B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Api §, 1981 "THIS 1S FUN" Posing happily for his pie ture Is Wiliam Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Noon an, Olenforest street. Wil lam Paul celebrated his first birthday on March 9, He Is } KEEP IN TRIM (MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Should Parents Interfere In Married Children's Troubles? Pens Wary Waworth: Tn wha CHlent Shwid parents Hay ow C0 of the Livia Loespod marTied. 3 awiidren? My mastand wid | pie wank Bg by, Aong nolan, While ow AGEMET'S Mother - Wh « law Is WHE Ing her MRF FER EE and Anving her towards B bresk da Her doctor says H the Aossn't jet Wings Bri Enel owt The' |; wn # hospital helove long She conswiied B doctor when she began Waving fainting spells, He Magnosed it pe emo tional and advised her to get sey for & while That same May she Dowred oul her herr to BR ReRIVy RAR low, whe promptly phoned (he matherintaw to spy that Carel no longer loved Tom and was COEmPIating Myre WRECKING MARRIAGE, Our daughter tells ws whe | never seid, nor even thought of, sch 8 thing. Bul the parents indaw hastened 15 the scene ~# Wh-mile trp and while we An's know the Aetatls, 1 must have been horrible for Cars Tom forbade Carol 19 visit us #s the doctor hid advised, When 'she came anyway, he and bis mother (whe sayed on with im) seted ws i she were de seriing Two days later, she phoned Tom, whe still seied ns if she were guilty of » enime, After this eall she wept hysterically We comforieds her as best we could, but we've never talked against Tom or his mother. What ean we 497 Our hearts break for her; we sre so afraid 3 the grandson of Mr. and Mis Witham Noonan, Oshawe and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leddy Bowmanville ~Phote hy Aldsworth Phos graphy Criticism From Class Mates Challenges Chil By IDA JEAN KAIN The comilorting idea that fat children will outgrow their haby fat no longer holds strictly true in this age of lessened activity! It's & wise parent who tries to direct the food habits of an inelined-to-be fal child into the right ehannels $0 many requests have come in asking what other mothers have been able (0 do to help their plumping children. It ap pears that the first requisite must he an interest on the part of the child. This is elearly| pointed up in the following case "Up to 8 few weeks ago, my nine-year-old son seemed (0 he getting fatter by the hour, His chief hobby was eating--after school and after supper. He had very little ia activity "We teased him at home ahout wearing a girdle, but this didn't seem to hother him While he wanted to get thinner, he couldn't at the rale he was eating. He weighed 118 stripped snd the blubber was getting out of hand "At one time (I read of this) I offered him a dollar for each pound he lost, He was excited ghout the Idea, but nothing happened | KIDS LAUGHED "One day my son came home from school, and in & rather wistful volee sald: 'I had to go to Mr, X's class today, Do you know what the kids said?' My heart sank, 1 had a feeling what it might he, Yes they had laughed at him and called him 'Fatso.'! That did it "Result? In one week he lost six pounds, Now, one month later, he weighs 00 pounds ribbed "What impressed me was the out everything out like hutter, hread (we mostly use melbha and like it) ake, cookies=--in fact, every: thing that he shouldn't eat, I fig | ured the butter used on vege tables was enough, He has fruit for dessert "His overeating just had habit, He used to ask me to give him pills, which 1 wouldn't This, 1 guess, he heard ahout on TV. We eampromised on §1 per three pounds, 1 easily saved more than that on what he didn't eat YAetually, this wasn't ~=just eating three a dav, no second helping "There must have been times he was tempted, hut he had a goal in sight, And how proud he was when we had to pul a couple of new notches in his helt 80 RIGHTY YOne day at the beginning of his diet, he called in from hed 'My stomach is purring, Do you know what it means?' 