The Oshawa Times, 3 Apr 1961, p. 13

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hye Oshawa Times PAGE THIRTEEN : g I i SECOND SECTION Arts Course Is Explained OSHAWA, CRITARIO, MONDAY, AFI. 3, 196) 'Museum Will Display Famous Illustrations The maw topic of Bianeson tet hoes win lain pas # lepperty ® Adelaide oo pect pond B psauiah ig Weta €, W. 4 As PRESENTS POSTCARD Jrincigies oh (of the Gshans ond isteict Hosein Actolies trom he (aI RGAE WRe BRIE (GEER RWS WH Rogan Wowhams Times cbirtion 19 he hell ot the meres 9 teachers ad thew ACK itd (Hem Ml pugitin and Char: Ferry Baise Waskwm mh hirik Hikes air, Mey 6 Som hr. yo Evatt Mel 16 WAME, NEW OFFICERS {has Annies § posicni rack (9 Woncran Collie |, Bel TO" 1 Vit, Mr 6, 18 ee hi 78 eo Indust [rays fairioms inst ratinne wwii." Wo; ' ER a ly # low Jens be om Asiiey 1ousther with phe resiunation Wf Ray Barrens be Mepieyed Ir sale when Heme So. Woodwork. shest matt ma FEI Bow Weg mesa ed by # Secretory esner othe ry Himise opens Ws Ronis 16 (he chine hop md welding. The the Fell Telephone Companys ARIAL, welcomed €, Epic (or the ET BERR Students Sond tom wd B hall IHOTICRL section showing the CREWE ke trkaenier. Mr Coron May 19. These Metre poste Uionrs # week iw the on, wil 1EIETRme BRAT of Oshawa and Reis 18 Wel known in Oskawn cafe REE RIV OR S316 IB CEFIAR (of these subiecis, In the shop, WERVTRNE earty instawments #¥ WR pgm, Wiss Chariots Aowpown Ohaws Hares wa the student SenAs wh halt frm the Ristrict. | AoA, prey Resistant the sales pre reporied 19 be 4 4 BEETEIREY, Wik secreipry, brisk, { the locals popreciation 19 Ws | past presidents were in alien | tor, TUAW, Malcolm Smith, y Executive pad stewards for | uh Ehown with Mrs, | wsident of Foes 022, and their work during the past | Thomas snd the guest of hon BD. (Tommy) Thomas, fi to right, sre; George | MLA or {iskiawia riding ~fishawa Times Vhs Bong 1 Waiter Putman, New Farty member for Peterborough nd Ing, seid Batwrday might thet ground parliament the govern ment still won't sey or admit there is a crisis in the unempioy Mem. primiem Bperking United Ato le Workers leadership han quet given by Local 220 wn ap precigtion of the work of the union executive and steward during the past year, Mr. Pit man stated government officials SRY many of the unemployed in Canada war sit around and enllect Unemployment Insurances Commission benefits Instead of working MONEY FOR WAR Mr. Pitman charged there wa lots of money In Canada during the war and everyone ployed. He said there was glso enough money to keep & full scale war going, but now the government can't find enough| money lor victory aver poverty opportunity and hunger The New Party member noted that Hon. Michael Starr, federal member of abhor was in Oshawa 8 week ago "and there was a little excitement when he was here" He quoted the labor minister | RIE BY ana f at in Oshawa have Y HBPIOVER. Phe sail interests conbident of the future t and Wa and of the Union Malcolm Bmith presinent A In his estimation the United Automobile Worker 15 the best union in the country Mr. Smith chaired the banquet partion of Ihe evening T. 0. ((Fommy) Thomas intinduced Mr Ww a i i yh { Local 222 las Ang UNIONS CHALLENGE LAnadian region gl digecior of the UAW, told the gathering the union's challengs today the fight on the legis: for Oshawa lative front. He sald unions can-' man not bargain properly with 750.000 Following the out of work in Canada and the speakers Mr. Burt spent some mi tendance, many of whom FEIIMISCIRE, noting the forma: past presidents of Local tion of Local 222 and the strides completed the evening it has taken since its formation, dancing ENQUIRING REPORTER | Lotteries Are ' George Burt 7 W MLA Wak Fit dinner in al WET yy with turkey those LE i time basik This inl exibition will We me one ae of the WR for yr days, from Apel A TEPOIL Whe EER OR