The Oshawa Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 4

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& THE SOMA A TIES, Therstey, Api 6, 1967 Alcohol Problems Dominion Concern al yestion of the Omtarin snk [Dor sre Begawing 1s he owceened ham Women's Christian Rar #Gont WE SUTY BIRGER peranee Cnion Red of He "Rey LW. Downer, whe wis fi . yo 4 ; ok Wnthy Baptist Clk, Wetaes sonmur ah to the Ontario bigger 5 4 g 4 4 pm " ¢ " hay Contes) Bogek oy Pramier Fost Here fn poet fs what Mrs. (5 sudy the proven of meshol Hewman 104 Rey aubience om, bays hat he hates to rer wht the Eaoskel priem ABIRETR. CABO (rant mant © 7 We live in 8 changng word. "WR #¢ [& he caer With faker That point cannot Be argued CRONE, PEt fie EitERLIOR We Rave seen aif sowie of fomands ik Last yeor in Metrs changes In our own Me time TOTS TBI persons were The motox cor has swppiantad Frese for Aramksrness, dn #5 the horse snd bugey, Electricity We WEE WIR ima st one has become the servant jm SPR of (hem (1957) women esery household, AN types of Mario's washel sales wn 1999 inventions fom the watomatic WHO es 15 $750 6,25, siomest : Gish washer to fhe persgiane V. FINOR per Gay, 1 Was wn 7 : / #0 have changed ow mode of wi tame Wah ton 7 i NEL " Ema in the fest year after the APRIL oth, Th, "When our grest grandoerents V¥, he price (ag on fowl ng Bo) 3 4 § Ontario was SIV1505 54, With . carved an enstence for them io we rig selves out of the wilderness they 7° LOVTIIRERT E prshit sta OPEN FRIDAY fii 9 PM. called woper Canada, lend was susie st Prog iy " Yl . cheap. Sometimes i wes gyen to them #6 crovniend. They worked snd struggled to wrest 70 7 Lid vr 4 & Boing from this lend for Aisi ST Sp y themaeeives and their chiideen "5777 et " ond sometimes they were Ss y di ditt : | 4 21 H " coraged as a letter written in 7 of . adi / Xce ona a ue » . 0! 0 re e ico from Jom Prince to 6. B 4 re aay £1 (The Arthur Papers) § Fhe #5 848 ; i pid poy oh cw o their own ie son ones por 2 20 ll SEIRTA SMOOTH TOP-MATTRESS & SPRING ! is Le been many. Today bn spite of fividends th 207 ETHER the Gisconraging letters 15 those respi 4 considering immigrating 19 Can the teh - " i SONMSTIOG TUNING Jo Xan. | h anos! revert of : _-- i Check these Comfort Feotures | lation of over 18 million. ' a Be ns. 43 i 4 Mts : i 8" Boys! Commission i Canada's CoB 6 v ed by Dr ; } 4 : $51 ' ¥y "Sh Sisol pod insulation with white Economic Prospects has fore: os u. Al bigs Al lis ner : y »./ y felt padding to prevent coil feel cast that b than 729 i." per VERE HES ¢ ] ; i 4 . % / ast shal by 1999, less hen 2 the results of # study on the 2 on of i i Mo-sag pre-built border ond cord ' Row, Canales pop: .. 2 rig oh J py. 4 " b 5" Iation will be 26, million | . oa eho) io . ay ~ivig vo . a hondles for essy turning ond " " f sindy ow . . Fhe prospects gre, 100, that gecied that ' handling. Air vents for constant there will be 8 remarkable 10 (neresse rould reduce mot only ; / 4 p £4 3 ) crease in living standards with 8 Jeduee Act only io EL y ~ o freshness, All sizes igher wages and RB SHOVE gieobolicm However the revert ' NT OY ; , : HP WOrk week stated 190 g and ton sudden LA : - ; Ae ia sil ® Extra fiom Smooth Yop mot- "We have seen & change In a shift in pris sight result CMa : : 4 is tress, no lumps, no bumps, the status of women in our Wfe- in a decreas he CONSUIMD L JF 4 - Gi with quaelivy ticking time, women given the right to tion of lic glen and an in Fo ' f - vote and latterly the right tn crease in the consumption of f pial A £7 to y sR wr 5. ® Exclusively built for Adome sit on juries, Most of us forget illicit or hootlegger vintages bap ki 4 re re ' » 5 4 to ow rigid gusty ston. the struggle of determined Surely teeth in the law would v1, Po ; ' rE, . 