i Binh fori wphA = a BI, Fre tens AE rg '§ 7, : McQuay & K dd oy BCL bs fad BW. Wehsviny Fed fo? 2 FEwrs Somat. § 2 ww GEAL Y PEATE ol PES. watery ®s PATA no hin Sa, fo /, 2 ery &F & # add 4 bh 4 w FIX we SS fag ya FEN 9-5 6 co sier. pals pd works. AH Be 274 wer ¥ WRTRY, ) B 5414 5 ABER TEREAITE,, EIS TAME Wg Koes pecs : ty Rg Bk ' AEE FAM HOVE BE, CORI EB RTE. J Ri a ¥ A grid red esirprs fen fon ner WE es artis Cd ACRE form. for billing. vd Fe Competaty ges AEG, phy we, Mm a... pela ld GI ATES Row A Devi _ ls F oon Cnn r frins ed cd », J Bar oie A iy Rot pos ferred. by ¥7 9 owe hE WATE SH id Va sh om Fis PRUE far fone poy vA 5 Mr Jeck AP gears, » # J TERE Ei add fi # a IR IpE Eo fume Samy, Ri i08 a LOT L Gower, Bess OVE Y TREED PEFTEED BAON Ao ww On sre (vor, rom iete RAH Pas? 0h Wis peaiinm y hes, Furienes hig e quand £57 % cd A y LSI RIN ETN Entre Yokes, Fes ¥ trent » " i. " i 1d Fa ii of Wf) BT rae 1a ge pee yr BOWE for - mow PA REIT r art FYE Fas / ww, sone fre FE w pes Fromm Gigh Cond So So on Rois) sill keeper arg meg Vine a TTT $6500 wih gr lient a ¥ ld 4 7m terme. £68 My. eckson y ba £ 4 USE OT. WANT ADS MEEERS FT o . fips b be STRICT REPL FOR FAST RESULTS ESTATE ROME WE CHALLENGE YOU of buying 6 new nome hig to tare time ONG Compare MW you are thinking RGF, WE (FVIIENGgR Yd these 3 Her oecation, auclity of metergls ond Wry Ire 7 § a We here in Beau Yalley ore convinced we hove the grec 4 VGHIE I New TVome EOonstie tion { MM you desire 10 Dove Your 10608 PIA on Poper 4 home designed for you) or i you have & por already decided wpon, win ne cost or Neon bo yorarselve WE W be more thon PD ecses to price yori plan | vos. Prices in Beau Yelley ronge from $14 500 u Down peyments $1,950 ond ww. All BHA finonced J. J. VAN HERWERDEN REALTOR JA ¥ y ST. E, OSHAWA RA 3-447) NG y 7 cons milk tract. Good we ond y $171 1erms { F ' € y ' | / Nn hose wit yy g f 000 » terms 100 Acies | ITLEM ALY FARM. § miles trom Cshewe, in { y never foiling creer, sme [72 w ; venignces. Asking price $29,000 wit # DAIRY FARM A Acres excellent cleyioom Fo fx kK er, m a e 9 of Je r machinery 4 veors old; Bre i p { er 1 Full price $37 with 1% ' HOUSE Ye ice edroom ick-veneer bungsiow en Gerierd Rogd; Lot BS x 200 fest fumece, 4% bothroom, tile fioors, hot wale '! ' | [ $i 00) J win terms Hear Oy e 7-100m Bungelow with all gonveniences, on 4 acre t, 4 yeors old excellent shops, Full price $9,000 with ter hg INDUSTRIAL Excellent ated, industrially zoned, screage, from |) to 10 Acres. Ask tor Informati URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES METCALF | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST, | DIAL RA B-4678 RICHMOND §T. E WE Attractive 6-room | Va storey, all large rooms, well decorated, awning terms gnd screens, garage, exirg steel in basement, close to schools, bus and shopping. This is a must for you te inspect, Asking only $13,800. with $3000, down. Balance on one mortgage. After 5:30 call Dick Barriage at 5-6243 LANSDOWNE DRIVE For as low gs $1,323.00 down you can move inte 8 medem E-room split level home with all extras, including storms, screens, dears, exhaust fan, ceramic tiled bath, sedded front lawn, vanity ete, Two of these models have carports. Possession con be had on approval lance en | N.HA, merngage. Priced from $13, 500. io $14,900 MILTON STREET §-bedroom brick bungalow