4 oe ssi Te, Wednookey, Api §, 1967 MR, AND MRE, K. A. SILK Ajax Man Weds | Calgary By GRACE WIIA AIAE = A very preity wed ding was solemniied Wn Bt. Ap drew's Preshytenian Church, Calgary, Mheria, on Saturday, March 25, when Margaret Me: Gonigle Reid, danghter of Mr and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Cal gary, became the bride of Kenneth Arthur Silk, son of Mr and Mrs. Arthur Silk, Ajax, On tana. The Rev. E. Simpson of ficiated, The service was fully choral, with the congregation singing the hymn "The Lord is My Shepherd", and during the signing of the register, "'0 Fer: fect Love" Given in marriage hy her father, the bride was attired in [ portralt gown of white satin with long siecves and tiny peter pan eollRr, The woke of the fitted hodice was of rose point lace, embroidered with sequins, which was repeated In motifs down the front of the full skirt The fullness at the hack of the skirt fell In graceful folds and ended in a short train Visitors Find Routes Snowy FRENCHUATE BAT ~ We mi Wes family wiainan priations a6 Barwa Fails pay ie Baday waskond They pepovied He FRIFRRgE Wat pe here wes How a w "(6 Wing he (apne AWE (6 England We wesk 16 he wih fier and to look afer the ws FARE (RIAER, Roni Boberge ie home tie week ow leave from the Boye Canadian Bary We. and Wes, Wn, Powell pe fine fast. werkand frme # vacation wn Fionds We, and Mes. W,. D. Smith oH Bandy Reach Tomb #ee FE twened home last week fier SPERIRE Tike WTAE Wi Flonde Walter Avis is home after SPERIRE 1H WERKE Ft fhe Tw rote General Hospital wader ETA We, and Mrs, Charies Morton and Aawghier Cestlig RAVE wah iin the Hewlett home o What stress Mrs, Dorsthy Sevens ciwidren of Bane wre her mother, Mis. bvy Svan Mrs. Cant Balsdon | gery wt the Scarborowgh GER eral Hostal on Monday Mr, and Mrs Keith Wand AACE RA FRIVY he Fast ler weekend at Boviand, Ont Visiting Mr, Woodenel's par { ents Sharon stayed 19 spend her | aster vacation with her grand PRIEALS Heather Jovee eeiehrated her tiaras, with tiny 10th Wirthdsy on Appl 6 and mane veils, and earned nose: Kandy Bellows Wie Mine ry gays of while carnations cemier- oid on April 8, Mrs . Wa ed with sweetheart roses and Hearne CEIERIRIes # Wrthday ya he flower vs! April 19 ; : agile pi The ges 1 ite Fhe French hn 5 Bay Yacht 0 ! } * s 5 Spin ance towers, 1 had wine accessor, C10 1 SONS LO 0 0 ies, and the gift of the itdsadad ' bride, the hridesmaiss Wack Alaskan Diamond And the flower girl, £0 i i graved bracelet LONDON (CP) ~ Canadian The best man was Mr, Don: horn actor Hohert Beatty es 0 th cuts and hiiiees 81 y M od | CRE ed wi gia Hoar. Mr Dave un? and when his sports car skidded and M £6 f crashed near Buckingham Pal ushers ace Road. The car was demo: A reception was held in the ished but Beatty, formerly of Oddiellow's Hall, where 00 € Hamilton, was released after hundred guests were served & (reatment in hospital turkey dinner, The bride's 1ahle Was centered with a beautiful RTA visbing WhRaET ET spent | Bride wore pearl 5 Wes wn of REE " nags # BVEr CLOSE CALL, as (RECREATION REVIEW Elimination Tourney For Youthful Teams Brin Wienman wns BOWHARYHLE ~ The Wag * Series designed for #0 (eames nn. making Winor Hockey might fies sesm aliination (owme- MERE WW RE TREE 1ERENes pa (ERIRE Wy RAAT [RRL fn the first Mog Champion AWG EAE, IB TRE FiOW |Cage the oraiers and (Hants paved HE for the AS Warn ed Stevens Wag. In the Pee Wer fepgne the Leafs and Hawk way off for the "Dhacky" Bead Wag Tn the Bantam Teague the Tigers and Braves tier off for the Harry Washes Mag he Lions Wigs Juv rniie Lengne the Raiders pad OF ohans wilt vleyslf for the Art Hooper Mog AN teams 19 win the Wags REE FREGRELIVE ERENES wen receive small cress SUPERVISORS The Bowmanyile Recreation Denertment FREITES GersoRnes fo Ly #5 plaverond sperys 5 for this a pe sir sE id be regres 16 #t nd 4 groin Lepders Conrse Fine 25 19 June 78 Application forme. pre aval shie at the Becreation Office in the Lions Community Centre oF at the Town Clerk's Office in the town hall. AN