2 TE AWE Ties, Vrdey, Aorw 1, 199 id ABOARD THE HONEY FI VV EESIALY Fenpesy dL fore HIRE BR LTHISE OR THA Whe # Prime Minister Ward Mac i WH 0 K ver 'Fhrsd " Phe dent's Bamey i. RB PIES Wh 4 4 Ma #1 f F pr dad 44 milan of Britgin sand at the vachl formerly called the wil of the Honey Fitz st he Barbara Awne Honey ¥itz 'Christian' Gets Convention Okay plause when she read a hoard field 4 of directors sigiement support ing the new motion The statement had heen fav ored 64 ino 2 with nine abstain ers A resolution 1a supply money "from the public purse" for tuition of university students was soundly defeated hut an other motion tn have cost of school hooks deductible from wan ves spit, | THERE, REALLY g cours WAS SOMETHING move 10 have al French taught in element : schools and French comp GLASGOW. Beotland (AP) gp and grammar taught in| 10 was the shank of the even des 7 and 8 was referred to) INR and the emergency tele piltes phone on the police sergeant's + federation members were| ek rang loud and clear ng 10.000 delegates al the There's a sea lion out here rector of the Opla and Rals sociation. Bhs i A ident of the OEA and the Ontarin Fed eration of Home and Behonl Bhe Is win history Yorontn rig Schiol Trustees A PRYETS as member of iy the second woman 16 the award in is 12-year Mrs, May Robinson of won in 195 st meeting of the Ontariel on the road. | saw it in the Aucational Association and the| headlights of my ear Ath Cotholie Education Confer The sergeanl snoried & nee HN But in came another call { BR. Crawford, Kingsville yh public school inspector, erifl There's something awhil viged farmers who improve ®t in the fields, 11 has two their farms hut not schonls and! Breal eyes like moons Ieachers wha leave rural areas Bn the police went intn ae for the cities Hon In # talk tn delegates, RB. 8 Toward dawn they caught K. Welch, chairman of the Bt. hoth culprits, sea Hons which Catharines hoard of education! arrived from Los Angeles sald the Ontario educational de (Wednesday and immediately partment might do well 10] py aped from Glasgow %on spend Vsubstantial sums on a 7 iy topnotch researeh division" mm keepers inined the with the enaperation of neal forces, snared Mitzi and Bub hoards of education hles and gnt them hack into Home and schools could en the gon pani OUrage research programs hy Vaal, a MWopound hear, has | Taronta, In less than a week established himisell as. the | the three-moenth-ald hear has darling of Riverdale Zoo wm | stolen ihe Hmelight fram the A \ TORONTO (LF) Fhe On-imaking the gis FI YI tare Federation of Home and heard, Mr. Welch said School Assnciations WounA WP The Ontarie Pub Shon Wa convention Thursday with # Men Teachers Federation wa SESSION Of WIRREINE OVEE PB rebulled lightly in a Wid 19 resolistion that was linally 18 amalgamate w the Fedora jroted Lion of Women Feacher Assn The thorny auestion, to delete ciation of Onis the word Christian from he There would be no Jun Public Schools Act Aesling with, wedding aid the won hi teachers' Autis was thrown admitted later the eri f out hecause the section of the decided act had heen transferred 1g the Schools Administration Act Tan WINS LAMP AWARD i, 1961 The OFA awarded fami A substitute motion retain MF LEgning 10 Mrs, Jean Wal the term Christian morality in 50 of Innerki for her ani the Schools Administration Act, |VHHOR 1H BEEORGA chan #4 received overwhelming support, | WERHOR In Ontarn President Mrs, Jobn Crooner of. Mrs. Watson, & native of Ay 5 gtharines drew oud ap: shire, Scotland, is secretary and and Ll a Pa mayor of Bosion AF Wireshats Teenage Diet § Separate