The Oshawa Times, 3 Apr 1961, p. 3

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Three Oshawa girls receiyed their "Yellow Belt" jn Ji sey might when mem s of the Oshawr Maple THREE WOMEN { Leaf Judo Chih met ot the | right Community Recreation Asso | Beotfie Sunderiand, hun Gib ciation bwiding. Shown Sur: | ben snd Flore Edwards. 149 NE the presepiations, left 19 ' Heussherger, chief nstrnctor Injures Knee Cancer Society One 0 estimpled $2815 damage re lied from three pecidepts re ried by the Oshawes Folice Lent ond Auring the week Michael Joseph Bowinski, 21 of 856 Drew slreel, was releas 'od from the Oshawa Hospital after treatment for # cut forgherd apd & knee Rowinski received tie IBRES Princess Margaret Hospital in when the car he was Anving was involved in # collision with #8 car driven by Wiliam Bors beck, #5, of Wi Hibhert street Selurdey evening. the seeident occurred at Richmond street snd Church streels. Damage was sstimpled si $1900 An sstinaled $400 damage re sulted from & two-car collision on King street west al Bleven SOR Fond, Baturday, at 4.06 p.m One car was driven by Bruce Merlin, of 330 Dovedale dnve Whithy. The driver of the other ear was Elizabeth Risebrough, of Toronie Two cars were involved in » collision on Simcoe street north ot Hall street, Sunday, at §.45 JB. One ear was driven hy MeLaren of Torante, The ver 4 the other sar was upont, Ih Generel brinsen of 748 Bimeoe how? Trains were infrequent to! Collision Helps The Needy 7 wim person was injured and the oilice in charge Mf patie transportation gmt immedials on Ine prone 44 the Birines mf fice, » tng beck WES Rrrangen 1or the distrangh mother and. father at the Aoor of the hospital, they could pot Wnapine why he was there Hours hefore, they had left thelr comioriahie ttle home in Northern Ontario in charge of YOURE CORDIE BL The ERTHESN POS the maternal grandmother whe SWE mom em pans hain wuld look after the six young While 4 athentie case chidren--ive boys and 8 girl TAIT SINCE SNEh Lragedy Wile their father was baying does not wilen ke in ERLIBERL INF ERNEEFr BL Wie way WOE Binbar 1a hs work of mercy and comprehen Toroms sion and practice] assistance Hopeful shout the treatment BRsWEr 10 yesl need that hi | the lather was eking, looking mans £ Cancer Bocigly Ennwi forward to their retin within to wilhions across Onigrig | 18 few Bays to their family, they looked at the priest with friend liness as he approached them is great, wherever a patient re TRAGIC NEWS quires treatment gt one of the But the news the priest had Ontario Cancer Treatment snd TRAVEL ARRANGED Yherever the financial need was tragic. During the night! Besenrch Foundation Clinics i (While they were on the train, Lnlarig, they are g ther drive thelr only girl and youngestilo the clinie hy » volunteer |ehild had died quite suddenly |worker, or train or plan: ran |Bhe had nol heen very welllporigtion is provided for them | When they had left, hut not seri-| Arrangements for such (rans ously enough indisposed to re-|portation sre made through the {Quire the presence of their ma-|locel cancer unit or branch, and ther as well #5 the grandmother. [the fare is reimbursed by the Now she had died {foundation The mother and father were! This service is only one of stunned, In dreadful anguish many provided by the Canadian they Wirned to the priest They | Cancer Society to those suffer must return immediately But!ing with cancer Besides the Many Bervices sireet north. Damage was esti thelr home town snd they had rendered by the society and its mated at $160 Simcoe Hall Open This Week Biarting today recreation fa cilities will he available at Simeoe Hall for school children to Patticinate in Boys' Clubs of Canads Week. Simeoe