'Removed Jap f THE OAWA Ties, nuit we 13 Labels, Fined Parents Seeking BIAGARA FALLS, Ot. (EF) On Big Crime Sought 772% Better Tax Deal of $008 and eis Thuesdor ho Hagsrwie Iomes Renmio 9 Pe -- A py the fiom WASHINGTON (APY) -- Mir: Chief Justice Earl Warren --~ of rigging Wide on eqmipment snd tex they were convicted of wh Rog aided er Be sone Boi tid pons: Ag he Ay ney - Generst Bohert Eengeny serving CoOmmame sme 1 RAE agencies BRA PRIALE (Guia TROVE ake nda ' a - Dir. amber Avan LA Ay A whet congress Thorsey 100 oo oo bonne wihtier ven laheis (FM GRINS OF Coy ietore Eimance Mimister prompt aed inespensive eter: 4 J bv 4 sali thes £2 y HW WRG 6 COMME OVBRN "oor ogy said there is no evi, JH HS bg BR hm 4 bring to 187 LTE okey. natn 4 they Behe WH wes come and FRCHERETIOG. gence de soety & "oomteoied Tk hey ghowd Rave & The convictions Bong 10 18 wpe eos of ail fherspentic some anomalies exist in the He "wiles fav penalties 10x from the outside ov 6 adoseat. ane " siey ut J hiv I fhe pumher 4 SDeTaaTs 9 teraiments anh speCHL | ad intervie (raves ment ing foveeful avertivow of the OF fase fhe Rov i» 1. piste yy sg ub weeks I" handicapped CHAIR HORS. Lis members showid he Bp HEGRE OUTROS, INGORE overnmens," As # rest, he PREP ors ME 5388 ti PE AHOWER 5 MEER ETHER soinied on the. seme Dass As for vervone INGmARRE oF I Loum emanment 6 not ine The sitomey - general ex Kes, reogng jvm B05 coomen from income tas, i w or Superior Cont IWEIRG AIIORE COAGETROR pi sRstigating the Seely gressed the view the Wationsl $7 nated 8 ra Fie HES 0 7 Jot heel By j ; fetevit Mvsrpgaron. for per. Kennedy aisn spoke owt fog SIOCREON of Mamlacturers Visita wis deoppes by Canadian Rar ASAIO 4 pon who fave heen convicted Wgher elics among Wismess #8. Chambers of Commerce FP the Canadian Institute of Cho the junsdiction the justice of crime Wen i responee 16 # question OWE simulate were nw eh . EANDAELIGHY tered hari ants -- not the revesue bt the same time, Kennedy #howt 7 proposet by Westing wat Eins and isa R losking. CASTLE BY CANIIF Their href ~ aimes ot Wr ised 3 cult for momeerted fad house Ve ctv ie Corporation 0 Hex own Rowses : aval, sale and local action io President Mark W. Cresep Ir PEACE IBILIER ariass of Hertford plans to light led for an eng pon IE ont osu, dest with juvenile Aeinagmency, for an industry - wide code of ' his stately home at Bagley Wall; | oTImRaGs wast Ws enue minister shades hay The attorney general (68 # ethics Music for the World Peges bends who employ their wives FEVER d ' iy ' press conference Re 16 sending Westinghouse wis among 19 Jubilee, sages in Boston Warwichon ve, 4 Rag a yu " basins nd it proposed the Snsetion " Be 0 to the vice - president and fea vy electrical eywpment 1872, was provided by 2.000 my. CRRGIERER WHER 1 16 APR thet the wmcome lax appest ome i. emiore saaaker of the House of Repre- manwlact wre 1 6 convicted Ww scans soporied by & W009 the pablic. He says Kw Hi save hosed he reised, wn effect, i» Posi semtatir rs might meces of Woe Phiadeiohig of price fisng and member poo oe Eira ty to the status of B court, for ineome PPOs, posed legisiation for » "hatfie -- A --------m---------------- -- Against. the rackets." Kennedy wien referred in the John Buch Society, right-wing anti-Communist grove, as rn and expressed the hid AN ESENTS CHEQUE TO UNICEF Wohin the society 1s B Wad font: | wh CF ance rather then #» help al dees s Emergency Fund | delegate 16 he a TRTTREENEE fires Vi Rohert Welch, director of the wo ' ' f ¥ SHEL has Ae sesd YRNOWS ZAR 4 y hie figures ~ nciading for RERAGHAITY oo es eae 5 dd ie p e. Bobet im mer ovesident Eisenhower and Eabept | alian rel i congratiiaten {avi HE Fate is epacwtise jee Pate at Epvied Dati fenertiow of the fund. With he pres whine (re BIH6 HOW re Deen Ber ter weion, ot me Hert, aoe he wan, opr Slogan Test Ban Hopes [nvm said Outwom 3 GUELPH (CP)~FPrnme Min rN FEIRENTE (EF A mh | S ' aw ister Diefenhaker was RECUsRA a Ing n ' ' 4 ; od tlie THUESARY MEM of highting the do ! 4 i ud 4 battles of 104ay with the WASHING EON (CF ' £ A ge . own sLOEARS of yester Limited States | CAINE ne pe 7 fis f . oli bil paint where CRIS J . : v Ontania CCF Leader Machon abandon hope. of § g aA 4 gE f TE aid. speaking 10 the politics Russians 16 sign MGR SINCE 197 club of the Optane Agricultural considers 8 workable and of RFI Ana he RTH IEEE) College, said Mr. Dielenhaker"s tealiahie nuclear test ba pita " 4 ro PERL RUE TES RUE recent statement that the next But informants suid Presid SRA a Bu iid Fy TH . federal election would he fought Kennedy plans ta keep is 4 a eH f Moy Ay 4 on the issue of free enterprises gates at Geneva "a while SHILAINER. A WOTRIGEAR 9 1 d ersus socialism was aR al longer' in the b thi 4 ig Ai tempt to distract public atien East-West negotiations colli Informa Ere #0 naedy Ce i A tiered «Hon from Canada's veal prob at this point, there ma i Wa 4 ¢ ems (rther Op Ortn 9 Lon HERDER. 4 a wh : ores ; fact of tf ter is And comin nuclear expe 4 eA cook the mia » cusiod that when the Diefenhaker gov and the spread of nuclear a k Her | FAR, tified , ' a Brnment really wants 10 solve a The new deadlock is pinned on * ak a TH i doctor's ad he problem, they usually have to Russia's demand that the ¢ liar s 3 ; e ek 4 ined / IS o Beeept the solution which they day administration of the ban o, then "the Man ta the Ontario Hospital have previously dismissed #5 Against sneak testing would he i i of under. Mental examination Sf balla Mr MacDonald handled hy & (three-man. hod vaund tests should then he yt Members would represe ' 2 Mr. MacDongld said both the Members he West and the "YINEEH RIE 5 FROM BRITAIN ne Progressive Conservative gov neutrals--=each with veto power Meanwhile, the U.S, Alam Art BATIVELY A FAKIN "ernment and Liberal opposition over the nthe Energy Commission Is contin: , Bate Wi Biddy th rejected the idea of economic Britain and the United States ing with preparations for under: this Cheshire community reads; PIADRIng, which was the real maintain that such a directorate ground testing of nuclear weap: Ladies' Leave all your clothes election issue. The New Party eould block all effective inspec: ons in the event the Geneva here and go nut and enjoy your Was committed (a economic ~ A blunt | ARE BIGGER SAVERS BECAUSE and simple a THEYRE SMOOTHER RIDERS ED. Loughney wesienin state mn g nt "I would like to reiterate my endorsement of a pledge made by The British American Oil Company to the motorists of Canada many yeam ajo: . _ In pickups, middiewelghts ig Chevy's Independent "We will not permit a single competitor to make a better gasoline, | k-! or heavy-duty tandems BE Front Suspension "This pledge has always meant exactly what it says, It is a blunt : there's a Chevy Indepen- : protects valuable and simple statement that eur Compiny will always be in the \ dent Front Suspension Payloads, and ewner . : . ] ; BEAM TYPEFRONT CHEVY INDEPEN forefront of product improvement and that we simply will not 3 truck to save you time and £ i reports prove It, You money. A truck that works AXLE Astiffheam DENT FRONT SUS. can take a fragile design that trans: PENSION, Wheels top y . harder, rides smoother and mits road shock flex independently cargo over the rough- There is not a single product improvement , lasts longer! And here's right through the minimize wear and ost roads with far less known to the petroleum industry that is not By Mo masen why. ook, no WARY. about gestly 1] \ Fy ; reflected in the formulation of B-A 88 and | Velvet 98 gasolines, J aown ang Pe rmit anyone to ex eed us in product quality, "Whether or not you are knowledgeable about recent advances in petroleum refining, ,,whether you are enlightened or confused by claims and counter=claims,,, the important thing for you, as a buyer of gasoline, is to have a dependable and continuing yardstick of quality, "We offer the B-A pledge as that yardstick=as precise and / \& Indepandent Front Sus. accurate a statement as when we first made it: . y Pension cuts road shack #* . and vibration before "We will not permit a single competitor to make a better gasoline. ¥ they can reach the cab and driver, He's relaxed, comfortable, able to do more work in a day, oN rng Konia a] vf Less wear and tear on the truck's body and sheet metal makes for lower upkeep and longer truck life, THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer i ohnoonsecnode | ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. | HARRY DONALD LIMITED 140 BOND ST, WEST, OSHAWA, ONT, WHITBY, ONT, Watch the Chevy Show, Tussday nights aver CBC.TV. Check your local paper for time and channel,