Ah, Flats for Bent 25 y WET RONEN, (rales, econ er Bok. §. -- 6 pa IA a rim rin After i "504 55 Fi--hsticles | "for Sale a Ka ~Aagel " FRE pa ---- NE. rider anti WE sere i £5, uw I BP # rin rom, idole ss he Yor ll yg ofl nd 1A ad a BF sesh, Ma # ral caseond Arak pa | fA eed [CA al Pec Briggs Pos vend HTH - is J iow, A (FIT BRERE, STRAY Pry BEOOKLIRS OMTARIO ah gi i hogy A Baien Wk ve, mn baie BL, Rp | ica TH aha a GL GE EY. re Ay » og A nt F- ed? rn yn re oo oR Festa, Ly hy UE Ruiity Boe Eu (5 Bois emer PRIVATE ssi. Su - pon Meas: icgat 50M pin ans low Renlis ibe, FE fn - ms "on fet ofr aug" J RA pe TENDERS FOR i i as war Gl anil ig Aen 54 : Aaznnndly Keer aod oo ERE, MTR, BREE SS fssnaen, Rink ROWE. FA prr-- Siwy, ri gg AVS poet, TI Aire oy aint Gre, ree oY SW PTs fg | Ger doe ln hand, Te OR Mo mlliman ity, bein sr Wt ee LA £5 CT et WT LCLASSROOM SCHOOL (phan Ce of. 'Eada IH v on GW ed penny, HeiReK St aca a i TO oily Rese Cs, Iadiutey fre ZT pos ca Helix het FA lone le. SR - 4 Cs ie naiatide "Ca [acne _Gerrive_ ph 5 ie ; Pian iii ADOITION " 4 hk Gi WF tana fpain. FG ation FIR Be, ty peves wR , refine RR GEE po (WAT heim por loys vom A - BE es ewip, | BEsRTHERT p78 rime, pst in To le ma, po WB sid blciiiid id sion [38--Awtomoites Wanted satu, deve, bl mt Fy gins 1 peters. eA. WO Ril Sesies Tenders (onipisied i Ay wuss oy oman, $i hn SWF A A is n er 2, . AF Wie wt waar. Toeohone MALS Cotes, BU BOY Si nn roe Mago ore sia el A ie Bi a" Estate Wonted 'viauinons jus Wieders wont Cu : mem---- - Hany wih Be hairgg sA gha fe 2 Hh iho A of Trai 17 We 8 ERE Fi, - | a J ROAR, PIRTIIE grr ieih wnisrsigrun wh & ere gma - Pg | cis MgpanPsss B Ra sor i A AGP a mal sts Ep SR RL i prog Bo veg of Wadresiny, pork 19, | or 4 iE pr FORE rie rmome for reer FHT Pedant. soRvtanent, WE TEs ant ea ih, PWARE at nam Wah frase a 5 fr grips hosigesrnssm gg ~ asin 10 oy (I SHARE Wee. BIR GY EE my Gy yack. A evan EHR acs fox fore oF SORT Tanew sob. ih FIT ¢ Py or Ths we? Gora, wh 7 Ha wt» f+ wide. AoW Beis Wm Mow. BT emer Bem nd fo dit w Ea Fan i SPOT CASH ora | 444 Re 7 ul £5 "GAP bony Bo PE [TARE 7 FTE Fikes : J 4A [44,3 age otllon st i ing Bs i114 f us ERB ENON (rae om Ww om SME Baim Png ons Kivant Bak. Bh so BOWS ion W suas Yo = | PAID FOR py #6 yo Ry J et Bh Cai ee wi Fo, ei. LA i PR. Prt, wage (et, SRet WE cons WOW woh be EE Bol wi H Wehaley Fastin Fre Wl Goud desw sors. Trade wp roy ork 8 3 J psig SO Plone os Spaetamons id Sy po Aosigris | wy gage ais foe Fame, b rn gar ee per for We Wo estar £ aio Rh SE wr WG BS L or dow, Liens pid of Tot fe we wm or fs A oper | bs srs By Gamers! ik apomy ry gia tara " ote, oe 20h DP x... y go ial aud » 4 oe £ ab -------- a 4 _- 4 Cl a p--gy yp rl Hug rr i a I Toe 15 hutometles for Sole | 00 PPD MOTOR PLES women Ving relly fx openers, oe) ILS Lt pert, he Be HEBRGSA aid er, ko a ro i v J : y pass ig bud gts Lob AWE weenie pe 2 Pr ft of 7 Giomnt, With Ry ow HEE d dr, WH a Ps 2% #4 r #9 FA 3547) 4 | pr AN Sart i: iw. To nears, wm _degoot of & $59 ye vei Td BE Bony. Mave