The Oshawa Times, 10 Apr 1961, p. 17

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Ba RIE 150 GE =the) stots for Sate FI -- Rani kebaia tor ule B9--Aotomeblies for Sete Fi--Aviicies for Sete "IE A E8=S0oms tor hom T oer. AAS hy. = ps iM en dt an za ; oA < me Palatal GA [ERIN EAT Vf wr yy Psion - Lik oe pes A fs Erdle " St da # pa go a A BE ed Pre -- a Py JET RA Datum Fr By Ew WBE PERE Se | JH oh, PE BW IEE | pa - SRE A NALA SE > AA tar an a id oo og lf pssipsiinss yp sr oa vr sms Wa. A. ec ir £0 I. syns Fn le 4H VA boa ip Apshiaa? ia" EIA HE WOW, CER gsitary 5675 ORRES ane y Mgapyay wWhelvey (He AA sing (GIS (5 AG ASK. To (eR ayn savas, Ws # gs AE ATERTING po seb fnihs & wa po VATE SHE Fis POE $208 $5,165 Sia pg ? , hd i ATTRACTIVELY FURIES SME Aogigize Bm grivee ame $2 Po Fost Pio. Koh betwen § ok 7 pm i fs ae aaa act f ye Fors bass, (aig oF Wg Coy of Csows, ove raged 15 wh GN sErTisdsrs GF ae asims 15 RE (ARIES, thar for Ws Eraswsr, 5 or before the Vo doy of May, 1961, sar whieh fore we Fogre's soars WwW Be Strianes Borg 4 AVY tly KGET rE FC nd 3 ERNEST MARKS, OC Sofleciver, ¥ mg 50. Ess, Gens, Grisrs Af (6F haga he Pp ELECT Fre FRA faxsnst YOAMG fe Brsortn Bey, mots Ek cu Stes, sic. $13766 EAL BF 5 485% Weer ays flier J FM FOR REAL ESTATE DOM 5. SMITH Mare in Witkin 38 Bom ii het fin 54330 DROP 19, PHONE OR WRITE | Arp? RA 58-5109 AJAK REPAIR Oh £7 566 and CONSTRUCTION ~~ NEW HOUS LIMITED EGA) SoH 0G STREET EAST doibadBiiihd CEH AH A bot water besting wk Two Ws " : iL RA 88-5103 RAB 1726 Fimistt, BA YOU WONT BEAT THE PRICE OPEN HOUSE WEEK. -- PEAT, BREE Residoni # bi 7 Carmas bor $51 posmtinly glo £m od EZ A EEE az = re tors, $ BEL BER Sing ARs PE GRE, GREE BE BE, hy SRS ae ¢ on Priory "A & 7 4 grea # Fras nibisgy' Ali I py A lovey Vue ow ida "op i pe ers Yd ok glsny 8 or BEL LEB dls Fit "# Hah som ty oN fA 'D LiL z agree Aig Fg 477] gd yo £3 oor 0 cling I ii he Pe sa, PER - we Ay dod Yr OF ier Te Er pan ag Me eo se, 15 gs" Pe if EW A PR PE CX pont pik ges edt Gd RG RR. lps uh (AEG A 5rd faa oe pr den » yaw ind Yond El A 4s as wi LA : wie Frias Tani, ¢ Wh phy woe Bost Ferry, #¥ vin, Pr (REE rd SRIAR, Aes Artuad Wd 7 Bene, Aust frie: on) irink, pd pas PRIVATE SALE FULL PRICE $10500 $2060 DOWN Sixrinm fuld in pu IX prises' aad Hay oe id rp rr i fom, Rawiog FF agg nd od dtd oH (Emr | Ahh 74 COLLEGE GF FRR AUCTION SALE AN ond tigi [68 (ors or Ayers, Owes, om aching H on erclicivs Br ow ond Ih, 10% x 19 wi be oid by PUBLIC MICT ION on he premices APRN $2 om FF AM iT WaL CO5T You EVITA IT £408 SAVE YOU io FETY Mary Pars to Chee From Bale so Yow See Ya dtd d May uses LAEGER i#E A as Mf home 72 some Tie y= ' vt for re "ia # K wills Ha oe adi A454 ALL Bart be sctished 15 live Bn 5 street where every bewee looks FARE WELL the some. Esch home In feshiongble Besy Yelley is 5 Miers design. Custom Built 19 sseh Indyidusls desire. Sop snd think whet ciher buy Ales you free Architect Service, & kitchen bie on the premises to Your indiyidust teste. Where ol services oie prepcid od J wind hydrs end telephone. Be A Compre Lacstion Qrslity $15 Prices. For yeers of High resis velue. Be sie yor t Home. Prices from $14,500 =~ Bown der der 11 15 Maiencls ING FAENG $8 Kos peyments from § SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LIMITED 360 KING ST, WEST RA 32265 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING 57 DIAL RA 8-4678 OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH New 4 bedroom bungolow -- 1,222 sq. ft. Mricen Mahagony | kitchen cupbocrds, mehegeny end (AMA yanity in bathroom, Built In ching cebinet in dining area -- windows In living mem ond dining rom, Rig Bo Ba with ravine lor. Tots! ice $14,500 yitt FP rox. $2,340 down. After 8:30 cell John emp ot RA B-239 i Buy mGnshie ow & cost ond kd ger Buy 950 wp new 8 he sont, Wise to home (Hg Jackets, bowen bck feck, mie Valid tess I "He's cleaning " Malion lough tracks flow WHY Do Most People Buy the Oshawe Times? . . , The Answer | ere For the Ads 60% . . . News 40% MOST Women Prefer to Know in Advance Where ond What They Are Shopping For Believe What They Read in the Ads Because the Ads are True TRADE Is Easy when the Buyers are Invited Guests in Your Store , . , WITH Confidence in The Store Who Puts Their Prices in Black and White To Be Read STORES Which Advertise Save You Many Hours of Shopping, and Money, too Smart four room bungslow With made Lesement Bret ment, Rew GIGGE, PoVEd drive. Must sell. Coll Bill Esicliffe, BA 5-6544 LOOK HERE ! DUPLEX--$1,200 DOWN 8 room brick, 2 kitchens, hot weter heated with oil fire noes, rege. lacsted on Foxe borough Ave. veeant Be sede sen. Asking price $12,500, reasonable carrying cherges Coll Jack Ap veby bd BA 5-6544 or wks | We Speak Slavic Longusges _ Member of 0. D. RE 8 | LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYP THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BEAUFORT If vou like the best, then sce this speciglly constructed home Built 19 suit the mest particular buyer. Two fire places, twa bathrooms with vanities, finished recreation roem. Professionally land scaped with running creek flowing through the property, for @ built = in" swimming peal. Financing te suit the Junier executive, will nlse consider trade of bungelew type heme. Appointment ars fan ed J) 53mg Bill Milalr RA 54502 pF MAPLE GROVE On Highway Ne. 2 gppreximetely 7 ocres garden lend with smell erchard Forel price proximately $2,800 down WHITING AVENUE full price $10,000, large income er family home ef B rooms, 2 kitchens, large treed lot. Home in immaculate gendition, Includes alum storms and screens and storm daosrs, forced gir gil heating, A real buy LANDSPOWNE PRIVE For as low gs $1,323 down you con move inte madem & reem split level heme with all extras, including storms, IEENS, doors, exhaust fan, ceramic nled bath, sedded front lawn, vanity, etc. Twa of these madels have carperts. Possession can be had en gppreval, Balance en | N.H.A. martgage. Priced from $13,500 to $14,900 BUILRING LOTS AVAILABE IN SELECT AREAS IN CITY AND SUBURBS AFTER 5:30 CALL Dick Barriage B- 24 Jog Maga 5-919 nursery or $8.000 wh opr $2,000 down and while, AF chamleally Robbo BLVD Well decorated § roc with garage sterms and screens, TY an tenna included. Full price $11,000 with $1,000 down ar . mere information, call RA B-5123 ond ask for Henry Spykermean Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd Realtor RA B-5123---RA B8:5124 RA 8.5128 101 SIMCOE ST SOUTH im hayse All modern Everett Elliotr 3.9290 Marien Brew 5-7610 John Kemp 8-2392 "WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT apart: | FOR RENT -- 36 ment in apartment hullding, stave and! folr-raam rari enthiy thi hte newly deca Wiki ih Waals LT Wi ahing facilities. Telephone dential area, aellities, Jiking: clase fa fon 8 plavgray High hid |i | eee Apply ¥ FOR SALE -- i | wise, Th ac Fhtstertield aecasional chair {41 E Hn [LURE I ih da oa SPRING elean ue ape. Fe wl N "DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD RA B-4651 4) GLADSTONE AVE 312.000 full price with $2, 000 dawn, gl storey brik centrally located 1a all services, seven minute's walk 1a downtown Oshawa. This is @ terrific bargain. You weuld appreciate the spacious mams and area, Call Vieter Hula Twa-hedroam BON'T put i "off, put it an, voafing, siding. fal voafs, eavestroughing, paint: Ing Phil Harper, MO 84558 Wiithy Cain Laundry. Speed Rueen Ask Wash 2c. Dy 10g Flag) Te this ad 106 Bro Street Bouin sweeping, FAR BENT -- Sixroom bungalow, #as Hse, aie or laying Wi, Fant n§ heated, #95 monthly. Available May | fave ey "Api Ay eguls at Gy il YOUF masonry, cement work, voaf- Hag an ne. bi ae lore ar ali fg and waterproofing, call MO g-2304 | A0eF 3 Bm. dally Rill nnrahined Teasanable rales Ah one osm a oR arment 00 ale nee A Hy Ee" an y 0g Tatiment. Tel Sonica) flow clase 1a schoals Fale Siveel Rhone RA S408 ikinone MO +3 : WITRY apartment. twa bedroom HON CHA adit broadleem, natural fireplace, bith with Jeane, available May i now ni coals AH aah Va acre of land, electric oy SE 3 ju, ed, heat, twa presse systems [INTE of RL » Whithis fn For mere information call Pat We Halll ah oar (ly SnivanGR § UPET value, SpRrasl- | mately yt ad pi latier slag typing in for free wash Ab W 1A Rosedale Prive ar telephone Just en the outskins and with a heme leaded with extras 1a save YOu mOney, Buili-in stove and even, STUPEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO Tel _RAndalph 3 3461 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES . BENZ » DKW Sales and service. Showroom open wnt! 9 pgm, at MOhawk 314 RE SERVICES -- Complete bhookkes ng service for small businesses. wes ¥, monthly ov a8 desived Halemed Tenared incame 1a% Fetus. BEE TE £7 allure Blore, K Gime rehuiite, estimates i dilly We have a goed assortment $10, $15 or $25 or better The home of quality, tradi SCHOFIELD gation = RA oR ple he Fol, | family, Simply erder ene of SALES LTD, AUCTION Station, RA 8.3698, of the East 0s CREVROVKT Rei 17 whey, wl S00 pir BP rogrrof Bflg vg E atudend Fy A ud PIRES, AW BEVET PrP ote. #4 fo erat el BEE, TA TE PERLE HG 4 Wi Franet an, Wim POT CASH iii * pio | gp Sows A PAS iD Ft OR (egond Be ors ry a" pew WE wae Brain 5 wr ws pid of F 6, ihR, punk bride plus WES 0000 MOTOR SALES BIERER cribsorss 4 $14 PARK #D, § Sole Is pliant to ® reserve . a. a err EHerst; # oo, msrigegs. Terms 10% sash 50 CARS WANTED Dok dees RA sos Bsience sm cssrg a JRE A. J Bring 5 Mew Csr 7 g Soll yor wah Cor 10 Tad" 8 weeded Ih Brook Besant ie FR EE Arey 1 N BOLAHOOD y he | ACTOMATIE tin tote wr Csr Desier snd "SAYE WE Aeioery. Teidhone BAILIFFS ED CAMP TORS Ra 734 COLLEGE ST, TORONTO AVENUE TED CAMPIN MOTORS rw hier at i OFFICE HBS --85 AMS PM hast Sontle: of RA 34494. Fes RA 55574 a TAYOR AVENUE Lo 109 ACRES--RAGLAN 3.30 70 5:30 $ ALL CASHS$ Ma, wier $90 WELL rreservED tok a , WORERN Magic bed i A Actress Loretta ¥ grav GI BF PICS SHE, B58 FH - 4 down. Liens seid oH Fiastria Fringe been in show ui A " Rs gl tess Aoring 4 CUSTOM BUILT | Sicods OTOR SALES id | ! $10000.; give 1s #9 & ICOLS MOTOR § & ne Yo nsoect Col Anibx SEE THE 512 BROCK ST, M.,, WHITBY ius go pry oy Wi oe BW, wis 4 THOR ROL MODEL oe ICE AGE i IEA a lo 4 ond be soe vi "A A p TONGS CGE