The Oshawa Times, 10 Apr 1961, p. 16

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V6. TV SORA A VIS, Mendey, Aph 19, 1969 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS -- I | Vi Motiaias Wentsh PIA wpe EPO mer fo WEF for prniiiet pl " sg Bert sav ME WEN EE PERN p oh Bg riEige Sew powers. BP PALE. J BPI CHB PEI PA a fom prp Hp aa add her shy ARERPIL FEEM Ww rr JW yo te cat d PERS mpi fo PEGE SE Whore poss fae Bapwl ag Romke Kp LEPC IAY py bdisda rm rr tring an -- #A op i" fon FibE Lp Frags ¥ ad sided iid pry. Ep aE savy dd a lis 5 " BB Wen Hatiaon ECASH FOR SCRAP! WE BOY RIIIBIR [WGI r g Aone B pow; Bowmw ME, Bf Bee HET AE BEF BERET skis § FAG Rerhes 8 poy Aowe Howiy nial ff a ber & 5 Gdn som iron. Faire Frisbee i EE Br erer, Mem en 4 Vd OLE Oger # OPPORTIMITIES EXIST of ThE ROYAL CANAD AIR FORCE SEILLEG AND INGEKILLED MEN Al FOF 17, on ie poner RA BAH FOR oe gr SA F OR a $e : k A " vy EASE ros Fe iL Employment Wemed BIE wr 4 ids * NEW BUSINESS : 16--F emule Help Wemed Unlisted Numbers boss add PARE ERS nes 5 BERMIES APPLIAN SER LE ALA Y 6) iC k win RA ; SICKROOM EQL) ' i A fof FOR RENT OR FOR © ot thie ooh Me ' fr Heo : ' KOON 154 herd # pom ply App "Bovine ols pop : a y [ EBONY snd board. yo4nk men, Iriendly WE, BERRIBIE Drs, BOO LAVKIEE, TY Whim ops BE Coborne FARIION THREE 0 FPhose BA pew Longe Er F CASEY'S BARBER one Aid Re £ HOP EON sed wy hf # or soe bu BROYRE bi Ses bik. Triephore us ym Sad id 2 PARIA or pentiemen. Bed he. Motors, TV privieses i MUL Brest. BA 87754 BOARD optiomp EBL room beds ieRsamibie 6 did on, En FR TE Ripe ' 0 (lieniele Iof Ww. BA § ki STENOGRAPHER = with shorthand ed 08 KEENE office be Sop en Iekes Epps is Free po 4 RA 8.076 - Firory Space & Gare OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT aren new Ye mech ORCI . ¢ Lanier in re fre ong JPERIOR APF| SERY ICE £1 RA ie 3 receptionist | ' IA for law Passenger Mew building £alea gownigwn Moderate rent. Legs THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L, WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 23--Wanted to Rent RERVIREN » tp eight house hy May |. Will sha Ame with chiple or small family wi in rare RCAF i" hidien fram 12 mi AnlEnt (UA | KA #324 5h OPPORTUNITIES EXIST 357 -- ---- IN THI 24--Hauses for Rent ROYAL CANADIAN FARM AIR FORCE A SKILLED AND (3EFTIE tanks AIRWOMEN (a 49 BLURK VALLEY CREEK FURNITURY Mew and Furniture Stoves, Fi 145 KING ST, WEST RA B-440] OSHA WA EB 48/1 Pe 4 £6 ff BOX MNO SHAW A HOUSEWIVES = | B19 TIMES he AVON COSMETICS "Wemen' f Column I f BPECIALS cold waves bes vou J Prrmanenis oF d 1 ) FE 0627 " Fine Aver 4 P mare infermatior reen "T--Fersonal NIN, Bupdawn. | beip "pei "opal i ELECTROLYSIS Fe Mari ' ants J 29 SIX - BOOM, thiee - hedrngm house, $80 Osha 26 ( manihi Relerences. Apply 200 Church B Street ar telephone RA §- 3625 (ir medern on Nouse. Bine rooms decorated | Pass NION pill 16. Jack Wilse nMO #8718 cleaned the papitary natalied. Walter Ward West. Phone MOhawk FOR SKILLED hestnnt Phone the FURNISHER or unfurnished, four-raom modern Bungalow, with heavy wiring FV antenna, garage, oll healing, thre piece hath BA 14010 alter 8 pm SIX - roam hungalow, three bedrooms hasement pecupied hindiiioamed ell ahie May 1. Telephone RA $3302 LARGE sixg-rnam brick house. garage fuel street, very desirshle folmiann loeation. Simeoas « Calhnine Fi arin Streets area. Telephone WA A Kall NOWN, 565 monthly, for this five rim hrlek home, taxes only 863 ear. awner maving ta Calitarnis frwin Crulishanks at RA §513) Healy (ahawa 