THE OSHAWA TIES, Thondey, Api 6, WH) § Ag Harber 48 dnd pre, Marjory Wilson ! ---- Begonias 5 in hospital, Ws Holbrook, Bak # home § GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARI SLL INNY FACE POTHOLDERS en: | used. These light hearted # funny | happy-go-lucky funny faces gioly 1 8 vor carifon ¢ crocheted in Bay eolors Kitchen? Even though pot held: | and trimmed with sparkling gs Are B necessity, they don't | buttons, sequins and thine have to look dreary and | stones. All pothalders Are made of doubleAhick ernehel these Are every [Irie teal #8 BAY You ever | eolton, To obtain the crochet Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE Hears Talks On Hillsdale Manor The rst regular business abroad secretary, Mrs, I, V meeting of the Golden Jubilee! Walker, announced (hal the sew Chapter, 1014 held ye ing group leaders are Mis 8 cently at Adelaide House, with{ i, King, Mrs ft ¥, Kelly, Mrs the regent, Mrs, Edward Bind |W, H, Gilbie, Mrs, J, A Lang presiding maid, Mrs, H, 5, Ramshaw, and ui find welcomed Mrs. Mrs, RB, §, Jones iehaei Blare, honorary viee 3 y regent, to the meeting. Mrs, R | oT ARraseniaiven of the Map J, Galpin and Mes, BM, Mar \ Ms, 6 vison, visitors atlending for the iary; Mrs, I. RK, Currie, Hed first time, were also introduced! Cross; Mrs. W. DD. Burns, Cana and welcomed The minutes were read hy the Mrs veeording secretary, Mrs, A. W.\ lure Banfield. Miss Betty Turner, [UNI enrvesponding secretary, read @ Mis, W. D. Burns gave the im letter of thanks fram Frontier i migrating eiige i College, for hooks and maga eration and citizenship report, pines veceived from the ehiap Mes, 1, | ter, and alsa a letter of thanks Citizens from the Oshawa General How: on (nem Practically everyone 10Y5 BR EOOA JOKE sory or a ve nt a Nave WH I, Jd, Heed, Women's Wel Aue) Mrs, G, BE, Hare 1! Rawyer the chapter to work pital for Christmas cards 5entiwith the Prince Phillip chapter) 0 the ehildren's ward Miss Turner also read a letter to he sent to Joseph Portell, a foster ehild of the chapter who! Mpg, J, B, Houghton, Galden ves In Gyeeoe, telling hmiAge convener, read the sched something of the chapter and Us yle for the coming month, and work reported on arrangements for Mys, Bind and Mes, W. D [the annual birthday party for Burns attended the annual{the Golden Age Club, to he held luncheon af the Prince Philliplat Simeoe Hall on April 18, An Chapter, 10D, held recently. [entertaining program has heen The treasurer's report was| Planned for this event regd hy Mya, H.W, Nell and a| Mrs, W, A, 1. Freehorn gave pepnrt was given hy Mes. J, Ala brief aeeount of the square Vivash, educational secretary dance, and thanked the mem The services home and hers. of he an this projeet, 1 15 urged that a5 many members as possible he available to help at this time fl The Enchanting Charmaine DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS PRESENTING the newest Masterpiece creations hy Bluebird our window now on display in and of course every Bluebird Diamond Ring is guaranteed flawless the finest quality and insured free for one year against loss or damage NO INTEREST OR CARRYING ALIOUS QFRADIERLIONS fre) Y ul Ho HA Alix dian Association of Consumers, | plained the in the absence of the convener, | A Canadian Court 1s ta he held eommittee and all PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD, 32 KING ST. send» sed eent instructions stamped velope plus handling, ta the Depariment of this paper, re questing FUNNY FACES (Potholders), Leaflet No, CB ikl