3. £ 4 dords women to obiain the franchise look after the bootlegger, It was 7 fd or , 4 or 9 : which we often take so light} glo stated that th 58 t , ' » = % - - ¢ ightly. also sts hat there is 8 grea ' / . : 7 4 # GG Many of those whe worked so and increasing need for person » g ' " fe i Ly SERTA'S SUGGESTED hard In that respect were pel, trained in the handling of "5 . od / : rn ; LIST PRICE 79.50 women lke Dr. Emily Stowe the alcoholic. This report pre lll ; : y : FY / 7 who was siso the first women dicts that 2% to 5 per cent of y bd #. jos : w ; r - physician in Canada, She died adults in Ontario will be ales. y " -- - ' n 1093 with a substantisl prac. holies by 1971 unless the present TT prac. holies by 1971 unless the presen ni : ADAMS' tice in Toronto but she never consump trend is checked enjoyed the privilege of voting,' "The Hon. Kelsa 7 1 on. Kelso Roberts, the i 4 Jne was Ten} earaer Woman sttorney-general of He: Drow is : 3 u : : APRIL VALUE --- u ye 8 litle shocked hes announced that jail sen (8 F0 8 MATTRESS or BOX SPRING when women sey, 8s one did tences sre not iy Maud t he 8 a i naan a = SPRING recently to me, "I am not in- the problein of the chronic ; Gk i. ii - terested in career women" drunkard, A new wing is to be rh Chet foi a APL hia dat / Ve Cd ts Comprises 2 twin beds ADAMS' let me sey that career opened at Mimico with accomo. 7, vg rosy, " {ry vate J io thot make up into bunks women helped to obtain for the dation for 120 alcoholics but st 5 wt, hs oe) 2 5 re ky. T APRIL VALUE rest of us the right to vote, Now ¢ hot / a ; Ih aaa easily ond quickly, Two it. is Bht to vote, Now the rate sleoholics are being / "' mattresses, two slat : Is Up 10 us to use that made it seems to me that this a § d d 88 franchise wisely. We women is a very limited approach, ih Ji : _-- Springs, @ slep lad er on are In LL. Mmalority In other| +The researchers are studying . a protective bar, Sturdy - be gl UL get the kind not only the growing consump 50¢ WEEKLY hardwood frame is avail ultimately the kind of want 80d tion of heer, wine and liquor able in Natural er Maple 50¢ WEEKLY Hy, if we stuck to Fri and the increase in alcoholics finish, women of J gether he but also the greater number of Ti h of Japan did Just that, auto accidents and the increase lelr story Is an interesting in crime, Crime may be the on id dia not have the result of various causes or a pn a until after the Iast combination of eauses but re Ws ut they promptly elected| pent research carried on by the! y women to their diet who Department of Public Health of decided t o ; g y p g decided to Yote 4s 8 black, ir. the State of California has : ii 1 i AW 1} " : {== Unbelievable Compactness! ' ' ) indicate at 98 per cent o / : ie oF A i reforms they felt were vital, In eriminals are drinkers and most 4 oy 5 jo om 0 eep 0l : aid iho "ane ov oly our vast dominion we have only| : riminals hegan drinking at the 4 women in the federal house age of hyp Wing #4 10 and 10 women provineial rep ' 4 y resentatives, with none east of "A great deal of research has / 7 Ha \ 1 Xa IT . [T} Manitoba, heen carried out hy Dr, H, Ward + fin ) or X Smith, director of the erime de: / ail ad "In this changing world where . 4 i tection laboratory of the women nw have taken their attorney-general's department place In the field of business He has. found that drinking and in all types of activities drivers who have had i ; het ; is : : outside their original sphere, the oz of whiskey nr oy A, oe li ¥ i UR pe special offer! Available in Smooth-Top this home, have we really taken nur : ] 4 ; ' A heer, increase their chances of : ; 4 lh full responsibility? * Have we|aooidents 2% 10 3 times that of b A 3 \ quality mattress has a straight wall border, heen vocal hough to right the the non drinking driver a fr | 7, white felt padding, sisal insulation and mothers and home makers we Apparently V4 of all drivers / hh El. y 1 \ handles for easy turning, High grade ticks definitly should be interested in 809 pedestrians killed on the / A ely : 1911, 4/01 141 the kind of world where our "0845 of Ontario, had heen / / > oh ou £9 \ ing. Sizes 3'3"-4'0" and 4'6", children have to grow up and drinking: hefore they met death we should be concerned ahout|'n # fatal accident the Gifection in which it is on these brilliant times in * " whe . ' 1eading, which we live, when man's in . Ly "We who believe in the basic Bnuily