| The Oshovon Times | FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 196) PAGE INE SECOND SECTION Three District Priests Are Honored By Church EASTER ECC COLORING CONTEST WINNERS TuBner-up was Anna Chrome) Grassmere avenue, left McKnight, centre Emerson avenue and Puckett, of 304 Elm- n third and fourth The Osh Egg Con: of while Rose f Me Carmtyn The winners in awe Times Easter test were announced foday as follows: First prize, Anne Maksymyshyn, of Bib Doug las sireet, shown seated. The | grove Goods And Servic 17 ra Kiwanis Radio Auction The Commitiee Bill Selby this year just as big and perhaps hetiey than ever For the past twn weeks, Ki wanis Club members have been soliciting goods or services from Incal merchants, industries, els and these, numbering more thar 0 items, will he auctioned off on Wednesday night, next week via telephone calls, for the hid with Radio Station CKLB pro viding an up-o-the-minute re port of all suction activities There is a special prize, 10 he drawn, with each successful bid der entered in the draw; This is he a "bonus for the bidders. Actually, each merchandise or service ed by local merchants ional people or industry, | value item. This year's spe prize, donated jointly by Frigidaire Products of Canada iad Scarborough, and Home Appliances of Oshawa, Simeoe South, is a Frigidaire port electric dishwasher Kiwanis Radin Auction headed by chairman announced today 5 that Auction will Prize item of tender profes \ When the list of "items" in Tuesday's Times every eitizen in Oshawa and dis ANNUAL BVENT tet wnt have an opportunity to Operated a fot ae vara) look it over and pick out what Ars, Wams Radio AUC: they would like tg fon is an annual highlight in y Would like to obiain this city. It enables the Kiwani Clubs of Oshawa (Oshawa and Westmount) to raise funds fo) their civic welfare projects and it provides the individual eitize n| radio audience how the auction with the opportunity of contrib-|'® BONE, and relate the prog uting to this worthy efforie| A battery of 25 telephones while at the same time, particip.| "®t UP 85 8 special service, will ating in an auction that ean enable any person to call in and prove both practical and econo make & bid on any or several| ical lems. Members of Dehava and : ; estmoun wanis uns wi uighharhood communities 'staff' the telephone service ville, Brooklin, Whithy, Ajax and Pickering, can all join in. Tues day's issue (next week) of The Times, will carry a complete list of all the items up-for-sale and the list of telephone numbers via which any person can place a bid on Wednesday night, The bidding, as usual, will start at six o'clock Wednesday evening|Phone and then will eontinue at a hrisk pace until midnight Bp Pears SPECIAL PHONE SERVICE Wednesday night Station CKLB Kiwanians ia will tell the {charge of all hids ords and made. A special group will act keeping rec the "huying public" of what is going on for sale, ele informed what 1s up results will he hroadcast ears, the long list of goods and ' services up for auction, will be SHOULD BID EARLY 'sold in groups, each hour, on Experience has shown that) the-hour imou f of ervice was held today in United Church for offic hour, draws a hig rush of tele:|this year's list of availahle! phone calls and bids in the last| goods. articles services, ete Interested persons are advised resents one of the finest selos | toe place their hids early and tions ever presented-to the pub To Sing ame icers PETERBOROUGH (OP) Saturday a he rand. maser of He Kast, at the Orangemen's 84th| AEOLIANS from Atlante Omemee, near Peterborough Union College, South Lancaster I. Sidney Brawn of Peterhor torium of the Oshawa Mission ary College Saturday, April 8 W. A Chambers of Manotick | was re-elected registrar for his singers, from the student hody : of Atlantic Union College, is fnior grand master, Keith Kars; chaplain, Leroy musie lege uty treasurer, Godfrey Bary Gooderham lecturers, Harry contemporary music. Included Little, in the program will he Rrahms' Baldock, Ottawa; J. N, Bentley Standard bearers Lams and "Beau Sou Shaw bussy. Tehailkowsky's Frost, Ottawa; pursuivants, Mil Miss Rachelle Queen, junior A music major at Atlantic Union Q Gearge Si The tour is being sponsored by Atlantic Union Collese. and Laval Orange Be nevalent Asso a. Clation and Orange Young Brit the Oshawa M hary Ca lege. The public | | \ ANA Save each group of items (approxi Kiwanis Club President Ray mately 100) sold within each Weeks today stated that he feels 10 or 15 minutes of the deadline donated by merchants indus: | (on the hour) for that group.