The Oshawa Times, 6 Apr 1961, p. 1

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WEETHER RIFORY THOUGHT FOR TODAY 4 Alt. tise oh il dd Tahar anh Firidey pie exgyesiat ' a wt We Wetnesfer, Ch Crt rE EOE. BRA & NRE HAA, ONTARIC), THESDAY, FORA 6, 196 a TWENTY FOR PAGES iu Berm y, Apes GEASE-FIRE IN LAOS OVE SEEN IMMINENT Rail Subsidy | oa. Rais) L Plan Detailed mse by | on soi sod or ad ot ve he sie for the Ration om feranen W pereement cond pot We TEahieh oR ReVIRE the mest BE #1 the Cambodian capial of 4 ¢ sill ¢ : 4 Frown Frenk 4 i $ / dodo feed we 4 Vo Shi KA The Upped States is kuown i» # / J vB y . iz 2 g fire wpperl nd oo bar pik boiding the coplerenes wm MEDAL FOR WHITE SOLDIER oy edd post ods of er igs hove uh . a ally oko 1 r Internation Bu VISONY 8 ie of the lack of facilities f 4 of fipk 9» y 4 (| 7 Y IY ' y Wy wv b £h J VIE i oR 6 IR ¢ KLIBI LE 10E TREN E " IDE OH : 9 a y FIER sanrces sad the 1 § ome Th = th ly on Lo " #5 Rng WH cles 19 #9 inter able pRssenERs ade 15 o king Wie eA cowminies that Ww wend Wg wipe Wi the L4-Ration Latks 4 idicr of Batangas # Kalangs Vie 4 0 i shethyilie be y / £ TR § conyened for # ¢ ew oy HH Wasingion was satis he day Verhon © wagons Rs o fred ; : Debi "well within a wi field (hat the Iashign ceasefire ac enne oO an Fig the fe uA * #43 India chairma hed heen venfied completely ' 4 I Hig i nd #04 that there was ne Sanger of Mg- Awaited : yb The £9 y 4 d panel, # : os chiefly y A py rmishes between the new ada and Con ; Vientiane government and ane Pp : ¥ HE MIREr TWH a ers nent Laos Pact = uk errr i Es in Ett 8 oo : B. ways Mono Em im Canada ; Ottows Wednoedos Tha aie HEEROMA Faria ricks are hitting i # hg aszoM. coral hai : (in London, » foreign office Ww ASHINGION i ! v i y Bs a ? i no reliah pe yal nity Phipsigidfig ig g spokesman said Britain and the _ WASHINGTO pect } " f hes, that or 5 i { ¢ ie FERG7 14 | A TTT Soviet Umion had begun Mscnss: Minister Macs J 4 A sonnel 19 Hew Del ne the details of 3 Joint Apr SI a year 7 The 4 a q dy wach mimed aL ending the hegin cha Wt hos 4 } nl very hikes ls 4 war and the internationgl f ' £f yl P J i (Hy 0 AIRY 198 REEMA g TI ho orb nh : y p an b Pherson, # netion ean fe} 4 PAGE cp swrronnding a a Wl Ln her pion cman W. 4 Macher» Konya Leader ASAI RL GW LL l i aided ll drills f aa id RC chew an ar ' April ome of the AnglaSoviet Lo tlement of the / / # WIRE FRREE Bf WOEK ) ' HRRY 1% 0 TRCOmmEnd sey * Indian Parliamentary sou hanges as still encouraging wt The two Western I his v ' i f f Ld iy 14 ha ; Coming Here reported Indice the it was wndersinod Russie had the ma Aa y ' pie of 1 f EA / he raily FEAR ther commission wold mi ere at not committed Meek yet 1a the ngLon. conlerens t , / / ! nal # / dad ind 44 ori i y { i £ FORONTO (CF )--African na the end of next week bit there British view that g ceasefire posted optimist ah IVI 5 he [having } a ing reali ( HO tionahist_ leader Tom Mhoye of a was no confirmation that 8 def- must precede the internstions) 4 4 pre agreement 19 saranieed OFLed hy bor } BNE AM "in transport Kenya will visit Canada next nile date had heen derided COmerence ceasefire In } fet K. BALES ADMISSION f Britain fa admit ALLOW LEEWAY ! (4 i iid # I wi : Ph Red Chin i Han and, ™ dinner here for a fund-raising They were expecis y agree IEG HY the | ' a . p ere | y thei N The hide i Le AUYPLALT ui palgn for an gludent EICHMANN AWAITS TRIAL 4 : United Blals stron ap HAIERY ae ineent nature and des a in did . | that onee the fighting ends Hi ambassadors, Adlai Blevenson ih He also will have talks 0 man {1 Pal a { ana b £ se, any that Awin. | TE v qd 2 Riokinin 7 y : pi should focus (heir efforts on! P99ed, demanding that Dean, that the indie in amounts # e the Ditawa with external affairs de io 1l, Eichmann, former | salem for War enmes ag ad Ching Ih year would serve 10 g i i oT As vy 4 8 a {a { { id ' hown at the tame ' he ve. {lire Was UIHYING BRA NEVLERNANE 180%, ooo essive clams to Formosa, Irma the US. and Britain rallways the time and freedom Pariment officials tacked with hooks in his eel) he Jews. This picture