sorry to learn that Mr, Sisco LAR 10 the following resi. [Friday night, Prime Minister] JOHN HENRY, 601 Avenue Ji re modern time piece. The [leaving Ofhawa He said the who are Selebrating their [Leslie M. Frost is expected fol 1004 north cab driver "Well oller hud been made several prineipal was certainly very| birthdays today | J : 8 280 Hing Bl his pi I Carl Steenburgh, RR 4, | Don Brown of the Oshawa My automobile insurance, When! George LI. Roberts, school students, The chairman stated| Oshawa: Lynda Di '|Junior Chamber of Commerce,|! Was 18 years og age, three principal, told the hoard of edus that Mr; Sisco as the inftiall ihawa, ynda Dobroshin: [which sponsored the Lindsay|insurance companies "turned | cation Monday that some of the principal of Donevan had cer. ®¥Y: 748 Ritson voad south; |organization, will induct the down" my insurance applica: students wanted a more decoras tainly put the school in fine con! Yegbert Trick, 300 Verdun | Lindsay members, tions, 1 sure am glad to have|tive clock, dition road; Irene Dobroshinsky District 7 president, Charles| Protection now", R. H, Lunny, maintenance Mr, Sisco, the san of a United| 210 Valencia road; George (letman of Itobicoke and Fd. MELVIN CHAMPA, 1086 Rit: superintendent, said (hat the Church minister, was born at| Sills, 810° Annapolis; Susan |regory of Bearhoro will belson road north, ingineering st: clock was in satistactory order, Hast Angus, in the Province off March, RR 1, Hampton; Kd. |@Mong the head table guests {dent Yes, the motorist has a He noted that although the clock Quehee, He lived in many On| ward Bills, 63 Harold §t.; Jdaycees from Peterborough, moval obligation to the general |is not modern, it 18 working sat- tarin and Quebee municipalities | Gerry Bourdagef, 708 Car- |Oshawa, Fiobicoke, Scarbore, (public to hold insurance. Drivs|isfactorily, He sald it is lined eventually settling in Torontn| negie Ave Bowmanville and Helleville, |ing is. a privilege gained only with oak trimming, and is in where he graduated from the With their wives, will attend the after demanairating tn Ye Mo- keeping with the rest of the University of Taranto in 1043 feremony - ol ehicle Licensing Depart: (school, He served as a private and later as an infantry officer in the Canadian Army in Canada Great Britain and in North Wes Hurape TAUGHT AT NIAGARA After his discharge from the army he taught at the Niagara Falls Collegiate and Vocational Institute for two years. Later he was a senior history teacher at the Stamford Collegiate and Vo cational Institute, Niagara Falls for four years Immediately prior ta moving to Oshawa he was the principal McAdam sang "Alabama Jubi:| | FIRES GUN IN HALL TORONTO (CP) A placid German professor pulled out a revalver at Massey Hall Mon day and fired three shots: He an acaustios specialist and found the hall excellent. Dr | Frits Winckel, 83, af West Her lin's Technical University has wanted to put the acoustics af the 68 « year » ald hall ta the test ever since German conduc tar Herbert van Karajan rated Massey Hall superior New York's Carnegie Hall in acous ties ail STUDENTS P Prepar Art and underway Danevan The the 8 pm aent and o { hat will REPARE A unique Festival ave al the Dr. 1} | Collegiate Institute Festival is to be held in aiditarium of the school at Apri! HW. Music FESTIVAL DECORATIONS a well as hapulay numbers of Palla ie general theme far the an portion of the show 1s Greek Wien The legends. Gigantic murals de Students from leh picting the Greek mythology ave: Susan Reed, M0 | | and equally huge hanners will | Harmony read south, William star the heroes and gods of | Tavier, 238 Farewe Avenue earlier civilization. The stu | and Gloria Reid. 133 Heather dents in the photograph abave | Court sald they are working on a ation Music \ painting Goddess Grade SB ta right Athena 1] an hous show | tn i | pre halt include an ne musical the classics, Oshawa Times Photo af the Haliburton County Dis trict High School. At that time the Haliburton: school was new in eoncept and in the exper: mental stage. The school area was widely scattered and some 0 miles in width, some of the students had ta travel 40 miles each way to attend classes However the experiment warked and the students were able ta attain a good grade of educa tion | Nis00 was appointed prin. | eipal of the Dr. F. J. Danevan Collegiate Institute on Nov. 18 1937, As the initial principal | gws his duly to organize the schoal, and 10 hire the teachers He succeeded in attracting an excellent staff to the new school BARBERSHOP HARMONY WEEK OPENED IN OSHAWA The Oshawa chapter of the | ternational Harmony Week at | dent of the Motor City Chap | gram chairman and "Stub | Society for the Ene ouragement the CRA building Monday ter Dy Doug eh Di [este 8 v 2 Agila Webste OWNS, dent of the O he and Preservation of Barber night with a song festival , ri BE ey ' y " i ' A y president of the tobicoke | awa Bar rshop hapter, shop Singing In America, Ins | Seen herve, from left, are | © . corporated, opened Inter | Frank Wilbur, vice-presis | Chapter; John Wilson, poe | ~0shawa Times Photo