The Oshawa Times, 10 Apr 1961, p. 5

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| WHITBY And DISTRICT heought move than #0 guests to the Sunday Behonl during the weeks of the contest, In the upper pholn, Bey, Beare presents second prize, a flash camera, ta Virginia Nichol wha brought mare than 1 | guests, During the contest membership Increased from 1h ta 168 Oshawa On Sunday, twa members of the Behonl at the Whithy Pentecostal Church were for Bunday thei RHOrLS In hoosting attendance # the sehonl through the last month in the lawer the pastor, Kev. John Presents hicyele tn Fhampsan, whe HIGH SCHOOL NEWS 1961 Hi-Lite Unveiled Soon By The pre ing onl Hanry gal Eudd Pal | i wraund on found rie rewarded wa whato DEAE Velma Times Photos JOAN CALDER much advertising £8 Wil soon he pall: will he cut to 7c. ar 81.00 annual edition of Hi-Lite staff is able to do thi Hi-Lite Phe hecause the printed pages editar-m-enlel 1s John! be ii the He Blraeel tagraphs will he taken business | Hi-Lile photographer BOLNEl Ta finance Its operation hy Arman, the has heen Various thistactory results on thelon April 28, and will Manas have that a on display \ | expected Hi he end af 1 Hi SAP Over ihis neeasion sa that arders around thelhe placed Henry auditorium tarians fm tral Khow Friday, Grade i . i ' ginia Atkin SERCH On 15 given aa ' dv ag the Hi-Lite fat i the person ad Bey deved af My, Dhilon. Staff the Hi students attended. the Fite is as follows: Upper Bohaal gditar, Marion Prieg Istant sditar, Kathy Hamer hays'! goorts editar, Ken Zavelle iris' sports editar, Kathy felkay: humor editor, Georg Ashhy: phategraphy, Jim Me Cellan; Ierary editor, Jahn 4 Robertson; special events, Kath eryn Melntyre; art editor, Dor athy Jack home changes have heen made In the appearance af the pook, although it will he the Mine sige and contain about #0 pages. There will not he as il i th atreet High tn the thety an lant ol Whithy annual huraday student hit will of peaple paid for thelr given oul eliminate whan order 14 m, | alread Viv in hit wihey wer is ol ! | Many hil avious eamedy Ha this show was the hest hy far SENTENCED TO DEATH CAIRO, Egypt (Reuters) Catra office of the Imam af Yy men announced Saturday five Yemenis have heen fenced ta death far thei in the attempted assa af the Imam Mareh #9 ringleader, a Lieutenant Alafi shat himself after the attempt sen far valifieation ta the Tmam price The il mimeagraphed and the phe the th printers and| HiLite plans ta sponser a dane i af hinding the eaver, It is campteted Hi-Lite on display an ean Ho Min and and gymnasium and all fell that I'he that pant ation The The sentences have heen passed WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Harry is spending # Iw wes 3 eI fh o, Core, of ( iW the home oF her terdndaw, Mr Core, A Bayy Mrs. Alhert daughter Nancy rs the weekend in Kits / guests of Mr. and M Martell Mrs, McCarty will speaker on Monday the United Chu monthly meet) Mrs Mi 0 and 18 RYERNS CREF ANA + Ralph Conmhes Bead. of ( Gables, Florida, sre Yhe gis of Mr, and Mrs, B. ¥. Deel 921 Byron street souih Mrs Monica J eslie Catherines of Banta is spending a few days the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin #09 Falmerston avenue Mr. Thomas Cro of Ton don, Ont, spent Easter weekend at the heme of his sop and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs ¥., Cross, of Henry street Mr. and Mis and their son, Billie, wer end gues at the home 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Currie of Henry street Boll Eofink California Ar al | Fred Spicer WEY f Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bidney Dalh Athol street, were Mi Keith Fieher, of Windsor, and My Earl Pilkey, of Claremont Mr. Russell Walnut séreel hirthday on Frida wish Wm many happy of the day Mrs, B. Thrower, Kent i5 in the Oshawa General Ho pital where she underwent sur gery. Her friends wish her complete recover Mi Fitzgerald, of Oshawa Haster Sunda with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Davidson, of Brock treet south Rahert, son of Mi Paul Bepgevin, 1s eeleheatin (his eighth hivithday fada I [he an a party has heen arranged with the faolln guest Tam Lanthen tardon, Gordon Juhy Grixti, Allan Craig Sehenhypi Raymond Phillip Pisane Nell Bieffler Hmmy Farget. Mrs. Boergevin will he assisted hy her daughter faeauelineg and Mi Laura |e der In sepving refreshment Myps, Mildred Calley stock, and daughter plein and Virginia were visio at the hame af Mr. and My Himer Haveis on Faster Mon day and wes ita hivihday I Calley Davidson, BIA heated Wl His friend return tree! LL] Danald spent and Mi Neen ing om Henry Davig feeder of Black Linda, Pat antertgined Party In hanor of fahnstan, of Bur wenkend guest of Miss Marilyn Happls Miss Danna linglon, wa her eausin Mrs, Ross Rehill Rillie, of Omemee end visitors at the and My Laval Pasue itreet, and My Aly ter MaeCarl, af Calharng west Mrs. Norman Wood street east, spent in Tarontn durin holidays . visitin mand and were hame of son week \Iy High Wal street and Pundas the | oy Mrs, Ham EVENING SHOWS at 7 and 8:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW at 8:20 BROCK WHITEY THE MOST INCREDIBLE STORY OF THE SPACE AGE! QO0LUMBIA PICTURES woven LAT UREN Tom St ---- ! MURNINGIDE PRODUCTION ea --"--§----., PLUS---SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION ASSPORT CHINA" "p Bowing = RICHARD BANINART-=LIMA GASTON Mp Young 0 My larenee and Ms Margavet Pabin and Christine visitors al and Mrs, Ei Puesday and Mrs Oshawa Amos Rodd, Miss Rodd. Mrs. Frank ohildven Karen and of Greenbank, were the home of My mer Haris last A recent survey BAA mention HIB, 11% mare con VS Ha Buy ranges than i. 1980 mare plan 1a hay J mare di More, vacuum \npli ance dealers apportion W al thelr advertising hudegets ta | NOW sPAPers, which reach ware af oansumey showed that in plan aigeral washers : clean Th of # several daysy Chan any other medivim, (Ing starting at 7.45. IB Survey | Begins Here The fie of fhe TH swe) AEE ER WW Wry LREs ak. 0 Waku akay wR Twa fay, he 4 iw il he i Kas Ban ww wah an I Eke | # Famarimg hoeme Scho fog mw. a IRsiAasls Whe FE} RIGHAIIER 15 CRT EVar Are Wags WeEm ae ess However 4 gusidemis of he Psck, Perry WE AO FARR RIERE TRS FRY) RE. WeR 19 Ew (» hE We # W astamnoiar (Chwick, ww Set, mak. OW be pesEiied a We IE Byers (mie fhe aver WOES weiwies i IE AERE PR The wait Hike of, Bom wasst, posh iow ww das, Woh wdes of Perry and Wil Bans of hel Brest, Wein NE FE (BE LIRA IRS WR ER bowmded by Frock wd Ferry gaasiy The ciples mx ween fiom 7 195 wm, wd from 7 io 18 pm ie WW rRens ! Those whe receive he Hon fest wk resort Wack fo he chwic fore Asus later for The Father Coady Addresses KofC Bey, Wather M. Coaly, of The Scarhorovah Foreign MWossion ¥, VA i# INREARE A / id ad, BC WB ROR WRE ERE the Apri 5 mesting s of Combs ¥ Fas w # Ww FE "HA wd Knight Tames Smyth "A the mesting held wn the ai and 49 members