: ' Gary Player Wants 720.7555 i» we re. | Ex-Referee 'Red' Storey Vi Ls kL d Ki ' : US. Masters Title = 7roe crm prtemmes ed mn BGUSTL, Ga. (AP) ~ Gary Roading of Toons wd fe gs Can Laugh Over It Now 070m i wi en smi vt imme a --- . ¢ beg money winner on the United Aix "Clk Wine" Cagers took. 141%, (n take & foe vont eed Boney Winer SHER pak Brawias of Troms, 2 sandiehoid om ther semi EIBE IG he Endl daniz. Ferry By JACK SULEIMAN Boston Brine and # man whe Sates gi (Emi (Me 1637, PRS -- Gieietin finaly Wt he some Canadien Frese Mat Wetter lad lost Ws spesch became of Be 1 #4 TRUER 77 16 WECHRE o0 pac SOTURING CENTRE final series over he Bre CRY seer honong tows wis, dong. W wems wn the Rai # staske was whesied to TY he rst (we gner 16 WW he ovrater London Wie # Work: 1 wneberiings, Tuashey CVERIRE. with Tl Teoma's three to leak past Wt, by Goby, I& was wet 65 59 hat he Coma ree he pps ug (RrRamEnt dais goiation of more hem at Gmase Walk, in the Ochawn (RYE While Jum Barry wil oF (on JEwEE #9 Friday that Bed WIG Bane A fa. sehies +4 pil ite & ina 500, nearly hell of whom edonirad Haduethall Longue Gots, Sl DIAsomsiis thee Sores at We job ae & Be THe mow the Bocket vomeb Vou Fenty fn ee in Factnrmg Indust res, Haya ls, DORE 0 ARIAREE of KESh FIRE [lose (58 (BE COME: (ome Hockey Iasgne Felaves fower foe #6 the dg se wor Bers (oF thie (rman, We HR rrr hes last awarier Riles, (9 dhe Weck APE anne the Santer Cup fiom he 7+ WHER FEhars pias me ot & close B88 victory tn Bs THE BIGE CTEW WOR (IRE ERNE IWEER Homies pnd CIEREH forth git, the f ent fat owt a Tone snes i mone. Aiax in REE favorite foomon Wr se: Now he's # Rano salesmen ip # T60 het Fetes (He Sat von the fas game of (0s CORRE & Cometrom eng Montiewl md # rhicking # Fhe le id the Wack thise-ot Aue series wh home FAVE I IRE Fpl GUAIIEE (9 O00 (ET INET BER er CIHRTIGONE THiS [SRE (COREETRG fast werk S40 wet Car's 640 16 will of with. 16 was Aeadby serious business Conces. For what i 16 Wor | : Close IODINE VERT. #t the ime here & whit some of the boys Ww $4 vali CAYS TAKE LEAD Piotenwsii and Der sot 10 President Clarence Camphell THE KGW RIE FTE 2 - Ernie Coys § IO # BE poits to pack the "Ch Sine" Rad critic ek SoTeyE wo Fk Ph Watson, need by New i : . - . " int lead TB the tial DEFOR. saad te wiatory white Gadderk Arne # talk with # newspaper LOTK Hangers hice Jems mio a - - -- G E S RAG PARK hove. cham: | thew Fwy feft to PH, (stand ow oir | dy Hob "ss Be home 19 points 9 Ih atte with fro 1 as ap' "elier Ll iiss thee Rays iad Li hs fo pe a a Cl pions of the "87 Section of | they wee; (Front FOU) = Boh Simon, Phi Brest, Games | CW Mine MA ug Ganch. led Core, wt Ome Fan earker, Comper Hd Be Fee Py " hel : the (Oshawa seigiimrhond | Belly, David Robinson, Weve | socks Bob Wek, Boh Vier: 7 " isd i ot fu 4 Ve RBG ot helore they Conia get the herd Roma Reve EFHes # PIA hn ches ie Sn tis et cl 0 0 Park Fee Wee Hockey | Warne, Andy Eomapsih, | son, Wayne Given wn Gord Fim Belson and Io Jepma WIR equplies oie of LEED PERE PeRwies 2 Anesw't fhe € . q or § Wil " {our auiece paced the [umber amet the Canadiens whe wom HM Friows Aaest wi wi Lesgue, sre shown shove with | Terry Lee snk Bill Warne; | Wilson, Rest, £98 hy lings 18 thew early lead while WGH SCORERS i 1 # game IB Chicagy thet! Somme, Re be out pas fez Dare, with fie, dong with BIE WEEE 168 15 IRE FECORG s held wo 15 meeies by NOWRA BE pee VEE the Fed PiArowski and Gary Bewits RE ert wi Veh jeering | Hack Hawks whe wach netied theese pois, Pistiowsis, Keg JIE Al Hy in & bull, Aeclaring - topped the victors mum Esrry wih 18, 15 and 14 fiat Cambell showid not Baye CASES OF SCURVY BIST chovpeh wn Dots off respectively, wile for the Lam publicly enticized an DHE offi Fewrvy, # disense coueed Ww FOR YOUR & A R! the "Kings' lead in the second herkings, Bok Goddard snd Tim cig) # Metary lack of van € ki and Drie, with tower pow Piotrowski, WW. one humorous neisent Wack Hawk fan walked QUARLEE, COME Wack (How He were tops With 1h #00. Looking back an it wil today, Hl GCENES 1 CRRRGe mR" a vies wing with Newitt snd B 2: Newitt, 7 Ma LB 7 ws % senik the losers 154%. Wisteow: | however, he gis # 1ongh from » whe had three each, Pakson, § i i sal. i. BEER IN FAL FE ) ba fi ) i the CREETS LIN6EF WI ! ok fo $ Selson connected (or Six MOTE : on, HM 4 Wg the hoards 16 the on glong vw Goddard's for 15 HOEEY WRE PRR RE Kak Cavs rmhezd V8 pl the BGF8, { 0 y Hilett VER BF, Shook the Lan With Hwy mark ents (named and threw @ y mee ? Aller the halltime Intermis- mt of 14 4 55 in WB 3 : w, the Lumbermen # f i entuatly, when the ice wa he J 4 of Aching and the fan he winners By BR Sngie po wn Beriey 4) { ' ed olf ta e ceils, Blorey sled over 18 face ME Ihe Puck PRN BX A OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS ri 2iir™ Hed, Mf you'd known here Boma : ' Sher NIPiGon FAR Fri WOTOR CVF LADIES LEMKE shift howiers | ) # sh was heer wn that can, Would you Were the 4 Neil Sind (#tand id A # winners of Py ig ps 4 have opened your month before ' 8 ' dA WHOIS 1 add WY, Bie ' ef he Wedneshny wie jie Ik A 4 "B i hh y ; ¥ / § 4 EH he ¢ ) d show F yew bh Ad A "Bryan Per 7 ve Me Lh ; : ' Fike | grey bust out laughing and hate: I : " 4 : is Wi : f ; Bim Another come oF ses before he got the puck § fRer n, Ben Brooks, Emmery furter, Chris Sieap and RB A hi 9 Vi ? y Eshin J pretise ' id UNITED BYEEL WOKEERS ed) Bak naghan, Gerry iwi ATV ullivan 5 by Th Eehiet d Fh We , CYO PLAYOFFS Patterson Will [557 on ico UE BGA Rib lf hl mr, won 2 ei HT ft 0 B40 od le Bu ic wat ci CAR WASH Oshawa Pee Wees Win But Meet Cooper Op in iri iiiies pimvan ns gr ft Ho br, Vi A -- BRUSH - yy Wy hv dy 418 Winnipeg NeW paper man that ' Bantams and Midgets Lose Machen In N.Y, | pssuntidn, | 00000000 A 1 tr oh mini bon . i Po werent cho bl (AL) m= Hey din tmoint | hackuuods § Moos \{; BreiEme 1b wile 90 558 ROCKER THERAPY | | i Reg, 1,19, 00° In e Archdiocesan CYOuof Oshawa, in the first gAME son will e gil } RRs wis I Wh Both cher Stanley Cup anecdotes and ry pF SPECIAL .vvvrvrnrrer | . : I either England ) oh WH 4 i p (od) r playoffs layed Tuesday, stifor the Minor - Bantam Cham: Henry Cooper or Eddie Machen wes | lv thos / mors spring wp hy the seore AlN Bs. Children's Aren: 81. | plonshiy a ie Te ¥ achen) 4 oeplhs Wem ro iE We ies Ll winners: | EVETY VERY at this time and ane or FILTER TIP Gertrude's epresenting Osh Mike Darragh and Don Chere Sweden's Ingemar Jo. a, Hh 4 A { ad Fp 5 ore centres around Maurice Ri awa, defeated Bi. Ansel 32 vaty scored a pair each, while hansson i wh . 