4 THE GSHAWA TIES, Webnesiey, Ap b, 199) SPORTS MENU = Galt Terriers By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Mr, Jas. Norris Would appreciate i ai BUSH WIRE (Mismi, Chicago, Bermudg, oi your © #8 possih wm (eoliect) to 717) #n invitation to anley Cup celenrphon Please advise as in Chicago » 8001 Det ary gller a long ang gIgri busi EOing 9 require We think that this year's Black Hawks and Detroit Red W balanced hockey Ww when Howie Young "arrived and Stasiuk from Bost Hawks have | Mikita, Balfour, McDonald produce their best Hull, els And before somebody else points it put for get our personal pet theory about hockey playolis = if you have d is playing their best == tough We give you Sawchuk and Hall, along with Si Vasko, Evans and with the wings, Pronovost ete, For the benefit of our hockey readers who are keenly disappointed over the demise of the Toro Leafs and Montreal Canadiens suggest a logical and sensible alihi--these two clubs "batied their out" trying to finish in first place and the stretch drive took so much out of both of them, that they just plain "didn't have it" for the playoff grind, It's like the horse-racing game they run "The Stakes" in the afternoon = not in the early morning workout SPORTS BITS: The death of jockey Roy Gilbert, at Aqueduct Park yesterday, the first track fatality in New York state since 1046 and one of the very few in recent years anywhere, in the racing sport, is # sad blow to racing N.Y. YANKEES continue tn gel elobbered in the "Grapefruit League' exhibition games == Which may not held true this year of course, but has in the past been an indication that when "serious play" gets under way -- the Yankees have hecome tired of losing and start winning more than their share TORONTO ARGOS caught the limelight and black 'ink today, Seems that with the Mapleos out of the picture ~there is suddenly room for everyhody or anybody else, Know something? If Torontn 8. Mike's should make a good showing against Guelph in the OHA Junior "A" championship finals hockey will "return BILLY MARK scored six goals for Port Perry yesterday in Brampton to. put the "Ports" into the semi-finals of the "Novice Hockey Tournament" being held there They beat Palmerston 8:1 and 6-1 to take the round 11-2 VANCOUVER Canucks, defending WHL champs, beat Victoria Cougars 2-1 last night in the open ing game of their playoffs (semi- finals) and only 1100 fans turned out to see the game HULL-OTTAWA Canadiens copped five of the six spots on the Eastern Professional Hockey League's All-Star team, Kingston failed to place a player on either the first ar second team GROUP WINNERS in the final "elub comp- etitien for the G. W, McLaughlin Memorial Trophy at the Oshawa Curling Club, start their final playoffs tonight, Saturday is the hig wind-up, with the usual "Plumber's Night" program as the feature -- with the current ticket sale indicating there'll he another hanner turnout for the hig closing night aftais ness bla team al 0 ag gna LerENKO BLarLe Ne glong with Laurent et 5 not own our defence your goalie in top form a you are glways to beat Laurent, Godfrey still io WE brains 18 Bp a YOUNG CAGERS SLEEP 'EN ROUTE' TO TOURNEY En route to a Biddy Basket: hall Tournament, 0 miles away In Fart Gary, Indiana members of the Fart Henry (Kingston, Ontario) team snug: glod dawn in their sleeping bags in the station wasen | Billy Leonard, Robert Secha sky and Marcel Gaudet were | saving he Wip Ww play on Grab Opener LINELPS Bouyn-Noranda Gout: £ M Dupuis, Duncan Cheyrefils, ¥Frigon Anderson, Mel lian saving, Faselt Mitchel) Gal-- defence Wiki ng Galt Terriers Noranda wight GALLS pes elies 54 iH astern mifing Fhe POE ILE Pets WABI (LP) wh Bouyr Alon 4 KE MTA for I» 19 L3ke ron. Belen Vower st-of five Melee wWeras hs Tuesday pil E88 In heir Canada A) Ik i Oummet Hurley SETI io AY YRS Thursday NR Bowglchuk scored Ascii 4 orwain MeEmigh A CHBCOIBE BORIS 8 Lrawa of 2,500 Ted Maki w d