4 THE SSAA TIES, Mondey, Ao 5 rr ------------------ Bei TROUBLED PLANE LANDS AT MONWTREAL~Here's Trane: | belly lending wt Montreal's | Canada Air Lines Vickers Vane | Internationgl Aroort Sendey | BRIA plier W made B sole | met. The plane's provellers Whist Winners Are Announced MAK = Winners of the Whist games pt the Friendship Clb meeting on Vi ednesiny silernom were, gh score: Mrs. A. Ward, low, Mes. F. Wilkisms. Winner! of the draw price was Mrs Allen, Pickering. Thies of (he Bente men members were wn hie to miiend, all 'under the FI9€ Hepditch, to the corpora wenther', Hope to see them aut!" of the hospital at Hs an BERIN next week A AAK (Balf) Vollowing is the report of the Women's Aux Wary of the Alex and Pickenng General Ha #l thet was sub mitied hy Hs president, Mrs! WRI MEELIRE i Apri oh y The Alex, Whithy snd Picker h A l 1, we leased from our comm) tng Association lor Retarded ooo oce "hn Children's Social Committes willl [00 V0, TIE SHER EY hold & Datiodi} Tea st the Aldon pi " bie b 0 of ( spi " i 4 ! ssh heeruse of the new On Behool on Monday May Mh. The [arin Heo ial pen, The Aull ohicinl opening will he Bed sod mend the hossital linen some time in June The daily library cart and Mr. and Mrs, J. Jennings and gift har service continues and family, Kings Crescent, will gach haby horn in the hospitel spend Easter in Florida [ of hand knit Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Smyth This means thet an av: Forest Ror, and Mr. and Mrs, erage of 460 pairs of hootees are V. Ames, Admiral Road left on! distributed in the yeas Friday morning for & ten day| At Christmas the hospital was Vacation bl Virginia Beach Vi decorated and gilts #nia, Mr. and Mrs. W, Cain and Bandra, Wishbone Road, sre ending the weekend in Orillia.! on the patients' trays | Mr, and Mrs, Ron Parish and The members of the executive) family, Mary street, and Mr | and Mrs, J, Brennan and hahy, WEIR Ie tment 16 0 W FELEIVES haotes pi siitahly Ajax Auxiliary Gives Report "Imake the fingl payment on the hpi MONTREAL Wickiad as the plane skidded wong the runway. Bone of the PIane's #1 pRssengErs and ' of the Women's, Ausilisry serv ed at both the Rospital Day Tes and Christmas Ball party Our money making projects have gil heen suecesstul and in cud the Ihlowing: two annus BRNCES, BR TNIIMAREE sRle, 18g day, & plant srle, 8 Pulch pu Hon, Christmas bhazasr and marathon hndge In dune of 1960 we were able to Ld ih [iF ful Fe therefore this Midget hus and fl our obligation in spect The Women's Auxiliary has #lsn furnished the Emergency Waiting Boom #t the hospital fi We have set wp two bursar| ip ies, 1a he known as the Ajax and Pickering Women's Auxiliary Wm Bursary, of $100 each, These Lursaries are for girls entering th w and the other from the Pickering Distriet High School mn of the A held at ft Anes Henwood Hill, The initia 'onl Fund BEYER CIRW MEM ers was In ied (EF Wirephols) 'Three Members Initiated By Kinette Club By GRACE MIS Correspondent AIAXK vy K je withy apenen he meeting € ah Kinetie Doris #0 gave he invocation ollowed by he Ho owas Imbiagtion FER NEW Iemher aads, Joan Poman and HEM f in and hilarity at the dinner & NEW THEMBEYS fF His Kineite Kay W Barve in April The March meeting TCA pi n lees Hh " inetie Club was vi SHE 10 168 Lhan B Mon ' | Spruce Villa Hotel 10 Qevelop landing gear trouble, PRE but | eonldn't. | guess Vi portation," he (oid # Vice-president Doris in gined Whe ence of President Fil landed safely at Montreal air God- port plier cockpit panel Nghts were told ht after the which indicated the landinggear had! WET 1014 Nght alter the plane : singing of not locked the Queen" and the Kinetle having lo esl whale meal Wearing aven | etherall report. | were distributed ta all the pa-laceredited Nurses Training © on plans for a card party to) tients, On each holiday, appro: Behools. One girl will he cho- Pe held on May 1 proceeds priate favors have heen placed sen from the Afax High Beha! #hich will go ta the Bwimming! | Many of