-. 18 TE SERAWA TIES, Wendey, Ap 18, 1967 Today's Stock Market Listings on TORGETS iF SW WORE By Tur ovation Freee Tews sy Bua s sors A 1 re waa Rah Aenk, WA A", »- ' 4 oh un! { LET 2222 : v $7 i ° wos i) Py wt y Fn a WARNE. ¥rrderiek AF paviaw [oaks Weithy, on Buakey, Ari §, (08, F raderion Rakes, former: a fowl ed Ws A 2 "" apie Ed Chasintia Wikalond and Ress (9ther . Howards of Owvewn, vie of Cove Bian, Floyd snd Mas. Aen Brith es rays) oH Cenams, Mes. Jona brits dd Mey. AW ' UN. [i 5 HAE] Le FRNA ¥ w + i nae i TOR neh hi iiahnneeied Ey » nuh Na - Torii nilan onsen. » + hhh i : | Hy a SUSTIMRRTET En a aL TY Lee e » + ° ¥ i Bye ITH FhaliitRlN] Fy » Aa S3Tap. ray yi¥y ae * a AN N 8 » ok) > *F 3330 AR IE » 3 - 3 J REPORT FROM U.K. & 13 9 } JE Sl FW 2 FREE WN ! aladsiind af sealing iH "i Hind 0 > } Qe a "3 A it PT NH a nny | 3 FF Hi] 0 10% % . + WR =) ats hh » " B. i ree] FF {} thiibaataiieten stan ¥ N N » jn IY TERY att : | $3 R35 "ory fit EI TY 0 4 ERR N 1 TY HEY jr v8 1 LB) fa a 8% ni i 3] 258.88 - 838; METI 2 A {xf > £3 FFRSEN 1S N EER = -- IBS 8 gw a $ e snow 33 . ¥ FINE & A ET » sasalilandst Boinmane Rope Bonk Teams onndsls » Th = a Frove Gas BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT oH Comtice od » ed Bowney (Florence) # Myris in Be # Both yeas. Rasting ot the Robinson Fu mere Chopst, Binowhin. Service Ww the Chapel 8 Tosser, Mori By M. McNTYRE HOOD Personalized Cheques Soon | Toron { i { asidRtudge 1s ME dad LI TRY PTE AR 234 3 » +B "8 » alent SX) > re ey WhEWw > 4 NE - | EF DES 3 (5 FETHESE 1 39 a a 28, 803 pan pT E Ren ually » * Sh a tM 3 » kJ a ve Siyeaad.al Rha ye bo $38 bd W nid wr iw heprt attack gives you new val wes, § don't smoke at all, | have # donk before dinner, a small glass of wine with my meal, and Um careful about what | est. By THE CANADIAN PRESS yt the big difference is that | joy my meal the way I never {did before foie to BH »W 'More Ships to Exchange " gs bow om. Lj gp w » ow Hil Pe ~ SENN thynagh waters Fmos ok ANTE (he weekens. (® ng Wanchester Widnes, 12 mew Gewat | akas and 5. Law- nehoim and Yehwda, ronan ver sREPPIRE se § [awrenen Seawpy Super: som comsiderabiy to 1. intendent Rane VHewsews oh dd it fe hoped (hat he #Way "AB The grain carrier Warray Bay be opened by nent led twos other Canada Meam- Target date is Aor 15 for dip [ines carriers in a TIAN ceaway's Mfiaial opening, dash acroes [ake SHperion OB peouy jen was HW covering open HGcially he RRVEANON ge costern of the sean herr H om Awring warkend and The THA veseel, ROBE WW gous 0 clornalior the the TR. Wctagam #98 BF yop scheduled (9 James Dwnn whieh fied wo ob coop i Port Stim shortly after Ber, | Bad entered | ake Superior fr Horks at Sait Sie. Ware, Ont, marly Saturday i The gover | Blezander Wenry Wad fanes theowgh wm \stretaiing 15 mies owt from | harbor in preperation for early wrrivale Yo. wavny eB > ETE NEN NY Sa ERNE NR san BARTER Vy BBE > FETA. RESIN FRB SH LL ¥ : § Ha 3 FETA SH EE { ; 2 ; ii 5 il ae » -% t ; 8 CS + i oat ou 8 we i a i J of : | is 3 BEST FL ES 3.50 Bena Butleln | - ; f FHIFTITE PRY § 3 3 1 i i : § ¥ N i i Sif EE bh - How yom § FORCEFUL, DISCOVERY Cant. James Cook Mscovered Austrafia's Great Barner Reef in 1779 when he ran nto Kom 2 dark might, badly Aamagng HME Endeayowr SLAVES DESCENDANTS The Bahaman joand a. San Salvador has TW abitants > mostly descendants of slaves doy And Leported no of imported before 159 when (SAH Jang Queen Victoria signed am Mrmr Bay was ; emancipation proclamation welcoming Hig if sold Arthur Sunday BREAD STORAGE radio - telephone interview Bread need only be stored 8 shin would load #99.000 the refrigerator Auring Wot of crain and likely leave to Detroit and $t. Clatr River nts Lake Ere w n whamoered by § ited shipoing wae At Butile the J which opened the days sgn nd had tn irr, entered Buffalo Hail EE SIAL RE R REN x § LE Reen Bgatelng 3 » i 'File - AN $31 sa eails i: | ¥ 3 S53 LN 3 3 wosbebliprseg FoR ere THR HH ; T weather when mowld