FILMS WHALES IN ARCTIC the Northwest Terrk- | terest in wildlife began when Edgar 7. Jones of Edmon fon pauses with bis camers during fiming of white whales on an Arctic island pesr Tks Music Lovers' Croup In Danger TORONTO (CP) A publica-| It was inspired by Sir Ernest's tion that seeks to maintain lines book, Music in Canada, in which of communication beltweenhe sald one of the greslest groups across Canada Interested needs of nm in this country in serous music is in danger of was a ot musical jowirpal tiding br. k The Canadian Music Journal rer the University published in Toronta as a quar-Toronin then 18-year-old terly with a circulation of 1.300 student at Dalhousie University under the editorship of Halifax in Halifax, reviewed ihe born Dr. Geoffrey FPayzant, is and look up the challenge struggling to find money for i § well-known flgures survival mus) br. Les It's published by the Canadian Bell, Bailey Bird, Helmut Kall Music Council, of which Sir mann, Dr. Wilind Pelletier Emest MacMillan is president. with Dr. Arnold Waller gs chair More than half the $12000 an- man, were appointed 19 an nual cost comes hack in adver editorial hoard. Dr, Payzant he tising and subscriptions ail #3. came editor with John Beck: The Canada Council, the Com-\with, Dr. Bell snd Marvin posers, Authors and Publishers Duchow as associates Association of Canada, 8 num-| Music scholars everywhere ber of private foundations and were invited Lo contribute ar Industrial concerns have been ticles and were picking up the tab for the re: slongl rales. The recent mainder } of pages contains 8 But faced with the difficulty tribute to Vernon Barford, long of getting & firm commitment time leader of musical life for support from industry, the Edmonton, Dr. Bell's report or quarterly Canada's only na-ithe CBC's experiment In FM tional publication in the field of broadcasting and a discussion of serious music--is making an ap-/the Canadian Opera Company' peal for broader-hased support. 1960 season in Toronto There have heen BS musical. "Music in Canada Is journals In Canada at vagious up Inte little cells and times but few survive. The Ca-|says Dr. Payzant, "The nadian Music Journal itself isis the only musical communica less than six years old tion hetween East and West)' Baron Shawcross To Probe Press LONDON (CP) who will switch a searchlight on! ele monopolistic trends in the Bril-|a ish press is a tweedy ex-lawyer| 1,000,000 who looks like a Conservative Dally Mail, a Conservative pa:| and voles as a Boclalist per. The Sunday Graphic ceased) With his urbane, upper-crust publication: The Empire News manners and matinee-idol lnoks Sund Wa Baron Bhaweross--hetter known hought hy The of the as Sir Hartley has always World; The Blar, a liberal seemed hred in the Tory blue. | leaning ening newspaper In fact, he has heen a Lahor! absorhed by The Evening News arty supporter. all hi life. | Conger f hen the Socialists came ex In the uberantly to power In 1046, he milan said recent developments won something approaching po-| ay Iv taken to suggest tical immortality with a boast|ihat conditions are such as ta that has haunted him ever|jead inevitably toward concen since tration of ownership and redur "We are the masters now!" |tion in the numher and variety At 18, Bhawcross was a Labor iof voices speaking to the public election agent, At 48, he became through the press.' attorney