From Castro Regime o Talk Defence, Trade «cr: zu vorimzmm Wii RETpRT fein (7 aye my Mac, Diefenbaker Meet Cuban Chief Defects O97 ¥) y i which Be WG les WHR (Re HERR § FER tea nl Pop Sina) Ba oasitinn (00 #5 RETIRE . (57 at Hes o Doth Atlantic CRRaman EVE mment. -- "RoW WEwnh lead gags y ; fri aR 5 WR FRETRE ninif IRE ERGREE Fits (Hef SRF ThE SAAR JA B- WE La Best ROWESE TRE REE WiyAS wr *. ER { § wiry Wiet fain iy Bah miki 84 wean 4 {iw Re thei 4 £ arias WY HIE Bay iae rR for bo, Whe ERIE 18 C0 dak A Distant. ohn weir Bird bins wish any Macmillan said "5 Gah REE GRR LARRY HEINE 6 0. aka ta Relend Cin 1B # WEREW by the go eimment of (0Fmer wy Prime My LIRA. Rew) Bad B sd' we the world Wr, Wacmsian was (bh Wend Bf EORET # Lim WIRTIRE dian Rotator FF ikgrne Ke of Bika and Ihele &7 of see he | ERE TRNRSIRES TREE Wh the VF @ 1 |} # THER Eiht sim sie 4 alia WY dita to moerae the Vessels / whi Ygurggiigy ir LanAon Lam Baan. Lov ernme {8 id ABR ( analich Wma HERRERA In fis easier Relapse. Wi They hold their rst CoRier: [BORWERER (REI E del aadlias id £4 WE (8 Vs frareiie Be yg iid bliin miieh that the vessel ener Wn Mr. IRElanhianer & RE Mark # ih / te wbficiu FREER 1 4 hE C0 ore sate RE Rty wal PE Hh iets atfice plier Wr, Wacmiliag Vie steeneth and wits of the 4 i 0 y " BI RETA 4 VEIREIRIN: nsne tr Sai ERE 4 i y " p Yury ih Akt ik ts ie said We WIR BERS RRA E RB FT WwW / oh gsi i v og iggod 4 2 i 0 ' b. Au y 4 a However. he said the doc SrA a sind po a Ry RE trade and Ae t Mr} I from His ERE he Tah presepies ph ihe y fs £ / KS GRE IR As Sis ithis EGE BE Ben Wie 4 ; Whition, 7 Wacmitian added. h Wopt 19 ERE COR defention meant the | hia RERFIRE 10 Wain Frigay show J of "that mors! fF piter 8 aatasttasesadiatl < |; J link "A EI ILY the whips hel Ween EmRslaries 44 y A : AY é oki p wy th nds 16 INEEther faa / 4 7 RTE and # my Wary 7 10 RR RAOROMONE id ads A { yo RRS 4 He ot say where he Dr Abello seid the Castro plter he TR ae WHEE WHA, ATTEND JAN WEON 59k IE IH Rr olons (ii Canada Tk B0VEFRIMER had pot wcied Ww Further £8} scheduwie for ler Wh Re BY 7! sittings (owing i Alter the MoTHing Eaih ab cH 19 the Cansei bh TH dir ated be Hans 19 on the E08 [7h In TRE BYEFIES for {EF FEES and talks with Mr, Dicfen- #nd » WA Fr ovement wi the HETERsER trade with (Caneds Means 10 sirenethen the Borth bak he Wa 48 WEIR IB ERIK ne ey Beh Bip and seid he wold spare 19 Ca Atlantic FF € a 7 Oreapiration » fr. Abella said be hed given Rien iid Wone 19 hay CAPSULE were Riearty Ww 3 os 4 a pEvale herring Canen Spping, Wien Ke #6 CLASSIFIED Woh Tn Ne compa br ra e arrier : Vacheaner Coit wm Hal 56ImeA #5 7 G6CoY 19 mks C4) We Trimister. mkcompRmiEn by lint eual Amcnments' DS LAH AREREAR REEIMNES SPECIALS oly i 2m destroying the Lwhen EAVErn- WEREYVE #he Wee oF Iriendby Ems with Canada yf RAR FEY dad i LAGE gion talks with } ier Dro Sou ht? Fhe trade miseion Cub sem Bennedy ' BOUGHT IN to {anaha last veer, be seid Cuba howght the ships in 1098. was Aesigned 19 help bresk WELCOMES WIN ; a. Seven gre sirikehound in Hal down Canadian Enied Sales 7 f In & welcoming speech gt the LONDON (CF)=Twe British The paper 4 relabions H hake yh 8 y NEWER RPE arst FIO RTS ie £F Hah #irm fr. Ihefenhaks whe Sunda £9 J J ROnS: ant rade with Ean gE AAV RERIEA BROW / eM A "Viel un will 1h Eeneng J ye ¥ » bith ' ¥ / hy » 4 pad. i Fi " ! ! ida hecause she has ne Cir tet a" tem vo Com 1, met et bt we We 1 anadians 4 meeting patterned plier the 19 7 an W ¢ Indian Heypoid Paris conference, said Mr Mac: mig ARI 5 3S WEE and #6 Hes RB bitiahat We milan would he followed 19 6 fT imister Dg enharer ween | anata and Ws i R tawa by nther BATH ery he § ay Fapress says he dis her NATO | : BLOUSES ment chef £r YEG} Srikish der will ask Canang 5 F of Teryiene, Pry PREIS West 1n8Ian WOME wnat under th k [Clekse ar Jt 1, ie i ae the pea smith er 0 11) CONGO C1 lll the band NATO shall of | West Indian rush 19 Bok 50 s volicy of ras : nimi 3, 1 Ay 1 made stronger. The unity of ah on Ag alored Wi Is } p { North Atlantic CONNIE Reynolds News says Ihe SHE: dia vat ' By PETER BUECKIEY y aust be strenghiened 10 B gestion Was Muse £5 hE British ther the id Canadian Press Stall Wriler asset PROBING INNER SPACE greater degree than herelofore, leader by Sir Grantiey Adams ee milla sder LEOPOLOVILLE (CF) Six B $ Jewellers , i ; A the bape the Apert od Pen depths, Sixty-fn 3 both in economics and nA ing! o Ihe in-island We TONRLING : at hw snadian soldiers were roughed EARRINGS his is the scene ahoar } i a Wert) ! adds ih RECHT ENE indies federatim a t io yer twp by #7 mixed Io of Conga drilling ship Cuss 1 off the | ject Mohaole, will vide chi '| thes ha y HH mixed force of Conga a, REG. 1.00, 9: WITH WIRY } pipe (top lefty mre pushed | ae Diefenbaker spoke #150 of The Sunday Express PEeMIs jegst of the the ese soldiers and police in Blan 4 xi | to th { life and 1 " ' FHA f We Wha Y ap J ea ) f ow ma i } a and pan in Blan northwest coast of Mexico as | 10 the ongn MF H j | through # hole (lower center) |irsuch changes pobtieally" #5 that the talks hetween the Pre: answer--fo) ern. leyyille Saturday night, it wa ] FURGHASE OF 1.00 OR OVER, } I I' art CER ¥ | 4 ' : i a hole is punched through Ihe ts bh. Ocean 4 in the ship's deck were needed to strengthen the miers in Olawg "are Eel 19 ment anyway renovied here Sunday MITER QUANTITY earth's crust two miles heow WeCcanse | { ance : result in Canada's REreeing 19 one wa por i t od tists veali nde (AF Wirephotg) # g pf ; Ay Sn Vas BEFIQUSIY InINFEd the ocean sirlace Beientists kadaads He Replying to the welcome Mr. double the intake [rom The West Phey were treated for their in . Macmillan said these questions Indies #ithoueh W Pi Venha Rocket Shot iuries at the Canadian Signals : FRANKLIN SIMON A £ ie anes he ISCus vith ke 5 OPPOSES 2 Ah NIFE elachme h If uariers T l ' H ils | Mac will Try To Adil A A Ao d 4 id y ji a. fed flow oh ¥ ie YVIilE h& 8 4 qumrv 4 WEEK'S SPRING ummins ria Colm Canada Still Secret il oe sali yi COATS & SUITS Calm Canad Lake AFA Jovitved In fe seis Wert 4 SPECIAL || REDUCED TO CLEAR ndav Movies N 1d Nw ave, co omer alu hil Sul (CP) 4 nivale. A n On Market ew eas AF) hi Al a Hy id / AT M gorel Stacey Lid, into orbit with & mysie dig B the fed Nations force Mave J ON ) ) Saturday fi he TORgH shone hrightly, the mercury hadn't interfere ! hureh: uy VASHINGTON (t PF) mn Prime thd a y Full details of the incident OSHAWA GIRLS soared to nearly ®, hut 8.568 going activil Minister Macmillan will try 16 n ancer Fike mast of is predecessors were not available in Teopnid LINED SLIMS f I int stay "HL gi melhing to fol CASE Canadian anxiety ahout : in this serie the DISCavErer | vig STORE Homa i sii k they on Sunda aid Daten, | BRAINS gradual moves to Join carried A G00-pound nose ERT pl gine of : Sizes 2 to 6x, Reg 2.98 1 44 ian X ' { the Eurapean Common Market ATLANTIC CITY, M.A. (AR) casing chemicals In cigaret Sule which the air force will try Hp 5 Blubhs af Ollgwa ONLY & 3.98 SPECIAL ¥ y had a chance to see their first Rev, B.D. Hollidg wh 2p 4 d 1 f CUE tiason officer with the signal 2 vhen he meets the Canadian 8 : 5 tn catch in the air alle I" ICEF WHR the SIRNAS } ¥ [ wi WEEK p 3 F 8 moke are known 8s Careing: 1 in th Fit} Sunday movies Baptist Church } k A New York scientist said Sun- smo i Audi, J ejected aver the Pavili detachment, and the men Wer { Coc) 7 : if cabinet today informants here i ot smoke may contain! gens " immin and ochrans Bleriticize WM Hen epara day cigarel smoke ay na har when the incident ag ' & : ay en 773 emicals, he si ; py 2.460-nm ands 4 & miles northeast of here, Sunday tion"! of the referendum on Bun He will seek ta assure Prime # Wax like chemical that acts These chemicals, he said, are The 2.460-pound second-sia arked. He said the Conglese KING 57, a6 Taser ores i ! I ale 11 3° Vi £ vA i $ iki M it Ihe ecame the first Ontario ean. day movie made no mention sinister Diefenhaker and his| 10 hint k the cnet CRUSINE Pro imitated into ds ly gaetion hy Aiea | ; ; i ; 1} i kicked him and hit him with a ERY SPECIAL PURCHASE MEN'S munities to take advantage ofiof the question in ¥ rman cabinet that Canadian interests Coss in wiman heing A Lod LR H FEAL HLH HFA IEE HH WE rifle butt and 8 weh helt Ww an amendment ta the Lord's Frank Colameco, owner of the, Spe protecied as much as Dr. Emest 1, Wynder af the known as promoters," without looked just Hke the ones hil Buby' £ port listed. the at . YINDEREAKERS vay Act permitting movies and three Timmins healre aid Sinan dsettering Institute, here {which the carcinogens cannot will he ed in the Midas and : Hirt Ha We AEheY / ' 6.19 ' nssihle as Britain gradually 5 4 (lanadiar y v ofl + B Eizes 36 10 44 on Sunday on # local- the crowds were 50 per cen Tink 5 up with the six 4 country] said the smoke also contains twp | calse Cancer Ramos spy saleliine fut the. Canadian saidiers nlved As JUST E, OF 14.95 SPECIAL § i vi f i f p 8. Bgl. George Baulink of Wi / kd: Bri | 5 p » that acts! The third group he lahelled air force wouldn't say whether § f ) n 2f nption ha ahove the weekday average conomic bine, the infarmants other suhstances--one tha | : | 4 or 12.0 Most comments an the new| "And if it had heen dull oF cEONOMm CE nse cancer and another anti-carcinogens and said they|the Agens carried any experi: MREE ent around the month BREWERS 0 | said e i 5 A 5 Q when str y of Sunday activity were favorable. rainy." he said, "I'm sure there "he Macmillan camp was ve-|Without whase "promotion thasict 10 black the cancer-causing mental Midas or Samos equip n struck hy a fal; Bgl. Far Restaurant, drugstore and can would have heen far more ported 1a MH . Roullitle of Pelawawa, hit bh : he satisfied by the first chemical could nat cAUSEITOCERS ment fists; Bah, Andrew. Pinsent pt RETAIL | Bailey Foods Li dyshon owners noticed an in| In the referendum, held Dee support President Kennedy gave the disease Dr. -Wynder outlined a five!l The Midas, still under devel coveaee™ hit hy fists; Bigmn y crease in their husiness IP CON tion vith the Givie ta European polit al and fon Ih ¢ pape Ai "a #4 the anniali paint Rragram fengned do slit opment i (i i i i de et Ronald Ddishaw of North Battle Rebuilt ALMOND TWIST electin mmm oled 2.80 amie integration during his four mes NE Nn ie ne a Bh @ an f p BIMAKINE enem ink aunening 1 ford, Bask itn MOST ARF: YOUNG (0 2,068 for the movies days of meetings with 'the Brit [ciation for Cancer Research |whatever lung cancer danger he|seeking oul heal rays produced! hit hy fists. Another Carburefor f COFFEE CAKE A cross-section of patrons al 1 I signal man was involved hut ap | ' N y p the paneer: said 1 » might exist hy ter- hy missile exhaust Bi I | Timmins' three theatres showed BLOCK SIDEWALKS ish leadey Pr. Wynder sad th said the " might i by leer My ie Pay ly Phe Rane parently was nob injured, He MOST EARS 39% most of the thealve-goers were The city's main street was a France and West Germany a ¥ bo Af ddd LAA n vas not identified LY BS hy a 8 i six try ( | the eauser and promoter chem: earth-canning camera | hus nt FHA on jead, the a Btn heads the BREAK FOR jeals and adding the blocking Discoverer XXII, in a north LOOK SE HY : theatres. at times were hlocked eight country free trade areal chemicals tn cigarels south arhit, is eiveling the earth PLAN PIPELINES y 1e |as erowds surged ahout the en on the fringes of the Common BALD HEADS The heogram included: of fee ever) A ri h Ho orb A Swedish coampany has HE) | Lrg f arket gre : akes i as far § Im } signed an BEreeme " Hance hehe! group WEST BROMWICH, Ting: (cigarets; 2 Selective fllration earth and as close as 186 ighed an agreement to supply Predicts tani (Reuters)=A partly hald (of the promoters in smoke; 8 the Soviet Union with 186,000] fren parher in this midland town |Belection of tohaeea containing 3 tons of welded steel tubes, tol ¢ Dou las Asked has struck a blow for hald less of the two harmful ehem TO AID FUND he used for oll and gas pine:| 5 MUN 11] Wii) AM Shakeup men everywhere icals: 4. Use of additives tal LONDON (CP)=Maria Calla [ Dong Smith, 47, has intro: [cause more eamplete hurning of and Bir Malealm Sargent will ines f N P duced a pay-hy-time system |iohacen to eliminate the harm: appear in & eancert In aid of ; ; in his twa harher shop ful materials whieh he said re 4 - A TORONTO (CP) Sranley Lea ew arty He charges two Shiings (sult fram incomplete burning; the Edwina Maounthatten Tus! Knowles, executive Vice pres (38 cents) for less than five (A. Adding the anti-carcinngenic Fund ta he held at 8. James dent of the ' dnadian Lahor REGINA (CP)=Premier T. €,|chewan. Last fall, his mail in:| minnie inf cutting hit a half |ehemie als [Palace in May a Mgres pred: as ih ay a {Douglas says a majorily of the dicated a split hetween "go and crown (85 cents) for a elip | shakeup In the Canadian par peaple wha write fo him think! stay." ping that takes from IVE 0 {imam ---- -- . lamentary system will create] \ : ved, party differences he should accept the Teadershin| whe premier said his views) 10 minus Ahave thal, he Haw would you like te pack up and mave inte this beautiful heme? Read of the New Partly which halds its hid charges shags types ane [/ Speaking at the final 5essiON|faanding convention in OHawa are unchanged about the New! shifiing and thee pence (17 of a Toronto and District Labor August Party leadership. If the peaple| cents) for every extra five Council weekend course, he said of the pravinee want him to go| minnie period the New Party, linking the CCF In an interview Baturday, the al he will. The CCF, he reminded Smith keeps track snip and labor, will play a leading| Saskatchewan. CCF leader sald feonaht him ta Saskatchewan in| ping time: with an alarm role in this shakeup that despite the trend evident| fe Bees "ace from his seal in| elock 54 SIMCOE NORTH The time is ripe for the New| in the very he IV flow o mail the House of Commons Gave Smith of his pay-hy 1] Party and if lahor is going to|reaching his office, hi will wal hair plan: "I's about time i - dn its job of hettering the life af|for official notiticalion of the (hie Magy ML wd ira halding men had some 4 {36 1 of aur peaple it must now hecome| Wishes of his CCI followers he E5 GR See Siva nat answers NTeaks SENSATIONAL MEAT FEATURES 4 Cl RG IH | i » active in the legislative and po fore making a decision. These| } litical sphere," he said wishes will he expressed al con tn direct questions Such situations as unemplay-|stitueney conventions in June Tuesday and Wednesday Only! ment call for the New Party,| Outof - pravinee mail to the + ® he said Thiz 1s an age hati premier always has urged him Mafia | ink Seen SLICED [H calls for a planned economy a A » fede and putting npeaple first The! take the ijoh in the federal Breakfast BACON Ih ald parties have shawn they do field, Bul that wasn't always § 0 . not have any new ideas." in letters from within Saskat In Gang Beating SKINLESS ¢ WIENERS th TORONTO, (CH) Palice A police source said the three Chief James Mackey of Metro: men wha did the heating are politan Tavantn said Saturday believed tn have heen a "tarture LEAN, MINCED £ his men will make an all-out squad' sent to keep Bluestein BEEF 1hs. » [attempt to free witnesses to tes: [from bucking a gang led hy a he [tify in the heutal heating of can: | Hamilton mahster \ ¥ Fx {victed gambler Max Bluestein The afficer wha linked the LEAN, TENDER ( ¥ ) body \ | The chief made the statement | ( I the Mal ho A 3 1 following a meeting called tn) THSReets with the Malla sald the B TEAKS Ih brief him on the March 81 in. secre! Siellian society 1s al ' er I I nl cident in 8a Tarantn tavern tempting to take aver cantral of L Architecturally built by W. E. ROTH. builder af exclusive custom home leaiunings which tank place while he was nlaria's racket NATURAL MAHOGANY TRIM THROUGHOUT PLASTERED VALANCE IN LIVING ROG! lan haliday THE HOUSE M i DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINKS IN KITCHEN PULL-POWN RINING ROOM FIXTURES He said he will use Metro's BOURLE SLIDING WINBOWS WITH STORMS MAHOGANY KITCHEN CURBOARDS entire 2,500 - man forge if nee ANB SCREEN ARBORITE COUNTER TORS , ; A | RIVIDED BASEMENT APPER '8 essary 10 break (he threat of You can borrow INDIRECT LIGRTING IN LIVING ROOM AND PER eeRtbie HY pay gangsterism in Taranto KITCHEN BATHROOM VANITY A \RRHR Wx 40 "The heat is an," he said. "1 $5 'e} $5 Oo have dive ted a special Sota i £0) DOWN PAYMENY $800 rs FULL PRICE $14,900 af afficers tn the case and we HITE J : intend ta make an all = aut al h y k » te a NO SHCOND MORTRAGE ! temp! ta farce the peaple whe bt Blcdib bc or er saw this happen get into the wit security {ness hax and testify." | In twa other developments Saturday, police said the hal check girl wha witnessed the at tack had her life threatened within minutes af its acewr {vence, and a high - ranking af ficer said police have informa tion linking three suspects to the Mafia WE R00 ' : | Palice said the hal check Sn Y pr girl, Eva Anderson, was told hy = [an anonymous telephone caller from CAN YOU PICTURE YOURSELF IN A DREAM LIKE THIS 2? w Yau'll he filled in if you talk." SUPERIOR FINAN Built on They said hy this it was meanl Sh. would he kod a THE FASTEST GROWING ATU CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY {Many 1 from 3 arles By of Peterbar egg is like athers fram the wha she saw make the attack 17 SIMCOE ST. N. CALL AL REKUSH AT RA 5.034) Ww E ROTH Builde é PHONE RA ough, Ont 00 hens and | champion hen, # will have a [And 100 other witnesses have hs he ) n one of them undisputed | second egg complete with shell [refused ta provide palice with i Or BW, WILION, Jheattor, RA 5:6380, Oshawa Shopping Gentes r 62° x 105° Ia ina RIA residential area, adiacent 12 beautitul Brooks Acres ' Information Ca champigp of the Roop. It the inside --AP Wirephoto) |information,