9 he od J 7 ! 1h, J chard, probably the only hockey CIGARETTES othe ® the twa Steve Dawson. Vince Steven me 1 " ! "player ever ta restore 8 man's game, ol gn . eeland Tom Cullen tallied one serie Previous 18 In BLIgACH 1or the Winners Anselm's had not lost 8 game For St. Gregory's John in the regular schedule in Fo Ryan scored the only goal. Bi nin Lea's outskated and outshot the! " ; 65 I 4% : 1 HO on Salowski was the star of 8t. Gregory's hoys hy # good {nkse Stadium wd the Liston: HB Wehater Sof tig G61, B31) the game with three goals, His margin. The teams baitle it out hy 4 (iB | yi pl 4 yt Big (100, 838, 1KT). 4. Hart 618 (223, 166 first goal camie on B- PRES from! again this Sunday, in Toronie ! | SHA or 4 Am AWN 0 an, I Welsh on [618 IAL, 009), ani Jeff Tubenville, Toronto tied the MIDGET ya Wr, Pweden The Lemon Leni Was smpty, hab score on & goal from Domini le powsriul inidgeis of Bt aa Bolan dhe race nly ow fet oe mientigp here that Hob Carter's y, Thomas, Toronte, upse sh 24 etn of [we Fem BRN alow ski's second goal wos| anh St. Gregory's in thelr game! Feature Bports Ine, said Tues: Hoek Mi fot 8 Wnnoteed, alihmigh Wh | BEGoodrich peored on & fine passing play | Tuesday, 7-2 day the contenders' field for the) "A reminder for piavells is that each | with Mike White and Hon Mar:| Curtis, Murray and Truseello Fatterson plum had narrowed howler mist bowl If bE Mi Rossibie, ab eotte assisting, Toronto tied the|picked up two goals apiece with| down to Machen and Conper,\ever, if this 1s not pessible, fen your score again Milner getting the other point That leaves out Liston. the No. gemes must be rolled with athe plight -- The winning goal was scored for St, Thomas contender from Philadelphia | OPAQUE PLASTIC by Salo inassisted Steve Kyan and John Plews for the time heing Mike Dedohn, No. 8 contender The second game of the series scored for St. Gregory's, Dave| Machen, the No, 2 contender| fram Syracuse, N.Y, In their GARDE will be played in Toronto onlJohnson picked wp an assist [from Portland, Ore, will have Monday night elash al Ban | Bunday i Play gets Both teams received four penal-(to show impressively against Francisco to merit a lock-in underway al n ties each in the hard hitting MINOR game Bt. Lea's of Toronto took a These teams also meet in Tor six-goal lead over Bt. Gregory'sironto for the final game | hat appeared to he the pie } sewers speech, It happened, 50 the story ture for hoxing's big boys today 12 123.960) oh 12 12 1 / Ly with hoth bouts ticketed for Se Linch able 1, Favors 1h, Poids 's and | OFS n the 1957 finals i 3 } nen ams The Canadiens Wer I tember, The title go probably dd The anadiens were playing 5 #5 y § ---- s-- " Pr will he held in New York's r 02, 236), A. Smart 827 (241, lh Bhd ky 2% , but sturdy, SPECIAL FIRE RI RRERRRRIIILTY EO #. long, Complete with fittings, Lighwelght 