Bas, Res # WHE ose WE RAS i -- / lars th: rr Cras aysin te wonad sei, BG Weekly RAE COR Thine BE BAO ERIE + So KRERER Gowst, - py BEL ETRE, rids, hevies, "9 Fors, A aeRe, ' pes ; = Carrifud , soe Eh ROWE. BEARGNE os ERwprmet 8 edborm, widen, W_ A THAR [why wih Radenim wits, the Aeskivasts and Enginesrs, go sy Bargy rdl rr 1 piss Bins gi Bg Boston g ud Ag Rio Pl Sra, oes A ep soe al ro TT # 50 CARS WANTED (orsmet; wu Furmtore, @ gus Ly M7 od we which will ke returns when rel ft af Ay J To tis hae , rg pre yay f dis pd ih or ih lind evs. Tuiagiie Reh EAH] VW. Hekainy My Ma Vie BRETIRE Fasensligh (iy Rony EBiaping #8 Mew Cor? rR rr pe a re Re a a, Fare nd SEREFEENeRs Se ™ - aT Sonat, RA LIE sv BEG RITE wer / meee | (LL GRAN, PAIR AEA WE rain py py wv 648 dove EEEWAN speek A " FW - pwn speetment fmionek, Ie BENING mom W x [6 pk Blehen y. _ T yy © Wises Rowsl So yo wes Cor 16 "Tod" rdervior, poseimment in new, 009. Aooy nae Sivan | TRTIES Iv GIA Karon PRR FRE 7 KERTH, ORE GG 3 (Gee ETD. WR REE Gi RSE naan, FRRemaiy ress Ri TE SALE ol may ug Au Sid SME Ranometre wh nt Lit Lowest oF Shy tender neh to Joe. Aoiiy #8 ll ad i 2 8, bemniey BW owia fest, 3 bow Pent. ioeh son fr phe f F/R . 4 ¥ Joh Ex A pre AE #" Fo Sets uk' Lome nag A leet pon; lager: FLL PRICE $12500 or EWEVROLIE i gl Jr 11) Cor Eusier and "SHY ! Tee ET A Et - Seiing form rs arity usnghnd, ime [ster sovesmens boing, 1m iobe. Wrid bow To, totems Tomer Cy RL re ine $5,160 BOW fas, eghne RA TED CAMPING MOTORS rey chased oe besten site 5% Goh, wesidegs, tier 69 om IACKSON, TPES b iw, HOR, eh Lah Gi, A adaigend . " and = - Sos ph sehant oF Bompng TE WES Gg moe minet Rowe (oF Ashen. FERS - - Carries for $51 monthly gle mz for "8 Fontiss, Ek cmdison BA 24454. Res. BA 55574 BR TARR Rew fy whee ¢, and Barter AAAIATES, mae homie. FER RE nts, Me Snape PEt. Ul poss aTE see BILIN, FRORETR BE $ Laom Be Amasens. 6 Gnas WF Ras " IIT Whewd or Ee posse oe: = Swap 1 4 Avhi ond 2 wash; Mwy 18 Bian Beast Eas 5 ow, fone guerre. Fouss, S50 PARA. morte Vgass [Best Wiehe Bests Reds " lofler I8 : tl ade oF soi ' BEAR 6071, fom gy' "le oe . ey dg A . oe. rick or x meas fer 2 [A yr iy Aa AAA poi br fer 5385 Yonge Strest, Boate Ruts Pe Prone foe Fooas iW howch s- MR, Biks GRE AER Aa is kvan lkdrsn Hs | Rag fe w Mind : feviics 4 adel vise: finds in gral Al oY a ink, 60 £ # Garane. For Gar- V5 VORRSWAGEN, Folin, svn Brey SALL CASH 5 | i Ad A Toe Wrtbvomn Shespmg Poms, pn ey # # He oak Fores Co Scdars. chone BA 37674, wet lester. PH wins oh VI08 ov Fiore ' » os Th WE, Ga per ene RA § i WILOWOM.E, Ontsrie EEF BY FIRE idrhard y J--.) het Liar d Fin isukabaads: al vouscs dh. ides For clesn sors we dest wp or HR er 7 CmTRstiNe or mee how; RA ot 'lime, fortialy loseiet sd gd + g £ i WETEOR WICommegon. SHomeles. down. Liens paid off SEE Wier IE ome pak Mary oh i 4 v7 d fA fot wy TEE WA FOR REAL ESTATE 8 rlonhar. mene TH mes peaes pi PAPPRPIE cic Bigg Mg vt) Mg 0 etepione WO Bor ih IN BRIEF we KA 390 ig Bg Aa fa 7348, MICOLS MOTOR SALES Lies or hutesom