The Oshawa Times, 7 Apr 1961, p. 17

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THE GSHAWA TIES, Irdey, Ap 1, 990 3) 25--hgte. & Vote bor Rent 26--Rooms for Rent 27 Rest Estate for Sole 27 --ARest Estats for Sole 27 Rast Estate for Sete 27--HResl Estate for Sole 27 --Aeel bow bor Ste. aged ya acres, He - makers pyshetinm wows TG wml ah To de wh both [RW is ry wre I "a pe BIE CLEAR, favrisas a TWERE wbormiched, moms, Ed ys Wout Fost 74 596 C Hahls pest weer, Touhone Wh hl ed FOR REAL ESTATE DOM 5. SMITH Fest Estate FA E4778 Ea BART] p es, AE aad ~ ge Mar. Vickery Busines Fes er I sic fant, aL fon rent, Bis, living nvawtess wr --_--"--" Til, tetas Fimes elcid de AR y y " "OPEN HOUSE DIGECTIONG -- PAE. BD. 5. TG MODE. HOME SIGNS ~~ CLRMER TREMBLAY Bb LAURENTIAN ME DAILY 2TO 4PM. ONLY $12500 BC iat ae sett Re fox sou werhsy Agi 3 ing fivant Fad pr--y ar died, RAB Tl Somlon hows on ova porn ving ioom (oF a at ih B TRE, whens Patino, Sok sad mp oars, FRlviaEIIaY, COBEN. Roy BR fin Grant EIERLY [ady has met Rome Ly oh wally lasek, Pi TERER ES prdy Wid grrr de rans fo id 64 Braem Binet $454 DOM ONE MORTGAGE FEATURING, EXHPIET FAN FLOWER BOK BOOK. SHELF CAG WRATH YALARICE BOK MACS ETTORE of washer smh Aeywr. Aopy PH re Sine #96 Torr rooms, "mylendly firmioh BLT YANITY wens EALING OPTION AL. CERAMIC THE BATH whom a B iccind E STOME FROST sone, LRFEE THRE, onsen ded pm private smirmes nd Wagisia rafedayiion sak Bove, wee Wo fracas nh Ayer Somen i D diaiedad viii iid worsiad oe. $5 wersy RA py ge 1 BITRERE, fad, Ress Y seve, we st Rony, Toiegione RA BH008 ov RA 37904 FWEER, sors Formisiind povtiment, FRfEgRrRan, HAVE, #4, FERRE Avy WF adeione hose , nv #oeFimEnt figriched, me Fannin Air, VEFY AEWER, Sone to hws. Aoply 148 Warm Sisnnt, ww modern 19H w sew in SHIR, RIES GREAT, Bisek tn sched or Sopng. 72 Wes mowst Avene, RA R60 SEAR G01, Fox moms, We posi anisaner Rone Jomesh eniton, KA 49575 ONE Senn morn. pati Faeiehed sok snd cvphosed WB KiaRen, Bie » Moor. ample pacing. Wold svt ts gariiagman. 145 Wien Raak Bowls TWH formiohed rooms, rive 5 beanie woh Bath, WHE Bsns OF CONE Bese Siraet West. Avaitiatia sow. RA nd PICKERS GTS, Twn hakannm sev ment, # pasta nt kein | mmameft ata swesson. Phone WH 10798 mr RA 7 fats sgnstimant, on Ia Balle Nd Telephone BY Miller st BA 5m wan, rom epeLmant, with Pri and entrance, Rely AecH , genteel lo Aowniown No hit {y Aesiend. Available Apri THREE brane dd TY adniel, ws aad APARTHERT, Hus rome, hast, hyde, walter 0 $149 montiky Can sd fot, Bin Clepners. BA 5812 or BA S918 TWO - room spertment, bright Sichen, unfurnished, (arg, private bath, #H oi ei hos rRs, parking. Apily 146 yis best Bliss PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS om SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD, & KING ST DISTRICT) wiet, residenticl str eet, & 2-bedroom _Apertments, Stoves, frigs, T.V. outlet, dropes, parking, ete. Rents from $90 monthly PHONE RA 57272 RA 5.5787 26--~Rooms for Rent ONE housekeeping mom, clean snd comfortably furnished, downlown. Alse one furnished room, with or without eooking facilities at 77 Ontario Street VERY modern furnished bedroom for fentleman in quiet home, very central 34577, 209 Bond East FURNISHED front bedroom, ome, good location, central, space. Telephone RA 54748 FURNISHED room with kitchen, een: tral, suit gentleman. Telephone RA i622 it ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home B2 Park Road NMerth, Call between 5 and 7 p.m arn RpRstinant, private eh mn Eicher, Redvy Wing #t door. Telephone RA private parking , Sigant of Wing Fas | NEW PRE-FABRICATED -- oid Bewoy Auty JiR yt 2 . PIALT 0 STOVE £ OVEN SEE AMD COMPARE STOM BUILT BUNGALOW IM THE CITY RIGPECT THIS EXCISE AGENTS RA 5-6544 JOR A. J BOLAHOOD wo Tome, Bedroom aed iteden Danas Rigg datasmiomhabs Aown town. Bowiatia sow aC 7] (pare pur _-- BEST CU higtas Wilk Howse gyi THiaone Rh --, rand, Io8 RERIamas, 14 frm Kownlown (jeRaws £ErS, PWG Res id FERNISWEN fod rin grr iadny foe FOlER an @ four 2WRers HOME TODAY wa CLEAN, formiohad prom aly oF REREmEn said Roud Bout ox (Hephone Mier § said TWH Javan formiohed pwns Haw, Prose SERRE, # Ah RAW SRARGPRY I nA washynmm. Rage mathe lansiitins, Very sRRiIE. fy on Brant ROVSERE BRING prim, perly A ' oh for gentleman wig. A se Siiast Borth. EA 3 VERY canisni, lavas odin, seperate Ne ities if Aempnd. Bil Land gniiemen. BA L9H] PRIVATE sale, siasmwn beck yenesy ZReagn, wmal fenced hack yak (Close to downtown. Beitatie for s% [SIRE EA BORE sitar 5 oWy FURNISHED room i# wtf JHE BORE, VEE) KEDLIR # oN, sat one oF By ons Oh harias RA 148 LARGE Rowsskassing Ih . 4 f wh, PRIEIERE RY sesy IGA § gv ow © RED. TOR SEroRt Sed TRMdSER or dia anid Rit shed ISR ANCE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates LTD MAIN FLOOR BROADCASTING CENTRE 360 KING ST. WEST LARGE PARKING AREA AT REAR REG. AKER Bil PRES ¥ Farniad % Lan MFEETERS VICE PRES WANT A GOOD INVES TMENT wd WIE PFA ' fl © lorge brick hnsse Well desoroted, This property nent. Price just reduced, to ngs RA 50243 4-BEDROOMS and paved 4rivewey f ving room 17 x with p plenty of cuphbocrds y home. List price $13,900 py ATTRACTIVE, (5 weil RRL ER Apis & Risin ROOMS for rep SEL gantininen ad 0 Park Ross A 990 This " 2, separate dir Gres, lorge kitche 27--Reol Estate for Sale . Closet space gale . ond open to offe evenings RA B-8423 JRIVATE SALE GOOD OF LS PRICE $12,500 - y N NORTH WES T $5,100 DOWN 1 2 years red b wi, leceted in Rossland Manor, Guns Ee ! 3 has been trensterred. Len Carries for $51 monthly plus $£OpPINg 18 £ veway. 6% merigage, down taxes, 5% MHA poyment and price « rs. Coll Bill MaFeeters, evenings Three bedroom, brick ouse, Large garage, For pore BA B-1726 $1,000 DO WN THICKSON'S ROAD N _ticuhors, phone RA 3-7674 a INQUIRE three bedrex brick ow with double ottached ABOUT OUR MAR ¢ STREET 7 room brick € with § IZ yer ¢ p VALUE | mart 4 x Faom " gorage, On 75 frontage Jot whifully lendscoped and fenced, new well, gluminum storms screens, Country living with ell conveniences, For appointment, call Steve Zurbe, evenings RA B-0569 LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St, E Phone RA B-4678 EASTGLEN DRIVE broom ranch style bungalow, | dining room kivchen and three bedrooms room with built-in bar, This F precigted == in HOMES COTTAGES GARAGES IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING IT CAN SAVE YOU PLENTY | Many Plans to Choose From Built on Your Site Anywhere Move in Within 30 Days PROP IN, PHONE OR WRITE AJAX REPAIR | and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 110 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA am with natural fireplace, Beautiful recreation me must be seen fo be ap spotless condition, Full price $15,500.00 NORTH-WEST SECTION Extra lorge ranch style bungalow, bedrooms with good-sized closet space, valence boxes, for dryer, large modern kitchen, cak and tile floors goed value ot g full price of $14,000.00 SUNSET HEIGHTS b-room split level with gttached gorage, beautiful place dividing living room and dining room, broadleom, large recreation room with natural fireplace, Two 4-piece bathrooms colored fixtures, vanity, double sinks, Het water with oil ving ro three wired