The Oshawa Times, 5 Apr 1961, p. 13

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; biomed ARCHITECTS DRAWING OF NEW OSHAWA BANK BUHLDING Toronto-Dominion lace Local £LLRIVIR To Rep The Toros tAday ARRRINECEA redevelopment of al onby King end » p ' ' ramatic exter downtown Oshawa yo erie eal for the eEISHNE Str tire ng of an witrka wm ment building $20 Hh During the constr ' new hllding, the 1 (sha branch of the bank will he how ed in temporary quarters at # King street east, ne tn the Biltmore Theatre. Date fo) move is this coming weel Demolition operations w mence nex 1 7 ing 0r will he antingue sieel with Aemn (Rin IER feaiunng of Anodiies WInfow wil fa ANN alum hf rmet) eile aired unit MARBLE WALLS n ne a hilding, the rieh finish antinued with wrfaces and floors n i conditioned will he o as the wall mais Vinyl enn hestn Cerami wit} stain the throught FRINNg mezianine ana will complement gli hngnt work complete mineral acousbic will reduce nose el to a minimum throughout hanking room. All fixtures will he flowr eneered the tee) py Erille ire YEAR TO COMPLET f The new huilding, A ed hy Ae A. Bruce Etherington RPPrOKImalely one plete. It will contain a of innovailons in modern tectural design facilities, A hasement ign for RAY 10 com: tHe eeiing 1£ the HENLINE numney arch main anda hank round Bank Branch | escent and recessed inn the feet he latest in omiren men ceinng Are ect has AAGIAER ThE histiding COMETELE Lehigh foiinda flown an tee) rom Fh om HEIng tim en deck wm pan felt and gravel roof two inches of insulation and | upporied without column TAILORED TO NEEDS Gordon Miles, manager of the hranen the design ha heen carefully tatlored Lo fit the needs of a fa CENT i flects the Oshawa ha The combination marble ana aa, w Af cleaning sn thal will appear clean gl times and he cy wal CORETELE weh joists and # mg HL Fests ay umar re Browing sophistication maturity ne en ol reached of. polished teel, he he self the biunidiy and shiny al a credit 10 he stains as 1gneqa in RELIGION IN SCHOOLS 11 Drivers Convicted A intel of 8315 in levied in 12 (raffic in front of Magistrate ( Guest in the Oshawa Mag trate"s Court, Tuesda the Ontario - Quebec Canference duc sche, 24, of 846 0f the Seventh-day Adventist oils, Bastarache a Shik | huroh in Canada released a fine CASE committee of I'he executive on| Brave concern at the current 10, | Program of the Ontario Depart ment of Education providing for the teaching of religion in the | public schools of Ontario Pastor Henry DD. Henriksen, of March 4 Oshawa, president of the denom Beatha Fay Holthy, 18, of RR nation's Ontarin and Quehec 8, Bowmanville, was fined Bi onference, termed the stale for making an improper rn | ment # "responsible and reason Wilfred Landry, of io College| ed approach ta a thorny ques Abr] os Hed 410 and ails tian that deserves careful study avg in Hd { id A pi and statesmanship on the part ay: { of the chureh ar charge against Clayton Orp wood, of 461 Park road south POINTS TO DANGER was dismissed The statement points out the Beverly D, Cowan, 10, of RR|9angers of enlisting "the state uilty ta careless Ng street east, March Robin KR. Brown, #2, of 406 Sim ene street north, was fined $100 on the same charge, arising oul of an incident on Mary driving sireel 1, Orono, was $20 for speeding, March 17 | [] Hirmssburger, 36, of Linsey, WIONQG Permit ing, Feh, 28, Jan Gyshertus Van ] Tellington, 27, of 800 Dunlop For Vehicle pended sentence for speeding March 2. He said he had just | Harley Hayes, RR 4, Bowman ville, was Tuesday fined $20 and ometer was nol working d 1 A . pleaded guilty hefore Magis Harry Balson, 21, of RR & jie") Baxter to a charge speeding at 65 mph, in a 80 mph! sales zone, on a motareyele, March 7 Hayes, who operates Harley's fined 818 for averorowding the! manville. was of \ as charged with giv front seat of his car, William J. ing the wrong ownership permit was fined B16 on a similar Haves said i i ] we had two cars charge. William J. Webber, 17. af the same model and. one ville, was fined 815 for not com [he gave (he wrecker the wrong Ing to a full stop at Athol and permit hy mistake w hen he sold fined Albert E wae fined 85 and costs for speed street, Whithy, received a sus BOWMANVILLE (Staff) hought a new car and the