the girls are planning to altend the Inter Club Bpring meeting te he held 'Air Drama Happy Ending MONTREAL, (EF) ~ A tenssion the ug 14 Sunday mg he o [mve fomr Remmi var Mamiaesl |fntarnationsl wept BC adr in Bo wl ended haga ser onde before 1 pm. EBT fun Bay mane when # Trans nade igor Fines averalt made & hely fending Mier Aeveloping land el 2 aad td } 2 pResengrrS # LAR Rg Rn Engines wer Vi A Hake WRAL PRSSERE £15 ied "a perlast nd wma wp #4 the snd of (rn ey Wh licked progpelors and Wile other Ramage. There WEEE KG flew from the rwmwey | Sparks (#6 IRE [ARIE § Tiasiags 1am hen down nd scraped song 15H fest of tarmac i from the | RER mrp ering {Wks a normal landing excep (or miiing y amidances, fire teneks PER na wmrport heals The pane, Fhemt T8 from Wamp, Fla, arrived wer Montreal mirport nearly 18 min lies whesd of Ws T09 pm scheduled landing time fin #ly crash landed ot 19:0 pn Wier the crew had worked fe yerishly 19 Wy oe lower the fauity left landing gear BEEF MOB AWAY More then 25 smbwlences wa countess fire trucks con vergsd on the airport and RCMFE snd Quehes Provincial Police, helped by Montreal and sbrhin police, prevented # (mass of sightseers from progshing ws the aircraft areled overhead The Vangunrd, in TCA serv ice since Feb. 1, was the fourth h Three weeks ago » fowren) prop Viscount Last week 8 DCH Jel sirerafl had similar trouble in Edmon oFiton and Friday a lowr-engined REE Super Constellation had to make Marie lon caused much Ah emergency landing at a United Blates Air Force hase near Goldshore, N.C., for sim Har trouble Captain KE, FT, Marriott of Baie §'Urle, Que, pilot of the air craft, said he used all pres eribed methods to try to lower the faulty landing gear, "includ ing dives and pullouts," CONSUITED MAKER Finally, after consultation he tween Montreal control + tower ps Dame de Grace Monitor, said i lending wis om Rah dy aah the Ramp because of # Ae. "We (eh his word Snes from igniting fuselage (onched the grmmd. CWIEER TRE. CREW Fasnengsrs chesyed the crew #6 they Masmbarked wfler the ram anmng A TEA Aosior! SARIANAA PREFEREEFS iohartly aiier they were rushed wie wn wrport helped prenengrry (a keep thelr minds ol thelr tronics wile the Hane circled Uontresl Bit, said Sewardess Wide siood Wetlson of Dathonsie, WB. "we an Active erally had 19 bresk the bay resident 2 OPERATION EICHMANN ig The her sheeady heen sepled fois 4 : WW repRiation for Y when i developed Poogradli thowld lake more Interest WE EINE 15 Feman In Tight Te for & wine, drinks hecame le gal mamin and the problem was SVE WHR AR RIA he isk should got » Figs sd Waller 8. Wells employee of 8 Montresl ship PE company. "I was # won Aerivl landing. | have expen Eneed worse landings with the wheels down TAKEN LANIING Haugh Melormick of Montreal publisher of the weekly Noire arrived over the city that it was having trouble with its landing " the od hos # ig they from mbserbers Are hound 19 esl Rey RFe coh , Y i tribniting something to & good PAID MUCK LESS CAUSE What home spectators gmt we BiNARY HEME for $100 was The (exact show thet visors 1a the Till Locks' [iti iteat isto ss « Unlike studio telecasts, ro re | strictions were evident In stage On Se setion 19 I the particwiar Fe away auirements of ry rind and MONTREAL (CP)--Tn make find 4 en, he | the Bt. Lawrence BeRwRy & PRY: some untidiness was noticeable] bg and E1116) ERE OPETAION upon & moniter screen he had flown sll over the world iy A "iieiont Jon hat om There were, however, no al "hut Vve never landed on four Bordensieck of Canada Sean terations in Miplogue, songs or wheels hetler than tonight," ship Lines ] Mrs, Eileen Cox of OMawal" "You've got to consider the seid I kept feeling like IT would! size of & lock as & unit of trans anel dis) have complete confidence Wi cussion. "Fill the lock with an A efficient ship and yow've got # Shella Boland, Montreal office paying cargn vessel as well as Warker, sald the passengers a paying canal." i Painters Elect Kear } ( Was ne panie Bt any ] time," Miss Boland said, "and Toronto Artist i net many people seemed to TORONTO (CP)=D, Mackay show any excitement, The ste-|Houstoun of Toronte has heen wardesses kept us informed and elecied president of the Canal always seemed to be cool and dian Society of Painters in Wa: competent," ter Colour f Jor Other officers chosen at the ADDED ATTRACTION ¥ | annual meeting are: John Rich: Advantages In mand, Toronta, vice-president; Bruna Bohak, North Vancouver, ond vice « president, and Vik:| | {hanorary vice - president; Her: C School ountry C 00 8 toras Bruckus, Toronla, secre-| bert J. Ariss, London, Ont, see. | TORONTO (CP)=Children In SFY Glynn road, are spending Easter with thelr parents in Haliburton, | Mrs, W, Magee and two ehild ren, of Edmonton, are holiday ng with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, BR, Redshaw, Glynn Head Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cruse and Brian, Beech street, are spend Ing the weekend with relatives! , in Toronto i Mr, and Mrs, Don Lynch and || family, Nelson street, are vis: , iting In Peterhorough for Easter I H . | ahead ospita he short of an overnight de: velopment of second place team would stop A motion was passed st the last meeting to donate four gifts for the Baturday ladies luncheon at the national conven Top Position {rural schools "have an advant:| | and the Vanguard manufactur ers--~Vickers Armstrong |age over city school children," it! Derby, England | Wii says Mrs, Laurence Fraser, whe it was decided) presides aver the one - roam tion, ta he held at the Hoyvall10 fry # helly-landing "il York Hotel, Toronto, in Bep-| Captain Marriott said "The tember, These gifts were dis | I8nding was not ws rough as | played for the approval of the expected it to he Club, 15 group A veteran with 28 years T( champion, pres ? . o Berviee, the first officer, Capt 8 RB cinch to take the top #pot [Jahn Hall for top spot in Indi led veaident Fail Henwood Have IW. E, Barnes said the pro " She Metropolitan katgue this vidual sores. Hat has 8 total ing TB survey to he held here Wht ok Sinéerned pamicuiany 6 8 BARR y A [ i ' PT Yin April, Coffee was served with the plane's fuel supply "s het this J anon, Bud Bre going crowding him with 2680 points. rer the meeting, hefore the though this was a factor we had i reir Donrash Hn | TAKE NOTE |@lrls did their practice for the to take into consideration." Bo it would seem nath.| AL this season of the year|"KIt whieh they will put en at| Captain Barnes, a former Ca when the sluggish winter blond the spring meet, The clubs do: (nadian Press stalf member in the| begins to flow & little more free. [NB the winning skits there will Halifax, spoke with experience {ly In the young fry, & numher(he selected (a put them on afin 1045 he piloted 8 TCA four Seems Safe AAX The Bletsons team expert in the Ajax of the Ajax Hod and Gun Clubichasing the TAHA elitr experts hy them Anyway, It appears that a win In this league puts them in a position ta shoot in the National eampelition, Chances of them winning in the National compe = ten are not so assured, since . The ehais there are really expert teams in OFLY cammitiee this league. However, with the of the Alax and Pickering Gen | Ajax Ague. improved perform eral Hospital Board submitted ance this season, they may sur the following report for 1060 al prise themselves the annual meeting of the hos:| fn the ninth week of econipeti:| pital earporation [tion the Btetsons shot a record) The chairman of this commit:|| tee 15 My, GG, A, Rohinsan This past year has heen the fivst full year in whieh hospital maintenance has heen handied| practeally entirely hy our own stall, The permanent mainten:| anee supervisor, Mr. J. Ark wright, together with othe members of the staff, have in stituted a continuing program of repalr and replacement and im: | provement to facilties | Noa major alterations heen made during the Report Is Issued AJAX (Btalh man of the pro this Found Beason the league Gord Careless Gun-toters