Extremely brick with stone trim, stone fire RA 8-5103 YOU WON'T BEAT THE RA 8-867] heating, decorated, flagstone walk, A quality heme af enly PRICE $22,900.00, Call this office for appointment fo. inspect WHITBY CLASSIFIED CENTRAL PARK BLVD m, 2-storey brick dining and living Extra large 6-roc hall, large home, attractive entrance rooms, three bedrooms, large fenced lot, landscaped, awnings, T.V, antenna with rotor, laun chesterfield ane grey condition FOR SALE = two-piece sulle rosy helge In color necasional chair Excellent Felephon eM §-3560 Double size spring mat 8 volt hattery, Electrio. motor FOR BALE = tress, mood condition, new, 4 HP General Very reasonable, Telephone FOR BALE = 12-fo0t refrigerator, ideal for small restaurant $69. good cond tion. MO 8.2081, Independent Sales and Service, Whithy we 1053 Chevrolet Deluxe, MO #4303. | DON'T put It off, put it on, roofing, siding, flat roofs, eavestroughing, paint ing. Phil Harper, MO #4556 {FoR BALE -- Women's and ehildren's [Used clothing, coats, sults and dresses, ete, In excellent condition, very reason able, Telephone MO 6-466 ui Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 TV AERIALS Installed and repaised,| Marion Drew, RA 57610 {ree estimates, also aerial kits for she Dick ' B Washer repairs and parts, Independent he M4 Bales and Services, Whithy. Tephone MO 82081 {FOR BALE »= Toffan gas ranges, he dry chute, ete, ete, Owner moving and must sell. Full price $14,900.00 with NJH.A, mortgage at 5%, with payments of $83.00 monthly, including taxes 30 Call Joe Maga, RA §:9191 John Kemp, RA 8-2392 RA 5-6243 After 8 riage OSHAWA'S BES LOOK AT THIS ONE Your down povment ok $442.08. hardly covers the aot of ven ond erties. Pus & Be with verity, nicely etre, yut yas caw fay fo det ait fustrey Farge. rep rm $13.566. Fane anring 6H done, fas. MG RACER, or office MO Yili fimd oo musty is Wis brs he fe is fms for heise, , with heed firing room, aie iw on che Gres Grd rosy sels, car Gort, alam dorms wraers. Ping $15 "60 all Miidras ids, Fes Wo E516) or Office MO 5653 Smell compact §iadroom ome, ceotrely (ecsted "512.600 OLIVE HOWE, Real Estate 130 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITEY MO B-5653 $750 DOWN $12,900 FULL PRICE 2a esr -6id Trick spit level, Glearirnan Sms Grit. GC TR8rS, penin, mcely decorated, filly londecnped, fimowed recess: tion rom, Phe many exes EXCELLEMT GENTLEMAN'S FARM 114 ACRES -- £0 WORKABLE Bordered on two sides 44 ed highways, over £26 poved road Fromage. 7 rm brick house, 34 x 120 berm, 24 cow tie ups, 22 x WW drive hed, litter carrier, rout greem £ SES Erte Prog erty, ve corner for fistire service SION CANES Cal Enric Alen, RA 57732 or RA 57702 HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 67 King bd £ LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR $4330 RA B-5107 OME BLOCK to Dr. Phillig's School. Five mires to O'Neill Collegiote Think cof the children, 3 necr the schools, with Wis fomily home. Living room with fireploce, fomily dining room, large kitchen. Four bedrooms ond bothraem on second floor. Yery nice new gorage, ond poved drive. Spacious treed yard. Oh yes, the bus stops of the door Owner is leaving the oity ond will sell on convenient terms. To see, coll Lucos Peocack, RA 5-4330 THE PRICE 1S ONLY $9,800 The owner is mighty enxious for on immediote sole. Tl house consists of © lorge modern kitchen, fomily dine ing room, living room, whility room, plus begutiful closed sunroom across back of house. Three bedrooms and bathroom on second floor It's been © one- family home, well maintained, but too large for present