fn the fegiciature recently What ie stele (o the pomber of ieresse he granting of wien there fe fo employment The Vancowoer, Wavagsn nd son. The fisheries Repariment TIBOR. TRE | TR (RE RTI TEMS. for he RocrRge wal [oF wavs of The gra Frinee Ragert Mapas aie ro - eTaniek (RE RESTING asm i J ERE TE, We a Beier LIER MRERTA RE RE GE HTS (FE RE SORE CRI AT HOVER Derk ps, We we wwe 6 I. 4 Ls wre Tom Willer. phe reset : bi ferhere w fhe comery I. fom. cwriy ¥ehevery er en HS RRR FRARIR REE HHH FER . Nt TV i 1 . Went. ASEH Visa sr. 4 Wet § # cad 8 A ERRIRE Hal BYE RIOR tw WH OF WOVE i # [hw (vie oH I Gdose (WET OH he SAA SVETOUE | ramgesy tian The Social Craft. goverment. V2 THE OSHAWA TIES, Wedneckey, Mok § 9H : Frisians [vas ess dow (ov he RT RENT wR TINS. fT Aen fast fa months It. 15 OIE ie (3 pul fd Jor yr. fhe. wih fwi4rowing Oa ie wining the provlem by, [d Canada-Wi urvey (PRE BIE I (Toe. The aio oo' here are 05 MWY GREIONE cot. ir ll pik yi pada mer, WORE AG. cnmmg other WED: TRIPE : Wms emg ces of Winder TT LL V The srmimue has donk M8. and Gichaws have had laystie "OER (6 RY es e---- The Famonion REEF Hae ' ] A WEE BY Ena Of Jobless Problem " va rmpimpen i Ma lly ii rs burp has Hie Seon Ha 700 tase a oF # FRR Lop pnd i ud frye of w-- - . love of LIMO. There wee been iw Alaity, warty from Favor Mimieter 1. B. Corral work fosce of 75509 uagbiagi puta sdb g this 106 phonies for : WIE RERPATER I. BE J aioe se LRTI IE het anion, wR Wer rg saves mak smpermeriets as 5 Go WITH, PR RENE # EER 15 EB | BARR. RHE (rater Wamiredi es Working HamWon s eel industry lid WIORETRICE CCOROME, WARE RICE Woh ew #IERe TEIN Re ls veer SRT. BART owe ff Bot Home (or 0B WENRIE force of some ODI. hb Ioige off B18 men iw inte J eimwery, RE RETIN y aitecten by wae. aight Tmt sendy pmaremse wy NE ans 4 OE REE FORAGE WEloW OIREE VERE. paul of the corrant IOmiess wh thowah most wi bi back 1 OTTRERE RS TRGRT RET (Cama Aer ywme of s#ins BVer ies PUSAN ga 4 station" OR (echmvert know - how in sore som As rg RIPE 16 Be 2 work oy owt a Ar Won pias. Faiast foams ow year The ond 1060 scnsom, he fog FORMERS REPRE HNES WOR HEE igimink (9 7 WRERes Bowlown Merman Toms as be TTRIOIMERE 15 Ihe EOVICE Yost spokesmen (60 WHEW: uch allowed move sermons 19 The federal - Brsvincime Warkets mdicitel heathy oii ig i ah 7 # " 19 be TI 0H, comprintnith 9 : 2 i 9 : f oo whose anh way B00 and AE ne 4 OTIRERE Was BERANE # FOR OW ually (ov berafits Warp t WEE DRS IARY) Bess, Bales were Weepme v0 19 sirvation ower 190 Hoek moms 7 powiation WW lest year waranees. WRONIHE GFOERTY | Brice Rupert hes fhe Javits Hf HBEr JERI #08 The Guater Feseration of Ia LI. Pert of the reason (or TRE IREIEHINE pont, the lems mentioned & sight rise 9 (al AR ERRET 1oFIRE WER AR here were Bo credit WOE. hor says the DoE Packets oN this is the deine 7 EORAINE siviatas aldeh. "16 that snare CTESHE WVIRE IFO COTREE HOPE HRETRATIIRERE. BIE I (IveRer tion Wow which # few yEwRis Ging EIHCREIAS a A Wg BRUNO 2 is IY, Because of lack of Morr WETRAIER WOT ErS, amy he he . o 100 Me rite The Aeperiament of lohor's, in the month of New SALA SHA Inanetey, aml 16 Ei: thew immigrants. There fo is IRCTERSe 1 Mamiobe whem employment laieon officer, 7) where heavy snow comteimmen TN RRR AIVida. It By Smt a sack ie I the comatnetion MOTIER Bae Been Tess (Han Ferguson, nid that emporment 19 heey wonkcwiers oh of the FO sgprisgpini® TASS n dutty. ond many of the i oneal of one per cent wove is "gh #5 rie nk Aor (9 woods. There are who 78 pit gp REE a LER Ses WAT EFe BRIE BEER the rate of increase fon the OWICTERE (TOM OTRET Years omens oot oF werk in he el digi ig dvimgah on the