simmy self -addye £1 tan for Needieoraft wha helped to make It & $i CELE Delegates to the 10DE Pro vineinl Conference, to he held in Hamilten on April 19, 20 and 21 will he Mis, J. A, Vivash and Miss Betty Turner It was announced that Mrs, J 2. Bundle has kindly offered hey home for a June hich 1s to he.eonvened. hy Mis, V, | Turney, with Mrs. UH, A, Ward Whate in charge of tickets Guest speaker for he ning, Mr. W. DD, John as In troduced hy Mrs, Hayden Mai donald; My, John uperintend ent of Hillsdale Mano # comprehensive nei the aparation of the ie serihed the aceammaodation and marvelous Tacit willahle there for sepiny citizens und different ype Loh LAL KAYE nf He aunt home of gare given He stated that there is » great! oR fer] onm need for these penple 1n wanted and useful in the munity, He pointed oul that Can ada stands out in the nations of the world for what it does far the aged, and that all can he proud of this munieipality far what ha heen done In this respect Mis, I, A Mr, Johns Langmald thanked TWIN VILLAGE KT, THOMASR, Ont. (C1) village of Payne His, near this oily, 18 proud of its resi dents. Pour set of wins vanging wm age fram one to 1% live within a hloek each other The of Patricia Designed for young lovers WEST CHARGES RA 3.7022 CANARY BAPTIST WHs The WHS of Catvary Faghiof Chien met Facsrily Urs, Henry Melee presides AUF IRE SCTE TEROWHE AIG prayer, Miss Aadvey Waren Sg #800 Entities "Om One Liles to Oiler The guest speaker wis Yes Bass ARoway who, With her hue Wand and the cares. wit he ieprmg tor Kens, BY. Mires on Mey § Mes, Alowsy spoke O98 fewial's nioion, lswian 6, nd 1944 of her cal of the Ford se # Wid in the Mission Wand, he Was 16h 10 Lemih AS & PE sk TRE #ianded Moody Wie Mistitifs nd was writing (6 go 16 Mrice ander the ALM, She Row gm with Wer Wishant Shia showes paliurss of # new work on the Twikana fied, on the northern frontier of Kenye here 90000 peopie RIE WH evanestiied. Ther acchpRtion | her ing powis and camels, They five on gots MA CRIREYS TK mised wih gost APA CRME and, The women dress in gost sing, The temperatiore (here | around 129 degrees The WHE presenied Mrs, R Alowsy with » aol, Mr. Ke Alloway closed with prayer ALBERT STREET WA The regitar meeting of the WA of Abert Brest Unies Ehren held recently with the Mrs, Ene t UL J AInE pave Where Ye Christ award Hol fang 4 UH 77 Cro Ww Wh Aki g Mi i TERAGINS i Fh nL Hy d 4 WH Shhh sig with Graham COMPA Ing # wang, The serine 165s repd hy Mi William Prayer offered fawson Vark ant Were Mrs, Clayton 1x¢ FEDOYL WARE EWEN WY Eighty eign hen Bt the G4 pital dunng the mont) Samuel Gibbs and Mi BLallihrass Are 1o he Was Mrs The Feead Yrean Mi hy HEY | fame haa Hos Mi Witham the Apr Soeott ane visors A report regsrding falr was given hy i avi fae, It will he opened hy Mi Gordon Conant on May 11, Pre hytery meeting will he held at Andrew's United Chureh on April 27, Delegates will hi irs Fred Coleman and Mrs, liaward Holland Two hanquets were planned for April 25 and May 10, A sug gestion was made that each nemher hring & cup and saucer al the June meeting for the new Kiteheneiie The Challenger group served refreshments, The next meeting will he held on April 10 sL 6 p.m | WESTMINSTER WV Lhe vegular meeting of the Women's Federation ef "West minster United Chureh opened held on with the heme SORE M8 PIsY 67, THE THAT #56 (FERGIWER § FEI. WEIR F854 A Of of # taken clock wae presented to the growy wy Wes Clarence wee slated that Mrs, Cordon Clark one (Ga YET RE WETRIY SEETEIGTY 'or Mes. Thomas