ownér. The owner will carry the mortgage. Act quick jf you are interested, by calling Irene Brown, RA 5:3867 54 GRETA ST Drive past this 2Va-storey brick home, with three-cor garage, ond playroom for children on second floor of garage. The living room end dining room are 29 ft. long, with natural fireplace, end completely broadloomed, os well os hells and stairs Three bedrooms end bath on second floor, and a large completely finished room on third. For particulars and to inspect, please call = Lucas Peacock, RA 5-4330 CRERAR AVE Five - room, three - bedroom brick bungalow, with garage Just built three years age Priced at $11,900, The ow- ner will carry the mortgage os investment, Phone for op peintment to see = Phyllis Jubb, RA 3.3240, Members Oshawa and District Real Estate Board, List with. wir-Pheto Cor op RA PRICED BUNGALOWS - M | scephing Mlder homes &% ! ! BEAU VALLEY TRADE-IN PLAN | For & Limited time, we sre trase-ing 6 & new home in Bess Valley For am sxglonction re trade in plan, sh geytime RA $2265 pray oid Hor woter Resting with o, Tw Wadwesme RA 8-1720 27 --hasi katate for Sole (31-=Aeel Sstute for Sols . pio A wb ig [4 POWREE Srwss RwiiRa fi Hrsg. BRIN sown. WG EEG DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL LAND Formerly Home Dairy ond Fashion Yillege SCHOFIELD INSURANCE | 486" by B82 6" ASSOC. LTD King 5. W., Chews Evens EA G-1726 R VICKERY Faaitny -- fr ey SHIR Professional Fopraiser #6 King St. W RL B-6728 Open Friday Mights Spee of Vo settle Est Best Offer 4 Bruck ngham foe. just off Simcoe St. Perth, Rugged Erick Bungel ow, 2 bedrooms, Gr CErGmE ie men with SICA ed') Wy ng wey, reception closer, caller sRpGIGIe rooms for recrestion, weshing, fumece, storage flwith well length closets) end cold rom Lowndry tbs, Timken oi fired hot weoter furnace for hest, TY Rotor antenna, poy ed dove, gerege with poved floor, fenced and lendscoped, shade ond omemenisl trees ~ Next to Park, Schools end Shopping Gres BYEIGGE FAs ad logds of clk ONG Gres « Fm wn Grey 'halt with Gives Anes five Personnel Service Pot, Doneven -- RA 3:7313 | Mex. Cotirell ~ MO B-2497 Don §. Smith = RA B-4B79 W. J. Irvine = RA B-2B68 Don't forget the Kiwonis Re: fe dio Auction, April 12th, | PETER KOWAL | REALTOR BOWMANVILLE, ONT, FARM, located north of Bowmanville on poved reed close to school 7 room frame home with bath. Large barn with hydie end water pressure, Earliest sandy loam in the community, Qwner will ececept income property n exch ange or will sell en regsonable terms Asking only $19,500.00 MOM WHYTES' farm now being offered for sale with oll Buildings on 49 acres of land. Small stream. Barn Ideal for an income property or for an eld folks home The price has been slashed to only $25,000.00 and we are open for a reasonable offer Terms available 10 Acres with a 7-room brick heme with ell medern con veniences, near Courtice, close to school, Prive shed, garage, ete. We are asking a mere $12,500.00 with a down payment of $2,500.00 established B-room living uarters. Hot water heating, entral location, An Ideal way to retire or ta begin, Good 'returns, Will accept trade, Asking $18,000.00 for building and stock at in voice, Requires about $9, 000.00 down Salesmen C. Soper MA 3.2624 Stationery Store for 50 years MA 3-2453 or MA 3-5B868 FOR SALE two-door, Al eondition, all extras #270 FOR BALE for cottages Mo low wholesale, Telephone MO #2081 Independent Sales and Services, Whitby anditioned TV, ideal MVE MONEY! Walter's Piano Regula Ai fenvond. sets, Priced Hind A Tuning Apply at Grixtie Fur niture ore or telephone MO #5481 ram $40 to $89. Telephone