ed id CLBARETY, Cranes (CF) =~ A a of W women goles hove nes he Congury foes faring fle laut Su months, working Jo Aidwineiie. Women's Editor Wiel RA 3-347 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Api 3, 196) PERSONALS Wes Bath Jackeon, WilAPeerm Us RX Ler avenue, has resumed from # Soniey, Wr | halhhay trp 1a Yaseen, Bork Fists, Yh Mr 3) ah Coiwnming, where she viel t [ares, reiativRs anh franks Yiner it 1s i EB pA Or lis, Yr, and Mas, Gernid Fag E06 Like » hes Breas sow, Mis. ond Mrs. KW. Forbes The lunches was (ions b; daughter, Wis. Dell Page i . He egiar mesting with Mes Siogh Wiss Gloria Bavager of A lenge number of OMOPE slired Austin, regent, esd Oshaws, whe will he spending Scottish Tite masons ented uy Mes 6. Like resi fh oma Tima IB Ohana the Easter ceremonies WB To inuies and Mrs, Wesiey ons 4, leases, give ber 4 i akan Real b b LADIES' CIVITAN CLUB PRESENTS CHEQUES dees, Mr. sad Mrs Joke Beer the shaencs of Was. J. d : : ) amily, Colborne SLreet Shorts, Mis. Awstinn moked Four donations to worth- | Edward Middlemass, presi- | tendent of WilisAale Manor; ! Tullock repre he Jones pyenue, spent the Easter he Ee N omissrs for Hilleale while organizations in the | dent, is seen presenting | to Mrs Delbert Aridess, rep | AsoCRton (or Hard 9 wr. weekend in Lindsey as et, Spent baster holiday ¥ EE | gues Ness ® Detroit, Mickigan, Ving community were presented at | cheques (9 Mis. Donpld | resenting Oshowr end Dis A hide Al he # , fond Ao ga y v pls Mrs, Bose Tuttle 8 recent meeting of the La- | Holmes, representing the | trict Parents' Council of the PIRES HEM, # re D chairmen, ways nd MER Lamson Shaw (ol Ger Civitan Cub held #t | Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, | School for Cerebral Palsy | committee of the chub nk: and Mies. A, &_Shen, o4 Sendaiwood Restaurant, Mrs. | 10 Mr, W. D. Johns, supers: | Children, and 19 Mrs. Thomas | w BETA SIGMA PI The | reguier mesting of the _=Llishawe Times Photo tives and friends in Onifia on ---- Good Friday mane Gemma Epsiion Chap Irene Harvey ptiended np ballet yg " lecture class in Torontn recent. "Fo Beta Sigma Vii was heid ly given by Lowise Goldsmith, # he home of Miss Dorine Ken member of the Royal Academy "8 Hillcroft street. The mest of Dancing. This was (9lowed WE opened with the president by advanced barre work snd a Mrs. Brysn Cole, presiding display of Mwvertissements by The speaker was Miss Dor wh 3 4 the Canadien Junior Ballet cen Laughlin whe spoke on Scout Hall, Gilhons street, With oli of 81, Thomes, were EASeE Company of which Madem "Tools for the Art of Life.' Mrs. G, N, Varnum presiding. | weekend visitors with their pi. J is & i . 4 w Diane Vorps is artistic Gree introduction of Miss Laughlin The "meeting opened witb grandparents, Mr. snd Mrs oo was made by Mrs. Cole snd the prayer and the minutes were (obin E. Morrison, Alma street wa a hy # read by Mrs. W. E. Sergent it was the first time Mr, snd. Tess, birthday parties, wed "WnKs / he Erowp. were ex The treasurer's report was Mrs, Morrison had seen their ging anniversaries, coming and pressed by Mrs, Perey Brad gven by Mrs, G, E. Fitches! grest-granddaughier goings of uests and your OWR. py. ; Wing the business session and correspondence was read 4 b p . by Mrs. John Calder Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, holiday plans are always of 10: sys Kenneth Young reported : On April 8 there will be » Eulglie avenue, and Mr. and terest in this column. Write, on the "ways snd means', snd Troop Scouters' training course Mrs. Roy Wellman, Lauder eicphone or visit the social de- also submitted the treasurer's held at Camp Samae and two road, accompanied by Mr. 8nd... oo with your of report, The social report was adies from the 7th Troop Mrs. William Abernethy of Sud J > agreed tn mssist with meals. bury, spent Easter weekend in News for which there is no EYER By Mrs. Murray Fraser On May | and 2 there is to he Rochester, New York, as the charge. Telephone BRA 3-5474 4s h Dovsuar Sorenee o & Provincial Staff Conference