Boh McKnight Shuk other marksmen £ #08 0k Darryl Beferes Fras Kitchens were 1h Insk SUMMARY period: 1. Bouy Rukaving (Frigon) 8:57 (Wyhe, B. Maj Gait, McKnight Pensl (2) hk Frigon Anders. NOHA n each First anda Lhe elt, Maki 19:46 : B. Martin) 14:46 ties Sly (2), Chevref 7:18, Mclellan 9:47, Kowal Mitchell 19:00, Maki 19:97 Second period: 4. Galt, Sly (A. Martin, Bowalchuk) 8.4 2. Rouyn McLellan (Chevrelils) Ko walchuk Martin) 17:08. Penalties Pletsch (2) 11:5, % Third period: 7. Rouyn anda, Anderson (Duncan, Lellan) 7:18; 8. Galt chuk (A. Martin, Maki) 10:07 Penalties: Aitken 7:87, Dupuis 8:48, Duncan 10:00, Kowalchuk 1h: 10 blops Caron Hurley Grand Jury Opens Query tin) Yerviers will play fourth (Wy fk ary n Bouyp MARTIN INJURED without Butch Martin in the fing mine He feiled check and limped 19 the room with & cut foot winger Bob Mader, the club's leading scorer didn't dres after suffering a minor head. in jury Monday Fervievs took eight of the 15 minor penglties but cashed in on twe power-play goals. Maki gave them a first-period tie fol lowing Bukaving's goal with a slapshot from the blueline while McLellan was off for holding Kowalchuk scored the clincher with 10 minutes to play with hoth Roy Dupuis and Boh Dun can in the penalty hox - Boat Hurley made #3 saves tn backbone the vietory. To riers forced scrohatic Jacques Caron to make 27 stops Terriers, who won this city's! Cage Scandal first OHA title in 40 years las week hy disposing of Windsor! NEW YORK (AP)="The grand Bulldogs, were presented with 1ury hegan an inves! gation the John Ross Robertson Tro. Tuesday of the new United phy hefore the third period hy|Blates college haskethall sean OHA President. Ken MeMillan of 1815, taking testimony from uni Genrgelown dentified witnesses in a wn hour session It was understood lestimany (was received from detectives [and others working on the in vestigation which hecame public when Aaron Wagman, 28, and Taseph Hacken, 41, were ar Winnipeg rested and charged with hrih INE three players in shave die 74 victory aver Fort Wil. points on games in which thei liam Canadiens Tuesday night 'eams were involved in square their best-of = seven New York police source has Western Canada Memorial Cup said the scandal could involve semi-final 3-3 as many as 16 fo 25 colleges | : Acenrding to Assistant Dis Brian Lalita scored all four riot Attorney Peter D. Andre [Canadiens goals. Dave Rich: (ali Seton Hall players Hank |ardson and Harry Bueckert Gunter and Art Hicks accepted {each tallied a pair for the Man: ($1, 000 each to shave points in a itaha champions with singles go: game against Dayton at Madi ing to Boh Lindsay, Bill Shields [son Square Garden Feh. 8. He and Ron Shalley sald an unidentified University The seventh game is here Fri: |0f Connecticut player had taken day night $1,800 for the same purpnse in a Connecticul-Colgate game at Hamilton, N.Y and Eames Fi Noranda nes Gall played Caplan 0 Noranda 1B (Hogan, A hy are Left Wi Galt Ing Vl Mi Kowal UB i418 37 a] Winnipeg Rangers Force 7th Game WINNIPEG (CP) Rangers came up with a door 'trial of Carbo and four Chihawks End Som le Canadien Reign HC AEA) EF) -- EARAREN # Reha RE BITS "ek ls sRhELtAaRE pao time owt two 18 tees baok Gant dling Black Bawks fe CRORE § HAS poe WIESCH ANEheEr Wemaly Than fit 39 hin in prusd 5, when foe whichis the Bamiey Lip vay TAR (nsseh apr Woptaesi gomie ih wn Womtirsl leet Setar (1a Reb wish Dew Yor Rebs oH sway of Montred Tyestay wat boy crucing the £anatiese I4 and taking the best-of-seven Np sem - nd fons games 18 kwh The Lr hent Bawks Bow mest Petro Bed Wings, wes victors over Koro pin MWapk begls in the wher seinidine, Ww the operming game oH the Hing here Theresia i js the Bast time op YJ years the Hawks, whe fimished Hurd OR SERBS in the Dations Hockey largne have been = close 19 the Slaniey Cup #04 Bey got here Bis amily Bill Hay, Bobby Bul and Eric Beslerepkn 99k care of he pray ECOIRE The Hawks, fiom