MO 6.2081 fra pendent Sales and Serylees, Whithy after 8 pom, dally, Wark guaranteed OR RENT One bedroom apartment, Cal aundry. Speed Queen | F | en WHiThy i, Hg Dry 10¢. Bring In new home private entrance and hs ad in for free wash. 1068 Brock hath. Central log pion, close to scheals Breet South {Velephone MO 89735 DRESSMAKING! Ladies' and Ohi rok JHENT = oon: fy nal. ne dren's Wear, sults, coals Lge ra Apply 507 Rosedale Drive or telephone tons. Mrs, M. Bradford, MO 68666 b MO B-S348 AVAILABLE May 1 in Port Whithy, FOR your masonry, eement work, roof: hall of Duplex, heated, TV outlet, 1 MO 82204) {heavy duly wiring, private entrances ff ahd waletproniing. = HA 59000 or MO 85645 3 riment, | PRESSMAKING sults, coats and FOR RENT hid eam nll ud 233 dresses, alterations and slip covers. A Palace Street Phone RA 5.4302 Mrs. Toms WIITRY apartment, twa hedroom aking with lease, avaliable May MOhawk 85143 FOR RENT -- $68 monthly three an four roam apartments, haleany, ting Hal area, newly decorated, hii LA roam, home-cooked mi ie Taos parking, close ta sohaols Phone MO 8-603 or apply 1181 Pinas Children's playground. Apply 300 High) Eas = Street hieiud k ne, to 18 yo ng servien for small husinesses, week. [io sleAr at 81.99. Mercantile Dept oy monthly ar as desired, Statements Store, Whithy Ontaria frentred Income tax returns. MO MEN'S grey service shiris, 3 buiton flap pockets and epaulets an shoulder. Full range of neck sizes and sleeve lengths Price 84.85 or 87.50 for twa, Mercantile Dept, Store, Whithy, Ontarle STORE for vent ar sale, redsonable, East end. Telephone MO 8.2607 after § nm perfect fit guaranteed wn Feb {Anke oleaned the sanitary way new tanks installed Walter Ward, Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.2363 WANTED -- Gentleman hoarder, Dod. sleeve sport shirts, sizes 8 SERVICER = Camplete hoakkeap: alues to 52.95, Entire stack STURENTS! A super value, approxi mately #30 sheets of letler size typing paper (news print) for only 81.00 Ap: i Oshawa Times Offies, Whithy, 111 Dundas Street West Then follow the signs FULL PRCE. .. . .... DOWN PAYMENT... .. .. REGULAR $12 VALUE FOR $7 Lanclin enriched permanents from $7 up, includes eut, oil FOR RENT Boat box and cobin trailer, chain and skil Ww, cement shampoo or high styl mixer, paint sprayer, smelt ing nets, canoes, car-top boats COIFFURES BY KEN mators MO 8-5124 FOR SALE . New and used boats, motors and trailers, lawn mowers and PLANNING TO garden tiller BUILD A HOME WANTED Bring your plans or sketch ta Boats, mais and trailers to Eric C. Branton, Builder of be sold \Wignment custom homes in this area for Wwi' & RE) ITAL 15 years, Get a written esti- SE VICE & SALES mate without obligation, Call enytime MO 8:2660, hasic SEE Presented by COME REPRESENTATIVES 1415 Dundas East, Whitby o : 77 MO 8.3226 JACK SHERIFF RA 3-3778 OPEN HOUSE THIS SATURDAY 2 TO 7 P.M, QUALITY-BUILT HOMES JAMES ALLEN CONSTRUCTION LTD. COMPLETELY FINISHED 512-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW RECREATION ROOM -- WALK-QUT BASEMENT SITUATED ON RAVINE LOT IN HILLSDALE TERRACE ON WYCHWOOD STREET Rossland Rd. East ta Central Park Blvd. N MONTHLY PAYMENT including P & | COMPARE Stephen MACKO Realtor STEVE MACKO RA 8-466! B A Barten MA 3 3098 RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS MR. PROFESSIONAL, 1S THIS LOCATION FOR YOU? Fifty-nine feet of commer- cially zoned land between new medical centre and pre- fessional office building, @ seven-room, solidly built, brick residence with glassed: in retail frent, a lot depth of 211 feet (excellent for park- ing), This is one of