The Oshawa Times, 3 Apr 1961, p. 7

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from | inenin ALL ASHORE towed pshore by Tin RTH / firemen from the mud of Kas wrk [ake wiley fake £ they gm PROM MUD BATH They had fish from Fill Ak fy Canadian Flavor Seen WABMHINESTEINS ' ments of # eyiney Kennedy's prratis Fhewigh ¥ America on naturatizet 1 a chasen fn Can In Canasta ar have with a Canadian 1) } Some are products of #f hn w ear-old Harvard econo Kennedy hrainAvuster who no takes on the influential appmm Dr. W. A Holds Se DUNBARTON Pr. W, A McKay of Dunbarton United Church conducted the quarterly communion service assisted hy the elders with Mrs, H, Btroud al the organ. The choir, under the direction of Mr. DD. Fanthom sang "Open the Gates of the Temple" with Mrs. Vera Free man taking the solo part, Miss Marie Mitchell conducted the Junior Congregation. Mr. and Mi R. Parker joined (he church membership, hy certifi cate of faith. Those Joining hy transfer of certificate were Mi and Mrs. James Martin, My, and Mrs. W. 8. Taylor and Mrs, Rita Van Dyne Following the service a lunch eon wis served in the hasement for the members who went on a community visitation in the afternoon I'he large congregation wa pleased to see thal the ceiling of the church 1s completed and | #8 great improvement There will he a service al | am. on Good Friday. Al the aster service next Sunday the members having the sell denial folders are asked to turn them mn I'he auditorium of Ll Andrew's Preshyterian Church Pickering, was well filled with worshippers for Palm Sunday morning service, The choir en tered to the Processional Psalm CGireal is the Lord and greatly He is to he praised still', The service was conducted by the minister, Mr, Kenneth Heron wha chose as the Seripture read ng, Ht, Matthew chapter 21. My Heron's stirring sermon was en titled "Christ's Triumphal En trance to Jerusalem'. Christ re eatved 1m triamph until the peo ple saw that He wasn't coming as a great warrior ta deliven them from the Romans but to deliver them from themselves afd they rejected Him. On this Palm Sunday the minister cau toned against our rejection of Christ hy our indifference and sinful ways, Let us receive Christ as our loving Saviour DUNBARTON PERSONALS Sympathy is extended ta the, family of Andrew Annan, whe passed away suddenly on Sun day marning in Woodstock Mr. Witham MeKay of Guelph) spent the weekend at his home on the Broek road south Mr. and Mrs. RB Warwood In Kenned 1 tion the 7 ambigasann 7} { Compa at Moni a job in 1831 and became LB. citizen six years Jatey STIL LIKES CANADA I'm Il & clase and heioved friend of Canada fif Whether other young Canatian howl attempt ta follow his (oof hold he matters of thei ok They should follow heir awy linatinns Ll a desert Lapana health ni Fhe hioitan as a. matter of principle maf the g Canadian contring Al least een 10 have nneny am three f APPOINIEEs Were horn there They are While . McKay rvice visited the Thompsons and Me Clements of the Base Line on Sunday Little Johnny Thompson, sen of Mr. and Mrs. DD. Thompson celebrates hs first birthday on April 2, Easter Sunday he WA meeting will be on April 6 at the church Bunday Behool room in the form of a luncheon at 12.80 p.m. The Vil lage Croup is in charge A bus load of Pickering Dis iret High Sehool students al tended the play "The Heiress at the Crest Theatre in Toronto last Friday night \ party was held at the home of Mrs, Gilbest Wilkins, Fair port road north last Saturday might on the occasion of Mrs IWilkins' birthday Mrs, James Harris, Mr, and Mi Douglas Willis, Meg, and Handy visited Mr, and Mrs. Wal ter Willis last Raturday Lorraine Crooks celebrated her Lith birthday on March 22 Digna Turner celebrated hei 13th birthday on March 23 Mr, Erie Anderson has been contined to his home for the las! week with a back injury Mr. and Mrs, Albert Harris and family were in London the veehend of the 18th, to visit My LG, Code Mrs, H. Thompson of Pine Ridge road is visiting relatives in northern New Brunswick Mus, J. Lachapelle of Spruce Hill voad, 15 in Ajax