1 thought to myself: 'Golly, he must he way he sweets Was ] a diel good meal for her. Bt we fas} 80 help ¥ ad ARKIN Young Pese FF. In your very long later, here out 5 # frrgment yo sey that Car was V1 ans Tom was 19 when they marries He is an only cid, she, the Eldest of three snd yowr omy LET PT You sey Tom Is # conscien tis worker, morally gos, whe Aocs't Ann. Also, he is # Ae yeh father snd god v9 We wile, excep that he opposes her Long tn church (her chick, | gather) and taking the chidren He is thiertenming on this pat you add, making WN very Gh cuit for her 19 give them re ging LTaimng You sey Tom recompanied Carol 16 chwreh AWNBg Coun ship, then stopped lmmemial ly ier marnage--k Change yo feel was induced by Wes mother 80 much for background. Bow for the proviem. As | get the picture, Tom's mother is wn ociopustype mom, She is Wn fantile and obsessively anxious howl her own security in her YIP relationships Security ta her mens control. Being wnahle 19 With meliire compeience elithes EAGERIN DESTROYS She epgerly destroys, HM she ean, any influences that she foresees might come between' her and Tom She went slong with Tom's in sistence on courting and marry ing Carol simply because she couldn't fight i without "losing him st the time. But when he hal ye sh had brought Cars home tn The famig he We wile, the (the MABEL) $8 WOK 6 Fetus HT, WE BIR BE WE WARNER he ie #08 0 Then CONBEER § i te caer tsi ary Carls WE imare WarTIage on Sale. AN TNE ERATE, Jour RAVICE 18 Rey ie plein worthisss. Yow el LRIm Always As Nat, and trast Vom and Wig mother row wh eyerytinag wilk work wi ts her gk You mahi ss well 165 # per son gina leiween we mii sones 19 tiept The INEM es wiesly and he (the perion) wow | be sapashed Cail nes Hr Band & ol REID WD TREGEISIIRE Whit she 8 wp Reminst and how 14 seve hersel, Direct her to 8 family SETVIER RERRLY WF DFIVRiE SOuIcE [ PEyOmetng couse rr have her Say wih You wmie taking # cram-conrse of his kind. MH Mary HWaworth counsels thoramgh BEY Cpwinn, Rin. By mei or personel mierview, Wie her in crre of THiS ReVSpRper hie we A nadia IH COLD VICHY SSOISE hs. pecied pod wines peeied mmions qt, weler hep tsp wt A w Ll Slice WINE pepyeT Hille CEERI bistter the peeled meester slowly for twa or three wes, so they wih nt Add sliced, peeled poARioes WRIEE, SRM BRE WINE pepper Conk for shout 45 mines, or until thoroughly done Put through a» very fine sieve and Add the milk and the cream, ®& Wile worchestershire SRNCE and Recent SERSOBINE Mix well and serve in cold cups with fine finely chopped chives on op ahi CE min brown mime and tn 00 A Rubber Aluminum Mat Is A Useful Development What #8 we Sif erence # Wi A Rmsahih Lange! con pews wn the home! Ws no wonder some of the really Wg design IRE RIA TBARARIAREIRE WHE fe try Spend Rely Bie working on Bmpe Rhosseheid Etats me exnmpe of their suaress 6 # new profes wresdy mm the Market that Bas many specs SHIRES Bb Wks MY HIN n TOPPInG ow, 1s 5 reiher mat 4d new phot that? Well what's pew is thet it bes hess BIER RB OUPIBE HA RRR Yom can use sich mats on the KHEhen Work cower, on the Boner tale, mm the top of the slove. or under figwer pos and ornaments in any part of the Vlpisk The combination of ribher wel can't sernteh oF mer any sirface, pius the heat-prook mig minim topping, serves all these purpDsEs, and makes for B ver sath ie Hem A conse cretion where therd's one consid ny househmis rodent is concerned these Rays hoes H look mies? Heme RERHIA ThE inmisk | ow VET Tse teil, mast be prety, 19 Well, these new pibher mats Refigiialy muwaity on that Hon They come wn the presses om IE, RCRAHRE TRA, JEW, PK LIRR BRA SEAS Ih LAWISATER TH BASE The winimnim (png ia lam inate 10 the rer hase wl # clear Bim over the 19 makes the mats sery Awhile. The LIRRSIRIER, hastic Fim over Wg the wiwminnm shares in the eri t beauty. tor it is Rehthy tinted to correspond with the Fer Wask There are at Jessel » Aoren sus lor such mats srownd the Ti risk Even the hotest pots can he set safely on these mals, 89 they can function mn the Bning table hlwminwm Mosipates heat ps well ss conducting And Ws mer 9 know thet these mats, winch come in van ONE BIIES, RIE GIVE WNEKDENSIYE A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! d To Reduce | "That means," he that the fal is going! Wis 80 rgm 50 nappy called in away,' He I might add that I went on a dist with him and the! Joint dieting has helped hoth of! us!' If the mother of this young reducer recognizes this letter, | will she please write and tell us| the score on her son's weight! now 488 [7 ' iy Ry ANNE ADAMS Half Sizers! Be pretty and thrifty sew this smart and sy dress In gay eotton with) bias binding teim. Proportioned to fit no alteration worries Printed Pattern 4688: Half| Rizes 141g, 1014, 1814, 2014, 204 | My. Nige 1615 takes 3% vards| Mineh fabeie Send FIFTY CENTS (5 | In ening (stamps cannot he a« cepted) for this pattern. Please print Mainly SIZE, NAME, AD: DRES STYLE NUMBER Hi arder ta ANNE ADAMS, | o:0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern | Dept. Oshawa, Ontario ANNOUNCING the higgest fashion show of Spring-Summer 1981 Pages, pages, pages of patterns in our new Color Cala log = just out! Hurry, send 35 such fun to drive, alte ¢luteh, and so easy to park 360 OTHER EXCITING PRIZES ¢ 20 SECOND PRIZES ~ RONSON HAIR DRYERS complete a 1061 4-door Pick the colour it has you can winone, ,, "Stay-Fresh Recipe" Cake Mixes start fresh, stay fresh and moist for days, Enter the Ogilvie Cake Mix Contest now, enter often! The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co, Limited, Montreal. 4 "FOR LADIES ONLY! i a a std ] | | | [ | WIN YOUR OWN CA LA RENAULT Tc psiine ENTER THE BIG OGILVIE CAKE MIX CONTEST Take a fresh look at life from behind the wheel of your very own Renault Dauphine Sedan with "automatic" you like best, This frisky French car is so pretty, turned feminine heads from coast to coast! Now with a package of Ogilvie Deluxe the mixes that * 40 THIRD PRIZES ~ ELECTRIC HAND MIXERS, 3 speeds, GLECOFF SUPERMARKET 174 RITSOM RD, §. OSHAWA ( vvomymonrn ) SHOP FOR THESE SPECIALS THIS WEEKEND ! Visit our new streamlined potent drug, dry goods and clothing department, ORGY GRAYS Shean HA 2 sa 17 DRESSING "= 45° BOTTLES TOOTHPASTE or 89° Wh GR CAST SHAMPOO 45° REG. & PEL 39° WOES: WECIA CAREFREE 5 NAPKINS 44 TOILET TISSUE 7... 5T GRADE BUTTER CIGARETTES BREAD CHRISTIE SUNBEAM RASP DANISH BUNS "7... ROBINHOOE CHERRY or GOLDEN RES, 37 CAKEMIX 4" SHREDDED REG. Z1¢ WHEAT CEREAL 2 NU-WAY SOAP PADS CATELLI -- REG, 36s SPAGH AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RA 65° 00 3% 35 1.00 3 E YOUR CHOICE OAVE FAMILY PEGE IN PEG FOR 2-L.B CELLO PKG 1664 PEG oth RED GRAPEFRUIT NEW CALIFORNIA BUNCHED CARROTS NEW VALENCIA ORANGES "*' FRUIT BASKETS "oi ' CHOICE 10 FOR 49 2 BCHS 26¢ 40 And npoz RED & BLUE BRAND Blade or Short ais roasts 'BY: SWIFT'S == END CUTS =~ 2 TO 3 LBS, 9 5 § PEAMEAL BACON 30° PRESSWOODR'S PURE 1,00 PORK SAUSAGES FRESH BEEF HAMBURG hungry' although he sounded cents now! | ALLL DRIVE-IN TONIGHT ROX OFFICE OPEN 7:00 How STARTS AT 7:18 Tr a Plus More Thrills In Flashing Color! KEENAN WYNN & DAVID WAYNE in "THE NAKED HILLS" with 3 attachments temperatures, cap, brush, comb. 3 drying * 300 FOURTH PRIZES -- 10-carat Gold Chain Necklaces with cultured pearl pendants RIRDSEVE FROZEN STRAWBERRIES YORK ~~ CHICKEN, BREF TURKEY PIES 4 CODFISH FROZEN ROBINHOOD « REG, 47¢ All-Purpose FLOUR ' Livy 15 POX, TO CUSTOMER Grade 'A' Large EGGS WESTON'S «= REG, 3% PKG, Weston's CANDY 'OVE & rises PKG 19¢ CHUM ~~ REG, 3 FOR 27¢ DOG FOOD 6 49° Shop and Save Daily at GLECOFF'S OPEN DAILY TILL 10 PM i WE CASH PENSION AND PAY CHEQUES 12-02 me. 99° ror 98° 12:02 29 PKG od neers env ESN SENTRY NT IT'S EASY, IT'S FUN TO ENTER! A new, exclusive recipe gives Ogilvie Deluxe Cake Mixes A delectable moistness that lasts for days after the cane is baked, Name the new feature in Ogilvie Deluxe Cake Mixes, It is called the new ™..... Recipe" FILL OUT COUPON BELOW AND MAIL TODAY! OGILVIE CAKE MIX CAR CONTESY, Bax 2177, Toronto, Ontario or Box 6334, Montreal, P.O These are the wards that describe the new feature in Ogilvie Daluxe Cake Mixes * Recipe ™ | ancloss on Box Top, (or facsimile) from an Ogilvie Deluxe Cake Mix Package 5-18 BAG ENTER NOW, ENTER OFTEN - | My adden official rules on packages of Ogilvie fh rece, CAKE MIXES pOZ My mame is Ill contest miles attached te Ogilvie Deluxe Cake Mix packages Enter on often on voi with Bach entry must include box op, (or facaiimile). Entries must be postmarked before midnight May 10, 194) DELUXE Qi 1