- HE ee Tye Oshown Times a wy SECOND SECTION SHANA, OMTARIC, THIRSOAY, APRIL. 6, 196) ami Fai . A bid / ¢ i Es Ea Eat 3 EL wh Wis GE Bas x ; # FETE BT EVER. WEE (RE PGAE The Aetenming GRAPE REE Br. and B : pier, of Wont Pegry WEEE BE WEES 9 compels Wm we event Rotari "| Are Guests Of Farmers A Waning rYERIRE Enh [elowsing nd rein ment wee epinves wm Harmony Upited Church Beli Wedneshay oJ when £ erie rs of the £) Kh ary Bc ; / 1 LE Gr A 4 y Buu tid 4 A ® i ih 2 TRIPLEY LAMBS ARRIVE AT CLUARON YARM ol Pa at DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING COURSE WINNERS n ito i Send : 16; left and | the daughters of Mr 2nd M ed fa done # sidents of the aa Tas n ny cnvadi Akay bd Bu fra Rovio dn. 1 ne fhe dan Rovson of B farm, It is run b OSWRY, Brea 8 Yr BH TER A EW) ahedience | Mrs. C. Chalmers, of 776 Hor: | ture poodle owned by B. King, | "Siobhan", # Kerry Bine Tor: Avy, but 19 # d own RAINING the REWHOIR. | ouners of the { Cf ibbowr president of the EW mpieted Wed- top street, was Aeclored the of 98 Centre street west, | Per, The next cies In dog Charon Fern be When they ed Lhe Be { ; dd / WIE 1h iii 4 ' f ¢ RIES Champion Reg for this term Wiithy. I is seen ot left held Whedience (rng will stort Columb Wednesday, They are FP Albert 1 is shown centre held by | by its owner. A right is Miss ar of 70m the balay", Mrs. H.W. Flanagan, Second = Merion Mills, of Regaw, = Ker pe he Weir Is i rm CC Mason Y's Men's ny A : id " 4 msi oh "owned by | prize went 16 "FWY, & miss: | Shown With third prize Wier shawn Times Phot, fieJosr 'Retu "ois ()ghawa Man) EW ESTABLISHED FACTS $50 Fr CCNA President (Club Will "i, i... Store Theft cv ween sm erecta Rally Here iii vce Best Jaycee Death Of Oshawa Woman president of the Central Councll W. Lowry, president of 1h« J Four charges of theft laid b of yeighborbood Associations y Pie Dicenalionnl. Assoriatio Evie i wh thanked the Sod S eaker | B the manager of a food super. [oF 10162 al Ms ARR! MEEng wiih {V's Men's Cbs, Eastern Under the. diseeiin my On Hi h market resulted in four con #1 CRA, Wednesday mgt Ontario District, w hold fi nae he direction of Pa g way CCl en a victions carrying a tial of $I Mr. Mason, who has been 7 ae nd, wil ho IU Doyle, who specialized in Irist Oshawa Jaycee Frederick Up 1s hoe CONA president since 1954, de 4 ha: Ad 1 ad Hip sons slories and 8 marked shaw won the Junior Chamber A coroner's i i Whithy OPP : Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck feated 1960-61 First Vice-presi Oshawa ¥ Men's Club will he ability 9 dance the program of Commerce Disinet 7 Public Weds Ror Ss JY Al hi by IPE said that the buck " oh the driving lane from he: noted that Loblaw's Groceteria, dent Charles Grimbleby hy # : ' host 10 the gathering netuded baton twirling by Sher- Speaking Contest held at the! oi ihe cath of Mis Jv CIAeH éar colided #bout 20 feel east hing the truck, which was in the in the Oshawa Shopping Centre, wide margin to regain his office : ; Conference Committee Chair. 1. Moore; variety nimbers by Guild nn, Scarbore, Wednesday, raine McDiarmid. of 556 or. he ol entrance fo the third lane had lost $5000 in merchandise for the next CCNA yest man Bon Brunt. 2' ba : Pick and Sheila Kimberley and In competition with fou sisi pi by yo mn Eloverieat, £ said the two ve They saw the concrete truck tn petty thieves in the last three. Frank Densham was elected . ; 8 oe of pres tiful baritone solos by Nick speakers from the Elobicoke, ho en hi # W ho Aied hicies ravelled 260 feet before approaching from the rear and manths and were making a Con: first vice-president hy 8cela % ; Aeleniis from Cobosra Each of the perform: North York and Scarboro chibs was the o he was Anving coming to rest in the Island the! strike the car certed effort to stamp out thi (f ooted : lle, Corawall. OUBWS were accorded well-merited and the Toronto Junior Board of oh. Td kK from the rear by|truck on top of the car. Pinned| Robert Carr, of Codrington, activity mation, Othey officers eles # hy 4 ; Huy math wa, : applause and were recalled for a hii ae on J i Wo " . laden ready-mix concrete' in the car were Mrs. McDiarmid | driver of & red tractorrailer The A DEEE B+ vienied acclamation include Del Olm: > hor oi oro Mille and ! ing MANY RNCOVES Jra £ 8 Joa candi ate won buck : The Jury deliberated less' and her passenger, Mrs, Fat-loaded with 11 tons of fiber, guilty to the charges and were stead second vice - president; Sor it ell i awa em" kL" (he head table were ar he Compe ition in de hyering | ie than # hall hor aller hearing ricis Jean Patterson, 1200 Sim: said thet he was proceeding each fined 850 oF. 10 days in Mrs. Buby Klis, secretary The erence" will be ad.| DOWN, President Lowry, E, CL heme, CLmmigiation and evidence relating to the scckicoe street south from Shannonville (a Toronia fail Charles Grimhleby, {reasurer yy J dread by Hon. Micheel Bi ad Warne, Mr, Flett, Mr, Davis, oq Cultural Effects Upon Con: dent which neeurred Mar. 21 at. Since the aceident, he said, hel that afternoon and was passed Betty Hepburn, 8, of #70 and R. Shortt snd A. Carey bi i Billy hast | C14 ¥ Harold Stainton. Reeve ™ i : e hit yy cloverieal on High: had interviewed Mrs, Pattersoniby the ready-mix truck at the Stevenson road north, admitetd Andilors ; . Worship Mayor Christine Dell Smith of East Whithy Further points were ehalked " i Ohie oucanions and she knew (railway. crossing, After the faking two tubes of a hair Carson Heard was appointed Themis of Oshawa and M 4 Township and Reeve Garner! 0 In the second phase of the van Taylor, of Claremont, nothing of what happened. He! ready-mix truck pulled 'hack dressing, and 8 tube of tooth hy acclamation to acl with Bowman. 8 ba asklent i) the Rickard of Darlington Town competition when Mr, Upshaw fives of the f Hrren and Briggs said that she has no recollec: into the driving lane, he said, paste from the store, The arti- Charles Grimblehy on the E, E y International ¥ Men's Club's | SHIP wis asked to make an Im real y Mix Puch said that he tion of heing on Highway 401 everything was normal until he cles were valued at 82.07 (Ted) Bathe Memorial Award ; theme nf the conference The evening was rounded oul promptu speech on, "1s Canada Me heen on ns way [rom Osh-ior of heing invelved in an acel: saw the brake lights come on William Vernon Hartman, 5, Commitiee. He succeeds R, R ni You and Youth! and thel With community si 2 lox Losing Its Culture in the Face A%a to Dunbarton on Highway dent the truck 4 / f ; n je | ¥ neing led hy 5° / A smi. 1 with 10 tons of concrete, He, He said that Mrs, McD r of 140 Thickson road south, Cornish, who did nol wish to logan "¥'sly Learn fo Y'siyl¥, J. Francis with Robin Nich. Growing Americanism?" The ct" oe 10 i 0shawa nian had | dr : f Arma APPEARED TO BACK said What & stupid, childish stand for office for this council CHRIS MASON {Lead lim Dixon, regional @lson, of Whithy, st the piano competitors were allowed one shortly after 1 pm i wa plant ad heen driving for 10 years A ptf a Pdi that, he thin did," in removing wo yes ¢ 1 : minute's al ) hing 1 § ) year the enuneil voted unani- Youth chairman, will lead the minute's deliberation, and no|raveliing west af about 4b mph. | EYE WITNESS said, he saw a large portion of packages of cigarets, valued al" Since CONA's formation in forum on youth work. Pat Mi longer than four minutes in 4 p > ] ' Ke sly § e 4 y alo As he neared the Whithy! John Dixon, of 208 Chestnut the rear « wr 'whie A 90 cents from fhe BLOF Apr L.11647, Mr. Mason has heen its mausly Wedné AY Night Kenzie will lead the forum on 30 WHICH 10 speak on the Various! cloverleaf, he oad he observed street east, Whithy, said that he fhe rom M0 8 car Wieh ap: " / fad a BFEES fifth president, Others were 8. to purchase past resident's Y'sdom and a training and de themes alloted them by the Was 0 g ont do f Atel faking on cont it f i , I : | A 4d hem hy a (ractor-railer in the third, or| Was proceeding west on High: front of him (the ready-mi% of dendorant April 1 Aldsworth D. RB. Taylor, A. pins for the Neighborhoad A velopment workshap wil bn led Hhyee dyes extreme north lane of the high: way 401 that afternoon and aldriver) Rev. Marshall Beriault, as Perfect and H, E. Bathe sociation past president y Ed. Shaw LL Sane iaison Wallet Th ft Wig Heiaw dneated he Dis way a this point in the Wh bie ca ad the (ready mix Cary said that the CRF Apr " ost at Holy Crnss ; 4 Al md e bp PNY, way, there are three lanes, the CK passe 1 AL INE FRIWAY