and inventiveness have 4 eT : ro ws : EY vn MATCHING virtues, including temperance, Produced colored TV, the jet| bh i ali pt i iT . + BOX-SPRING should be concerned about the|P!ane, the cobalt bomb to des: | . ---- -- " ----. Phenomenal increase in the use troy ane " sell the ge ne Fallon hom a Bera --- To oil a Eka AVAILABLE! of aleoholie beverages anc 4 HeeLrical power from nuclear wo hg f ¥ . results i ora ges and he energy, and many oth er won| nn , wo ----r SAME LOW Sddivdeaidd/ happened in our beautiful pro./978 It is sad to reflect that g " Ce ---- 4 PRICE ! vinee of Ontario in regard to Py Jiehle tly WH ; ins rR 4 Hh : Lu : . the drinking 5 u mn, deliheratly dull their " . 4 ESE All F M it people? Inking abla of ls brains with aleohol and destroy oo ' - " Gani A0¢ WEEKLY with - oam a ress report the population of Ontario! their god given ability and often | 4 y ; . has risen about 50 per cent|'Vin their lives, ; , Ideal for visiting guests, Sturdy high carbon since the war, In the same| "Governments reflect the angle-iron frame. 4 swivel castors for easy move: period of time, the consumption thinking of the peaple, If our, 9 of heverage alcohol has risen government is made aware of ment, Deep All-Foam mattress with heavy tick: aver 100 per cent, Linked with(the concern of a large number! ing and taped edges. that, of course, 1s the increase |of the people ahout this matter, in the number of alcoholics, In|they will not disregard it," An outstanding value! Another Adams WCTU Elects fi Hd WP "Duke" Smooth-Top New Officers 8 ph hc taa\ 220-Coil Mattress A new slate of officers for the Mrs. 1, Mitchell; posters, Mrs M a 1061-02 season was announced C. Langfield; World and Cana PPR Ard ! ' aw Comfort for sure , , . Quality for sure , , + by the Women's Christian Tem-|dian Missions, Mrs, H. Parrot, 3 C werance Union of Ontario and! Hesolutions for the 1061.62 » 3 ; x Value for sure , , , with this comfortable urham Counties at its 05th|season were outlined as fol 2 0 : ! i Annual Convention held at the! lows . mattress. Insulated with sisal pads, white Whithy HRaptist Church, Wed:| "Whereas rec y pA: . 3 ok \ ; \y I 0 ereas we recognize the 4 " - felt padding Heavy print ticking and "Where Quality And Value Me nesday, great need of a strong safety] The new officers 'Inelude: |campalgn to wipe out the many| handles for easy turning. Ventilators for past president, Mrs, Edithaceidents on our highways we! 4 € oh "a 126 44H "" Williams; president, Mrs would ask that qualified peo-| / § ad A : , ¥ freshness, Sizes 3'3-4'0" and 4'6", Charles Langfield; first vice: ple be given a hearing and al | Y 4 ; p president, Mra, E. Mitchell; cor-| lowed to visit the schools in the Lh y Tespanding, secretary. M r 8;| province Under a health Or he A oY vd CR og bs ; b ADAMS' g. A enley; assistant seore-gram and not use the \ x 4 7 t ¢ i tary, Mrs, C. Muldrew; treas: 'temperance' but stress y a _ hs . ™ 3 MATCHING APRIL VALUE 103 DUNDAS ST WEST urer, Mrs. O, Lint; assistant/degration caused by the drink © Sl : 8 , qh , "Ww BOX-SPRING . treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Mellow, !ing of alcoholic beverages,' ig - TR AL Tew AVAILABLE! Other officers announced at; "We still protest the obscene m i ; the convention included: Tem: literature and pictures that con To WE > an rw a X SAME LOW perance in Sunday Schools, Mrs. front our young people and ask 3 $f AY 3 4 4 y 4 PRICE e ep one - Edith Williams; medals contest, more concern be shown to pro a Ln] a J ® Mrs. C. Langfield; press, Mrs {hibit the appearance of such A , 3 H., Hartman; public and socialitrash. We strongly protest i. a " ' v 24 88 be ' " meetings, Mrs. C. Lee; Peace against the open theaire on . 25¢ WEEKLY Watch The Third Man Friday Night and International Relations, Sunday or any liquor outiet to Mrs, C. Muldrew; Flower Mis: supply family needs, It is not a ] 8 p.m, CFTO.TVY Channel 9. Toronto sions, Mrs. C, Gray; Evange: family need but a detrement to listic and Christian Stewardship, the family whifare"

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