School Support Sought Hy di ld ha rr Pg PR WERE TN. (FRRAET (TR RFF SIR [ER Beez eh (Awe y waren aig TRAE WEA RE GARIN DRT IRE We GT (h GEE IE (GE IROREY Shave } sha iyy fon Re eras 16 Wann sbi shosk swe CR. BE sonters wey BATH ser S500 Sf Eaymons Eohe of Bootle Bey, woesiment, While seperate HEFINERE (hl BOHLIN. BBN: Shh Siar wey 950 Fiat ans Ras iatunh Hh CREann. ser 85 AOA ik TR Rins HMR Is IF wo fh. tik shgmiis ks gach TT COLRT CASE guar hesanse the law tanks tn WE CHAE 58 The permitting ake 1B BAEC lon Ans ay (9 5 § CWT fee (Gel Jey Be a an hen KB ned fv Beove #2 ew lasivit py FEI EmiRgE HH # Wwe #4 gS WIENER Wy EARRAE uate ¢ fovesh 5 SUP IO L repre i hovis. Be seh 3 Carel ly Hammes (ast cack wil gm felons ih 8 Adegatns tn the pssn- He ows WB The Bers fae (#9 RE BIR RARER Flamer 14 Wave pines frm THe can be Sbawe, Fer Woot sepsrate hos. He ais we Shodih move 16 Reve WOKE Rot ge Relais we law hanged ww that Cath a RRO Imes ment Res Fok we ROWE He sid shod Lares sean Man Wrongly Jailed, Freed FEICERins RETFRRA lingians hamid. The myweb Rt EE FIN &% fsa yERS 1h see (hat Boman Cathy WE ME SNP WERE The Bas aa hl Cs da i WH RRIBREAER iy [aw Tol GARKA he Bompn Catholic Chick oh GHEE TRERIETE 1H Sport (he RIVA fos 4 TORONTO (CF) CEHRE The trustees pre one of Eich Ecrtiand was racres Ms Franch-sparleong rlvcabion wih Char ars (rom the ORRIN RH cultural SImps mek! BE Bere ip NE entre at Brampton Thwrs CORREtion with the arPwe Bey #ier Ws lewyer sl Whe menting of the French - Cane Wan Was Weng Beil [or Be H- dian FEducetion Association Wf fence Known 19 the law ian, Tepresent i ng 009 4 Bertrand has Ween WB custody residents sie Fel. 8, when Magistinis M. 6G. Gowid of Berth Bay sen COPY IF SECESSARY Gerpid Fihon, manreng #4 lent Wim 14 Wire momihe def 2 Mobtrens Wife Bludgeoned Husband Charged (IF 78. 41d y wr » sdf iis Vd hanes Robes 6 wef sland RR EAR. WAT FWA > Bt oh sh WA # (EW Rs #id 4 PRT, wy _ . wits was fod Bi oe iy hii Puig elt id HERON PAWN # pao # BE Sow fF of Wes Haran Ee sishadiaana or Wes Parteidge Wax. Vister Babepts, WB. wie suid he cwernh he wy wk fons [TIRE 15 BO OF Lo fais and. WIR eer EA Bysae oh son. Bryan. ov oe faral # (rRatisk sal when ha HE PRE ANGERS WOR Hew war, We (6 Wl TRL CRAVEN Po a A 5 A AER CAR " CL id lida iar planting fo He Boy Robarts. whe Mii isis ig od fhe etiuidond PAE RITENER [Hay MAY # AR pill an wi fag dg fia Hable sew RB WER FR ty TTI PEEEm ie y fio Resor LERELin The sometatie WEVERR Te KHCHen wah Boing (NE (Fok TRAR WH (RSA way # Wing 4 Yaz. Baberte meves on Che EEARRAI RiwET Iran who. 4 I Wanicrn nntiscita B WRATH swine BRINE fh im fe AEARET sw Ma ber. (M4 the Leaders 3 4 vk wT Am The Roberts have five sider an. ai of whom Hoe swey OFEAWA (EF)~"The Gubstion - of Commniot (Tine may Tk BA BACKACHE Fah, 18, # Pom plier he left for forge Wn talks here newt week Between Prime Ministers Mae wien of Brian nd Ihefen Waker th Canals 58 is one of the silnects hat Suchore 6: olla & oy Wes Ween WAAET Hocus ion WY jad 1 ction, When bidness gt ot of Mr, Macmitian wd Fireside et, cash Wola Woh olen min Kennedy wn Washngion. The is Be nrem Tien buch Entish leader 15 sid 18 have fwhed res or het vedo r Hates Ws ENVEITIRERE & SIFT of Bed Cline's RARssIon 16 The a Ue Vl ' / indie and three months inden oo le Roisin? BOW SRT PREMIER $ WINDOW United Bations, sometinng the sid sug twa Dangers Seen We [oF breach of Probation Fre the frusiees 19 apy "the A Wig window in the sifice : (he i on # 1p 10 the United VIER Males opposes better --work hotter, Got BD) Magistinie Gowid had given English-speaking of Quebec Wn of Optane Premier