WINNERS of the Wm. ~ Bill with # 10tal sore of 39 plus 1. | member of The Oshawa Cur', Rose Trophy, for the first s02- © oft 16 right. the winners ng Clb. Ym. "BN" Bose Hore OMB, Ost as shown shove pre. Gary Want spansr Bh tis RYRRL, 16 SROWR 85% 2 . 3 2 Oat Coeginte gs 2 ps wad Beendan (alder PIRSERIRE Wis Lrowhy 1H the tional Institute. They won | Ind sone. San Tabs, Vick-09 | WWAE Wey their thiee games yesierdey | and Bob Liovd, op. Veteran | L)sian a Timer Phin Oshawa Schoolboys Hold Bonspiel For m. Ross Trophy Oshawa s hres oiiegiaies # WHR IHG WINE RNA RB $EIE SO NENL EVI PONEY MN £4 participated in the f annual of 26 plus 2 pi Cota ' ae . Wm. "Bill Boss Schoolboy Tre Joe Jackson's rink from Cen: fie, Pore Yuh phy bonspiel, here at The Osh (rad Collegiate, has 24 plus 7. reo Bore Curbing Club yesterdey, and i on. tn-zop the ith 7 : on . tul st of 1 " gi of me WI, 19 £09 Vie TTR 8 oMENL EY) ENTIAL 61 representing O'Neill Colleg Paul Wilson's nek from Dor 4 Central Coliegiaie 2 Yad il with three losses. byl # Colleginte, the da duced some very Ms The three-game competition was held on an segregate basis FIRST GAME with a maximum of "ten" heing PONEYAN £4 SNELL £Y) allowed 10 the winning rink and ') 7 lL Ev the results produced interesting / 1 Dr rR 4 ov) scores and standings z ia a A y Wm. Bill" Lioyd's rink from 2 ; O'Neill Collegiate and Vocation: onens evi CENTRAL VI sl Institute, copped the top! Bria . honors, with three wins and a /, score of 3 plus 7 F NM. Weskey J. Piper's Central Collegials curlers, with three wins and a d peore of 24, were the runners a farm up for the day's pla f ' i In the high two-win 4 Pp DP. Monigomery's 1 from CENTRAL £4 "Central" was tops h two Motrin wins and a score of plus . ' Right behind them was Phi Bradley's (O'Neill Collegiale MIDGET PLAYOFFS gond tial score of 13. emerged RE Ww ers of the ronsolaim rizes for "lost souls y PONEYAN £1 M THE SSHAWA TIES, Tassley, Api 4, 1967 1% : 'SOCCER CLASSIC rs English Cup Finale Busi West Sets Pace ' ii amy In Fitness Plan Must Be 'A First z==5 a "Whew will be jw loft field" wo league meetings We sei The Professions Foal els ponders the coach Riri som. wack duh Bes sored # ASRCIAGOR We ROWER FEMME Aster or Billy W) v vieiony . Tiesto won a [o- fe resrant i [GERg M0 W- Be presses # anh ot The costes on Sestemher 1] last. Tt mediate pefion ia fie faae of pops 2 cad sanng, "yong # LONDON ~ Beither of the shen the Fen Lame Wis formation het (Re SEreement Beier woe O-MESH A ah fof Engiioh Cup finahsis -- Toten payed pt Tstieaham ow Feb mache wih he FooBal gue Cubs do nob have # aig omg ond 4 bom Hotspurs and Lewester mary £ of tvs sear. Lecesier Lesage on Fanwary 8 will not or. They Meow mine oe or | ui fitness, City -- has ever before wom # Cty bewght off the swrpvise 1e- he honored w Ws etwety. The cocches and om BY 1 A ap fing 3. Wembley. The Sours sit. of the Gay by wamng from [eagae is not telling the PFE Foery time # ig Ji have twice Belore won the Rg the Sows on thes own Grove. what Ke Recsion 16 WE MET wis the hall, the resvit will lsh Cup, in 1995 and 1925. Ot So honors ave even in league fork 14. S9 whatever KX %. Be legged by the machine that was long before (he Pres games here 5 no Wehhood of # $60 Yah por cot om £verY Gib nt palatial Wembley Satiom By the time the Opal game coy strike (Ws SERN bg gl hu CBRE WE eT ance. (ames 6 is played ot Wembley on Bar [con be taken for grantes. socinst the Yarows plakers the final were then played 2 the §, the league race will be #3 popeser that i the Leagie pt od Crystal Palace Eronnih over, and the Sowers will know i cx sori 16 meeting hows ot Under this sysiem,. there These were the only tne ap- they sil have 2 chance 6f TBE ony port of the agreement Which showid no Longer be amy penianees Tottenham RR E jeagie 6 oF I wae megstiatal anh ReeeR BY oe crork » # made wn the fngl, and they won zoineved since 1) i (5 TRDIRSERiatives We January Jlersva expat aly Alp n send the «ug on Boh secasions. Now the eagie | A WE core with be # rest football Be goers have 16 vely on WE they pie Bowng that Wetory will presswre of #9 g the coveies te which might halt the iid Bog A RL Jy reel sell, and thet wn thew dowbie will be tremendovs. Bit BE of REX SERS wit io SOCCER SCORES werd mal rownh op RIRRCE that would prsduce » great bat f ' oh cha they wilh RERIR be SRCCRSHIW le between (we strong teams, TINY Hil. the FPA choke . Leicester Cy have omy Leicester are especially Heong man. has acto wisely in een REMEMBER WHEN? LONDON (CF) ~ Reswits of, once belore reached the inet of wn Aefesce, wi ther forwards ing the players in check wil " : ho rr see er games played wm he i 624 oe 4 competition. That was Ae wot match the of the .o p bona ' By TRE ASSOCIATED PRESS United Emglom wight | he «wp competition. That was Ae nol wlier the league mesting. We : Eon wn 1040, when they bad the &s- Spurs Runt id the the pdviic F90ony Dundee retained Wis ENGLISH LEAGUE, tinction of heme one of the However gous ¢ JRows thet they have PRTC word mor Wahweght cham First Wivision YRrY few Second Bision Cbs 10 in this eoic ORM i as, = BEA the sports Wikers i Ihe consi wn Toronts 18 years age Bolton 3 Aston Yitle § each the fast round. 18 he coster cold 4 4 y Prss = solidly betind them, ¥ today. The New Yorker who Second 1H vision Opal game ot Wembley, hey providing their RR CR he players are fowble-crossed later Reid the featherweight title Scunthorpe 3 Jeeds 2 met 3 powerful WolverRammion die the Sow i by the league -- and that is haces Dimmy Goodrich of Bf Thivd Wivision Wanderers side, and went BOR ham's mam streneth 15 # BOI what resection of any of the 199, BY. in 19 rowds (9 Aefent by 31. But her pack and Leicester have agreed 1erms woulh men -- the Flevement in TERRE the body in the tiass of Dave WAC league will face 8 Sf DRrTRge SPORT BRIEFS Accrington 3 Doncaster 3 final while stil in the second say and Danny Blanchflower. of criticism division 15 one that bas pot beer Phase tne. Zieh have the This alone might persusde the PLAYERS FARMED OUY malched since a re 10 1m the EE league clubs thet DYOWISES SET OWA DATES BOMPASO BEACH, Fla of ADY SACCRT & ad p oi mebad ORONTO (£ oh ( --- Wa " SHOULD BE GOOD of ABY FOCCRT BRE wor i Rae on thew Heat Age bet Modis pt ) so Pro 1 A Bey Bs Yon The 1961 cup final between 50 0% Wembiey on May er be kept them risk idl I 1s " hese (wo teams should be # and | am logkng forward (0 see upheaval and B possible strike CoMlege Majors will open their dey 19 Inter nationst | kage A : 7 - ig bie Aneust best-of - seven Optane Hockey chs. Pitcher Cant Mathies was game well worth seeing. In the ng # 1esl cup finel Cassie BNE Association Juniar A pleyell sent to Toronts Maple Leals, in- final series in Guelph Wednes- fielder Bob Johnson 