Hall, which is affiliated with the natlon-wide BCC |g Ines! youngsters a8 week long variety of activities under the supervision of Graham Nelson and volunteer workers Through the week the gym nasium, games room and Il brary will he open from ¢ p.m until 4 p.m. On Saturday these facilities will he available only / from ® a.m. until 11 am On Monday the Palice Boys' Club will meet fram 7 p.m. until pom, Tuesday at 8 p.m, "Carp toon Capers" a one-hour movie for boys and girls will he shown. Badminton will he play ed from 7 p.m. until § pow. On Wednesday the Craft Shop will he apen for hays aver 10 years of age; and the Stamp Club will bb fram 7 p.m. until 8.80 p.m Thursday at 8 p.m. anather mavie program is seheduled The Ansual Marble Tournament will take place on Friday al A16 pm STATION RAIDED HAVANA (AR) Gunfire hake out across the street from the U8. Embassy building late turday when Cuban Army ine telligence agents raided a se erel vadio station. An afficial annetincement said the station was being used to eantaet coun tep-revalulionaries abroad FALSE ALARM The Oshawa Fire Department answered a false alarm to Olive day COMING EVENTS avenue, shortly hefare noon ter {not enough money In the bank vast education PEOgraEm {for plane fare (ducted seross the provinee, the The priest offered what eom:|society alse contributes Bi per! fort he could. Nurses at the hos-| cent of the enormous amount of {Pital did all they could, and the monies needed for fundamental {Social workers called the Cana | cancer research in lahoratories | dian Cancer Society (and universities across Canada | Through the Immediate work|to find the cause and cure of (of the Ontaria Division of the| cancer Nurses Visit i 3860 Families Bame B44 visits were made! and whooping cough) and small h Fublic Health nurses to S860 pox vaccination (families in 1860, reports Buper {visor of Public Health Re IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM | Gertrude Tueker in the Health| Of 00868 "immunization proce [Department's 41st annual pe. AUres elinles last nrt reinforcing given in Year 710 were Hees Puhlie health nuvses made 146 Vials ta tuberculosis patients | between the mdividus hefare and after discharge from | } ndividual and the sanatorium, to help them family in need of health serv Hdd eed Bly h ser (With any problems and super {lees and the agency with a y Ei ou vise those on drug therapy |iervige to offer A home safely program was [ { One public health nurse ean hegun: objective 1s to educate A: the public In regard to hazards, | [serve about BODO persons, aes! (cording to the report; With pavtienlarly to young snd aged {60,000 people Oshawa should parsons : . have a staff of 13 nurses, seme | Discussions are held and leat times earvied on with less dur: jets are left in the home: 1804 ing the year due to vacancies. [fame PRENATAL CLASSES tributed hy the nursing staff, | safely kits were dis Out af a total of 88 prenatal | education classes held last " year, 8 were attended hy ex (Gasoline | Fumes Drive |] Family Out (pectant mothers while hushands (and wives hath attended the athers TORONTO (CP) » A family interested left its mid-elty home Sunday night and residents of 10 ather Total attendance at these classes was 160; in addition, | [homes were warned ta he ready for evacuation after gasoline Bays Miss Tucker: "The pub ' lie health nurse serves the A ily and is the ea-ardinating link ARNN aE Nelghborhood Park " Weekly Dingh every Tuesday at 18 he clubiouse. Attractive prises Ewe BINGO iT. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM VERY MONDAY NIGHT $90 KING EAST AY FAREWELL GOOD PRIZES KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, APRIL"Ath FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES loskpat Nos. 56 and 3M TEAM 3 JUBILEE PAVILION {1al's obstetrical depaviment may {he arranged for AIL 38 elementary and three tian. They helieve a storage secondary Oshawa schools, with/tank ar defective pump is leak: | to children entering kindergar-/tanks on the service station! {ten. Health problems were fis: praperty T57 pupils took colar perceps| Distviet five chief Ohavles| tan tests: nine students were Chambers ardered the family 9] #38 home visits were made fo expectant parents Miss Tucker adds that teurs| {of the Oshawa General Hospi | pavents-ta-he 1748 BIRTHS With 1748 babies barn in Osh [fumes seeped inte thelr base:| Awa last year, 1430 were visit: | ments | ed at hame before they veaeh:| Police said the gasoline may ed ane month of age he fram a nearby service sta: | 13,137 pupils, receive the public) ing gasoline inte the sewage sys health nursing service tem Last year An all COMPANY Was 10 cary =I81 Visits were made to pre: (out tests today in an attempt 10 sehanl children find out whether the gasaling is =1400 hame visits were made escaping from any af its three! [oussed with pavents. including = Gerald Prociw said the fumes | impartanee of immunization and|farced hs wife and parents and | {the need far reinforcing doses. | five boarders ta mave aul. Mrs =10,280 Ribth received vision! Proaciw said the fumes were sa [tests and 381 were veferved for/sivong it was impossible to stay {eye examinations. more than hall an hour | found 1a have some degree of shut off the furnace and open delegl windows. He said special me Hi children attending Board ters shoved the danger of ex of Health completed Primary plosion was. not greal and the immunization ' (quadruple vac: moves were a precautionary eine diptheria, tetanus, pelle | measure | When the priest mel the young Canadien Cancer Bociety, Shere b A ENTED WITH "YELLOW BELTS" gre Howard Mundy, | sod president of the ch fs Wohop Wakerios green of : Harkey mw Shown pt exireme net ss he ERYE WL the RY RIds Oshawa Times Photy CITY AND DISTRICT M. B. Dymond, Ontarin ter of hesith; Chitiord Wi ke eth of the Dihavwe i b Labor Council snd BE. A008 BEhmere, medics #4 Feetor of Genersl Motors of Can } the Is MF B panel which dis FARMER, WEIR RIMORE Baligngl hesith nee at LUhridge last wesk BEHKISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT the vilgl lmportencs lor al mankind of the resurrection of Chi Jess was siressed on inday soril 2, wt Christian EHEE ERICH BRFVILES Scrip yal selections. included se counts from Matthew, Mark Luke and John of incidents in the We of Jesus, including the! Gethsemane, the #na his resurree WELFBYRI In EYUCHIE Im INCORPORATION = CERF A Certificate of Incorporation dated Fel. 8, has heen granied lo the Oshawa Municipsl Em ployees' Credit Union IAd., It was announced In the current sue of the Ontarie Gazelle LETYVERS PAVENY Letters of Patent have heen granted to twa Oshawa district Brms, It was announced in the current lssue of The Ontario Gagelle. Tetiers of Patent to the Bowmanville Industrial Developments 14d, and Letters of Patent, dated Jan. 25, have heen issued to Oshawa Refrig eration bervice WRONG SOURCE In the news story ence will study Ethnie Group|euperating after two #PReRFIng in the|selzures 8 week Rgn Phrsday, Mur, 80, issue of The|zures, plus # dighetic and heart | statement, | condition, prompted the doctors' (Toronta stay Integration' Oshawa Times, # Rocks -------- LLIBENAS (AF) byes ARES Vo. Peliny Me bead bv, (nw se (roi at, We regres rom Ymsawy Sanke 4 Vie Rokk Wy 3 Boys se smmin Fam Wa vr wm HU am BST. Fre Wak gon oH Bashger FIR FREMGTORIE. BODES FRIFORS, Firs (AF) ~~ A [reverent od nl $5 DEER NRE EIER Wy Aer ani wih Wrenn