|tries and private citizens rep avoid disappointment lie, "Our annual Kiwanis Radio Vocal Group Black Knights Herbert Wallace of Mountain was elected grand master of the | Coming to Oshawa for a per. Annual sessions here Thursday sanal appearance will he the He succeeds Harry Deyell of Mass, the "AEOLIANS" will qugh was elected deputy grand appear in concert at the audi: master at 8 pm y 21st consecutive term This group of 25 selected Other officers elected include under the direction of Norman Beggs I. Ray, vocal director for the Boyd, Winchester; deputy regis department of the cals trar, John Eadie, Ottawa; dep This group will present a con cert of classical, traditional and SUnson, Smiths Falls; Gordon Ottawa; censors, W. J 'Love Song Walle I'he Belleville Turtle Dove hy Vaughn Wil'Mack Lille, Kinburmn: L Carnwall, marshall, Mel Nutcracker = Suite shauldion Johnston, North Gower; Len prove a favorite many Carnegie, Pembroke Callege the aceon st far lege, 1s Ne ACCATAPATISE 107 members of the Grand Black the young vocalist Chapter, Grand Orange Lodge is being presented here in co aperation with th Js of Ons. It was conducted hy Canon Horace Asmore Blackstock vited ia attend h Pr am. Land Back Chapter, There is no admission charge. North America f of reign a British 1} Still another group will he in respectively. 1 were submited were turned ov aents home for at the es Auction stated President body wants In play auction public always gIVES U and liberal only know spending is sup the £0 a community effort but they know their money 15 hi they themselves It's an excellent the people to help themsel hody else the and all they hay on their radia ar telephone. It's fu and it's good | he eencluded al Development Of Parks Talk Theme Herbert Bathe tendent, will he the monthly meeting of the Lake Neighhorhood Vista ciation. The held in Si School at 2 pm Mr, Bathe wil development of | ystem The social co association is pl accounts of all bids and box social for April 20 at the CRA, The as radio broadcasters, to keep urged to make a special effort to attend Hillsdale aged Oshawa Tims lke money who want to help us VE meeling Phillip ARAB IETRATE Bas GEER BAAR from the Vatican that twe Oke e vr Boman Cathie Priests § and & Whithy Boman Catholic § Priest have heen appointed Do mestic Prelates, members of the Pooe's Househnid. With their appointments. the - theese Boman Catholic Church [esd cis will now reerry the title of Mrmseignm Caitingl i Archbishop i Bown es the L. Monseignor J. £ Wot igan of Toromtsn, ah ROBIE IR from # Papel Brief, Thursday, of Yery Bey Dean Pad Dwyer, dean of On tane County and parish priest of Bt. Gregory the Great Far: ish: Rey. Phitin Colley. parish priest of Holy Crosse Parish and Bey, Frederick ¥. Lee, Chap iain st the Owniario Hospial Whithy HONORARY TITLE Father Dwyer explain morning that the ti mestic Prelate ane grammed 19 funtion ed this of Po an Banorery priests for some or merit and members of the fold some office which reqw 3 special tle. Father Dwyer described a Domestic Prelate #5 being # member of the Papal House: hold, or 8 member of the Pope's personal sizff, for religious cade sway from Rome A monseignor, whe carries the title Right Rev. Monseig nor the next office 1» # Bishop. I ane rank shove the ordinary Boman Catholic ecler special granted 10 clergy wha SOI eggs thet contest he £9 Ihe er 19 the res Manor Phota Cardinal McGuigan, " was pointed requested the ap wintments during his last visit Rome and the Vatican Dean Dwyer pointed out the robes of a Monseignor are simi lar to those of a