The chamber of commerce, i EOFs of pians or the work was lemmas, has pereed (4 46d y ! " 9 Wow Verty UP lon Veiethor: | Lasol 0h lenders Wanet | Most of the Local 202 | Ie oon and 7 19 8 in the ! I é y £ i) VER oh AHR od is f # pe 9 # 0 the evERing OW (second Irom PH), 16 | WHER Whe VER (9 express | Peer Birt, Canaan regional Bree: | 9 Wis projects Ut bs anticipated that, since so WY WEmbers of Wetorical sacs tonal signe, and it 15 hoped that I Ee REARIAR FEIGME Industrial arts ts Always aaa a A [TT . a -- andi. 1 goninmction with aca ties from ell over Ontario, 1. other prvews may he erected PT icy on i wis pereed tht Oshews's conser to Mrect visors 19 whik Says Sacrifice Needed Five Quartets ie rere re ste) BloOA CUE [mss od 8 i Hs to sig in sie ind mechamiesl trang. With ER. ithe rapidly changing world, ih | FEE EES change rapidly ton yY General education's answer 19 Tr annon hr MN » # Town and Country Four', was the Old Stream', "Swest Kimsey 9 & changing Saation Oshawa worshippers hesid ap 4 3: Ths 4 b : ature afty af [4 a ¢ ¢! Af because vocations pre hecom:ipeals for bios donors from said Wat's what Mr. Ebrus- International Union wie alitraction at the Ink Suzie", Ik Alt She ) PER bk : 9 on fhe ly Mr Pitman adden 4 2 "Barer Shop Quartet Sweet" t Becaise" and 8 Ing so specialized, industry now many of the city's pulpits this! Wr. Pitman charged the 1ih- CONFIDENT OF FUTURE presented Saturday medley of other son wants & person who has scund weekend In poaticipation of the erals and Conservatives Mayer Christine Thomas, in 4 extending civie greetings poled J ent of Barber Shop "Wandering I Love the La-ltiewlar specialized field. 1 has had earlier appesled to al Dr, Cecil F. Cannon, director money box at election 1 ging America, at Mi F Oply Went a Buddy become impossible for the edi. churches to relay & special re-education for Ontanie, is 19 re wy want 3 ooiitical oi she | ri € and Not a Bweethear! Wississin- cational system (9 produce @ quest for Aonors, Hre shortly. He will be sue that will work In pur intere of Osh 4 Mud I Wouldn't "Trade person completely trained for! Volunteer Red Cross workers ceeded hy F, 8, Rivers, deputy we will have to work for | y RYe Hara +' i 4 / Chie This Mveice choris, Lucky Old Bun' and "Down enter a trade, However, they been working even harder thislis a graduate of Queen's Up: Down Among the Buger Where the Bwanie Biv er are going to he associating with Hime in order ta overcome the Verity and the University of fly The Animal's Song", Flow technical aspects in thei jobs| inevitable holiday in that Toronte, Before hecoming chief The Ea Parade", ele, Dur baritone Jack Elder, of the as well ps every day life, These 18Kes many regular donors out! director of education in Bovem: erick Fox paraded before the fore intermission, DUFIRg Inter: industrial Arts training mlong toward the wrgent requirements castle Public Behool, super: audience in the formal attire mission, Oshawa Chapler presi-\with a sound seademic educa: of the hisnd hank visory principgl in Picton snd familiar to the turn of the cen dent presented a cheque to Mrs. ion equips these penie with s| The elinie Is slated to be held Oshawa, and public school ne tury *IR, Camphell of the Cerebral minimum of wasted fime at Bt. Gregory's Auditorium, | spector in Oshawa, North Hast ne Wie em Skinner was master ciation for Retarded Children, |0€Pends on production for the ic hours have heen set at 1.00 Dr, Cannon also was § master of cexemonies. The groups that individual home owner. By train-lto 4 and from 6 (0 § in order|at the Toronte 'Peachers' Col: tank part in the program were ing students In gil mspects of to accommodate the largest lege, assistant ehief inspector of the ""Raytones', of Oshawa, the Dance Test mechanics they will he able to number of potential donors Ontaria public and separate Four', of Pitishurg