speed costs, or five days. when he Bowmanville, was fined $30 for| of falling to keep a record of all Maurice Bois, of Ajax Wasi Used Car Lot, just east of Bow Maxwarthy, 23, of West Hill, [for a car he sold to a customer of 97 Bouthway drive, Bowman was sold (0 a wrecker. He sald Centre street, March 14 him the other cay SER CADETS WIN ANNUAL RIFLE SHOOT TROPHY The Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps "Drake" was presented with the Annual Ri flo Shoat Trophy Tuesday nght following keen campel Hons with the Oshawa (( hai | WR) Air Cadet Squadron. In he match each corps was represented eight with each group scoring a In a shoot-off Sgt. D ented the alr oa and Pelty Qificer A by hy a team of Pants Fabh aes It resulted in a dvaw | Grave Concern Is wu Voiced By Church on behalf of religious ideals and sectarian goals' and warns thal this inevitably 'produces dis |erimination that leads ultimate! and easts when he pleaded #tatement foday expressing its| ly ta the attempted control of the conscience of man' Seventh » day Adventists hold that the "primary responsibility for religious training of vouth rests upon the home and the ehureh SIX-POINT PROGRAM The declaration calls for @ six-point program that would I. Provide for a thorough re view of the whole question hy the province 2. Until such a review can he undertaken remove religious classes from the school pro gram and place them either at the heginning or the close of the regular school day 8, That if religious instruction must he, it he handled hy school teachers and not the elergy 4. Permit parents desiring re ligious training or exemption fram it for their children to in dicate their preference at the time of registration i. Encourage the religious classes schoal promises fi. Requests the Department of Education to take steps to elim inate discrimination holding of away from CHEST STILL GROWING The office of the Greater Osh awa Community Chest reparted this morning that an additional contribution of $37 fram the staff of te Oshawa General Hospital had raised the total ta $106,418.50 latter winning hy four points. The win broke a four-year skein of wins hy the air ea dels. Seen as the presentation the raphy was mad loft, are WO 2 G QO from Bohaker Wan the sea cadets with wie | Flight Lieutenant Roland Gi w UK. Official Is Guest Of Ita. 7 BRB Warnica, CF and Mes. Warmer together with 8 The mative officers of the On tari Regiment. and thelr wives entertained ai swpper Tuesday EVERINE In the Aficery mess mh the secasion of the vig 1 Oh wwe of Brigadier A. €. Tyler CBE, MC, and Mrs. Tyler Prior to the Boner Brigadier and Mrs senior ficers of the regiment ha thewr wives # cockistls WW their ste wt Hotel Genosha Atleniing he cockial party wereolt ot. M. VF. Johnston i240. and Mrs. EB. F, Basteds fs. A400, and Mrs. J. B. Warnics, s C0, Major and Mrs. W. € 2 | Paymier, Mawr and Mrs. Wik Ham Clarke, Major and Mis. Harnden and Capt. and Mrs, lan Mota Enioving supper in the mess were Capt, and Mrs. A. EK. Hebb, Capt. and Mrs. Jack McAdam, Capt. and Mrs, Blanley Bker, Capt, and Mis, Bom. Leonard, Capt. and Mrs. John Larmond, iis. George Mainds, Boh Caranka. 14. (CWALC) Button IAA and Mrs, M. CC, Finley IA. €ol Graham Cowher, Capt and Mrs. John Bane, 14 and "i iohn Almond, Capt. Les Yigelers, Major and Mrs, Mur: Townsend, Capt. Bernaul I4. BN. Hall and Miss Roberts MW Fernandes hy Ihe Frade wn Chamber Week Is Commended John Diefen eEnnden he CRAITIEA Minister com 'Ime ha ker m 4 MUATY WATE WEF BN CME ow Chamher ina wy Boards of of Commerce and Mrs. Tyler ehidren, John and are MAG ng ia ed tn Magara Falls. This will he thei of The Hirst visit 10 this part of Ontane ince Brigadier Tyler painted 1g the staff of the British High Commissioner enn MINLary aavisor Brigadier their Andrew and ember and wn mie AAnre Inserh Jeffery Chamber of Com to he observed Apr. 16 an ARs vy Was ap in 12 as the GOON GOVERNMENT { prime mimsier democratic proce ed by these argam in a spirit of good have underiaken task in advance national questions cussion hewteen all Canpgda., By per useful function them in frequent the autharnties mueh 1a good RR fr ie WEI seY whieh mp nner for i of 7@ation Special Type Blood Is Clinic Need | A special appeal [or people h "A Negative and 