Bishop. The Monseignor wears purple robing and during formal Church fun Lion h biretta | black crowned with a red pom-pom Dean Dwyer came to Oshawe as parish priest at Bt. Greg ory's in 1049 after leaving the BRCAF where he serve as Blood Clinic nik REV. PHILIP COFFEY hath 0 Chapiain in England During hi RCAF, Dean #2 big game,' Week E in i ana Ine Dwyer wa BERETANG They not they are worthy ada. He Ontann 1957 Dean Parry early Wa port County m ig to a & Dwyer was born Sound and received ying something f LAs Agia education in Toronto need or want Wil opportunity for n 1923 he 1 March 17 ordination the Toronto Home After turned his 0 ana some ame Lime to do is turn ; win VERY REV, DEAN F DWYER Canada ang latter years in the com mand chaplain for eastern Can appointed Dean of September hi He ordained into the Priesthood Diocese then went 19 Welland. Dean Dwyer opened nf wie head master Hl the Gray Gables prio Vale 8 for boys Awning ms Hay wm Welland before enler we the BOAF. ORDAINED IN 197 Father Colley was ordained the priesthood in # Michael s Cathedral, Toronts, wv, 1925. Mier Wis ordination served Re penisiant én priest ®t Corpus Chretie Chirch, Eoronin, lor 14 years, | Following We stay in Corpus! Christie, Father Colley served #s Parish Priest in Usbridge We yeRrs and came 9 2 yeprs wen, WB Au gust, 19% Father Colley came to Osh Ra 19 open and bind wp Holy Cross Farish, # venture Wn which he has been very success ful EDUCATED IN WASHINGTON Father Lee obizined hs BA degree pt the Boman Cathohe Umversity, in Washington, DL before entering Bi. Augustine s Seminary, Toronis, where he COMPIEIen Bis IReMNgIcat LIRR ng He was Priesthood Cathedral The members of mine Kiva pis Clubs in the Oshawa Mis trict attended the dinner and evening o Hotel Genosha Thursday mew | neal ordained nln the pt 8. Michael Toronts, in 1842. Fol lowing his ordination, he was assigned 1s St Michael's where he remained for four years Father Tee's AESIENMENRL Was Hospital for Bick Children when he was still associated with St, Michael's Parish After leaving St. Michael's Yorontn, Father Fee wept 16 St. Michael's Parish, Port Erie two Years and was assoc) with the Douglas Memn Hospital during his first hospital #t the Toropts Oshawa Industrial Commis sioner Kenneth Bath sgid Thurs aay I wa trial Commission's March meet ng he would handle sales of small parcels of eity-owned in dustrial land on Ms own author Hy pasiny Thal is Toron inn for aled nal here Bill @s slay Besistant Father Lee returned to to to Hil & position bi Anne's Parish and was n ed to his parish priest (a work in connection with the Toronto "Isolation Hospiatl NINE YEARS AT WHITBY After four years al Bt. Anne's he was assigned as BRC Chap lain at the Ontario Hospital Whithy, where he has heen for the past nine years an mi without consuiting the hut COMMISsnn fhe dea was these sales and ohviale refer: ral the Indusingl commis on, which meets monthly Pre Mr. Bath would use hi discretion a in which sales he would handle and then make tions to council on sueh things as plant location, land gl ass in speed wp { in mahi own Falls Short Of Quota The Blond Donor Service of the Oshawa Branch of the Ca nadian Red Cross fell hort of its mark dona tions Thursda Needed were 400 donors he N tween the ages of 18 and 65 tol 747 Gaspe AVE Sharon Park Asso: present themselves at Bt. Greg:| Ales 281 Bimeae south will he opy's Auditorium. The clinie 1s! Hilda Grimes, 610 Athol Si BEPAYALE held in Oshawa on the fivsti Whithy; Gretta Gay, 124 April Thursday in every manth William Bi. east; Michael At the close of the afternoon, McGarry, 244 Arthur Sf clinic one-third of the quota Murs, Tila Bhetler, 164 Fare 140 persons, had supplied plas well Ave; Kelly Wandenrk, ma. It looked as though Osh. #06 King street west; Fd awa citizens would hit the mark] Ward William Smith, 05 in the more popular evening ses:| Crerar Ave; Jaycee Hoskin, sion. But at ® p.m., the final RR 2, Oshawa; Kevin Gray, count was 370 donations RR 8 Bowmanville Mrs Robert Stroud, chairman R. Genge, 128 Gihhons St clinie, explained that all per id