wa hd _-- / ere 10 be have a for the last 19 ) r whale busing r- Mhoya, the first president, 4 rine fo released today in Jerusalem hy AEs w ) begin Hig hi ' p 3 tn j bb at an undisclosed place of Bn ng hetweer ! RYS 4 Si J ( enon fron Hican dots confinement. He is scheduled | the Israel government » | f ] f/ $ 0A HH Nat Ho Livin Cost i Hean Rusk i ed Ia J tf pret Ws and pipe:iled the Ben fnean National ¢o gn on teigl Apeil IL in Jerus AF Wirepholn J cirelary York Ii I Union 1a the higeest Inge Lara Home FONE cabinet minister week (0 speak at an Insugursl Vik § feuts he # way 5 ale an p par 1 ory in elections durnng VIENTI K(f / Fhe ith envoy 10 negotia An He U Sli htl hen ot he ' ial ven by February for the Brilish eq) . ight wing Laotian government diate truce von Welore the 4s J nm a ie Capitol given bh y dA » 4 4 is ready no order a ceasefire convening of the Internations Pp 1g y 4 thle mm. Fulbnght EXECUTION WALL m legislative council Congo Factions and meet immediately with left- Control Commission far (his : ; k chairman of he The dinner, 10 he heid next t leaders for talks to end ihis' country (YITAW (f n relations con Thursda i he followed hy PY f : kingdom's eivil war, JI was ie But sources admitled thal a os : Cub Shoot iri im wis Want To Meet [i ct SO a RU ubans oo Wi vat rat oplble von oid Ibe poor. communications, 0» de clothing in HE PRE MUMSIEr on a later) iven br. Brite high comm BOVETRIMEN! Wi Lig / 10 EVE ined "halle lines" and eount: { a paint 1 Imes e BHEEROAR Lip an the Foloma Hii f ' LEQPOLDVILLE (Reuters) apposed (he idea of a confeder: the ceasefire order as 5000 #5 jess guerrilla hands operatin of & por Hyver ahoard a 824000 presi | WO a oteurs 1oner Bir Saville Garner Antoine Cizenga, head of the ation until it was approved hy|a similar arder was given (0 the behind hath the government an he | J J § 1 dential malar crinser which he bothe end of the four-day Communist - recognized regime parliament praCammunist Pathe Lan! yehel lines a I he A iy & Jip joe ! ' 4 ¥ hi : " ISI he will fly tn Ni YOrkiin Oriental province, nday wi Bul the pros Ine tal En pi guetriiins who id : Waging way The West has called for a 1 the Domi Rurean £1 randiather. | = ro LR on il banal Wel cil reported ready Lo ne fohak with in ! ted thal 1 hea # Han fil a th 14 I A fy lial cease-fire as the first step ol. a tistics reported | hi Macmillan wi } / | [ od re adh 4 THERE FIM the Leapoldville enlril Raver cil i ment ve Fu ut 4 il a ps m on TLL aml three-stage program for easing his marks the. fh snpear: have dinner al the British PRA " fl non as pssible ferent from that of the Leap VIghE Wing / the international erisis over i J H meni a ne to #0 the unalficis Delgado was convicted of kill R d Fi h The 1 { fri Cleo: ville regime which alse wanted strongman, offered to meet with h . e remo iP part came from ) Btn k Laos. The end of fighting weuld ance of the remand Heth ff inal 1 mn uted ing Ca Hector Salinas last e 18 ers phas Kamitatu, president ofthe legislators to ratify the con: leftist leaders for talks on form: ;*" EINE We imed Hons Fig al condemned fii and 8 : ! J he followed hy the reconvening hihi eo £, Pri : 151 manth in hiram Mariam : Leapnldville pro ine J | hack federation Proposals Mids Jost ing » | FEnresentalive BOVERR of (he International Contin l fficial ii at mw | 0 Wi a residen Wh ) from seemg the pro-Lumumba month at a eonferepce of Con-{ment of pationgl unl Commission, made up of India led primarily no a J an. 1,1 Guevara. The slaying led In Scare S. Africa (Gigenga al Btanleyville as the golese leaders in Tananarive,! Until now, the night wing go CoRada and Poland oa this in y [ ts} gi , pre | nil i ie oh Wh b i Hi y h WALVIS BAY (AR) South em) ary ventral government alga (izenga didn't al re moh 4 " Hi i hed hat turn would he followed by an ine he Western pow nf RT] f Rk allt tH HAAR aning ANE A remier Joseph Heo Lidl ! £f Adi ternational eonference on Laos, a which sa Tar hi ( car! VAVA bul this was nol mentioned AIRICan naval craft ave keeping", "a. Ender iond at Leanold: Kamitaty, reporting he dis:|til