16 VI OWAWA TIES, Mendes, Ap §, 99) ==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS M-- 12 picies Wonted 25--Apts. & Fists for Rent 25--Apts, & Flats for Rant 27 Rash Estate for Sole 27 ~Reol Estate for Sole 7) --Raol Estat bor Sole 27 --Raol Etats for Sole 27 Rest Estate for Sole Pe £ = . CLASSIFIED AD RATES BRED poner fensys. oniiinm of WOWERS (oss 1mm poses, re $05 BEFIEE ~ [anchomne birre WE roms sassy Sreiesks oe 4 1eieme i poo pny Ses n--y sons rE og 1 # Rb 7 Airs or ow pada frie, ower Ws gpcng ii FOR FEAL ESTATE os or wow § gmp gen amet ss. Brie Bou WE, GR frideriiny Lad wisi Ls 743 124 Wienm Rok #5 FlAd rugs. JH ries fw be" 8 Re $A oe. Ay J 7] ge ng vB ferris Stata od 4 Ee " ¢ - » lat; Lororgm Rave Tawe Brug fwwies [on 40a, alias, panes Wid monty. Bose Ferment a Wrng /. pesibinh Exiting 1 gh Ste, Bees, eakeciind, Feoes ra vf sd b EI 5 Jabs SFE hon he wip prs het psd oe " Hivnzy wih (wahonn wes. (wh Boek Fact. Bi SAH PINE, TEE gE BERRY Per RUiok, BRIBE. ioly o£, Wn er pint thst Hehe os fn hy & r DOM 5 SMITH ¥ CHEE g BRE ERAT, 1528 Ply 5, Wier, Foi. 7 borne we bE er pa § 7 FATA BR A. (SR, TERE WA ARTE (Re 7 i® Yew sores ¢ 0 TENSE WEE SP sti pels BV sig Bs 5 flv con ain Roos $4 Sows peomest Br a oP wr, GA Rows. LOK Bh SOT] yd a ' - Eing # Wok. Liars Wanted Wwe BR enes HFT rEE APR [oon fw Eras Fa A ris Vane rk FRarer va rh 3 wif rr hy ¥ of Sie periing. Aipiebie Ark T W9 We Pen, FIR AF TEES 6 0 | A H 0 § sd ye Le corals isi hl sa "2 Mer. Vicery Fed Evgte fe / . warn, Wiosy Ake Fovkw ined By BE EH Wi. comd 155%) ne "Ribbwist reer, Ts a ¥ Sk A - % ££. o rv i . / i a Rein [080 sacest WB, WE EAR pron Font oi Re iiat, i A / Bruinesm Fr E6278 Kage rote wh sey on anf finer rans por, ne of MICE forse 1am evita, rember : / fe gh / { Mars 150s REE Y Sr y 1 fr geal BEST Fame Hain SIEGEL SEER Cant, [Ripe TOW Boorse Wecho Repior Fes. 7 # cd PRY SRE, WBE RAS, en IreRien > gies for convaciim wearin. Worl LVL hy tee week #4 onan 7 BRINE, hewiy Receipes, TY pies. sree ease, fvse secs hod, FES TOH KARLIN PRIVATE. Sivoo Bondsow. Sorme g doce fo - Sbsagurt nari ng Reet # 8 Bouts faion Regd onie. (ng - GOR WOREVY wk ' aa PIT WEIR CHING, (ie. Bo Carey 147 Sir & PR ferene. Jes pun, BEE FS Titer eres will Wt wp WIR SOR Rtnr' mien iE Hen ' ier Re ir ttipe & row rnd Boece sie Wav grows pik i. Lad bigs TB Smee heme RE ok 4 Pres. BABE. Romp BH BAL War Bsr cons dor oF Ws | 306 5. 12. brick snd stone Pome, § (ergs PRIYA ATE CALE asl A » 2 # . p g ry. # , py ad, § Frtesaort rd Bones fot p ppd 1d a "es y fous test, 7 FARTLY fornighed res ri GOOD YALLE . bedriame, #1118 IGE ROBINS FIER, Wore Paver . -- Service Sitom - Snack Ber 5 per pent for § yA ty add We ASSES TAA "" ' Soll of hee new bee bud . wg rm, two bev omes, § fished roars wn he been Vi Cvarary Store ~-- Frpstom peters fre $8 pw ' WE ' Teinghane BA G04 & - 75 > . g Py ; vA {oli mmion Home Gad HIEERS, RFE ITVENGY, WSS Rees, : AITO WRECKING CO h i « : Frvcrad A 14 \ : id. Td £ Lh Wg Rr ers, pve Load mere. Pa or athreriction p PE suk 1p enim JErrmets Hoont BA sabe p { aorsae. paved 4 ' 8 of ested. fod orby one Wak to ie po Fi gr is $140 sds ok, CIA G A er A on LRA 2 Hh ar LTH FAH Lid . 