Is. Won By leisure time activities, This i5| load hank has heen made more awa Dr, Cannon Was B Mem: This was the first show in cule Oshawa where the host chap: Local Couple WAYOR CHRISTINE THM | Oshawa Batiriday mo / i e f 1% 19 1, Inclusive, dung the lime To teed 10 develop Vase! shop 16 be Held In Oshawa went he words Henry Honse ! i 3 Ma (fon requires # general eden consist of & Lows of the Henry\most Wieresting 1ownist pitrRc: \' Enli Festival For New Part Success this proviem is to produce # In addition to MIESEREES AR by the Oshawa Chapter, The Town and Country Four general education and they willl forthcoming ehnie scheduled fori A flormer well known and parted by the same Weres since the birth of Focal 222 red was the "Osh Fhe Bilver in My Mother's Hair a particular job responsible for recruiting new! minister of sducation sacrifice for i," Mr. Pitman ing the sin ing of "Easter Far-Fown and Country Four, led the people do not require an in of the city or seems to encowr: her, 1956, he was teacher in Palsy Association and tol, Bimeoe street north, this Thurs ings, West Durham and the To: FIVE QUARTENS d Ais Today much of our economy) ? Henartsmen'!, of Oshawa, the make many of the necessary! In view of Oshawa's. [ailure| schools, superintendent of ele: ter had three local quartets on Approximately 400 teen-agers PR, CECI, F, CANNON Rivers is » graduate of the Uple versity or ironta and did posts radunte work at { Vershe es of Edinburgh and Toronto, He was 8 teacher in elementary and secondary schools al Owen hecoming important hecause of |# : her of the Kotary Club and was the reduced ib in the Rite 54 "We are Issuing ® dual 8p: active as # member of the Osh: work week peal of the utmost urgency 10F awa Curling Club, the Oshaws this clinic," declared Robert H Gold © the Oshawa Industrial arts, with an mea:|giroud, clinic commitiee ehalr: old Clb and welcomes Waller Pitman, | Fiman was speaker wt 1h 10 0, Wckisirs, SURE the rp MH fobs Ws 77 - 4 A skills maa spying these pelle % October winch will be pilended to their Takeview Park Mires: ition 19 be # Wend of peademis Ha Museum 10 be followed thon A Pittsburg aueriet, "The Feel a oming OW', "By DEEson whe can think snd dat! the Easter theme thousands of war and war sel," Mr, Pitman Be broweht greetings from the Society for the Preservation and sang ""Hagtime Cowhoy Joe", iran their emplovees in & par this Thursday, The Bed Cross prominent resident of Oras, Mp REF Bands ing the f " £mnmitions {ean lirected by Doug: for all the Gold in the World", Most people sre not going to donors for each clinic" have! Born in Portland, Pr, Cannon ade', James Ward and Fred audience in # sing-song just be:tensive technical training. The REE An attitude of indifference | leeds County, principal of New: William Lee, of the 50 day afternoon and evening. Chin: tonto ares Norman B 1" Dulei-tones", of Oshawa, the hame maintenance (to reach the maximum guola of mentary education snd deputy the. program, The "Rhythm | : demic education, will allow (hem Hockey Club. He Was also prom: Rhythm Counts", afforonts Industrial arts alse gives 400 bottles at last month's clinic) minister, : land the "Town #nd Country person A look BE B Variety of|® eontinuing shortage at the| During his residence in Oshe Counts' is a new fguariet from| Torontn. Its members were for nent as 8 member #5 saving In his address to | Favored Here dayeee zone conference that! Eight Oshawa people who without the Korean war, the were asked whether they were Marshall Plan and the Americ Alin favor of 8 loltery, Instiga #rms build-up, the Country ted and controlled hy the Can would not be in as good » shape adian government, were unani #5 it 1s now mous in saying YES "What Mr. Starr was saying,| Almost everyone this reporter In effect, was that our economy | questioned, deplored the fact won't work without the