apprication forms must be returned to the Reception Office no later than Wednesday, Avil 12 ZONE, CONFERENCE The fourth annual East Cen trzl Ontario Zone Conference on Recreation will he held at the Camphetiford High School on Saturday, April 15 The theme for conferen 8 the Zone Some of the conference high lights will he a panel on "The Use of School Facilities for Recreation." Harold Harton of Community Programs Branch will conduct a session on social recreation, Fred Brookbhank President of the Ontario Res reation Association, will he one of the special speakers nt the conference. Kd. Morley of Bow: n wi RIG wit Play 4 this "Stren VERT OF Training pha theming g manila will confines & wovk- gal Rien Baby Ramm ding wm effartior MEsimgs: the Lions two -- The Behan Cont Brame Verne aecopied | for se Workahop, Rowmenyiie, will #1¥ lems 30) ently RENE. & SNEAS AGT RASCH TERIOR, dig Battie of Wits" The pay was [9 se se snes en ome nf he three sresentations "8. Whe ohne Hi OF BT the worden # the 8 ex : iow Wall, Waveh 1 and 2 wns Kah Shackeiton Wim ROCIEEY WHT ane tam TOR EpReiaions were on fand (5 watch the Bowman: ye Raryeption Degeriment Winow Barkey season RGNE (6 # dose mn Wednesday cYmRE of fast week in the Memorial Arana with fowr Ramone games Beng Wayek iw Mow Pee Wee, Bantam snd Widget Fwy rpvie fergnns In the Mom game the Bar ons Kamin from hewing @ 20 first yeriod lead by the Indians » SEWER LWIEE I ThE SEER GRTIAa WA (Re Winning gow ete wv The final period. Mike Cawker Wich Donaghae and Grey Wi son pected for the Berne free gowie. Bon Wel and Ks Fah gave the Tndian Both gual Faker of the Barowm VE of the Indian iW SOME VET) EAR B3V6 The tesms were coached by Gegrge Cawker and Bert Snow den for the Esrons and Jim Murvhy nd Al Weih for the India FEE WEE TITLE in the Vee Wee Championship game the Canadians spoiled the Rangers' three gorls helore they came plive wm the fins) period to Aefert the Rangers 64. Bill Eby was the big scorer fi the canadians collecting hree goals, Ricky Waoiner (2) and Hon Simpson seared the Canadians' other goals. Bobert lemon, David Burdett, Bobby ¥llis and Alan Brown on & pen alty shot scored for Rangers The teams are coached hy Carl Devitt and Dick Perfect for the Canadians and Bert Snowden enached the Rangers BANTAM CHAMPIONSHIP In the Bantam Championship game the Lions scored in the first and second periods to ds feat the Flyers 2-1, Henry Kooy (el wi owls. Wick Yalkeves kept he Loanerwie from BEng Wankes when he scoped fata Ww He per wd pearing. The CGERerae an wnted tan of the 13 penalties handed owt in the game. The Waroome collected five of thelr while the (GeRerEe handed. The Har GORE WEIR ROReRed By WW ¥ Cove and Grant Malley and 387 £iwals enaeh fo CERETRIG ENE gris WEIR SW6YT "a Whe ERY 6 we he special festure of the rye ming was the fine figure shat Ag ACIS IRLIons four members of the yilie Skating Club, Yvonne Anomichwk, Wayne Anomichak Shawn Leddy and Mary ke The Recreation Pep RIL IRER wid like tn express its thanks 19 the many ertAtons ana per ents whe attended the games both regilar season games and playoffs game BOWMANVILLE PERSONALS BOWMANVIILLE ~~ James A Bell, has returned hy sir from # trip 10 visit bis father in Seat land With wm Ea mak Irwin Gill, Albert College Belleville, is spending the Fas fer vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs, R. Gill Mrs. N. Smith, Jackman road, has returned from spend ing the winter in California, and Mrs. W K, i wy Fhe speaghay wit he My hots wer read Crm § were in charge of the warsity serviee, with Mrs Fichne Trading ford". Wes. 8, € rigture, Mark 14 SAN Fok F ibn ye ed f HIER with Mrs HRYEY £ FEREET Re] save based on Acts 3 The times of refreshing verse Lord" AIEEROOR PIGLET INFANT MORTALITY Canada's mortality rate is 3 deaths per 1.099 live Wirths com pared with 84 in 199 Mr. and Mrs. W. C, Cockshott, visiting Jamieson and Mrs Winnipeg, Man. are Mrs. B. M M. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs and Chantal, Montreal toria College, Toronts, daying with her nuslander, "Fhere 16 # Green Honey read # sory the Thnk of Kas Oshorne lard Morris intraduced Miss M, Wil Whe ERYE RR IREIAIIRE ES shall come from the presence of the Mrs. D. Alldread thank ed all whe had helped with the M. Lajeunesse are visiting Mr, and Mrs, J, O'Neill Miss Marilyn Houslander, Vie is holi- parents, Rev, | _{| Rayon Celasuede' a. i SUPER SPECIAL! HALF SLIPS Rayon . Colgoade", First uty Al delicate shades Reg, 1.59 " MATCHING SETS Nylon Acetate Sleepwear in dainty shades, First Qual- ity, S; M, L. * fag Con, Calormen Ti, Mk Super Special! on. V7% ly decorated, three-tiered wed ding cake, made hy her mother, | Mrs, Reid, mother of the bride, received the guests in 8 sheath dress of mauve brocade, with malehing cost and Acces: sories, and a corsage of white VosEs | Assisting was the groom's A crown headdress of pearls Mother in a sheath dress of and sequins held her 'elhow blue embroidered silk, beige length veil of illusion net with duster coat, pink petalled hat appliques of lace and sequing and helge aceessories, She wore She wore a pearl pendant and|@ corsage of red poses matching ear rings and earvied! Leaving for a honeymoon | #8 houquet of red roses and in Banif, the bride wore @ white carnations, and white mushroomed toned wool suit, satin ribbons, Streamers of matching petal hat and dark Dress Stuart tartan ribbon, held brown accessories, and 8 cor little knots of heather from sage of ved roses, Beotland, making & pleasing! Thely future home contrast on the satin skirt, BI08 4A street, NW will he al Calgary save up to m * regular 2/29¢ § (J 6 on 8 5 4 ORCHARD King mM ORCHARD KING ASSORTED SIZES CHOICE regular rogue 2/29 3 { 6 ron i Md : PONALD BUCK The bride's attendants, Miss May Wilson, as maid of honor Miss Marilyn Silk, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid, and it: tle flower girl, Heather Brem: ner, were gowned alike in waltz length dresses of mauve nylon net aver taffeta, The older girls Out of town guests were trom! Lethbridge, - Edmonton, Cran ham, Calgary and Ajax The groom's parents, Mr. and Mis, Arthur Bilk and sister Marilyn, flew to Calgary for the wedding, returning on Wed [nesday fast, Wrecking Yard Licence Sought BROUGHAM = Charles Wil: cox, who operates a used truck business on Highway 2, has made more pilgrimages to Pick: | ering township eounell chambers in the past five years than can he recalled, appealing for a li cence to wreck vehicles in the township, On previous oeca:| sions, after a hard fought! battle, he has been successful, On Monday night he again ap peared before Council to re quest a wrecking licence for a new location on the Station road, | where he removed a number of his vehicles from the Highway 2 location "Anything 1 have on No, 2 Highway will he presentable and sale able," promised Mp Wilcox, 1 think the Station read location a good one on & dead | end street LONG ESTARLISHED Deputy-Reeve Kdgar James sald that he believed that Mr waning bylaw to permit wreek ing yards in that location Reeve Scott told the operator, "Before you spent thousands of dollars on a fence, you must have thought you had a good lehance of getting this licence," Aller. considerable discussion, {Councillor Mowbray suggested approving the matter on prin ciple on the pravision that Mr Wilcox "does what we want him ta do" Mr, Wileox suggested that one could say that was blackmail, "There is no reason," said My Mawhray, "why My should not trust us {expect us to trust him." A licence was granted with the pravision that the Township solicitors prepare an agreement with various stipulations for My Wilcox to sign if he sees fit feeve Hoolt and Councillap Harvey Spang opposed the mo tion, Wileox | as well as! 3 79 1.59: CREAN #12.99 ; CORN 150 TIN PEAS 18 0LTN w 2/356 » t 1 00: jd RR ------ ORCHARD KING CHOICE STOKES FANCY APPLE~ SAUCE 1502, TN lp #3,69: : PEARS 15 0F TIN | ied 2/350 : S 1.00: : CHOICE Tomatoes' 1.89 413,69 : Red Brand Beef Sale « PENN STANDARD HALVES ORCHARD KING 20 0L TN OL TIN FULL ROUND RUMP ROAST BOTTOM ROUN % 1.59 ; 2%453,69 --O9 uh ne t-------- re Ee ada hited, pe 2/37 3 A 11.00; : PEACHES ! L 2453.69 OID CANADA'S FINEST! KS «ROASTS 1 * 4 regular 2/29¢ ': Bron 85°; » SWEETENER * GRAPE- FRUIT JUICE 2007 TIN 12,99 ------ #89, 99: regular 2/36¢ : YORK ? WHOLE . KERNEL #13,69: cf ol TN regular 2/35¢ 4 . 