5 A 3 y Gf wos for and § nd £ Bg, PGgue, copie % gon pit A ! ¥ bilboig So retrain mvt thy Ea PEW meters see. tww arfrnlly "an / k LH of | TRADE- iM PLAN | Caf fudvey More Mo BAGRE or WG op toons from Gens less tom re FY ines hdres riementy oF merle. #hc Gre Open LCS VIE At. BT Cragin Bimk, Zevss, I 1ew sows & ! { mene 15 view, this home #4 mies Senha ¥ wid metals, ste. bos ER By Gd " é f : , #500 sonp pope » the Soy be " pts Noy ; > # ws tire, we sre | = TIELR OC pe ' om 9 vind be por PR Me 00s oF Sat.day oN day, Prors FHA - bers BRITTEN BABE fr arr sing, Sars 4 SABI cider homes ms | SEE THIS ONE Ob BEAUTIFUL COCHRANE ST 8, % ; #4 "bah Wemeriome, Koide of Trarts w 22311 BY ELAR E. [oto s kA Bois Retro em. sat Hy Foy cad A G Ww Fagia pd § trades on 8 new home i mma fite 3Amdringm brick with Figs £arprt, b-wapes Wy -- yo be deeded Hi Gs - : - , res wih 6 Bes Vitter 0G - AIG 1, Vee ifly Becirotes, lannapes, Geman PRIVATE SALE Readite lor tod ork Poms i | 4 eT pC Hiraion Few SEAR CVT. foe rime, He beh y §, lots of tres sme Gk SIRERS fNed bath com A price ody $1% 544 Kancalatiiry Wg fH oor & WANTED rent bf hpenary moe ert ha vile episauee. hone Josern Bosch . h For on explonction 1s ede Easy carryme, CaN Mildred Bas, MO 8716] wr MO BASS Fill PRICE $02599 we Davy B15, Sotwiey ' i hose, HOF wh fs of park on 79 y 7 um, 5 To iy Mesias, Bh S90 Gris ' wom | Bp oh seme RA " $5,100 DOWN RES Ap THR LEAP (REM, POIATRY way Lose 16 Bonth General Motors om y %. 2565 ge Bl rr er aR OLIVE HOWE, REAL ESTATE | cone so mt sings Bf 4 i i CONFLETELY Prrmished thiee wad ! ooh BLN " ' % Ir, fA 5b SCHOFIELD INGLIRAMNCE y b ome, 5% HHA morte y 4 : WARE, IW FREE 4 oh 4 oh a or S456 - . ng, her For a RA oo EER 2374 oo Bi Ba 414 ining . . ASEOC. LTD 130 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITEY \ Soar. Vives Gadraom, brisk Wecorret (aarti n & wy #9 3-2004% 3-33 wale satel 7 #4 ef Frome, BAY wank $0 on ; i | howe | r Heemens, nor beyond We Ee tilursf A ald pt sp ily Bay bir Po A cp 4A halle, BEL Brat BF coe : : 9 | 9 King $1. W, Odors | MO 8-5853 ! he as Large oraps Ah A ivgro Bi Bi Bs gy BA ibid vk fisret Went: ATonebe how. WA ber of OBFER Evenings RA 51726 Cad fhe SARI TE WR BTS piss wo reser e 10g 70 LN BeeBusiness Opportunities 7 roves hid ve ts TREIR TAC Ree aies p> : EB RE - #14 PL s ds FIoW ond Wh ea k bes ' Cakes ; ' Rp saggy iss FL ' ol L nt dared odd SN - g £ # 2 i Wie Resins 18 Bh SITE aller 8 pom | NOVERY fore rh rigid voir io il a SOER waned ln work with 9% King Byes Siannt bh BRITIRER 4 3 ' wh sin se Fi FOR larie mw po J # This 16 35 E3ceRent op ' hak EFA - RA 4 hid Vo--Fomole Help Wonted i: : J ASHE eI Accountants Building Trades Furniture Repeir Mortgages Rug---Wpholstery Service GHRIE wanted lo Iedin IVPE Mm " i ' oho ERanert, Wim adies' a6A gepliemen's Work Ge FOL E Home. phere Bp Ahne RA $416 HONTEITH HONTEIEN Ew sud RATHERONWE tiie dinets bald, 3 FERBITURE loch we Ie wiz or oe CLIENTS money 14 lok 1m Ie pm KEROLSTERY # 2.2 es for Tous. Wp TATL f he FERC pois vd sdk pid gh pe WW Wis p Thom REIT, op 4 Bu aren A / ¢ ' 9 0 9 # fimining, F nr " FERRE ARF GETEREE BRA BETEETLERE HH 4 Seid © iyi rig se sewing iL BE ERITRE APR | CORVEBERcRS, Close 16 Des v ' Vide' Bis han 7 ria ¢ RA 57180 4 al pi rha sen. WH li pis eld Vogt? Fite # 4 4, # i, La A ' Ma i} ye hy y # ' J H H NEW BUSIN 1 eris' Tovar, #7 Pribes Street ui ENF REISHED ser : ve Hin Rr i oy | AE FOR FREE eeiimpies, iterior, eater Gor ds od Supplies FRE» JERE 4A Ld pip so . * shaves » on Binet auartmant 3 RAW KE. DEWAR ind { PI IRIS BE, ERRORS, THOR AIA firemince ud ening on . perd rH | Asia rnd Unlisted Numbers PERENBARLE E71, youn Hiraeh ¢ ' ne 10 we Hi 2 : y 12d hoary, 1 f 3 IE Rien SERIE, PRY g or FI A he OTIEEES: SHS nl lor ve EI lin Tikiideion, fi ir ed J 4 fra aa add 7 ' bd N, ' YER T0 Charier Brest, BA soled hase £88 Jos a oid al Cad # [| - sisters, # v i py * # f LAWRON Faw E, 4 # # ¢ b TV ser WHEOB spf BUBROWE, srk MA. TYREE of home IERIE #R4 TE ey B po CREST f+ Adah a recovered, BERMIE y i Kin # f ' p $arking A 5 ' ' ; e BETEMW ¢. rooling BA 34400 1ofey Ka y pay more? Dwr rele; ior " ws BB . # / : 5 SIE TRBSOREIIE. BABII Bust alent ' [enpre-- A i Bowe. Bopsid F. 1. W . hia sniass Free ¢ second Four ITRRE 7 CE £ ( Ferns IF RE BOE er weico 55 month i Edmond Bu , f vil 77 LES DEL gpriss v 0 EH ed Schatimann, Wortesse Broker Watisenses Tei. shawn 1 APPL IAN E ER /} % b 7 yy od BPM Tetesho Fos 4 oy ' Wigs . prime bp : ou ; sed cored Tor ae ' ) oh Bu v1 BE MO Co, 15 Bond yo Went (a £8 SIMCOE NORTH (Res WEEE on Ape eh €F pri das 4 ' FIABCY E (mts £EmInI 0 Ehimaey Flesrer. Phim: # Ve | 18 p i (vor Your fectory authorized ser # ri Coll BR 4 iA 5.8 } A KE Ritts Rookkes SERV Reve Io FROITRA, Eby rine in BA S010 gr RA 551% BIOF Arvemivg of § husthess of vice depot for Phileas, Moffat, Fria Help Wonted yi ; ; Vo shes "RATT Tons if ys ge, Themes. Vries . RTGAGES vo Sn checkin Bogner Op tinghou t private hath snd 4 Vi ia i 4 er" Ww Gh {#44 GE, Vesting . gd f PEIVER hens i # 4 22 ' 4 251d k p 5. ¥ HAF 2d Com el, 5 | [4/4 "p rf J Clean-Up GG os HA diesm wl he » replily A179 hoim 4h a {able 173 Phone WA b4 Kiar k R | Company and P a CHESTERVIEIIE 474 7A THAT 7 Haters) te. Wie Box i Ta ! . " A aac 2 East, Dans. 0 1 ¢ Lid we, | 20d EREILEET ; y- covered Ike her in ihe hast A, ase " ' Pe £ pled b-344 coe Sires South dd 4 ] 4 o a Pha ste rin, SICKROOM EQUIPMENT | Exseriesin, i 7 WARE Tp RAT Shappink Ce RHE R big ) he InAs eR 4 ng i J J Eouth i RBA S451 bor Sore FOR RENT OR FOR SALE . a ' p i # 7 i ed poms, sil Iadier [2 Aeon. f 'y | y y ' toed. Free eels RETY GF RB Ol A ¥ 50 D r---_---- ------ # 7 HE since. Tolephr wo # oe . - | Hosoital beds, wheel choirs $ i a utd . eA $ / : wil, K¥ et Past, Oshawa; RB c ALA ! Region Surveyors 'Le invalid walkers, bedsides Bs ME Yn Have BEER | { } ' 7 r partly We od pk, Ch Flediander, B. Comp d IN the market lor # Mois Home! Re 0 SHA NA wr Onterl if G7. NORTON wid Associsiny, On I £ 4 Bie 10 be eiceptionsl buye [ Land Surveyors, Prole commode crutches ond how iid by Fon : a ppp i » Architects oH i Boles her 15 the Oshews Times HC ME Brokers Asses s hare 1 Survepirs § (Hype A canes, Blea roll-awey bed 4 bonus Tris be bok for Ike relriaersiar, stave, TV a Ele We Foot. HA W BONN section J - N Services Which 440 bi Ales 788 Phone Ald Rentals RA 5.1644 |deisis ¥ . WA, of washing machine, § boi ed bimgekeepink MAYER snd Rriviowies, Ars k ' ve Ursing serv) DONEVAN AND FLESCHMAN, OF hone Ald Rentals 21 i600 Delorimier, Moniz Fa Park Aut 18% Bes p ¢ , Fenirally lnealea fhe A fina Tekan or THINKING OF SPRING | Al JS CAPING INIIVRE AL cars for each peison Wo tere Land purer) Ehmmersiel " a" i # # 4 P wi Bentierm a _Wihkied Wine abiadd { ) na? - of Bunnybrat : BN ervised. printing, 18 Bloor a CASEY'S BARBER SHOP [PAREEK A » TREE : 7 / : sunhbEse of Biota Av A LI ENRES - . rd 1 sir y Pausken " sivaie Mute Parts : ! el alminur Complete Garden Service A 0 FLW ANI TRALEE, Grondy Beauty Selon : A Blass "on | wiring. Aves ' y / Whe BL KENT'S WESTERN TIRE y ' 4 A Lond Surveyert, Bit Adeioide Avonse ii Fo i ne 7) Hh Uainl bene: | HERUEE AYER ¢ HA Bo led putommive parts Bhd pecesbirie 4 the r / RA B-6366 Optometrists Esst. Phone BA 5 4 ' Fi h add t] A '] vis 4 GI pry ' a [7 Wes 14) 4 1828 King Ctreer Eost Bs 160 Rear Bef: IN APARTMENT hyd wom | FURNISHED hedroaln, Priveie ¥, Et ave Th " SATISFAC FIOM FORICRARD BLACK = Doctor of 97 Rodie Repoin spariment, with refrigs rend of / on. EERLFM. Parking | Dutometry, the examinsbion of eyes Expert Service ¥ Ha wiion of TERE RE PATEK. A i 2 p p 54748 -- ~ GUARANTEED NO "OM Oniaet Tenses. 1b BIRGhE Worth at -- ¢ Free parking for 50 con bi got by en Wis ERient 10 Boll § / i N ) uenished, b Barristers A jiry Cost Nothing E.R. KNOWLTO Exthorne. d rr a Wy a ison I Herron i week to start ¢ s MD p 2 roe temas x ik y - BA 5 {i ) RA B-076] bids Radel pa $A UPPER pv PIER ~ MR s. Home prvi DONALD BLAKE DARDS, | AIAX REPAIR AND LANDSCAPING SERVICE i lott Avenue. BA 3919 ) wn in tra fi pect alized i : 4 Hig is ik pr ing Bee } 4 f BO, pptomeirist. please ng Need car and about one week's Ir iece bik, hot ' . a J ' Sines p CONSTRUCTION J fi apis wt downtown Domi € \ \ SUPERIOR time. We deimigs (on somes BA goironce Jerks ban big rg sid UETION LTO. | 1s ta ime fo Spring (fats fr Ski SERVICE WMEN YOU WANY } yy) ve tap, ber robe slieet, # TH ; 0 110 King Street East, Oshawa lens Rolling. fartilting Binined ot hon i Dial YA sist 1 DAY OR MIGHT! APPLIANCE EARN $35 60 on vor dev oil Mant bid AFB WOW te eatrence FRA MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister RA B-B103 99 Hf J B J -- f---- TV. and RADI 0 decorated and 49 BURK S7 be Bigh choot radnie, married. 30 WEATED Dachelor sparmient, Iudles 0 nay Re ert iriny, Wa MOicer, Notary, Money 14 los op repairs. Top sil and sed Painting and Decorating CALL RA B-5286 y dp Bins yu HRS pe Po Bail in en sels, 1 i binch n§ I i, HA nr , A a dees i sions, washers, used (ment wile Box #4, shane Times central. Inn : y " p i 34607 a 3 / IF D VEENHOF RA 65-6047 FAINTING pnd " iia ny me MI Wark Guaranteed, / SHAWA We buy, sell or [MARRIED man Jor generst work. Map| Apartment 1, #7 Gibh Bireet, RA #9180, | FV BNISHER room In Mi enen option : ai edly vii) igh i 0%, (experienced In farm work prefers a L anit 1 y ve a4 pe SEF TIBiE N 5 FEONE B #4 of LL y i, (Modern these « Foom partment sup. PARK LANE Avsrtmenis -- Spacious i I one oF two ladies, 89 Charies, HOSERN EM Wi LL DIGGING d pointing and Aesorating, 0r free £8) ELECTRONICS RA B.4873 ied. Phone Bh 34945 Iwo bedroom suites, elevator service |RA. 3-918 . if: | AL pip Me FL " A . ls balconies, #lave, FEIRRErplor, contin!' iy sRGE clean hous chee ping mom In / . Cl is and deepening y x FT ing by TR TERRE | ALEBMAN, for Canada's leading man: led entrances. Contact Don Howe, Res ¥ T painting i ------ Wincturer of homes snd cottages. Lib-\lor, BA 5.7732 ote i pli. LB Fla hl Wa Adi ; | COMPRESSOR WORK GRAVEL Ip Wik 1a) 44 wx Si DO IT NOW 4 y » [} » N ani fl ha BABIN wr La IF You ARE Eral draw sEninst commission. Car es J " sential. For an spponitment phone BA NEWLY fecoraied three -vof Oils g 74 Eoilence RA B 1B64 am, Send end 5 y 107M furnished vale ha od J ) 17 00 ¥ oh ou FEOF ESSON AS painier apd paper A OPENING A NEW 12 if, Ltn 6 bm J FelFIgerulor. Bus stop si dant, d ETAVE ean furnished hed | nowsan DAVID b if bial nieed work and materials] Install heavy AX Spalding |BINGLE man for genéral form work. oll hested. Child welcome ane || a refined perso Wh CoC 2 Simcoe Bou A Base | To a ------ AN Vive ool gs. A nioy. BA BOE ver in 3 oy BUSINESS [Midi aged preferred. = State when HA S107 d ' pine, LAiEal Toeation. | Gl iene, RA Biss Building Materials RA 5-5279 Asad ' Fawer in. 3-H. by £on i 3-3810 FEAPLE RECA Your services B¥6| craig hase, with Crown reter gvallable snd wages sapecied to Box MRE you noking Tors belie : MeGIRBON snd BASTEND, Barristers reading £ ied right new. Pon't miss ' T ten plus ( OUR £ RE OF |'%. Othaws Times bedroom apartment, In 8 Aue si: |AVERACHIVE bed-aiiling poem = end coii] ents' fund o for R € . thie ready-made Business. Pial RA ANE ese