0) galive type blond was issued oday hy the Red Cross on the eve of the hiood donor clinic | slated for tomorrow at 81. Greg ciizer amm mution ifter full : n formin hh which heir contact with the COMTININE government welcome this opportunity N to extend my hest wishes tn all who will participate in the cele: hratio' of the Fourth Annus Chainher of Commerce Week." ory's Auditorium Special programs and events|" »" ' : will he arganized in communities| There is a general shortage of in every province throughout all types At the hinod hank hut Chamber of Commerce Week to|!D these (wo categories the hring home ta all Canadians the| deficit 1s acute ace ording to offi the understanding and appre: | Cals of the Hed Cross ciation of the role these organ: ""Oshawa's monthly quota of feations play mm eom munity 400 holtles is a small but, ex hulding for the national g0od.'(vemely vital share in the aver DOING VITAL JOB all goal of almost 600,000 hotiles "The Oshawa Chamber of of blood which will he required Commerce is one of more than | (hroughout Canada during 1061 #00 Boards of Trade and Cham: |g' ooo nar across this hers of Commerce doing # vital Means thal aerass this coun try 'one hottle of blood must he joh of community building : y eollected every fifteen seconds acrnss Canada', stated William Hart, president of the Oshawa of every working day stated] y Robert H. Stroud, chairman ofl : hamber of mere ere the Blood Donor Clinie commit Week , tn he observed Apr, 16 lee and a vice president of the to 22, "should help bring home Oshawa Branch of the Canadian in aur citizens the value of the Ted Cross Society work heing done on their hehalf| _ Clinie hours tomorrow at 8 and in their interests hy their Gregory's Auditorium on Simeoe chamber of commerce, Presi: 5i7eel north have been set for| dent Hart continued {1180 to 4 and from 6 to 8 p.m Officials of the clinic have| stressed the need of every per Plan To Make iin tas repsersi' ive Amphibian At Port Hope to meet this important appoint ment "It Is hecause aver 160 failed ta honor this promise that Osh awa falled tn reach Hs quota last month # Red Cross PORT HOPE spokesman said phihious sports vehicle which can he driven on land at 2 miles an hour or .on water at 10 knots will he huilt here for the Canadian market hy a newly formed company First Ship of Beampy Craft of Canada, Expected said an outhoard engine can he [] On April 17 used to abhitain higher water speeds Although there appears to he little activity at the Oshawa Harbor, the faet that the chan nel and turning basin are free of the winter's accumulation of lee indicates the apening of the summer shipping season is close at hand A visit ta the harbor area last Sunday gave little iw [dieation that a busy season lies jahead, The piles of coal have [iminished 10 a marked degree {since last fall; but there was nn activity around the Oshawa Yacht Club. Driven hefore al strong, chilly wind, waves {were hreaking aver the hreak water leaving nearhy hushes laden with ice An official of Robert Dixon Company Limited sald Tuesday that the first hoat load of eoal fram a US part is expected an April 17. The 88 George § Cleet will bring in another cargo far the firm on April 26. Other calliers are expected an May i| and 22. Fram then until Novem ber the firm expects the an rival af a callier every five av six days MeLaughlin plies Limited expect Petman will load a coal for the fivm at Ohio, around May § Lander Stark Oil Limited and Viger Oil Ca., hath of which have large storage tanks in the harbor area, report they have received na schedule af arrivals 148 yet Although the winter was exvessively cold, the piles steam coal in the harbor will be pretty well depleted hy the Lime the first collier arrives i 8 (CPF) An am He said Canadian production is expected to hegin within 13 manths, although same vehieles may he imported before then from Scampy Craft of America, an associated firm in Chicago Coal and Sup the 88 Cargn of Sandusky bank, commanding atficer of the air cadets: Liewt, B G Kunkel, commanding officer of the sea cadets: Chief Petty Offices RKiwior amd B Foargette, clvilian mstruetoy ~Qshawa Times Photo not of og SECOND SECTION area The Oshawa Times "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 196) PAGE