19 Roches % fay ter Bed Wings and infielder] The Royals will aise be the John Schaive (9 Columbus Jets, ew ombine Piura mint ' day before travelhng to Toropte = for games at Maple Leaf Gar ud dens April 7 and 12 » nn LSPIl e LOrIps i rors vn to gomes we Sejemee Now Shrinks Piles necessary, the teams will pley| in Guelph April 14 snd in Tor} Wi P Or PRINCE GEORGE, BL the city hasn't heen able to ball stadium, stock ear track, 90 April 15. A date for a sey ithout ain Discomfort 3 3 f (CP)="The ingenuity of tmmi- throw out » lot of money io litle league baseball parks, ten. Ph game has not been set grants blended with # doit build recreation facilitie ms courts, B nine hole goM SELL STADIUM Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Poin yourself spint among Canadians But we have heen able to give Course and soccer fields PHILADELPHIA (AP)~Con And Itching As It Shrinks has given this central British most a modest start "Besides helping Europesns nie Mack Stadium, home of the Toronto, Ont, Columbia her genie 4 The immigrants have shown 19 integrate, the building and Philadelphia Phillies baseball! the first time science has about every form of recreation just how far you can stretch Wilization of recreation fRe- teem "was sold Mondsy to J.) new healing substance wi he imaginable a doligr while the native Ca. ies have been a common 06: schipifer Properties, Incorpor:| sbility io shrink ie Mong thate miflerers were 4 Very "Fhe job of building and de: padi have displayed a real POMInator for Amencan forces zied of New York City. It willl to relieve pain snd iehing. vanety of lr veloping sports and sports facil: do it-yourself spirit. A few years #t Baldy Hughes" a Pine Tree pe (orn down, George ¥. Harri: Thousands have heen relieved s, some of even 10102) years ities has made possible INegra- aon we lacked many. sports, but TAdar site 30 miles away, $818 son Phillies treasurer, said the| With this inexpensive tion of newcomers more rapidly today vou can name just about Woyelk sale price was "less than a mil-| Eb in the prvasy of than in mest Canadian cities," any and it's likely we have an Recreation isn't limited to the lion." The Phillies will build # howe wit says Bill Woycik, civic proper: active group participating wn i physically-minded citizen. The new stadium ties manager and recreation here aris, music and crafts fans have director Construction of » $550,000 numerous outlets, The annual] BARRIE TOOK SERIES "Money is tight here (00, and hockey arena, to replace an old (all fair lends itself to expres! BARRIE (CP)--Barrie Lake: building destroyed in 1856 when sion of cooking and handicraft views scored four unanswered! LH LE its roof collapsed, was the big- talents, agricultural projects | gest undertaking. Much of the and those who like to follow the Bois in the final two periods| al 222 Down Lions labor was volunteer and all horses have a field day during Monday night to defeat George: Loc } FRIENDLY # Congratulations to the Saleliites on ' i winning this section. Laure j n am e 10Nn came Up with a nice double 10 really Delp her team win Dowhies Laure Collinge $20 1328) Marg Jackin 472 1368), Pearl Anderson Tocal 222 skated hard all the/with a three-goal effort, while (243) and Mabel Nicholson 450 way, in win aver Lions 4-2 Mon: \Don Sawyer scored two, Ryan, "8s ins Way 232 Fins Wilson day night at the Children's Joseph #nd Keys (allied singles. 