14d IN BHOOKLIN ein kilihen Halhi as Henry Wiring: ante ein please Avallible ERT) an Must | fwn 1138, heated NEW five ream Road Fast aires ale possession 1 ha 7 edu biect ar ade ga mi these dates | = m-- g "S--Farmers Bolum FAR male ation de ] | dental pa Waled steaw and alfalfa th J ms and Felephone RA B 0100 , BAY for sale, 85c. per hale RA 50388 REAR farm sock picked up prog Phone salieet, Hamy fia Li rf Margwill: Fur Fa ] MOBILE a OSHA T--Trailers hols bi AV) A Telephone ill deta | the RECRUITING UNIT WA ARMOLIRIES th, NOON 1 0) pA Liayd Bo 17--Male Help Wanted HAINTY NANLY i faur Taam hiss f- pandil Abb now shacks. THRED AER seven furnished, S33 113 Ha 4 Horem pe Birveys | Panne Abstain ol sieel Ia han rent ur aides Bo pham hungalen apartments with cuphaaids, oil law dawn payment. RA 3.7907 Rossland fmmed RA FARN aur day eit Be high cohanl gradouste, married NECESNAl For personal appaint file B 8, flava Times wipped and tit an condition, 1 hungalaw $100 monthly Call Bill Milled fina A position of vespan Be rah kel h an $130 Telephon MO 8-808 woysE far sale ar rent. thisehedreom T. " Nilok hungalaw. nertheesi ales --~Male or Fem 0 Help phone RA S010" for fines pai Wanted ds APENING for experienced haivdress | 1 B=Male or Female Help ne nperatar with elienieln prefered Wanted Phone between § and § HA 52521 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO WELFARE FIELD WORKER OSHAWA AND DISTRICT SALARY SCHEDULE $3.600 TO $4.400 hora fine n slant in nA ~=Summer Properties for Sale ar Rent FARESHORY ake on Head Lake fubnished including ie Jeiviges 108 and stave il # Binene Stiegl Sou Apartment 3 afls ¥ FOR KENT firm enliage, an Canal | Whith ME Bag shed wy whe veoki heron miles fram THT Telephone | a icles Wanted mM ho) Al avis Weli equireme al ale experience Mileage rate paid by dhe Pepariment MALE OR FEMALE AGE 21 immediately Amarican soins si Indian head ete Fair § cenly ent pirens ives paid SHAW Avail a PERSONNEL OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE ament Buildings, Teronte, Ontarie, n 0 in wnhing als, ¢ and mel Saturday ell dy. Pho RA 5:2311 @9 BLOOR K, Aid ss add MT sow 100 wows giey PB Jor p ' me J -- Fi --Mate Help Wonted 15--mgts. k Flats for Rent 25--hpts. & Flats for Rept 25--Agts. & Flats for Rem 25--hots. & Flats for Rent 16--Rooms for Rent di fony F {a om fIvmises sy i or Pri a wary RE E5850 FORE sy. wr PEPE F tie alert aa igs gual dd Ld hy Why wr PHT FO # FORIE of Fong Sore. 'op Bl it i el rid Few FARE § Ho wb Ri Epis FPR wh 7 op cidtiiad od eatdatiod RR dl PEOWE FRIES OREIE FF Bish righ eise. § ada aad TREE fovmpbhes some id so IE eA PIERE HOR Biswwng fesse. 7 ions & ld ail ve WOWERD . cpl oh sseh Biswas il an ol SEAR ETRE PRE jak Be oe rIrppas FF wii oa YIN PARTIE ORY Sfp ke W Hh BesF WF FAY Fa FERDIWER por PR BIORE Ba oie Rb wishes ERIIRIE ERI IRLE Fhiepnone RA # SEW makers pre iad SELONP | BENE RR Feieminne BA THERF oor oh, Hove ds ™ esp i Hd pips Lisl) or hh THEE) wis fei Pi Tele phone Ba 5 IHN - bes Irapce ppd 8 Geperal Motors. Ch se Read South. Telephone BA B54 H ENSUED 0 p DOM plans 16 ERLERDEE, EVETY EOF er hoy 4 mon In saninn. Triephone WA mm Ihree rirnished ORME, BIN ed Biche cents, Apr 1) Waren Ave shed er ed We pr ITT hid welcome pur ARTE 8 ROOMS large bed MNORTHWAY Large Quiet opt frosting Ref Deeplreere grea. Adults Apy MODERN APARTMENTS self-contained eg and | bed dge, stove, a nds facilitie 778 H Hef " f tenne la Adu AFPI TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS build 335 KING 57, | Excellent local) Ne