THIRTEEN Trier entertained the « commitiee; Mrs, Heh, Mrs Brigadier Tyler, Mrs | cers of the Ontario Regiment i and their wives Tuesday might | Tyler British High Com: | in the officers' mess, Seen | 4. RB. Wernica and 14.Col and Mrs, Tyler | here, from left, sre Capt. A. | Warnes, CD, commanding of- of the active offi- | E. Hebb, president of the mess | ficer of the Ontario Regiment THREE-YEAR BAN TYLER, emior military ad BRIGAMER A, € CBE, M( 1507 10 thie wi HIneEy WETE Euest CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations wishes and hest ta the following re dents of Oshawa apd Ais trict who are celebraling their birthdays today ; Askew, 8 Park Yancy Chrisie i] Marilee Adelaide Bh Cadillac Weir, 104 north; Milton Mitchell Avs Smith, Burketon Berlie, Courtice Robert Edgar on road south gar, Jr, 2% Wilson road outh: Mrs. Ralph Camp hell, 124 Guelph 8t.; Dennis Faylor, 140 Rosehill Blvd; Ricky Lueyk, BRR 1, Osh: awa; Bharon Lott, General Deliver Oshawa; Louise Waggel, Ml Crerar Ave. Patricia Jane Lueyk, Col umhu Ontario Morley Cook, 438 Adelaide west Douglas Murray 152 Col h Counse ), Hum lege Avi limmy Bhetler, Defence Counsel BR, D, Hum ws, QC, sald Gerry's de 150 Guelph Bi 1 %% | phreys de lerson HA i diobent | ht | Phe boys and girls, ranging inlfence was hased on the fael IP Mills 840 "Mary 81 "lage, from 4 tn 12, feasted on hot | that he did not know he had hil we 880 Gd J sors. They! the girl Mys. Vialet Moore, 380 ( dogs and hamburger They | the J : don Ave Gloria au He were shown a cartoon film The Magistrate sald he William Bt, east; Peter This event was planned hy | Convinced Ry Frost, 47 Greta 8i John [the "hoys and girls commitiee' Hunk a 3 phi sali ad Davis, RR 2, Oshawa; Mich. [of the Lions Club. The eommil told the e tondant to Lave samp ael Yourkevich, 082 Masson [tee is chaired hy E. J. Pinto re check "bacause he thenght BL Jill Williams, 407 Rose. |The other committee members ' ] i '"lihere had heen an accident mere 6; Robert Lone (are Robert Kchoenau, GeOrge| down the road. He described Goodman, 768 Mary St, | Hood Donald Hammond and) Gorvvis leaving the scene as Grace Rundle, 1015 King |Ray Stevenson ruthless' street east and Randy Bonel After the banquet and film, His Worship said Gerry's sole| In, 107 Broek street north, {the children were given presents| purpose in pulling into the ser Whithy of candy, money banks and pen " | The first five persons to |eils, There were ahout 30 fa imform The Oshawa Times | me 1 ho he o thers at the celebration Big Decline In | OF their birthdays each day My, Pinto said it was the job | will receive double tickets to | Customs Revenue | \ of his committee to do what it he Regent Theatre, good [could for the needy children of Revenue for the Port of Osh: | for a four-week period. The Oshawa. He said the members| swa, collected hy the Oshawa current attraction is "Hip: |also aveange a party for under: | oustoms office during Mareh, | podrame privileged children at Christ: [totalled 81,100.478.60. This com: Reports on birthdays will |mas paved with $0,865,768.07 for the| he received only hetween He sald Tuesday night was the same month of last year the hours of & am, and 10 lone night when the commitieel The breakdown of the ecollee:| am. Phone RA 8:8474 devated special attention to the tions during March of this year {children of Lions Club mem: follow: import duty, $054,261.05; | Benefit Show (hers, Prior to the feast, a short excise duty, $406,50; sales tax, | [business session was held, chair S142. 850.18; excise tax, $8358.47; | ed hy President Robert Brown. 'sundry collections, $1335.73 | The Ontarie County Junior Farmer Choir will stage a "Crippled Childven's Benefit | Show" in the Port Perey High School Auditorium, on Saturday, | April 29, at K:158 p.m, Net pro coeds of the show will ga ta the! "Crippled Children's Fund" The ¢haiv consists of same 30 young men and women of the dunior Farmers' Association of Ontaria County. The chair divee: | tor 18 Mrs. Hisie Dobson, Uxs| hridge, RR 4 and the acoom: RAR is Mrs. Mane Taylor, 'art Peryy The program will feature sev. eral choral numbers, as well as hoth male and mixed quartettes ind ladies trios. Numbers in the show will include sueh all time favorites as "Canada Our Heri: tage", "1 