TEMPERANCE ADDRESS CONTEST WINNERS { 4 | I Jo Midwinckle, Women's Ediior = Wish RA 5-5474 PERSONALS Wiss Barbers Morrison wand Kingston were Easter holiday Wiss Baenda Tees are siening wins wt the home of the Faster hohday week wn Wes Farmina Ian Mr, and Mes, Edward Gilroy Wiss and Aanahier, Karen, of Bete RVERNE, 15 SEnomg the Kamer ville weir Kanter Wiliday guens WMAGTE As INE ghest of Mr. and ot the home of Mrs. Gilroy's Wie. Harry 1 eening nv Orme parents, Mr. snd Mrs, David a ae Morey. Brueh He J of 4 Hutaheom, Tawmion road es rent 38 spends. he Faner | Mr. and Mrs, Barry Borin, Wohideys Wh Courtice at the Bimene street sob, spent the home of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Faster week end in Wiord as Bim the guests of Mr, snd Mrs Bonald | angmiii Iman Wekliman frie LL LINE ahd BIG YOWE BVH Yen Withday Bing RIT ET ERE EMBER WM ENENS ir WIRY Rie Weve of y | lerest column, Wile visit the social as partment with your Wems of news for which here 8 Wo { charge, Telephone BA 3474 Har had Wak | "i Hobert isschiet Mi I asomit guests thelr Aangmer KE. Robertson, and My son, rom. Westmont Hy Mi sw GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES EH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, Mrs, Robert Williams and My Fhe meeting of the ariey J o0nsom Mh Oshawa fother A i COUPLES CIR ns Ay March meeting of Bt, A drew's Unied Chireh Coupes Club was' held recemtly wher members and friends assembled at the Church and commeincrs the evening's program with # pat EK sHpper Fhe presidents i Douglas Warren, presided. Fhe of the we previous and the LERRBUTEY'S TE read invitation wd My {rk ad th # Ww LEIeIAmE BF and Guy WaERr on FEENIn) YW ary field Stephen's United Church ryille Blokes presses absence of the president Hoy Beorgi The MINES Were My feonard Craving Mrs, Albert Buddard gave LFERBUFEF report The father ang will he held on April Stephen's Churih | Refreshments were sei the green patig The next meeting held on April 18 twill he speaker eentive hoard [FRIENDLY COUPLES (CTUR I" The monthly meeting of Al hert Street Upiled Chureh [Friendly Couple club was held recently with Mr, and (Mrs. James Gordon opemng with the devotional period | The president Mr. and Mi |Percy Boville, presided al the meeting. Plans were made fo) 8 visit of the Trojannairs eho Following the meeting the members gathered at the CHA for an evening of dancing Wi ¥ he Mrs Ihe WH) n ress hy and the Mi Mrs ana hana nw wl sn Fine meeting port An WaE BANNER for members to pliend the next meeting of the First Baptist Church Couples' club on April 2, The next meeting of the lub will he held on Appl 28 when the members will go to VYoronth 1h see the special movie, "Wind Jammmer As this was hothy night the following members each spoke briefly and showed examples of their hobby: Mr. William Bik say, calisthenics and tape re cording: Mr. Vietor Kitchen minor hall, Mr, Edward Bi chen, tropical fish; Mrs, Edward Kitchen, collections; Mr. |aw rence French, photography Mrs, Lawrence French, copper 87. LUKE'S GUILD Hooling; Mrs, ¥, Kelvin James The Ladies' Guild of BL leathereraft; Dr, George Tel Luke's Freshyterian Churchiford, wood carving and portrait (held its regular meeting 8t hel painting; Mr, Robert Aldsworth, Church recently, Mrs Dennis) wrirait photography; Mr. Jack | Abbott presided, A special) Visit udniski, home movies or at the meeting was the Bev: A short devotional period was erend Kenneth Mathews Wholied hy Mr, I. Kelvin James [spoke briefly on his experiences ang Dy, Telford closed the mee! lower picture, hack row, fiom |in "the mission fields ing with the benediction left to wight are Garry Cubitt |" mes. Melville Henry read (he and Joy De Guerre, Seated |oonniure lesson and Mrs Mor 22ND SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, anne Hardie, winner of silver | are Arlaine Edwards and Ann ley Johnson read a poem enc| The March meeting of the medal and Marilyn Bryant, | Stiles, all winners of heonge |iifled "Back to the Fold Bnd Keout Mothers' Auxiliary winner of the local, county | medals | "Plans were discussed foriwas held recently in St, Mal and Provineial prizes, In the Oshawa Times Photo forthcoming banquets and for #ithew's Anglican Chureh, Mrs WErE wi when there from the ¢ sgh Macleod and Bonnie Jean Butler, all winners of bronze medals, Seated are (left) Jo WINNERS IN THE recent speaking contest on temper: ance, sponsored hy the Osh awn Branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union are: tap row, from left to right: Andrea Rundle, Sharon THE OSHAWA TIES, Tussdey, Aprd 4, 1961 7 | Sager Wore Lerdom! ww EY by fones {| Confess Past Affairs? Pear Wary Wav: | Pave JRO JERR JRE GEER GRY BS 5 of the future poviest of W's 1 arity dwt We ROERE § ask love leiory, W wy As yom say. "This js # bed basis fon marriage. K giaren 1665 RB I9OKY IoR4 head and # BOK TERIGEIORIING, Wane 88 W) ie newrticiom, W he does corres Wo Moretime Having heen warned on ; 1 1 YARED 15 BHER BIHAR, RONGSY i .. A knows betier than | how Pgh : yo wre Betore we married, ve had puresd to 6 the past wry the pas there was # past, wt Wor nalely, When my hs } 3 band bas some ling 16 rink, be i sddersy fancies that | am | 4 world's worst w anton Koen an when soher, he Lains é OH Jon . ast love altars 16 whoever will #EE Wim 19 ket Bhbianik from den # family EVIE REEny 4 menial bypiene hole Award (AIT FEELINGS finding a specialist who'll lead Plainly Wis own gilt fechings Wm seiely owt of the woods, MW promt Wim 10 try 19 wong can he done, i he saris now : compre confessions from with # beartielt co-opersive sel-pAdressed eRvElope, PWS | nl about sins Vve never com: wiliAnhewel MH 19 cents for handing the milled or even conade ved. Wow. Mary Haworth counsels Needlecraft Department of he's peensing me of having #f- f col is paper, requesting Crochet (airs with radespeopie whe de hrowh her £4 ie, ok. vy po Collar, Lealiet Bo. C92 liver merchandise 19 our house, OF Personal inerview, Wie Rex In bis work he associates with in care of LIne newspaper women and perhaps becanse of thedr Jax. Handards (39 Ve heard) he consirnes BY Women Pos 9 he hike hem 4 80 I urge WD. 19 cleanse Wim: Srop Sin and him back on the self, with specighst help, of Wis floor? Before you decide 1 re Sik . ol Ry fs ered place i ie you've given i KHIE IRENRES, IEW NE WEEK 0 IRF FIRRL AR the start, Noth. # Rix chance (9 do its job The ng 50 auickly kills love wd re- pan showid be emptied piter image oA We fiancee, Hence Be hegihs 1g \Raniihy hes with Be SEB ERANTER BIEL T HSE " POR hh thus 19 wk ERK HA Ber (rue Ry IANERY The seme sont of thing Bas Bapienah hn your Wishes, As WE 57 0 the vermacHiar, he off Ws rocker" wm 1s pei ticsdar vase. We 16 emooneihy victimised by Wis own Romer: HIER, WPIERIRRISR DETER and hecguse aN seemE YE iow d to the jwmdices eye!' he hetieyes you gity of whi he aa Obviously, he 169, WRENN ness prycinatng beip, 19 Saw Wm beck from this Srrationel Aridi before too late And in the event ie reads Hs I earnestly Enews fi CROCHET Wine FRR 5 winter pathy! White neckwesr, wt the thing 18 chase Ark vin try Wiues from your wardrobe This collar is worked with #» | No. WW crochet colon and any cohar can We used 5 si yon dress, HW you wold Wee 19 ob KEEP IN TRIM Enthusiasm For Weight Control Grows From Other's Success / i) " / #y A TAN KAIN From the ) LA . hoon sheet as false Jeplonsy hased M0 cach use Find ways of renewing your ent that hearnng of the success Corrupt imagining enthusiasm for simming Bown of others can serve as # re" i 5 aetation al the pros in? you yi : £4 made. This newing fon # for enthush pect of facing an oid flame in| weatinl gueity em hi asm ie } the wedding party suggests he's! asm projects your gol 19 the I feet | shold write and tel) oivaid of fainting at the ahar| forefront of your mind Hap Wiyour readers how I lost Irom from shame. Wis conscience engaged with thoughts VA Lo V0 pounds, AL work one must be terribly troubled, N.Y ping nto a smaller-siied ress, night, | happened to pick wp you won't be dwelling on Ihe the paper and read shout the MORAL, CONFUSION HOR YOu RIE ddd woman who weighed over evr NY. ope ha WH food ® J ghed mw» NV: Ik that, he pounds and had lost down 10 140 (ween nus, we've prodded wh public. pound into getting specialist help for your Ms sick, sick imagination to) He needs a few sessions with COLLAR fn the easy crochet u tions Si Y send # amped 19 HOUSERAD WINY SWEEPER YORE ERIE hi weliers your mi tn teachers In Onan shonls » I promptly Vice-President, Mrs, A, 1. calorie chart and started Allen, reported on arrangements keep track of my calories, Fa good psychologist or analyst for # hus to the convention on had tried many bmes 19 diet 10 psychiatrically oriented Thursday, April 6, the second but 1 knew so little about cal-iclergyman, (a establish a foun day of the two-day conference aries | had ne way of dieting dation of emotiongl heplth with heing held st the Royal York| systematically, 1t Is important|in himsell, especially with ref Hotel in Toronto, Mrs B, Ho know the calorie score {erence to matters of love and Heavens 15 the convener of the 3 f morality i hus which will leave the depot at Maw Al Jan n 1 started As of now, he is al ses, 7.80 am. and return about 10.50 A y Eo | figuratively, in #8 murk of mors! on my diet | weighed 158, | put' . " pm myself on a 1000-calorie-a-day Confusion and sell - condemns The group was delighted to diet 1 10st slowly at first from! Hon neeasioned hy his more or learn that the president of the 2 half in sg pond a week less meaningless sex sdveniuy National Federation, Mr. Doug Bul after I was on the diet for INE to date and his tendency 10 las Walkington, will he speakingl shout three: weeks | hegan 10] despise and disiun the girls " " : 1 | {on "Shifting Inte High" at thelioce's pound or twa every week who made it possible {secondary school conference al "I maw' weiah 120 pounds. M Uneonsciously he involves his [the convention on Thursday af 4 ¥ Pah Yiancee in this cloudy reckon ternoon at § pm {thanks ga fo you for | miweys|ing, instead of seeing her fo) The Ontario Mental Health As: read your columns and youl the jenon she Is and loving sociation requested valunteers| seem to holster my spirits at| her for her real qualities, {to help in the new gilt shop atithe needed Limes COLORS THINKING | How [Put it this way: Hix adventus sent for or bait? es ol Instant coffee lTasssssssataganae FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR mine Cups tothe og, LL da {the Ontario Hospital in Whithy.| v1 am not flabby st all Anyone willing to give an occa lever, | would surely like to fi : BVEY, A ing has soled his thinking and {sional two hours In an slernoon have some good toning exer: his thinking, in turn, soils his to assist In this work may con:|cises for the muscles of the! . {tact Mrs, Cyril Powell at BA B: ghdomen. I've always had a Bian large stomach. While | dieted 1 | Mrs, T. M, Gladman, presi-|tonk exercises, ton, 1 did wear dent of Courtice Home and|a size 16 dress, now | wear Behonl Association, offered the size 12 easily. | am 24 years old Ani---- VELLOWY RAGES LSULETIN services of her association in|Everyone is amazed at my los: convening the pot luck supper(ing so much on my own will oe annual eeing of Coun. power he "secre 19 hal i SIGNS ALL POINT IN THE SAME DIRECTION IR I] esire tn Inse,' Foally ad 8 fm AT THE POLES, AND oil Jn May embers from the following| gp KEY WORD TWO MEN LEAVING EITHER POLE IN asaociations catered for the re freshments after the meeting Queen Yligaheth, Ritson and Dr that is a key word in her letter, Desire Is the 8 necessary ingredient to strength all three groups when circum: ehildren in this provinee alone, | (Mrs, A, Davey gave her report nted with a birthday cake vied hi J : yi from the executive hoard meel n Refreshmenls were served h B A membership drive is plan | ned to take place hefore the meeting of April 18 which will Phillips ARVILEA MeGREGOR AUX, The regular meeting of the Avilla MeGregor Missionary Auxiliary of Knox Preshylerian Church was held on Tuesday of will, About exercise mos dieters, In fact most everyone requires exercises (n restore tone to the ahdomen The following exercise Is mos! effective (normal children whieh is to helpiher, Mrs, B. Kemp The vegular reporis were them to develop fo the viny| Two members, Mrs Hapold (rend hy Mrs Roland Kinton, limit of their abilities, The asso: Davidson and Mrs, Kenneth Ma: | secretary and Mrs, William Mental retardation is nol ajahle to pass grade one, Finally er to talk over their problems curable ness, It is better des|there are the completely depen: and gain mutual assistance icrihed as "a general and inc{dent ones whe must he cared] Seven years agn the OAR( AL @& recent meeting of the Oshawa and Distriet Home and] stances deem 1 advisable School Council, Mrs. June Brag:| Mental retardation is no for Retarded Childven and Exe {nawn causes which utive Reerelary for the Ontaria| injury al hivth, glandular di Reereation Association German measles s OARC and explain the many | third month of pregnancy, ac causes and degrees of mentalldent or the high temperatu retardation [aecompanying polin or spin . Thankoffering meeting, Mrs, [Arthur Davey, president, pre Retarded Children's Association [ties for retarded children as for| Abbott welcomed a new mem: sided M Features Tal To H-S Council cition hegan fifteen years ago|thews, who were celehrating| Crawford, treasurer, Holl call when a few parents got togeth:|iheir birthdays were each pre: showed 10 members present complete development of thelfor at home or in hospital lwas formed and now there are mental capacity' schools, Institution schools take! seventy-one schools for retarded ten, director of Recreation ery (specter of social or finanei lees for the Ontario Association] status and has a number went onl turhances tn relate the history of The fest or Bdueable group Meningitis, Near drowning are attending opportunity op BAPRYXIA oan alin stare auxiliary classes nour publie! Drain far oxygen and this can recreation designed specifieally| . | sehonls hey damag trades dnd an living far themselves the trainable group am 19 learn ahle simple PesUlE In permanent to make alfnd petardation Next ave] The goal of the who have elation for Ontarin Ass Retarded Childpe nelude the (fered hy the mother hefore the) training, I'he ehildren are learning self fl enre wkills, safely rules, play: allakills and the henefit of assnel offating with others of equality. Re search is heing earvied on tn i find "new ways tn help these iL ehildren through pre - sehonl post-ichonl activities, Is\uheltered (supervised) work re shops, (raining programs, super: alivised hoarding homes and re or ereation 1 Ontaria's first pilot project for olfor retarded veloped here the direction Brewster children was de In Oshawa under of Mr. Wendell Day camps, the activities arranged HERR HIRT hy the Awinis| helow 60 and ave not!is to assure the same opportuni [MINE and skating are some of | | 4 he a social evening with a pol luek supper heing served | Mrs A slated that the Contral Provincial Scout Moth | Cal, presiding ers' Auxiliary Conference will] The seripture was read hy he held in Peterborough on April| Mrs, Bert Montgamery, the med | 18, Mrs. William Crawford and|!tation by Mes, Stewart Soanes | | Mrs, Holand Kinton offered fo{And prayer hy Mrs, A, J, Me | attend as representatives Donald; Easter being the theme |g = J fi Refreshments were served hy throughout the worship | y LE (Mys, CO, N, MeDonald and Mrs The study pevied was eondue! | evening, March 28, with {he Position: Lying on hack on president, Miss Madeline Sin:| floor, knees flexed, soles of feel on fieor, Place both hands on left thigh, right on tap of left, a -------- REDUCE TODAY! OSHAWA'S FINEST STUDIO (madern equipment) A. Bmith od hy Mh Riawan fioanss the : subject "Together we minister [NELLIE DEARBORN GROUP 6 human needs" stressing the The Nellie Dearborn run fot that a few interested people i (of At. Stephen's United Churehioan do a great deal of gand for bias 2 J {met at the home of Mrs, Bte:ithe human race. Student hodies | i phen Saywell on Tuesday even: ave given assistance throughnut y {Ing with Mrs, Lloyd Jewell pre<{fhe world and they in turn help siding, . others in body, mind and spivit ' [The treasurer's report Wall Hefreshments were served hy | [vend hy Mrs, Bdward Gresikimps Soanes assisted hy Mrs g OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS ARE STILL HEADING (I IN THE SAME DIRECTION will" FOR A QUICK, EASY A+B°6 WAY TO LOCATE SOURCES OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DID YOU KNOW P THE YELLOW RAGES ARS ONE AF a Ti-- EVERY NEED LYNDA and BOBBY Posing happily far their pic res are Landa Diane and Robert Wavpe, ehitdven of My and Mrs. Robert Flintoff, Mil an street. Lynda, aged ane and Robby, five, are the grandehiidren of Mr, and Mrs, and Hrookiin and the secretaries report hy james W, Heath Mrs, Jack Cook Mrs, Henry Bickle, mission: GLENROLME SWING CLUB ary eonvener, read a letter] The Glenhalme School for Re fram Miss Muriel Bamford aj tardod Children Swing Club held missionary In Bansuverra, In: its monthly party in the school din auditorium whieh was gaily de April 16 will he the annual garated in purple and gold Women's serviee, Mes, Ives of OF interest was the poster Bowmanville will be the guest mada hy the Young-Adult ehh speaker and the chair TOM iia ho used at party Hime Kedeon Chuveh will he the| "canes and dancing were en guest choir joved and prizes awarded A turkey supper will he held Mrs. Arthur Holdswor y Wh / rth on April 23 at the Chureh The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Jowell on April 11 understand why their daughters! Mrs, Lloyd Jewell read Rove in partiewlar, want s0 mus {lations ohapter 1, verse 18 {freedom , sald Miss Horsey (and an Waster message story Toon-age givls now atten want 1o|The Soripture, Matthew 9% gO 10 the oities and earn their verses 8401, chapter 34, verses [110 was road hy Mrs, Hdward fahn Cook led in he program concluded with an interesting film showing ex tremely retarded ohildvon at the Guelph Kiwanis Camp at Lake [Helwood near Fergus, Ontario On Furlough SPEAKER Mr. 1. HL, Winter, head of the Kaglish department at the O'Neil Collegiate, will ad dress the April meeting of the Lyeeum Club and Women's om ganda Art Association op the thine \ 0 Nie Ws MONTREAL (CP)! paring Hy tee nahn 110 like the staple Ugandese diel! pearean Festival YHenry | {00 steamed bananas in peanut] VIE, Love's Labour Lost! 3 hance wan the least of Thelmal and "'Coriolanus" Horsey's diffioultios in that British protectorate of almost 8,000,000 [The Montreal - horn Anglican missionary teacher at Bishop Tucker College near Kampala, | Uganda, also had to learn the palive dialect when she went" YING | there three years ago fhe plans (0 ga baok to|Gresik, Mrs While men training far the!Usanda when her furlough 1s prayer ministry ave taught in English. (over "heeause there is much! An Waster their wives, wha aceampany work yet tn he dope' brought hy Mis \ thom (ving the last twa years) The Ohureh Missionary Scio [WOIL 8nd an Biaster neem wa for them of heir SIeyoRr course, ave ety of Bngland, to whom she is] 700 hy Mis. Lloyd Jewell | fn which held one candle tn cele hrate the fivsl anniversavy in the new sehoal, Ralph Douglas also celebrated his birthday and Allan Swinson out the cake. The Young-Adults of Glen holme played "Haster Bunny" tn the children's ward at the Oshawa General Hospital under the Wl! was Miss & MOssSARe nated a heautiful hivthday cake i Wwivision of their teacher, | ord Melyenehuk, whieh [3 Stophen Say:(was a most enjoyable project || RESULTS ASSURED | Look THE 204 KING ST, E, | RA 8.4501 (veuowg uses ---- CANADA'S MOST PAPULAR ' TOUR GUIRES' TO RESTAURANTS, STORES, THEATRES, HOTELS, MOTELS ANP SERVIGES OF EVERY KIND FoR Ang YOUR ALUMINUM AWNINGS NOW! + AR an - Ha taught household skills along! fon lean' fram the Anglican], Sefreshments were served hy| (WIth the concepts of Christan: Church of Canada, hopes even | Mrs Arthur Ferguson's Broun. | fy, In their own tongue Wally to enlarge the calloge to Hs § COUNCIL The 31. year ald missionary, [permit Ugandese women 10) Ai a recont meeting of the here on a sbemonth furlough {train for the ministry Oshawa and Distriet Home and sald elebtion fon the folloge) The missionary teacher's avsiSehoal Council, the president AAW Christian Tiles, hr his erage day there starts early in{Mes. J. TT. Gaskell, announced ply fram thase "hungry for edu the morning and oantinues talthe decisions of the executive cation." {late allernoon after a two hour eammitien regarding the voting) She said she finds the poate ost during the grueling wid: fof their delegates an resolutions and forthright and charming an thel Noa tn ho considered this week at Wa Nn i 4 HA Resides to the annual convention of the h hil 3 ia {i Malaes, corn and Whies Ontaria Federation of Home and Erandehiidren of rvunathiza similar 1a our sweet schon) Associations Ine They Mis. FJ Rid VN andl green peas ave valsed, Moat Bo on record as voling 16 retain GIRLS WANT FREEDOM is mainly host, as many Ugan- the ward "Ohristian" in the leg | whole by Hornsby | The elder generation cannoli dess keep thelr awn cattle Hslation concerning Instructions Electrolysis Removes warts superfluous hair and painlessly Over 15 Yoan' Experience RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Gonnaha Hatel, April 4, 3 PHONE RA 3-464) 90 appaintment an thew dates moles and permanently Alfred Mus Havel and My 1a0k Fling! Os) great and bananas. mile pt their aides Ab, with nw patton way My PAR. Save 20% Free Eslimates eo Exper! Installation EVENISS SALES LTD. RA 5.4632; EVENINGS RA 3.2707 15 PRINCE §T,