Antennas, oT THE IR SHARS F Mesto end Domed en are ea he fet FER ilchen, oni rt Mig igg A fr erases a simone Beat Wont | PICK UP AND SAVE Van Belle Gardens 13108 Loss 1a start your low cost #4 channel 9 trap ' -- ' Taundry facilities, Berkibg, TV outlet. | FUN #04 Rorpitsl Bull one or two ghee | G0 5566 Charles £, Mefibh Fe R CASH MA 3.5757 - BOWMANYILLE ON TIME IF YOU PREFER Aualabie dune 15. ¥ " / 4 4 » - ' | , #llable June (3 miles East on Na. 2) DODD & SOUTER EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, elephone HA 51260 |" i f daar F. Basierlo, Qf LAWN FERTILIZER PAINTING & DECORATING £ Y( IHC SINGLE rom for geptiempn, hosed © y rer ron ne itehen 1 LIST YOUR PHONE mal, parking, Telephon WA 3-9089, "07 Inspection i eoed, "ranvenimce. HEME HBEYS ROYEUYN wd Wig nen Nall | | 8 / NEW BUSINESS lien lock bo HY FEY) (Eated, central to downtown, No eh . Hillman, LLB; 361% King Bires 4 | BO Ibs. only 4.50 | CONTRACTORS Len and Lou $ #6 as ause i FIA GIs dren' Lady desired. Avallable April 1.| 4 East Phones office' BA 8.3177: Hes $3.00 Painting Peperhanging . AF nen AH 9 Ritson Road North | ATTRACTIVELY |HA 54606 or Whithy., MD B2761; BA y Cement, PEAT MOSS SEEDS ETC | Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, City T Vv Oars B 02. Money ia losn (4 . | - ] ' Unlisted Numbers ROOM na In a oon lg Boll J i | FURNISHED ROOMS #9808. Maney | uy oe] $1.10 | POTTED PLANTS, GLARAN spray Painting ' IN THE : NICE IouF + room ARBFtmEnt ; lene | Ns Tisiers, | Ballets i $5 83 CLEAN bright room In new heme, [COEF SUE LEE A on. | 6 } ble now at 11 fn HH tampnee RE 6B Bovel BA i 1 { | ! A K A ¥ ( £ beven minder' wk Ta four corners of | AVVRACTIVE (hiss = adi bi iriesl Jo 4, © hi Barriaier. Bolle "7 x 46" Mahigany TEED NURSERY ET0C K 107 BYRON 01. fu, SIHITRY FREE SURVEY hoseitel, Apply 840 Division outlet, laundry room, reasonable, heavy! Available "in private home vai. WHA and privAl $4.30 COMPLETE LANDSCAPE Y2 7 ROOM and bord, young men, Triendly | wiring, adults, BA 51619 B82 Park Road Morth, Call |mrssies arranied Plus lower prices on SERVICE FERTILIZING, NIGHTS RA §:7426 RA 5.7844 T--Women's Column SPECIALS cold waves $5.50, Reat|home, separate beds, good cooking, TV maller s . 1 = permanenis $4.80. hee JHairdressing [le sunke. WA 5-7087 or apply 81 Calhorne [NEW Modern two hedino hart between B and 7 pm [fnrE Band Kelly, Barristers, 80 ier size PRUNING {ment In A phrtment building, re gl Simone Biresl Bo 4" Spruce § Perse al Service " . Fine Avenue. RA | Frigerator, love aved parking, one RA B.B&671 Hy JF KA dda Residence phones 1200 BF yo Pp foe 50 : i " GET THAT LEAR i y 11 | | - f ; { black to school or Shapoih 2 West veer, BA, Be, HA bank; Te d Hairdressin PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half 2--Fersonal | 2 --btere "Space & Gare ®| mount Avenue, HA B6101 ere 1 0 (IFGEE WAL BES BOR, 0 per 1000 Bi | 9 oy. 4:30°10 B40. 981 Bimens North," WA PICTURE NOW RINE, leaving vicinily Park Toad [AVAILABLE In office sulle, modern SPECIAL bachelor apartment. (n apart | #7 ==Real Estate for Sale BALI TONES WA. aud THOMAS W 10" and 12 Pine Roof CUNTOM permanent, dilineiive hal Use a CHANNELMASTER South - Phillip Musray. Arrive Bloor (downtown bullding for suitable tenant, | ment bullding, private, ideal for couple, | GREER, Associate Barristers and Soil:| Bl 1500 BF, lots {Wilistviing stadia, 11 Baad Weal TRY OUI ANTENNA attached te a RY OUR Youngs, 8 am Monday to Friday [8 private aff and adequate space Inistave, refrigerator Included, 1 outlet, | tors, 190 King Blreet East, RA #6346 $91, per 1000 oF