pick up their n for everybody or everyhody CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes 1a the following resi dents of Oshawa and dis. trict who are celehrating their hirthdays today Mrs, Helen Weatherup Oshawa: Michele 1k 21 el hy RR Noval park superin the speaker al 2 in Bunday | speak on the he Oshawa park mmittee of the anning a dance members are of All hids miust be made hy tele: HONOR MEMORY lover Station CKLB. As in former | OF VIMY FALLEN The of the ary lives Ridge World Way at the Garden gotten in Me Force in the Saturday afternoon I'he memb Roval Cana and its ladies lay wreaths a taph at 2.30 Residents of have an this day, are vited to take service memory Canadian Expedition who Battle during will he honored association Mrs. Kenneth Brown, 2602 sons within the age group, who Windsor Ave bir iy Hine have never suffered Jaundice orl oo FA op BE Mi malaria are acceptable blond Mi ai Tb Soott. 182 Sia donors. After registration, thel oo" A Marie Rowd n would-be donor Is given a glu Darlington Blvd Christine oft drink, A pin prigk In Gallas. T finger produces a drop of of the men COs Willow Park hy the Kenneth Stauffer, 105 Celina hlond which is then classified as 81 Billv Taylor. 878 Hm to hlood type and count. Under top: Wend Warren, 118 the watchful eye of a (rained| gooit road: Brice Mark. 263 (nurse, the donor lies in repose Thomas St Bruce Mark whilst the plasma Is taken; a] Centre St. south, Whithy hrief rest with a cup of coffee] Jo-Anne Bowler, 108 Hinh follow The whole process land Ave Mrs. Betty Sta takes no longer than half an! cey, 166 Windsor Ave.; Mrs {hour, Mr, Stroud explained M. King, 328 Lakeshore, and will | The nursing staff of nine was, Mari-Ann Preston, 506 King Cenos lied hy Mrs, Elsa White of Ta:| sireet east venta, Dr. R. J, Kimmerly was NOTE: Beginning Monday the medical officer on duty, The, April 10, the practice of clerical chores were handled hy| awarding theatre tickets to seven volunteer vegistrars, and| the first five persons report. refreshments were served hy| Ing their hirthdays will he {members of the Kinette Club of| discontinued their Vimy First gave nf the of the marial Unfor Park ers of the lian Legion auxiliary at the p.m Oshawa, who with in the cardially part in Students Genera! Matar Engineering Is awa) attended Blood Donor Because he is the only Roman Catholic Priest who holds a permanent position as | menial hospital chaplain in Ontarin, and hecause the Pope has a paternal felicitude for the mentally ill, Father Lee accom panied Cardinal McGuigan on his last visit to Bome as hi secretary Father Lee's appointment has come as a recognition for his work in Whithy, it was stated in the Papal Brief Cardinal MeGuigan will con duct the investiture ceremony for the three Monseignors laley at Bt, Gregory's Chureh 'Skating Club Year Success Another successful year has just heen completed hy the [Oshawa Skating Club under the ahle guidance of club president Al Rohson A very Six Objects Of Kiwanis Are Cited Ad MeGruer, Oplario Quehec-Maritime distriel gov egrnar of Kiwanis Clubs asked the Oshawa and district Kiwa nis memhers (0 live the six nhieets of Kiwanis In their daily lives He was speaking at a special dinner at the Hotel Genosha Thursday on the occasion of the governor's official divisional visit, Nine Oshawa and District (clubs were represented al the dinner Hae Weeks, president of the Oshawa Club, acted as chair man for the evening's pragram Governor MeGruer spoke hrief lv hut sincerely, hringing challenging message of Kiwanis work and fellowship (a the meeting, Kiwanian R, H. "Boh" Stroud, immediate past gover nor of Division 68, along with Kiwanian Wilson Gemmell, the Davi fl successful Carnival, five days intense competition land many other days of good [skating were enjoyed with ne [injuries and few complaints This added up a hanney Season Mueh credit, of course, goes tn the ladies of the execufive, wha worked long and diligently tn make every event A SUCCESS [Congratulations gn to the win (ners of the Carnival ticket sale, [an International Trustee |Alex