growth 18 day night or early Tuesday NET EARNINGS * "== oui Bralorne Pioneer Mines 144. year ended Dec. 31; 1968, $811, 592, Bl cents B share; 13 months | "The only real worry I have coded Dec, 31, 199, $456,224, 9 in life now is getting » little cents white bail inte an wReo-Opera- Canadian Petrofing 144, year tive Witle cup. Pye taken wp golf for relaxation, but it's not coming easy. When Amold Pal mer took #2 12 on a hole the HAY By FORBES RHUDE mation and placing of the figures ot ol the Jags Iliding so. Canadian Press Business Editor on the cheque must he correct iy 4 Sometime within the next two Within tolerances of wp to 15 ended Dec, 31: 1960, $1,951,454; | 1959, $1,276 475 i Canadian Western Natural Special London (Eng) , Corresponfent ya. For The Oshawa Times [ino of thousands of homes an wavan IGG wa Raw www w» -- --- i - rd red, de] we ministry of housing has refuted NOT YET SATISFIED LONDON ~ Sir Keith Joserh parliamentary secretary 19 the charges that only wealthy peo SMITH, Wergsrst Amn ved la Fest suddeniy sb Alex snd ekening Generel Hospital on Satur doy, Apri B, 1981, Margaret A. Smith fuels of don Joseph Brith of od de rr of I, Pies Bow id Nova Bev (Mes, Hordid Hubbard), resting ot Mek child | , 8 Kingston Ross West, | Pickering. Funeral servis in the Chapel on Tuesday, April 11, #6 8 pm. Interment Ervkine Cemetery *! deohat, ple in the United Kingdom can afford to purchase their own! homes, In 8 House of Commons) on h he pre d| precise figures to refute OPposi-| tion arguments that this was the case, The figures he presented were # decided jolt to Labor party| critics who were claiming that| people with low incomes could not buy their own homes, Sir Keith told the House that half a 2 , ; and, to years anyone who has @ bank 10-1000ths of an inch, and, account in Canada or the United ensure that such Jragision od States probably will have his maintained gating 4 Drouetion . ally TUB, CONE . The ministry of housing, how: 0h cheques printed especially tive equipment are made con ever, Is not yet satisfied that for him | ously the maximum has been nearly! This personalized attention bs To date, Rolph - Clark - Stone reached in home ownership in for the purpose of making every hag produced some 27,000,000 Britain, It feels very strongly cheque recognizeahle (0. an elec: personalized cheques and, in the that many people now living in tronic sorting machine vase of the Toronte-Deminion council houses, with subsidized] In Canada 630,000 000 cheques Bank these now are being is: rents, could afford to buy homes were issued in 1960 and were c..d4 to branches, of their own handled up to 20 times each. In. Behind the production, spokes: The one factor which is hold- the United States the total Was! men for the firm said, are two ing back this desirable move! 11,000,000,000 years of work, including re- ment is the tendency of local! This vast handling job cre- search, employee training, and councils to allow their tenants ated slow - downs in banking|the ironing out of unexpected to pay uneconomic rents, re operations and electronics are probelms created by the exact nally other day, it was the best thing that ever happened to golf, It 7% gave thousands of us 8 reason to go on living" VOTING RESTRICTIONS Almost all men in Sierra Leone, West Africa, have the franchise but only tax-paying or property « Owning women may vole, ONE PIRECTORY Dec. #1 199, net loss $762,822 144., year ended Dec, 31: 1960, 473402; 1990, 441.623, Company, year ended . {1660, $562,640; 199, $577,805 Gas Co, 144., year ended Dee 1960, $2,143,502; 1999, $2,114, f Home Oil Co, 14A4., year ended don : run = 1960 net loss $681,000, International Bronze Powders Lawrence Power Dee. 81; Lower St. EXTENSION PHONES save wear and ter ~ come In £0) ours, 3 models, Call the BELL Northwestern Utilities 14d, ask One telephone book serves all year ended Dee, 31: 1960, the Republic of Ireland and $2,800,120; 1059, $2,533,187, more than