guests of Mr. snd Mrs, Jack ac inisre [AY 10 be he'd 4 the McKeegan senosha Hotel on April #9 The members were reminded held at Camp Samae and help was volunteered by the 14th Auxiliary, Also on May Sand 7] Mr. snd Mrs. Kenneth of the ritual of jewels to be held there is to be » Pack Scouters'| Adams, Annis street, spent the | Bt the home of Mrs. Kenneth training course and the 13th Easter weekend in Georgetown Young Auxiliary sgreed to mssist aiias the guests of Mrs, Adams' The nominati en thai time, mother, Mrs, Ellis Schofield, | 8 listed the poi MR ities Members were reminded to who returned with them to Osh- 62 season as follows: Mrs, M bring in used postage stamps awe where she will be their vin Perkin Rows: ir Mer: at the next meeting guest for 8 week Kenneth Young, vice-president en ATI or Gogh Pore] Mr. and Mes. John Samben Mrs, Harold Ball, recording sec: 57, CHRISTOPHER'S CPTA \dwring the past month and Miss Helen Dyer, Colum: retary; Mrs, John Beaupre, cor: he March meeting of St! A good number of members bus, were Good Fridey guests| responding secretary; Misi Christopher's CPTA was held) pian to attend the Regional Con-\at the home of Mr. and Mrs, | {Betty Leask, treasurer. Instal- recently st the school, The pres:| ference of Scout Mothers' Auxil: George Sheehey in Peterbor- lation of these officers will ident, Mrs, Stanley BSobanski,!iaries to he held in Peterbor- ough take place at the first meeting presided lough on Thursday, April 13, in May The financial report was read|and it was decided to charter al Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Dahmer, | Refreshments were served hy | by Mrs, Brian Malachowski, bus for this occasion, and Mrs. Central Park boulevard north, 'the hostess, assisted by Mrs and the secretary's report by| Roland Kipton agreed to look spent the holiday weekend in Kenneth Young and Mrs, John! Beaupre Fass FV « 8 ¥ x a | if>i iq" | vs b Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berdy Vicky and Seats, Simase press south, were Easter weekend guests at the home of Mr. pnd Executive Board guess of he yr ' rs D. Allen in Linde: Scout Mothers' Aux... sere Bose Plans Activities [204 jose sas. is visting her danghter, Mrs. W. FP, Pipher, in The regular meeting of the Scarbormgh executive board of Scout Moth ers' Auxiberies was held re jr and baby daughter, Mary cently in the First Oshews Lynn snd Mr. John Cowlers, GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES served by officers and execu Church met at the home of tive members, Miss Joyce Tay Mrs, Gerald Barron. The presi- lor, enteriginment convener, #r- dent, Mrs. Walter Neckerson ranged 8 program of games, opened the meeting with an contests, and a SKIL [ering Easter poem some "new" and_"exclusive'| The devotional period was hats for Easter. Those (2502 ied hy Mrs. Ronsid Collins tak pert were: Mrs, Matthew Bell.'in "Bacier" as her topie Mrs, Alyn Elliott, Mrs, Harry: pe tress 5 > h SER, secretary and King, Mrs. Peter Chryk, Mrs flower conyen ; ad % $ of wener, Bll gave re George V. Lee, Mrs. Lioyd Pa iff hf 4 ports. The report from the bake terson, Mrs. Lloyd Burkett and A dg Siivioe. and Mrs, John Smith Pianist was [5 Was Jost Erativing, 9 Mrs. William Reed the president thanked the Vombers wet vemindtd. wimen for their efforts fphidd id a Ros The group is making plans to bring in goods for the baisgr eater to @ wedding on April 22 to be held on April 25. The next 8 WEGGIRE OR ADF : "Night of Cards" will be held Wis decided to put on # membership drive 19 get more Miss Caabyn Forster, Cow tice, and Miss Maryiyn Lee, E Wott street, Oshawe, apd Miss , No Button Annoyance When You Send Your Clothes To Us! A wellknown Americon humorist -- | forget which one i wos = once told shout § friend whe sent big shirts 10 the loundry while on 8 vit to Englend LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary, Ca nadisn Legion Branch 43, met on Tuesday $vening March 2% with president, Mrs. Edward , presiding. Six new members were snd welcomed into the suxiliary