TELEVIS Ehannei L--Wonbl ain ists Flannel | i--Hamidon wRBW BY Ehaaner | Rollie EVIOAY Channes Frown ION LOG ¢ WREDTY Charnes Riles CRAY Channel bl or owin WRN AY Channel Rochester CRYRTY Channel Rare 5 TIAWE TIE, Thirdey, bps 8, 198} y+ 1 Cor nme? [7% oH THE {| THE He |, id ---- TWERERAY EVE, sid) nid > Heth ry - Dens Vi PY rm ii Bg Festorm EINE Vey pdb pu 5 PH 44 Waniiay wera TT kay ' Bs--Ray Rinsry os ahead #08 # " todd 14 i 2: Bh i? WF -Wysit Earp is $iz ld oe Finis g' 1=The W nions Rabies Mov IW Vn = Relig eler fn $4-The che Show Fier The "Wat Blount y Ancien his PM HThink of » Lad Wether e Fhird Men her 2 Aur i he pis E Conesnt rr E J Ging Wan vine 1 Ii PM, J H hd 1 047 News party Boiler late ils PM, Ilias Show Viewpoint $=Blarlight Theatre bparisres i FM Pugh i Metre Jack Pass Decoy 2 Hd adi Phy | ruin Bakr RE I I--~Rampe Heidi # » fi / i THERE mem heRiER y a Count en's Show ¢ How wrty dio PM anRire Hi M Ww AN ry Sg "AW FAW "4 i 3" Fai y Thesire lid Uasueppe's Ba Py fn Lo bi i. Wi Famine Roo 4d FRIDAY FVERING dery Misrivef Havarp Hasty BieiRon yr vo en nin Puree ; 7 * & Lay é Fingram w AM J FSi oe Five Freie Emily Ld (4 vi ys £ ind #5 AW A fine ie Fick A] x £ ight 4 ¥ "eM 4 es }InEe fies dim Backy | 1=The Flintstones b4--Westinghiise hiiise Rails 8 LHR E.] Twn 4d dren Helene Murray how The Fass Eon Ih» Nursery Benosl ' wpe Mo en Ho Ad Danger Man K AURLEY LL 1d ' Wis Out, eam 10:00 #.M A =Have I ¢l 1% hel Ligtgstives d=Twillght Zane Michal Shane 1: PM, HeFeoler Gunn For 4 Bw Malone r Room Flay fiun Wi SAE, FHT -- py inp CL wm WORE. AMAL Tore (AF) = A govem CARA ke IE afd por A 7 legal fiidays i» the FIRE RIERAY 0 ite t iB agen Wi comanhs the ext s rest wodkd Waly Ware s ons PRSRALTHN . VOICE OF AWERICA BIHEDS (Rewars) ~~ bgrce 5 mast. gs Ween FERIKEA Waly een the rack sok EK 8. gor ernmanis for erection oH # 198 -wal CROSSWORD AROSE Ciky (Bev) Frisembari Tmisiana FREAK Fungent VRELIAIIR 2 h#ide 4 Reigning PeRity Hepeak (ms, ) by. Farmer's pest Blass Finer WN i, Abresh Nothing ed Oriental ry of pain a Mr, Wymn Boman God of war 21, Brittle Crude fron Eki or bn Modern city proviem 2 Bveningn (prgt.) # Partisan of Napoleon }, Brightly ealored fish ies | 27, Bullets 45, Pineh 28, Bxcavales #0, Pronoun 42, Letler #4, Listen a4, Fuss 85, Mature #7, Bird of prey 88, Dirtics 40, Bhod 41, "Pitle 42, Droops ' DOWN " 1, Quick 2, Nestling 8, Conjunction post 44 Stratum om Waslen time Having Aigits Ship's #esnng Apparatus Vesterdny's Answmr #4, Bager #6. Bram LIER IS RE, Bxclama Han i pd a BME HED 4 (YEAH, THEOL Gi 7 Ie LUCK TERY, pH. = ( / Wi : \ Ni | (34785 rid oh FF 00 BL NETH ASAT TE AoA Js (AP Aly £ vescheduied the hegaming To rs heer guia od. mie bration, the (Hy Set, 11. Wes Corman 5. (amd wlth wil be {that dete. The Srimkers Hil of their chance Haring Beg CHOR AD . MERA, Chang (Renters) The Ghanaian Times carried what i seid was the first fall pak adveriisement in owr cok as hle, 168, EIEEn A ek low---in 4 newpaper in this M- nican pation. Al the work was Aone Wn (hank SALLY'S SALLIES T Troan VO po Yo [4 Bosc 134 I/ Wp "Go -- ™ TRY MY } 4 | df | Edam fh Sd " NOTICE! THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Chrome WI-CHAIRS Arborite trey, 12.88 12.88 footrest, Reg. 18.98 Wilson Furniture 20 Church St, TODAY'S SPECIAL!!! 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY SCOTTY'S BARGAINS New paint job, Mechanically sound 5795 so une w JE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTP. PHONE RA 5-665 "WELL, T 66T ALLTHE EXTRA HELP T NEE, OH YO DON'T 24 VARS \ / TTL HARTA HAFTA WORRY HAIN'T OUR IN 24-Y'ARS, THEN WHEN'LL ET NATCHERLY, WEL FARE, CHILE i LI'L ABNER AN Wo "| DAISY MAE AXED BOUT THIS CHILES BP ME TO LOOK AFTER HIM, UNTIL BE aio) RESQOMS TAKIN' CARE O' TH' IPEE Q' WELL, BohNY, YOURE SON, NOW, IF You WERE A A CARPENTER mg THEY RETURNE ~ --- BABY = BABY SETTIN'Y (Z TD, J biti --_ J -- IM WE GO RIGHT TO BER, Mk Ld REAR FEE ars. ~ PEAL ! [ANB THE FIRST BLINN BAY WILL" AND THE SECOND BUNNY SAP, Lily THE... J y THEN THE, HO «HUM? FIRST BUNNY Re) BINT WE i "Ditiib ated by Bing Tostores Brodicals ETD BLRE AN EARLY BIRR 4 EMERGENCY, HEY # y= 7 AF TER CLASS TO PICK UPA FEW EXTRA TIPS, PRE.CUT FENCES HELLO, LONG DISTANCE 7 1D LIKE SOME INFORMATION [173 UNCLE BUTCH 16 MADLY IN LOVE, AND 1'D LIKE TO DO hy SOMETHING FOR Him! + HOW MUCH PO You CHARGE TO BOUNCE AN ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT I \_OFF THE MOON 2 Seema... dl / a Janes Ly Above is but ene of the attree: tive designs available, Priced complete in 8' sections with one cedar post, Posign MBS} 5.42 WHAY A Fhe i dd BV TRARENCH J a =. ACCORDING TO This A PAVING SAM SHINS A FoR Mis ¢AN@ MEANY §, NAVE | ThE ARNT TA CUT AGREEMENT SANS You cA ar) PRE-CUT PICNIC TABLES Complete with hardware. 27" x &' Western 16.7 Cedar, Only WHEELBARROW Heavy duty. rubber tire, with metal or oak handle. Standard or contractor 24 20 I» type. Only YOU DO GET MORE Trees HITE ¥ won Mave Time FOR BREAKFAST GOODBYE yer TS IRIE: -- oon & | » ee -- i TR, NOW. #1 CaP 0 FIGURE QUT AW AY) 19 PUT BATaN yt DELIGHTED TO SEE ARE Yue ou, LARRY WiLL YOU A gass PHONE AUNT LUCY / YE3, YES RIGHT AWAY, FOR LESS AT scoTTY's | Cash & Cary Prices |. MILLWORK & Building Supplies | 1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 8.6201