destruc: that money was ENINE Overseas ton of war, the preparation for| This was, they felt, no time for ------ r money (a he leaving the econ omy. Twa people hoped more D t | H h enthusiasm would he stimulated en a ea i hy the sweepstake form of lot tery, In addition te the Queen's P Plate and Grey Cup, suggested rogram ere hy one respondent, the Stanley Cup was also suggested as an Is Intensive other sweepstake subject lt say This 1s what the people had) p, 1. CARNIE, 666 Griateth, Oshawa's Health Department] backs a year round thvee-prong:| BD, PRINGLE, 4 Ontario ed dental health program, de. Street, GM employee: "I don'l seribed in their 1060 Annual Re [see anything wrang with a gov: port | ernment controlled lottery in Annual distithution of cards| he SRIFiL of fostering urgently ta all elementary sehoal child needed international good will and comradeship, 1 feel the ren. Cards are returned, sign " y ods 5 od by the family dentist w) imaney should go towards schol oH TAMEY Gents When arshin grants to assist foreign examination and treatment are students to study here" eompleted Education is nutrition and oral] J. MANNING, 370 Rossland hygiene {road east, customs appraiser: Fluoridation of eity water sup ns think hy "a Wanderut eq ply since February, 106 [The working class will always A anual dented 48 gamble, It gives them hope. The an n ig hy a MuFvey of gavernment has always taken a ih twa puplis In Oshawa has sce aut of gambling fram een conducted since 1088, Fig: (he pape track for instance' ures given helow are for seven year olds only; the first three! A KENNERLY, 22 Bond street tables are studies of childven|west, janitar, Canadian Legion with eantinuous residence in the! "If in the long run it will les [sen taxes then I'm for it, Hand ity | I level t) {led at a proavineial level the RESULTS OF TESTS I maney LR do a lat of good in The fourth table contains re-/the welfare field. A lot of nan; sults of tests on all seven-year souls are starving in this eoun olds in school in the eity try. 1 think education is taking TABLE ONE Percentage a large partion out of the tax with no tooth decay: 1058 (3.8); | dollar put it in welfare 1064 (0); 1868 (0); 1046 (10 1); (Where it will da the most goad" 71 i 8 al 1 Har (Lh 108 (06) 108), paNnLE, 1000 Beaton (16.5); 1060 (21.8) ¥ hija | avenue, customs officer: "It Table TWO: Percentage with! seems like a good deal to me decayed, missing or filled de: A) revenue should he ploughed elduaus (baby) teeth: 1083 (8.8): linta education 1054 (5.2); 1085 (5.8); 1056 (8.4); | 46 per cent of the tax dollar tak 1087 (8.4); 1068 (4.0); 1958 (3.9); [an up today. The lottery should 1060 (3.5). Average veduetion: take the form of a sweepstake 30.8 percent | Mare interest would he eveated TABLE THREE: Percentage hy selling the tickets an the with decayed, missing or filled Stanley Oup and perhaps a permanent teeth: 1833 (1.8); 1054} couple of horse races. 1 say the (1.9); 1088 (1.1); 1956 (1.1); 1957( limit on this thing should be no (1.0); 1938 (0.5); 1988 (0.5); 1060/ mare than twice a year" porate reduction: 33 w, coTeRELL, RR1, Whithy TABLE FOUR: PB mw furniture salesman "It the u ! GrOeNIAge Maltese and the Irish' ean sell With na defects al time of exam Itinkets hove I can't see Pi Yeh nation: 1053 (17.0); 108 (34.10: isan why we can't da it hetter 1058 (33.0) Wah (348); 180% (aurselves, 1 think the gavern (30.8), 1058 (32.0); 1950 (32.6); iment could use their formula 1860 (7%) far success, and. issue sween Pr. BR. M. Grainger, associate| stake tickets on, perhaps The rafessar, Faculty of Dentistry, Queen's Plate ar Grey Cup | Iniversity of Toranta, has an: (would like ta see the money that alyzed the above statistics flaws out of this country on His opinion: the effects of JWohalakes, Reibing ut, § 14 fluoride observable for seven| Phanages and eight-year-old