fembass, cid, " of amare "i 1h # wggmant, FERNISNER, tvs i deen] DOM SMITH [ed ue se 512 BROCK ST, I, WHHTEY [sairdes "70% Windy (inothios snd ¥8 mon v pel ve Pollan 5 " % FLUWARTR whan, pine sod white 51 CK ST. MN, Baliinng, ww incie We E90 ; 4s. pee te bods ngs 2 kisly henatlen MO 8-800) nA hive rr m---- ble, 5 F TONGUE TWISTER har fk - FO Mar. Vickery Rest ore CREAR PRR TERRAIN i ME ud Lag ey Hor rug ! Polos § | vor WE FRYE ' iG Hong Wes Wows swpoeis BA 27 -- ABA Endiand (CP)~Book. ow, aH Au > > A ; [ro pr Fi Business Bh B-4228 ree Keites wn HOUSTON'S GARAGE REST Ties PP Le Ce a. ory fon Jeanie Round, Wh makers aA race (rack clerks RE iA # SACRIFICE Rwrer flo A B and SERVICE STATION M7 motes cine, Be ad in viele of Dow, CAR FEDER some Mitlicnity next 1 § Aoiiann Fs A BA a anars 5260 i hove oiler. Tole BE 2d) ALIGTE COM ole pk 94 dick decors RA Poser ; phihe "eos year, Yorkshire owner Phil Bull - . ¢ Ws BA ee Wo RAT HE SFREIALIGTS, £0 AIR simdidioner, Soin bed Lhaster LAST -- Biack, white and bevwn hownd, has Jomed Wa new yenriing I 4 NEW HOUSE " FET in the Rash) [Eamsiolon aM PLETE BRAK i is rT A WHR Emm PIE (ath w raw env: Ade m Tow 3 TT fontanh SPE RAH # FRSieR r " Vion Suse, Try Dommen. MOTOR TUNE - LP AND [Temone WA 54971 v : ¥, EIGHT ROOMS, (Tika fk ids FRCL) Geog Rep LA Py re mus, TYG wn RGILARS, SENEAE Im ned Ab £8 1 SLIBTATE Rat Insweanes, Bove WR 10 #7 KING ST. W LONDON (CF) ~~ The Ld With FRAPRT: Canal, for danties " SOLID BRICK 2 ger sunt. BE REE 9 PHY [414 RA 3.7872 FH EOTRIC peiskersior with freenar Psiiiv ou y 18 oiferng ¢ paving. Mi ay A hd y WF hme ARN IEEE someeriinent, Men Mak Isom A . Saris; ha oh ' A Het water basting with of, | [F WTes = 70 32 Asticles for Sele olin fovte. po My MW gpoiid NOTICE [£3,000 to help inventors dev AA R ih i Ty Fwo YWeaswcoms oR VIEW AGEN fefisze, Fabia pd pp 10%, Toe | 0 patiese Fs Jd wie 1 close TO CREDITORS 4 whrersft powered by or AER CER s RARE wachess, MN #4 " - By We ile its, tom isd u. ¥ #Y sales, Ther re TWO BRIGHT MODERN a - RA 88-1720 ; cosh Tg i dy Hod Fors prodont laites size, white Rewswsint, Wh Ih. jk rs Wy Boy yoy ¥ Wao AND OTHERS py 9 1 the fret AA ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM Yorty B Drew 4 ahh Kash. 160 Kensiih BRIREL Sih, Wo ik. BLOW, Ciasiation 1s: God Wikson Raed Seth Crdiors. ond vrs Davin | 54 Hh anal . dy VRARA ol Maat FRrtment, Osiann Times Cred 4 b lee } APARTMENTS AD 4 tire VORP, rotons A $9 WARE rvs, 05 mien TR WF ew | MO VVE. WO lente, bans, moians| cloims against the Estote of Fumiched, ond niu "i i. Fits hind 4 LLOYD R Al ter ( pyr Kastie, Lai 4A Wo, Konaksninon FB Wik Vise Blow, '® Bond Senet West RA PERCY FAY HOPKINS, jate BIBLE BANNED EDL fosleonies y room fog * Mier § WETEOR Ridesw, wianisl Diae V678 hase Hews Ly of the City of Oshows, are DOUGLAS, Isle of Man (CP) Hes exce co frm . WITH LLOYD § While, IRALETIRG WRATH BEETR RLEWOOR hot aod trast er == BoM BIcYOTE Way's 007 TRuneine", Wet. required 19 send Till pertic- The new version of the Bible $85 00 hone "w Hi pi OFeN HOUS ok THEN CA YOUR MOVER |T5 [oae sober reports Kesient me Maer a ertona: Fg gids to vReRRIEA, goo oni Hida wars of such claims 16 the has heen banned from wee In i MO B-E386 , W wi duh : BUYING 5 csr7 had Toney? For WIOrmation or Oe phi 8 Whitioy undersigned, solicitor for the | Anglican churches on the Isle FOR SALE . ths, last serviek. Sewbonit BOTICK! Lowest ices 0 60 WB. RFI desk, Meltst metrigeiatar,l E2EStcr, on or before the lof Man, Bishop Benjamin Pol 'RRACE ' 4 ) I # i Bimene Best BOVR, OF Bmaoth top ettecests, MRRE RNR lols oi el condition. Ressoneiie.| 1st doy of Mey, AD. 1961, : 4 AD | AID 4.4 BODY SHOP one BA RAE ERREEI EHR. sizes, wile they 1» Telephone MO BAH ft hich dete the Estates {hard says A Is more § NG 100 hh 4 : ReLEualion, nt " 1 after which ® he Esto vale si ' Mew modern twotedroom (IPFERERDS | §- ROOM HOME PUNE ick," Ford or oer paltry A ad anti him, WSER Aresses and soils, 3iae 14 10 10. assets will be distribured hoy: [PT y sour aportment, 6 BA 6517 DOWN " ' fo tends. Teiepmone RA 5H BEL 1% x ResAwH slashed, $42 Wap AFFly #6 10 Brimcee Biest South BE ing regerd only to cloime WRONG LANGUAGE Comeniences, I fenant . y ood onesie EA A aon Hr TTP "ts PRLS shoe eters isi tet hove been recived. | AMMANFORD, Wales (CP)~r WS aT pe ar 4 p Al mi aipnent sey ee #8 and b BREE IER matticosns tn Macomlinied\ GREEN Ted ehesterfield sole, $40; ERNEST MARKS, QL, | A nomination filed for Gwynlor Ed 3 ong oly : i f pment stoys Alien, B60 754 Lekings, betier qualities, priced 1 E68 thee" cad end Labies, 8 each; satis Solicitor, Evans, seeking election 16 he LY de #4 of fr ng $27,000.00 tes Js AH AUSTIN, fa CRA ian, 73 oH oud gies rp pred rsd Van 329 pdcloide Ave, Apt; 2 4 Askin bf iltor of RA hae converte, 400, Kons ota wad LL BIKE LIME Bt Fates, 24) Avie $10. Felephone RA B99) 17 King 5. East, |Carmarthanshire council as 8 elephone 58923 Loaded w | co Church Sieeet ONE new al} wool Brinton broadioom, Oshows, Onmtere list, turned E id AL. condi § x 18, bound, rose heige, complete with Welsh Nationa Was Hirne A x. | hod rd hiss Co Wop Ma- BOK trailer with [rare Wheels, Lon be mderiad, greatly redueed. RA §-4274 down, He made it out in Welsh, PARKWOOD [tr wma SEF THEM! LOYD REALTY LTD, (all Wh whith hake BA 1dtag 1 © RECONDITIONED. lowpied "isd Want-Ads Don't LAND \ {hed FELFIRE #4 REALTORS WM MERCURY tondocr Bardiop, fo 81" WALETCRAFTER Teiavision, Tone GERLS 5 wos wed et wk an $ on UNEXPLORED MA NOR Ane oF tw geptiemen, § Open Poily M. | RA B-5123, RA B-5124 SWE ys DERE PRYIERLS: HANS AT iA excellent condition, ele: 1? senuksied Nash deel | More than 500 islands Te h a7 RACTIVE f ! A 6 § Wiotors, WA R686) i pH by 214 Centre KITOREN cuphoprds Sy ho and j { at Bar APARTMENTS {acolo bo | 0 M Lig N 0 PONTIAC Lawentien sedon, G07 2 Sddbinbduon Leki healer. BA STH Hk - pnd) | Cost- ~They Pay CBRL fy ore : y I v2 @ighes Birect S. D, H YMA 101 SIMCOE § red, POEL MOE yg wipers, SELLING furniture T We'll bay IE Ra | HCKeE Bes a ------h Sn r-- oN ROOMS for rept, single and double