half its 611 PREEs| moronto Tron Works 144. year! taken up by residents of the city ended Dec, 31: 1960, $22,165; » WILLIAMS, Francis M Suddenly In Oshaws Gener on Saturday, April B, 1961, Fr ams, beloved husband of beh Slubley and lovin; of the people who are today buy: Joss! ing their own homes in Britain #-| have incomes of less than $42 a father 8 ss. week, And more than three-quar ters of them are earning less gardiess of their incomes, Sirlheing called in to replace man Keith said many councils hadlual handling The new machines refused to introduce rent differ-|will put through 75 to 1,500 entials based on family income, cheques a minute, or 30 times and added; as many as the fastest previous Ing process, In the first phase the process of Dublin, 1959, net loss $977,612, will he used largely to expedite clearing-house sorting, Later i will take over large areas of + BYERNAL bronze memorials, Seles or spring. Hand finished, Guaranteed quality for installation, Dis ay # Mount Lawn Cemetery office A S800, Exclusive representatives [A 100 years old company. James atthews, Ontane, GERROW FUNERAL 'than $2800 a year, These figures s| Were provided from the records {fairly. The {tish §3.50-4.50 a bushel, Delicious MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) = Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices at 10:10 a.m, today: Apples, Mcln 8.605, B.C, Delicious 675:7, CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions DSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8.6555 OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutary of all types RR, 4, KING ST, E Ph. RA B:-311) or RA B-8876 IN MEMORIAM ROWUN In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother, agg 11 Bohun, who pod away April h ih month of April again Is here, 0 me the saddest of the year, he blow was hard, the shock severe, a part with one | loved so dear eater SUL as years depart Our memory lives within my heart With tender love and desp reset, who loved you will never formel, =Lavingly remembered hy hushand, daughter and son-in-law MILGATE aur daughter passed away April 10, ¥ (hose we love we never lose, or ever they will be Laved, remembered, treasured, Always In our memory, +, Md remembered hy » Gayle Taulse, 981 ATRATHDEE In loving memary of a pial Edward, w ne Tongue oan tell I loved him and how well, a Joved Mm ten and thought I ul To take him home with hm to dwell, ~iavingly remembered hy Dad, FIXES IDENTITY A roologist studying sheep has found that a ewe seems to es: tablish her offspring's identity within four hours after its birth, FLOUR TYPES When "all-purpose or bread! flour Is used in place of pastry | flour, two tablespoons less per oup are required CARDBOARD COINS mlists printed coins of more attention to the American|tations among top oie during the Civil War|scene, There information wha Spies 4.505, Russett 4.50; beans, green 4505.50 a hamper; new beets 3 per S-pound bag; broe: {coli 8.50 a case; cabbage, old 85-1, new 34.15, old red 1.50, new red 3.2 i CArrots, un {washed 125-185 a bushel, {washed 175-2; cauliflower, 125 3.50-8.65; celery, California 4-44.25 a case, Florida 825-4; eranher: ries 4 a carton; queen size cu: |eumbers 2.60-2.75 per 24s, king| Islze 33.25; leeks 2.256 per 11. {quart basket; lettuce 30s 2.25 (2.50, 245 2.758; mushrooms 2.26: 2.86 per B-pound hag; Chile | Banish onions 8.004; pears, American 550-650, parsnips, {unwashed 1-135 a bushel; washed 1,80:1,75; spinach, cello [,86:1.50 per 10-pound basket; {rhubarb No, 1 1,75-1.85, No, 2 | 76:8; tomatoes, cello 1.862; {turnips, unwaxed 00.1, waxed |1.25-1.85; pineapples, Cuban 13s 1285-4; eanteloupe §,50-10,50, Phe handling hank accounting. waitin Tre hot treating Shett The system is already in ef- It will, for instance, give of lowe haley RVers feet in varying degrees in the hanks quick checks on their fi-| charged to § storoff tenant the| United States and is getting nancial situation, a factor of