goalie Glens : Pleyel as though they heard of the Moni IBat Bas Kept the fa the fingis for the last them five con Cups and fom five we cham a DEY RY at $4 #4 eR » Wehs Wp WW given Maney YRAFS Gye ot of the I BLORE TWO IN ROW The Hawk Lr OY checked and Im wheimed Montreal their rer bas leng Pa Pry WVEr #4 might and LLond consecy ved racked wp By Did # DIR eLaN Inllowers heheyed Day Od RIRE NOCKey Lang before uffered Wn cn a BEYES play rowaed ins Chi gave their heros on as the final went. During the last of mar of ap taried 10 build up in ex huberant approval of the Hawk play Phey | Jil FURREES the fans ¢ LREN DlLadium © Ihree-minyie gyal huey a Iie play Plause yoded € jee with Programs and a Lawyers Argue When Basilio | Greets Carbo LOS ANGELES (AP) ~De fence and prosecuting attorneys traded verbal left hooks in a corridor when hoxer Carmen Basilio shook hands Tuesday with mobster Frankie Carbo The angry exchange took place hefore the craggy-hrowed tasilio testified for the prosecy tion in the conspiracy-extortion others accused of trying to muscle in on the contract of one-time wel: terweight champion Don Jor: dan Government prosecutor Goldstein herated Basilio, mer world welterweight middleweight champion the handshaking Carho's attorney, William Beirne, snapped hack al Gold stein You don't own Basilio. He can shake hands with whom he pleases.' Basilio testified court that he saw Frank (Blinky) Palermo, an other defendant, in Miami Beach in January 1858 Basilio did not elahorate On trial with Carbn and Pa lermn are Truman Gibson nf Chicago and a pair of x Angeles hoodlums, Louis Tom Dragna and LL Sica REMEMBER WHEN? , , Camhridge University finished #14 lengths ahead of the Oxford eight tn win the 104th inter-uni versity hoat race an the Thames three YRArs Agn tnday It Was Cambridge's Ath vietory in the annual competition | Alvin for and after in federal Carbon and | OFTEN FATAL Tetanus, or lnckiaw, 1s a pain: | ful, often fatal, disease caused | hy germs usually picked up| fram infected soil and entering |» through wounds | HOCKEY SCORES AND STANDINGS National League Montreal 0 Chicago 3 [(C hieagn wins hes! {semifinal series 4.9) | American League Cleveland 1 Springfield 3 (Springfield wins best-of-seven semi-final 4.0) Western League Spokane 2 Portland 7 [(First game hest-of-five ter-finals) Victoria 1 Vancouver 2 } [(First game hest-al-five quar {ter-finals) of - seven quar International League St. Paul 1 Muskegon 2 (First game, hest-of-seven final) | Allan Cup Rouyn-Noranda 8 Galt § (Galt leads hest-af-five all-Onla- rin final 2:0) Memorial Cup Fart William 4 Winnipeg 7 (Rest-nf-seven Western ( anada | semi-final tied 3-3) Maritime Intermediate A Fredericton 7 Greenwood 4 (First game, twa » game totals goals Maritime final) Home Owners-Meortgage Loans Repay Only We have & Umited ameunt of mansy an hand new for PRN u needy hp it yeu Ned $2000 or mee Wo arent of faxes, or te sambing San Waay enly $35 a month, de CALL MR eam in the World's Biady Basketball Championships Tournament They play their first game to day, against Puerto Rico | ~(CP Wirephota) the Canadian 146 CARLTON of aviands have dens $35 Monthly marianne AN aur leans ate apen and san be paid aft at any tims, A FONT MANIMMOnt, termi san he Arranged te SWI vewe ments a low as $33 a month ins ng interest 8 Saming dus, pay oft a mart 3 inte ans, and all your man NEWTON WA 5.512 FOREST HILL INVESTMENT CORP, LTD, 57, TORONTO £ port Jaan ins Biante The dejected Capphiens sHarsd tn move seowly of the we lier the fmish, bt Shep Imes anh came Beck 19 KB FIRE RIL Thk WARES S EFF RIN TROUBLED Berpie (Boom Boom) Gash nen. the Wendl sar vie Ww ied Ws nes wn the hed ERIK, FRENIRAR 1 the Buesg by LER 2 cat ol Bs leg VRS Neck SDRIWMEYY when i be Kime oovions Be was skating With Rk inity The pattern of the game was 560 NCI y And konfirmes pd way hisgh the fas pened FcR n Rad the best Sconeg chances though the first few winies, bt