or without LLOYD REALTY RA 8.5123 ONE AND TWO BERROOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT Fhane RA 5-3815 or RA B-6485 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Medern ene: and two-bed apartments, $85 Best Is Fhone RA B-B676 MOBERN SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT VERY CENTRAL $68 PER MONTH TELEPHONE RA 5.5433 or RA 5.2 reon and up ation 267 TWO BRIGHT MODERN AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Furnished, and unfurnished balconies, laundiy ream faeili fies cellent from $85 00 phone MO B-Bi8é ADELAIDE TERRACE ONE location wishes 1a have tend to build 129 Adelaide Telephone RA SEE aaage. | wn one Appl Ave. Api. 2 5.8923 THIS! 1 $120 walk down pRliance nove 10-minute RA 8.372) i Auto Parts FE BALLER INNES [Building Trades -- UF some bor Rent WIG RE I RIDA snows, aay FRG BED fp --y is ds BE ray oR bam i" re ] #7 PRE EEEH EET PB oa por, oir EE are 0 SE ied ovr. wy Riik singe Fopase kee i od Serine EA FRE ER # FOP Eran essen. Visser WHE ia mers = p Goh. [LAE ARTE ga a »p ll vad he WEte Box 1h (rene ' pra AE POE Rew pr wrk LI i pa ia é aaa ? # id reg Lipman. ek or all é aided abapad THY pastime ade ceud estab SE. Dp 5 ad edsas rt at adi ad i ein wii rte wh Riss Eon FARA FREE # aad ap 4 ia aia IN. § a Pi SEF a A niifdd 4 - y 'Y. "> " ph Aries es Bl i BEFEBLTIOR fromstek picid a PHL Gani an Pcs tc lloras a] og roger pe BEY Farm mh g 71 ohn geiion Bh w ies. Pow ig oy 1 fir ow. 5 ; hihi gE ie Ed slid id Sone » ad Ji 4 ya is fo wh f FFA Fw FRRATINER Fehon es. Rosas rong Lis Foy is ' La » al FIERY. fywatek a . WHERE Fry o Ed aa ERY Seimmm 2d EFT PL y Lo AAs LE Ld FRADE RR VS, BTN 22 ; a i Cid FEA One 7 od stato cs a 5S SERVICE DIRECTORY id ws BUSINE hecouptonts J ROFEISE Money to Loon MONEY TO Building Vrodes Gardeping and Supplies Plumbing ond Hasting £100 Pesses sper 4 1 14 LiF YIFR po ) FOE FREE FALE FEHRIAOREER. BE kz "6 Erg ik 1, 4 TEITH FH wi AAR INTEIIR. #9 / ' PEWAR FIARFERINS "rr Y APPLIANCES ogy f, Bes COARSE ad wlEr snd 5 ¥ g g 4 kethyoom, Te Po f / #1 WR RIVER f 13 Vo ANE HEATING JB bey or or Might Rug-- ee Uvhuimer Service FRESTERFIIDS 3rd Rers re Firs # fort Kid ly 5 lese i Spe Tor # lies # ib rE Lidngwe : bh 7 "MONEY TO LOAN & Architects NAVE D mr £84 BA pyri EINTE WESTERN TiIRy oF b or £ | - od pi / '8 PHA Beceriiies 3; Pring Ne v ? ? asi fod ERHOLSTERY #1 Us best for less. Wa 8 ' (3 » dd y fy G Ie J . » eslerfielids iB -- -- 4 pew 1a piled Wales ¥ D R 0 4 A BEleid, srwwied. Free estimator, # 644 risters Bor 4 FANNY KEIM ' BA snd THOMAS NH. ; eri R LOREEN peipie B uy ' £4 Fat Mee WA vii GE er OSHAWA (7 DRIVEWAY HOME GRAVE! LANDSCAPING £ IMMER J12 BEEECE VY dd id pl) ¥ i ' BAR THOMAS -- 19 Band Mortgages H : 9 ] STOF dreaming of 3 business of 7 3 i IBSY pd 7 WortEsE AEB Bi Bit phecking "Busines he nplete Garden CEMENLS BYTES IEA 3 } A p Es fied Boop King Mream » eality i RA B-6366 tet Kot; -- DRYNAN ard J FIRST and second mortgages #r7ang RUGS & CHI STERFIELDS AREIGITON FRAY PRYN rd Schalemapn, Mork Broke tary F I! Yee Big PUMPING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, Whithy Prolesonel FY (TY Wo CLEANED / 3 ere J IG PARKING AREA! Fai | fi one! Cleaning it in Divhan, fi f. Mirdor oy SEPTIC TANKS AYR hi AC Home or Plant RTGAGES anteed MOF / IA AES Me the Nations! BERT TOMPKINS mates | oct ranges KH fA. / ie of Rug Cleaning NEWT OMYILLE TERN PAVING CO RA § NUWAY -- RA B-4681 RA 3.7805 ig eh Boy SEGERS hie REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES E.R. KNOWLTON AND