im-| longer the Waiting lists will be [Wnder way in Canada, portance in_detérmining bo If rents mre indiscriminately The switch-over is not only a amount of reserves they need, low, all sorts of people who ean | PAnking Prebiem, but one for SPOTS NSF CHEQUES provide for themselves will hang" ' It will reject cheques on me:| on to their bargains, and shut MANY PROBLEMS INVOLVED counts without sufficient funds, out people who are less forty | Roiph-Clark-Stone TAd,, Tor-\or cheques on accounts which nate onto - hased printing Sompany have overdrawn their allowed y which has heen a large cheque|over-draft, SUGGESTS REMEDY producer for most of fr 112 youl Its speed is expected to end| fir Keith Joseph also added jiciney explained the printing|"kiting," a practice under which that if the pressure of differen: or iloms at a press conference, a person issues 8 cheque but| tinl rents made only two Per" por one thing, printers face doesn't put money into his ac-| | cent of the tenants move outline problem of many small jobs| count to meet it until the chque into houses of their own, there! yy produce a great volume, | has had time to go through would be a reduction of 20,0000 wach person's account num: clearing families a year on the wailing her is printed on his chques in| Still later, the system is ex: lists for low-rental eounclllink containing iron oxide that, pected to be taken into other| houses in the electronic operation, he- lines of husiness for the handling Sir Keith gave a brief analysis|comes magnetized, and fives of such things as oll company | of the present-day housing posi-|the operation its name, "Mag: credit cards tion in the United Kingdom, netized ink character recogni-| Rolph-Clark-Stone, in addition Nearly three-quarters of the pop-| tion." {to three plants In Toronto, has ulation are now housed in de.| Chemistry of the ink and its|plants in Montreal and Halifax, cent and comfortable quarters, |evenneness in the printing of the and employs more than 1,100 Ahout one-fifth live in houses | figures must he just right; for: people, with no overcrowding, hut lack EE Ing In modern amenities. The ; | J * remainder live in had conditions| In slums, or in non-slum houses | (0) usicidal | but overcrowded, Since 1065, more than 250,000 | TORONTO (CP) == Potato [prices quoted today were: PEI, 75:pound bags, off truck 1.90, to {the trade 2,252.50; NB, 1.75, to the trade 2.2.25, PEL 80-pound bags 1.33, to the trade 1.65; NB, 115, to the trade 126-135 'Communication In loving memory "| TORONTO (CP) = The great mother snd challenge of today is to open (lines of communication, not only between nations but between a government and its own peaple, Plerre Salinger said Saturday night, President Kennedy's press secretary told the annual Na. tional Newspaper Awards din - ner the breakdown in communi: cations is one of the great prob lems in the world today "Fear and ignorance are the product of lack of information and no nation can survive today if its people are afraid and un. informed." he said Mr, Salinger said there now are more Canadian correspond fents in Washington than ever before and welcomed their pres ence as an indication that Cana dian newspapers are paying Swan need for a of Canadian 'Great Challenge slum houses have heen pulled down, But there are still 600,000 more yet to he demolished There are still several million no An ete ae srs I UGH A, MULLIGAN un ong br. Diving, very thousands of good homes which NEW YORK (AP)~=If Holly. Renotitully. oo, - might oid, are squalidly overcrowded. wood is looking for someone fo|NO, wasnt a h wid In spite of these conditions, [Write authentic backirond Lt pn Rg . sie p eight Ingemar| 4 however, the great majority of ie, for hewvowoith Instr) 05 Chub Cougs. hu erick Loewe Is thelr man Never fond Tememper the fit ; ) melody, It doesn't matter cone daphor amneler Of though, I'm always hearing the amelot, My Fair Lady andy marvelous music in my the Rritish