Moorssroft Mes. Sohn Umphwey led in the Acyihionml enan. The sarghsie lesson wae rezd by Mis, Roy Hatiar, Mrs. Cok Camphen rhad B poem eniiied laser 1877, An Easter message, "He is Risen was read By Mrs Hatter, A sie was sung by Wis John Badin Hast aines were Wi £ amhied} Umphrey wand Mrs, Hatter FI SCOT ROTHERY AUK The winth Ohewn Seow UnAhers hiuibiery held. Hs March meeting wn #4, Gregmy's hitb i with Mrs, loys Beth for the evering Yrs Hacer presiding The secrsiory's report wes, read wy Mis. Chester Bork wn the phence of Mrs, Bowers Bor movie. Mrs, Jon Gallagher RYE (he LECRINIET § report Mrs, Donkid Leach and Mrs Albert Love jie 19 he he rep wes # the Regions Conierence of Beowt Mothery A ries 19 he held in Veter baroigh on Thursday, Ap 1] The next meeting will he held Sin 2 IVGION AUXILIARY The |4die Aunihary, Rove Canadian 1egion ranch #4 Tuesday evemng, Apr with president Mrs, Vidward Bouckiey Ang Dn ons and finished work i fo the Wainer to hi Apri 25, Members who working on goods for hiazany were asked 16 Have ame in hy April 1% Next April 11 & of Card will he held with Mrs, Herbert Wathe 8s con y Bi) Fickeis will he on sais it the dog A fn FREER met 6 rk 17 this "Hig WEEK WhS received it Port Hope and name April 18 for nyitation wed to vi in fay IRKen on Ang neve turday, April § it wreath will iaid at the Me marial in memory of Vimy Aux Members were miked 19 UL iar attend will he sent to the Veterans Tu and to Danutions raster Beal Vund heveular Camp Fund "Care The 25-Year membership din ner will he held on May #0, Vickeis can he had from the convener, Mrs, Alyn Elliot Zone Rally will take place in| Bowmanville on June 12 with dinner at 6.80. pm, A charter ed hus will leave the termingl at 5.45 p.m, Names for this trip must he In hy May 22 Y -- 1347 SIMCOE ST {at 235 SIMCOE ST Let's all go to . the Dairy Queen for a banana split today! Thursday, Friday April & and 7 NORTH Tauton Rd) SOUTH Speciol Begins Today I RA 8.1162 RA 5.9792 ddl Uns Henry Breynaid on, REAE, ASSN, vr The monthly mesiing of Ne snes Wilson, Banghter of Wr Aeon cud Mrs, David | Wikson, ind Owiarie Ragiment Sewion Macey nd Ws Becomes The Bride Of Ronald Taylor The merriege of Mariory ladies' Awitary wis Weld W Ronis Glen Werte Tayior, ion (rie GEIRGE ER WY Wis, Fred Porter, presiding, Wis, betty 131Y, Fess (he nies Wikhiam AReairevt] braridan, yo thee (FRAGHIET i (he Renae lof Yr, and Mes, 0. A, Taylor oA Ohaws recently ®t H IF teriam (hwreh The Reverend Derek AE semi en Pat's Vreshy- Alien 4496 her report, is, ALLE 88 opiciaied and the welling mw Cover GRE the Wek report, sie was eyed by Wr. Frank Ki was Aenided 6 BF BEE sy oers ria War anr Yrs. Fred Vorter Hele, Mrs to resist in the tuck shop There will he # sale wt the CRA on Apri: 71 Mrs araw privée Jack Mela For Ld {lw en Wy refreshments HAPPY BIRTHDAYS 1OSDOY, Om, (CF) = MW Abert Carter LIRNATHANIEF ath Wirthdsy on donated by nd Mrs. Dune # ily, Wayne Cameron RIERL-EYRNASON yeRrs oid the same Osy in preparation for the 1a Mrs, Jack Clitiond Fold were "acted to gn to Hillsdale Manor FHRIBARE Henry Davies won the Mrs cman offered (9 donate newt A penny sale wis held # gprest-grest celebrated her Patrick's Day wlong wilh 1epresematives of five generations of her fam # Erest hecame wo Given In marriage By her father, the bride wore # fill length gown of white peande sie appliqued with #5, A cornet of pearls and iridescent sequins held her Frepah Hin sion vel and she carried a how fet of deep red roses with 1H $s of the valley intermingled with