endaner. Feither Cog wduced by Brother Rd MIENRIRE When » listless of cash from her FREIAEE WR RB BOWINAOWR / WARE R LIREE } EERO WB in wher's (alk on Japan proved & nieresting. Color ® shown and the y given with & cer of humor sided to oH the ryvening WHA 18 FELINE iy Fall was thank 5 behalf of Council 4585 hy her Bert Calik HAE 18 hots holidays the guest faken time put to fi of Columbus aunell The on 19 he held In the hall on April 18 will he Night", Invitations have been sent out hy Brother Harry Baxter tn town principals The meeting closed with prayer Anglican WA To Celebrate Anniversary The 76th Anniversary of the Forantae Diocesan Board of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Angi can Chureh of Canada will celebrated on May 1, 8 and il the annupl meeting to held in the Diocesan Centre The Taronte Dipcese extend tong the north shore of Take qo fntarin fram approximately Mrs, Wm. H Clarkson on the west ta Trenton Hill, distriet president of nn the and comprises the! net dn Women's Institile aren ineluded in the. Counties of our guest, Tuneh eomi Peel, York, Ontario, Northam: Ki: Albert Cooper hevland, Durham, Bimene, Vie oon SMe "Robert Peterborough and Hall SUNSHINE GROUP Ihe WA was first established! The Shunshine Group in the Toronta Diocese in 18861an's Association of when BO women, representing 28 United Church held in the diocese mel meeting on Tuesday made, and eammit: Christian Education VT TREN £20a8Y yy By MRS, ARTHUR FI BROOKI AN The pre Mrs. Gordon Hurst, ¢ mecting of the Brook en's Institute, held on day sllernaon in the of Fownship Hall £4 In reRyIAY [9Fm Aef 1A Memner Presem The secvetaryAres Arthur Ell read wes, financial slalemen CArFRSHONAEnLE Hh 15 inteys that Via wm fii hawn { and vw REL Wi Ll 111] ada ier alt Lh fl Bpecinl collection was meeting lowed for Friendship Fund" to (with the work of Asst Country Wamen of the An Ines g and edu at lmadern and old tim mn life aeial life, hea cation' led hy Mi Halliday isted bh | Delonge, Mrs, Norman and Mrs, Gordon Hurst Annual meeting . i he to he held on April 26 Hers of standing cammithe he Wis Election of officer Pa res we held, Roll eall ' Brown hi He Ha hartan nf By 1] ['} Hall hranehes Plan lei Wor an nprajest undertake local gon presiding, Meeting ¢ and parochial work, and dissem: with WA Theme and inate church news Welcome was extended Many anniversaries mark age members and ane visor and past achi hut the tendanes WA In its 70th anniversary find Chief item under dis itself increasingly invalved, nol was groan exhibit' for anly 'In the ehurch and all ho Spring Fale In June ements it, hut alse with thelhers vated in favor of | nelal and welfare movements! ox hinit the day, and the lite of thel Mps. Buldyke community and eauntry al gevenson were large eommities empowered (0 Lanearn of and Mi titel grated al panel discussion on FH vantages and disadvantages of meet Mrs appointed twa LRH Lon Brooklin WI Holds Meeting Iv Wk ed thy Won Lmen mn i Bhs £ rar eiited World cation ead home d edu FM i | Alvi cheduled| sponsible for flowers for ehurehlin sewing Convent services, during month of April {] ari requested to present annual re: on yill aul f.oeust Bouth will mies B ron Wam nokim | with organized to support Mis [the leader, Mrs FEiwnofl Sleven pened Prayer in 44 in al USsION Rraol Mem acing w we add to § Guides, Club WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITRY AND DIST Entertain At Fairview Lodge ,,, iy: tees i Wednesday, April 13 at f | LETT} day, First Whithy 6G Cansalation: River fiuldes entertained the vest a 2 of Fairview Lodge undep 103 Eason, Legian No leadershin of Miss Joan Cal: Bunoca, Halter Valley dor. This was ane of the pea: Miwork Huilders pets far Jaan to obtain her Hamblers, Munns Pre ald Card I'he following teams wil fauare dancing, sole dancing Thursday, Apel 18 at ¥§ and eammunity singing was en: Playoffs: County Bowl Javed. The evening elosed with! Wings, Mowats BA, Am Paps Bathurst, Alsea, Fireston On Thursday evening, 30 resi: glonaires dents of Fairview Lodge, on the! An On Tye dont o thi od the Minstrel Show, A hus was Tuestlay provided far transpavtation, The sharp avening was enjaved hy all April 11, al his is the anly for early bawling for this | FRIDAY NITERS Poam standing Dig 13 (¥9, M6): Doaws 11 (Fa (Apry Apraeers 1 (F001 Caps 10 (75,307); Malson (0,004) [Wisards ¥ (71,380); Spark 4 (73.4) Ladies Loo 6d Ladies' High Lon J06 Nigerian Pastor Addresses FBYPA Un Tuesday evening the Faith Baptist young people had the pleasure af having pastor Moses Arive of Nigevia wha is now dving at Central Baptist AOMINALY, Along with the guest pesker the young people en ved the musioal ministvy of] Vern Weight of Calvary Baptist Oshawa he High Tyiple w= Single = ATH, WH Bnelgrave GF Men's High Single bo LLTRE FER RTI Wa WW (20a) in af the 100k the farm of dodae nd all wha attended af fun ereational pant Wan Wilsg (3 Wa) Triple Reg Nik \ Hill Grylls 630 (2 Next week the young peaple oll Kelly 833 (38%) will have the pleasure of an! Lemon League UAdults Night" with the meet: /M, Belly pt) lor 84, 8; Dot Stewart 10, § and 3 3 miths | haw! pm Ah Arena Maat wie Hag Playoff | haw! nm Red eu Q howlers wha have to voll Hanal invitation of Rotary Club attend: [aff ahead must he at the alleys pionshipg at avenas hore and in'1:16.47 Hime ETH Hard iid) Alley Hlue § High Balls § (75,510); date Plug Ruby Ruby | Men's High Triple = Ink Bye /feated Torenta fownshin 43 in Bill LL EL 1) yey Ross Spencer hoawrg 44 in the AHI Grant #8, Dosis Swite: ton Liberals Seek New Organizer HER CASH BALANCED iy recently | She grabbed Howrid's first | hung on she wala he © arrived (o Aetain "rk her cash (CF { the LL W MRR #6 IRGIREET WHEIMAG) BALSAM MRS, 1ORNE JONES BALSAM - ME. 710M Easter ervice held BunAry the Bev anne irs ByAney Fieetham Ae Lockyer repd mrticle on The of 2. I wi Accifden 19 send nd flowers to Mrs, Colley, M7 of hahy and Miss Greenwond FREERLYY haspMal and Mr. All The monthly Woman A ciation will he held on Am #t the home of Mrs. Alan In conclusion of business se devin. The meeting on, Mis, I. Maynard enter Charge of Mrs, Burnell tained with humorous reading ¥M Ladies Ad" and Mrs, W.| The Mission Band was he with vocal selection, on Beturday alternoon at th Thou Troubled", Refresh: home of the leader, Mrs, Ralph ments were served hy commit: Jones, Officers were elected as! tee appointed (allows: president, Gaile Dis-| WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION [MV secralary, Sionia Jones The Woman's Association win|'FERsurer, Mrs, Ralph Jones an Thursday afternoon The Busy Bees met at th Aprih 18 at 2 pom. in the Chris: home of Doreen Jones on Wed Edu Hall, Sunshine nesday evening, Leader Ire neha of devotional: |'Thomas Jordan president (i Program; and Brenda MeAvoy secvel ar refreshments; | Tanelta Hoskins; pianist, Doreen Group are ve-| Jones, The evening was spent after the devotional