1.66 1} Home Owners=-Mortgage Loans SPORTS IN BRIEF! Need *20007? WINGS RETAIN COACH | TULSA SIGNS COACH HAMILTON (CF) Hamilton] TULSA, Okla, (AF) Ken Red Wing President 8. J, Bibby (Shipp, backfield coach last sea Repay Only $35 Monthly announced Tuesday Hddie Bush son with Montreal Alouettes of will coach the Ontario Hockey(the Big Four Foothall League Association junior A club again was named hackfield coach at Wa have o limited amaunt of mensy on hand new far mer next season. Bush, who came |the University of Tulsa Tues Alf Jur lndne ais open ond on he ped olf 8) nk fe: here after coaching Guelph for|day. He played college fonthall with payments a low $45 o month Ingluding interest five vears, took over a last:|for Middle Tennessee State Col If yeu need $2000 or mors pay off a mertgage saming dus, lace elul st fall and led it to|lege arrears of taxes, or to sambine 8I1 your maertgages infe and, an ant i ih 14 f is) 4 k san repay enly $35 & menth, de es theusends have dens 4 ¢ ira-place ian BARONS NAME GM 2 100K NBA LEAD CLEVELAND (AP) = Jackie CALL MR, NEWTON BOSTON (AF) Boston Cel: | Gordan #2. player eoach of WA 5512) ties shank off early inepiness| Cleveland Barons, 7T uesday was for a 116:108 victory over St |given the additional title of gen FOREST HILL INVESTMENT CORP, LTD, Louis Hawks Wednesday night eral manager of the American and a two-game lead in the hest| Hockey League club, He sue 146 CARLTON §7,, TORONTO of-seven National Baskethall As: ceeds Jim Hendy, who died Jan sociation champlonship playeff,'14 With Yeur Class "A" i 5 Trades in PLASTIO PAILS Purable and light with o metal handle 0-41, alse, Red, Yellow, Turqueise and Copper, Reg, 996, SEEIAL 7.50x14 6.70x15 Yoborety Noon . NATURAL Rese \ »\ " Give extra absorbency, Each poly 57 \\ A (AN / wrapped. Reg, 696, SPECIAL ,. EVERY FRIDAY EVENING and SATURDAY at BEAVER LUMBER [6 core SSRANY £/ /L 1] --------------------- i HOW TO USE ABITIBI PREFINISHER HARDEOARDS FOR WALLS ANB CEILING IN RECREATION OR 3 WE --- 0) 4 NEW TIRES --,--,--,------,--,--,--, \ A \ FAMILY ROOMS YOU'LL SEE how to stat a moe do first and what ta da last. How ta select the right ama of your | ke use of present windows, WEEK'S TY 1a § ) id Au Ap Badal 00 $ 25 grained Hardbhoards including the new Af | A 1 the poy Butte 1. For ceilings 3 SHOW YAU'LL SEE the and easv-1e-appiy 4 4; i panel af M k and Golden Glow. BRING LOW _- - : THE FAMILY! OUR FAMILY ROOM SPECIALISTS ARE HERE TO HELP YOU PLAN = EVERY OWN WEEKL Y i pot ois, Se nd ab WELEOME) ONE AS Vy 1] | Fine quality chamei oft a RIDAY SPM tM REPENBABLE QUALITY & SERVICE N sorbent far drying or polishing SATURDAY 10 AM 18 4AM SHOW SPECIAL } Approx, 18% x 22 4&4 R Reg, 9c, SPECIAL i101 s ABITIBI WOODGRAINED HARDBOARD, Butter \ 3 nut or Autumn Walnut, 16° NN LAN \ RN MNRAS Reg, 19)3¢ a Sq. Ft, LLIN LUMBER PREFINISHED CEILING PANELS, Golden Glow or 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER Marblok, 9° x 4' Panels, 12" or 1%* 16" Squares, Reg, 20¢ a Sq, Fo, CORNER DUNDAS and HICKORY -- OPEN FRIDAY TILL on NR TARAY FAL 4 PM = MO NV Ee 5 a __j ; " SHOPPING CENTRE QIHAWA OSHAWA DOWNTOWN