children are] INGRID STEINDEL, 71 Rit now fully documented hy the sup *™% road south, sewing teacher A Nearly all the west Burapean VEY a8 shown in the 1939 and countries have them. and gov 1000 results. {ernments have been tn reduce that] nioney this way for some time If the Canadian government Introduced them here they will have to lower the price of the ticket, Canadian people won't he able to afford them We certainly need that money to United States and Canada, ap lard and Valerie Smith, build up streets and highways". | pearing at quartet stage shows, lop honors hy winning out aver H, BPYKERMAN, street, real estate "Yes, certainly we should have, and enjoy a government awned lottery here. All this money go ing across the water! It will he going to Seotland and Jam alea next! The funds would help aut haspitals and erippled ehil dren'! 100 Hunter street, small loans manager: "People will always gamble, and 1 feel this should he chan neled into something, Maorally this is no different from the pap: | ular service club lotteries, This 15 no time for money to leave the eauntry, and if we had our awn lottery then this should prave quite popular, If the ee anomy Is going to pick up we should "Buy Canadian" he it lotteries or manufactured goods, 1 was reading In my newspaper today about a "hun gry ehildven" project in Tar anta just ane af many needy agencies', More Bombs 'Blow Up Cuba Plants HAVANA (AP)=Bomhs ex pladed in the Cuban Army maga gine's publishing plant and in 4 government operated softs drink battling plant in Havana Sunday night | Paliep said one [evitieally wounded in the hamb: [ing of the magazine Oliva, Earlier unconfivmed ve: parts said three militiamen had {been killed and eight persons wounded | Hven though damage ta the printing-plant was clearly vis ible ta passershy; police said there was none The second hamb exploded in the nationalized Pepsi Cola plant on Carles Tercera Ave, 4 main artery of the capital Palice said at first there were pasualiies at the battling plant (but later denied anyone was hart Gunfire broke out across the helping out the street from the U.S Embassy|been accidently locked fram the building late Saturday when army intelligence agents raided a secret radio station. An offi. elal announcement sald the sta salesman: | Persan was Verde! merly in two quartets, "the Viseounts" and the Toronto "Rhythmaires' The "Town and Country Four" is second place Interna:| tional Champion quartet, It has {travelled extensively in the has alsa ap peared at veterans' hospitals, | churches and other organiza: tions around Pittshrugh, FINE PROGRAM | At Baturday night's presen tation, the Kayioanes sang Asleep in the Deep" and "Lida Rose", The Sportsmen [sang "Rural Rhythm! "My In: diana", "Forgive Me" and [Time ta Dance". The Dulel |Panes sang "Dry Bones, "Mus: [keat Ramble", "Catton Time", "Wedding Ring" and "Hoopty {Pon The Rhythm Counts sang *'1 CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resi: dents of Oshawa and dis trict wha are celebrating their birthdays today: Phyllis Grant, Conlin's road east, RR 2, Oshawa; James Beall, 68 Tecumseh Ave; Douglas Bishop, 40 Bimene street north; Mrs, George Huber, Box 1414, Bowmanville: Pauline Har: ehuk, 660 Bimeoe navi; leanare Warana, 10 Dy: mand drive; Len Caveington, Garrard road north; Darvleng Jackson, $41 Rowena 8t; Randy Hood, 864 Pine Ave} Wendy Williams, RR 1, Osh: awa; Patricia' Kitchen, 8 Oshawa Blvd, north; Maps garet Andrews, 2394 Kim. grave; Kenny Peterson, RR 1, Oshawa; Helen Janehavs sky, 882 Myers 8t.; Gail Pats ter, 307 College Ave, and Honaid Stiles, 770 Grierson henefits, ete, Tt | 'he fipst five persons to Inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets ta The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The eurrent attraction is "Hips [ podrome" \ Reports on birthdays will he received anly hetween