Refreshments were Amn sore [FT WE £ Wii ® fring hat ie 19 hails An ow ¥ VEVER the mesqage Fenacren the music Li fans by A Vas in ehureh Fi chair VER Brown Buest he William few Wiha Ying ' Io hi sisted wt Clark hana v7 an f vole of ted with proved voiced 0 j2 Mar who # SOYA Winch decided 5 0 Jamie Han an Lym [! Helianle Land » & Faithful ¥ Fou Hand VOrkers period served The Bix Stitchers Class met | The Mi Band will meet Vuesday, April 11, immed lately following close af school! gaiiirds b aturday f p in the Christian Education Hall (af Ay _morming at the home Mr, and Mrs. Frank Green:| { Miss Janet dones, The girls wand, Bradford were guesis| ried mn their skirts and alt Mis Parking on Wed:|I0Hees they had made for the nesday {4H Class nde the leadership Mr. Alan Halliday and son, |f Mrs. Don Sanderson Ricky, Camevon Falls, spent| Mr, and Mrs, Earl Disney en Easter week holidays with his tertained the Disney families on mother, Mrs, ¥, M, Holliday [Sunday for tea Wueen streel | Mr, George Maynard of 8 Mr, and Mrs, Tester and| Catharines is visiting with Mys, | sais, Montreal, were guests 10r| Frank Disney and relatives i al ge of § nd| weekend at home of Mr, a | Mr, and Mrs, David Pagan mn Vietoy Mrs yes m Mrs, Arthur Boyes of Toronto is visiting with My Mp, George Avery ! ain. spent a few days visiting! And Mrs. Ceol Jones his daughter and son . . | Me. ond. Tepe hat| Kidd Kieke To Eady Victory My, and Mpg, Ted Thachuek, | Larry and Linda, Miss Helen) 1" Kapuseinskl of Brooklin, were guests on Baster Bunday #a Little Brit with nw ey Mr. and and famil nurday of Lnokyer Mrs, Mark Lockyer were guests on Bal Mr. and Mrs, Sydney TORONTO (CP)=Bruce Kidd a Tovonta runner, loped (Ahead of a field of 74 to win fame of Mp and. Mra. Reid (he two-mile junior rac 0 al the Conk. Whithy. "ta honar Mrs (Hadstone Athletie Club's 86th Conk on the eceasion of her ANNUAI Spring road races Batu iH An) Congratulations to Mr, and Kidd, vunning for the Wasi |My. John Colloy, on hivih of & (York Track Club, won in 11:10.4 [danghter, April Joy, on April Land was 60 vards in front of and to My, and Ms, Lyon second-place Gary Jacksan of Middleton on birth of & 800 (ha Gladstone club, Jackson is Wavne Steven, an April 1, 8l'ihe Canadian junior threg-mile Oshawa General Hospital erass-eountry champion | Young runners fram high Little League {§ehools and athletie eluhs in {Tavanta, Weston, Galt, Guelph [At Catharines and Hamilion competed in the race, Kidd's FERNS (CF)-"Fhe | ihera GRIT 1% [VERE fw # REF Pe imal WEA ARE AHRISaY MM # CRE HER (AR ( AREETTEIORE FIR FRgIRE HENing he Was he ER AR (REST TR1avm (ov falar Man sliay 10 yee wn he 50 Was WRG H Asa A FLibargl peety Resawariers pga aione (on csierniion of CAnaka & [OW] numtenmiel Aaiastion Ww The work of (hy WER, FIFIED FOR JOR SEETHER 54K ThE Rina Rene. ROWER (6 sesh James Sant. (oavnki wv assity FEaghieh HES, IRGY KARE WIR (Re A RELL WT BARRO he RIE That A LREMAGLE (hr (he key iW ae JHE RaRIaf AR (Ke KEvirem Meamnminia, Senator fom Come gf Bly of (Xia, prasinant of the ¢ ational Fiera Frleration. ie fitling the iW 161t vacant by Wr Banl's vacEnt pativement fon REFIT FhmaWG The choice of # new Bveston pasts with party leader Laster B®, Pesrion Is the (omens ster Grosset, » viERSSIE £9 ® cam, M (imal raat on FETT RR ently sR AR 4 wt Ee £1 Phat erie FETT G nw Wim, A whe jae & W 4 ah thinialh the rex flow. Prime Wine Hy PPR? E44 fs # fA oy A NE / a, # ¥ Lan RVR 4 WEEy ff WE, IRE ann Crrmeant