walls on hatesnd wiles, RA [FKEFRLOPS, V's, washers, Planes, Fil Jiemen Wi . '% Arty 39 PRIN 5 [ 0 D REALTY ashes, ele 'a shoves, fs For up anh after, ow iiss 109 Park Ross South HINGE & Ls a rinee Breet. Fho SAGUENAY AVENUE (LARGE furnished font Wht £004 [ n Y 5 4 PEXHOUTH dete, excellent KOR \ USER parts and repairs (oF BF makes | ¥ Ld Ld Re :r dole Aika usm Wa ol a VP y bh (PARK iD & KING ST, I Fines eh RA 1660 LIST WITH LLOYD bot oales on ssn Mo Boibe o Wnaser hype washers, i Bo motets GISTRICT) housekesping soem for one person, RA THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 5 PLYMOUTN, 6 cylinder eopeh, 0: erg and slaves, Prady's Market, Hamp | 80575 pr 471 Simcoe North INOUIRE {maculae condition, Fadin, second | lop, C0 20041 Quiet, residenticl S87 888, INcwiV™ decorated, furnished hed ~} R WiLL TRADE owner, Apply oh Albert Bireet. Tele: ELEOYRONAWE ie ; vider "Sai | Lt 2-bedreem Apartments, siting room, with prigale (hres piece ABOUT SIR TED phone BA 81542 ad finest in TV, HiFi aol garvica. | oves, frigs, TY. eutlet, [hain one kisek fo North GM, sui opel NEW PRE-FABR | Triplex apartment for quit BUY yar sor Kor cab, Fast oonhi-| ighest tradedn allowances BERW RY drapes, parking, ste ara n" o Kentlemen, immediate or clear property Very i? dential Service, Senvinient ering, (id elayinien, Bimese 8 Hori | Rents from $50 menthly. ROOM for twa Fan single beds, HOMES constructed, Separate en» [E0T Finansee, Bimeoe Bireet Clap IV mm dg FFT TT TC | # Veontinunus Kot = wales, COFRER OIE trance, § rooms in each, Te |Koulh : sizes, Oshawa Hardware and Ele PHONE W am snd Mary Brest. Telephone RA COTTAGES inspect or for m re infarma- 1050 OREVROLET Bel Alr sedan, ie |trie, ® Church, BA 37634 RA 6.7272 RA 6.5787 | mid tion call RA B-5123 or RA [malic extras, one Rwher, sash: TOI opppn aes "510 up. Cash FREISARS, S-- FWO «room pastment, furnished, sink GARAGES E-B590 and esk for Henry |Whene BA $180 wes | WAAETS, tYPEWIIERS, NOW WAFFADLY PR | eu wourds, she. Pit te Kentiemen oF J Savkerr aR " ! used equip. BI Hamilton, Ashhurn WHITBY {co fo. Five ran 6s #owh ee a WAL E8EV You Y ] | WwW | L L | § WE py (imest pices WE. Fi 4 109 CRAY ON ROAD | Xi large Ts ad thom h orivak hh Ad " | Lloyd Reglty (Oshawe) Lid, oF used furniture. Pretty's Used Fuf J) | ik tare furniah x With» je} NOTHING | Realto MOTORS niture Bore, KA 44271, #44 Simcoe § Modern, Wpeliots building. [Qnelr aris" 1 Wetvin IT CAN SAVE YOU 1 'A 8.5123 RA 8.5124 OAD. EAST RICHARDS : end TV. outlets [ony housekeeping room, clean and | PLENTY RA B-5125 TAUNTON ROAD w 4 El comfortably furnished, downtown. Also! . FINE FURNITURE U 6 the hand Ample storage ectrically one furnished Foom, with or withowt| Many Plans te Choose From 101 Simcoe St, N, Your AUSTIN a ------ y equiped eonking facilities at 77 Ontario Street Built an Your Site DEALER The home of quality, tradi- i | bedicem $100 me VERY modern furnished bedroom fof | Anywhere ; tienal and modern age furs = i a (EE a gentleman, In quiet home, very central : Riure. Complete room Groups JN re erence gu [-] i 2 bedroom $110 me HA 34577, 30) fond East Mave in Within 30 Days CLs | RA 5-0331 available, 295 Simcoe (A ld 2 bedroom, furnishes FURNISHED front bedroom, private : ' A : m; furnished home, ood tochilon, "cbnifal! parking] DROP IN, PHONE OR WRITE REALTORS We have o goed emortment | Jeuth, Bradier's all bo .s » offered daily in ) Inspect see Owner in space. Telephone 56748 | a sed Cars cation == ' Apt. 11, or FURNISHED mom with, k tchen on AJAX REPAIR Whithy Fleza---=313 Brock §¢. §, | " iu tral. suit gentleman. Telephone BA f HARTER Vis ~ONSTRUC | Open 9-9 CAR INSURANCE The Oshawa Times CHARTERED TRUST ATTRACTIVE Y end CONSTRUCTION | Whithy MO B-3414 Careful drivers are preferred c SOAP FREE TORONTC AC J : | 3 id implete supply of soap free RONT 5 FURNISHED ROOMS LIMITED Toronte EM 3.9603 Qoratul drivers Be Brains Gor p " 4" ply hy p Lon Classified Business Mr._Melvin--WA 2.6138 ANG : 110 KING STREET EAST $2,000 DOWN $10, $16 or $25 or better r three full ve y Available in private heme OSHAWA t | : brick. 3 than 209% on their ear in pawder, flakes, for your whole cE q1€ p Bran ay brick, y b ' EE THIS! 62 Park Road Noh, Cal RR Bayon frond, net in, bok, | guavas, HoiCvate boven, | Yami, Simply order one of d Service Columns MORERNISTIC, furnish 1 up between 8 and 7 p.m ! schools. Tastefully decorated, ample free parking "en 0§ io w on : | per dup 5 rooms; all elec 3 { ' partitioned basement, color er . f lhided [i I TV, ete RA B-8671 YOU WONT BEAT THE i Big BL SCHOFIELD $215.00 full price, Installed Just m $120 month attached garage. Balance on Insurance Asseciates Lid in your home. Fer demen: i ly. (10-minute walk down 7- ~Reol ovate for ale Sener aarade idan on 360 KING ST. WEST WB TAA town) ROO use for rent er sale. | asy payment. Call Mr. Par 09 - { - . Rh naras LEDS UE WE BEAU VALLEY | fi hum Ea RA 3.4268 WHITBY CLASSIFIED 1958 Chevrolet Deluxe, FOR BALY two-door, Al gandition, all extras, MQ #2703 FOR RENT hedroam apart ment | Artment | ling, stave and frid ! | Felephon MO BN FOR BALE twa plege chesterfiold " } i an wey [4 aslanal eh Excellent eondifion ele han oMO 8 3866 FOR BALY size spring mat ress, good 8 voit Battery, ov ¥ bo rea phang. MO T4300 WHITRY Coin Laundry. Speed Queen agitators. Wash 2 Dry 100. Bring this ad for free 'wash, 1068 Brock Sireet South FOIL RENT Shc-raam bungalow, gas ) \ tiv, Avaliable May. | dale Drive or telephon e ¢ masonry, cement wark, roof vaterproafing, eall MO 8 2364 hie rales FOR RE NY Three roam JMrartment Ray ele a =: Palace Stowe! Phane RA "i000 whitey ariment, twa hedroams parking w h lpase, avallable May 1 fOhawnk #5143 FOR RENT has Ranh fhres and WY RAT \} rest dential area, nev laun a sohaals park young 300 High Chiidren's A ly 14 ] |} ' SERVICES = Complete hoakkeep ing service far small businesses, week by - as desired. Statements pre Income tax veturns. MO Rb STUNENTS! A super value, approxi mately 630 shoots of letter size typing faews print) far only $1.00 Ap Time Office, 111 Dundas