peared Ito he hacking up or fstant priest of Hoy Billane Fic v's Men 5 Club is the as well as & personal travelling extreme north heing a lane crossing, a hall mile east ofl stopped Roy aes Drew street. Hel \iernational felvice th of the A 17-year-old youth, William vophy from Charles Letman, leading to the ramp at (he the accident, He said the truck! He said that he saw no truck up tt, oi bre vt Mauny Orangemen [i riba set VA hoki it eases evil ss doers AC A eR . d . X's Men's was sentenced to 80 day art in the KEaste 0 y £ sald that he next ob: although he admitted that Dix six children, and that ; AL . J k ) ays in Jailll 1 I astern NLATIN gy im ) - : IOUEN he adm al Dixon Roy had childre é Clubs in 40 countries through: in magistrates TRUCK AHEAD STOPPED served a heleh of smoke Just| could have heen in the third her hushand had heen unem ft Cans # ] court Wednes:|linals to he held in Ottawa April 4 i . out the world, Canada alone has| day alter pleading guilty to a|80. If successful, he will speak wy id that (his tractor. east of the cloverieaf and the) lane ' ployed for three months, In [100 YMCA's and 78 ¥'s Men's RHer pl . A : | he : : . it omits "hl onvention une iis SE thal J Sen in fie rl Sopa io tar lie Serbs te gh ne Moone pare cot of Oa I a ind ns. ape an Oshawa woman's home laurels are to he won af. thel he thi nto the the island, He said that he did|620 Central Park boulevard d thread valued at $1.68 while he was working as a mag-| pas Canadian i ME driving lane, then noticed Tay: not think the blue ear which north, Oshawa, said that an an kek ) NO DATE SET azine subscription salesman. dn or aoHth find All Cana: lor approaching with his 20-ton| passed him was the McDiarmid] examination of the truck indis PETERBOROUGH - Between| Lodge, British North America, COBOURG -- No date has vet! The wallet contained 87. dian public speaking finals, |truek, and stopped Car cated the brakes were good, S a Cadet 700 and 800 Orangemen and! The Rev. J. V, Mills of To: heen set for the April meeting! The offence occurred Mar, 37 last year the local man won| "As soon as | (ook my eyes| Dixon told the jury that hel Leonard MeDiarmid, hushand sirman of the epteriain £ 4 [ women fram all Parts of {ronto, xeentive secretary of the of the United Counties council 8fter McNeil was admitted fo a|hoth the District 7 and Eastern from the truck," he told the also saw a tractor-frailer parked of the deceased, said that his eastern Ontario are expected to|Ontario Public School Trustees' put it is xpected to he held house (0 make a presentation of Ontaria awards before losing tol lury, "the car was right inlon the third lane, possibly ad: wife and Mrs, Patierson were a pictorial medical guide. The ® Brantford Jayeee at the pro front of me, in 'the driving|jacent ta the island where the|going to Markham that day te attend annual sions here| Association, will speak. al alll {awards the end of the manth | started today and end|sessions; other speakers include thel housewife naticed the Toss of the{Vineial level lane twa vehicles came to rest, but|look at a dog : which ns ection saturday R. Hardy Small. MP for Ta. hen the assessment of {wallet after MeN Taycee Unshaw is Taylor said he had not ob: he did not know where 4 I P Members of the Grand Black|ronta Danforth, and Harold Wai. 20ied Counties will he an ed yy lier Bie Nell Jeft and call of the "Ls i eh irae served the car before (hat time ad Law where "wen DOURT AND CONFUSION Chapter, Ontario East, assem: son of London, Grand Master nounced. The mid-March meek: "mye Vouth told Magistrate Effective Bpeaking" course | He said he applied his brakes| Before (he jury petired, hied Wednesday night in thelof the Grand Black Chapter, !DE Was a special one to enable gy "RB Howitt that when he made [herent in the J . Cf . Lv {and struek the rear of the car.