Pankiew, Naney Willson,| Past-Gavernor A, H, "Bert and Pamela Jones and to the! Coulter of the host elub, voiced | [Judges for all events the thanks of the Kiwanians| | The executive looks forward 8nd guests to Governor Me:| fo the 10811962 season with an: |CGrver, Her Worship Mayer) ticipation and always with the Christine Thomas extended an| \ ivie welcome 2 Ki: | [thaught that when better skaters [Official eivie weleame to the Ki-| area, alsn spoke hriefly, along say, past Lieut. Gov secretary | Savage and Past-Gavernor Mel | Osharne of East York Club, now Oshawa GENERAL MOTORS STUDENTS DONATE THEIR BLOOD representing the | nada day at St. Gregory's um. Edward Kaolodzie stitute sh \ih ( | \ the April ng blood while Clinic ' Thurs | Auditor of 35% nN donat fellow mem. Den Isles Wylie | They ave, left ta right Nn Togerson, Stuart Warren Clark, Garnet and David Lalonde $ af ( AL cen bers of the institute look on, { te is Margaret Gamble, a [are to he had, Oshawa will have Wanis tavernas 'them, | Musieal entertainment was provided hy Shirley Shaw "The Ninging Stewardess of has Katehewan," and hy "The Han [sen Sisters." Kiwanian Frank [Harpis and his hand supplied [the dinner music as well as accompaniment for the guest artists | Following the entertainment [the Kiwanians and Kweens en [Joyed dancing far the halanee of the evening Distriet Governor MoeGruer stressed the ohjeets af Kiwanis to he lived daily hy the mem hers of the Kiwanis Clubs in the Oshawa distriet, They are relationships: ta pramate | higher social, business and pro |! fessional standards: to pravide, |' through Kiwanis Clubs, a prae:|# to render alturistios ta build hetier communities; ta eo.aperate' ereating and mamntaining that sound public apinion and ideal: |b ism which makes possible thele merease of righteousness, juss tice, patriotism and good will. |v "These are ohlects that willie never be outgrown. They are} "las valid today, as they werelt {friendships {service and hy & Kiwanis Constitution. On theselt Ee {ahjeets, Kiwanis has heen build: It | nurses' aid wha assisted at {ing and progressing for 42 vears ly last night's elinie. There and whatever it achieves in the ly an Vears came, must likewise os be built an the same solid foun: ~Oshawa Times Photo [dation he said in conclusion, ft were donations in (present acre for serviced land in the In: agreement may not be consider: agreed at the Indus- dustngl Park) and conditions of ed either official or policy as mm mse quest for a half-acre site in the how the commission can chan {tieal means {0 form enduring (Which hecame a smash hit, with song called 1] ries when first incorporated inte the an when David MeGruer, of Montreal, Governor of the Ontario » Quebec - Maritimes District of Kiwanis Inter: national, paid his official visit | standard: $2000 per Saf Any or all of these things may be changed by council Yesterday, Mr. Bath hasten rial commission's plan lo let handle small land sales such as ® recent ye Industrial Park "does not abro gale any authority of elected representatives." MISUNDERSTANDING Misundersianding arnse night as City Clerk Roy Bar: Horst Zimmerman Mr, Zimmerman wants (0 WY way than as a h acres of city-owned industnial body land on which to build 8 brass foundry On heing questioned, Mr, Bath explained to council he himself had authority to handle the sale One of twa council representa tives on the commission, Ald Finley Ah OSHAWA KIWANIANS WELCOME DISTRICT GOVERNOR 9 the mres. Governor Me Gruer, nght, is seen be welcomed by Bay Weeks, president of the Downtown Oshawa Kiwanis Club awe Times Phols A) Commissioner May Handle Small Land Parcel Sales (Until they sre adopied, the far as the commission is con cerned.) Council's other commission representative, Ald. John Dyer, ed to emphasize that the indus. Tose (9 inquire who had author: on hehalf of the com- | ity to sell land, and to whom? There was no answer Said Ald. Dyer: "1 don't see this council's views without council's permission." "It is only a recommendin body," offered Ald. Gordon A tersley recommenda: among aldermen last Monday