dihbiil. -- -- Telephone HA 53602 |geheral aff rea for stenographer. | Parking. HA 34246 NEW HOUSE Morigage Inans avallanle pif bla i ! ( 8 STARLIGHT TOWER and OLD, Rundown, Osires Tonle Tabiets 4 Wi # pioel- Pe (Instruction BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN you'll have the best, k #ll BA BH081 THREE tom aphitment, heated, near EIGHT ROOMS THOMAS M. RUNDLE Wagraiee wal 7% help "pep up" thousands of men, wom: |Shopping Centre. hus stop, parking. RA ) J gllor and notary public Wis King Chicken plat half chicken WA | ' Me CULLOL eh! HARVEY NANCE ACAREMY -- Ratan plate GET THAT CLEAR en past $0 Only Ble, AL all druggists'. | "EE op ; JAN 174 SOLID BRICK treet Vist. Phone WA #170 Tal, Royal Academy, Ballet, Wigh!| with french fries, fish and ) LEAVING for Timmins or Kirkland | OFF ICE SPACE [FARGE two ) apartment 4 TAMES A MaeRONALR, BA LLB BLDG. SUPPLIES land Tekister naw. 434 King West ie iran | i PICTURE NOW! Lake on Wednesday, April g. How | Chlbes Bald, ) ver water heating with ell Barrister and Bolleitar and Notary Fuk 56122 hij ot dogs Use a new aluminized pleture ! Passed RA sims .m Bultahle fo Ui . fi 8 Comment Building, 86 King c | milk shake y for three Passengers | f OR RE NT [enti weleamed. Parking.' Immemate | Twa Washrooms | ont Baha tan ar Chen parking RA B-4689 [LILIAN MAE MARSH. dance sdueaiar, | MODERN GRILL ube installed by expert § 1270 3 M( OF §T N( RTH dancing school, hallet, tap, baton, as | IDERN (5 technicians, and veu'll have | possession. RA 031 | avilable A Vi 3 | | > -------- mmm | TONAL, PFR-86 da hy ELIVER I . 5 -- ELECTROLYSIS Passenger slevater service | RA B-1720 |S seni vi wowemy a vem phat PRachanl, (Sharhster, FIVE E DELIVER---RA 5-368 the finest. Madest prices ' | i lew bullding. Centrally la. | NORTHWAY ARTS.--8§ ROf of [Warrister and Solicitar, § King Sires! Cartage call us for service; g ally k | as | . Large quiet apt. 2 largs bed ast, Oshawa, Ontarie. KA #2971 = | RRIVATE teacher, student equnsellop SHIRT LAUNDERERS J Remavg! of hy ging halt | toed wn S wioun > fies: ye ar faci ft REAITON, FRARER, DYNAN yu MINN'E Moving AA Murase ay Ay HTH by Interview only ZIPPERS REPLACED TRIO TELEVISION Ad urd wi we In | NRAerg y bd ud : MURDOCH, Barristers, Bollgitars 0 4 RANE o LE " cid 1 E aris Murdu aden cluded, medem kitchen with | S O [ ) [Ary Bini. Bank of Cammetos idk | SAIERed and (ninved, FRADE BA § 3001. | ee ee s-- | Sharien g¢ lengthen aavmbnts 171 BOND STREET EAST 5 1 Oshawa, Ap hn ath, | Gutomaie stove and self y i Simeae Birget North, RA 3dti; 1 BOOTIAN Cartage, for fast depend | Insurance Cutls and pockets renewed RA 8.678] P as 0 of sting £ erator w reighiin i i able 8 | 5 4 Phone Genoshg Hotel en | THE TIMES foming Refrigerator with . lity Go L. Murdogh. NA mort i Fikion, hy G30 Ne Job vee Sos SATE Aula Tasurance Rave in| Complete stock of huftens thes a d dates for ap pci! intment Deepfreeze. Paved parking REAL TOR gales arranged oF lon mall, -- 10 30 per cent, six manths to pay, Far GILLARDS SAMSON -- area. Adults only. Near bu | personal servies af your hams, esl - : [Bowman NAVIN E. Barrister, Salicl p "3--Pets & Livestock BUILDING stop. Apply 778 Horio | OSHAWA SHOPPING - [MINA RAYE Baier Ra Drassmaking LASELL remremmenmmenee | SLEANI, SERVICE LTD IV. TOWERS NORWEGIAN Elkhound, vegisierad | CENTRE donee A ft WRTRTATIONG GLa kinds for mew: a pupries, chamehn blood lines Banter | Contagt T. L, WILSON TWO BRIGHT MODERN | " |faakivea ing Ren Cult eh aital eases AUTO INSURANCE [Plumbing and Heating RA B-B180 a Hy : Reinert (Lhd Nelson Siresl, Oh: | Phone RA 