In The News have Alax Rod and Gun Club year AJAX Careless and incon: | Several madifieations ha ve siderate gun-tolers ave really in been made to permit alters |the news in the past few weeks Hons in room use, including pro-land dragging the vesponsible vision for an emergency wallingihunter in the unhappy fray roam, rolacation of the Tahara: (alse. Numerous articles have tary and X-Ray offices and anlapneaved in the press all across impraved system for handling] the province regarding the dan garhage ger af the careless gunners During the year, Improve: [and the hestility of many farm ments have been made ta elim: folk 15 tharaughly aroused ng the fields and woods of | Alax, intent on killing seme small game, It should be point ed out to these boys and thelr parents, that under the Game and Fisheries Act, a howman requires a Neence and is placed in the same category as a per: son with a fire arm hay in a safe place and im: |W prove your accuracy and safety Union Boss Quits Post Ww (OP)=R, A, Inkster vosigned|f Bunday as secrelary-treasure: af Lodge 984 of the Interna tonal Hratherhood of Locomn Hve Enginemen and Firemen (CLO) after his ouster was de manded by H, B, Gilbert, inter inate condensation In eellings| mo paint up the widespread throughout the hutlding: plumb atontn hi subject I J ne equipment has been 1m: ogiving, Maclean's magazine raved hy Fhnlavement OF PIP [has written an editorial on the| ne and modification of OXISHING | syhjecl In the local area, The gat edn i Be, Hh a So ! MENON Sloped this subject imperian hospital. Wark has heen done an enovish 4 2 i a Liki) the healing plan to improve 145 aiving in an editorial aperation And impravements io n WY must a minority of wn have heen Made 10 the he ined, thoughtless and aften trioal system, \ ; i " unlicensed gun bugs ga about During the year, recent im {the countryside shooting hivds, HVS he o Sounds animals and buildings indis have been Risin 8 evident {eriminately, destraying private The hospital bulldings, grounds| Property and hyde or tele and equinment are being main whane insulators as well as the tained in an excellent MARRGT \anorahle reputation the ma {ture, licensed hunter has built hy the staff, [with care and time | The ewlmination of all this LANTION (EF ember of discussion 15 new legislation hy | ree national union president The lodge had heen told hy [W. KE Gamble, the union's Ca nadian vies » president, that it father {of 13 and 14-year-oids are roam. the convention 'Wing Grant Is Approved BOWMANVILLE esent hospital building, The hoard appointed ing hen it 1s completed The hospital's contract for a {blood supply fram the Red Cross PRINCE ALBERT, fask blood donor service was eon med TEETH EXTRACTED DERRY, England (CP) = A Derby shire Health Council for a new sot of false teeth small son removed his old set while he was sleeping and threw them in the fire applied to the | The Bow | "Binee Ajax is a regulated ares, Manville Memarial hoard, at al these potential Hiawatha's are recent meeting received notice hreaking the law, and should a thal the Ontarie Hospital Bery game warden or his deputy dis: [lees Commission had approved 118 for a team high in their! cover them, he would have nod 878,000 grant for a new wing choice hut to apprehend them (Which is currently under con recognized Why not set up a few hales of struction on the south side of the Keith With target practice? An arrow Jackson chairman of the new can he Just as deadly as a bul wing personnel commities and voted to give him power to ad: vertice for personnel for the new Hospital authorities esti: (mate between 30 and 40° addi: {tional nursing personnel will be required to staff the new wing He said his engined Lancastrian inte Mont real airport with engines aflre "Only ane fellow gol singed on that one,' he said He said foam was not used TIMES TAB -D:A5-5:40-7:40-9:20 Clowes Behaol near Barrie, Oni "Country ehildren sre won derful. They learn to go ahead) with their school work on their) own