RECOMMENDING BODY Mr, Bath said yesterday he price rand read council & letier from pad never interpreted the coms mission's functions in any other recommending "But" he said, "the commis: sion thinks the system of selling city-owned industrial lands esp he expedited." Letting Mr. Bath deal with sales of smaller parcels of land Dafoe jumped up toon his own was an atlempt hy mave that the matter be sent to the Commission ta do just that, the industrial study But Ald. Dafoe March meeting where it was agreed (on let My. Bath handle small industrial land sales with out going before the commis: sion In fairness to the alderman, it must he said that this agree ment among members of the commission for was al the as a motion, and remains in the meeting's minutes whieh have not yet heen adopted, Montreal Member Mayor Christine Thomas noted Manday that, "it Is time we did give them a certain amount of authority, under our policies, of course!' Bhe didn't elahovale, Now, Ald. Albert Walker's property eommitiee, on Which Ald. Dyer sits, has heen hande the .b acre problem. In all prob: ability this committee will aps (proach the industrial commis: commission was not put forward [sion for information, when that body has already strongly sug: gested Mr, Bath look after suc Imatters, Club Speaker "The Changing Face of Cana Genosha Tuesday, April 11, Din: ner will he served at 6.80 p.m, with the speaker to follow at 7.80 p.m current Lieut Governor of this dian Cities" will be the theme | {of an address hy R. John Pratt, with William Whyte of Lind: |Mp "af the April dinner meeting Leut Gavi OQM ial The Canadian Club of On Treasurer Alfred G.|tarin County, to he held in Hotel Born in London, England, of a Canadian father and an Irish mather, Mr, Pratt was educated and lived most Montreal, Upon graduation, dur Ing a Ng « wide depression, from MeGill University as a hachelor of architecture, he worked as a general eantractaor, and later as an architect-owney: builder During his eallege life, he re: epived theatrical experience, producing divecting writing nd plaving ecomedy leads in Red and White Revues, and maintained this interest in the, theatre Montreal films IN NAVY SHOW after graduation with Repertory Theatre radio and television Mr. Pratt was commissioned in the 6th Duke af Connaught's | To encourage the daily living Royal Canadian Hussars, a oay {of the golden rule (n all human alvy vegiment the ¢ [adoption and the application of {navy as an ardinary seaman, in He resigned his ammission as Major ¥a join the he Royal Canadian Navy Shaw 'Meet the Navy", and achieved A personal success in this show \ sadsack characterization of a You'll Get Used to During the post-war periad, he wwoame interested in the Cana lian film industry, including a of comedy shorts, as vriter, narrator and star. Ong ff these, released hy Warner Aras. and entered hy them in he Canadian Film Awards, won "Osear" . far "outstanding veatment of a comedy theme", he first in Canada. For several ears, Mr. Pratt toured with nusical revues fram coast to of his life In R. JOHN PRATT, MP the first bilingual Canadian troop-show, He is president of Pyramid Productions Limietd, Toronto ELECTED IN 1857 My, Pratt was elected alder man for the City of Darval, a suburb of Montreal, in 1952 and {Wa years later hecame mayor In 1957, he was elected member of parliament for County of laogques-Cartier-LaSalle. He is a member af the Montreal Metya. palitan Council of Arts; Ads visary Master Planning Cammits tee far Metropolitan Corporation of Montreal: Actors Equity} American Guild of Variety Ars tists: Association of Canadian Radia and Television Artists: Province af Quehee Association of Architects; and the Rayal Architectural Institute of Cane ada This meeting, the last for the ourrent - season, should prove highly interesting and entertain ing, Mr, Pratt's subject will bring out many points whioh- we have a tendency to overlook in oast in the United States and anada. In 1953, he played | roons in Korea and Japan with our everyday life. Members ave strongly urged to attend and bring a guest,