general in the first] past war Labor government one of the youngest men to hold that office But somehow terior keep They refuse to take ism seriously, Wit "Sir Shortly Floors plying that he would the floor of the Commons join the Conservatives PERSONALLY WEALTHY The illusion arose part! "mM his gradual drift toward the Rohert Browning _ profes right of the Labor party, partly 501 of accountancy at Glasgow from the rich incomé that en university since 1850; Sir Gra abled him to have a country ham Cunningham, #8, chairman home and a yacht. As a high| 0 iy | powered legal authority his glass company, contraller garnings av erased between Beneral of munitions production £30,000 and £40,000 a year, He during Second World War, and ™ chief hrose Wap a the formar chairman of the dollar post-war Nuernherg trials and oo... . ports board, William Brian rineipal British delegate to the 3 8 Reddaway, 48, economic ad Inited Nations General As gembly from 1043-46 viser to the Organization for At ale time he was considered European Economie Coopera 3 petathie future Prime minister tion in 1851-52, and author 1] Is enthusiasm for polities qk. the Rus ed waned and in 1858 he resigned ' aan financial his parliamentary seat. He re ™ and W. J. P. Wehber general secretary of the turned a year later on his ere Transport Salaried Staff Asse ation as a life peer, taking the title of Lard Shaweross of Fris-ipiation and a member of the of Tr { yakstok tories. A paturaiist, Phoingra: pher, taxidermist, phot, artist and lecturer, Mr. Jones' Wn I ! a Zant, now a Pasay lect al bl @ BOE uch fLanagian £8 profes winter paid hroken cult journal [ | The man closed in 1960. The News Chron ith a liheral tradition and circulation of more than was absorbed by The alsn a paper New f Vi all Commons Feb 9, Mar fe was considerable that the Investigation he dominated hv eco factors in the industry restrictive practices unions HAS FOUR ASSISTANTS In keep ith his promise in trict the mvestigating Lol eommission to a small number, {Macmillan named four men to assist Lord Shaweross. They are There ulation would namie including hy trade spec that fanling h dubhed h re suave ney ) ] im nan ern I fi 7% on is m a fon ) Naw, the M-yearald Hartley : William Shaweross has heen ap. HOR Congress pointed hy Prime Minister Mac They are expected to hegin millan fo head an investigation | Work within a few weeks into the trend toward creat of monapalies in the newspaper Indus'ry The announcement of the vestigation, made Feh 28 Yawed nearly Wf roversy snd closure FOUR CLOSED DOWN Four pational General Council! the ades FIT TO BE TIED LONDON (CP)---The average oman never takes mare than 1% oO ands to knot his tie Manufacturers As it that Beau Brum spent twa hours each morn SIX months nn SAV wer m s Tie vel Legend ha mel REWSPAPEIs Ing Lying his cravat, LH Dale of 5 the | Kennedy Conferenc Not Seen For Canada IFTRT A (CF )~The prasiden oes ee o CARTREF (EH hry Fins fn LRA NE Way bk Rak Lanadigh Smporte (rm We gitieirnnk iment tak th Gis WR Ge wm Wo TERESIRE 7 Fatah Salas The spectacle of Fresides Kenney ky rrpnnlng Ws bers of we citeans gi wh Farka NS (IF BEFEIRGEE [RET #0 fest sok IRIE OR SREREE 1 aril ams sd hE FRGTRSER. BOR CRRGALRRE go, imine ih NEY REIGHMRE Rik FET [Ralepbainy nh a Rabi ! LEAPOLBVILELE CF Wha £anaMians G1 (REIGATE WW The Congp MeyiE We ge ven WES 1 (a Pht (Ve Gal oa nckey [azine HagHie we