the hours of 8 a.m, and 10 Am, Phone RA S341 UNLOCK DOOR from Brantford, Bt. Catharines, Toronto and Oshawa atiended the United Auto Workers' an nual dance competition, at the UAW hall, Bond street, Satur day fram noon until 4 p.m, An Oshawa eouple, Dan Pol tank 2) other finalists to win the three trophies which are pre sented hy the International Un lon (UAW-CI0) ta the winning couple, This means that the large trophy won hy an Oshawa danee couple last year will re: main in Oshawa, The runners-up, Bandra Phil heny and Boh Kunkel, were pre sented with TLR recordings on hehalf of Local 882, Bix contest: ants from Local 223 who entered the finals will receive individual trophies presented hy the union This annual event is sponsor ed hy the recreation eommitiee of Local 223 in co-operation with the International Union (UAW C10), Amang those whe worked tn make the dance a success were George Young, Arthur Brown, Bill Badgley and Fred Ellegett, Oshawa firefighters were eall:| od 1a the hame of B. Pawley, 48! Kenneth avenue, Saturday after: neon, ta unlock a doar that had {ontside. The five department were also called to a false a arm, Saturday night. There In spite of the eald weather were na ather five alarms dur that prevailed Sunday mam: ton was being used lo make ing the weekend. There were! ing a large number of the fe: contact with counter-revalution: five routine ambulance calls, male members of the com: valsing (aries abroad. {during that time, WURity put on thelr "Easter person tn make an Intelligent selection of a voeation, Special gation at an early date for a student often vesulls in the wrong choice heing made. This can he eatastrophie for the per son must eantinge in # Joh he dislikes or start all over from the beginning, The date of spe cialization should be delayed as long as possible, in order to make a wise selection Delegates To Tell : Of Haiti Visit During February of this year 48 Canadian and American busi: ness men pald a two-week visit tn Haiti where they visited mis:|In sion stations Three of the men wha toured Temple this evening, The speakers will he Howard Boanville in Oneida eounty, Rowse, of Ottawa; P, 8, Gibson, of Tovante and W, L, Smith, of whe BROOKLIN CHILDREN DISPLAY EASTER F Bonnet" and faced the ele ments bravely. Among them were the three daughlers of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lime ders of Brooklin, whe attend an "New donors are sorely need: ed lo replenish the existing panel of eonsistently loyal blood giv: ers," My. Btroud went on in say, "In addition, we earnestly vequest that each person who has registered his ar her Intent ta give hiond this Thursday not fail to keep that important dale with one of the community's vital life-saving organizations," he said Heavy Snowlall Blankets Buffalo BUFFALO, NY, (AF) = A (Haiti will speak at the meeting|; of the Christian Business Men's| County reporting the heaviest Committee of Oshawa and Dig: (fall, | trict at the Oshawa Masonic | Fight inches fell in & mT. sa late - season storm blanketed New York State with up ta nine ches of snow today, Western and southern tier counties were hardest hit, with Atle Valley In Cattaraugus overnight ections of and near nine inches Chautaugque eounty Bleet and freezing tempera: tures made roads in the western section of the slate slippery, masonic order, to the advancement of educh tion In Oshawa Board of Educat a his honor, U. OF 7, GRAD A native of Teeswater, Mr, In recognition of his service the Oshawa fon named Dr, ¥. Cannon Public School In Bound and at the North Bay Normal School, & public school inspector, principal of the Of tawa Teachers" College and assistant superintendent of eles mentary education, Chosen superintendent of pros fessional training In 1048, he he: came deputy minister In 1056, Diabetic The Canadian Diabetic Agso- elation 1s midway through a