3 3474 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM RA 5.6288 L SCHAPEL HC UMAR A ATION at i oy BL It you are @ careful driver had hr LL i 0 N OSHAWA T V W ada wamen and phildren y 4 [fing ¥ 8 ew and us wha fas i a i ls | APARTMENTS ; | 4 HEvorsinle skirts--n specially. BA ddad| You may save $10, $15 or [ng fram sept tahk to sewer @ Spel! 1 Ye frm anh ena ATHY MOY : [23--Wanted te Rent Furnished, and unfurnished Open ¥:00 a.m, 10 ¥:00 pm COMPLETE BOOKEEPING (nn SEMARING ladies' and chil $25 on Mi al inniianes i [Fitts fra) Aliana al Ira Ni Tales 361 GIBBONS ST. aad, 114 Elgin Sireel Bast roams, furnishe Wh stave an anies, laundry rot aeili o SERVICE, INCOME TAX Iflren's we Iterations of all kinds better than 20%, Preferres armation and estimates free on any hodhododo db 0 ARE Fauf | ad TWO ; tof ished with aa rat balconies, laundry room facil SUBURBAN LIVING hit 1° TURNS {Telerhons a Fas LLU drivers enjoy the lowest rate [ype of plumbing. Dial RA S481 SMALL miniature silver poodle puppy, | einee ties, excellent location, from - 0 a iy oi weeks old. Teloihane HA 8.9 (1 janes Ald Ltt 10 $85.00 i With all city eanveniences r in Orta through thi ot | : | a br' Calin Havas oo Rent A ) 686 OSLER STREET | FURRIER fice. Half-year payments BEATTY APPLIANCES "ong MO B-8384 A compact, 2 bedroom brick Call us today and compare f | | and stene bungale d { J Bh AR farm stock picked u promptly [8% am Pungalow, thee bedroams, 5 n ok je iva on paved | RA 5-9953 | and DRESSMAKER ample free parking Barn, equipment, pumps, i hone collet, Hampton, ¢ fax 3.9731. basement =~ o nant RAYE | ADELAIDE TERRACE road just east eof Osl € aw | SCHOF JSURANCE ESSO : TB Tig. (15. [available May | , awh New. AMetationg i o CHOFIELD INSUR ME FOUR - mom engy house, oil heating, New modern two bedroom Asking $10,500 Wher [Building Trades J Hergtion Rem deling ASSOCIATES LTD oil burmers, hot water and i : 3 | Low Prices ® FARMERS NEEDS Reavy duly Wiring, TV antenna, Wf soundproof apartment 0 will consider trade en larger [ALL TYPES hullding repairs -- roofing, | ; x ' fa 360 King St. West RA 3.2268 ABR LL RRR IR _-- kb) J 1g aly 5 : 0 Oishe {eavestronghin chimneys, fireplae 9% ; H HEE EH a a ee Pbk die ree room Wungalow Mentinf | conveniences It tenant heme in Oshawa, For full [eaves phat JOR A PR a id 22 ROWE STREET | fixtures, parts and service LH] n as r ad other Animal Health Reasonable vent. RA 44811 or RA| wishes to have garage, | in. | Particulars, call today | Ma RA 8.6706 [Millinery _ Bon | PARTNER ' 0 Ml GH Li tend to build one. Appl | s t [EAVESTROUGHING, Mashing, 80 a seen NE ------ [RARVER! Have expert dessus sreats PLUMBING AND HEATING Products. Inieetables re moun Tun Vedios, vine om| 329 Adelaide Ave. Apt 2 | THEW HOMES ing tenatte ai we wit * 3 FRC ond Wood LAB oth TRAIAS ORONO 1782 Day er Night NO MORE TV frigerated bvringes, Now [Kitghen, hath and sun roam: alsa small Yelent RA 5.8093 NN IRTH-WEST vark fully guaranteed. Estimates OIE fOr SPRING. VOUr MARFA] OF | seme -- available at | self contained apartment with business elgphane K 1-H M ASCE wd val ik LAL] HARDWONR factory ends. Telephone mine Specialising in bridal hats Ru Us holstery "Service REPAIR BILLS! SHORTS PHARMACY [peaple ar business cou. le. WH 2 {186 ¥ HIAUIRAREE vdiue SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary WA &3004 Moderately priced. RA 57008 ] " p y 3 BROOKLIN . [TWO "year old" seven roam house] MODERN SELF-CONTAINED thi ) sirable residential Rav, new fake inatalind Walter Ward M yg RUY A NEW SET NOW WITH & three bedroams, all conveniences area