Hospital and Is progressing nicely follow Ing surgery Mr, Leslie White is in Oshawa General Hospital and 158 pro grossing satisfactorily Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. BE. J1 Annis who celebrated their 23nd wedding anniversary fon Saturday, March 2 v's Cabinet Frank D.. Reeve I. Desautels as wel Fhiza easiirer Mi WHER wWhnGe RUPRRIS Hh RB CHFFERCY arent hr fH Mer father nen J Kine reas nrother till hve Mi Smith was horn in 191) and got some of her earl chooling in Montreal. She grad uated from the University of fichigan and made California ner nome he 44 of a CNR porter oung Frank would gel wliman holiday rides fo the Ca Exhibition a John there earnld Reeves 15 Ihe Oceasion nadian National Forantn The Reeves finally! moved ta the United States and! Frank came in Washington here in 1939 he received a law fiegree FIRST NEGRO IN JOB He is the first Negro 10 he appoinetd a special assistant to the president. He deals with yegro and other minority rights His wife is a faculty member of the District of Columbia Teach ers College. Reeves was natural: ized in 143 Desautels, 40, still has deep roots in Montreal. Born of an American father and a Canadian mother, he got most of his schooling there hut decided dur ing the Becond World War to fake up American citizenship He got a Job with a congress man in postwar years and he came acquainted with the legis: | lator who had the office next door: John ¥, Kennedy Desautels started doing a hit| of campaign work in Massachu sells for Kennedy and remained on the Kennedy team. He's now on Kennedy's ligisoh team (hal does special tussling with Con Bress Oceasionally I yun inte Reeves, Bince we're hoth from| Montreal we greet each other with 'Bonjours." Others In the While House with a hit of Canadian hack ground include Kennedy's press) ecretary, Pierre Balinger, and one of the president's military | aides, Brig. Gen. Chester V Clifton, Jv MADE PIANO DEBUT Kalinger was in Toronto al a kindergarten age, His father, an American engineer, was on a consulting job. Salinger showed parly signs of talent at the piano and made his debut as a con cert pianist at the Canadian Na tional Exhibition, He was six years ald. Later, the family moved back to Nan Francisco hut Salinger still has fond mem aries of Toronto Clifton, a career soldier, was horn at Edmonton of American parents. Though he spent anly the first six years of his life there, he's greatly enthused ahout Canada and Canadians He likely will accompany the president when he makes his first Otawa visit prabably in early June Also from Alberta is Dr In seph V. Charvk, undersecretary of the US Air Force. Native of ) 100 Attend 'Lodge Meet HHOUGHAM I'he eleventh hirthday party of Joy Rebekah Lodge was held on Manday even ing, Mar. 27. There were 100 guests and members present The meeting apened wm res | lar form with Sister Phylus El leatt, Noble Grand, in charg sisted hy Irene Mas lel who presided as Vive Grand wm the absence of Sister Sister Lean Ellicott HERO MEDAL WARSAW (AP)--=A new. hero decoration far "serviced ren dered in fighting floads"™ has heen approved hy Cammunist Paland's wn \ nin P Ws | EG | tims In recent Hoods through out the country will receive gold or aliver here badges fburg, District Sister Phyllis welcomed guest fram Stouffville, Oshawa, Brook lin, Whithy, Ajax and Picker tng and Rawmanville Sister Mabel Disney, past president of the Rebekah As embly, was mtraduced hy Si ren Philip Sister Iv \rksey \ was introduced hy Wannop, Sister mh anduciar Mister Ethel Deputy jeamed these (ladys Stone: the Prost dent, was mtroduced hy Sister Lealah Beer, Sister Ellicott wel sisters and asked that they he seated at her side The Junior Past Noble Grand, ! Sister Wannop, asked that the Warden, Sister Annis, esol Sister KF. Carter and Breather A | Ellicott 1a the centre of ihe floor. Here they were presented with a gift and a suitable card was read mm honor af their cam INE Marriage. on Saturday Brother Walter Hackney ask ed that the noble hrand, Sister Ellicott, be escorted to the cen: | tre of the floor, Herve Nister