gianeh Ming Wo the barren, Heese Reser Wf RE Cyrensiesp The BIoRa. pina the wel is Hse Wil los ieR Bones Wf mast DARE TEE RIERA. EA Lyne IRRIRIGEIS, BIGERYKE, FEY IRE RRA VRE WIREE RT RMNIES WINER FoR men the rithm ns of VERE BEN WHE CHIET EM BICOMA (Bewiers) brik CYDiRe, panosncss thet he Bes prdered taxes to he £0168 Restile the RED ERbIWN tis Mediersenesn 18ands WE BL mis n Fridey Wot, The Greek Orhodos Richi iehop #8 "ne dale rap PETIVE Without tasstion laws FICK BEW AMBASSADOR NEY DELBE (Bewters)-- In of Epa 6 most rrperienced Mp lms Bubimal Dut, bas bern 8 RIDhRESRANY 18 the BH Union, 4 was sonownced DRRY. B ENVEIRIRE rE TET met seid the W-yearmid Dit Ry of Iku will take over Wn June from K.P. 8 Menon, whe has heen envoy in Moscow since 1892 Dutt of present 8 (orsign ses FELREY IN the Wmimisiry or e¥ terng! aflaty SEOLE. V0 GHAND BAFPIDS, Mich A Beng of burgers with #200000 in raw gold and other jewelry Wems from. # lewelry ma pu lecturing Hiri Bundey. The hurglers broke inte the BH. B. Terrvherry Com pany Rround midnight, police | helieve, They punched or ripped ApEn eight sales KILLED FIVE WOMEN NABARL, Japan (AF)--A #5 year-old farmer whe is chal man of the livelihood Improve 'Behan (AV) escapes Drink Again' TORONTO (CF) Brendan Behan has heen told to lay off the hottle permanently hy dog \tors who say his nest elbow Con dated Jan, 9h have heen issued bending spree may be his last, [8 dant think he'll ever drink {again Eamonn Martin, 8 friend of the Irish playwright since 1036 when both lived in Dublin, said today Mr. Martin said he telephoned the invalid this morning al a "Confer: | private hospital where Le 5 re: parle ale nhotie| The sel: "Io us everybody who speaks| warning. They sald the seizures English 1s a Canadian' was at:|may tributed to Jan Drygala, Dryvgala wishes to make it clear ment RECEIVES CIT Al a ceremony in Taronte Mareh 22. hanaring the Plamond Jubilee of the Jew ish National Fund Organisa- don, Saul Binhom, Oalv My. damage to his heart have caused RIOR TN ue SHIRT CL -- AWA (right) received a "ella ton of Merit" tram Vaaoev Tsur of Jerusalem, warld di recior of the Jewish National Fund, "or devoled service Earthquake LAR TR. Kah rm § 4 RINK HSE KIARA HHRRIT KE LARERE FRR A pack wm the frontier 1 [A hanLEes "fare they moved ta the interior permanent arrival of an employes of the {hotel where he had been May: two sisters, Mes, William Lymer, "Brendan was very much tm: ing, with "a feed of allan §p&-| (Olive) that he did not make this state: (proved, Mr. Martin sald, "In| ghettl specially prepared hy his! ype fact, he was his usual spark: mother ATION OF MERIT | and spivit of dedication an he Reds § anh gravy 198 poise hay ka a BRE IR Rie of wwe ead od A cd Wh IER aE Women. Faas Sir ER. aaaiy FINALE he #877 KE ke WAAR (5 RISER RB IDVE WINERS END SITROWS | CAALAEE, Garkimia (AF) Lot. TH 13h BER TRE IRSRETE SERRE Wher wages BAe SEAeh RB BIRR SADR HEE WS esl RERETEIA We RERINY YWomlerensing wines REE RE REIERt. Ty NR WE IRRRRESIRER,. FROFESER ATES 1H TESTE CHRIS REL RH SEW SON FOR EARL FLASHES (BF) Fil Betty § Onianty K 4 y EEE & Wks gh theh wile, tomer, TE1E (ORRIN ERR FRAG (OR : : BIRCTRIE Clip ss, Weiow Fy gave ® : : aa he Wh Nora iL Bom tempersinies wd 8 Te 7 : few shawl nies Askay. The wick son. The keri, whe is Vv » THE WEATHER OFFICE | tispd 16 lmproved wether oh | wi comtimse wie Tresdey. A LAR, RMBTIRRAE (BPE f %. The Botwrbance wil WOVE RRRIRTE RE SOME warnied Wiss Kirk Ww Freee ber, 10. He bis » son pnd her) Wiswswmt Boihais, chk # RNER Fit sorend Wn Gre : i hd wk (cael fo 74 (EF Wsphae) OBITUARIES WEATHER FORECAST ex, Lady Phang, BY PrEviowe yl FOSES PROVEIIER BILELANED (AR, ~The 116 Bremen Hospital, Solviie cE eRier EAs HE. Wai