May Never Pass This Way Again", and "No Man Is An Island" Riek Campbell, of CFTOTV, Taronta, will he the master of ceremonies for the show, Betty Weir of the TV program, Spots light, will he the guest artist Dr. MB. Dymond, minister health, will he the honored guest at the henefit show Ontarin County road wh Far Bill south Riverside Bryant Oryus Margaret road north Br., 258 Wil Robert Ed Lier ker, 481 mith Helen Di 15) West BOWMANVILLE (Staff) William Bruce Gerry, #1 Oronn Tuesday sentenced tn nine. months definite and|the magistrate issued an order three months indeterminate in! prohibiting Gerry from driving the Ontario Reformatory, when|anywhere in Canada for a per: he appeared hefore Magistrate|iod of three years R. B. Baxter for sentence on a! Gary was charged with fail Lions Hosts cx ie fen, of ve To Children year-old Nancy Martin, of New: castle, on Highway 115, 8 mile More than #0 guests at the annual Son and Daughter Banguel held Tuesday night hy the Osh awa Lions Club at Hotel Gen nsha charge of falling to remain al of the scene of an accident Was In addition to the sentence interchange 18st Hallowe'en night cross examination hy Crown Al torney Harry RK, Deyman, QC, Gerry admitied a previous eon iction of failing to remain al the scene of an accident children were "Father Wah | le] [eo] $1 EVERY DAYI of The Juniar Farmer Chair has heen presents! Ing an annual musieal show far the past eight vears, These shows have provided fine enter! lainment for all ages, and have met with much faver wherever presented, It is expected that the 1981 benefit shaw will be ane of the best presented Mrs. D. Williams, 38 Ou: bert street, a homemaker with the Oshawa Branch of the Ca nadian Red Cross Society, has set a record which might well he emulated hy other local blood donors. When she visits the Oshawa Bload Danar Cline 8. Gregory's Auditorium tlomoarraw she will be giving 'her Sth nint of blood. Seen here with Fred Roberts, pres ident of the Oshawa branch af the Red Cross, Mys, Wik liams started to donate her blood at the Oshawa Biood Donor Clinie in the General | Motors Aunditorium Mary street, in 1841 and has continu her donations of a rare Type blood every four months, In addition 0 her | BANANA NAME batanical name of the Janana, musa sapien means "fait of the wise he al wm , A men (Issued north of the Highway 2401-115) - Al an earlier hearing under | 14.€ol. Warnica is holding # collection of badges of the Welch Regiment which was presented by Brigadier Tyler ~(shawa Times Photo, ine Months Definite For Leaving Accident vice station was to have some: one else go and see what had happened "hecause he knew he had struck something, but he didn't know who or what" Crown Attorney Deyman ask: ed that Gerry's sentence he one of not only six months and that an order prohibiting him from driving anywhere in Canada for as long & period as possible he Entry Charge Is Admitted BOWMANVILLE (Btaff) Robert Mouradian, 19, of Toron- tn, was Tuesday remanded out of custody to appear for sens tence April 25, when he plead: ed guilty hefore Magistrate R, B. Baxter to two charges of breaking, entering and theft, OPP Constable Bruce Tillson testified Mouradian entered two enttages in the Caesarea ares Feh, 25. He said several ar: ticles were taken from one of the cottages and moved to the other. He found the accused in the area when he went to ins vestigate the break: dn coms plaints Constable Tillson said the aes cused had heen out for a week: end with another youth and had wanted a place to get in out of the weather, He said there was no way of heating the first cots tage the hays entered so they went (0 the other where there Was A slove According to Constable Till: son, no damage was done to the cottages except for the locks hes ing hroken. He described the accused as heing co-operative "and no trouble at all" The magistrate ordered a pres sentence report . y HAS ENVIABLE BLOOD DONOR RECORD donations here she has given her blood in Brantford, Paris, Hamilion and Toronto as well as to hospitals, "We all can | not give money hut we all can give blood," says Mrs. Wik Hams who says she feels se good after giving bleed she wishes she could give mare aften =Oshawa Times Photo,

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