Frost's Kingd ; 4, We 7 the Mr, Inelenhaker has EVER 7 Pills now "w LONDON, Oi. (CF) Fie BErirand # sepegaed semence order to" satisly their ARRAS, REDOIIMEN. SREFRBrY Was REA) RAG, WHE WH TE [pore than one Indication that or Met of many Canadian IRs August on & Eharke of wi The English-speaking grows. smashed 198ay by # man whe = TCE, HER two ks 0 pe would ike 10 see # new West sEen-age Girls may have an wh: Wl Bamage and placed Wm wn w Oueher pn fo elraid 10 asked the premier on thee | DICE fre J ket #04 erm spp oach to the problem (oriunale ellect on thelr chil: probation. When Bertrand was soenk mt (or Shot BIRILE IY BHERRSSIVE 4 Ys, The an bra ot the window He has been vague as 10 st dren, putnitionisis 1018 3 con: SEER IN B DEYEIRER Foom he wi whats vor they need," he said was 10d Mr. Frost wes RW RY (EF Wirephotn) what Kind of srrangement he ference mf public health officials sentenced for breach of probe In French Quebec they are not had in mind. He has olien mide here Thursday Hon . #raid 19 work herd and press clenr, however, that he belies Dr, George Beaton, associate Defence counsel Horace Bre: demands in insure the English 4 an imernational BSREMBMES sohessor of nutriti © VEE RIBNER [hat here BY language Lang resl ent ary agreement could not he fully ef University of Toronin, said diet such ollence gs Wieach of pro The French of Ontaria must [rithve uns Hed Ching werk ww orelated to natural ahor- bation I an oHERAer Wieaks We oot" with enthusiasm 19 per hrowght in Liane, malormation Hi: PEORRUOR IRF BR INREIIRE serve their cullure Whether the "reslistic re ture birth we and health of can only sentence Hm on Ihe French self is the thread uc eqar eq view might entgil Canadian the baby and 1oxaemia. (Iter: CHEFEE OR WER Be ARENA that holds ws Logether he wpport of Bed Ching's roms al pisos RNR ER aid, "We've gol 16 ight unt WASHINGAON (CF) Presi- na she 0 seek # change in the Hn 19 the UN hes never heen Yeen-aue girls k f f 0) he HO ; BENEIRIS AR: we have French instruction dent John Kennedy reported law, Kennedy eporied 16 he spelled ow est Mick of ARY BEOWP IN CARA: DRIVINERE MA NOL BPDOSE # MO: from Kindergarten thiswgh 1010 Ce sery about turn: opposed 1a # change. He would dian society. ollen rating wh tion for Berirand's relesse WIIVEFSIMY ing the North nic Treaty he prepared io avide HATO FT I han Nery nutntios LL Organization wn an independ: with slomic weapons. but cus Joidin Plans HITE the eames gE Wi INTERPRETING THE NEWS ent nuclear power ody and control would remain (old 4, While Kennedy fee NATO In American hand Diets in the lees consisting NSE WrRRY build wp on hi Hiude on the part of ura ourney IBFgely of soft Arink ataln ventional shield, informants said J / RIMMING e any pos f Ane an wt ie ve enn Canada Hardens feens and early Ws than nutritionist Lif nn thought, 1 it fice, Eisenhower put forward a INE Pregnancy iT Beaton, Hardening of Canada's policy (take ich separate and colle: concert whereby the United ald. "Proper nutrition may he towards Bouth Africa 15 drama: Hye Rebions as are open 19 Slates would provide NATO wit) more important before, than Ueally Wustrated hy its support them' ta bring AONE BN ARAN: the mailer componems of B during, pregnancy of a strongly worded resolution|donment of South AIrica's Face nuclear strategic force, starting of apartheid now hefore the! policies with five Polaris submarines important to adequate intake of protein dur ¥ college wn Nave £ lake previousi ne expert have # Aid To Crush Rebels Sought BAIGON (AF) Presider Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vis Nam wants an Increase in th $150.000.000 a year he gels from more the Unite more money is needed to crush tion hut has expressed support the Camp He wou 160,000-man the Washington 1s sald (0 have hy 26 African states approved a 20,000-man increase diplomatic and economic sane: Hon of Human Rights BEANS las recently mean nn Ad BLates helievin nist rebels Id like to enlarge (th BEMY NOW ATFaye Viel Cong guerni Diem opposes this idea The wr {isclosed view hut Vere Pers Interview (stepped u Honal election ain In w informed Prime Macmillan he w already ha Inister modify the new offered hy [ormer Kisenhower last. December In one of his last . Race Attitude La acts in of United Nations assembly In officially endorsing the res NATO s supreme commander I The resolution, co = sponsored! olution Canada expressly stipu am : he COMMARGAFR, hy three Commonwealth mem: lated that it did nat condone the Y 5 oil ih that he mst hers India, Ceylon and Ma-\use of force or punitive meas: |[#POFenY HFfed Ww i Wit lavas much tougher than the ures ave an le Aa f ik i i ores last apartheid resolution which! The resolution sternly cen under oink indernations A came before the assembly and! sures South Africa for is * con. CODIFOL, FRAUIFINE SAM L Hone ilwhich Canada found too strongltinued and total disregard' of in Ihe Ameri an law hat Pisa {in volte far. She ahstained previous UN appeals and for is hibits the U.K. government from delegating eusindy and el Britain has made an even! determined aggravation of ra | Ha remarkable switch. Bhelcial issues," ove) Is Mamie warheads 1a an eminry voled against the 1060 resolu | Mhey i ry SAYS POLICY REPUGNANT Eisenhower favored Lrning like Canada, of the present anhe.| It denounces vacial diserimin:g over some of the atomic weap Both countries, hawever, fon as reprehensihle and 1e:(ons to close allies, hut he tank y ) ; alPugnant to human society, and| stopped short of supporting apt ( A still tougher declaration now he: RECURS South - Africa nf fla: Fifore the assembly. Sponsored grantly vialaling the UN Char:| it calls for|ter and the Universal Declara Charge Youths on condition 1 willl tions arainst South Africa All this Is pretty strong stuff | ] Holdu rise in total US. ad The India-Ceylon-Malaya ves: compared to the 1000 resolu: | n olution calls on UN members to tion, which merely expressed| . esident"s views wi deep regret and concern thal] OTTAWA (CP)=Palice hays na tw Pour j hi the South African government|eharged (hree Mantreal youths a twohn n 3 Le el School had not responded to appeal 1 a Quehee City man In eon I # B{ gals and a Quehes y man nn free Matation| av to reconsider policies which nection with the stabbing of d nities e granted the 8 8 d | he ll f all y storekeeper during a §1 | mpair the right of a racial woman wekeeper B #5 the Viel Congl ystem upporte {groups to enjoy the same fun: holdup Thursday in downtown | nl Dn oralds in an apparent WINDBOR (CF)=The Ontarinl damental rights and freedoms." [OHawa altlempt to disrupt Sunday's na p Instead of calling for aclons| Annearing in ma gi 8 (rate / ni Public 8chonl Men Teachers As by UN members. the 1068 ug] PReAring in ma g FI BERING BOF covintion Thursday gave sup:| 1emhers, 0 VeRO: pout foday will ber Jean in reelection ta a Ahrealevel System of | 1Htion mevely appealed [or Claude Ladouceur, 21, Roland ph ' Aid L 'their hest endeavors as appro: | . tills Pe education for the province } § A8 APPTO: Poirier, 10, and (Gilles Perno DARLING OF RIVERDALE Mankey Papuiar Ha part of the {CF Wirephota) priate' to achieve the purposes ig all of Mantveal; and Claude Under the system pupils of the resolution | eheay 84, of Quehee. All are would go to elementary schools) Canada's present support of alcharged with robbery with vio intermediate schools and nally pesalutign which is far stronger! lence high school, The system most han one it found too SORE IN Mes. Violet Plouffe. 