vir he i ] OHH / ond SERVICE STATION Ehowt 10.999 years ago inv BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM: USE THE of A of 5,709 0 vere] | LIMITED--REALTO MOTOR TUNE - UP AND | MTOR | GENERAL REPAIRS OSHAWA TIMES | BA 65-6644 67 Fig 51. W, ! EA, = Hn Z| COLUMNS Went Dlaors ool Wh bed Ton We 752 WY Tre A $1009 ROWH Hen ' Voting iohiws ines, (ior Bian *u Vou yi MAREE rrp ld worth wa wz |FOOD & FREEZER Mihi Webiths 12 Fitnes Bea Ai iy A | PLAN 29-- Automobiles for Sole rE 10s CHEVROLET conch, privately Wheel. Tete Meow try os ger. Eof better pars God FuRBing oF for less IGRETIE8 Bip ; lg foi dain 3 WT) ; plied, olf well known. pre $222 for "63 Pontiae, ood cq | nlite i piss, while 1h hy 4 ' uth. (Next Wits hell Bliwet) atime warrenty freee, fir ich ' bernie ey it Wisk) the ori one gusrantesd by LESWAGEN, radia, snow Ures, bik beds, complete with Good Hoysekesping, Ne a La J Bpring ied matiresses in hin 2%, Demonstration == ne sblige: i, Pwo Tee, WE VR i te frites Be ey 9 King West Motors spiosiie Bh dln iy 7) A, ai a ii | ing Ceplye 4 4 # A SACRIFICE Dune Aik of ol bl Jaient sendin: Ji BOATS & #ld washers 5250 oF best okie he | 2 a MO B47 ih do ere CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor ear | 0800 pipe yor Jn fam Bo Pris Wan heh tet 19 Prince 1 di 748 LARSON-=--Fibre Glass USER parts and repairs "he i Ho WEY MOUTH==Cruisers LB pth h pain Service i or home ohh HI then sites" oxo tds THORNES--Aluminum PETERBOROUGH=~Meoy|ded Finanee, 6 Bimens Bisel SOUR, OF | ley diet £10 Hiowkaee il divi he Flywoad phone HA 8-636 elevision, Kimeon tre Wh METEOR Rideau, orlgnial hive EVINRUDE MOTORS €, Fadia, expert reports, peilect me in ait itn Ho i i Mast sell. BA Bid, (BEY SURE ECh, TRA 8 Hees Factory Approved Services Open Evenings and Weekends WwW | L L | S BFE, LVREWIILEFS wa Shed eal Bill "ita milton, Ashburn i pe oi highest Relees In the A Marine Storage TAUNTON ROAD EAST |ovriie | aio, ii on Your AUSTIN Haminan, A rank! BROOKLIN DEALER Jan Ad, Cleaner Repairn ar I inthe " sii foe Hy OL 5-364) Vacium Service RA WALNVT hedroam ie, ole Wi 33~Svap and Barter ¥aeum eleaner, porta ik raps B of Used Cars {85nd ion CAR INSURANCE RICHARDS i onaE So wap i in risk offers Careful drivers are preferred Rep HA RA Hon worth of SATS oy ald and hh min than 20% an their ear ine tianal and modern age furs surance, Halt-year payments, niture. Complete ream grou Call ys taday and eomparg== available, 298 Simeone i $4--Lost & Found ong Waek and an ahead Haun, an: AN h fame oi Ress, stands hou oak Ci Insurance Associates Lid "3 We vig -- a iT 360 KING ST. WEST SOAP FREE bias net ai, Rowe 10h JON i f d _ WA Shi, How: RA 32265 | complete supply of soap fren, | munch sonnet" far three full years, Bam, our most efficient water softener, No down payment, $215.00 full price, Installed SALE All and singular, parcel of BEST QUALITY Be compased of part of lets FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Whitby Munisipal plan wg: ; istered a8 357 and ineludin sezers, » or Y-- home Wented we, WH hod BAL oA wis. Kn 4 to # Sind desw cars. Tinde wo ARS 5iR, JER FIRisiAR Bh 39428 BE ond sleet 15 & first FAFLTRIE 657k 45h pid iy gv 7 Inkgrmetion reset Tol "Easd! 15 the Mew 471 v7 SIMCIE 5 LEnmox N-A464) ping stresm oN yekr round $ } 200 DOWN For clesn cars we dest up or (158%, Bie Gok be pew The Loretta ah RB mone extig SrAock of RA B45 - MO 8-8001 REA wie orth America piter the grest ice page 'Af00D wor { B 0 PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | | / ] a -- 37822 28--Resl Estate W CLASSIFIED lowe yd (Real Estpte Wo ¥ Hin, |V858, i Aa Mids AB An fy or You moy hove tried the rest, tre Helophine HA | can he Hipsnced. 