s¢ of last idl iat 76h hie natiome £ Ee in Ihe REP ER eine of BR hed WES Big CI ERT WTIRE of eve Latehing H WERE RESH i & pRrty out of office in get RGTIEN & ERLE Birt sivnn recs FREI IORS CIRien w) na trying Seizing any in repos intention 19! ner ta ms per: some erties saw (hel radin commentator! executive taking OTERHIZING m Ihefenhrker's ohn F sone! stall praminent ing tour over Mi Foe eary 7 APO 1 Grasart's They wise recalled Mr. Gros LL KihA pe the (aheration (198 BECTRIARY, WHS wd lectorer wn En Umiversities of He was # former EVR VERITY A Likert % swih the peety is # man with ial op, CHGETIONCE 1H COTE wil of the 18 provincial | ber RRM InE an Wh the fed EFRLIGN 14 Oshawa served wrt that three A sulficient term for anyane holding his job However, Mr, Fisher's prin epi inment in the prime minister's office will he to head VER} HES 5 reported statement in 1997) NEWS BRIEFS SALTY FROM COWS East African tribesmen satisfy salt needs hy puncturing the jugular vein of 8 cow, faking the blosd, then healing the wound with mud NAVAL TERM "Blue Monday" derives from the 18th century naval term 'Black and hlue Monday," ye fering to Monday floggings given sallors for earlier of fences DIVIDING LINE The Mason-Dixon line, gener: ally aecepted as the division he tween North and South in the U.B., was defined 100 years he fore the Civil War DODD & SOUTER § PAINT and | WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON 87. 5, WHITBY MO 8.5231 C.I.L, Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Pecarating Contractor Gypren, Paperhanging Full Wall Mural [younger heather, Ross, 16, came in 17th Hockey Finals | Randy Mason, 26, of the Tor font Olyimpie Club, won the MIDLAND (OF) Cham: senior fivemile race for the plans were decided here Satur seoond consecutive year in 24 day Wn the Ontavia Little Na: 46.8, John Allen, 88, of Buftala, Loamue hookey eham: NY, won the 10-mile walk in Allen represented the Lopan, the neighboring Geovglan Bay United States in the 1960 Olym tawn af Penetanguishene In Series A Trenton defeated Noarharough 84 in the jun! final, 81, Catharines dels Harrie 4:8 in the AHL final ¢ Welland defeated Navth Hay ples at Rome EERE EEREED You Whe Never Finished "NioH SCHOOL ; in the NHL final In Series B Penetangnishes invited to wilte far FREE] ved Punnvitle 2:1 in th klet, Tells haw you ean eam junior final, Millon defeated 8 Your High School Huntsville 2-1 in the AHL final and Parry Sound defeated Baw manvilie 21 in the NHL final In cansalation plavalls in Se vies A, North York Catholie de: ® L) m Diploma at Home In Spare Time AMERICAN SCHOOL 100 Dundas Steen, Peserante. Ontaria the huniars, North Ray defeated LJ foranta Township 31 in the Bod ° Ali faranta Townshin de ! Haokiet 4 e\ feated Barrie 31 in the. NHL. BAY § i HR oanselation H and {0 Noy Haw manvitie defeated Midland 21 in N A ne he Juniors, Hooton defeated Co. gg and Bee: _ Address " tanguishene ® Ve EEE RE defeated Pene i a the NHL, | answering service Your OWN telephone answered low sont 24 ho. dolly mobile 2-way rede wake-up sorvies Metropolitan medical exchenge For Information call RA BIR IN from {i rial 28 nol Six Genuine Diamonds, set in 14k White Gold, Sparkling "Round a Large Cultured Pearl £5 IS YOURS FRE E With Fach and Every Weidal Root Diamond Ring in the Peerless Desirde Collection Now on Display fy LTD, WHITBY PLAZA om $92.50 » MoOULLOUGN JEWELLERS MO 8.5051

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