do host Sinday, br. 1, of Mis bari hosiR propehier Awning visien Eh Bherwond, lormeny of 19) torneo the Ross Ben Bundzy CORRM Hired, Ohews. Wis wah. The Edisto, wineh 18 on TRErvont Wes 6 pogr Remy diy with Operation Deefreere 191 the past (ew months. lores In the Auiarctic, 6 gt The tormer Sarah Edith Tim ng ber way on Bew Teplans o0 mine propeier, theoseh rough lete Mr. and Mrs. Fee Tim bEAE wid Wnt wiv is ') mine. Born wm Jiaresonen Eng IaRA., Apr. 15, 1885, she marries SEE BROADWAY SHOW Bn Oshawa wn 105. She has WEN YORE (AF)--For Ween » resident of Oshawa wd first thine, # CHITEnt BISRBWRY (anada for the pret B vers ige Whow Wes BepRyEs WIE brs Sheruond was prede BYndRY MEW. BVEE B PRYAGE | oopscd by her hisshand, the late VISOR CIEE. Show in, # Fe poopy Henry Shervond, May 1 ie Hiring Care y Hy 4 14 1950. She is survived by two WE) § LHONONE BRGTRVY sans, Frank 6G he § on ERECTINEFE PR eR ie fi the Teiemeler Ether, LEpEEs at FAomicoRe, # Oshawr and thie grandeminren ds The remains sre gl the Arm strong Funeral Home 1or memory i8l service in the chapel, Tues Most of the 2000 Ehampr revels zy, Apr. 4, #2 pn. Inier who left eastern Tibet to move ment will (ollow In westward have either been Union Cemetery. Rey cilled or capinred hy Commu Davison, minister of nist Chinese 1roops, according United Church th Ehamphs Escaping 10 services Ladakh. Thirty of the Ehampes managed #8 few days Rgs 9 WILLIAM JON FOUND cross lo Ladakh where Indign disarmed them he The Asith pec red pt the Wik te fin nelle Toromis REBELS QUASHED SRINAGAR, Bashir (AF) Melville following # short Memonigl Hospital Bowman ville, today, of William Found, 18 Concession {Bowmanville street Won't He was 8 son of #nd Mrs. John Found Darlington Town JERS inte Mr formerly of whip Ada Lott in Courtice in 1006. Be though he Yres fore moving 0 Bowmanville ling, witty self quickly." Mr. Martin said when the playwright will he able Whithy and Darlington Town to leave hospital for his planned) ships vetirn to New York and 8 re sumption of work on his sequelied as & butcher and 1ater was ta the novel Borstal Boy, partiemploved hy the Oshawa Wend of which Is in his publisher's Products 14d. He was an ad hands herent of Trinity United Church, The playwright told » re: |Bawmanville Sunday night he was| Mr, Found was # past master "feeling much better," and men: of Jerusalem Lodge, AF and tioned "all sorts of nice things" |AM, a member of the Royal happening to him during his Arch Masons and 8 past patron of the Durham Chapter of the An example, he said, was the Opder of the Eastern Siar He is survived by his wile of Maple Grove and William Allin, (Mary), of Bowmanville, and four brothers, Charles, of Darlington Town ship; Dr. Norman Found, of Toronto; Cecil, of Courtice and Arthur, of Darlington Township | The remains are at the Narh eutt and Amith Funeral Home Bowmanville, for service in the (chapel, Wednesday, Apr. 8, at (8 pm. A Masople service will {he held in the funeral home Tuesday at 7180 pm. The funeral will be under the au [spines of the Masonie Order Rev, B, Long {Ovone United Ohureh, will eon duet the services. Interment will follow in Eheneser Cemetery Caurtiee FUNERAL 0} | MHS EMMA I. WAKNE | The memorial serviee for Mrs {Emma Louisa Wame, wha died {at the family residence, 860 Park road south, Wednesday, May, 3 in her Bnd year, was held fram the Armstrong Funeral Home Saturday, Apr. 1, at 8 pm Interment followed In Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev, J. K. Mof fal, minister af Simeoe United Chureh eandueted the serviees Pallbearers were W. Ware, J. Richardson, BE. Hinkson, GG. Piper, W, Bowden and R, Piper Without andaisers ar bankable security half af the redemption and re