the most heavily travelled arteries in Oshawa and has become the newest prestige location, Var- led uses include comfortable living accommedation with tablishment, Competitively priced, very attractive terms, Fer information call Paul Ris: tow at RA 8:5107 or RA §5-8152 evenings ESTATE VALUE Got a few extra dollars you want to put to work? Look at this six-room, selid brick income property, practically downtown Twa selfscon tained apartments producing $130 monthly revenue, low vacancy rate in good times or bad, Only $9.500 with substantial down payment Call Paul Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 even ings RA 5.6165 19 Athol St Oshawa $14,550.00 $1,615.00 $63.10 - RA 8.5107 Ww Oshawa . and Estate Board of Real Members Distriet ! : | OR AS SEPARATE PARCELS POSSIBILITIES OF DOUBLE FRONTAGE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS RA B-5107 RA B-5108 19 ATHOL ST. W. PRIVATE SALE FULL PRICE $10,900 $2,000 DOWN Six-room house, 7 rooms witoble for renting, slum num storms and screens, poved drive, oil hesting, lend- scoped. Utility room in bose ment, lerge fenced ot. Close to shopping, bus end scheodls $75 monthly carries princi i, interest ond toxes Pal, RA 3-9877 "DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. RA B-465) OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEK 3:30 PM. UNTIL 6:30 P.M, SALESMEN ON SITE, FAREWELL AND TAYLOR AVENUES PRICES START AT $13,350 $1,200 DOWN, 6% % INTEREST LOADED WITH EXTRAS LET US CALL FOR YOU AND SHOW THESE HOMES AT YOUR CONVENIENCE CALL RA B-465) McQUAY & KIDD REALTORS Whitby Plaze 313 Brock 5. § OPEN 9-9 Whitby MO B-3414 Torente EM 3-9603 IMMACULATE Is the best word to describe the condition of this 5Va- room brick bungalow with double ear attached garage, Absolutely nothing to be added or repaired LW large recreation room even has a built=in bar, Excellent Whitby location and very attractive terms on the $17,000 total price BUY OR RENT The choice san be yours en this 3-bedroom bungalow en Dunlop Street East. Purchase Immediately en mest attra: tive terms, er rent with an option to purchase or just rent by the menth. And, yeu can move right in Members of the Oshawa and _ District Real Estate LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER FOR SALE BODY SHOP 5-ROOM HOME Good location, excellent for the aggressive type person, All modern equipment stays, Asking $27, 000.00, If inter ested call Bill Millar at RA 8.5123, LLOYD REALTY LTD, REALTORS RA 8:5123, RA 8:5124 RA 8.5128 101 SIMCOE ST. N. id ded od BOWE, 855 monty, for this five | brick home, taxes oily $92 siti ssid IRE 19 Ease a Lewin Kneshiomics 36 RA BHI. 1inyh Hawiy Fshans [44 SACRIFICE eight - rom Week home orEe ot, frontage mn Wghwsy 7 he 1ween Fishams and fon Hy. Ret fant W. Mehwey, Rep 2 Prinses Stanst, BA 352 wo Bk 133 ACRER, 168 wr WE FIORE EReseS IBEN KRlEiE oF Kash crow 3 a ied TO CHOOSE FROM MUST BE SOLD NEED SPACE 1948 to 1954 $25 AND UP We sls have & mwmber of fate medal Gusrortand sed Sr% ROY W. NICHOLS COURTICE CAR LOT Only A Few of the " Bargains at Oshawo 55 ROW Bangalew . Frasmatiy ps Jeet # Anwn, twp | ads we, ses i landscaped, pe £. ots of ada Cal alter WT Lavine stvert, of Shake $ionh DOWN bays bk aititiil malern §x rial beng alow EERIE location. ASEing oly 13500, Ast ast. W. Mehwiey Kent tor. 12 Prince Street. RA 32512 or MO Lad # {Pav aTE sels BILAN, meters HE Lrnom solid Brick bungalow, lowe years AR. 8 PEF KERL MOTIEREE, ERITIES IO 654. FI Per month. Rigs ot, close! |e churches, ir 4 ME sores. Call [BA BIE shies b pm RED brick four bedroom howes, lorge| Wing and BIming 1oom, Wn