Senne the ih ne Jost men hone ARR IK ( tve RGR S SY Y YRWHER DOWER PRY ($72 | non #08 bis booming shot oF the point, bt Bay, Desierenks and Jack Evans checked Mon rep 19 » slandstil. Then Ear Balfour snd Big EJ (Moose) Vasko replaced Bay and Vvan ly compels the yh MADE BIG SAVE Hall, playing bis entive BHI, game, made bis hig save lale wn the fist pened when Don Marshall got 2 bresk away while Montreal short anaes He raced hot and Hall gol Hall, whe handled 24 shots S814 Wis legmmples played the best game he has ever seen They gave me lerrific sup Bll the wey he said in dressing room gfler the game while Frounses hy celebrating Hawks STANLEY CUP SCORING G A Det 3 4 Chi 2 Hh Chi Mi Mil ss wu Re ih conse wa Wut burried wn front of H Lhe still Pts. PIM Howe / Hull Filote Goyelle Richard Wharram, Chi Beliveau, Mil Mikita, Chi Moore, Mil Balfour Labine, Del Fronovost Provost Stasiuk, STANLEY CUP STATISTICS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Semi-Finals Chi Pel Mtl Det s FA 42 16 1H 24 IK hest-nf-seven Chicagn Montreal Chicagn series 4-2 Detroit Torontn Detpoil series 4:1, wins i1 HH 4 Id B16 won hestol-seven Johnny Kucks Is In Rochester Now WEST PALM ; Piteher Johnny Kueks, an 1h.8ame winner far New York Yankees in 1956, Tuesday | was optioned hy Kansas City BEACH, Fla. | | Athletics ta Rochester of the In [ternational League Kueks had a 410 won + lost record with the Athletics last| season and was ineffective in {exhibition appearances this | spring, Norm Bass, a vight - handed | pitcher, was added to the Kan | He City roster from Sheveport| f the Sauthern Association. | (Rass had heen the most impres:| the House of Representatives as| {sive young pitcher in the Ath: letics eamp this spring A the slant, | wasw't lope. § even had to fight 2 comple of shots. Bw lier we sores the fort. god fn the sons perias @ Wh SE he DEESHIR SEERRER (5 yg The Beit goed mee # ar ok thal 7a Es he pein perish when he ou a Rai y from the £84 hosiks wh Baek an ange sot hat WIRStIRR past Fienie BARS PENAMATEDN ws go CRE Mh RB SRIRERER sR AL BB 4 vine Montara A £££ p ceman Aen Aumior) | angios ER ME RB PEBY Nesterenhy £5 Wm Pheied the SLOEIRE # HW when Re SHAPES OB # loose Puck Mier shot by Hall bad bowacesd off Canadien Refenceman Poss | HR Ries KB Way net belore Pianie conid move Pllous--whase 00 \ Was Fm DIA 19 RaYE PWEER IB BRNEEr MW season when the Hawks WEEE WRNOWIDE I B SWIBE PERILS 10k BRIIK Exactly, thoweh few pes Bin SEINE Y Ihe The Hawks bad looked bad in losing the opening game 61, bi CRIME DRCK 18 1358 he BELONG The third game, won by Chicagn 2), was A Crucial ons hal wenl ple hres QYerLme periods before Murray Balowr ANIRERIER he WIBBIRE EAR) Canadiens com pi elely out lassed the Hawks for & 51 wi in the fourth game 19 be the series, but gfier that Chicsgs never looked hack FIRST SINCE 193 The Hawks have Stanley ( Wa RY ik. has DLL he 190K 2% th This first not wor 19m tha Np Since fingl will alse mark 'West Canada Wins Men's 5-Pin Set 87. CATHARINES (CP) Western Canada won the men's team championship while East gl8rn Canada look the women's team title Tuesday night as the ninth annual Canadian five-pin howling championships opened The all Winnipeg western men's team won hy 8 whopping 772:pin MAFEIN OVEE A LOMPO site Ontario team of Harry Ca hill of Niagara Falls, Hugh Me: Gillvray of Stratford, Boh Hoff: man of Fergus, Murray Syrie of Chatham, Jim Gregory of Os hawa, Jim Lacey of Waterloo and Phil Guun of Toronto The westerners opened up a margin in the first game of the I0-game set and were never in serious trouble tal of 12,650 pins to 11,778 reg: istered hy the eastern represen: | talives Ontario team salvaged some prestige when Lacey collected | 10 consecutive strikes, late in the seventh game and early in| the eighth Highest single-game score in the men's event was 876 hy Me: |Gillvary in his fifth game | Trailing hy 266 pins after the [first five games, the Ontario |w amen made a sensational ¥ amehack in the last five ta win hy 168 pins. Ontarin totalled 11, (474 pins, the Winnipeg team 11 The Ontario team included [Barhara Rose of Camphellford The championships will he completed today with three {mare finals = the mixed event, men's singles and women's sin: [gles WOULD BAN HORSE NEWS | COLOMBO, Ceylon (Reuters) Newspapers would be banned fram reporting horse racing un: | der a hill introduced Tuesday in| part of a government drive) {against gambling, 'DOLLARS OFF Quality Retreads If you ave budg while this affer lasts! DOMINION" TIRE STORES DOMINION ROYAL 4 TIRES EXCHANGE Free Installation t-minded and need tires , , » Huy TERMS $1 Down §1 Weekly 48 BOND ST, W. (Comer of Church RA 3.6511 enke (Hull enllecting a 10:| FB Cosh Toe Blake oH Cone Mens pwned wp We CBRES YIKIEY SRY They wage BBE RE RA hey i ¢ AHL § Finals fipms # " "% 9p, lr hyper of We pina tl Ry Bam Bamy Was. HL pee # RT 8 their sat lk aiaike sf Halk wo sy San Wakes wee paver. Tht Mais VERITY RRRELTNG fast goed was Wee Ek WE SORA BRE the fant perad when WH ERIE IB the DeRaiy Ei a Blake 1efnsah 49 Lien n wh Detroi BOTH A000 Both teams pre bwngry" he WE. TH ROWE DE 8 BENNY R Sey ws, £ DELLE DRA . i « a A the fina FA V4 baa ay hs SE We Wh AB el RAR fon the cng RL REN Be i 7 9 Pe RARER ERIK 4 Jive (Lo fue NR Dadar a In because of 28 Wik Phy eR oy A LK LIRL REN (5 oh #4 for the Se) then etre Wednes Azy. I more games sre peeled they wilh be played in Chicagn Friday DunBzy whl Cm cREn Tuesday FINELY Montreal ~~ Gol: Plapte, d¢ lence: Jobnson, Talbot, Harvey Langlois, Turner, 4. £. Trem bay Goyette, Pro vost. Marshall, Beliveau, Moore Bobin, Bichard Hicke 6 Tremblay, Geolfrion, Gendron Chicagn--Gorl: Hall, defence Pilot Arbour, St. Lay rept, E forward Sloan erenkn, Murphy, Hay, M sellonr, Hull, Mik Wharram McDongid, Fleming, Murphy, E Balfour Beferee men: Matt Armstrong SUMMARY First period: coring. Pen giles: Johnson and Hay 4:22 M. Balfour 12:02, Pilote 12: Plante (served by Goyetie) 16 15 Second ny a e Monday Ey hack 19 Detrou forwrids yREES yah lines Neil Eddie Powers Favelich and na period: 1, Chicago Hay (Hull, M. Balfour) 1:15; 2 Chicago, Hull (Pilole, M. Bal four) 5:59; 3. Chicago, Nester Litzenherger) 15:h#, | Penalties: Si. Laurent 1:87 Langlois §:04 Third period: No scoring, Pen: alties; None Stops; Plante Hall 7 5 1 12 7 U4 (ROWER WREIRER te \RINEY WOWA keen bin owt of the Tie Landians wow, as they bare fresiventiy this with #» SITES I the toed period ol Wy tn that pened Sornafieid ries 19. Bat Wn the space of Jil seconds the Indians clicked we gous. the second one ng at 19% lew minutes hter, Bil Sweeney, 109 scorer iB the All, this sRRSOP with 4 eects aid 4 assists for 19% pots, f the nk win the Cleveland Rel wh: ssisied for the third i 7 Metrenry and Bryce Chine were the other Springheld scorers. Bom Atty the Cleveland marksman Negro Golf Star In PGA Toumey GREENSBORO, NL. (AP) »~ Charlie Sitlord, five times Na tional US. Negro goM cham: ion, will compete in the Greater Greenshorn open BoM ournament April 15-16. He will be the first Negro 19 & in # PGA-sponsored tonrnament n the South The board of directors of the Sedgefield Country Club, host cub for the 24th snnusl $22.508 event, approved Sifford's entry, Port Perry In Tourney Semi' BRAMPTON Y P Port Perry Tuesday reached the semi-finals of the Brampton ne. vice hockey tournament D class series hy defeating Palmerston hl and hl Exeter reached he semi-fin f fi hae horn 'oy la oy Aye 04 and 7 ition. n C class compel ph soll defeated Forl sin Bh Doth delented Onbrign hl an Fv rors 42 and Milton im Sone Hespeler #, for pre | IN NATURAL Canada's best performance that "speaks" GARNETTS TAILORED EXCLUSIVELY BY BLACK'S Present . . . In righness, in distinctive character, in for itself, Progness Baano Corned "The House of Style for Men and Bays" BLACK'S Men's Wear Lid, coloun known quality suit, here is the suit " Simeoe egy RA Na Hn