people are today better housed than ever before, Brigadoon 3 singularly equit sige and then, when I wake up, ' q knocked - out combatants, ny| Il fone. This Jeu 10 worry me reason of experience he hap " tried jumping out "of bed a pens to be something of an au- few times and copying down thority on still life on the ean- that great masterpiece of my Vas " After a brilliant career as a dreams. ANd do you know it child prodigy pianist and hefore| "yo we wae nat one to be kept [embarking On an even MOTe|gawn hy the knockout at the brilliant caveer as a musically. ae oF Ganzonerl, He bounced comedy composer, Loewe Was an on inva" the music business not - so brilliant professionall oq" coon' was delivering some i quite a dandy very| Impressive knockouts of his own agile, quick on my feet and on Broadway very deft with a slap-like jab," | CHANGED HIS LIFE needed to be informed that the/lowe recalled, "I'd won eight! Loewe shows the same in. new Canadian nationalism is! fights in a row in the 120-pound|dominable attitude toward his not anti-American, lan and then I ran into an| heart attack of three years ago, news in United States newspa- DOTS, MUST BE INFORMED "1 don't think that in these times Americans can afford to be uninformed about Canada," he said Some people were saying the two nations were growing apan The people of the United States | Mr, Salinger said the Kennedy | up - and - coming fighter named| "If you live through it," he administration is pursuing A Tony Canzoneri [ooh . heat lack # ab plicy of giving reporters the 8 solutely the bes ng that can reest sible access to the| ONE-PUNC H KNOCKOUT {happen to you. I never enjoyed news. There were necessary! "Me took me out with onefjife until I had my attack, I limitations where national se. punch in the first round. Other drank from five at night until ourity was involved, but secur. fellows who'd heen knocked out|fiye the next morning. I smoked ity must not be used as a covers used to tell me they actually hres, four packs of cigarets a travel agent, free... with every TCA trip to Europe He'll do the chores ~so you can have 8 carefree, wonderful trip! Timetables? Let your Travel Agent look them up and arrange your schedule on TCA's Giant Jets, Hotel reservations? He'll book and confirm, Visit more coun: tries than one? Naturally; TCA takes you all the way to all these cities Vienna, Zurich, Dusseldorf, Brussels, Paris, Lon- don, Glasgow, Shannon, It's true ~TCA's DC-8's, the Rolls-Royce-powered jets, fy to them alll (For example on TCA's Extra Cities Plan your return fare to Vienna will allow you to visit these cities plus 8 others at no extra cost!) Cost of your Travel Agent's help? Not a penny! (Ex cept, perhaps, some specially requested out of pocket expenses,) So If this is your year for Europe, ask your Travel Agent to book you TCA! Theres a Travel Agent near your home or office, Have a wonderful time in Europe! Your Travel Agent helps you plan-we'll get you there and back again! § THIS SUMMER: THE ONLY THROUGH SERVICE FRON TORONTO To EuRare! TORONYO:PARIS return only Full Fare: $536.00 dot Egonomy Return $5368 TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (@) AIR CANADA..T0 EUROPE 4 MEADOWS up of legitimate information heard birdies singing. 1 RUSS day, It was a senseless. futile | On the international level, that's where my musical back: existence (Mr, Salinger called for consul: ground came in. I heard a whole! "Now I live in moderation government symphony orchestra, and 1 enjoy everything to the officers to arrange) 'When I came to in the dress: fullest, I don't worry a the for & freer exchange of news. |ing room, the string section was! things I used to worry about, A TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST, §, OSHAWA MM 304d DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST, §, WHITBY wa-frooklin 0 8.3304 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL LTD, 57 KING ST, BAST, OSHAWA RA '8-8620)