YERFS | Ummediote possession. EAN down | PRY ment wr best olier. Toke nyer rst) mortgage, private Apity 5 seen | wood Crescent. MO B48. Mr. Felieg). | BROAKLIN -- Private sale, five voom| it fi $i2.006. Low down PR ment: | | Wy garries principe Land Laxes. Oliver 59709 29--Automebiles for Sole | enging, automatic, '68 HILLMAN HUSKY '68 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN wtiful two tone green condition, Only $1195.00 matching interier, wp te 47 m.p.g. Only $765.0 thraughout, '55 RAMBLER AMERICAN. | ar Action 6) CORYAIR Werse ¢ 59 495 PONTIAC rd four-door, i, ge di, are-oumes . $1795 '58 OLDSMOBILE Super BS two-decr Herdtop, filly i , like new --_p 1750 CHEVROLET De H xs, automanc, beautiful two- tone green, oe Bel Air GME. helfton truck $275 Trade and terms ovoilobie, rs moy be seen of 25 FELL ST, RA B-5179 automatic. Top value. Only $1745 '87 CHEVROLET DELUXE, White walls, owner, just treded in en Confused with Used Car Prices? THEN TRY WELLMAN'S 'Where Quality & Price Go Together' RA 57981 "APRIL CLEARANCE SALE" 59 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE. Finished in Frost white with matching interier. Equipped with &M power steering, power brake: radio, window washers. Driven 21,000 miles. Only $2485.00, '60 VOLSWAGEN DELUXE. Finished in blue with white walls, Radice and low mileage, Local Car, Only $1445.00, 89 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4-DOOR. Equipped with eutemetic radio, white walls, 2 tone, Executive driven ear, Only $1875. 0d In ouistonding 5 condition, low mileage, up te 35 m.p.g. Best buy in town. $84 59 HILLMAN MINX SEDAN. Sound mechanically, job. Needs rubber. Don't miss this ens. Only $74 famous V-8 5, white walls, Pd paint Just traded in en new ear, Fully equipped. Owners name en request. Sharp. Only $1585.00, '58 PONTIAC 4 DOOR STATION WAGON. Finished in a bear with deep-tread nylen white walls, 0 2 tone, In immaculate '67 DODGE REGENT, Radio, white walls, 2 tone. Full chrome discs. 'Sharp' 60 day guarantee, Onll $1045.0, '57 METROPOLITAN HARRTOR, Finished in red and white with Deep fread white walls, radio, tinted glass '86 CHEVROLET DELUXE. radio, 2 tone, white walls, spotless 60 day guarantee en meter, Only $995, 00, new Board IN EXCLUSIVE RESIDENTIAL AREA 3:bedroom split level, large living room with fireplace, dining, kitchen, family, and large recreation room, separ: ate laundry and furnace rooms. All landscaping com: pleted, Complete privacy in large backyard with patie 10 minutes walk from schools and swimming peal RA 3-4783 car, Fully equipped. Carries a written guarantee, Only $695.00, '85 OLPSMOBILE SUPER 88 HARRTOPR, | owner, finished in 2 tone with radio, deep-tread nylon, white walls with 31,000 eriginal miles, Owners name en request, Only $895.00, '55 PLYMOUTH SAVQY, Finished in cypress white with oe walls, owned by scheel teac! Only $695 54 poNTIAG DELUXE Completely reconditioned, buy with drive, Only $38 '53 Bid y UE Sound mechanically. Good body and tires, Only $395.00, Y y '83 PONTIAC DELUXE, Radie, completely reconditioned, Buy with a drive, Only $225.0 '52 PONTIAC DELUXE i white walls, goed meter and bedy. Only $195.0 '51 cHEviOLET SEDAN Drive it away. Fisherman's Special, Only $67 YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE KEN & ED AND TEST DRIVE THE 1961 HILLMAN MINX OR 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC "RIDE IN STYLE FOR LESS PER MILE" WELLMAN MOTORS LTD, YOUR AUTHORIZED RAMBLER - HILLMAN DEALER SINCE 1950 n and frost or, Like new, (Continued vn Page W)

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