Iehor Warkes, same period last year / He felt some freee hed wi ld td " asl ; iy TER ME In fF a FREAE | loss #7) GH TRE BERIT IRIEL #AA SASBATONEW AY 4 A 4 bo sil Wn Saint Join, weempiorment TVET IKEL HOE CXEcHivyes : J : ig won. We was optimistic who is Brownd the RARE RIRTRER A sty i hAding we we Rindesde Bin [IONE lov io: i An «ities 97 PEF Capi IRE CORRE VERE, WIR EXpects An oH reliming hem, drvdeck, AF rialaattan ead hawerer cst he . Othe POV 5 lehwr force is wh Home of RERVY CORA IWCHION Wink Lf Poin milk 20d port work conta. [008 TRODIETE my. Be Reng usr ng Hh in, FAO e wna the gener Werelit of of) wed hs. In Frederion, com: bargain hi rif Pl the fast ski Bg om iin The DER IREIaS Enyernment Ae. ARR Bas IDEIRE CoE ets § HIRAI Work an IORIY 19 ino hams Miracie Marts ' Yn [RIERA B00 worth of pie BRITISH COLAMBIA / EIRENE. fn fied # hae gen employment (a T474 the sms Wig Lamp Gingetonn [EMDEre) and Towers Mant have packed wp wid Welt 1owh or "ed se "winter" months. PR ' oh Rave annonces Dans 19 Tid In Torome, Repriiment sore bn : The wiuminem town of Kit hein ok Pig fH Wave employment. Under , 4 j GIOCEry Misconnt sores. Mir. sales are holding wo. One officer the Wiles works plan iy [PL the northwest coset has z The manseer of # erie 86 coe Diane mine--in Montreal HB Hore seid sales are abot " h 5 if Wale Hi ihesn one of the few commen Ra Piet Hore WW Bat 10 Boronte. Gwehes City. (Niaws tHE BRIBE RE VR VERF Has 8 her war oF 00.999 ies in the commtry where there wid wad Hamilon. Towers plans 5 widing work for am estimated 1%. TROVE Work than labor aval "Business has heen off the cight, ai wn Montes _ MANITOBA ag i ph hg no od 278 A is Fetrnary 0 was the lust three months, wt § Ao In Momiresl, resasters reponse JO Wilson, pic retin Hors WER RA WER omy one, A SHAW R 108 Pham pitriiie any part oF W160 Wh sales of Iiiding supplies nd whlicer of the Epemployment In. Rows FEDS WRS KOMRE Wo. it he emplorment. There aie more hardware Aown sherphy, Mast TERRE Commignion wh Winn: Government silicigle sold the one appeared worried. Stee Employes here pow than # VERE neighborhood stores sre Giving Pek #YF mb r mf PrOIeCts 1 the Ed workers union saff TEPIRSEIA wen. We i # WL in ROPING. Credit omy 16 BROW CHAMBERS. nemployment does pk ap WEREH In Canada #hl IRE Rm Mony Alon s#id the wnion fue perhaps 16 weather Roger Robitaitle, manager of PERE 19 be as pele in the he oH MARROW E WOrKeR 15 yas neaotioting # charter vom Labor Mimister i. 1. Webber: the Quebec nied Grocers 9 Prairie region as wi some other HH wheal 1or 135 emmoyers Snng Fhe seasonal [REIOF 15 the Man ODEIRIIVE, RIGWIINE some THN CANGBIAR RIERS. LL RTIRIN hast Depsty labor the shwldown pering = ORE IN NE WREMINGOY IER He small grocery sores. sad of pipehine constrveion have Ein of the province's CCF bt tht 15 net typical of BA. said Bvew Brunswick's pariciva Many grocers in Quebec CoM nied throughout the win- government. has this 10 say won nthe federal-provinaial commen of the credit they '&F aha the ao "now ld a eyRry VERE for the island wimler works plan or creating must aceord 19 their clientele Henry making camprign ol the (ederq KIM covince of Canada SUIerenthy, 1Rrgely an RENCIIIal £Conomy. Jobs bs properiionately the Bigh- Several sre thinking of taking age of the LVEF IRE ---- Sek ales have dropped wn Labor Minster Henry Wedge est in Canade seps ta ct down the growing Western Canada Fhe only time when sh # OPEN Cape Breton. The (ruil market Expressed satisfaction with the Premier Lows Bobichaud said volume of credit business which wnemmoyment has CAMPRIER can he effective 15 : ALL DAY has ou in Jobs in British -y