220, Loy Borrow 320, Evelyn hell 218 Arena. The win earned them a Doug Pascoe scored hoth goals [/s/s Malcom 24 and Mary MacHil tie with Lions In the round-robin for the Insers Points taken today Has Beeps 3 playoff series, each with four KINSMEN goal, Fielding: Slowpokes 0, Hopefuls 3, Headping 8 tefe K Andersn f Mayhells 3, Jesters 0 and Splellites 3 wins against one loss aefence eV naerson or Jokers § A further playoff hetween wards, Kitchen, Brown, Cullen; | Standings Satellites 32, Hopefuls these (wo teams will he played alternates, Baw yer, Joseph, Jf; Jokers #7, Jesters 22, Mavheils 31, 52 2 the capital was raised locally a brief racing season town Raiders 62 and win the take # two to ene decision in » thei [through the sale of 20-year de The outdoors man has been central Ontario Intermediate Al a on exchins owen wan Tims | Dentures : provided for by nature. The sur: hockey champions hip, Barrie 1) a ary hall wal Water pounding district ahound with won the best-of-seven series 32, IOR's game hack with » 1279 see: purchased, moved 10 a site near game and lakes and rivers with two ties, Lakeviews willl ond game but Vie's countered with »! Rre: 5 "OR > al® ' ' A anal 130s score 10 (aks ine decision | NE ATENA ANd converted into 8 within 8 day's drive are & fish play the winner of the Oshawa:| The third kame went to Dymn's but Ji CIVie centre It supplied haskel:| erman"s paradise, | Napanee series, ook by 17 game to do Ui as Vien hall, gym, banquet, concert tad bled idud . Wn ith 1189 [ 7 p 1 was (he best series of the season CUFING And dancing facilities with Dunn's racking wp the high total! When a curling rink was) for the might with 3781 and Vic's being > no! fg > sl earn Man with 8607 built, the centre's basement was| ALY China Boy" Slevin was the hero CONVEried into 8 gym for box.| J Uh B83 for Vie's, Alex Donpidson ing hy a service club and ama! MORE LEISURE M d BIS and Doug Harding 726 while 2 gin oo. b en ae ed" Machermaid, Joe Kastner and |'8UT cards staged regularly sponser Vie all did well | "With so much now going on clinched fourth place hv heat. sit forwards, Pascoe McDon final section the Tankers seem to have sportsmanship by giving Vie Cosepr J hd h S Ken Donaldson, Lou Hymen snd Vin! o a 4 y on Wednesday at 5.00 p.m., (0! Ryan Has Boone 1h Weadpine 17 and 'Slow | coplly oi bowing well for Dunn's but fi | and 30 SRANY SITUS aking ne . TAR I T80t Wak pol good enough lo slop the J hdde decide the champion team CANADIAN LEGION gnal NICKEL PLATE LEAGUE fast moving Barhershop clih You |ing there are so many specta In the second game, Kinsmen Flintoff; defence, Pinch, Whit:| With twa more nights to go in the Hyman displayed some of his goed tors." said Woveik, "Soccer, LJ it sewed up with 23 points, followed # ome valuable instruction after the basketball, hockey, softhall ing Canadian Legion easily 8:2. (ald, Sheridan; alternates, Con: hy the Shiners with 18, Polishers and league howling was eo The final game of the nightlin Fair Talling Wright Automatics 15, Mixers 13 and the Gy saw Rotary move into third Brooks, Smith ) ROTARY 8 = KIWANIS 1 Polishers and Shiners Kiwanis, 81 Rotary walked away from Ki. |. We have ta 'more members in the | Ll : . Charmed "800" club 1. Fogal had 301,|nignt when he racked up » whopping! Among the facilities hullt in IVERNIA A | 13 M 5 LOCAL 222, 4 = LIONS 2 wanis to clinch third place withiand v. Williamson hme Tap With 8 |906 triple score 1n Tea Fal Wilson Fur the last five years are a hase SEE YOUR ri / a kl A or Inityre lo 3, Mutant over Crawiord In! mw n th 0) I ia fu a well deserved win and handed They tank an easy lead in the ymin? 50 recht, me, ws , wh tones, Tn" muintmen'sovlvls) = TEL SOCAL AGENT == | May 12 Lions their first loss of the play: first period with four goals and 869 "Mosse Wilson 668, I, Fogal 643, John. Trott led his Auto Trim club ! NE pri ' ay M. O'Reilly 828, 1, Lewis 636. E. Dal: lo a nice win over A and W Driven. WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) NO ONE CAN curt 618, J. Calton 802 and B. Talbot and Sel Himes along with Jack Spencer Local 222 fought their way (o's tolal of six points # off series, As a result, they have one in the second heen given a second life and] Mitchell was the outstanding 600 #lso aided the cause with some nice [Jerry Barher parred the first SERVE YOU * . can still skate off with all the|star of the night getting four ,, ie 30 bowlers are as follows; 6 (howling lextr CARIN | HIA Apri a : Mathieu 282, 208; J ill 2,| Photo PI ded third wo|exira hole of a sudden » death chips by beating Lions again goals and two assists f / bd 1 ANE MRE | Arai ing 3 / Supryka "Yogi" Hutchins 270, G. Bittner Chow's R rant after dropp luded and itihasehall, country fairs, rodeos 9 oe Was paving olf as Vie agreed. Some Fi if S 0 f le | ve e of the DEF Top shooters Told take just about everything al un r irs al in $ r m on re c The Mixers, Gyros and Tankers all|leal out of Low's book and do likewise | ways gels a big turnout." place on a high scoring win aver earned 3 poinks to | for Automatics with some of the younger members of | the Mg AMERICANS JOIN IN was the top shooter of the | Wednesday evening. If the game made the only score for Kiwanis|? Vasey 240, 0. GGulsole 346, F.)iwo-te-o cision to Harold Rain's PIAYOIf Sunday to beat Chan BETTER 'FROM QUEBEC FOLLOWING DAY "Ne 7 243, 1 { A | g . 3 Monday night is any indication, at 0:45 of the third period, as: adh Haken 306 Sammons Sri | ol alone with Ed Tee war af this der Harper of Porstmouth, Va, J It will take a good hard skating sisted hy Moore. For Rotary, J. Ruiter #13, B.Thornbury 213, | club to hold them Pilkey put in two while Gow (Atkan #15. ©. Williams 208 and B pds 4 Saunders 205 I'he scoring was evenly spread and Plews gol ane each Just one Lamon this week with RB for top money of $1,200 in the as McGraw, Waite, Barnoski ROTARY goal, J, Harman: Balser howling Al, hut must he exeus Lloyd Sabine and Matt Kotelko played | i hes 4 Di funda R x and Teaming scored for the defence, Godridge. Brady, for. (oy 5a et Became 's wroua Yaiher a bie part for' Rison who were fed by one-under-par 71s Sunday for a Teli EMpire 2:2911 union hovs, while Seton and wards, Pilkey, Elmhurst, Sud Aller five he still celebrates 1° Spencer tallied for the losers. (dard; alternates, J. Gow, T. wueRo-mive Mixen wason LOCAL, 222 -- goal, Lupel; dé. Gow, Mitchell, Plews, Crawford.