or example this [301 Chestaul West. Phone MO 564. | aney ta Loan | p YOUR FAMILY DRUG STORE [AValiapis April 1, $100 monthly. hone APARTMENT brick and stone bungalow, |ROAFING repairs af sil kinds, new] DON'T y . | CHROME CHAIRS LOW-COST LIFE-INSURER \ v [RA 78 - i large hdroems, hig kit mofing applied, all work guaranteed , FIFTY ta five thousand dollars. Any RECOVERED NNN XXX oy op OL 5-330) Iwai SE for sale ar rent. Modern three VERY CENTRAL chen built-in free estimates. RA 48015 worthwhile purpese. lowest rates, fast \ § i i'l b | » argwill Fur i rorcree rss stove and N servige, Seabird Finance, 88s Sim A : . ou (bedioam brick Bungalow, north-west | 4 ) PLAKTERING repair seen hrow Awa jue ot Be, 3 ' 0 75 UP Open Mon Wed, Friday | area Telephone WA 6.0108 for further $68 PER MON TH a ho st ving Al this free SalimAes, al Work guaranteed ! , way hs Strut Suis. HA Woe) ! ROM, 3.78 4 " 3 and ste ] 3 anship evening for your eonvenience particulars SHON | Telephone RA 5833 WE WAVE clients' monies avaliable! ATIRACTIVE five - team bungalow, TELEPHONE | and an attached |CRRAMIO Wie, hathionms. Wich Tera | -- | Or Stare Any {far loans on first snd second morlgages| OSHAWA AUTO TRIM Fk ==Trallern Southmead ares, half lock aff Mens: RA 5.5433 or RA 5.2267 garage. For enly $15,600, [No cammerclal or seconds tse i Useful Articles [and alsa purchase of morlgages and 62 BOND ST. WEST i q TG 0) tastefully decorated and landscaped 4 a toe 254 restienie al sale. Lows 5. Hyman, X IR yo RENERAL "aime Aedraom, home 10 he proud of wilh stave and all for Inspection warkmanshin, host prices, COAX 33) dad Sieel Easlh Oshawa, RA| RA 5.8042 XN¥ X celent for la ol allveat home. HAAR Th bes moath to i ONE MONTH IUST LISTED 7 ROOMS : his hi Phd TB It's So Easy Vil SEGER LOAN Sowa stoops. RA S008 Gordon wi S MONEY 0 RUG AND UPHOLSTERY - SIX - room bungalow, thes hedioams of A dandy brick home with [May | Va--Articlos Wanted btpouiet oh, Bonding vat) FREE RENT priate Gre ond Borage. | NOGFINGTyiRRE +1538 "odie wrr-- -- - : : " irge kitchen, dining and |ehima Mllt and repaired. Wark « P oy 4 I 1CASH FOR SCRAP !! [25 A 11} % Flats for Rent Modem one: and Ul Bed living room with 3 vec oy MARSMD guAraRteed BrfeHonoed anh | lo f lac e A | CLEANERS THE BANK OF WE ov pis, | room apartments, $85 and ndrhome un and a fiery [Awa wae We Fh | LOAN hab i a NOVA SCOTIA [SLL onal fant a A {ment north, central, Telephone KA | & specially. New homes hull ta awn WANT AD | ; Lower i ¥ PAPER, RAGS, etc [#313 RA 8 8676 Clase ta bus and shopping. [ers requirements. Hess CORsticlion (Well Drilling STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, [YWHEE - oom seifconiained apart | up. Best location. Ph Deceanms ia end roomers. |CONMERCIAL and \ndusial Bilding Open All Day Saturday | | Asking $12,500. Terms RA 3-617 4 : Monies for all types of mart RA 5.7488 | M. GREENBERG & SONS | TWO BEDROOM ang AND TWO BEDROOM, Call RA 5.6588 Today PUMPING Simply. Phone morages ono ws 1 asl | RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS | \W/ WARD onan wn | APARTMENTS "ABARTMENTS | arose Parc | means | oer | EVER (M0 SEINE |W, WARD Want-Ads Don't | © sis wir wis. LA SALLE COURT | 0k Yong | Ra ShMd | BERT TOMPKINS dbl mertgaaes ond "Secon Home or Plat ™ Mnuguy 1000 LLOYD REALTY Phone RA 53-3815 | [© Coten ,, RA 3-233 WTONVILLE FOR FRIENDLY M, Swariz, 2613 King Stree) AAR WHITBY, ONTARIO - | " v Haan RA 3.7963 | ¥ d Cost They Pay RA 8-5123 or RA 8.6485 Charlie Rankine RA 8-3683 Phone. Clarke 4721 : SERVICE | WHT Jake Telephone RA NU-WAY--RA 8.468) WW Da SN s Ror i 3