pale green fem The muidoihonor was Miss Lenore Kesler of Oshawa wear ng white organise over pale green taflela, The other wtiend ants, Mrs. Bruce Mehethar of Oshawi and Miss Sheila Brown oA Bowmanville, were dressed witke In white organia over pale ue iafletn. All wore malomng petnl hats with veils and car ried crescent howguets of pale pink gladiolus petals Mr, Brian Woodcock acted #6 best men and Mesors. Dale wh Ld "Youth On Parade" [rim lowe Heirs Features Program $A. Home League The regifier mesting of the Salvation Army Home |ssgye was Weld on 1 aashay RETRO A apiaren present Mes. Wikiam James wel CMRER RYETYRE Mrs Malor Rankin made (he ARBRE TRATAR The program "Youth on Va rade" f(antarng the cider WA YOURE DEVE, WARE RITARE ed and Jed by Mrs, Charies Cathy Shirley Raid led In the sng ing of a flaw horses and Elza 2 we, "What Con We Coen 7 hme wd Cort Batier Played #& pans duet, Eleanor Sav) L sang # so "This liste Light of This was (howed by # horn "Shepherd of lorass" by 5% 4, with-15 members #6 W ' Wondanck and Glenn Wornby | f ishered A reception was held in the Church Hall. To receive, the bride's mother wore bias pylon face, The bridegroom's mother AEEISING Was in pale mawye sik Fach wore white ReCessories and a corsage of roves Later the couple Ieft on # miAoring wedding top, For go ng awry the bride wore # an woollen sit with & beige coat and green Recessonies, The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa Yen was served by the Bain bow Group jos oa en of (iromup 7 Mrs, Charles Langlied pur ow range the om, Guest spenker will rs, Major Gor: 0 Holmes of Torons VALANGE SET 147 1.99 VALUEL 31-by36n Tier, B:byS4:n, Valance Nylon marquisette trimmed with dainty spray' pattern; pastels RETAILERS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 90:in, single width and ready 16 put up leamplete on hooks!) SHOWER CURTAIN SET 341 olf ve valus! fiw, pod qT des, Special terns; decorator colors, Poly READY-MADE DRAPES Generously-pleated Fabrie Is rayon drapery In contemporary "Essex and "Steree" pat CUSTOM MADE DRAPES TO ORDER BIG VALUES with pin "CHARGE-IT" -- NO DOWN PAYMENT for PILLOW SPECIAL! SHREDDED FOAM! Quilted white rayon tafelta cover Washable, methpreof, non. allergenic Sovings-Prieed ' Hand-Rubbed Walnut Table Lamps 9.99 TALL & GRACEFUL with 14:n shade in white or beige "Fiberglany' trimmed with geld-ealour "Lurex' braid, Especially effective in pains! YEharge lt" w= Pay only 135 por month! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LAMP SHADE SPECIAL! SAVE 24% 97. REG, 1,291 DAINTY BOU. POIR SHADES! == 8 hy 8 by 9 ins.) modern deep cone shapes with translucent fab White er rie on parchment heige 3 CREDIT PLANS! OPEN A "CHARGE-IT" ACCOUNT NOW! BLANKET "BUY" T2:BY80:IN, WEN White with rainbow ber border, Rayen-&:Nylen mix; washable, moth » resistant, nen allergenie ree SR OAN! SPECIAL REG, 3.29 == Galvanized sheet metal; semplete with lifrslidsside handles, 22:ins, high, I WER YARD-G LOVELY 36-IN, Percale Prints Savings-Priced! 34 INS, Wis right, a HATHVE ANF 50 SREY 19 sew Tul loving #atton™ parale Wm foveal WAIT Weathel salam Prints, Special law, ow 1) \ and Pi wl ALUMINUM FOLDING CHAIR Savings-Priced 5.99 VALUE = YOU SAVE 1,11! easy web Sunny shades af green, red Attractive, compact store! Long-lasting hing yellow paly" 4° DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST, §, PHONE RA 3.2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED 226 STEVENSON'S RD, §, SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 3,2209