all "invading! Lreops from dbl i 4 ne ih f iraught inte the. cansaita / HA Lal the tral i elose waleh on mine vessels ofl ore "a qeioaate was ready tol cussed the creation of a Kwilwl Communist North Viet Nam had| Fussia has agreed to the main Phese includs | Te bavernment prosecutor aid it Busstan fishing fleet that ha leave "tomareow if possible.' state inside Leapoldville prov: heen withdrawn from the coun: Western proposals hut has left pit Delgada fed after being stopped heen operating off south and" Kamitatu told a press confer: ince, added try under international supervi-ithe timing of the three steps 4 hy # policeman and later shot southwest Africa for several ence he had passed on Gizen Mr. Chizenga declared him: sion vague, arguing for an interna Balinas, who had inined in the week g's propasals ahout the talks self hitterly opposed to the ean:| A relighle source said the tional eon ference early this ther huild Chine With Moscow steangly sup: in Hen, adding no site for the federation government 1s willing (0 send/manth withaut prior eanditions » * Fhe twa trihunals alin sen:| porting the campaign of ather meeting had heen decided B ritain, Canada Carry i mm mm iim wom ind i oe ogee ' yea an his f of counts Mrican government 1 highly (hein ui ( the fi I Binet f dd MEE caspicious of the Russians pres: !f yville would he fh I A revolutionary acltivitie pi (Higenga, deputy under slain Pa . ud huhoteurs were hiamed for a tice Tumumba, declared him fire Wednesday in one of (ly Newspaper SUppOrtng the lself (he representative of the par el 19 (®) ha's largest sugar mills, for: government hint that the Bus: |Conga's legal government in merly the American-owned Hep: sians are spying Navemher ihe mill, 40 miles east of Ha Ih UNITED PHN | lenon ha Wo ecould mean Bocrelan Dag Hammarskiald vana, Damage was estimated, al inythn ram writin letter nid the General Assemhbl he 82.000.000 nth African frigate he question of Gizenga's al P'ransvaal is in port here now!titude toward the projected con Leh and the British destroyer Pra-|federation of Congolese states mdemnation [protest to imposing sanctions is ready to resign hut only fl Meanwhile. the Casta vegime teeta is expected in a few days [a key point in any Leapaldville south A i ichirl policies and he noted his own country the madovity of members Wish announced if had smashed (wo warently ta wateh the Russian! Stanleyville negoliations--ecame hevand the ealth fam: has already chapped trade and him to da so comnier-revalutionary hands an pl ht | wil 514 gh ARR LL iy inta th It {ation Hptamatie refashion Ith Bouth Blriking hack a viet de arating in Oriente pravinee and!' Kamitatu said Gizenga still ands that he be Kicked out he: captured seven inshrgent I'he twa ri announced Africa ULE ippraval Ah Canadian delegn \ithue B,Cause of Ws Conga policie Fhe ministry of armed fore . principle o fun proposal smith, Progressive Conserv: Hammarskiold assured the as: paced that the insurgent B 1INesses calling fr \Bansl itive member of Pavligment for sembly 1 has his standing oF gorg® sonia ne the 1-8, naval ongo us apartheid i WMEANAN Calgary, sald Canada's attitude fer of resignation." hase al Guantanamo Bay fi Tar i Fl at wr hth bea) Won't Serve UN mal WIN wealth conference hy Prime ton of resalutions adapted hy Africa Minister Diefenhaker. But sane: the assembly and the Security ELISABETHVILLE (AP) spokesman called this terminal Phe United States followed & {ions were another thing Launeil=as instructed hy these Peace Talks he Katanga government and ogy a face-saving device hy the similar line hut the French del A resolution calling for sane. MAIS Negra and white residents of | president. Bul neither the Ka egation indicated it WoWld Wh ons would he harmful heeauss (Reuters) The |Klisabethville in The Conga tanga radio nor loeal newspa stain an any vesalution TREATS: {ean Taos South Africa oul fen daes nat expire Wal Apel pgenely government faday offi Kept up an economic war taday pers made any mention of ing apartheid, saying the | i of the United Nations and thu Li } Clally announced