WEDMESDAY VERY Colummia's (kanagen Valu y : Newloundland's Bell Island 1» having trouble selling ion ore WEDNESDAY FRI, TILL 9 The automobile industry in On PM, we SAVINGS ! arin has had 10 lay ofl work LADIES' BETTER PRING COATS With figures for mid Vebruary showing 718 M0114 f My n eolors gelore. Mi wyelly fabrics. A pou in the lot Keg 1s B00 Reg: 19 1995 ~~ SPECIAL 19.06 SPECIAL 24,98 LADIES' BETTER COTTON DRESSES freet FAMILIES THRIVE OM THE SUNNY SWEET GOODWESS of Blue Bonnet Margagne. Can't be matched for frevh, deliciows Raver . . . nliifions becavse is oll vegetable the owgh and heugh ALL -VYEGETABLE Blue Bonnet MARGARINE FES NERRERRRRRERERRNN whieh EL yd minister H CHILDREN EAT AT 8COTT MISSION Monre, Secretary man Food Ihistriimtors of £ Aon't think MER _nY WIEN has Unemplaymemt hi Jalen! per cent of Canada's 1abor force oul of work, every 1ahor mar ket in Canada except Kitimat BA } a surplus of workers But ome areas, notably wn the Atlantic provinces, are (ar harder hit than other A CUrossCanada Survey hy The Canadian Press brought these reports for each of the 1h Provinces NEWFOUNDLAND Latest figures place unem LADIES Pyjamas & : y! y J ul Nigh 7 You'll love or. . Wigiigewm ; fobirie Sizes 5 ML, Reg, ployment in Newfoundland #l WWI { : woO 1 1 FY WW WW LE § { twesds and imporied 1 cation 296 ond 398 49 ' 32.000, a whopping 26.4 per cept SPECIAL of the labor force. Biggest fa " } i 4 f : Ly guarantee wr-1ast. Fabrics Inclide tor appears to be that most LADIES' WOVEN Newfoundlanders are seasonal GINGHAM Arnels, Wey ghar River Cottons, Beli and Folished Cottons, Sizes 10 to 20, 38 tn 62 and workers such as fishermen and 14% 10 24 DRESSES 4,98-5,96-6,98 WHAT is an Apple Turnover? wear In # and prints a wenderful rely of panes Hi every 1asie Three rack idaet-priced all Inggers This is truly an eutstand LADIES Others are a shutdown of the ing offer! Guaranteed CASUAL & DRESS SHOES Pepperell US. Alr Force hase near St. John's and a 1050 layoff washable ginghams in large or small checks that nermally sald fram 2.98 to 8.88 but all sizes In the lel of #00 iron ore miners on Bell Sizes 12 te 20 and 1414 Clearing line SPECIAL 1,99 Island for lack of markets, The A range sical... £99 ; pos ' Bell Island rate of unemploy ment now 15 shout § per cent Premier Smallwood says his government in the last 17 years| has created 52.400 new jobs and hlames the federal government for 80 per cent of the unemplay: ment in the country, He says his government has "held the SPECIAL line' an unemployment in the province, pointing to 24,000 un employed in 1087 against the current figures To provide new Jobs for a rising population, the govern ment is negotiating for estab lishment of the province's third paper mill, which could create hetween 7,000 and 8,000 jobs, Tt is on a program of building long: line fishing vessels 1a improve the fishery Despite (he unemployment pleture, Bowerings ewfound- land's biggest retail store, here says sales are up slightly NOVA SCOTIA The Sydney area is apparently the hardest hit, with 700 men laid off in Dosca's steel plant, | Supermarket aperator Earl] Macinnis describes unemploy ment in the city as "very seri nus" and says It is having a serious effect on business UAL merchants are in the same hoat, My business is about IN per cent below the average far this time of year" He sald customers who ran up hills during the Christmas sea: son usually have them paid up hy the end of March. "This year they'll he paying up until mid-summer In the neighboring distressed coal town of Glace Bay, unem ployment is deseribed as not mare evident than usual. But the ealliery area 1s