month long campaign to ralse $100,000, The 63-memher Osh: awa Diabetic Association is as: sisting in the national eam with a local quota for OF and district of $1500, Oshawa and district eampaign chairman, W, R, Singleton told The Oshawa Times (hat the fund-raising eampaign 'was be: ing limited to contacting busi: nessmen, there will be no door: ta:door appeal for funds, He sald that the Oshawa funds valsed will be used to send Dighetie children to special dia: hetle eamps, id for efucallon al talks fa Oshawa diabeties, | |and assist the national associa: | [Hon with their educational eam: { |paign, SEVEN-POINT PROGRAM The Canadian Dighetie Asse elation has a seven-point pro: gram far 1061: "It is to pramate mare veseveh in the Held of Diabetes Treatment Oentves; continue ta panduet a Dighetes Detection Campaign, because the early symptoms of diabetes ave deceiving establish move " [braneh associations where dia belies meet and discuss Can he kind of encouragement that {helps them ta avercome those | (problems; provide mare eam [ng accommodation for diabel W bo ehildven where they may safely { [learn to live a healthy, active, ioe) outdaor life like other children; emplay move staff ta handle the | [heavy demands now heing made upon eur diet counselling sevy: enlarge our educational [program to keep all diahetie in: Hlormed regarding new develap: [iments in treatment-teehniques, methods of making sugar tests progress in vesearel and they dala essential ta their well: | | heing," 4 -- ASHIO Education for diabeties is im: {portant as the condition of dia: betes is unique in that there is no ather condition in which the individual must play a more re: sponsible part in the manage: ment of his awn life and health Far that veason Diabetic As od Easter Sunday chureh sey vice I Oshawa, They ave, | left to wight: Marianne, 3; | Dorothy, § and Joanne, 1. «Oshawa Times Photos sociations that would suppart the individual in his efforts to became beller controlled, came ine being In many countries aa ® persanal problems and veeelve|- Group Seeking $1500 following the discovery of Ine sulin hy the late Bir Frederick Banting and Dp, Charles Best, FORMED IN 1040 Under the leadership of Dr, est, and in answer to many requests, the Diabetie Associa tion of Ontario was formed in 1040 as an organized hody of diabetics "ta supply the en eouragement that is such a necessary factor In the treatment of diabetes," Intevest in this fivst group was Immediate and vesulted in the decision ta expand throughout all Canada, Hence, on April 8, 1068, The Canadian Diabetic Ass sociation was granted a Domine lon Charter and in 1967 il hes came formally affiliated with the Canadian Medical Assngias ton, Binee 1068 twenty-five branches have heen established forming a ehain from Newfound: land ta Vaneauver Island. The Alm of the Association is te help digheties to help themsels ves and ane another through a program of encouragement, edus cation and services. The Oshawa Diabetic Associa tion was started in May, 1988, Mrs, 6, Glassford, 130 Central Park N, is the Oshawa presi: dent of the association, Store Robbed Second Time For the second time in less than & week, Tim's Drivedn, 111 King stheet west, was entered early Sunday morning and a sum of money and merchandise stolen, {Chief Constable Herbert Flin off said it appears that entyy Was effected In exactly the same fashion as Tuesday night through & basement window on the west side of the building, Chief Flintoff said the prems ises were cheoked hy police at 2am, and 3:30 am, Al this time, sign of forced entry was noticed by the patvel, and the owner, BE, A, Timall, was called, Approximately $30 in cash and some cartons of clgarels were missing, Mr, Timoll said, On Tuesday aight $110 in cash and $504 In clgarels were stolen from the ik Sue

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