¥ vl > ithe WAN 4 da 3 Fidget Hockey Rivals To; Fail To Decide Title WeSnaihiay R7Emag, wR £WI% Hayht game Was Payek | rhe fran Winey Harkey basa fiom Midgrs |azgne. 19 saw HE # tik fon the rian The twp coterie rs, bon 1 wah Lime, had fimished the regia Hey t senes, Wek for frst Prix A the end of fhe eElrp Zk The SEE Wis ERAS # 35 wkd wo SN puoiher game | cvo pLaYORYS | Oshawa Wins 2, Loses 1, In Close Fought Games In OYO hockey playoff petion lest Wednesday rvemng, We Beptams muh Jwyempiies Dares wp yiciories over their Toronts & has Batwa & (BGA FANG. qpdiiiy fish #4 wy (oH 5 LIE fe wll be paged faci 27 08 Bf wey town bataahay manmng # BW am. Jor Wake # 1B. Lis wes % he Chk en s buns. WK # ghess pean # WEG WR # EH Gn sh of Ing tiom fas, he oy Bow Wilken 7) ose fh by SAR [5 ah, [8-Fowiie WYEITIRE ol BAA The fan. perink perishes wk he payed endef wil Lions weak 74 The Lions moored Bg of The scpre remand Ww iw scone fhe Bes godt # LIS daneek raid Pave A of the fst perinh, Bop Cher fenish Whe (DWE OF # 99 man seonng fin Bree Bor- often of W06 of Re seows ion and Bon Wilkiowahloy, BW sened 15 even fhe 6OWE REAH " Dave Benes pk Home Hnzh for the think fume # 518 the saiR FETAR ier ¥ RARE SE # fz Pave Baie The play was wares by Tom Seton. The secEh Berit entes with - Loca 100 trang 342, wt Eien 19 BE RERR Ry TEA The Laced 222 LNA AH Was Lyng Be SAS Cpe CC I id pes vd WA briamaes 1H he Best Rey wk Wp Wik the 5 Joe Wake win the frst game of the series mver Blessed Baciament of Torin Bol Beid seopeh the ply go of of the game. Don Collen #8 o4 b Wike Weidmark were crefies sie 1 WHR sah ut Wah WB BEY WEIR HW Rit ve pay by ol oh Aten They rime penaiies to Wayne Bg Fores Boon, fo fary Wisse. Fad 1 Fils HBA Ih ny wk -- Fas War fxaw feew BW he seomk gerind. Bone of We penEnes Liga iw he SRE #6 BB Emm was Ae Wn Bos Ne WHEE S BOWES PY WE CREE A god cEowh ps WB Hess ME, REA BB EVER [SIERE RE js Erp iah SatauRay RE wher le PN (ERE HK wy where they left of. Bwely # Cham iiak wih emerge trom the REX. GRA Lions ~ godt, 6 far fence, (Chapman, THE. fo wakes, Wilkins, Beton. Revie! drains, Boston, Sivieck, Wik waiter, Hak, Gonng. Bako Spencer, Cinemas, Ketielia LOCAL 32 ~ godb, Lapel Aelence, Bradiey, Bonne, oF WIRE Maf raw Barpesic j s, Bory, Bal Fiiotte, Waite leaping, Sniipm Shamik Eakins Larch Noirs THE SEAS TIONS, Pidey, Mot 7, 190 13 FREE FAMILY FUN! Go wiphhnhon EVINRUDE ALL-FAMILY PALMER AT MASTERS' in» | laleway during initial rownd of | Palmer shot # 4 wnder par 8, \ Roker - Peimer | the Master's Golf Tonrnament | 14 | B js bp Boske on . "al or on ee soil of the GOB the Uf Augusta, 6 LRIRRY jead oe pi Rudy the sere 84 had © Dox Serving RB AN teams | NVERe Reet IR game of the senes Ek Bris « * Rllan Cup Teams ; Left In Series By THE CANADIAN PRESS Allan Cup Survivors Fast--{z Amherst. foe ge Lions wecsiye (ONE ROE "ih REMEMBER WHEN? re Siorey, Ayesroid Ba ockey Lezgue referee 2gn Inkay yRRIS RS AB Mice said he awn hecayes dent Clarence Camp y enticized is of g of the Siapiey Cup sem between Montresl pnd Chi Pleyizg barenestes seady drizzle, Arnold bits # tee sot Bown Firefighters Win Series Opener ed from 6G i ne Set Dates For \EPHL F Finals ori ' 2 > yk Pr when Ln. YERIS FER JHER Bos aved St dele gt by the peepee 19 sex ond why sels Arens tL pe DIRK | by Im Lamb) ERYER Bo er West~--Nelson, Winnipeg MINOR hig pis ¥ Thomas Torontn took the first game pver Bt. £ res by defeating them of Toroptn AVEF § Ihé oF Lhe bE BRINE TiN Hockey est Imperizis no in the finals #s Cones when the through The he got olf 16 Firefighter lead #t 4.54 penal actier BCH + Take a glass... Arer W for £ and Gordon Ro ' shaw { the Hirst penos red on ' take a couple of ice cubes... John Mowat ked nu £5 a y Was al anadier JS y JUVENILE the ous « " y refighters' seventh Ib ded 19 The hava Juve ckly and checked form IusHY STANLEY CUP SCORING By THE r JNA by B pla ' W rig skated in fron tied take a twist of lemon... pour on real [ILI [LIF I{IPMN . vermouth... Detroit fi R 28 (Chicago leads hest = ol-seyen | series 19) "% vrs wim just by itself, Cup scoring ; on the rocks... 1 2h Jannson ann eres en WEEE S00 8 ENR FE from The ha came right back ta tie the score of 24 y seconds he: | fore the first pernod aed whet Mroczeck t ¢d the puck pas Kunkel after heing set up by mean anothe Higgins own In the second period the Im- Joe Olinyk, as perials again the lead ater with the ha Hawks 5.50 when Mapes scored on was on hand to pick the three plays by Johnson and Wright. star selection. He chose for first This ton was short lived as star, Danny Gray, of the Fire Danny Gray, the Firefighters' fighters for his two goals, one det i centre, scored unassisted at|of them heing the winner. For 18.86 |gecond place Joe picked Yioyd hen Firefighters really took | Mapes, for a fine strong offen offensive snd at 18.20 sive game on Tmpe rials' hehalf ubble scored from Gray on a and In third spol, Firefighters tine play. Firefighters scored Denny Hubble was chosen, for once more at 21.05, when Gray his fine performance OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS BLIND LEAGUE bowlers for this week, Charis 156, 180) 29; BI Wipka (118 AM MeDonou . oh, 118 1208 1) Wn Eva 70) 168 Mar y ay (a8 #17 A. Anderson 281, folio gy M { 21%, I. Hyman 71, H. Green 70, A wl Th Re a i ", Goguen 266, Bert Smith "386", V, Don lin 21, N. O'Reilly 250, H. Appleton 250 By the looks of the peorss thls week, |i Wilson 250, B. Gallant 240, A, Greens the bowlers ist be getting teed of | A B Lambert 246, A could it be spring feve McKee 248, B. Sherman We would #41 and 1: Dennis nd score keepers President, Bert Valley reall MAJOR B LEAGUE 4H il as not onl 2 ' Sorat game, but alsa howled the first ht Snemnts fram | B00 scratch for three games, aller ts. Close on thelr |82VeR years of bowling in this league 7 |Fangratulations Fre! WeVEL, | came and w ref the i helts and end 7 n diens lose under their t of the victory ionship NOTES kethall play CANADIAN PRESS Final WiLL FA 149 vent | zame and come hi venth / ne more will r cham SERVICE e ha Genn Sk to win the Look Memorial Cuppers Left In Series By THE CANADIAN PRESS East=Taoronte Bt, Michael's Guelph Boyals, Trois - Rivieres Reds, Moncton, Beavers West Fort William Cana diens, Winnipeg Rangers, Ed monton, Begina statis Hull, € Howe, D Pilote, ( Wharram, Goyeite, M Mikita. © M. Balfour, € Richard, M Beliveau, M Moore, M (258 Beddoch TT gy FIDO Li] 429 (8970 M. Pirie 18 (217); 4. Henderson #11 (238); 1, Worden 432 (266); KH. Mack 4% (270); B. Colvin $19 1230); J. Walker #07 (248) nd IL. Clemence #05 (245) 2 ( Dvens 353 take your time... GROWING NATION ox B32 Average height of Japan's 18 00. 238, 277) Johnson 224, K yee Year-old hoys and girls has heen 514, 2%) and 1, Reading 708 (239, 243, 21% M. Donald 200, ¥, Johnson 98, 6. [increasing 89 inches every " 8 260, 240), Red Beott 734 (256, 280) f BUMOBESQVE 4 ' Malt Bell 731 (246, & ) ns itd. A High Tison 7) UNDER THE SUN + Bee the complete line of dae 1961 Eviprud the 75 hp, Btarflite 111 to the 8 hp, Lightwin with i features you have ever dreamed of to make outhoarding more fun than ever! See their space-age Jetstream pra their out-ofthissworld performance, their sound deep quiet, MATCH-MATED BOATING OUTFITS 4 Frisina: SKIING! CRUISING! and enjoy! Tuke 208, H. Robson 207, M. Burr 204 n J y old and M. Quinte ug *\vears for the last 0 years Leading the wa § ved hy €. B High Bingies Home Owners~-Mortgage Loans Need 2000? Repay Only $35 Monthly We have 8 limited ameunt of mensy en hand naw for mertgegs foahs, All aur loans are open and san be paid off af any time. Repending on your requirements, terms san be arranged ta silt your needs th peyents as low as 535 g month Including interest If you need 52000 or mere fo pay off a mertgags soming dus, arrears of faxes, or te combing 81 your merigages inf end, &n san repay only $35 a month, do as thousands have dens » » » CALL MR, NEWTON WA 55121 FOREST HILL INVESTMENT CORP, LTD, 146 CARLTON §7.,, TORONTO thank our coaches piisky ur iEasyre like Ww ll Smith, of had himselt a LARTER did he hit # 266 Molar ---- ---- ~~ ---- RB. Glassford 78, Points taker Motor City 4, Hender he Ni Baywells Subway uneh 0 ess A dlasiers 4, Buns { Neshitis 13 Whites 2 2 3 Standing or Of 2; Bints 3h Whites 31: § 16; Baywells 17 Mitchelis 16 vay Lunch 16; | ders 19; Hepd band Burns § RAINBOW LEAGUE Glancing © ie weeks of The fourth and last bowling we have not had |And Bile came out on a8 many over B00 scores as we had tion. White, Purple, Gre this week {the section winners, Jade Over #00 Mary Nichols 704; Jean | WhE 21 nigh pinfall. The Kroll 692; Phosbe Mullen Bid w a [WHL voli off for the cha lovely single of Congratul Phoebe and ma : I Vi Cornish Wilma Mg Bernice FP Annie Fire Lets Nelson 60 Ethel Toppings S60; Vers Yi Shirley Sar 4 Rolande | grney S98; Anne | mow 848; Lar fe Mclean 236 a Thompson 204 | Cella ! 201; Mary Mg sn Trott 226 303 pil, 60 bowlers aon in the group meeting of the |exepn and team captaing will he {held next Monday In the meeting room at 8 pm. Please atiend promptly fils seotion is aver top for this sec and Blue are and Black Bix teams 1 The other sixteen teams Wil oll on for the eonsolation prize The captains are hoping they will [have full teams out for the nest two | Weeks a8 total pins equnt oa Dawbies He Mlle Soo (30 iN. Burpett 4 (2% RY 478 (2014, 250 i | (381, 216); M. Irwin {Redpath WY 1, Iean HB Mari Ford #41 Marie Hogle 606 and | "His ston ah 3 (830, 4261; B #4 VV, Burr 4a ne If Bee the boat, outhoard, trailer outfits for the type of hoating you prefer, and ready to go whens ever you are, You won't want to miss 4 moment 0 summer fun ahead when you get a look at Ra 1 they're surprisingly inexpensive tool SAFETY \., AFLOAT! perfectly matched MEN'S STORE This is going & Max Collis has © and we belie year. We d seares (hi did not fill LEAGLE be 8 good series Why thirsty people say OK for 0'Keefe Ale draught! The main reason peeple say OK for O'Keefe draught is; it tastes goad, That's because hotel and tavarn keepers serve it at the best temperature--42 degrees, Mind you, O'Keefe Ale draught tastes terrific anywhere between 40 and 45 degrees, but in warm weather, about 42 is best, After wark, or an your next evening out, pull up a ehair in your favaurite hotel ar tavern and say OK for O'Keefe Ale draught, if the teams in interested Bepartment a fair lead with thelr ter Ha i AFLOAT! y Station 8401, I 1348, Anca (came now, YOu better than that Halli y's 6 $110 i] PHAN first say OK for OKeefe Ale draught RIAL LEAGUE marked of the Wa SWoens of POWNTORN INDUS There's fun for everyone at this exciting All Family Outs hoard Boat Show at your Evinrude dealer's, And you'll find you'll get off to a head start on summer fun when you see all that's new and interesting in cruising, waters skiing, fishing equipment, So don't miss it, Cheek your Evinrude dealer's advertisement in this paper for the exact hours of his show, Then plan to be there for sure! EVINRUDE MOTORS PETERBOROUGH, CANADA 4A division of Outboard Marine Corporation of Conada 7 Canada's Largest Manyfocturers of Outboard Mots aan (ong doe 4 ER Ee