| The Hobeals and In and Outers teak fence, Bradley, Dione: forwards, | KIWANIS =~ goal, Dervent; | Hat Suds ine Flonrs aan e snd MeGraw, Barnoski, Kidd: alter: defence, Jarvis, Kay forwards, [points from the Beainiokers and (he nates, Barr, Balsom, Robinson, Cooper, Bourvie, Crouthers; al; Palohers nd AIL Stars split the Kiliott Waite, Leach. Leaming 'lernates, Moore, Syprvka, Tay Pah Taman tem Sutton, Noakes, Stroud lor, Ritchie, Knapp, Porteous h TAR (3M), 10 Filimers 951 LIONS goal, Gutsole: de. Patcheson, Carey, MeGary HA Piven ol thos, 1 Brown p, nrwards Murphy 705 (268), PF. Mandy tine, ak, Chapa fordards ROUND-ROBIN PLAYOFF } Ballom 600 (235) " HI I oe (Woanleaeatt #77 (340), ( LT FA PTR, (279), V, Marcus 878 (343), 1 STAN iS (331), HK. Ree | ternates, Sihlack Norton STANDINGS ER ld re TEAM ,,, Lions Local 222 1 KINSMEN 8=CAN, LEGION 2 Rotary 1 The Legion hays scored first Kinsmen ! an a nice sala effart hv Dang Kiwanis 1 ne i ' Pascoe in the first perind, The Legion " 1 419 1 fF JNE a ugh Anh Pahlendar a lead was short lived however. as' Future Games Wednesday thauld he o definite threat Kinsmen eame roaring hack (a April § at 5.00 p.m. = Lions VS. ine hariers tame tanensn aiees ta take aver the lead, never to he Local 222 threatened, and go on to win Sudden death playoff game ta * easily, &2 decide midget league champion Gary Kitchen led the Kinsmen ship Nichole, Spencer, Hall, Goring Seto : M n 1 AID IN R Lulzsenhurg 63% (344) 2 NIRIA A MOTOR CITY MEN'S MAIOR Vie's Barbershop club, the pushover A NIT IR 4 club of the first two sections of the 11 R18 1 schedule: has now reached the stage 1 Home Owners-Mortgage Loans MEED s2000! don't run Repay Only $35 Monthly We have oa limited amount af money on hand new for merigess foans, All sur leans ate spen and san he paid off ot any § ® Rd terme san he sranged 18 Wit your needs, with payments #3 low an $35 o month incly ing Interest "you by aed $3000 or mete 1] ay off a merges taming bi" rear af tases, or ta cambine al your margages inte end, an an pay only S33 a manth, da a Whowsands have dome EXTENSION PHONES save Wear and lear ~ come in § col CALL MR. NEWTON ours, 3 models. Call the BELL Business OMce-or ask the WA S510 WAN 1 Sur green tiuek FOREST HILL INVESTMENT CORP, LTD, 146 CARLTON 3T,, TORONTO REACH! I. Peel / Ai 2 N13 7 RB [87 nd, R. Neshit 656 (34d) and D300), Hed" Hard PAY LATER IF YOU WISH 9 3 i Hyman Real Fatale came out of their 213 tofal fo tie with Harper who I, | Bel Ritson Drugs kept their playoff homes 1» 000 Azalea open golf tourna! Corner Boy & Wellington Sts, alive hy taking » very important sel |?1%, / I B | fram their vivals, College Hil IGA. iment, Barher scored a pair of| Toronto, Ont, * HP HR repent slump Jong enough to edge (Closed with 68.74 in the Bd-hole! Lucky Strike Grill hut their hopes of tournament [) Payolt berth are almost impos: | -- . Wilson Furniture 16 9 Trim 15, Chew's Res Photo Pilate 11, Rilsen Ll Priples: J. Gime 27 Fiate 11, Ritson Bugs 11, Vie's Bay | SE en TIOONY WRT CRAY han AL, Eeky | Strike Gent 1) Dunn's Men's Wear 10, College 1011 IGA 10, Crawlard Insurance #, Hyman Real Estate 7, A and W Drivedn 7 Individual High Seores Ron Jay 806 (381), Harold Ball #83 (215), Al avin B18 (368), Alex Donaldson 810 Ken Donaldson 788, Boh Murphy 788 4. Ray Neshitt ai, Mickey MeM man 77%, Johan Trolt ¥ sky 7i7, Roh Kimees Tis, Vin Conlin 7a, Llayd Sahing 746, Denny 740 (311), Brues Thompson 733, Harding 786, Matt Kolelko 724 Brawn 730 (301). Boh Gallagher 71% Harry Gillard 716, Matt Bell 713, Fd Luglenhurg 713, Sei Himes 700 (310), | Len Walking 708, Ray Mann 708, Joe Ristieh 708 and Jack Spencer 703 save regularly at IMPERIAL #4 BAIN WK 2s wwie butt,