KE) licott received, on hehall of the heautifully Hyer anand sugar sen Heather Hackney presented th In memory of his wife, wha was District Mother of dol lodge, a engraved Lodge, wmnied Wy Machinery , they expose & hel males hes Atlevenen" -- ow fie mont. reesnt tng, Lave left. Monteest Wy we fox Yan Seghambey THE CSHAWA TIVES, Monkey, Aeit 3, W860 J poet, Ke is & former RIRY (ah where fe NEWS IN BRIEF rreviens # wiseront. hinnifer & Japanese CRIgn Wy for Tokys, He them vised sheer FEW REAWERS ' ian i » - Poor Sidewalks ~~ ¥ » R Disrupt Romanc rup © FETImRGD pa LOBOS (CR)--h man who. ~3 fiendby cwmntey with lots of Kast aiation of MW REWIPRDETS Ih Wiames Montreal & "when nie wr a8 # low coil of BRE 59. Sine 1060 he Bas ved OF Palistan is sie WITH. [es walks' fv the arackwg of # 16r, he Goes (op marks 16 Somn profs from We lows ROWMes. than 1 per wet of he ow WOsming ImancE sain (ane an India He plans 16 remen Wm Camats wry s 1,0 998 pesgie wre Wier | #d@ js SRTTINE Iwi # PERGIONET He pts Germany thied, Mier (ov (on more years "in thet | oi, | RTA that, le sage, "IE yon Cant ue AAR ERT IBY PERSON PRA TRIER | He doesws Whe the climate. there you might ss well say into Erope CONPUILAORY SURIEETY (80. for the last 18 years. | oftus Canada mr Briain My adoice (6 anrome With # § AGO6. Nigeria (Resters)-- Fave Was trnoeied «iid INE. | gue met ie prospective Wide fimited peasion 16 (0 89 19 Governments iw Wigeris wee wavih I6Wang fon (he Rest CO --q senorita from Barcelona --om 3 Liew ise eh 15 spend INE FRB ane of iis tones of the continent 77 S08 the DXRaRorR #8 wring (9 Twild wy interest in sentarer. "There pre thowsands re 36 the same ime 36 ment, Meantime, he fives of 0 5 (es sears agp (profits of lowriet homes he rime of Engheh - spemiing people foster industrial Aeyeiog CALLED IY OFF herr rent. The casters Wogena Eo: wn Meira he ot on» { "f got fed wp with the cold foci fame 19 mires fo # , RETEnt imtends to make grid Lacather"" fie sid. "Ton many, MOITY me wt after thie weeks What showt the sther comm Cr mois got i primary and sex id Pyrale ther hones in Can he called ofl the marriage nb fies! " | propia "Kgywt ix ton Austy snd yt satis I (oda every winter 'There s FEwines (0 Spain. She Memes _ (serdty heen # year in Montres) Those | 1 fermel broken side Ceylon is 168 fet * I #waps kept getting lost I» LONG TINE MPLONATY BERN, Seitzeriend (AP) that | haven't fallen on the iy Walks" Hires He found the women in Hong Japan So the W-gearoid Fave quit Kong the most fascinating. He "Haly and France are (99 e% Sax Petitierre. Wl, dean of wigan, He pensive, and in Mexien | was ol foreign ministers, will rete) REE COMBAT 1 seek Ie ome much they expose wt the wayimost eaten by the mosaics." June 8 after V1 years in FOR SMOOTHER SMOKING 50 EL PRODUCTO FERFECQT SHAFE CANADA EG FAMOUS EL FROBWECTO Ci.B HOUSE : te provide y for Imiersiate AF Wirephotn Vigne spanied tn that post president Eisenhower Kennedy CFR roadmasier ms early schooling graduated from Siberia ana ( day alifarma ov He Wh Two great shapes -- Wen Wt created with El Producto's ex clusive blend of richer-tast- ing tobaccos, aged in wood for milder, smoother smoking, Pick up your El Producto cigars in the famous Fold-A-Pak that slims down to fit your pocket, meelf if Canada. The neh FRERIVER from the) Briumswick) f ne har mien wes 4 ETT OE the next Love match... April, Meteor and you You're sure to get a kiss when you drive the new Meteor home! Just a glance tells her you made the right choice. This is styling that smacks of success with a roofline that adds true distinction, Meteor's performance is equally tops! Take the family foradrive ~ there's room for six in living-room comfort, And when it comes to car care, your worries are over! You'll drive up to jo,000 miles without a chassis lubrication; up to 4.000 miles between oil changes. Even Meteor's brakes are selfs adjusting! It's easy to see you'll make a wonderful couple! Tie the knot ,,.at your Mercury-Meteor-Comet dealer, ONE QF THE FORD FAMILY OF FINE CARS

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