while thelr teacher is In| structing another grade in the! same room." They can overhear their teacher instructing mare » ad:| vanced pupils and benefit from! his "And in the schoolyard chil: dren of all ages play together, You can see a hig hoy turning a skipping rope for a little girl, and a little first grader playing hall with an eighth grader." Mrs. Fraser, wha drives the school bus and at one time was teaching all three of her own children, was in Taronta for a teachers' convention JOHN MILLS TUNES THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore ~ "Fuller Brush Man" 18.00, 845, 7.00, 10.80 p.m "Fuller Brush Girl", 2.20, 5.40, 8.00 p.m, Last complete show at 8.86 p.m Broek (Whithy) "All the Young Men", 7.00 and 0.56 pm, "Village of the Damned" 8.85 pom, Last complete show at 8.36 pm Driven = "A Hole in the Head" and "The Naked Hills", Hox Office opens at 7.00 p.m, Show starts at 7.18 p.m, Marks = "Hannibal", 1.66, §15, 840 pm, "The Young Don't Cry", 10.85, 845, 7.05, 10.30 Ja Last complete show at 10 pm, Plaga = "Tunes of Glory" (Adult), 1.45, 3.45, 6.40, 740, 0.40 p- Last complete show at 5.20 p.m, Regent = "Hippodrome", shown dally at 1.30, 3.95, 5.35, 7.90, 8.90 pom, Last complete show She went to a rural school hersell, in Cando, Bask, and| after graduating from normal | school In Saskatoon taught in a log cabin school 80 miles north of Meadow Lake, Sask She was 22, earned $200 a year and paid $5 a month hoard, Her charges were 8h students in 11 grades and she had no money to buy books for | Pireeind 4 Biniribied 0. TRL = THCHNIOOOA & + LARRY -GURLY 3 - STOOGES Ray of SLAPSTICK | BILTMORE ABULT ENTERTAINMENT SEF THEM TODAY them | dazzling entertalnmienl A panorama of wondrous TO MAKE THE SCREEN GASP WITH EXCITEMENT! Po § wanted ecess al any cast} would lose Its chavier if My {Inkster was not expelled | { Mr, Inkster had heen active (na movement of lodges In (oentral and Western Canada last spring tn hreak away from the international organization and form a Canadian division of the union Mr, Gamble explained las week the expulsion was re quested because Mr, Inkster had allegedly violated the union constitution hy eavrying mem hers delinquent in dues and do: nating $38 of union funds to an alling ratlvoad employee. Lodie| members sald they had vealed for assistance 1a the sick {the provincial authorities in Parliament complained 1 he tended 9 eurh undesirable House of Commons that aot all| 1 y | [shooting activities! Under study! the bagpipes supplied to Seals A | \ [and almost a cartainty is a com. | fish regiments were made in| SEE nia ta Replied War Minister plete han on high pawered a. Ane monohoby even | Ties in southern Ontario, a fine! me POLY, OVORIal $300 plus a Jail term wp te a Soattish monapaly, PS Weiss "months for careless dis wind wp me" charge of firearms, This same {legislation alse cavers penalties EXTRA FLAVOR {for impairment hy drugs or When cooking carrots hy any aleahal, apd allows a wags method, add a pinel of sugar, [trate 10 Auspend a hunting Ni Same lemon ar arange peel ar a cence wdeliniiely far violation slice of apple for extra Haver 'of the Criminal Code worker Sunday's meeting of all lodge members elected fireman F. 6G. Cusson 1a succeed My Inkster, who later said "This whale action exempli fies the fact that all prapanents of a Canadian division must he eliminated fram office at all Costs 50 as 1a stamp out for all ime any apposition, howsoever horn, 10 the dictatorial and dominating pasition of the inter national." TONIGHT BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:00 SHOW STARTS AY 7:18 Ly. Li] CHILDREN under TZ FREE! ALWAYS A UL TITTTTITTETIR Rn Plus More Thrills In Flashing Color! KEENAN WYNN & BAVID WAYNE in "THE NAKED _ HILLS" a ee . ] LUN CARTUUN IM fn we GERHARD READMANN : WILLY BIRGEL + MARGIT NUNKE FRED BERTEL MA wo WALTER GILLER suserevsnonss, ARTHUR MARIA RABENALT ATU TAM AN Peas tn + A CONTINENTAL DISTRIBUTING. by Bolom URE BAILY AT, . FRAY 1B) +» 10. 0 + 3:38 . 23%