Strest West REGULAR $12 VALUE FOR $7 anolin er 2 riched permanents oil basic or high styl up, includes out COIFFURES BY KEN MO 8-5124 PLANNING TO BUILD A HOME Bong your plans or sketch ta : C. Hranton, Builder of CuK homes in ths ¢ ' 15 years, Get a written esti mate without abligation, Call anytime MO 8-2600, Whithy, 'store FOR RENT Avallahle May 1, three | reamed self-gantained apartment, on: teal. Heat, water, stave, frig sup plied. Pay awn hydro Business couple nreferr S68 manthi Feleshone MO | 6 from 8 until after § and MO 83371 Vand Saturdays BPRING clean up Special. Fertilizing nif rolling, trimming ete Also special rates for laying sod, planting MO Ba018 | FOR SALE Lot 50 x 100 earner of | Hickory and Mag reasonable Par rent, four vapm house, outside facili fit $10. MO 650d NON'T put it off, put it on, roofing ding, fal reals, cave Haahing, paint ing Phil Harper MO #44 SAVE MONEY! Waller's Plana Regula ting and Tuning Anat ¥ al Grixtie Fur nlite Stare or MO 8548 | alter 3 pom daly Wark #uaranteed FOR RENT =One-bedrogm apartment | in pew hame private entrance and hath. Central lagation, close ta schools Pelephone MO 83745 NRESSMAKING! | dren's Wear, sults, eos Hans, Mrs. M. Beadford FA ATLARLE May hall af Duplex duty wiring, A000 er MO 8 DRESSMARING dresses, alterations and slip covers. A perfect fit guaranteed. Mes. Toms MO aa SEPTIC tanks gleaned the sanitary way | aew tanks instalied Waller Ward, 304 and Ohl: | §_ and allera MO § d666 | | » Part Whithy, | heats ) outlet heavy a ale entrances K 1643 sulle, eoats and Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2563 WANTER Gentleman haarder, hed | siting ream, home-cooked meals Phone MO $3682 or apply 1131 Dundas ast for rent ar sale, reasonable Bast end, Telephone MO 82007 after § XY FOR RENT Boat box and cabin trailer, chain and skil saw, cement mixer, paint sprayer, smelt nets, canoes, car-top boats, motor FOR SALE New and used boats, meters end trailers, lawn mowers and garden tillers WANTED Boats, motors and trailers WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 83224 THE GHANA TIED, Sororsey, Ages ®, 199s § J TRADE-IN PLAN For REGISTERED LOANS a Limited time, we are Serviced and ready ta build accepting alder homes as 80' frontage $3,300.00; trade-ins en a new | e In £0! Ww for 3,800; 100' Beau Valley far only $4,000, Fer further For an explanation re trade information call Reza Parki in plan, call daytime RA hal 226 Members of the Oshawa and . District Real Estate Board SCHOFIELD INSURANCE " [ ld " : ASSOC, LTD DOUGLAS L. 360 King St W., Oshawa Evenings RA 5.1726 GOWER PRIVATE SALE | REALTOR LTD. a0 | RA 8-465) FULL PRICE OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK $10,900 3:30 P.M, UNTIL 6:30 P.M $2,000 DOWN SALESMEN ON SITE, Six-roem house, 2 rooms FAREWELL AND TAYLOR suitable for renting, alum AVENUES inum storms and screens PRICES START AT $13,350 paved drive, oil heating, land $1 200 DOWN, scaped. Utility room in base 149% INTEREST. ment, large fenced lot, Close 12 shopping, bis and