Deepest sympathy was ex essed for Miss Rose Bate Commander, in the loss of her mother this week AM next week's meeting, April 4, 8 shower has been arrang od for the novelty booth Visitors from the Bowman ville Auxiliary were welcomed Mr, and iMrs. €. J. Cowlard ems NED He found en old recipe for plum pudding end included it ino letter to the Times, saying it wes a simple but effec tive curs for boldness end shou'd be nibbed inte the seelp twice deily 4 he Figumd he'd had bis revenge, whenever he the hundreds of bold-headed Englishmen whe might be rubbing plum pudding inte their scalps Mow | can't soy thet thet's my ides of en uprosriously funny joke, but | con sympothize with the men Wet ill inh Bi ve Joins then sven 8 tingle on coming on pretty annoying, thet's why we take speciel cars to check snd double-check before sending beck any shits == or, for thet meter, sny other garments with buttons Try ws with a few shirts some time soon, ond you'll find thet ot our plont, ot least, the old myth about leundries clwoys losing shirt buttons is exactly thet =~ ¢ myth end nothing but 8 myth Mrs. Alex Dobos slerthls: | Parry Sound ss the guests of Give Blood -- It Is Urgently Needed! "Mr. and Mrs, Harold Starkey, and their secretary, Mrs, Wik-lon Awril 11 tusiness meeting Hem Wallis, brought greetings next Tuesday, April 4 at 7.30 Women interested in the WA from the Bowmanville A Mrs, George Hall, convener fliary and Mrs. Edgar Alward, and At the conclusion of the meet FIRST BAPTIST WA Mrs, Walter Sewell will be cap ing & pot luck supper wasi The WA of First Baptist izing A Next month's meeting will he V D Ww 1k Y N ial held in the church parlor with an e a er- e0 upt 8 (Mrs, Harold Audley gms devo: . " tional leader Solemnized In 2-Ring Ceremony, ms were served reves ments assisted by Mrs, L, G The marrisge of Elainebuds snd white chrysanthe: Brown and Mrs, Walter Well- Marion Yeo and Ronald Garfield mums man, Mrs. Robert Moon closed Van De Walker was solemnized| The bridal attendants were the meeting with prayer recently at Centre Street United Mrs, Douglas Carmichael, sister Church, of the bride, and Mrs, Gerald The bride who is 8 graduate Dodd, They were dressed alike of class '57 of the Oshawa in walizlength mauve silk or General Hospital is the daughter| gana with white flower head- of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Yeo dresses and carried nosegays of of Port Perry and the bride. mauve gladiolus petals, is the son of Mr. and] Mr. Gordon Stell acted as rs. Edgar Van De Walker of Pest man and Mr, Gerald Dodd wa. ushered, The Reverend Warren a, The reception was held In the Dickson officiated at the double: ring ceremony. The wedding music was played by Mr, Ron-| ald Kellington and Mrs, Kelling:| 'The Lord's Prayer'| ton snd "The Wedding Prayer', | Given In marriage by her Fleetwood room of the Hotel Genosha, To receive, the bride's mother wore Dior blue faille crepe with white accessories, The bridegroom's mother assist: ing was In nile green faflle with matching accessories. Each wore a corsage of carnations, father, the bride was gowned Later the couple left for a in carnation white peau-de-sole, the elreular tier skirt appliqued with seed pearls. A crown of pearls and rhinestones held her shoulder - length vell and she carried 8 bouquet of red rose: wedding trip to New York. For going away the bride wore a navy blue french wool suit with white accessories and a red rosebud corsage, The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa, A new-lhis-year high fa shion for the young miss is a matching armel and cotton knit coat and dress ensemble, Styl od hy Vaila of Montreal, the rib-knit coat shows Parisian trapeze line, and cuffed elbow Sunday-best go-ta-schoal both wash quickly te patterned dress sleeveless with full skirt, This | heneath outhit will be favorite ton easily and same size A far dry and Wagth alesves, The diamond | shape by laying Hat, Following the business session] ™ Patrick's Day concert put on by| her assistants some of the pupils of the school, The next meeting will be held under the direction of Misslat the home of Mrs Geraldine Cotter and Miss Joan! Pakosta, Lakeview avenue, The Brady. At the close of the con:| guest speaker will he Mr, Mel: cert, the two teachers were|yille Smith there was a very delightful 5t.