clamation of the sail af the Holy Land and the uphukling of the State of Tevael | Hie Was k ARNE r of the srantiord and Slowitvibie, # Finuain PY nasa Oshawa Genre will conduct the The depth aceurred, following Hiness, at Jin Barn in East Whithy Township, the deceased was In his B0Lh the Mr. Found married the former the doctors|wWhere he has resided for the won't commit themselves ms to past B86 years, he lived in East During his setive life, he work | Minister of| MRE, BARAR FE. SWERWOHW Cloudy Today Warm Tuesda TORONTO (EF) (resists losued ot § p.m Synopsis: High winds SRW INETY RAINY Ferdy Miminished considerably Official Bt. Catharines .., Savion WER Ba elon " reserves IB seeveveeer ¥ rereeereree 18 rl wri an un Southern Ontaria ana # trend SEY roiree eer W » to improved weather 1 ox DOR BBY 11000000 4 ected 19 continge te Tues Bapwskasing dey. For 108ay however consid: WINE WAVER 1100000 k rerrrtere # erilie cloudiness helow normal (emmperpiures snd » few now flurries wre sxpecied Western Lake Frise Region Fartly cloudy snd » little warmer lodasy and Tues day. Winds west 15 to 1 today! northwest 18 to 15 Tuesdpy Eastern Take Erie, Niager, Lake Ontaria regions, Hamilton Toronte; Cloudy with 'sunny periods and an scepsionsl sow: flurry today. Tuesdpy pertly cloudy. Cool today, » Bittle war: mer Tuesday. Winds westerly 15 to 25 todey northwest 15 Tuesday Lake Huron, Southern Geor:| gion Bay regions, London; Mainly cloudy with snowilurries and continuing ennl taday Partly cloudy and & little wer: mer Tuesday, Winds wesierly W today northwest 16 Tuesday. Northern Georgian Bay, ih ihurton regions, North Ba bury: Mainly cloudy and cal with 8 lew mowllurries tadsy Tuesday partly cloudy, Winds northernly 18 Ruesday i Kirkland Take, Timmins » Ka puskasing regions; Mainly cloudy with eceasionsl snow: | flurries and not quite as cold today. Tuesday partly cloudy.) Winds northerly 10 to 80 | Forecast temperatures | Low tonight snd neh Tuesday Windsor soseeeeere 4 Bt, Thomas sieeve 38 [1] |EHENENEE srseprree BH I London iiseerente 3H 4 WINENAM srrreeeee tL] Toronts ¢4:+ reeeer BH !] Feterborough sever 8 1] Trenton soreeveneer 1] Britons Protest Flood Of U.S, Funds | WHETON - SUPER - MARE England (Reuters) The 11, (000,000 - member Co - operative {party protested today against {Infiltration of American capital {nta key British Industries A vesplytion passed at the (Party's annual eonference here {deplored "American interests {heing allowed ta obtain eantrol (of many industrial concerns in this country, especially the me [tar oar industry," Delegates re lee ted pdvice fram the party's executive to {pejeet the resnlution on the Around such a protest might provoke velaligtory measures {| The pavly also defled its ex foutive hy passing resolutions supporting unilateral nuclear disarmament and demanding Aritain's withdrawal from a {military pacts such as NATO oe FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? "Ww FARTERIH, an lmpraved paw 0 Abii kind an Rn a Inwes p fh 0) Laeth nie nly In ple not al fe Qin or ne WW Ei AREY. PAR | EF ah, i hy PAS i LIED in heath). ial Momsonee OUTS TARDING SAVINGS WALKER'S Hand Woven PLAGE MATS interwaven with Lurex tweed Particularly attractive in fast colors: Blus, Red, Yellow, Pink Sizes 12" x 18 '] Reg. 49s, SPECIAL ~ WORWIOR OREDIT JEWELLERS ver ple RB & CREAM Reg: 4.95, PEGIAL ZELLER'S LIMITED LAWN CHAIR -- Red, Green, i Yellow 86 seca... 4.8 Ladies' High and Cuban Heel DRESS SHOES Reg, 9.96, SPECIAL 4.99 WARLEIGN SUPPLIES All «weal, Hand » made REVERSIBLE MATS, 25" x 45" Reg, 9.95 5 95 " SPECIAL LITZ DELICATESSEN CANNED MUSSELS 4 on a LOR FON THE vl COMON- TUES WED AM | Hig saunter

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