in ideal location priced at $12,500 for quick sale with $2,500. down, storms, screens, decorated and landscaped, wired for dryer. After 5:30 eall Dick Barriage at 5.6243 RIVERSIDE DRIVE N Attractive 3:-bedroem brick and stone eae kitchen has dining area, tiled hath, exhaust fan, sedded front lawn and many many other features, Early eccupaney, All this fer enly $13,595 with low down payment AFTER 5:30 CALL Marien Brew, 5.7610; John Kemp, B-2392; Pick Barriage, 5:6243 Everelt Elliot 3.9290; Jos Maga 5-919) WHITBY CLASSIFIED 65 monthly three and NRESSEMAKY sits, halpany, pest: (renee, All Mak Ane AN FOR BENT four-roam apartments " "ty ka dential ares, newly decorated, Tan Beasts fit guaranteed dey facilities. parking, close io ahd qh i( Children's plasground Apply 8 ¥ Roig (SEFTIO 1a0KD leaned the sanitary way a fur ew tanks in isa Wailer Ward, 304 FOR RENT Thee vapmed, un Wo | Chestnut West. Phone MO 8 nished, basement apartment Priy entrance, private hathreom 7 iid NEW MO 83448 ee fod yi Button hedieom i] OMENWNERS Rooting, siding, Ath, Rrivale entrance, main floor, cen HOMEOWNER mslation, painting [Tal Telsphons NO vault free estimates. Phil Harper: MO B4588 TWO newly decorated two bedroom Oak RENT Apartment, three roams, | ARATLMEnts are avaliable immediate A focation. heat, hydra, hai: ORE May Ts Helene 0 8378 water included, packing space. Call MO FAR RENT Three reamed self f3168 evenings and weekends fontalned apartment In Whithy, $60 : hook montnly, furnished if desired. Avail RE. SERVICER plete haakkesen | Shis immediately. Dial RA 83314 I¥, monthly ar as desirpd. Statements FOR RENT Warm furnished Nght prepared. In a 1 pel ims MO Rousekesping room. with private en Baal france. Apply M3 Mary Siveel East, or STERENTS! per value. approxi 1elephane "MO 3% male i letle typing NANTEN Gentleman boarder, bed paper Bo Ww far 81.00 Ap si am, hame-conked meals ply Oshaw Of Whithy, Phand MO 83682 ar apply 1131 Dundas J 111 Dundas Street est | 48 per EVAN E PNIT JF NEW PREFABRICATED HOMES COTTAGES GARAGES # £5 "i i re fT CAE SAVE YK § irr Many Plass to rae From ale 0 Yow Sve Fry miogre More Witww 98 Bess PAID Fol cea joa A ] 7% i 7 LES ilk Prev 4 i, % dat YE. CASHS re fest jap nr Res me am a F oF CARS we Tok AES Siz BEEK GF. § PT Er MG BH) PRISTON GALE ons EEYVICE STATION 2 Raeh Cotte bor She ) Rash Rotors boy Sle 7] --Rash Retwts bor Sole B0--Aotometiies Womted Di--Mictes bor Sole 4 SPOT CLGH TRIE. Fal Sire petaowr. SUE. THe ote BE ET wer Fo» id Aoins Fair, mage Rascal ¥ wri. fn somite pr ein ans PREG nn we B peer. suk. Vi widely gerd. Teiwgtone FE 0 AF FORTY. = 5 Sd LE Br Hairs ww pais AE fh BE LAE Mey § gam ARH E, © an Frovmgh EFI # aaa ad heed a. ig wor Fs basenw Bol Lid own Frame -- a a vd] tall ee iid aid orcad Wise Fur BE GRINS HER re For Fy 4 Fra RE (IF WHITE BFA E SEC IAS CH v fete 0 WS fn } PLETE BRAVE SHR CE AIL REPAIR MORE TIRE 1% 100 © P : (AL ER HL. FERRIES ew rr By ad ne pe ond CONSTRUCTION 2 Prd TS ean i LIMITED dlbidl li, yp mg Sa Pa Pp # Sirens We 136 Kn STREET EpsT Bl Putomebile Repoivs wpe. £5 Kong EHFE HA rr -- PE BREF EG GAH AE WR StH . . CH Brice WB Gk me RAB 5102 AY BAGY'S fire i. 7 RAE £4 v Lik PRE EE, NEA EY ed op HERE PRTATRE, FE YERS WRIT BEAT Thi fomgiete Wgonm seryve art BY ii tdiut al. as ord PU vik PRE Fan y CLA cod £ ' Br AOE ee Raw . re fom B cele 7 (4 BEL te WAY reek --Putomoloiles Sole | Frome ve, Ren) ple mon 9 for fore, rpered WE FOTIA ercriest conition. 9h STEVENS RO. § ¥o We nuts puch pir lanse. Kon be Knanceh, S200 gy $A E445 rp er a Resin. siies. BA 54000 5 oo i Sep r Bad Ss 0' BEY Jr cor br can Von cot Bem Articles for Sele Arsiial service. rERTRRERS i TF Pi wa #. Fp fis f id PB. FV. Gosdiieh Spee 723 £ Fivioer, Supine Slreet levies, Ke of A Vili " tad FORTIN . Bar sede i" Fre BF ie pile shorn, both reaming we FNTER Buyers Ever pak Servier. Frew ¢ eaters, Bink Rres Ressononit WARDROBE for ave. » pe J Rpt TEemime RA EW als ¥, Brier 808 he win # ma K ud Pond Mh Bizet | PAINT. it exert, S100 EPR BALRIFICE owner wit of Work "8 Sarum lesser Revels. sl mais re Ws gis Fecthe, # # et a fig yh i Fors, Mose eps 4 sas sntant # A oa gales VIN oF beg pier. Tees CL, eatiampies free Walace WOE SERINN we, met gv Ee # Ho Ein Voom Bervies RA F061 soslimme. Hen, Aus § hs (ip uitey 5s BEYING # ¢ Heed mower' For hay " rs WISER £4 pest roles, fost service, Bes ys Adu ID WHETEE, FREEBIE RRP side Arenue Eset. RBA birones, 5 Bane BITRts BOWE, BF Lor oii . eget _ I sca actd 4 J ry on 7 EAIING fy rw ¢ y BDORGE Eysiom Royw, eacelieps pias A Y's RA) 4 A © sop 8 , rs hp ef ria dO ¢ errs Jets fo Mngt doves, wie. For top £9 er obs ola Fe 1 is fog Boi 1d, on jo GME kaif tome pb) RL " plies, #9 Tosonsiie. WH 1160, "5 Told ons, 20018 Prince Busel. Phone RA #348. 1; oy fA Pickering FLEDOOD be 4 a; al Finis pr plik odd Home a z f feet = WH » parsing Firms ee i Smene Sm 14 FONTIAG ed ORE LONER, heel Fri . H ¥ " mare BEATTY caciric wave. 4' ASTI good sopiiion, moor recently pver- LUE LL A ; on oe Barns Tinta baie ol! vile. Lan be Braces. $8 bt ow oy ¥ He #4 ELECTRONOME BEE Victor, Mm. mcs cik 15% " p i ® fest in BY, BF: pod pervice i" # TE NTR Beda, 8 AL PORRMOR) Lines Irade in slowances Bt Parkwsy LF Hii Bh Gres. Yar, low miesie. TE. [Alon BE Bunces Breet Boris Prive ephone BEB 5344 Color TY we 4 thre hekroom marie bows Joh FONTIAL conch, sulin Book crinks wid Eid 3 "Hv hid ¥ : ith, wow ons, coon, sb. SOY Sone Biber Horns od "il ree Thr ademas We PT Monk biiest Hier § bw ihe 8 Church Teieihone M1 B46 0 FONTIAL |asuientisn pedon. § ool 2 dad FORTABLE greasing asia We plex, turbo gide 1X ansmisson.' rade IEFICE Sa Berks Fi yg ated TEEHEIY, honger, wie. Bx movine 08 Prove (4 Bip dllereniial ele. Excelent Log" By ad sr bP ok 8 Warren Avenue | 7 IERRY 2H Boke mower, sein hd do 4 " in bast by 3 HP Brges snd Blrsion meter phe: iF Nag Vie seh eel £4 on 5G 0" » weeds " WR or ig Boiss rind hr JU Piura Bore, BA 34711, 5 Sens bret #4 pi Vike! hr round the Bapes. Triephore BA E6176. Wil ode FYEmG paper om sie letier sae, Iss oF Kpiden. Chesp price. Phone for Pider ra bite pewsprint, buy blk lots and OL 39773 5 CADILAAE Tour door sedan odd [ 0 bE IEW. yl FE Indes, peers 0d, with powered, WI one pener wiley. Pre WERRITIREDS, (Vane TREY. freerer bernes Wo bi Ehime set vious owper's meme op request. THe VACUUM ciesner repdizs, sl makes, § chair i Lelie, $0 Bing FH Chr is Nie pew. BA FA) PRILE, BUACHINERS, BIshes, ENR E wie iy POVET move mv b k Ip 1 fs Ir $5; p 2h, 85; lawn chairs (wp i CHEVEOLET, good rupeieg avd, hen Wa Rig a dag ve (lB Ai Agr mde iB Rag Ay op Bg 14 private, 550. Telephone RBA WA Aoshi amyl APL 0 4 88; Lwo singe (08 sway "4 " ef : far L vison | ' By gd gg LIB He ag pot + pg Bh 4 ¢ ridin Won. F mire) 5; 9 boy (iM Rl 44h W, Wy cabiie, Wighway ¥5, Concession 12, Map 700% 4 5) 8 angh Barlow Motors. $8 Wing Breet West. 00 a ew We ait owner, 4 Te he (Pgs - fr 54 14 fide" ARB » 1 p44 BICYOLE Kiriy 67 wheel WORE Cog yos coning, sie 11 10 13 Aresses Wert he ne id isdn, condifion. Assortment of gr $ oals. skirts. Party dresses, oie. Very clothing, 114, fdieeees, sits, sing TT 'RA 329 4 'BB CREYBOLET privaie, ore wher FEasondbie price. BA £3166 7 "w yy h a 4 PEIEE MRA LOPPRF washers Hl oni " 0 v/ enpmel four burner bepyy Wty condition. $1700. Cali MO 8488 BICYCLES, $3995 tents, bosts, motors EE a aver limes 1958 FPONTIAL convertible, $098, excel Lent copdition. bpply 76 Rowe Breet for further particulars MERCURY dump truck, rebuilt wolor, pearly new bres. Telephone BA la DODGE, four-door, Bx cylinder Hondard lransmission, twnlope, new pibber. Apply 5 Town line North Bi FORD, fourdoeor YB, sutomptic transmission, looks spd runs lke pew Bériow Motors, 428 King Street West CUSTOM (in ¢ dash) trapsistor ew radios, from 839 Try =~ Domigion| Tire Biores, Hond Bireet West 1964 METEOR, four door sedan, filly | |Saipped pew paint lob, good moter ARply 130 Warren Avenue ALLSTATE Auls Insurance. Bave up Ml cent. Bix months to pay. Vor Persons service at your home cali RA we 55 NLNSMAOBILE Super #8 hardiop, power equipped, clean Him "» Call before § pan. BA §-436 # PONTIAC, good soli cpl | todo, heater, "8100. Telephone KA | CAR AUCTION Every Saturday 10:30 a.m Good selection. Chevrelets, Pontiges, and '61 Corvairs Buy or sell. Good terms available. 285 Grenfell 5t, RA B:5179 BUYING. OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING §T OSHAWA Cust East of Wilsen Read) RA 3.4494 Res. RA 8.5574 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN DEALER RA 5-033] We have a goed assertment of Used Cars, ~~ CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or betier than 20% on their car in surance, Half-year payments Call us teday and compare ample free parking SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Lid 3160 KING ST. WEST RA 3.2265 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 204 Lralinre, new and sed. Doininion Tire Store, #8 Bond Street West, RA #411 ALTOMATIC coin laundry services Pick-up and Aclivery. Telephone RA TT CLIPPER refrigerator, double mirror wardiobe, very good condition. Fes ponebie. Telephone MOB 4405 BICYCLE boy's Ww Sunshine # 15 been ovrehsuied, good cond] Hon, origingl paint whitew alls Kickstand B-59%7. 813 Frederick, Whithy SOAP FREE Complete supply of soop frees, for three tll years. Bans, powder, flakes, for your whels family our softener. Me down payment, $215.00 full price. Installed your heme. For demon sirgtion, RA B-3498 | WATER for drinking 1000 gallons Simply order one of nest efficient water n Purified yse. $5.00 per Soft water for laundry use $5.00 per 1000 gal, Deliver ed RA B.4771 wales anywhere RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The heme of quality, tradi tional and medern age fur nityre. Complete room groups available 295 Simcoe St South, Bradley's former Io cation RA 8-317] BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Expert DIXON'S | __ RA 3.4663 BOATS & MOTORS LARSCON---Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH Cruisers THORNES--Aluminum Service MASON-~Lapestrake PETERBOROUGH -~Maulded Plywood EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS--~TRAILERS Factory Approved Service Open Evenings and Weekends Marine Storage & Supply BPE yr HE i BROCK. IN 3 a 18 Wes aire shoe OSHAV 0 UO . WANTED 10 clear at $170 Mercantile Dept Tel: RAndoloh 3-346 1 OL 5.3641 Used boats, metars and trail [8tare, Whitby, Datana [re - - ers. we will sell vour equip IMEN'S grey service shirts, 3 hatton flap . " = " : . ANBAY 0 + [pockels and epaulets on shoulder. Fail NA ATOR & ( X ) . i" ¥ Rent en sn he janes A deck Fi) And Heere longing GY MOT( RS Al ES F v D & f RE EZER pri am ive ar $150 for twa. Meroantlle CR Q g net leman lant Veh Stars, Whithy Bintan N MERC EDE ? BENZ DKW PLAN WiL DE ITAL sone fOr veRl OF sale. Teasenable ales and service. dhawraam ERVICE & SALES ast ond. Telephone MO &2807 after § open until ¥ pm. at You may have tried the rest 1418 Dundas E. MO 8.3224 Ih | ---- 408 KING ST. WEST New try hs best. Eat betier or less 80% groceries sup aL ANNI To FOR SALE = Used boats RA 3.7132 plied all wellknown pro Pl N | Ne os | otors, boat trailers and | ducts, highest quality meats BUILD A HOME | canoes, « [30---Autamabiles Wanted Lita-time warranty freezer, Bring your plan sketch to | FOR RENT Box, boat and [EAKERRORE Awe Wreckers want! the only one guaranteed by Erie C. Brant wilde t | cobin taillers, chain Saws, Ars for wisoking. Highest prices paid, Good Housekeeping No ustom home f £. ve ot LEAL) | down pawment. Call now tor 15 ts. Get a WILDE RENTAL ARAWAY rongh an oid fashioned var | Dem ton blig mate without of Call SERVICE & SALES oly stare Wn Wr awn living VEN tion anytime MO 82660 1415 Duncan E; MO 8:3228 [Siliesiansontt ta Gitatiteg Mier "hale RA 5.3709 MO | diag h 2 5 WW xB, price WH; baby carriage, two-tone, hue snd siyer Both in good condition. RA rey "a5 BICYCLE, WW', "Bunshine", ist been overhauled, gwd condition, sngips paint, whilew ails, ki bok slapd. MO) 69%, 315 Fredeniek, Whith, AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY dryed, Pick-up and Delivery 60 Washed ond Folding 10c xtra RA 5-1053 7 AM ¥ PI, 33--Swep ond Barter WILL trade or sell welding equipment Jig saw, lathe. dies, pipe Vise, grinder 5% Fargo Luck, many other Lools id phone BA 5816) 1954 DANGE convertible for $5 haillon pick-up tuck Telephone MO $5110 best "84 iered |34--Lost & Found LOST Vicinity of Besshorough Drive, one hiown cocker spaniel With red haligr, while paws, while nose, pRsWers to "Hools". RA BERS Reward ONE black and tan beagle hound, sn Swern to Reme of Bess, stands shout pine inehes, lost in viewity of Hop Tense phone HA 3-8004 |35--Legal IF will not be responsible for any dehis gontragied in my name by my wile, Esther Courtney, on or aller this date, March 30, 1961, without my writ {ten eonsent Edward RB. Courtney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others havin claims against the estate © Polite Massa, late of the City of Oshawa, are required 19 send full particulars of such | | Sealed | | claims ta the undersigned, solicitor for the Executor, en or before the 1st day ef May, 1961, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed havin regard only to claims havi heen received ERNEST MARKS, Q.C Salicitar, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontarie OSHAWA SUBURBAN ROAD COMMISSION TENDERS FOR EQUIPMENT tenders, clearly ta contents, will the under marked as he received hy signed until 4:30 pom. Friday, April 7th, 1961 tor the supply af the follow ng equipment ta) Truck Cab and Chassis anly = 7500 Ibs, G.V.W minimum. No trade-in (h) Tractor farm type liesel tractor 10 hp, mplete with Leader and Mower. Trade as partial payment one 1952 Fer quson tractor complete with Loader and Mower Tenders must be submitted on forms which may be obtained from the office of the under signed Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted RE SIMS P. Ena. Engineer, Oshawa uburban Road mms unty WHITBY, not Builder an Ont ..H REWARD 5 SEER FIRESEg Gis Cr LIT, FATES y- A grid ane res Meira 3 '4 FL 445] hiss WBN STREET BAGH POLICE CORGT ARLES CLERK CAOET SND A STENCH SPER 1 WANTED FOF (tA POLICE DEP LE THENT Fothah oF Ke weg oss pie foe ere Fokus Liggarimard wil ie re eet ww wh eatirg Pari fn © = i forme mg im its of New fcr of toe vet of Fore FOE CRT ABE ED Dp ETA ES Ervich shor 2 EBetweer Woe soe of 74 wk 3 yes $3 Moma reg 5 ow 4. Moss weigh Hh §. Micioaw edu # fn guodke CLERK LPT usivkiantioms 18:3 Hae 2. Typist 2. Mo perer £ coe of ZV yer peed STEN fPIHES wie EVELYN I FEARED Secy., £ f Police £m nL Russians Pet Supermart By REINHOLD ENST MOSCOW (AP)~fine of the few free eplerprise activities w Moscow is the pet market wich springs nie retion every Sunday morning, rein or snow Thousands upon thousands of Muscoviles crowd into the iron fenced ares 10 wy everyibing from pure while caparies 1» mongrel pups. Prices pre on # wheeler-degler scale, a» least for such Jems as canaries oF # lighting rock A while singing cancary example, costs WW new (one ruble is officially valued HI) and B bg fighitng cock costs 19. Mongrel puppies can be bad for 2 ruble apiece Dozens of small boys eiren late through the market, each with 8 puppy peeping out of his overcoat. None ever asks for more bign 8 ruble. For a Mos cow hoy, # ruble is big money and his face shines if he makes # sale, Prices at the pet market can he understood better i they are compared with wages | whieh for the average skilled {factory worker Is somewhere between B0 and 100 rubles @ month |UNDAUNTED BY STORMS Muscoviles are so eager to for rubles | ONLY What would yeu child's home for cash? puppy returned if he strayed away! How much would it be worth te find exactly the job you want? Would you be willing to pay a few cents to sell all the clutter of used items around your i piggy They fara was rk (n ive The sal fooler Aw We rly £6 #3 ay Ww We fw Sas oes whieh were Ww ese JE ee er I il Kill By SOMEEL tv. BELA MAD samt # fromm Tied # NEW VOR EL pT) Flere was fwkge. "five me Re womey A # Sgn weer oF Be (Gx "Bol get gow poe me 7 re-eeh te dene fe primar JI8. [Be mac AIRS cuick Showing WE PReTE 5 2 We AES (NRIE. # WEE fe aly) By a ld Siar poh cape SIs AR. He was TRE AWE hry TRAHAN REA S, ERE vai (6h by 196 gVaIRe we henge. 3h | sank Comme on AWE TNSTY OF IROBRIARE The mas. 5 16ers in. wae Dans #5 We 2 wan. | hare The mowey fod w We Faan Fickark Wamphaans. 8 WE woney here' We gave me fo aad IeTIng fe Resch chan er # the fe ge 208 | | gain pres # Teesion, BJ. to ox yd fr he dnp wwier ¥ The swe sah aries Bb Lidhergh. #1. 