Me in £amaka WE IER Sak. Worrmwgh i. Fon, Han Gn Cran WEE i awif dosance of Whe reghar PEEVE Regimes 18 Eres, he sumis caierenin Ramon |, | RRAIGRE ROW (RR (RoW The thas Prime Win Ry Wy Rey Face # wis We min Mer more BER he Rosse Foy tims Gm ruse CELRRIR ¢ # Rash Bain [I Gr 1 tow WE FRET BER BR RRR wlrage ww Re ngws of ial E Fi FRE joe BORE AWE Ng rs WANE RT BA AS i ne tap fr A he Gre ge i anid fy FP RP RIES . BRR They hare abypanesh IRE (B6R sncounsh i Porlamast. When iTS Ries Randiy Gcrssme i Rompe me WReR (4 hese fat. Canada Rigel RRR SORE 4 1s gor fon TNs means of CORES gucrfs Hs ng 15 be Bas (np WER BE TINRACREEIE WW Lain hetwenn fhe rime mime bya; ier anf the pempie Official circles here se oid SERARATE FROW CONGRESS to the ides. They font sous 4 eiar formal presse confer £RFkS Tok. KIRA thal. aes the [e. Lanafean Syorm mf B07 CIRIRem Res they rem' BECRSSHEY BIR Wigin. £Rbiiet An Bry Lurid Colors Leave Fashions "A TORT (CF) A af phos = look bee invaded KSIEHK WOTIR, BHppianting last "movie sar look" ans Hallie om Mare Lawrent calls HM the chuflon lok" Tk Re Beer what # ahelled i Refipiirly complements the aginst hot CAES IB [bncs BRA IRE EIS) flowing Wines of Uns season's ra JERE B Pars be 100k 8 12XIACTIRY LONISE 5 a the spe of M2 ACF Phin) KEDRON KEDRON Last Tuesday vening 28 Brownies and their eaders of the 1th Pack visited sdzle Manor I» on an hour's program fof resi Aents During the evening the whole pack 4d three 0s of songs The first one of Pans prominent cosmetmopists, Mr, Laveen on a two-month tour of Canale 19 advise Women on EOIN ing makeup with their clothes complexion and color of eyes and hair. Mr. Lawrent says makeup can be gayer lor spe cial evening necasions byl #l ways must he discreet pnd soft This highter look includes every thing [rom eye Make-Np 19 Bp of 4 the ok With practice WOES should be able 10 apply all her nsmetics within 18 minuies, he any with the audience 1 Bow, Bow Your Boat In the second group they sang ) Bread When Fa as A Littls Me and the Fred War rrangement of "Caleh A Falling Recitations Margaret Maidman Couty, Barah Jane Bags ela Dowling, Donna Cathy O'Connell, Janice Janet Waddington and art Rosemary Greer, Ruth Bishop CREAM NECESSARY A model's face was cleansed with a cream which, Mr, Laws ent insists, 18 an ahsolule neces sity as #8 foundation. He Aotied her face with a pale, beige toned base which he blended smoothly, to give & "definition to the cheek hones," with # touch of light rouge "The make » up must match her complexion," he said. "HH it is too ruddy, then use # hase en by Janetfe Fam Glover Hil Fathi WELK the Running fice at the Bentwalers US Force hase SIRIRT (IRIerie--hk FRA. MEARE nserver begs Ian. BL awe ag tn ror the pews A Fol: Mans with Shoil-ware IREsyers SHIRATE. BRA BA ETTIRARE repens the CRC send 6 gon There We Fact B crally as BENE RE Ether The Bat in the pia Mates. WB most daly. We. Ielenbhalier Voir of bumerice mw BEL Bg 18 tapas hv AH REEAITE BBA Gul Wis WRSIEEE Wert TRH. BE, DEVIEly The WES KA ave Branches of EOVEIR- g15 anf BREWEE RNESIIARE WRER sstently ciesr frm aside b- ESIAERt. #08 TE exienng oF VERY IRE Kine a y & ¢ Im CAREIRSE. toeriings . -- These oonridor mestings wh Wo FLewmidoie pod pLher Aol DIRE RY RERWIRIREILE WRSIEIR ARENESR (Hiks Where Lom policy. They fn PInRwcE ai CRRGMaRE RIE Hationeh, the Lswmaie 1H ome REESHORS RRA CRE hinsdeasts 16 Mics spn Loommenis mn WARY PRC TI8 pm. mehtly wih # winless A ERgheh Rews, mm AALS, TRDOIIRIE mentary anf Wwsic, Ihe & SR 16 the colwnel-oifice 9 dor period of Frepchisngnegs w 9 Jo IE broadcasts. Forber east in The a hem the Howse 16 REN The DINEIIRE CRE #R abe] sting, barely hal B AIR BROW wp Tl. Raye Most cabinet winisiers 25h FAVOR SPORTS by telephone WH 2 Reg tio Bo. VT Cans om AEA Bian ok RANI ATS PREVET kere from rach of the sven AW DANCE TONIGHT Modern-Sousre 18 the Hass 70 THE PERSE CARIETERCE ow 4] on CHATEAN RECORDS) CALLER, BOB FOWLER ADMISHON §) 09 THE "NEW" RED BARN OHTARIOE FAYRRITE FUN OY BAEC 1. Jedi) (7 (RE [RINE (Rah i new SR REP re FiiA 'ik ii Es ge em i, Bs i IRE RR 2% MY higiad slightly Rarker piwik 1» hth iis ER WEE long FN Wa EVEDIRE RE sk SAtEy The most DIRE WHIRER Ww o A ' Yarid " heasyy makeup Wn colors whieh TRIE FF A are foo br i sparkling nh Liberal predecessors, Bas cahen righ perk oh h A d nd ad : } rn 0 Maks sharp. They think this will help *° 3 a ine wrinkles and sallow RIE BRDONREEIMEN. WHER Fer COMPEFIN they ap Pament Isl In session Bat However Fudd a y CI " ; A pear years oder and look nigi- SHER CORIETEREES 9 " sre nok free-wheehng Lous. Thes ol th A Oo. They showid wee the #9 fairs Bike those Ww» Washington Here's a trick he says shows The (anatis Dr MEATY hel women who must Wess sysiem bas RIARET feature tha g § £ RPPIVINE makeup RIG a SONTLES TINRK RARE he i 2 sunny window OTR EORIRTERCE WIRELESSREY and hand to hold a lt 15 the ally Aueshon penan magnifying mirror and the IB Ihe LCommang Whe fn members other 10 apply eye make-up. Ar IMRY PUL BER BN Hons Lo pain information an matiers of Im other solution would he 19 place : ih the glasses on the end of the medisle praency within the ad se and olmistrative responsibilities {and : m nose and look through them pio f aiinet mimsiers mirror he cabinet pn ¥ Aehats The forma CRITI oS ak a " 5 inefenhaker, Wke Wn WEL BSIWS Hk = ject wi hesiAe SE ANE 5 i § DSH mem hers often show skill in shipping controversial views nin @ on THEY'RE OPPOSITES IPSWICH, England (CP) eg Radio Helps Bring Canada To Congo With # new (BE, OR FR9E of the PT a ETRE NE I [8 a 2 Vnam HH BARES AR wmriers ww Ben wah for KB 8 fraah Fins Rakin anh Haias NEE Tas --FRl hE. GWEN she md EGE ARATE foul ead SITE NElE Saisie the Sena SEERER. WE Bake wae pas lai Hh aIIRirSr Gh maity Tams ERGs TREE fens anh in eraniiest # STRONG FREDEH VEE ROSE. RVETY SPY Rakin Baniganiie, ines fhe Boks (OF HRREIRIE (IRATE. BVGE (mgn Worss fam | amamhonie Canadians wh Me) jg the fovmer Fresh CORED, 16 WONSR Wa [BONE STE RAR BER still mierda Wy WF IRREE WREY #IR. Canadian ews. THE BFR oo aqinesianl. WR Tl Present BERL. RET RIRRNRE IBiRas BAB gonmimment. Eanih, Wowk Canavan #5h WNIR REDE casting, wk of ERsahuthonie, ie The Guasion Ho ChanGng We 7 SHEE. GITion Rng he LIER, RODEIEE, [6 § IROK. OE. VIEWE Hf EEERssiomet IF remmes With millions of kivinane pow Hoes Tako AIRkaming 19 he word wih ThE CERT (ORESIESE BPVErR thes, the CRE efition ol work mers. fers poeinies Radin Fav news ORR preve vRwaie Wp TT id y here ne 4 ftir fn addon. thers per Rianne tier ; ie Sher dations Winek can be tht. the 15-TNRE TNSIER BIW picked wo rieaaiy--even WH Ret cid well oe Binpieh WE (RSH ~--Ty The perseient BE HE CRRIRERIRIIRE WR ThE Bai A wiier SEEYOV ,,, SATURDAY NIGHT - 5:30 P.M. of the GET-TOGETHER CLUB ® spot prizes ® doncing ® refreshments AUTOR WIM PRESS CABAL MEMBERS Als; WRN MEMBERS 4B Ev) tara] FOR AGES 18 18 I WELESIYE VALLEY DRIVE-IN 1 Ni HT! BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:00 SHOW STARTS 7:18 AFRICA AS YOU'VE IE inaded political question, Cab net ministers may become equally adept BL [encing mm some questions and finding # crushing reply to others administrative of Air in Suffolk are Sialf on CEPR RRR R ERIN IRS Sergeants Sharp and Blunt Thomas, Busan Annand Brenda Hopkins and Linda He kins played piano solos. Trudy Hart and Brenda Hopkins sang as a duet "1 Mel Little EH Man lanet Waddingion san an nid Scottish Anne Bist op accompanied herself on the ukelele to sing "Little Brown Jug"', and Shelley Fisher did ballet number t the ne Buttons and Bo | I plane hy Mi Thomas Particularly enjoyed period of singing old-tir by the audience and which is lighter. A paler com plexion needs 8 darker hase. Mr. Laurent, in an interview following the demonstration said he prefers or hight blue # shadow which will suit 8 Brey yi ng almost any woman The pastel tones Beceninale the color of the eyes and make them sparkle. But gold 1s the most natural of all eye shadows, giving eye lids a light sheen. Bul he careful of going to extremes By using liquid eye liner and mascara in the same shades ae the model's hair, Mr. Laurent A of layed on Charles 0 as MEK ris ¥ DANCING TO-NIGHT "Y" VARIETY OLUB FEATURING THE Steve Backwell Trio 3 ond donc [1+] 0Q wk \d PLUS ® BOWERY BOYS in "GHOST ON Fun Galore 199 CENTRE 87 8:30 ww 12 YW.0.A with Mr Thomas al the piano es Tawnie Owl Mrs. Ted Maldman was the mistress of ceremonies for the evening, and Brown Owl Mrs. Rodger Bishop directed the singin Russian Praises Canadian Girl 4 showed how the are widened and made more inter esting. The hrows were pen:| eilled lightly and brushed along the natural hrow lings With a lipstick brush of soft I am having a lesson the Russian language Canadian! It was here that Yaroslavsky | around | commented; "1 could not re Russian! fran from praising her.' could Andrea will he her oungest students taking part In Yaroslavsk in thea concert soon al Kiev's Dato March issue of Soviet Union her Palace of Culture Foday, had an interesting sub:| yaragiavsky coneluded ject for his two-page, Wlustrated eoows that age or nationality ariel will have no hearing on how she | 1 Ka) accepted. She will he judged inj of Vancouver uAying| on her playing, for music has inn at the Kiev Music Con ng racial, religious or political atory In the Ukraine harriers Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.-A Kalani, Andrea went to Kiley five-year scholarship worth! 7 rhaps $25,000, awarded by the Health Department Hussian Cultural n , " Grants Announced September, 1658 STUDENTS KEPT RUSRY OTTAWA (C1) A $24,046 When studies hegan grant to the Halton county Yaroslavsky, "there was absa.| health unit for establishment (and maintenance of a commun lutely no time for feeling lone some. In the morning when An:|!l¥ mental health clinic was an: nounced Thursday hy the health drea set off for her studies, she department always felt a sense of pride 3 every time she approached the Grants for two other Optapo beautiful building of the con. health projects were alsa an alOFY nounced by the department The University af Toronto will) receive 30.300 to aid its sehoal Soviet (1 pleased at stud VANCOUVER (CP) now inurnalist, ahvious! the way a leen-aged irl wrapped her Longue handful of enlences, wrote refrain from praisin David impl | a nol ane of the she is 16.yearnld Andr | a1 on change wrote SET Professor Amold Yankele vich THE LOOSE" NAR To 10 MAKE " " LL THRILLS OF A WOK TOG HitGH TOO FAR 4 NEVER SEEN IT} up df y Tm Tyl0R n Killers of Kil! MANJARD Pe AAs [ Ld CALLA YY JOAN EVANS IN JOE die SANTIS « JEANNE MANET LER PI af oR preRRRRRR]S FREE BABY BOTTLE WARMER SERVICE ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON #0 17d PTI WARWICK PROCTOR dd CHILDREN under FRE LY THE BEREIN ft [@Amn WITH EXCITEMENT! IASTMANCOLOR WE wd a 0 OT 1:30 iia Lil} 7.30 LRT] Gl WALT DISNEY'S ) GOOFY COLOR CARTOON AY ed "She | CRANE GAAP STAN LAUREL td wl . 0 oui hunny DOUGLAS ARRAN oF CCinmnae Seca iE COLOR 'by DE LUXE COUPLES WHO DANCE ...HAVE MORE FUL! 2 FUN-FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY 2 pees FRIDAYS weemy == SATURDAYS w= Canada's top on Record Hop Continuous Dancing to the Latest & Greatest on Hi-Fi JUBILEE PAVILI Canadian Winners of International © Pance Contest PAT RICCIO Radia, cording Artist Orehestia Television and Re: with his IMME LUANE BHILL "a, RODGERS PATTEN WILLS frat LUCILLE BALL" "THE FULLER BRUSH GIRLY RED SKELTOM-~"THE FULLER BRUSH MAM Plus § STOOGES In » Comedy Riot WILSON & LEE T TOMORROW! LIMITED 3:Unit| Show Cid Andrea's teacher in plana, of hygiene and nursing in a re "search project and the Univer fudying with him for two)gy Rl BiB ds hours. Andrea after a rest, artment of psychiatry will get wonld come to the conservatory Hs 250 to expand its post-grad: again and study the scales untiliyate training program in clini: is pleased with his pupil late In the evening cal psychiatry Yaroslavsky also traced a lit tis of the Kalani family history Andrea was born in a family Toronto Mother of working. people. Her father N who had come from Yugoslavia In Murder Trial worked as a technician, and hes mother worked in a store. Both! TORONTO (CP)--Mrs. Hiiza loved music deeply. After work, beth Gross, 33, of Taranto was the Kalani home would turn! committed for trial Tuesday on into a sort of family philhar-@ charge of murder in the monic. The head of the family strangling death of her 10-year played the contrabass, and his oid daughter, Aviva wife the plane The girl's body was found Nov. 26 an a bed with a scapf A RUSSIAN LESSON {knotted around her threat The Andrea alse studies Nt aentat hey mother had been under treat san,' the article Mem hil ul pyehatnist " shyly, Ru Russian les goes on. "'Smil Andrea replied to the | an Ing EARLY REVIVAL unhia Pictures will sean - M reissue 1858 movie It Hap oawwig sentences . hve Wipened ta Jane starring Darls Savie e v / aviet Union. | stag Le Day and Jack Lemmon--under Hatngly slight Jue Cal | the the MANHUNT OF THE CENTURY! OPERATION EICHMANN' The story the Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ® CLARINEY ® HAWAIIAN GUITAR ® TROMBONE e VIOLA e CELLO ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FRE® use of an accordion during that period which is taken home far practice trial will never tell... the trackdown of the assassin of 6,000,000 people | 87 SIMCOE ST, [XS sow Baye FEATURE TIMES: 1:53 3:50 5:45 1.40 WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE NORTH RA 5.4706 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:10 (conservatory, 1 play the piand. 'the title Twinkle and Shine