41.00; * A --% 91.89: 1453.69: PR. BALLARD'S CHICKEN » REGULAR » £ 0 fo OFF on 24 OF A 291.89 4 H . a ¢ MUSHRO IMPORTED U§ NO. | JUMAO CANTALOUPE 1] --- = 9.59: : YOmatTO 491.69 JUICE FOOL WN I. "i ots---- et --y a * L immonium regular 2/376 & ' 551,00 } : 191.89: pssert 241.89 ; IN POF } rk WE'RE PASSING THE SAVINGS ON T0 Youi rogue 2 6ron §Q° AYLMER FANCY #5319 regular 2/3% 1.00 1.89 453,69 pa 2 2/35 1.00 1.89 fon 2453.69 ABITANTY OF TN quality, Postel Reg, 35s, First shades, 5-M-L. Now aor 1,37 3 for $4.00 Super Special! 3-Piece Printed Cotton PYJAMA SEY Yop with Shortie ond Toreador Pants, 3 & in various colors, SM-L, First quality, , 1.79, WOW, hn rerRRRRRR SE: FULL SLIPS Floral Dotted Bikini Im TE ----r TT US, No, 1 "FRESH GREEN ASPARAGUS. 29 ONTARIO GROWN NO, | SNOW WHITE OMS. 49° UPES.. 29° Nylon Acetate styles, All colors, Sizes 32.42 1.69 Better quality Slips == BEDTIME SEY Pink, First quality, Cotton 3-piece set, Blue, Lila, §:M:L, Sot ORINOLINES Nylon Net, White, Pink, Blue, Lilag Styles 3.98 2 2.98 4.96 ~ 6.98 Wilcox was operating a salvage , ooo UR yard quite hey he recalled ANOTHER REQUEST that he had been established! Ponald Crawford, whe lives at here for a good number of 'De North west corner of Lat 8, years. He thought that Station | Concession 2 and who requests voad would be better than where ® leence 1a operate a second | he is now [hand business, did net appear py ail 3 x aC "(iol the callection off No. 2 Welgre Council we expected. a Highway, sald the deputy stare or yard in the Township, | feeve but will keep his products on! Reeve J, Sherman Scott ve: his truck, which he drives most. | called that Mr, Wilcox, throughily between Hamilton and Man. | his salieitor, applied for a 1-lireal. He vequires the licence cence last fall, The matter waslior POV purposes. Since My | not followed through and the 1 |Orawiord was not present, Coun cence not granted, The reeveloil taak mo action on this mat wanted (0 know why the oper ier ator purchased land on Station road and sel up business before an . Ww Approval Was Elven REN YORK A key The township has squeesed | Ray Gilbert, 22, was Killed Tues me so ght," sald Mr. Wileox, /day when thrown by his horse, "that 1 had na choice but tolPlenty Papaya, in the fourth buy more property," race al Aqueduct. His horse, a a Iworyearald filly, was approx PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT | i nile. Nate Councillor Milton Mowbray when "she suddenly bolted and nated that the business on Sia: ran through the rail. Gilbert ton road was not a conforming wha landed ean his head, suf use. The Planning Board had fered a frgptured skull and | recommended no change in thejen Toute W hospital, FIRST QUALITY BRIEFS Rayon Celasuede® or Nylon Acetate All colors, S-M.L OVERSIZE BRIEFS and BLOOMERS 39¢ LINGERIE SETS Rayon Celasuede* ' matching sets, Assorted colors, S-M-L, Short and long Jou Baby Doll and Toreador Py jama. Each 1.98 PEIGNOIR 2,98 EACH 0 Jey RANGE S a A499 ¢ APPLES: 49° 69° | FRESH GREEN Ih. 7c White Tuna Meat 1" 43¢ GOLDEN DEW TWIN RAR aN 1 1s. pra. 4/5100 EXTRA with glasiware Se jf Detergent au we LANCIA READLCUT Macaroni: EXTRA PINKY SHUN iEGs OF VEAL 59! READY CUT INTO ono AND STEW 39: VEAL IN THE BASKEY 49: JACK SPRATT'S « 1ST, QUALITY 69° TASTY PORK * A EET TI EY 2 CELIO CABBAGE gt Everybody a winner in the LHe] = ft BOWLING anes (HON ANA | SIDE BACON' 8° SIDE RIBS. ONLY SERRE NEEN Tae » SHY TOR RATATL FLAS Raise Long 8 so Lounge ALA WR RT EIT Wal sow PADS Detergent OPEN THURS, & FRI, TO AM, * ISLAND RD, ROUGE WiLL * DUNDAS §T, WHITRY i ye 9" 3 3 AWOL RY 0 vo he RICE bah iy Wo SdH \] WO FY Seb no 4 eh CAKE MIX - Any ving a oh 1 ha > So' 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE , |