er (CAPSULE PEWS Khrushchev Going To Mali FLPMA (Rania) Fx mak Khia aiey figs ms an FE WTHEGWE (5 VISE he £54 ATR wie of Man, Hos ww rade sh Uarhay pani. Be AGi& Dae BIER fv HE Jat ot fie Binaheass FRA JK Wk AN Weide With fs x of ey A Fan Halas AUTEN GHANTERN BED TORK (AF pV s RETWie wae graniad Monday tw RE CERN FREER whisk Sane, #5 Foie ty Went mil (rom Engin, Fema sE vas Moriied Bondar 19 # HA al Berg Weimar Hf WRARET (7 Mone, Iams SOUR WEE (wk Wen, THEE WIRER Ms tom cider. Frker Recess wild be necessary on Iw Wher wen Wm the grow WERGER AFFROVERN FRED (CF) A RETEST the Institivie of Chav Aacritants of OREN ed Fhe As has § VEL EER AR Crtans he. YOU SPOT THIS LANDMARK? QR Fhikte f f ie aadt fhe frst Wi RINERE F Wh rn Reis Les CA N pr: they wie. The Ohawe wing B scenes Mf With rs id WOTIRE FR Pace WB TRE @W QUESTION BILER RISER ROW IN THE LEGISLATURE Longer Session Speeds Business By 7. Bh. THOMAS MLA Oshawa Riding The ProEngalian A } gis 4 lature : ended me of sions since in 1845. Whi the was in session fo does seen 10 he the 5 INDUSTRIAL FARE (EF) ~The Bam A fi Bly from pace 19 W i# nies Ihe iocrl WEA IRES ih g ang " iil WERE RIEIES shawn Times Pho $HFE Ajax Loses Title To Norw iN r 5 of naw if Zher ree WON FIRST FPRIZY TORONTO 7 NORWO Vi i or borrds of edu sston | m and slgied gliire ey her Pisa ya Wal sum ad A Aneourt we nei WIRES ER WN y | fi ation LF} Hy reject fr f 7] Bn hs There pre many honest WOMER AR MER b / wdden-Aeath final Fike : y on twa foul she Melanus and Greg Scott ad ihe 4 jek B the tn Pow the ' 0 Wh wan wn ed Ean ana i Lipal EaNn I sm hy Faul woh FY f £1 " naeras BONE aE CIE RRA SEN BUFE Wig WE mp shel Wy id r d terms he FEgNIgtIons imposed FIE i Showin he Hel Wy HUarie! A i id a ng VE great EVENES f io this fact ih 8 i I BEATE # Wi eany up hut fram whan Manse OVEN SRFIBLENY wp an wt warns came ol er " hy one of 1686 cave in Waris Were Compan ter BUNAAY & Auariei agn three men wen an m dwn Magill in again g mine on br. bavid and Herman were and hoped arking thelr Hing Wak of the Was # herole crew lax wi is \s Cawley, of elected president of Cathalie Associations Other officers include Marcotte, of Windsor Ottawa of the Parent of On Jeronte NOTICE ! THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL |were: Mrs William Clark, Sis | DISTRICTS CHANGED SPRING FILLED ter Mary Carmel, Brother Bd! A A Ward has been ap [ward Mrs. G. Harper and Mrs 'painted District Municipal En 8 ngnen at Pant i of hig) The were tied 16-10 & opinion of the member 4 ve half conte Sia fall session has heen of grest voting ¢ part 17 points between them 16 for consideration of government) YOHhE and should hot take par Norwood ge 246 edge Bt business. The prime minister Any discussion either in 60m three qUAFLErs sgreed there had heen mitleg oF TeEWIAT MEELINES n Ala p oS ahse ine 8-18 SUMMOn 8 Session ble i we ha person Rhsente qd fall hétaelves Fy Bi My id sewed i with i's long Canadian Press Stall Writer Of concern to the members, *1EH gb Wi hasket and McManus' foul shots Hello, Are vou going to get i y } the first CORBA us m ' Yeralf of lilies | Of SUCH A DEFSAR MAY influence, THs marked. the fir pe ou on Dengll of IUMCIDRIGES | pose present In the manner in legislation which would allow) ich they vote. "This is one * hoe! clearly mudilile tax exemption to charitable or the 14lfont level JAVKINE regulabions | ie further atten doned gold mine \which will receive further h CITY C on " he . oJhars Susttioned flon during the discussions of i 8 these propose 8, OF } Was ihe select committee on muniel NE 8 IN BRIEF makeshift telephone the interes s of certain muniel-l oat affairs | two survivers of 8 palities, such as Toronto, to deen in the bowels of the mine elieve ' should apply to alll One announcement of great Waiter Lane have heen named hundreds of gaunt and EATY municipalities and he Ine orp benefit to local councils Was city council representatives 10|waichers at the head of thi pled In» general way In Theithat of the minister of educa:| the Community Recreation Cen-lghart because of the determing : ment, in eo-aperation with the / . \ / 7 i Maritime Telegraph and SIT DURING SUMMER federal government, would Pay WILLING TO LEASE of the Mant n i The prime minister has been for 100 per cent of the costs of Council will inform the De Telephon ' partment of Transport that the, On Fa estion, and has appointed & 78: struction or additions to old City 1s agreeable to leasing all CERLUNTY et committee of the legisla: huildings. This is quite a eon land and buildings occupied hy deep into th ture to revise The Municipal cession. for If the project is the Ontarie County Flying Club spection trip Assessment Act and The Munl-|the total cost is assumed on a sive of No. | Hangar. Now, the CO-GWNETS cipal Board Act. I have heen cash hi This offer is subject OCFC leases the hulldings fram get the mine appointed a member of this{te review on Mar. 81 1064 the Crown Alfred Beadding ing Hie simmel and report hud mitted by the attorney-general,| council will buy two quonset| The three Taronta men were 8 next session of 'the legisla- which revised The Lord's Day puts, located at Oshawa Air trapped by a cavedn late tha ture. The Munecipal Act is hel Ontario) Act, has now receiv port. fram Field Aviation Ltd, night, Magill died in the mine pe aiid th refore, lave now empowered on A loeall the Oshawa and Ontario County posure Robertson and Seadding oa Som A Very Impori option basis to allow movies and joint Emergency Measures Or [lived oul @ grim and terrifying Ant ane theatrical performances he a4 hours hefore heing freed by session the imposition of |Bunday $5000 FOR HOUSING the sales tax. | have stated my| 1 this, my concluding report Oshawa Housing Ca. will he MADE TINY PHONE objections lo such a IN from the. legislature, 1 want ta) Informed that $6000 has heen) The tiny telephone hal deal of work must be accom:|siaff of The Oshawa Times my Bet 10 assist the eompany nitime only an incident In Hi plished hefare the tax hecomes| (hanks for granting me space DAving designs drawn for a pro [tense overall drama of @ fight effective on Sept. 1, The exemp:|in (heir newspaper ta report the Fosed housing development [far life, To the men of Mar hut with ne | tax already on hope they have been interest:| Hevision of the Municipal pletion of a plan (0 provide th a in SH GEHEE avin i 1®/ing and informative, Further, if Manual, civen 1057, will be con: lentombed men with @ line al MAND BOVEINEN VAVEIT oan he of any assistance in sidered at budget time in 1062 hape to the hundreds walling Taxable items and exemp-| constituents, please feel free 10! manual came fram the Oshawa The telephone naw 1s in the tions will he given in greater call RA §-8106 Chamber of Commerce and We|gell Telephone Museum in feat this summer, by regula |eity's Industrial Commission, Montreal and recently was ex nt-Gavernor | J ¥ ah yem 'Man Local Mayor Christine Thomas has casting Corporation TIGHTEN PRECAUTIONS heen authorized to attend both! When word was received on Cans faderall A min U With the 'disturbing reports of ihe wmadian Federation affApril 19 that the men in Balan iat n in Hastview, Dele ates ference in Halifax, Nova Scolis, hope had heen abandoned ) an and He Asaciation of Mayors) i. Pinfold, Halifax toll traf I eeve nnual ecanvenuon, | a Tele he Municipal Aet ta tighten dk vey 8 \ {fie chief with Maritime Tele up precautions against the eon | flict of interest situation In mu: i | 40 to June 8, the AOMR June ! 25 ta 298. inclusive Whig h had been driven through quires members of council and | v | g Pavent-Teac ped " terest they may have in any from the Parent Teacher Asso Roard of Works confirmed Cuban Toddlers matter hefore the council op ciation. of Oshawa was In al: the city's intention to build side: | hoard. They must refrain from tendance at the 12th annual| walks an sections of King streel| Toe The Line vale on such an issue \ 4 5 [Wilson road seuth, despite pel Cuban When this amendment - was Poa hes nig of Ontaria tions against construction om government today announced it being discussed, | stated 1 was|8t the Royal York Hotel on some owners whose property extending youth reg Monday the amendment would he effec Harald ta Srandview South parmany | A union of vebel pianeers will tive without the imposition of wa Joad nam aa Hide Han ing be avganized in All primary eertain penalties for those per Federation o Beaufort streets; an SOR Cohoals, Tt will comprise Stu ter's reply was that if penal side, fram Olive avenue 160 feel Ste anding in scholarship and 3 y "epa men Het were iWposed, it mia and Mrs. Robert Heekett north | ave the effect af deterring hon: | Sudbury, vice-presidents; Cal:| INSUE CIRCUS LICENCE of Taronte, secretary. Edward|io N. W. Purdy, treasurer of the COMING EVENTS {Lanigan, of Gananoque, past] Oshawa Shrine Club The cirous " president will he presented May 3 and ERNHILL Big tonight valon, aj 1.30 Pe THenty 1 . ApEn Wi the third benefit in speeding up ses al n elected representative, H A Narth Yark, the in London, Ontaria The CMM | Sone, suggested @ phone bel in agreement with the principle About 480 delegates [abuts the sections, Bectons in| sentation program down to : gui y Pana § west side fram Olive av sons guilty of such a hreach| Poacher Isauth, west side fro ve § (dents seven ta 13 years of age est persons from seeking elec lins Righe, of Pembroke, trea A olreus leence far Clyde Wel Attending from St. Gregary's(27 at the Kinsmen Memorial t i ond Blo peven #0 Pe ies. : LY ' $i y BOR work snd lowing more time Inerested, should refrain from with Scott and Bill Jeffrey sopr improvement and deci I think it would he desis led hy Bill Todd FEMBININE in the § YEW ani By AL. MARKIE wrngress, for the Very Presence was the number of private bills FTPEr 9 ¥ I championship for the WIEH phe {section of The Municipal Ael ganizations, § a Hi NB spoken vant such legislation, then I! AID TO EDUCATION Aldermen Albert Walker gnd| The heard bh Municipal Act tion, who stated the govern: ire Committee tion and ingenuity of the men quite sympathetic to this sug: vocational schools, new eon Act, The Planning Act. Thelapproved hy hoth governments, at the Oshawa Airport, exclu-| Kohertson nine-man commitiee to sit dur The Sunday Movies Bill sub TO BUY HUTS keeper keystone and guide for municl-iod royal assent. Municipalities for 55600. Huts will he used hy racked hy pneumonia and ex gamzation One highlights of the tween 1.50 p.m, and midnight on of rescuers previous reports, hut 8 greal| extend to the management and 8€t aside In the eity's 1061 hud (lawered ta the men was al thal tions of possible interpretation, neaceedings of the assembly, 1 70 CONSIDER REVISION [time Telephone it wis the con the benefit of their experiences, any way at all to any of our A request for updating the anxiously at the surface tions announced by the Lieuten:| Ivo ATTEND CONFERENCES hibited by the Canadian Broad | maladministrs Mavars and Municipalities eon: shaft were allve--=long afte avernment has now amended | i ; will meet in Halifax from May| Cont down the Wny drill hale| nieipalities. The amendment re-| An excellent representation \ - 'W ; schoal hoards to reveal any in | alia TO BUILD SIDEWALKS | taking part in any discussion or meeting of the Catholic Parent. fast Havmany road narth and | HAVANA (AP)=The of the hill, but 1 did nat think | registered clude King east, fram Keewalln| coven vour-alds of the Act, The Prime Minis:|iavio {enue ta Crerar avenue, and ea surer and Mrs. Frank Tumpane, | Brothers Cireus will he granted a Mont [Parent « Teacher Association | Stadivm KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, APRIL 4th ¥ ff MC with ih ee sent s fram S ke ne [8 I Alive 10g ut v 3 : Darothy, Mrs. George alrhart AW 0ame ¢l TEAM 3 Sister Mary Richard, Mrs. G:|at Port Hope instead of Disiriot Clarke, Mrs, 8 Morison and|1l, with headquarters at Hunls A Hopkina, ville, E PAVILION jum X ! 5 tepie \¢ WV 8 in h {1 Wilson Furniture 20 CHURCH ST, y VV VN vr Sev ja i under Pisin ave acky i JUBILE d 54 / / IT ERAIR Wain gni FE. Wy. ahaa Uarnheix wid Fas WE H ¢ ad y . # sn an Pe Fay ladda MWTH wis Ein TRIER EW FEE rine Wimaiay amant Wonmday ads fed Bray ¥ Ios Far BF ks guswier of Bess! ERRER RB WE DERE RORERE gota. Kniaaia wae Aviles (row tun ken Wing Rahn ines (6m WIRE TRE ERVETTIRERE ERT IR Frercgprbiner THERES WELLE WASHING ION (AF) Fiance md he Slates sect W9 # We Waoneny 10 test £0 REIN Wiss in the Rew ew JETS PHA WEICWRE RY WRET Z 15 the #f rE J fri. fim art FL att wii! Frey WE RIES FR FPR PEATHS INCREASE VEAWA (CF) --Firathia 4 clwimen 197 Fo es WW 46 f ih Wn WEL ; LL i MARTIN § Fim f ARSLED ICE Break In Main Souvenir Centre Phone Genius BlamedOnFrost To Feature Crafts aved Miners tu the cavern that hela © PEIBORETS The first information five Inch simp! an ordi lineman's handset to the As Lhe Lelephans ghout te leave 'T told the dnl three-quarters of WOrking wm Artll hos dameler hen that the Was in Wis 0 lower nary trapped men Wan they eampany Halifax nale was an inch SIZE WAS PROBLEM Shop foreman William opened up his repali and the men searched piles of share and hoxes Ih amnetning i! re any BOVNSE Baak sectiam through parts, discara of jun final ahout shill ght | decid he 4 thal of needed men sli HI fi ol pend as Fhe meptiim coming discarded h Engineer f later Fhe strong ea wa wa Chigl Vole CRUSE, # Ww Jel men an the surfaoe husky and Iitle difficulty the drill shaft.' "A small not impossibility joined 10 should plek up ¢ he added Materials fersom wer should shouting and havi down microphone and gnphiner Wi i i" an good "nn a whisper i wie ed and led oF # he gn amphiier conn of ¢ men produced a model which fil Inside the tny Hash ¢ and highly sensi SETIES Peri nts final would Hight eas Hive As the ampliner WH equipment, Including and bhatlgrigs nece LY] ihe telephone ary Operate One-wa was about to be pul Wand sent to the ming vital part of the pickup hroke, A second assembly wouldn't wark, A third one was quickly built and sent on is way to the mine site and ther down the dull hale praved to be 114 Inches fo he used men entombed into & « ') in hy the below ameter gratelul # (Raiainy HE W sage » wate of dowd and La oA Cmtarin (6Aay ard Wednes THE GOHAWA TIES, Tomboy, Apt 4, 1961 3 osHawA SHOPPING FATHER OFF FE | Bay. ROEIRO 1ERGETRINIRS LW Owtans wil be genersily wn | wchine 1s forecast fox most | the Ws. AaiRer ciowdy fay | is forecast for Guehes with | CITY AND WEATHER FORECAST sariE Spit Lane baad wn wi regions Vie Werther Wi WepTTE WR Wy W ednesdny ACF Wirsphota) DISTRICT [31 ih f Last ha HOSEYIAL REFORY ag is the report of the & (enerel Hosoitsl for the WE AAT |. RAE SHONS fmaley W, (female § IAB. REVWGTR Ma Ww. (lempie) 12 MW. miner sur eRr, M ana Ligatinknts and exam Es wh But Still FORONED forecasts | Eymmpnia whl sensing mast of On HESARY EFRON LRIRIETR &f is 1 res generaity in the # y LEeatiments 9% Ee i Horm REPORT IN ERROR are, lake Ontas acevont of the Ith sonal Bry, Balilmrton, Kirkland | ake ariel festival Kapuskasing region y might, whieh ap London H day's issue of The Toros F aid. in evar, CIOHGY WHR FHA Yard and Frederick nag Bile | aded during the singing Vednesaay. Winds north Parade', Actually if POFIRERY ih ta 15 today Ward and Mrs, Fred Moment and Wednesday piaraaed (CF) Hh SES BL HB AW A mixture of clans is forecast fo ANH LARRY RAG WEA Wn wf # fF (IRRIE) SHERETY Wi: rug p Wl IW. casts WH 4 HNisg LGERFgIan ad RITHS Windsor f al re Born. Bey f WRITER 1885) f ana ia Ligh WH £7 Whe 1 homes of BOWMANVILLE Tourists hout walter for approximately will have an opportunity 19 see en hours today when RB 5I%- the hand work of local art and ch watermain burst in 8 creek craft workers from nearby com Hit road, ust south of munities or Orono, Bowman and road ville, Fort Hope, Felerhorough fieorge Shreve, manager of and as far east as Madoc when PUC, said that & trench had|they stop for refreshment on tied breaking the watermain, Highway 115 Autumn ® eity eantractor) Mrs, I Frenchman took step A intalied a culvert at the site. [te please the Incoming tourist Waler service was veturned to) hy praviding the answer to their in the fishawa Shalt 5 narth Section Were normal shartly before 11 mm never-ending search for souve: Atl of ha al i th approximately 4 a.m. Board pirs made by local talent Works employees erected al Mrs, Frenchman said that vis rvicade and warning lanterns|itors from the UB.A. are tired the flooded and caved inlof commercial what-nots made ed In answer to a request hyihy the Japanese, of the dime e Oshawa Police Department. |store quality, They enjoy seek out the ohseure earner ing OBITUARIES Wi LF]! fames 4] La \ da ir wm he v a where treasures may be found IS, JAMES E she said It 1s her ambition te show the tourists that there exists gen GUELPH A resident of elph for #0 years, Mrs E. Matheson died last wine Canadian eraft work warth taking hack home. To this end day in the Guelph Gen al Hospital this enterprising woman scoured the surrounding territory for specimens. In her display room Born in Oshawa which she officially apened on arlovie Nohle she was | of Mrs, Rita Noble| late James Noble, Ale Thursday hy sending out invita of the Baptist Chureh | tions and serving & buffet lunch, | married James E | Di Is ughter, Janice, at home, and i1sappea has ghathered hand in Guelph 13 years hrother, Carl of Oshawa | LINDBAY Fenelon Fall Fhe funeral service was held opp are investigating Ase + Meln { He Li HIneyr ond ilkie J lof hody-snatehing following an Ih te El Was ih Wadia qlaecident on Highway 48 nea : ! WH Bolsover Friday | MATHESON | Wr the farmer ughter id the ember re, she atheson 0 B ivars inelude: her hus # son Larey at home; w Wi na W ral on m emetey th | [strong Funeral Home which| Al Li tn Ci Ile Const, Gard Gray suspects that somebody made off with| JOHN MURRAY KNOX {the hody of & deer believed kill he memorial service for ed when it was struck by a ear hn Murray Knox, who died at{dviven by Alan King, 41, of Sim: | g Oshay General Hospital goe street, Oshawa rsday 40, in his Ist Phe ear carried on for about iY, Was from the Ari {half a mile after striking the Monday deer. It was severely damaged Interment followed in Mount | #04 the front was spatiered| ipod and tufts of hair win Cemetery, Rev, B. B, Mil: With 1 mdueted the services I have no doubt that th Palthearers were Arthur Tym, [deer was killed but the body Ww Morey, Cedrie Cawle, Jack Wasn't avound when we went wrle, Real Rodrigue and Lau [10 look for of "the constable Wakely |cammented later FUNERAL Of i Mar held ) : wil 8, &l pm | Temperature Up | Cloudy Furecast 1emperatnres Wign V ednesday i" 4 ww f Vi] vid vid bow Lowi gt W indistir : 5. Thomas KHehengs {andan FABRIC TOWN 36 Washable COTTON PRINTS Assorted colon ond designs, Speciel 3 YDS, FOR hEviam Foronte VELETRT TRIER ¥ rey & ( wh itharines Hom Har OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE RECORDING TAPE §' Reel 600° Asstore. Reg, 370 SPECIAL REITMAN'S when wrt Wome: ype Meine ot se inetion, ANTIES in setien, rayon end mien, Reg. te 9c | SPECIAL, poir hooked rugs, quilts, sushion 3 PAIRS 1.59 leather craft, wood eArVIngs handeraft wall plagues, stuffed angmals, ol paintings waler emars, dressed dolls and numer ous other articles All articles are on consign: ment i the owner wishes to sell them. Mrs. Frenchman is not interested in commissions unless It is & sale of high price, hut the owner marks his articles i he desires sale, I Baahiry Narth Bay Kapuskasing grit i Wil AM 2 & om (ES [: 4 - 21113, 1318) Yender EAT'N i: TRUE -TRIMBEEF ({ + 0" 12 KING E, RA 3:3633 Specials | Wed, & Thurs, CUBED VEAL ¢ Ib Fresh Made VEAL PATTIES 3 lbs. §1 Fresh Made Country SAUSAGE 5 lbs, §1 FRE BUY 5 LB, SAUSAGE MEAT FOR 1.00 GET 5 LBS, FREE " LOIN & Rib VEAL CHOPS TENDER