schools LOADED WITH EXTRAS $78 monthly carries pring ey Siow THESE HOMES pal, interest and taxes AT YOUR CONVENIENCE RA 3.9877 CALL RA 8.465) WE CHALLENGE YOU If you are thinking eof buying a new home this year, we challenge you to take time and compare these 3 items: Location, quality of construction and price We her in Beau Valley are convinced we have the greatest dollar value in new home construe: tion It you desire to have your ideas put on paper (a home designed for you) or if you have a plan already decided upon, we will be more than pleased to price your plan for you with no cost or obliga: tion, Prices in Beau Valley range from $14,500 up Down payments $1,250 and up. All NH.A. finance: ' SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOC 'RA 360 KING ST, W, RA 3-2265 BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL, Expert Service | SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, | VOLKSWAGEN Ts od SERVICE DIXON'S 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH RA 3-4663 OSHAWA, ONTARIO Tel: RAndalph 3-346) : NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ » DKW AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY | Pick-up and Delivery Service Sales and service, Shewreem 78. Washed and dived epen until 2 p.m, at RA 5- 1053 408 KING ST. WEST 7AM -- 9 PM, RA 3.7132 CAR AUCTION Every Saturday 10:30 a.m. FISHING TACKLE LARGE QUANTITY All Brand Names Substantial Discount, Good selection, Chevrolets, Rods, Reels, Baits Ete, Pantiges, and '41 Corvairs, ASK FOR JIM AFTER 6:30 Buy or sell. Good terms 300 ALBERT ST, OR available oH Grenfell St, _RA 8. Beds RA 8.517 = cps = BUYING OR SELLING SEE WATER TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res RA 5.6874 Purified water for drinking use. $5.00 per 1000 gallons, Soft water for laundry use, $5.00 per 1000 gal, Deliver: od anywhere, RA 8-477) BOATS & MOTORS LARSON--Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH---Cruisers THORNES-- Aluminum MASON--Lapestrake PETERBOROUGH---Moulded Plywood EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS--TRAILERS Factory Approved Service Open Evenings and Weekends Marine Storage & Supply BROOKLIN OL 5-364) USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM MUST BE SOLD NEED SPACE 1948 to 1954 $25 AND UP We also have a number of late mode! Guaranteed Used Carns ROY W. NICHOLS | COURTICE CAR LOT | Monuments Typwriters Movers & Storage Washer Repairs Mattresses Welding Nursing Homes LIST YOUR SERVICE NOW In This Profitable Classification, Put Your Name in Print, Where Thousands of Prospects Will Read It Daily, Get Your Share Of The Profits! Phone Use The OSHAWA TIMES BUSINESS SERVICE CLASSIFIED ADS OF THE SERVICES OFFERED Auto Parts Air Conditioning Dressmaking Driving Schools Plumbing & Heating Building & Supplies Carpentry Eavestroughing Electrical Work Lawn Mowers Plastering "Painting & Decorating Radio & TV Service Rental Service Roofing Septic Tank Service Heating Specialists Fuel Landscaping Surveying Uphelstering RA 3-3492