40. was used in Canada now does noti 1060 is not at all paradoxical stabbed in the hack when four inglude intermediate schools Uiroumstances have changed. |poidan men demanded the ma The three-level system 15 in Far one thing, the Sharpevillel eo" seam a cash register in her widespread use in the United massacre has taken place (store. She had made no attempl Bates and a few Canadian! Generally, it reflects the gov:|in resist them pants ernment's impatience part of The knife. a home made No he that found in the international) aq non fashioned fram a file added Fle: community as a whaole=--al Houth| das plunged deep into her hack mentary: Kindergarten to grade Africa's intransigence oan the would he new grades wiades would q artheid ahave the left shoulder hilade fir Intermediate: Grades ¢ and/ question of aparthel [Palice found the knife hidden Hi High school: Grades 0 fo 18,1 This intransigence OMe under a veranda near (he would say arrogance Was the looong ohief veason far the hostility Mrs. Plouffe was reported in i } Afpioa sil Garage Operator ARAN Routh Attica al LL |stinfnetary £hndition after an ' ference in London which pea: | PMOTREREY AREFALL duced South Africa's with. Police say the thieves look Killed In Crash drawal fram the Comman the anly hill fram the cash re ROCKLAND (CF) Earl J. wealth |gister, fgnoving a quantity of Gervais, Bb, an Ottawa garage owner, was killed on Highway 17, ane mile west of hove Thurs: | cans and apparently unaware [of $160 hidden under a eaunter Trade Preference day night after his taw truek | wovs--v and the vehicle It was towing Changes Uulikely | were stopped hy a pales CLEAN RUGS Cruiser OTTAWA (OF) The South 4 OPE Const, Larry Paguette Afvican trade mission soon to are of Rockland was injured and visit Canada ean have good his erulser demolished when a ireason for doing husiness on BEAUTIFUL 4 transport truck eollided withthe assumption that its Cam three parked vehicles monwealth tariff preferences RUGS My, Gervais and Const. Pa here are seeure al least for [guetta were standing next tn the the present Cleaning ruas is our busi Aeruiser when a truek eallided AN indications are that the ness and has been for | § JWHR the car and came 10 vest Canadian government, while it years, Lat us restore the Lon 11s side in the apposite diteh. [has wot yet: made a full policy heauty 1 your nag Const } Suet suffered leg!statement on the mater, looks CALL US AT Juries and shook with disfavar on suggestions Roekland is 2 miles east of that the preferences Should he RA 8-468) Ullawa cancelled when South Africa leaves the Commonwealth May NU-WAY REFUSES INCREASES 1 GANANOQUE (CF) Town: Any such action likely would Rug Cleaners opunell Thursday held the be vecipracal And Canada . WIS 1861 tax rate increase 10 which has heen Pinging wp Nak SH BS Rive WO mills residential and three heavy trade surpluses with stan' MHS Indusval hy refusing 10 South Africa hy axparting about AM tf The at FAR SHEEN Inereases 10 lawn eight times as much as it im OMpAyees and hy cutting the parts from that country, would ¥ . fg Che 3 police. commission budget (he the biggest loser anal nuclear concept eontram billy Canada would he able OPIAWA (CP)=A whirlwind] £ SPECIAL 0 BEL CUsIony and control aver tour of the farm country of the n any nuclear warheads