|the hostess, social convener snd | [ Karl Miss Bernice Spaulding, Ken dal avenue, spent the holiday |weekend at the home of her sister, Mrs, John Gasko, Mr |{Gasko and family, Holland (Marsh SPEAKER Dr. Godfreyd Kaczanowski, thanked by Mrs, Leonard Weeks | Refreshments were served by Mrs, George Evans, assisted by the Mothers of the pupils in| Grade § HILLSIDE FELLOWSHIP GRP, The regular Meeting of the Hillside Ladies Fellowship Group was held at the home of Mrs, Allen Johnston, Monteith avenue, The devotional period was led by Mrs. Austin Hooper and Mrs, Fred Perkins led in prayer Mrs, Harry Handson read a fine poem, "Wits' End Corner," which was written hy Mr, H, D, Tresidder and which had been # blessing to many, The group was favored with a showing of heautiful color slides and listened to a tape record: ing of a trip which Mr, and Mrs, Allin Johnston had taken several years ago through the Canadian Rockies tn Victoria, B.C,, and home via the Grand Canyon, Colorado, Mrs. Walter Ciona thanked Mrs, Johnston, The meeting closed with pray. er hy Mrs, Alex Roxburgh. Refreshments wree served hy senior clinical director of the WEAVERS' GUILD Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moffatt, Ontario Hospitel, Whithy, was The Oshawa Weavers' Guild Masson street, had as Easter held its monthly meeting recent: ly at the home of Mrs, B, de F Bayly, Ajax, with 12 members resent The president, Mrs, W. D, Arnold, presided and Mrs, Fred weekend guests, Dr. and Mrs, Albert Adey from Ottawa Mr. Peter Scott, Division street, visited friends in Lind say during the Easter weekend Lloyd vead the minutes with Mrs, M. W. Perkins giving the treasurer's report Registration forms were given to the members for the annual workshop May 21-27 to be held at MacDonald Institute, Guelph, This is presented by the On: Among those who have al ready made reservations for the Royal Canadian Air Force As: sociation ball te be held this week In St, Gregory's Auditor: lum are Mr and Mrs, Wayne the guest speaker al a recent meeting of the Ladies' Civitan Club, Dr, Kaczanowski chose as his topie, "The New Ap: proach to Mental Hygiene," ~~Oshawa Times Photo MACARONI MESSAGE | Macaroni products should keep almost indefinitely if ent in the original package, tightly covered and away from mols:| ture tario Handweavers and Spin: ners Malin Selander, Sweden, oul: standing weaver and designer, will be the guest of Toronto Spinners and Weavers, on Fri: day, April 7, at § p Maurice Cody Hall, Bloor east, The rest of the evening was spent enjoying the colored slides of the London District Weavers 1060 Exhibition of handweaving The next meeting will be held al the home of Mrs, A, Boys, Brooklin, Monday, April 17, in street 81 Williem §t, W, COLD STORAGE FUR COATS ® Shinerizing Oshawa Fur and Cold Storage Lid. FOR CLOTH GARMENTS | * Cleaning RA 3-3012 \ is discount on all perms continues 15% through april 9 BEAUTY SALON CALL RA 5.4632 " LesEveniss a Sales 15 PRINCE §T, ----] SPINACH SALAD A spinach salad can be made by tearing spinach {sized pieces and combining it | with shredded carrots and cab: |bage, & few raisins and salad | dressing into bite MR. GEORGE Salon stall and 10 mest clientele Farmerly New York Let us colt your crowning glory latest Spring styles most suited for expert personalized attention 110 King St, East of Uincents introduces JOHN Well-known Oshawa, formerly with the MARIO of Taronte, is at your service with the newest trends in hair styling end eutting, ANTHONY Formerly with fameus salons in Montreal, fenced in the latest in heir care and styling Phone RA 5.8631 Ulincents. wai Styling Parking at Rar hair stylist In is again en eur will be pleased new end eld Vincent's in Toronto and is fully exper in the 0 YM oan A