due for layoffs About 800 miners ave due in he displaced when the 100:year old Caledonia pit=nldest in Can ada=--closes May 31. Mines in| Florence and New Waterford are to close July 1 and Aug, 19, respectively. The three employ | ahout 2.800 men The Nava Scotia government in trying to relocate the miners! and has appointed a man to work on this The pleture is heighter in Halifax, where waterfront ae: Hvity was fairly steady and con struction was high and constant About 800 more are employed! than at the same time in 1860 Labor Minister Stephen Pyke says the pravincial government 15 trying to encourage winter works where possible to affset seasonal layaffs. He says the government now is conducting a survey on haw the problem might be better handled PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Out of a small labor farce of some 34.000 an the island, 5.408 or hetter than ane quarter| have been drawing unemploy- ment insurance henefits, Mast of these are alfected hy seasonal unemployment, about 1500 of vor It's a folded square of French puff pastry, jam packed with chopped apples, sugar and spice, It's baked to a golden hrown and it's so flaky and erunchy=<oh man! it's really good ! For this week only our famous Apple Turnovers are on sale in our store at the special money» saving price of 7 for 59¢ (regu- lar 10¢ each), Your family will love our Apple Turnovers for dessert vooliet some soon! OTHER WOOLWORTH BAKED FOOD SPECIAGS 23. Banana CREAM LAYER Fluffy boiled Icing and Toasted Coconut Strawberr SHORTCAKE 4 with luscious fresh-frozen berries - APPLEPIE 45 ¢ Pure Pork SAUSAGE ROLLS made with puff pastry Home Style MEAT PIE all beef -- family Delicious POTATO SALAD 40 made fresh daily Ladies' PANTIES In better qualities that should sell for 79¢ each Beautiful shades af pink, powder blue, maze, black and white, Sizes 5:-M-L 3 for 1 00 L) CHILDREN'S PLAY SLIMS Far bays or girls, Washable and sanferized Sizes 4 to fx, Reg, 1,98, SPECIAL ' 99 Children's Nylon STRETCH SOCKEES With turn-dewn euff 'in white, navy, pink ar pawder blue. Sizes 4 1a § and 6 1a 19 71%, Reg, 3%, SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS In such lovely fabrics and all sa reasonably priced. Size 2 to 6x and 7 ta dx far yourself | GLAZIERS, BEDSPREADS In quality homespun, mostly double bed size some single. Madern shades of hiue, brown agua ar arange check on saft beige 2 1} hackaround. SPECIAL IBEX FLANELETTE BLANKETS lhex, the quality' name in blankets assures you of the best value, All popular shades such as pink, blue, maize, mauve or green stripes Reg, 6.50 per pair, 8.49 SPECIAL, PAIR Come see tos YOU are sure to save al 10 ea, size them fishermen. The number of claimants, however, 1s ahout ght per cont below last year That was aboul an averag _SUDGET TERMS | RACK Clearing odds and ends in Ladies' and Children's dresses blouses skirts gig, ele, There are seme really terrific savings en this rack Pon't miss It and came early while the selection is complete NEVER BEFORE SUCH A BARGAIN! MEN'S SUITS In broken ranges but most sizes in the lat, with values up te 49.95 15.00 MEN'S DRESS RANTS For dress ar work with self-helt in grey, brawn ar hive, Sizes 10 1a 42. SPECIAL 2,99 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS A good ling of better spart shirts by well known Canadian maker must he cleared, Sizes SM:L, Normally sold far 4.98 and 5.98. Out They Ga 2 for 5.00 on ® Budget Terms @ Free Parking @ Friendly Service AND STILL MORF SAVINGS TO SEE! DON'T MISS THIS SAVINGS EVENT! Assented Hew "Serving Oshawa & District Since 1925" 498 SIMCOE SOUTH (Across From Simcoe South School)