6 GEvrie oll fr idl 15 matched FA Gusts, highest Quality meets, ne BA $707k or Clare: |(eesses, Rusrd Fal) ed down payment, il now for |r osanee fo wee cision, gulag REVERS) 06 ih Vib 163! Ode Ehevrmet Belair, radio" p or bd thine wh LEU Contre (rr no 7 Wa Wy eh he MOTORS ALESTATE Auta Insurance, Bove Up bo of WERK type WABHEFS, ; MASON=--=Lapestrake A FE FTRONOME Rp TA fr w Ry matching Interior, slx-eylin GATORS--TRAILERS OFFICH desks, $10 he £ Oni bs! MOTORS farmitre are Used & Supply Lu | Wy he: RA 5-033 sue 11 weld 0 "Arenaer, * #00 AT p By hes, ii "he ait i! LE MARY Diher drivers and enjoy a saving af FINE FURNITURE ont. Pilar: Sa ils (ii OF wap for KR #403, ample free parking, South, AV MY former lo= CE -- ne inches, may ™y of Hon, SABYAN MOTOR powder, flakes, for your whele Lege! in your heme. Far demen: , _aseording_ te LL, he (4) Expert Service $11,600 full price. storms, PAA 4h lot, Toni sereens, fully Patterson tat] far anie 31.00 A oy mall fh ih mes ge Wath Hs WTA ha 111 Dundas Street West REGULAR $12 VALUE FOR $7 Lanelin enriched permanents FOR RENT 2 § $7 ue ludes cut. ail Boat box and cabin trailer, Tom WP Includes eut, of chain and skil saw, cement shampoa, basic or high style Mixer, Paint sprayer, smelt ing. Nels, canoes, cartop boats, COIFFURES BY KEN meters FOR SALE ---- ME 8.5124 | New and used boats, meters POL, Ini ANNING TO and trailers, lawn mowers and FIRE J A HOME garden tillers WANTED Alans © Boats hy 11 | Walle 10 HONS ia Bu be sok gnment put. n homes in this RENTAL Shs Get a written eshis e without 0) For Call Wipe SERVICE & SALES he ime MO §- ue w 1415 Dundas E ni NO haddg landscaped. A heme ta suit anyone. 5 large rooms som: pletely decorated. $1,500 dawn with a 6% N.HA, mortgage wher says sell Call Tall Wallace $9.500 with 500 down, 8 good size roams, low taxes sentral ell heat, Monthly yments 10 be amanged all Ossie Martin 2.5 Big and 1paciovs split evel Just euitsicle Ww for 20 x 410% atta age, fully \ storms, pletely should see away, Intermation bh Ask for Howie Me RA 8:ai79, 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 "CAR AUCTION Every Saturday 10:30 a.m, Good selection. Chevalets, Pontiacs, and 'a1 Corvairs Buy or sell. Good terms available. 28 Grenfell Sv. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST OSHAWA Gust Bast of Wilson Read) RA 14494 Res, RA 3:3574 DIXON'S RA 3.466) AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY Pick: up and Delivery Services #3. Washed and dryed, RA 5.1083 WATER or deinking vie. $5.00 per 1000 gallons Soft water for laundry use, $5.00 per 1000 gal, Deliver Pusitied wales of snvwhere, RA B77), TAM -- 9PM # brick and blak sonstruete factory located on premises known as 66 Russet Ave, Oshawa, The abave men: tioned will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION on the premises WED, APR, 12 = 3 P.M, Sale is subject to a reserve bid, Premises are oceupied under tenancy Terms sash or by amange: | ment, Particulars at time of | sale oF request | | SUPREME & COMPANY BAILIFFS 934 COLLEGE ST, TORONTO S------- WHO ADVERTISE OSHA IN THE TIMES

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