| MULTIPLE FRACTURES | Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck a e e Ovange Hall, and sessions willl Ontario West, Civic officials are the counties vate {0 be struek|ihe call he had no money and lof ( numar CRAMNET| galigwing the impact, the truck| Pr. G. Beatty, pathologist, told them that there was doubt continue all day Thu vsday also expected to give welcaming and thus enable municipalities|inok the wallet an impulse, Alc Ommerce MOvement across and car skidded along the high: said that Mrs, MeBiarmid had and confusion about what had The monthly meeting of the starting at § a.m addresses tn strike their own: mill rates\ hut $1.75 was found on the ar (Canada. Locally, this 1s admin: way, swung to the right and probably died almost Instantly | happened, and the established Oshawa hranch of the Navy, The Grand Orange Lodge This is the 10ih time such a/lor the 1061 hudget cused when arrested. This was liteved hy Jaycee Don Brown. came fo rest in the grass-cover- from multiple skull fractures| facts were few, He submitted League of Canada was held Ontario East, opens its meeting meeting has heen held in Pete . spent on a meal and A pack he winning contestant was ed island between the twol@nd severe brain concussion, [that there were insufficient Wednesday at the RCSCC Drakelat 0 a.m., Friday, also at the harough since 1868, and for the BIRTH RATE [age of cigarels accompanied to Bearharo by ramps of the east leg of the! Hussell Wilde and his broth: | facts established to attach any Sea Cadet Barracks on OshawalOvange Hall, and continues all! Grand Orange Lodge it will he The Indian elephant has .a| "Magistrate Hewitt took into/h7ee proud Oshawa club mem: eloverleaf er, John Wilde, both of 1108 hlame to Taylor, the truck drive Boulevard north day Saturday the 02nd annual assembly, The gestation periad of 620 days onlcansideration a list of similar Pers: W, Edwards, president; D.| Taylor said that he never saw Henry street, Whithy, said that| er. The only proper finding, he Plans were discussed for the Women of the Loyal Orange meetings will he held in Ottawa the average and a maximum of | offences before passing sen-|Brown, W, Kellington and D.|the tractor - trailer again after they had heen entering the eqs | Said, was thal death was acels annual Sea Cadet inspection Benevolent Assaciation will hold next year twa years and 80 days | tence Wehster [the crash, He told the jury that! hound lane of Highway 401, (dental, It might well he that ans and alsa for the annual Naval their sessions at the Empress it was his opinion that the cay| from the south cloverleal, when ather court will establish the Rn Tan ration he struck might have hacked|they Inoked north and saw the| division of liability, he said I wigan 1 that the ar around the cloverleaf | Miue SBF eat i rear ihe Jury Foreman John Breckens was proposed that the an a a ek Es of a tractor « tratler, east of the ridge read the verdict 22 mine nual Sea Cadet inspection in YOUTH GROUP MEETS POLICE TESTIMONY entrance to the Brock street ules later, that "in the apinion {| PC Bdward Whitehead, of cloverleaf, They said that thelof the jury, death was aeeis Oshawa he held an May 24, and he youth group, the Orange \ that Commander KR. I. Handy, Young Britons, meet al the ' / [the Whithy Detachment of the'car appeared as if it came. out! dental." senior Naval Officer for the To: Orange Hall Friday at § pm. | vanto area be the inspecting of: and conclude Saturday eVeNINg | hk | . . are themselves products of the ficer. Ti liscu n also in Each group will meet sep 4 | , 2 a BE a AT rately: the only aceasion on ; a. ' g | nl (®) on nu student militia of previous cluded whether ar not the Navy A ania Ta an i os vears. The course was started League Women's auxtaby) Conte Booother is on Friday 0h , n Gi no danuary, has heen running should hald the in peeing oth when a special service will be Gil . . A . . avery other weekend, and will cers' hanquel afterwards ofl," oy Gearge Street United] ; o u en rainin [he completed this week during whether coffee and conkies! Gon ar 11 am. Following the i pw I ; {the students' Easter holidays should he served instead vice a wreath will he placed 4 hiceessful candidates will. hes It was proposed that a church at the War Memarial in Con: \ Major William Clavk, who iste any youths of Oshawa and S0We fully qualified juniay parade he held an Battle of Al-lfederation Square hy Mrs ; / in ohavge of the student militia! surrounding distriet, it would he NCO'S (0 the level of corporal, lantie Sunday, May 7, to start Myrtle iY) Grand Misiross : [training for the Oniarin Regi: good advice well taken, if (hose|. TOM (his paint the sucoesss the annual celebrations of Navy of the LOI A : nario ig Ai | ment, sald today that authevity interested were to apply early, ful candidates may go on te Navy Week 18] chute h serviee 1s open ta the y ' \ (has heen received tn start en:/at the Oshawa Armovies, Thus, [TOVEEANtS and even in some public £4 y {valme: " ) 0 , cases to the rank of afficers, Amang top: ranking Orange a r (Folment far the course perhaps avoiding disappoint a ow ave Ai ; | The training program will he/Ment in the event that they|'™M™ ever, 1s dependan sessions are Arthur Halden of an on the same lines as last|WiEht apply when all apepingsUMAn the ambition, intelligence Canada's Navy, when Canadians year's course. It will consist of are filled and quality of each individual afresh i oul Peterborough, Grand Master of : Cred refresh thelr memories af Fe Grand Black Chapter of y \ a fivesweek course, starting the) Among the less technical leg. |S2NeeIned. a -- Navy's aghievement British North America: Harry , first week in July. Training will sons learned hy students in this The Navy League members| novell of Omemee, Grand Mas 3 5 fake place at the Os) | 1 \ \ Mas . Ll Shawaicalegory are diseipline and a Chinese Tanker also discussed a proposal 18 BUT ier of the Grand Black Chapter a . Armories and al the Raglan type of fraternal spivit that are chase a sail boat Kit. The 10teatiGniaria Bast; and R. Morgan ; i : training area. It will consist of | the foundations of building back E | d A 1 and as Grand 1 general military training woo BXplodes Again Hotel from Friday marning, eon a y ; tinuing through Saturday g \ 1 4 § Week in Canada sponsored hy the Navy League of Canada. This ties in with the 3st birthday celebrations of Officials - who will attend the sail boat, if bought Brown of Peterbarough and bone and good character sembled, would be used for the Master of the Grand Orange t i Rallonal survival WR Ries UR eaching of nava kil y RO: Lod Ontann East . r Vacancies are limited. Major Sauadran, Captain Lea Tigalers SCC Drake Sea Cadets It was! Elections of afficers will fake Max eed o 8 Clark went on' to say. All ap. a&veed that these qualities were alse prapesed that a heat he place taward the end af gach! ld \ built and ewned hy Li E.G. respective session and My Dey i 4 plicants will be confined to high Vident in "CV Squadron's Kunkle and rented hy the Sea oH and Mr. Brown will hath) TAIPEI (Reuters)=--Palice tos day evacuated a harbor in southern Formosa after a new h explasio acke ¥ . [school students 16 years of age| "SPH de corps aden RR (Fane, Cadets be ending their two-year terms {and over, wha must pass the C" Squadron = last year's/sons were killed in two hlasts \f affice (standard Canadian Armed|sindent militia = ave now taking Wednesday : & ---- pneral renovation nd he | Genera enovall under Fares 1Q test with % ys af N , 2 The n way at the Sea Cadel Barracks pREACHES SERMON $ th a scare afja funiar NCO course. These! There were fears of further on Oshawa Boulevard north 4 H h AShINGI o \ : al least 120. Applicants, must hgh schon! students are fully explosions aboard the 4.200 on ig AT on nen Horace Shaman of Wn he recent cirew | Wednesday to spend some time | 10 guests in the party. Seen | winning carriers, and Robert 150 meet the physical require: irained militiamen, trained in'tanker Kwang Lung, in dock at cd Yaat the are | DA ack | hreach | \® SOM lation cents tod bh in Ottawa seeing the sights of N re, from left, are Doan Mag Young. Oshawa ments as sel farth hy the national survival as seldiers Kaohsiung, The {anker was } 0 TiC MONIES SOF he an. cirouls We As hy A 3 Y doing same of the WM vice: He is Grand Master and The Oshawa Time i A @ Nation's capil In addi Th ¥ " ir wation PRESEN: | ion IARARES Canadian Army Their instructors, who alse chartered fram the American alive ATTA estlake and Major Clark alse suggested trained them in the inital Mobile Company hy a Nationak: Times oiren selves {80 izn of ib wage! Tiers left by chartered bus on | tion to the ear | | " averelgn of the Grand Orange| \ " HOR 10 the farmiers there were | David Westlake, twa of the | ~Oshawa Times Photo, (Wat. since the course 15 open 'phases of soldieing last year(ist Chinese oll firm