postpanement | against United Nations troops Tshombe's assuranes | deeply nvaiy 4 Fh he ut the only channel af com ANP hy The. ( Ri n, fam at pegee talks with ALRORan despite President Moise Tsham:! The UN military commande he i fie Affaiv Juni Alin Lik i iA) activenn mavskioll indicated the UN wa Meh | leaders pen ha DOOR a's tree with the UN com: lin the Yanga, Gen. Sean Me: | I ay am: onl \ plea and the interna: To paving & shaw af farce ini He 16 begin Frida mand Roown of Ireland, warmed ot j tonal cammunity He Fhe government hlamed the All business places, ineluding Tshambe during the two-hour y I'he \sia { bt mm a Phe na thanement an the Algerian garages and cals still refused conference that he would vein. 8 § ared h A Hid gent of Indian Gurkha troops, XA tianal Liberation Front a serve UN personnel farce his garvison in Bhsaheth pow en rante ta Africa, will he (MENDY the military wing of the Phe ohiel UN spokesman in ville with Indian troops if there the/M EET EAR provisional BO: wana Michel Pambelaine, | was repetition of Tuesday's mah N troaps alveatly thers erRment was elected from a downtown viplenee against the UN farce lamestie polices VEER TepU fisewhey Hy d hy Pent ann eee a hotel Wednesday might hy the Tshambe violently opposes use vhandonmen Wf nh want ta it. the international eg YUgOsk Ian Asti Al the natiey if France tatansied hotel manager and a Belglap of indians In halanga ean nalans | dl that the ¥ : palice officer as a crawd of About 300 Ivish troops poured (teneral mhly threaten Rel Naa Ra AIL REGANALARY whites jeered int Blisabethville airport Wed | Maverant CIN YE HOTIRR The Belgian officer and Mav [nesday ta relieve the Swedish l0¢ it pull all Belgian mil cpl Tignee, Bolgian adviser to garrison that was attacked gument against a resol \ Hit Paday AROURCOMERT wa He that Id tary I POHICAL Rdvisers \ BabA W Interior Minister Fadefvoid Mu: Tuesday. They met ne resist WL. sanetion that 1 wauld 1 wt of The Conga within three! he first public acknowledgment winter to the UN charter prin: wo raha hy France that the ks have NORES, told Tambelaine that ane CITY EMERGENCY ' Koeky, The | Al WAR sub bhi 8 op YY Pshombe's arder to impasse ea: Under the agredment with } netiar are i | 5 ple thal sanctions ae mitted despite the fact that the hit & serious snag PHONE NUMBERS ended salely far the purpase of (IN ARROW ed earlier Wednes Up ta Wednesday night, off namie sanctions on UN traaps Tshambe, the Trish and Katanga | | § i ASO | y ) | lam had agreed talcials in the French alpine resart had nat heen rescinded haliee - will guard the aivpori| weventing ar stepping inters lay Be POLICE RA 54193 al hast Arey aut a Feh. 31 resolution of town of Evian. where the talk A UN Spokesman said Wed: Jointly, But the trish are pre HEADS CANADIAN LAOS FORCE \ ih u 4 ity. aun lia were due ta anen Friday. main. "esday that after a conference paved ta seal aff the airport and FIRE DEPT, RA 56474 WON | une 10 a va uned helrasy 4 ki tained. the no change" WIR UN afficials, Tshombe had await 'adian reinforcomonts if Friday---w debated in the u Wh mu HOSPITAL RA 82210 (oial balitical Hammarskiold's term of of PARIS Yaliin THERES pravines Union 1s already 100 150: gaia a large additional contin lated fram the changing dea and canditions in the modern Assembly requ ates 10 card. Mareaver, if every coun sent to Kat ainfaree consider taking AW try in the world refused ta trade {in gl id ANA eatiect Han vith every other nation. whose apen to them ta hein taylan wol the General I has wan eo x VQ ni hein vould he among W V WER Fdistarted infeed Wm with punitive action iF she Action \ Defence Min Perhaps the mast img Ki v and palit nN ALTAR mgs for the meet agreed the sanctions would be the Afvicans ga on another ram RUT Commander will lan the tree | commission commities, UN sonnel fiom The Congo Hing . suppressed but not Wited." The page Eoave far Vietnam in Septem: | there. He is ahéwn painting --CP Wigsphote FA Clift, Western | ber to head Canadian (vaops | out the area on the map

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