which West is planned this month hy pL Car afi iy FERUIFE In CORREE: | Canada's top labor leader ' AT ar hom [i mis ie Burly Claude Jodoin, 47-year 0 OSHAWA and Mont Taurier, Que old president of the Canadian © Apparently reflecting this at. bahor Congress, swings into (he STORE Tr Viee - President Tyndon PFRINIE EIreuil next week in # B. Johnson cautiously stated in\fresh bid to sharpen lahor-farm A speech at Pars Thursday that thinking en issues of the new American administra |COREETR tion favors "an effective NATOL Jo will he the first all-out ef A | nuclear capability" and that thelrort by & labor leader from the US stand mtual ONLY KING §Y, ready 1a "eansult Kas ED ast 10 1alk things over with with other members on haw on farm leaders in the West WEST maintain this capability." While the -» i wl He said nothing about the 1.8 ie the -New Partly as such ielding any contenl § not directly involved in the JUST E or praieie tour, It could stand to BREWERS gain from any improvement in lations helwe fi ' Wh Blood Brother fod hone aetween drm groug RETAIL » ® I'he New Party, just three Claim Denied months away from ils July Rebuilt founding convention, wanis and BRANTFORD (CF) Play: claims support from organized wright. Brendan Behan's claim|lahor, farmers and "liberally [hat he has heen made a hlood| minded' people hrather of (he Traquais nation While trade unions in the frew a flat denial Thursday | . . fram Chief ¥. P. Garlow, head Kiast and West have generally nf the elected council on the| moved holdly hehind the New| Six Nations reserve "|Party, western farm groups The chief said the Indian have largely vemained politic: | head + dress Behan sported in ally neutral=although there are his Pavanto hospital ream was|® umber of New Party clubs| pel up hy farmers on the pral ries r MOST CARS not presented (0 him hy the Bix Nations Indian f ---- He hought It fram me for #0" Chiel Garlow declared He sald Behan has defini COLONEL ely nol heen made an Indian! chief, honorary or otherwise ERNEST T SEENEY Nor has the Kix Nations eouneil aven the remotest intention of making him one.' (Austionser & Appraiser) sraduate of the Reiseh Auction Hehan donned the headdress Scheel af America Phursday and announced he A Successful Sale Needs would visit the Bix Nations re Planning Please Natity Us As Seen As Possible RA 8.8491 440 CENTRE ST, serve tn take initiation rites to make him an honorary chief Chief Garlow said the head dvess "must have gone to hig | head. The time hasn't come! when anyone can buy an Indian! name==not even Behan CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS DOGS NOT PERMITTED TO RUN AT LARGE ALL DOGS IN THE CITY MUST BE LICENSED Natice is hereby given to all dog awners that City by-laws provide that dogs shall be prohibited fram running at large in the City of Oshawa, unless restrained by a leash, from April 1st ta September 30th, 1961 By-law 2365 as amended, requires that the 194) licences must chased by 1st. Dogs not carrying 1961 licence sidered as stray dogs and impounded 48 hours are being destroyed be pure are being eons claimed within February Impounded dogs not Avoid having vour dog picked up and possibly destroyes Nnasing your licence without delay if vou have not already done so Complaints of dogs running at large and the large dog nber of unlicensed seen require rigid enforcement af the provisions of the by-laws and the Dog Control Officer has been given instructions accordingly March mn Pated at Oshawa this 29th day of 1941 ALBERT V, WALKER, Alderman, Chairman, City Property, Fie Protection and General Purpase Committee