10 pn the boss mwnllomid ww oA a RIEL Sy Daiy SL For neariy 14 motlus, Wane - WERE PREET CETEEAY EA y wan oak beep I # Aesth wie The nerd yepr Preshew EN WET REF GREE Py Fromm 1) Raneerelt caves iw Bore I ereciion. ke west 19 i tegen tie waht of Wark a giih. toliowine Me fepues V6 eek GPL, when FREER Fatty Som. anh ot Way |. 00. 2 7 £19 foweht thor odloy ge (1908 feallonk IF CARRIER HH BWA NEWS nN BRIEF he Linkhergh home # Rope cemtibicsles HB SIAMY weil BJ FR EHR 1 OBO (CF) -- A Dew 5h Gp War 12. # workman foward SOTES ROY ke body wn 5 shallow grave ww The Lindbergh HOES SOARS Tras IRIE WG WA ets wdionh Ao he Sowriend Wills foe Pe HEY RE Sor kh Them Towne Tike choid iogkes Wese B cANiesy ip the Brower BEAR he. aft om the walow Si of the pvistry, ah # bikes WR BOTE adder found nearby. The poe mn opt u wig Paw Re aad gillons of gos ¥ Ew / Lying A Walter 1yie's Bronx ong PPA BY a ) = Alot RANSON did wm, He gave Lyle 2 $99 pry refugees from the Soviet ih DHA The TARR cote and Lite wisie the cor smn RE WIRE WR PR ER © Wht of Born 7 6 Be #08 Goecce pumber on the ryeimpetin of the Urmne here br jobn F. Condon, # shod go. , hays later Ranstmann THE rst thee VOWRes Were ERIBET ROTIBE BE WHETTREMGEY Wo. = iiickes tive Writ CRE priesied. Be was kept # Rate 10 8 BIDE LERELTY . : £ pe £ BN : y ». i , 5 Dew York Ciby aller onion ve - dts corpener AUBASEANOR GREENE, ELEN R SOE BALE Browz wih Tome Greene of BBC TY» SINELR RRER IR The A is wie and 19-month-od son. BonaRis wee landed ps an When he was arrested, he bad IEE E pmb erstor' Wm # Ba in bis rin one of the $19 FRmenn, Call, paper wlier # ransom ills. In Wis garage po- Vou 15 thet ob) Wee (owns $4568 more a FEWER DRINES The ladder. ton, was traced ito Hauptmann, Aribwr Koehler Norwegian police made iid 1s wood technologist of the 15 resis for Intomication Ww Uorest producis laboratory, (id Compared with 545% sch or of 1racng the wood 11m # mI FEHS the previone yeas MERRY MENAGERIE Doktor, over Bere Like Hey by end sell pets thet even snow Sarms Ao not Aan. them During # recent snowstorm, this! correspondent had Sifficuity gets ting ints the market because Mi Was 50 Jemmed Despite the snow, "Aorens of canaries and parakeets were onl display in the open wir. Most were keph in class-walied cages, but some were exposed Sirectly 19 the cold, and they reacted b pulling themselves inte fat halls oA feather The market slso does a hoom ing business in food for pets, es- pecially bird seeds Several men were Banoyed) when | photographed the desl: ers and their merchandise the snowstorm. One marched wp angnly and 1914 the dealers not in permit photographs. But most had no objection and some, £5 pecially the hoys with the pup pies, enjoyed being photo graphed LACKS Lucy LONDON (CFP) ~~ A Polish vodka on sale in Britain has the following lehel: "Flavored with an extract of Zubrowis, the) fragrant herb heloved by the European bison," Ligh A de OF IT!... FOR JUST A FEW CENTS A DAY A CLASSIFIED AD HERE COSTS PENNIES A DAY, YET IT CAN BRING YOU PRICELESS RESULTS , .. Use (and read) Oshawa Times Want Ads regularly, You get fast results when you sell through these little but mighty ads , , , and you'll find loads and leads of big bargains every day, Se, for jobs, for merchandise, for services , , , for the usual or unusual , , , turn to the class: ified section of The Oshawa Times, pay to have your PHONE RA 3.3492 , , , A PROFESSIONAL AD-TAKER WILL GLADLY HELP YOU 1@he Oshavon Times YOUR "MARKETPLACE" AT HOME