UPHOLSTERY " FHF MANGAN Barris Member Eigt. theney if ' WASHERS AND DRYERS! ' LANDSCAPING SERVICE F CLEANERS nal Cleaning ot FRANK MEAGHER MORTGAGE Protest! wer Prices APPLIANCES RA 5-7488 Sn Meney Available ; auth, RA 54502 #2 Simcoe 51. M., RA 54711 Payments ¢ HA bia hf dd lil Surveyars wd wasvenn. Basiers, Building Materials B : fin Fok an ad anasto You idget ALLIED INVESTMENTS ent funds » ble fn Land Buy Vexois Pratessiansl mene arth mn mndas Siraei PICK UP AND SAVI FOR CASH COMPANY KING 8T. E Lervic He ( FREIGHION. FRASER 6544 BOLAHOOD | ted Realtor | RUG Ontarie Mertgegs ers As atior BESSELL 1. MEBPHY. BA, Hp ) BR # n Steet M Fast, f1sha RAB JAMES MR BA J er and and Ni Ihe ¢ p Bisil i f e Clg Onis nia Marhiry eg 4721 Lin eel Earl dence, HA I ALMEES ha rise Sn v Bim reel Nort fia i" by Ay RA 55542 Row MAN LR I J is / g il and sod 55-6047 RA LANDSCAPE | hy Helland | andscaping J Tes Jens MeIBRON on by Jit Mein ar whith In " B81 Alay 1% RONEVAN ANB FLEISHMAN, In Land Surveyor, commercial bi 12 Bloor Streel East 9, BI BOYERYN jis Edgar | HUNMPHEEYS MAN Bari ' mr (1 TRaLLOPE Ontarie aide Avenue i ha ICE WHEN YOU WANT PAY A NIGHT! Iv and RADIO CALL RA B-5286 All Wark Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS PO IT NOW Basle amd A ' n 1] RA Spring Clean-Up |x 3.3993 I NURSERY §TOCH [3 $5 83 ml ) have fing | mer gel ding FILIM AND Land Sur Eas IA Phung RA Member Br Ontario Mortgage 1] I kers Association Tv ~ Radio Repairs TY. RADIO car radin repel mikes Thompson ABEL Hott Avenue. BA 30762 (Fred 151 nalized service a ed, taste and budge! able service call CAMERON fi Nabary Hubli Fast. BA 3.2208 gales arranged Nursing Services hie ji INRIVDE A care for RA 5.7442 Sunnyhrae of Oshawa RN shperyised a E-------------- |] ivies invited, reasanable rates. RA i230. -- pee | SE] permanents, distinctive hair Optometri I RA 3IM2 Huyek's . . 11 Bond Weal FBI Hawn Ll AME = he vamination Optom si contact Simcoe hy { fAherne ACAREMY -- Raion | A $418 emy, Hallet, High 'gc. wu now King West, pay aecounts wt downtown Raminion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Tnvalids ex Ained al hain. nial A lk Barrister, Saligi $3.00 18% King SI | YHA and private 10HN 4 re each person In nee Soligl South phanes Barristers, imens - Sires fesident * n and Kell Hairdressing CUTAN HHNE and styling Halrslyling Studia in ns V 3478 I. M. fier BA. K¢ I's Pa ih nA LILES ence V. Kell Poctor of eye North #1 appointment nf m4 $79.50 ree 1200 BF. lots 1000 BF Bookkeeping L., SCHARELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING ERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET RA 5-9953 hans iH Instruction Evenings PEf HARVEY NANCE | Raval Acs Pine Roa TUCK, RO, optometrist. please BF lots 10" and 17 | 500 100 Bf 2 Iie ini | Isler d HA $91. per MARSH. dance educalor ballet, tap, halon, ae vharacier Friday | Temple a LILIAN bik 4 dancing | Painting and Decorating PAINTING nd decorainig. Far the Install hea AX Spalding cheupest and best, telephone RA 53-9756 Tower in 3-1t. by 4-11. can B HRTON! 4 satisfied! High fuality with Crewn rater painting and Jetal Ming for free esti a mates vall RA | antenna, plus rar EXPERT pa | y I a Prmanet 1 RY nine fom Reason an (F YOU PREFER. TELEVISION SERVICE, Far ianteed. Dial BA §-3670 of RBA 3.8850 I CU RRAFESSIONAL painter and pape; : ad len and Lou's, City T.V, | hanger, guaranteed work and maternal for (Free estimates. Al Conray. RA §0086 FREE SURVEY RA §. 7844 LE wha need your serviees are padding Classiticd right now Roan't mi this veadyv made husingss Dial | SAMSON [.V, TOWERS 13452 today ta start yous law east ad RA 8-8180 POPD & SOLITER OSHAWA T.V, PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS 361 GIBBONS S§T. n Nofth "RA Well Drilling: Digging Peps rhanging. W, WARD Wall Moe | WELL DIGGING BY | MACHINE | teel Fast i $7.49 hats shoal ae M PRIVATE 10 MeCULLOUGH ier! BLDG guarantees RA Not how. RA 51080 SUPPLIES wy Insurance B 4689 ALLSTATE Auten Insurance IMCOE 5T, NORTH a 3 per cent, six months (a pay nereongl service al your hame I -------- RA 574A BUYERS are watching Classified husiness and office equipment you'd reap lke tn sell Pal RA 43403 ta place an afl today student eounselior hy Interview only crete hase and channel! ON TIME XPERT RONEING raaling applied, all free patimales HA 3 FAVESTROVGHWING lashing PORCINE. Iepairs and new vark Tally Tun anioed ¥ [RAT] CERAMIC tile. hathrooms No cammercial or seconds warkmanship, hest prices, COfax CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND IEEANANING BLACK LOAM whey nd le price al repairs of Heasanahle iia an 4 1 0 Cartage BA Moving and Storage ith Reasonehile rales pied and insured, Phone war Hmates Fr Nshawa 1'y 1661 kitchens aed Rest 1.2511. oN Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of all wamen and childien ¥ "A AUTO INSURANCE are may Kinds for men Formal dresses clally. RA 53486 u alterations on LEER ayr ca weal reason | better tha drivers enj men in Ont careful driver $10, $15 or Insurance ar Preferred the vest rate aria thraugh thi t Hall-yea payments tada ampare free ou a save and ildren's mA B60 ALTERATIONS af all en and children Paible sKirta--a specialty FURRIER and DRESSMAKER Remodel! ainting Svniex Full ay Painting 107 BYRON | ) | WHITBY DAYS MO 8.5231 NIGHTS RA 5.7426 Personal Service PETER PAN Day Nurser i 5.30 10 3.90. 581 Sime 204 y 20°F Kinds fay Formal dresses RA 53406 fe Prompt Delive RA 8-895] TOASTER AND IRON REPAIRS FRANK MEACHER APPLIANCES 22 SIMCOE ST SHAWA RA 5 fe and parking SCHOFIELD INSURANCE A ot IATES LTD 3 160 ng West RA 3.226 Price rye N 22 ROWE STREET LADIES 471) La RA 86706 a Fuel and Wood BARDWOOR factory ends RA $303 ample 5 New -- TRY QUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN halt fries hamburas milk shakes MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER--RA 5.3887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Luts and pocket renewed Lompiete stack at butions GILLARDS CLEANIT SERVICE LTD, RA 5.3558 Have pert designer del hal 1a mateh greats al ihe Chic Mosley alely Wied Maney to Loan FIFTY ta five thousand dollars WACthWILIR PATRASE. lowest Tates service, Seaboard Finance, 20% Steet South RA Sud CLIENTS y 1n laa i first mart A nal sale ken chicken fish and hot dogs { i plate RA 3 T908 with ftrengh SPRING Pecarating g lizing n WHITBY, ONTARIS MO 8.256 MO 8.3809 204 CHEST ST. W, TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean outs end deepening, COMPRESSOR WORK ) & RA 8.3864 THINKING QF and Telephone chips l' Any fas Sim Furniture Repair FURNITURE touchoun vepalty af re ATI y French: palishing - Telephone GUARANTEED 3 - i Gardening and Supplies { AJAX REPAIR AND (fad mane. CONSTRUCTION LTD 110 King Stress Fant, Oshawa RA 3.510) RA & \ Muy \ fis sod Telephone ATdEn aeryice, LV RALL h sand and gravel RA Base WE HAVE 1enls' monies fOr lnans an first and sec lawns cut and alsa prchase TAINS, Baw Al rai of ale i) Weoley. 2 Avalabhle Nd mortgages \, hil and Mus An Ring Soest Baal, Oalawa, RA

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